Chapter [Sarga] 1  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 1


Rama appreciates Hanuma and embraces him after hearing his report.Rama was gladdend that Hanuma did something worthy of a noble servent. Then, Rama reflected upon the problem of how to cross the ocean.

shrutvaa hanumato vaakyam yathaavadbhibhaashhitam |
raamaH priitisamaayukto vaakyamuttaramabraviit || 6-1-1
1. priitisamaayuktaH= touched with joy; shrutvaa= to hear; vaakyam= the words; yathaavat= rightly; humanumataH= Hanuman; raamaH= Rama; abraviit= spoke; vaakyam= (these) words; uttaram= in reply.
Touched with joy to hear the words rightly spoken by Hanuman, Rama replied as follows: -
kR^itam hanumataa kaaryam sumahadbhuvi durlabham |
manasaapi yadanyena na shakyam dharaNiitale || 6-1-2
2. sumahat= “a very outstanding; kaaryam= work; durlabham= the most arduous; bhuvi= in the world; kR^itam= has been done; hanumataa= by Hanuman; yat= which; na shakyam= could not be achieved; manasaapi= even in thought; anyena= by another; dharaNiitale= on the surface of this earth”
“A very outstanding work, the most arduous in the world has been done by Hanuman, which could not be carried out even in thought by any other on the surface of this earth.”
na hi tam paripashyaami yastareta mahodadhim |
anyatra guruDaadvaayoranyatra cha hanuumataH || 6-1-3
3. na paripashyaamihi= Indeed, I cannot perceive; tam= as such; anyatra= anyone other than garuDaat= Garuda (chief of the feathered race and vehicle of Lord Vishnu); vaayoH= wind-god; anyatracha= and anyone other than; hanuumataH= Hanuman; yaH= who; tareta= can cross; mahodadhim= the great sea.”
“Indeed, I cannot perceive as such anyone other than Garuda (chief of the feathered race and vehicle of Lord Vishnu), wind- god and Hanuman, who can cross the mighty ocean.”
devadaanavayakshaaNaam gandharvoragarakshasaam |
apradhR^ishhyaam puriim laN^kaam raavaNena surakshitaam || 6-1-4
pravishhTaH sattvamaashritya jiivanko naama nishhkramet |
4. konaama= “who; nishhkramet= can return; jiivan= alive; praviishhTaH= having entered (once); aashritya= taking refuge; sattvam= in self-command; laN^kaam puriim= the city of Lanka; apradhR^shhyaam= which is unconquerable; devadaanava yakshhaaNaam= by gods,demons, and yakshas,gandharvoraga rakshhasaam= and even by Gandharvas, Nagas and ogres; surakshhitaam= and well under the custody; raavaNena= of Ravana?”
“Who can return alive, having entered (once) taking refuge only in self- command, the city of Lanka, which is unconquerable by gods demons and Yakshas and even by Gandharvas, Nagas and ogres and well under the custody of Ravana?”
ko vishetsuduraadharshhaam raakshasaishcha surakshitaam || 6-1-5
yo viiryabalasampanno na samaH syaaddhanuumataH |
5. kaH= “who; vishat= can enter; (that citadel); suduuradharshhaam=which is exceedingly dangerous to be attacked; surakshhitaam= and which is strongly protected; raakshhasaH= by ogres; na syaat= unless; yaH= whoever (he); viirya bala sampannaH= is richly endowed with vigour and strength; samaH= like; hanuumataH= Hanuman?”
“Who is able to capture that citadel, by assault, that is exceedingly dangerous to be attacked and which is powerfully guarded by ogres, but one whose courage and valour are equal to Hanuman’s?”
bhR^ityakaaryam hanumataa sugriivasya kR^itam mahat || 6-1-6
evam vidhaaya svabalam sadR^isham vikramasya cha |
6. mahat= “a great; bR^itya kaaryam= act of service; kR^ityam= has been done; hanumataa= by Hanuman; sugriivasya= to Sugriva; evam= thus; vidhaaya= by exhibiting; svabalam= his strength; sadR^isham= worthy; vikramasya= of his pace.”
“A great act of service has been done by Hanuman to Sugriva thus by exhibiting his strength corresponding to his pace.”
yo hi bhR^ityo niyuktaH san bhartraa karmaNi dushhkare || 6-1-7
kuryaattadunuraageNa tamahuH purushhottamam |
7. aahuH= (they) speak; tam=of him; purushhottamam= as the best of servants; yaH=who; niyuktaH san= when entrusted; bhartraa= by his master; karmaNi= with a duty; dushhkare= difficult to perform; bhrutyaH= the servant; kuryaat= does; tat= it; anuraageNa= with a passion.”
“That servant to whom his master entrusts a difficult task and who performs it with zeal is said to be a superior person.”
yo niyuktaH param kaaryam na kuryaannaR^ipateH priyam || 6-1-8
bhR^ityo yuktaH samarthashcha tamaahurmadhyam naram |
8. aahuH= (they) speak; tam= of him; madhyamam naram= as a mediocre man; yaH= which; bhR^ityaH= though qualified; samarthaHcha= and capable; na kuryaat= does not perform; param= superior; kaaryam= work; priyam= liked; nR^ipate= by the king.”
“The one who is ready and capable but who yet does no more than his master extracts from him is called a mediocre person.”
niyukto nR^ipateH kaaryam na kuryaadyaH samaahitaH || 6-1-9
bhR^ityo yuktaH samarthashcha tamaahuH purushhdhamam |
9. aahuH= (they) speak; tam= of him; purushhaadhamam=as the lowest of men; yaH= which; bhR^ityuH= servant; niyuktaH= when entrusted; yuktaH= though qualified; samarthaHcha= and capable; na karyaat= does not accomplish; kaaryam= the work; nR^ipateH= of the king; samaahitaH= as directed.”
“The one who is well and able and yet does not carry out the instructions of his master as directed is said to be the least of men .”
tanniyoge niyuktena kR^itam hanuumataa || 6-1-10
na chaatmaa laghataam niitaH sugriivashchaapi toshhitaH |
10. tat= “for that reason; kR^ityam= the work; kR^itam= was done; hanuumataa= by Hanumanta; niyuktaam= when entrusted; niyoge= with duty (of search for Sita). Laghutaam= diminution; na niitaH= was not brought; aatmaa= to his own self; sugriivashchaapi= and Sugriva too; toshhitaH= was delighted.”
“Through the discovery of Sita’s retreat by this faithful messenger, Hanuman has fulfilled the task entrusted to him unfalteringly to the satisfaction of Sugriva and hence there was no diminution to his self.”
aham cha raghavamshashcha lakshmaNashcha mahaabalaH || 6-1-11
vaidehyaa darshanenaadya dharmataH parirakshitaaH |
11. darshanena= “by the finding; vaidehyaaH= of Sita; raghuvamshashcha=the Raghu dynasty; lakshmaNashcha= and Lakshmana; mahaabalaH= who is endowed with great strength, parirakshhitaaH= have been saved; adya= today; dharmataH= rightly.”
“By finding out Sita, the Raghu dynasty as well as myself and the valiant Lakshmana too, have been rightly saved today.”
idam tu mama diinasya mano bhuuyaH prakarshhati || 6-1-12
yadihaasya priyaakshyaaturna kurmi sadR^isham priyam |
12. tu= “but; prakarshhati= it squeezes; mama= my; manaH= conscience; bhuuyaH = further; diinasya= hopeless as I am; idam= (to think) that; yat na kurmi=I can not do; priyam= a pleasant act; sadR^isham= worthy; asyam= of Hanuman; priyaaakhyaatuH= who has informed me these good tidings.”
“But it squeezes my conscience further, hopeless as I am, to think that I am not able to do a pleasant act befittingly to the bearer of these good tidings.”
eshha sarvasvabhuutastu parishhvaN^go hanumataH || 6-1-13
mayaa kaalamimam praapya dattastasya mahaatmanaH |
13. eshhaH= aalingaH= “this embrace; sarvasya bhuutaH= which is all that I can call really my possession; praapya= obtained; imam kaalam= in these present circumstances; dattaH= is offered; mayaa= by me; tasya mahaatmanaH= to such high soled; hanuumataH= Hanuman.”
“Let me at least embrace this magnanimous Hanuman since in the present circumstances, this is all that is easily obtained from me.”
ityuktvaa priitihR^ishhTaaN^go raamastam parishhsvaje || 6-1-14
hanumantam kR^itaatmaanam kR6itavaakyamupaagatam |
14. uktvaa= uttering; iti= thus; raamaH= Rama; priiti hR^ishhTaangaH= whose limbs were thrilled with joy; parishhasvaje= embraced; tam hanuumantam= that Hanuman; kR^itaatmaanam= who had mastered his mind; upaagatam=(and) who had come; kR^ita vaakyam= having carried out his word.
Thus saying, Rama vibrating with joy, clasped Hanuman in his arms who, master of himself, his mission fulfilled, had returned.
dhyaatvaa punaruvaachedam vachanam raghusattamaH || 6-1-15
hariinaamiishvarasyaapi sugriivasyopashR^iNvataH |
15. dhyaatvaa= Reflecting (for a while); raghusattamaH= Rama (the great scion of Raghus); punaH=again; uvaacha= spoke; idam vachanam= these words; sugriivasya= Sugriva; iishvarasya= the ruler; hariiNaam= of monkeys; upashR^iNvataH= listening arttentively.
After reflecting a while, Rama the great scion of Raghus, again spoke as follows, Sugriva the ruler of monkeys too listening attentively.
sarvathaa sukR^itam taavatsiitaayaaH parimaargaNam || 6-1-16
saagaram tu samaasaadya punarnashhTam mano mama |
16. parimaargeNam= “the search; siitaayaaH= for Sita; taavat= is so much; sukR^itam= well done; sarvathaa= in all ways. tu= But; mama manaH= my mind; punaH= is once more; nashhTam= lost; samasaadya= on duly reaching; saagaram= the ocean.”
“The search for Sita has been performed so much well in all ways. But my mind gets dejected once more, when I behold this vast ocean.”
katham naama samudrasya dushhpaarasya mahaambhasaH || 6-1-17
harayo dakshiNam paaram gamishhyanti samaagataah |
17. katham=”how; harayaH= (these) monkeys; samaagataH=put together; gamishhyanti= can obtain; dakshhiNam= the southern; paaram= bank; samudrasya= of the ocean; dushhpaarasya= which is difficult to cross; mahaambhasaH=and which contains voluminous water?”
How can these monkeys put together will reach the southern bank of the ocean, which is so difficult to cross and which contains voluminous water?”
yadyapyeshha tu vR^ittaanto vaidehyaa gadito mama || 6-1-18
samudrapaaragamane hariiNaam kimihottaram |
18. gaditoyadyapi= “even though informed; mama= to me; eshhaH= this; vR^ittaantaH= result; vaidehyaaH=by Sita; kim= what is; uttaram= the answer; samudrapaaragamane= to the crossing of ocean; hariiNaam= by the monkeys?”
“Having received the tidings of Sita, what can now be done to take the monkeys to the farther side the sea?”
ityuktvaa shokasambhraanto raamah shatrunibarhaNaH || 6-1-19
hanuumantam mahaabaahustato dhyaanamupaagamat |
19. iti= thus; uktvaa= speaking; hanunmantam= to Hanumanta; raamaH= Rama; shatrunibarhaNaH= the destroyer of enemies; mahaabaahuH= and the mighty armed; shoka sambhraantaH= was perplexed with anguish; upaagamat= (then) became; dhyaanam= thoughtful.”
Thus speaking to Hanuman, Rama the destroyer of enemies and the mighty armed, was filled with apprehension and then became absorbed in thought.

iti vaalmiiki raamaayaNe aadi kaavye yuddha kaaNDe prathamaH sargaH
Thus completes 1st chapter in the YuddhaKanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

Chapter [Sarga] 2  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 2


Sugreeva comforts Rama, who is tormented with grief, asking him to keep away from apprehensive mind and to think of ways and means to cross the ocean.

tam tu shokaparidyuunam raamam dasharathaatmajam |
uvaacha vachanam shriimaan sugriivah shokanaashanam || 6-2-1
1. shriimaan= the glorious; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; uvaacha= spoke; shokanaashanam= (these) grief-removing; vachanam= words; tu= then; tam raamam\ to that Rama; dasharathaatmajam= the son of Dasaratha; shokaparidyuunam= felt miserable by grief.
The glorious Sugreeva made the following reply, which was intended to expel his grief, to Rama the son of Dasaratha who felt miserable with anguish.
kim tvayaa tapyate viira yathaanyaH praakR^itastathaa |
maivam bhuustyaja sataapam kR^itaghna iva sauhR^idam || 6-2-2
2. viira= “Oh, hero! Kim= why; tapyate= is it lamented; tvayaa= by you; tathaa= thus; yathaa= as; anyaH= any other; prakR^itaH= ordinary man? maa bhuuH= do not be(sorrowful); evam= like this; tyaja= abandon; santaapam= grief; sauhR^idam iva= as abandoning friendship; kR^itaghnaH= by an ungrateful man.
“Oh, hero! Why are you lamenting thus, as any other ordinary man? Do not be sorrowful like this. Abandon your grief, as an ungrateful man abandons friendship.”
samtaapasya cha te sthaanam na hi pashyaami raaghava |
pravR^ittaamupalabdhaayaam jJNaate cha nilaye ripoH || 6-2-3
3. pravR^ittau= “As the information (about Seetha); upalabdhaayaam= has been procured; na pashyaami hi= I do not indeed see; sthaanam; any scope for; te= your; samtaapasya= grief; raaghava= Oh, Rama!”
“As the information about Seetha has since been gathered, I do not indeed see any scope for your grief Oh, Rama!”
matimaan shaastravitpraajJNH paNDitashchaasi raaghava |
tyajemaam praakR^itaam uddhiM kR^itaatmevaarthaduushhaNiim || 6-2-4
4. raaghava= “Oh, Rama! asi= you are; matimaan= a wise man; shaastravit= a knower of sacred works; praajJNaH= an intellectual; paNDitashchaasi= and a learned man; tyaja= give up; imam= these; prakR^itaam= ordinary; buddhim= conjectures; arthaduushhiNiim buddhim iva= like giving up conjectures which spoil the purpose; kR^itaatmaa= by one whose spirit is disciplined.”
“Oh, Rama! You are a wise person, a knower of sacred works, an intellectual and a learned man. Give up these ordinary apprehensions like a man whose spirit is disciplined gives up ideas which spoil the purpose.
samdram laN^ghayitvaa tu mahaanakrasamaakulam |
laN^kaamaarohayishhyaamo hanishhyaamashcha te ripum || 6-2-5
5. aarohayishhyaamaH= “we shall make our way up; laN^kaam= to Lanka; laN^ghayitvaa= by crossing; samudram= the ocean; mahaa nakra samaakulam= which is filled with large crocodiles; hanishhyaamashcha= we shall destroy; te= your; ripum= enemy.
“We shall make our way up to Lanka, by crossing the ocean filled with large crocodiles. We shall destroy your enemy.”
nirutsaahasya diinasya shokaparyaakulaatmanaH |
sarvaarthaa vyavasiidanti vyasanam chaadhigachchhati || 6-2-6
6. sarvaarthaaH= “All actions; vyavasiindanti= get dissipated; nirutsaahasya= by a non-enthusiastic person; diinasya= a depressed individual; shoka paryaakulaatmanaH= and a person disturbed with grief; adhigachchhati= (such a person) obtains; vyasanamaH= troubles too.”
“All action get dissipated by a person who is non-enthusiastic, depressed and disturbed with grief. Such a person gets into troubles too.”
ime shuuraaH samarthaashcha sarvato hariyuuthapaaH |
tvatpriyaartham kR^itotsaahaaH praveshhTumapi paavakam || 6-2-7
eshhaam harshheNa jaanaami tarkashchaapi dR^iDho mama |
7. ime= “These; hariyuuthapaaH=leaders of monkey troops; shuuraaH= are gallant; samarthaashcha= and efficient; sarvataH= in every way; kR^itotsaahaaH= they are made of enthusiasm; praveshhTum api= even to enter; paavakam= a fire; tvatpriyaartham= for your sake; jaanaami= I know; eshhaam= this; harshheNa= from their joy; mama= my; tarkashchaapi= reasoning also; dR^iDhaH= is strong.”
“These leaders of monkey squads are gallant and efficient in all ways. They are enthusiastic even to enter a fire for your sake. I understand this from their joy and my reasoning too is sound.”
vikrameNa samaaneshhye siitaam hatvaa yathaa ripum || 6-2-8
raavanam paapakrmaaNam tathaa tvam kartumarhasi |
8. tvam= you; arhasi= ought; kartum= to act; yathaa tathaa= in every way that; samaaneshhye= I may be able to get back; siitaam= Seetha; hatvaa= after destroying; vikrameNa= by an attack; ripum= the enemy; raavaNam= Ravana; paapakarmaaNam= of sinful deeds.
“You ought to act in every way that I may be able to get back Seetha, after destroying by an attack the enemy Ravana of sinful deeds.”
seturatra yathaa baddhyethaa pashyema taam puriim || 6-2-9
tasya raakshasaraajasya tathaa tvam kuru raaghava |
9. tvam= “You; kuru= take steps; yathaa tathaa= in such a way; setuH= (that) a bridge; badhyet= is constructed; atra= here; pashyema= and we behold; taam= that; puriim= city; tasya= of that; raakshasa raajasya= king of ogres; raaghava= Oh, Rama!”
“You take steps in such a way that a bridge is constructed across the sea and we reach that city of the king of ogres.”
dR^ishhTvaa taam hi puriim laN^kaam trikuuTashikhare sthitaam || 6-2-10
hatam cha raavaNam uddhe darshanaadavadhaaraya |
10. avadhaaraya= “be certain; raavaNam= that Ravana; hatam= is killed; darshanaat= as soon as he is seen; yuddhe= in combat; dR^ishhTvaa= and on our beholding; taam= that; laN^kaam puriim= city of Lanka; sthitaam= standing; trikuuTa shikhare= on the peak of Trikuta mountain.
“Be certain that Ravana is killed, once he is seen in a battle and on our seeing that city of Lanka standing on a peak of the Trikuta Mountain.”
abaddhvaa saagare setum ghore cha varuNaalaye || 6-2-11
laN^kaa na marditum shakyaa sendrairapi suraasuraiH |
11. abaddhvaa= without building; setum= a bridge; saagare= across the sea; ghore= the dreadful; varuNaalaye= abode of Varuna (the god of water); laN^kaa= Lanka; na shakyaa= cannot be; marditum= crushed; suraasuraiH api= even by gods and demons; sendraiH= including Indra.
“Without building a bridge across the sea, the dreadful abode of Varuna (the god of water), Lanka cannot be defeated even by gods and demons including Indra.”
seturbaddhaH samudre cha yaavallaN^kaasamiipataH || 6-2-12
sarvam tiirNam cha me sainyam jitamityupadhaaraya |
ime hi samare viiraa harayaH kaamaruupiNaH || 6-2-13
12,13. upadhaaraya= “Understand that; yaavat= when; me sarvam sainyam= the whole of my army; tiirNam= crosses(the sea); setuH= (as) a bridge; baddhaH= is built; samudre= across the sea; laN^kaa samiipataH= at eh vicinity of Lanka; jitam= (they will come out) victorious; ime= these; harayaH= monkeys; kaamaruupeNa= who are capable of assuming any form at will; viiraaH hi= are indeed heroic; samare= in battle.”
“Know that when the whole of my army crosses the sea as a bridge is built across it, they will come out victorious, because these monkeys who are able to change their form at will are indeed valiant in battle.”
tadalam viklabaam buddhim raajan sarvaarthanaashaniim |
purushhasya hi loke.asmin shokaH shauryaapakarshhaNaH || 6-2-14
14. tat= “therefore; alam= (be) enough; viklabaam= of apprehensive; buddhim= min; sarvaarthaa naashaniim= which destroys all purposes; shokaH= (because) grief; asmin loke= in the world; shaurya apakarshhaNaH= diminishes the valor; purushhasya= of a man; raajam= Oh king!”
“Therefore, take away your apprehensive mind, which destroys any enterprise for grief in this world diminishes the might of a man, Oh king!”
yattu kaaryam manushhyeNa shauNDiiryamavalambyataam |
tadalamkaraNaayaiva karturbhavati satvaram || 6-2-15
15. avalambyataam= “cling to; kaaryam tu= the practice of; shauNDiiryam= boldness; yat= which (is to be shown); manushhyeNa= by a man; tat= It; bhavati= will produce; alamkaraNaayaiva= competence truly; kartuH to the doer; satvaram= quickly.”
‘Cling to the practice of boldness, ought to be resorted to by a man. It will produce competence without doubt to the doer quickly.”
asmin kaale mahaapraajJN sattvamaatishhTha te jasaa |
shuuraaNaam hi manushhyaaNaam tvadvidhaanaam mahaatmanaam || 6-2-16
vinashhTevaa ranassTe vaashokaH sarvaarthanaashanaH |
16. aatishhTa= prevail upon; sattvam= the strength; tejasaa= with alertness; asmin= at this; kaale= moment; mahaapraajJN=Oh, highly intelligent prince!; shokaH= grief; vinashhTe vaa= for something lost; pranashhTeva= or destroyed; sarvaarthaa naashanaH= defeats all the purposes; shuuraaNaam= for heroes; mahaatmanaam= and magnanimous; manushhyaaNaam= men; tvadvidhaanaam= like you.”
“Prevail upon the strength with alertness at this moment, Oh highly intelligent prince! Grief for something lost or destroyed consumes all resources of even the strong and magnanimous men like you.”
tattvam buddhimataam shreshhThah sarvashaastrarthakovidaH || 6-2-17
madvidhaiH sachivaiH saardhamarim jetum samarhasi |
17. shreshhTaH= (you are the) foremost; buddhimataam= among the intelligent; sarva shaastra kovidaH= the knower of all sacred texts; tat= hence; tvam= you; samarhasi= ought to; jetum= defeat; arim= the enemy; sachivaiH saardham= in conjunction with friends; madvidhaiH= like me.
“You are the foremost among the intelligent and the knower of all sacred texts. Hence, you ought to defeat the enemy, with allies like me.”
na hi pashyaamyaham kam chittrishhu lokeshhu raaghava || 6-2-18
gR^ihiitadhanushho yaste tishhThe dabhimukho raNe |
18. aham= I; na pashyaamihi= do not indeed see; kamchit= any one; yaH= who; tishhThet= stands; abhimukhe= face to face; raNe= on a battle field; raNe= on a battle field; te= against you; trishhu lokeshhu= in the three worlds; gR^ishiita dhanushhaH= (when you have) seized a bow; raaghava= Oh, Rama!
“I do not indeed see any one who can withstand you in a battle filed in the three worlds, when you are armed with a bow, Oh Rama!”
vaanareshhu samaasaktam na te kaaryam vipatsyate || 6-2-19
achiraaddrakshyase siitaam tiirtvaa saagaramakshayam |
19. te kaaryam= your work; samaasaktam= duly entrusted; vaanareshhu= to the monkeys; na vipatsyate= will not be spoiled; drakshhyase= you shall behold; siitaam= Seetha; achiraat= before long; tiirtvaa= by crossing; saagaram= the sea; akshhayam= which is imperishable.
“You work duly entrusted to the monkeys will not be spoiled. You shall behold Seetha era imperishable sea.”
tadalam shokamaalambya krodhamaalamba bhuupate || 6-2-20
nishcheshhTaah kshatriyaa mandaaH sarve chaNDasy bibhyati |
20. bhuupate= Oh, Lord of the earth! tat= hence; alam= enough; aalambya= of having maintained; shokam= the grief; aalamba= maintain; krodham= wrath (on your enemy); kshhatriyaaH= Kshatriya as (members of warrior- tribe); nishcheshhTaah= who are not active; mandaaH= are miserable; sarve= all; bibhyati= fear; chaNDasya= the wrathful.
“Oh, Lord of the earth! Desist from this melancholy. Yield to your legitimate indignation. Unadventurous Kshatriyas (members of warrior-tribe) never win honor but all fear the wrathful.”
laN^ghaanaartham cha ghorasya samudrasya nadiipateH || 6-2-21
sahaasmaabhirihoopetah suukshmabuddhirvichaaraya |
21. suukshma buddhiH= (you with) sharp intellect; iha= now; asmaabhiH saha= along with us; upetaH= together; ichaaraya= think of; laN^ghanaartham cha= design to cross; samudrasya= the sea; nadiipate= the lord rivers; ghorasya= which is terrible.
“You with your resourceful mind, along with us together, ponder over now a design to cross the sea, the terrible Lord of rivers.”
laN^ghite tatra taiH sainyairjitamityeva nishchinu || 6-2-22
sarvam tiirNam cha me sainyam jitamityavadhaaryataam |
22. nishchinu= be assured; jitamityeva= of having conquered; tatra= (once) that sea; laN^ghite= has been crossed; taiH sainyaiH= by that army; avadhaaryataam= It is to be understood; jitamiti= of having won; sarvam= (if) all; me= my; sainyam= forces; tiirNam= arrive beyond ( the sea).
“Know victory to be certain, once the sea has been crossed by the army. Verily when all my forces have passed over the sea our triumph is assured!”
ime hi harayaH shuuraaH samare kaamaruupiNaH || 6-2-23
taanariinvidhamishhyanti shilaapaadapavR^ishhTibhiH |
23. ime harayaH= These monkeys; shuuraaH= strong ones (as they are); samare= in battle; kaama ruupeNa= and capable of assuming any form at will; vidhamishhyantihi= will indeed blow away; taan= those; ariin= enemies; shilaapaadapa vR^ishhTibhiH= by a shower of rocks and trees.
“These monkeys, the courageous soldiers who are able to change their form at their volition, will crush their opponents with an avalanche of rocks and trees.”
katham chitparipashyaami laN^ghitam varuNaalayam || 6-2-24
hatamityeva tam manye yuddhe shatrunibarhaNa |
24. paripashyaami= I perceive; varuNaalayam= the sea, the abode of Varuna; laN^ghitam= crossed; kathamchit= by any manner whatsoever; manye= I think; tam= that Ravana; hatamityeva= as definitely killed; yuddhe= in combat; shatrunibarhaNa= Oh, exterminator of enemies!
“Once we have crossed the sea (the abode of Varuna) by whatever the means employed, Ravana is as definitely killed in my eyes, Oh exterminator of enemies!”
kimuktvaa bahudhaa chaapi sarvathaa vijayaa bhavaan || 6-2-25
nimittaani cha pashyaami mano me samprahR^ishhyati |
25. kim= what is the use; uktvaa= of speaking; bahudhaa= at length? bhavaan= you will be; vijayii= victorious man; sarvathaa= in every way; pashyaami= I see; nimittaani= good omens; me= my; manaH= mind; samprahR^ishhyati= is over-thrilled with delight.”
What is the use of all these words? By all means, you will be a victorious man. I see good omens and my heard is over thrilled with joy.”

ityaarshhe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe dvitiiyaH sargaH
Thus completes 2nd Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

Chapter [Sarga] 3  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 3


On hearing the words of Sugreeva, Rama requests Hanuma to describe Lanka in detail. Hanuma gives a detailed description of Lanka as he saw it.

sugriivasya vacaH shrutvaa hetumat parama arthavit |
pratijagraaha kaakutstho hanuumantam atha abraviit || 6-3-1
1. shrutvaa= hearing; hetumat= the well-founded; paramaarthavat= and highly meaningful; vachaH= words; sugriivasya= of Sugreeva; kaakutsthoH= Rama; pratijagraaha= concurred with him; atha= (and) then; abraviit= spoke; hanuumantam= to Hanuman(as follows)
Hearing the well-founded and highly reasonable words of Sugreeva, Rama concurred with him and spoke then to Hanuma as follows:
tarasaa setu bandhena saagara ucchoSaNena vaa |
sarvathaa susamartho asmi saagarasya asya langhane || 6-3-2
2. asmi= I am; samarthoH= competent of; laN^ghane= crossing; asya saagarasya= this ocean; sarvathaapi= by all means; tapasaa= either by austerity; setubandhena= or by forming a bridge; saagarochchhoshhaNena= or by drying up the ocean.
“I am competent of crossing this ocean by all means, either by way of austerity or by forming a bridge or by drying up the ocean.”
kati durgaaNi durgaayaa la.nkaayaas tad braviihi me |
jJNaatum icchaami tat sarvam darshanaad iva vaanara || 6-3-3
3. braviishhva= tell; me= me; durgaaNi= citadels; laN^kaayaaH= in Lanka; durgaayaaH= are difficult of access; vaanara= Oh Hanuman! ichchhaami= I desire; jJNaatum= to know; tat= that; darshanaadiva= as though perceived with an eye.
“Tell me how many citadels in Lanka are difficult of access, Oh, Hanuma! I desire to know all that, as though viewed with an eye.”
balasya parimaaNam ca dvaara durga kriyaam api |
gupti karma ca la.nkaayaa rakSasaam sadanaani ca || 6-3-4
yathaa sukham yathaavac ca la.nkaayaam asi dR^iSTavaan |
saram aacakSva tattvena sarvathaa kushalo hi asi || 6-3-5
4,5. asi= you were; dR^ishhTavaan= the on looker; yathaa sukham= as per your convenience; yathaavachcha= exactly; parimaaNam cha= the size; balasya= of the army; dvaaradurga kriyaam api= fortification of the gates and citadels; laN^kaayaaH guptikarmacha= the way in which Lanka was guarded; sadanaani cha= and the mansions; rakshasaam= of ogres; sarvema= every thing; aachakshhva= tell; tattvena= in accordance with facts; asi hi= you are indeed; kushalaH= skilled; sarvathaa= in all ways.
“You had the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the size of the army, the fortification-details of the gates and citadels, the way in which Lanka was guarded and the various mansions of ogres. Describe everything in accordance with facts, for you are skilled in all ways.”
shrutvaa raamasya vacanam hanuumaan maaruta aatmajaH |
vaakyam vaakyavidaam shreSTho raamam punar atha abraviit || 6-3-6
6. shrutvaa= hearing; raamasya= Rama’s; vachanam= words; hanumaan= Hanuma; maarutaatmajaH= the son of wind-god; shreshhThah= and who was excellent; vaakyavidaam= in the art of expression; atha= forthwith; abraviit= spoke; punaH= once more; raamam= to Rama (as follows):
Hearing the words of Rama, Hanuma the son of wind-god, who was excellent in the art of expression, forthwith spoke once more to Rama as follows:
shruuyataam sarvam aakhyaasye durga karma vidhaanataH |
guptaa purii yathaa la.nkaa rakSitaa ca yathaa balaiH || 6-3-7
7. shruuyataam= let it be listened! aakhyaasye= I shall tell (you); sarvam= everything; yathaa= how; laN^kaa purii= the city of Lanka; guptaa= has been defended; durgakarma vidhaanataH= by the various methods of fortifications; yathaa= (and) how; rakshhitaacha= (it) has been guarded; balaiH= by the troops.
“Listen to me! I shall tell you everything–how the city of Lanka has been defended by the various methods of fortification and how it has been guarded by the troops.”
raakshasaashcha yathaa snigdhaa raavaNasya cha tejasaa |
paraam samR^iddhim la.nkaayaaH saagarasya ca bhiimataam || 6-3-8
vibhaagam ca bala oghasya nirdesham vaahanasya ca |
evamuktvaa kapishreshhThaH kathayaamaasa tatvavit || 6-3-9
8,9. nirdeshamcha= (I shall tell You) the details; yathaa= how; raakshhaasaaH= ogres; snigdhaaH= are attached (to their king); paraam= the excellent; samR^iddhim= prosperity; laN^kaayaaH= of Lanka; tejasaa= (generated) by the glory; raavaNasya= of Ravana; bhiimataam= the awfulness; saagarasya= of the ocean; vibhaagam= the division; balaughasya= of the body of his force; vaahanasya= (and) of animals like horses and elephants (carrying his forces other than infantry); uktvaa= saying so; kapishreshhThaH- Hanuma the foremost among monkeys; tattvavit= who knew the truth; kathayaamaasa= told; evam= thus.
“I shall tell you the details of how the ogres are attached to their king, the excellent prosperity of Lanka generated by the glory of Ravana, the awfulness of the ocean, the division of the body of his forces and of animals like horses and elephants carrying his forces other than the infantry.” Saying so, Hanuma the foremost among monkeys, who knew the truth narrated as follows.
prahR^iSTaa muditaa la.nkaa matta dvipa samaakulaa |
mahatii ratha sampuurNaa rakSo gaNa samaakulaa || 6-3-10
10. mahatii= the great; laN^kaa= Lanka; hR^ishhTa pramuditaa= was rejoiced and gayful; matta dvipasamaakulaa= full of elephants in rut; rathaa sampuurNaa= abounding in chariots; rakshhogaNa nishhevitaa= and inhabited by gangs of ogres.
“The great Lanka was rejoiced and gayful, full of elephants in rut, abounding in chariots and inhabited by gangs of ogres.”
dR^iDha baddha kavaaTaani mahaaparighavanti ca |
chatvaari vipulaanyasyaa dvaaraaNi sumahaanti || 6-3-11
11. chatvaari= four; sumahaanti= fairly big; vipulaani= and extensive; dvaaraaNi= gates; asyaaH= of the this Lanka; dR^iDhabaddhakapaaTaani= are fitted with strong doors; mahaaparighavanti= with huge beans for locking the gates.
“Four fairly big and extensive gates are fitted with strong doors along with huge beams for locking those gates.”
tatreshhuupayantraaNi balavanti mahaanti cha |
aagatam para sainyam tais tatra pratinivaaryate || 6-3-12
12. tatra= there; balavanti= strong; mahaanti cha= and mighty; isshuupalayantraaNi= ballista capable of hurling darts and stones; pratisainyam= the enemy troops; aagatam= which come; tatra= there; pratinivaaryate= are warded off; taiH= by those catapults.
“Strong and mighty ballista capable of hurling darts and stones have been attached to them. The enemy troops which arrive there are warded off by those catapults at the very gates.”
dvaareSu samskR^itaa bhiimaaH kaala aayasa mayaaH shitaaH |
shatasho rocitaa viiraiH shataghnyo rakSasaam gaNaiH || 6-3-13
13. bhiimaaH= Dangerous; shitaaH= sharp edged; shataghnyaH= Sataghnis; kaalaayasa mayaaH= made of iron; rachitaaH= forged; gaNaiH= by hordes; rakshasaam= of ogres; samskR^itaH= have been kept in readiness; shatashaH= in hundreds; dvaareshhu= at the gates.
“Dangerous and sharp edged Sataghnis made of iron, forged by hordes of ogres, have been kept in readiness in hundreds at the gates.
Comment: Sataghnis are four forearms in length bristled with iron spikes and are so called because they are supposed to kill hundreds at a time.
sauvarNaH ca mahaams tasyaaH praakaaro duSpradharSaNaH |
maNi vidruma vaiduurya muktaa vicarita antaraH || 6-3-14
14. mahaa praakaaraH= A great rampart; sauvarNaH= of gold; tasyaaH= (encircle) that Lanka; dushhpadharshhaNaH= which is difficult to assail with violence; maNividrumavaiduuryamuktaavirachitaantaraH= and is inlaid at intervals with gems, corals, cat’s eyes and pearls.
“A great rampart made of gold, which is difficult to assail with violence and is inlaid at intervals with gems, corals, cat’s eyes and pearls, encircle that Lanka.”
sarvataH ca mahaabhiimaaH shiita toyaa mahaashubhaaH |
agaadhaa graahavatyaH ca parikhaa miina sevitaaH || 6-3-15
15. mahaabhiimaaH= most fearful; agaadhaaH= and fathomless; parikhaaH= deep trenches; mahaa shubhaiH= of great splendor; shiitatoyaaH= filled with cold water; graahavatyashcha= infested with alligators; mina sevitaaH= and inhabited by fishes; sarvataH= (are there) all round (the city).
“Most awe-inspiring and fathomless moats (deep trenches) of great splendor, filled with cold water, infested with alligators and inhabited by fishes are there all round the city.”
dvaareSu taasaam catvaaraH samkramaaH parama aayataaH |
yantrair upetaa bahubhir mahadbhir dR^iDha samdhibhiH || 6-3-16
16. dvaareshhu= in front of the gateways; chatvaaraH= (there are) four; paramaayataaH= very extensive; taasaam samkramaaH= draw-bridges; bahubhiH= equipped with numerous; yantraiH= engines; upetaaH= and furnished with; mahadbhiH= considerable; buildings (built on the rampart and meant for those entrusted with the duty of guarding the entrances).
“Anterior to the gateways, there are four very extensive draw-bridges, equipped with numerous engines and furnished with many rows of buildings (built on the rampart and meant for those entrusted with the duty of guarding the entrances).”
traayante samkramaas tatra para sainya aagame sati |
yantrais tair avakiiryante parikhaasu samantataH || 6-3-17
17. parasainyaagatesati= on the arrival of hostile force; tatra= there; samkramaaH= are protected; taiH= by the aforesaid; yantraiH= engines; avakiiryante= (and the battalions) are flung; parikhaasu= into the moats; samantataH= on every side.
“Against the approach of the enemy forces there, the draw-bridges are protected by the aforesaid engines and the enemy-battalions are flung into the moats on every side.”
ekas tv akampyo balavaan samkramaH sumahaadR^iDhaH |
kaaJNcanair bahubhiH stambhair vedikaabhiH ca shobhitaH || 6-3-18
18. ekaH= the principal; samkramastu= draw-bridge; akampyaH= which is unshakable; sumahaadR^iDhaH= firmly fastened very well; balavaan= and strong; shobhitaH= is embellished with bahubhiH= numerous; kaaJNchanaiH= gold; stambhaiH= pillars vedikaabhishcha= and pedestals.
“The most important draw-bridge which is unshakable, firmly fastened very well and strong, is dazzling with numerous gold pillars and pedestals.”
svayam prakR^iti sampanno yuyutsuu raama raavaNaH |
utthitaH ca apramattaH ca balaanaam anudarshane || 6-3-19
19. raavaNaH= Ravana; yuyutsuH= inclined to war; aapannaH= endowed with; prakR^itam= powers of the state; svayam= himself; apramattashcha= remains alert; utthitashcha= and in readiness; anudarshane= to review; balaanaam= the forces; raama= Oh, Rama!
“Ravana, inclined to war and endowed with powers of the state, himself remains alert and in readiness to review the forces, Oh, Rama!”
Seven powers of the state are usually enumerated, viz. king, minister, allies, treasure, army, territory and fortresses.
la.nkaa purii niraalambaa deva durgaa bhaya aavahaa |
na adeyam paarvatam vanyam kR^itrimam ca catur vidham || 6-3-20
20. laN^kaa punaH= “Lanka again; niraalamba= is impregnable; devadurgaa= a celestial citadel; bhayaavahaa= that inspires terror; naadeyam= surrounded by flowing water; paarvatam= built on a mountain; chaturvidham= with its four fold defenses; vaanyam= consisting of forest; kR^ittimamcha= and by artificial fortification.
“Lanka therefore is impregnable, it is a celestial citadel, that inspires terror. Surrounded by water and built on a mountain, it has four fold defenses including forest and artificial fortification.”
Comment: Fourfold defences, defence by water, mountain, forest or by artificial means.
sthitaa paare samudrasya duura paarasya raaghava |
nau pathaH ca api na asti atra niraadeshaH ca sarvataH || 6-3-21
21. sthitaa= (Lanka) is situated; pare= on the other side; samudrasya= of the ocean; duurapaarasya= which is difficult of access; raaghava= Oh Rama! naasti= there is no; naupathashcha= reach for vessels; atra= there; sarvashaH= on all sides; niraadeshashcha= there is no communication.”
“Lanka is situated on the other side of the ocean, which is difficult of access, Oh Rama! It offers no passage for vehicles either and there is no proper communication from all sides.”
shaila agre racitaa durgaa saa puur deva pura upamaa |
vaaji vaaraNa sampuurNaa la.nkaa parama durjayaa || 6-3-22
22. saa= that; puuH= city (of Lanka); deva puropamaa= resembling the City of Gods; rachitaa= is built; shailaagre= on a mountain peak; durgaaH= (and is inaccessible; saa= that; laN^kaa= Lanka; vaajivaaraNa sampuurNaa= is abound with horses and elephants; paramadurjayaa= and is extremely difficult to conquer.
“That city of Lanka, resembling the city of Gods, is built on a mountain peak and is inaccessible. That Lanka is abound with horses and elephants and is extremely difficult to conquer.”
parighaaH ca shataghnyaH ca yantraaNi vividhaani ca |
shobhayanti puriim la.nkaam raavaNasya duraatmanaH || 6-3-23
23. parikhaashcha= deep trenches; shataghnyashcha= and Sataghnis too; yantraaNi cha= as well as engines; vividhaani= of various kinds; shobhayanti= adorn; laN^kaam= Lanka; puriim= the city; raavaNasya= of Ravana; duraatmanaH= the evil-minded.
Deep trenches and Sataghnis too as well as engines of war of every kind adorn Lanka the city of wicked Ravana.”
ayutam rakSasaam atra pashcima dvaaram aashritam |
shuula hastaa duraadharSaaH sarve khaDga agra yodhinaH || 6-3-24
24. ayutam= ten thousand; rakshasaam= ogres; sarve= all; shuulahastaaH= carrying darts in their hands; khadgaagrayodhinaH= warriors contending with swords; duraadharshhaaH= who are difficult to assail; samaashritam= are positioned; puurvam dvaaram= at the eastern gate.
“Ten thousand ogres all carrying darts in their hands and warriors contending with swords, who are difficult to assail, are positioned at the eastern gate.”
niyutam rakSasaam atra dakSiNa dvaaram aashritam |
catur angeNa sainyena yodhaas tatra api anuttamaaH || 6-3-25
25. niyutam= one hundred thousand; rakshasaam= of ogres; aashritam= are positioned; atra= there; dakshhiNa dvaaram= at the southern gate; tatraapi= there also; yodhaaH= warriors; anuttamaaH= unsurpassed by others; sainyena= constitute the army; chaturaN^geNa= with its four limbs(viz. horses, foot soldiers, elephants and chariots).
“One hundred thousand of ogres, with an army of four limbs (viz. horses, foot soldiers, elephants and chariots) are positioned at the southern gate of the city. Warriors unsurpassed by others constitute that army.”
prayutam rakSasaam atra puurva dvaaram samaashritam |
carma khaDga dharaaH sarve tathaa sarva astra kovidaaH || 6-3-26
26. prayutam= one million; rakshasaam= ogres; atra= there; aashritam= are positioned; pashchima dvaaram= at the western gate; sarve= all of them; charmakhaDgadharaaH= carry shields and swords; tathaa= and; sarvaastrakovidaH= proficient in the use of all mystic missiles.
One million troops arrived with shields and swords as well as proficient in the use of all mystic missiles, are positioned at the western gate.”
nyarbudam rakSasaam atra uttara dvaaram aashritam |
rathinaH ca ashva vaahaaH ca kula putraaH supuujitaaH || 6-3-27
27. nyarbudam= a hundred millions; rakshasaam= of ogres; atra= there; aashritam= are positioned; uttaradvaaram= at the northern gate; rathinaH= (they are) car-warriors; ashvavaahaashcha= horse-soldiers; kulaputraaH= sons of noble families; supuujitaaH= and greatly honored.”
“A hundred millions of ogres, who are mounted in chariots or who ride on hoses, sons of distinguished families and greatly honored, are positioned there at the northern gate.”
shatam shata sahasraaNaam madhyamam gulmam aashritam |
yaatu dhaanaa duraadharSaaH saagra koTiH ca rakSasaam || 6-3-28
28. atha= moreover; yaatudhaanaaH= ogres; shatashaH sahasraaNi= hundreds of thousands in number; duraadarshhaaH= difficult to assail; saagrakoTishcha= aggregating to one and quarter of a crore; rakshasaam= of ogres; aashritaaH= are positioned; madhyamaskandham= at the central division.”
“Moreover, ogres hundreds of thousands in number, difficult to attack, aggregating to one and quarter of a crore of ogres are positioned at the central division.”
te mayaa samkramaa bhagnaaH parikhaaH ca avapuuritaaH |
dagdhaa ca nagarii la.nkaa praakaaraaH ca avasaaditaaH || 6-3-29
balaikadeshaH kshapito raakshasaanaam mahaatmanaam |
29. te= those; samkramaaH= bridges; bhagnaaH= were broken; mayaa= by me; parikhaashcha= moats also; avapuuritaaH= filled up (with the wreckage); laN^kaa nagariim= the city of Lanka; daghaacha= was burnt; praakaaraashcha= defensive walls; avasaaditaaH= pulled down; balaikadeshaH= a part of the army; mahaatmanaam= of the gigantic; raakshasaanaam= ogres; kshapitaH= were destroyed.
“Those bridges were broken by me and the moats were filled up (with the wreckage). The city of Lanka was burnt by me and the defensive walls were pulled down. A part of the army of the gigantic ogres was destroyed.”
yena kena tu maargeNa taraama varuNa aalayam || 6-3-30
hataa iti nagarii la.nkaam vaanarair avadhaaryataam |
30. yena kena tu maargeNa= by some way or other; taraama= we shall cross; varuNaalayam= the ocean; laN^kaanagarii= the city of Lanka; upadhaaryataam= should be assumed; hataa iti= as destroyed; vaanaraiH= by the monkeys.“By some way or other, let us cross the ocean. The city of Lanka should be assumed then as destroyed by the monkeys.”
“By some way or other, let us cross the ocean. The city of Lanka should be assumed then as destroyed by the monkeys.”
aN^gado dvivido maindo jaambavaan panaso nalaH || 6-3-31
niilaH senaa patiH caiva bala sheSeNa kim tava |
plavamaanaa hi gatvaa taam raavaNasya mahaapuriim || 6-3-32
saprakaaraam sabhavanaam aanayiSyanti maithiliim |
sapraakaaraam sabhavanaamaanayushhyanti raaghava || 6-3-33
31,32,33. raaghava= Oh, Rama! kim= what is the use; balasheshhaNa= for the rest of the forces; tava= to you? aN^gadaH= Angada; dividaH= Divida; maindaH= Mainda; analaH= Anala; niilashchaiva= and Nila alone; senaapatiH= the commander-in-chief; gatvaa= by reaching; taam= that; raavaNasya mahaapuriim= great city of Ravana; plavamaanaaH= leaping; bhitvaa= and storming (it) saparvatavanaam= with its mountains and woods; sakhaataam= with moats; satoraNaam= with arch-ways; sapraakaaraam= with protective walls; sabhavanaam= with buildings; aanayishhyanti= and recover (Seetha).
“Oh, Rama! What is the use for the rest of the forces to you? Angada, Divida, Mainda, Jambavan, Panasa, Anala and Nila the commander-in-chief alone, by reaching that great city of Ravana leaping and storming Lanka with its mountains and woods, moats and archways, protective walls and buildings, will recover Seetha.”
evam aaj~naapaya kSipram balaanaam sarva samgraham |
muhuurtena tu yuktena prasthaanamabhirochaya || 6-3-34
34. aaJNaapaya= order; kshhipram= quickly; balaanaam sarvasangraham= to get all the forces; evam= accordingly; abhirochaya= be inclined; prasthaanam= for the march; yuktena= at the appropriate moment.
“Order quickly to get all the forces accumulated accordingly. Let us set out at the appropriate moment.”

ityaarshhe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe tR^itiiyaH sargaH
Thus completes 3rd Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.