Chapter [Sarga] 26  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 26


In this chapter Seetha ponders a lot and decides to give up life without Rama.

prasaktaashrumukhii tvevaM bruvatii janakaatmajaa |
adhogatamukhii baalaa vilaptumupachakrame || 5-26-1
1. prasaktaashrumukhii = with a face continually shedding tears; jankaatmajaa = Seetha; balaa = an young woman; evam = thus; bruvatii = speaking; adhogatamukhii = with downward face; upachakrame = started; vilaptum = to weep.
With a face continually shedding tears, Seetha an young woman, thus speaking with a downward face, started to weep.
unmatteva pramatteva bhraantachitteva shochatii |
upaavR^ittaa kishoriiva viveSTantii mahiitale || 5-26-2
2. unmatteva = like a mad one; pramatteva = like an intoxicated one; bhraantachitteva = with a deluded mind; shochatii = (Seetha was) crying; kishoriiva = like a female horse; upaavR^ittaa = rolling on ground; viveshhTantii = (Seetha) rolled; mahiitale = on the ground.
Seetha was crying like a mad one, like an intoxicated one, with a deluded mind. Like a female horse rolling on ground, Seetha rolled on the ground.
raaghavasya pramattasya rakSasaa kaamaruupiNaa |
raavaNena pramathyaahamaaniitaa kroshatii balaat || 5-26-3
3. raaghavasya = (while) Rama; pramattasya = was heedless; aham = I; kroshatii = who have been crying; balaat aaniitaa = (was) forcibly brought; pramathya = overpowered; rakshasaa = by the ogre; raavaNena = Ravana; kaamaruupiNaa = who can wear desired form.
"While Rama was heedless (taken away by Mareecha), I who have been crying was forcibly brought overpowered by the ogre Ravana who can wear desired form."
raakSasiivashamaapannaa bhartsyamaanaa sudaaruNam |
chintayantii suduHkhaartaa naahaM jiivitumutsahe || 5-26-4
4. aapannaa = obtaining; raaskasii vasham = control by ogresses; bartsyamaanaa = being frightened; sudaaruNam = very horribly; chintayantii = thinking; suduHkhaartaa = being tormented by grief; aham = I; na utsahe = do not desire; jiivitum = to live.
"Being under the control of ogresses, being frightened very horribly, thinking and being tormented by grief, I do not desire to live."
na hi me jiivite naartho nai vaarthairna cha bhuuSaNaiH |
vasantyaa raakSasiimadhye vinaa raamaM mahaaratham || 5-26-5
5. vinaa = without; raamaM = Rama; mahaaratham = a great car-warrior; vasantyaaH = living; raakshasii madhye = in the midst of ogresses; arthaH na = there is no use; jiivitena = with life; me = to me; na arthaiH = not with wealth; na bhushhaNaishcha = not with ornaments.
"Without Rama, a great car-warrior, living in the midst of ogresses, there is no use with life to me; not with wealth, not with ornaments."
ashmasaaramidaM nuunathavaapyajaraamaram |
hR^idayaM mama yenedaM na duHkhenaavashiiryate || 5-26-6
6. athavaa = or; mama = my; idam = this; hR^idayam = heart; nuunam = truly; ashmasaaram = (is made of) iron; ajaraamaramapi = is undecaying and without death; yena = by what reason; naavashiiryate = is it not destroying; duHkhena = with sorrow.
"Or my this heart truly is made of iron. It is undecaying and without death. By what reason is it not destroying with sorrow?"
dhiN^maamanaaryaamasatiiM yaahaM tena vinaa kR^itaa |
muhuurtamapi rakSaami jiivitaM paapajiivitaa || 5-26-7
7. yaa = whoever; aham = I; paapajiivitaa = with a sinful life; kR^itaa = made; tena vinaa = (to be) without Rama; rakshaami = protecting; jiivitam = life; muhuurtamapi = even for a moment; maam = to such me; anaaryaam = who am ignoble; asatiim = who am bad wife; dhik = shame (on me).
"Whoever I with a sinful life made to be without Rama, protecting life even for a moment, to such me who am ignoble, who am bad wife, shame on me."
kaa cha me jiivite shraddhaa sukhe vaa taM priyaM vinaa |
bhartaaraM saagaraantaayaa vasudhaayaaH priyaMvadam || 5-26-8
8. priyam vinaa = without husband Rama;bhartaaram = (who is) lord; vasudhaayaaH = of the earth; saagaraantaayaaH = with ocean at the end; priyaMvadam = a pleasant talker; kaa = what (is); shradhhaa = interest; me = to me; jiivite= in life; sukhe vaa = or in comfort.
"Without husband Rama who is the lord of the earth with ocean at the end, a pleasant talker, what is the interest to me in life or in comfort."
bhidyataaM bhakSyataaM vaapi shariiraM visR^ijaamyaham |
na chaapyahaM chiraM kuHkhaM saheyaM priyavarjitaa || 5-26-9
9. aham = I; visR^ijaami = will leave; shariiram = the body; bhidyataam = let it be split (into pieces); bhakshyataam vaapi = or let it be eaten; aham = I; priyavarjitaa = without husband; na cha saheyam = will not tolerate; duHkham = sorrow; chiram = for a long time.
"I will leave the body. Let it be split into pieces or let it be eaten. I without husband will not tolerate sorrow for a long time."
charaNenaapi savyena na spR^isheyaM nishaacharam |
raavaNaM kiM punarahaM kaavayeyaM vigarhatam || 5-26-10
10. aham = I; na spR^isheyam = will not touch; savyena charaNenaapi = even with my left foot; raavaNam = Ravana; nishaacharam = ogre; vigarhitam = of reprehensible conduct; kaamayeyam kiM punaH = what to say of desiring (him).
"I will not touch even with my left foot Ravana an ogre of reprehensible conduct. What to say of desiring him."
pratyaakhyaataM na jaanaati naatmaanaM naatmanaH kulam |
yo nR^ishaMsasvabhaavena maaM praarthayitumichchhati || 5-26-11
11. yaH = whoever (Ravana); nR^ishaMsa svabhaavena = with a cruel nature; icchhati = is desiring; praarthayitum = to solicit; maam = me (that Ravana); na jaanaati = does not know; aatmaanam = him; pratyaakhyaatam = to be refused; na = (he does) not (know); aatmanaH = his; kulam = race.
"Whoever Ravana with a cruel nature is desiring to solicit me, that Ravana does not know him to be refused; he does not know his race."
chinnaa bhinnaa vibhaktaa vaa diiptevaagnau pradiipitaa |
raavaNaM nopatiSTheyaM kiM pralaapena vashchiram || 5-26-12
12. chhinna vaa = (even) if cut; bhinna vaa = or if divided into parts; pradiipitaa vaa = or (even) if burnt; agnau = in fire; diipte = which is blazing; nopatishhTeyam = I will not reach; raavaNam = Ravana; kim = what is the use; vaH pralaapena = with your prattling; chiram = for a long time.
"Even if cut or if divided into parts in blazing fire, I will not reach Ravana. What is the use with your prattling for a long time?"
khyaataH praajJNaH kR^itajJNshashcha raaghavaH |
sadvR^itto niranukroshaH shaN^ke madbhaagyasaMkSayaat || 5-26-13
13. raaghavaH = Rama; khyaataH = is famous; praajJNaH = is a wise man; saanulroshashcha = is compassionate; sadvR^ittaH = with a good conduct; madbhaagya saMkshayaat = due to deterioration of my fortune; saN^ke = I doubt; niranukroshaH = (He became) hard hearted.
"Rama is famous, is a wise man, is compassionate with a good conduct. Due to the deterioration of my fortune, I doubt He became hard hearted."
raakSasaanaaM sahasraaNi janasthaane chaturdasha |
yenaikena nirastaani sa maaM kiM naabhipadyate || 5-26-14
14. yena ekena = by whom alone; chaturdasa saharaaNi = fourteen thousand; raakshsaanaam = of ogres; nirastaani = have been destroyed; kim = why; saH = (is) that Rama; naabhipadyaH = not saving; maam = me.
"By whom alone fourteen thousand of ogres have been destroyed, why is that Rama not saving me."
niruddhaa raavaNenaahamalpaviiryeNa rakSasaa |
samarthaH khalu me bhartaa raavaNaM hantumaahave || 5-26-15
15. aham = I; niruddhaa = am withheld; rakshasaa raavaNena = by the ogre Ravana; alpaviiryeNa = with little strength; me bhartaa = my husband; samarthaH khalu = is indeed capable; hantum = to kill; raavaNam = Ravana; ahave = in a war.
"I am withheld by the ogre Ravana with little strength. My husband is indeed capable of killing Ravana in a war."
viraadho daNDakaaraNye yena raakSasapuN^gavaH |
raNe raameNa nihataH sa maaM kiM naabhipadyate || 5-26-16
16. yena raameNa = By which Rama; viraadhaH = Viradha; raakshasa puN^gavaH = best among ogres; nihataH = has been killed; daNDakaaraNye = in Dandaka forest; raNe = in a war; kim =why; saH = (is) that He; naabhipadyate = not saving; maam = me.
"By which Rama Viradha, best among ogres, has been killed in Dandaka forest in a war, why is that He not saving me?"
kaamaM madhye samudrasya laN^keyaM duSpradharSaNaa |
na tu raaghavabaaNaanaaM gatirodho bhaviSyati || 5-26-17
17. iyam laN^kaa = this city of Lanka; samudrsya madhye = being in the middle of ocean; dushhpR^idharshhaNaa kaamam= is difficult to be attacked; tu =but; na bhavishhyati = there will not be; gatirodhaH = an obstacle to flying; raaghava baanaaNaam = of Rama's arrows;
"This city of Lanka being in the middle of ocean is difficult to be attacked. But there will not be an obstacle to flying of Rama's arrows."
kiM nu tatkaaraNaM yena raamo dR^iDhaparaakramaH |
rakSasaapahR^itaaM bhaaryaamiSTaaM naabhyavapadyate || 5-26-18
18. kim nu = what now; tat kaaraNam = is that reason; yena = by which; raamaH = Rama; dR^iDha paraakramaH = with a firm courage; naabhyavapadyate = is not protecting; ishhTaam bhaaryaam = His dear wife; apahR^itaam = stolen; rakshasaa = by an ogre.
"What now is that reason by which Rama with a firm courage is not protecting His dear wife stolen by an ogre."
ihasthaaM maaM na jaaniite shaN^ke lakSmaNapuurvajaH |
jaanannapi sa tejasvii dharSaNaM marSayiSyati || 5-26-19
19. shaN^ke = I doubt that; lakshmana puurvajaH = Rama elder to Lakshmana; na jaanite = does not know; maam = me; ihasthaam = to be here; jaanannapi = after knowing; saH tejasvii = (will) that glorious Rama; marshhyishhyati = tolerate; dharshhaNam = (this) outrage.
"I doubt that Rama elder to Laksmana does not know me to be here. After knowing will that glorious Rama tolerate this outrage?"
hR^iteti yo.adhigatvaa maaM raaghavaaya nivedayet |
gR^idhraarajo.api sa raNe raavaNena nipaatitaH || 5-26-20
20. yaH = whoever Jatayu; adhigatvaa = nearing (Rama); nivedayat = will have let known; raaghavaaya = to Rama; hR^iteti = (that Seetha) was stolen; saH gR^idhra raajaH api = that king of vultures; hataH = has been killed; raavaNena = by Ravana; raNe = in war.
"Whoever Jatayu nearing Rama will have let known to Rama that Seetha was stolen, that king of vultures has been killed by Ravana in war."
kR^itaM karma mahattena maaM tathaabhyavapadyataa |
tiSThataa raavaNadvandve vR^iddhenaapi jaTaayuSaa || 5-26-21
21. mahat karma = a great deed; kR^itam = has been done; tena jaTaayushhaa = by that Jatayu; tathaa = thus; abhyavapadyataa = protecting; maam = me; vR^iddhenaapi = although of old age; tishhThataa = standing; raavaNa dvandve = in a dual combat with Ravana.
"A great deed has been done by that Jatayu, thus protecting me, although of old age, standing in a dual combat with Ravana."
yadi maamiha jaaniiyaadvartamaanaaM sa raaghavaH |
adya baaNairabhikruddhaH kuryaallokamaraakSasam || 5-26-22
22. saH raaghavaH = that Rama; jaaniiyaadyadi = if He knows; maam = me; iha vartamaanaam = to be living here; abhikruddhaH = with anger; kuryaat = will make; lokam = the world; araakshasam = to be without ogres; baaNaiH = with (His) arrows; adya = now.
"If that Rama knows me to be living here, with anger He will make the world to be without ogres with His arrows now."
vidhamechcha puriiM laN^kaaM shoSayechcha mahodadhim |
raavaNasya cha niichasya kiirtiM naama cha naashayet || 5-26-23
23. vidhamechcha = (Rama will) blow away laN^kaaM puriim = the city of Lanka; shoshhayechcha = will dry up; mahodadhim = the great ocean; naashayet = will destroy; kiirtim = the fame; naama cha = and name; raavaNasya = of Ravana.
"Rama will blow away the city of Lanka, will dry up the great ocean, will destroy the name and fame of Ravana."
tato nihatanaathaanaaM raakSasiinaaM gR^ihe gR^ihe |
yathaahamevaM rudatii tathaa bhuyo na saMshayaH || 5-26-24
24. tataH = thereafter; yathaa = how; aham = I ; evam rudatii = am crying in this way; tathaa = in the same way; gR^ihe gR^ihe = in house and house; raakshasiinaam = ogresses; nihatanaadhaanaam = with killed husbands (will cry); bhuuyaH = again and again; na saMshayaH = there is no doubt.
"Thereafter how I am crying in this way, in the same way, in very house, ogresses with killed husbands will cry again and again. There is no doubt in this."
anviSya rakSasaaM laN^kaaM kuryaadraamaH salakSmaNaH |
na hi taabhyaaM ripurdR^iSTo muhuurtamapi jiivati || 5-26-25
25. raamaH = Rama; salakshmaNaH = together will Lakshmana; anvishhya = will search; laN^kaam = Lanka; rakshasaam = of ogres; kuryaat = will do (destruction); ripuH = an enemy; dR^ishhTaH = seen; taabhyaam = by those two; na jiivati hi = will indeed not live; muhuurtamapi = even for a moment.
"Rama together will Lakshmana will search the city of Lanka belonging to ogres. An enemy seen by those two will indeed not live even for a moment."
chitaadhumaakulapathaa gR^idhramaNDalasaMkulaa |
achireNa tu laN^keyaM shmashaanasadR^ishii bhavet || 5-26-26
26. iyam = this; lan^kaa = Lanka; achireNa = shortly; bhavet = will become; shmashaana sadR^ishii = like a graveyard; chitaadhuumakulapathaa = with paths agitated with smoke of funeral pyres; gR^idhramaNDalasaMkulaa = crowded with a group of vultures.
"This Lanka shortly will become like a graveyard, with paths agitated with smoke of funeral pyres, crowded with a group of vultures."
achireNaiva kaalena praapsyaamyeva manoratham |
duSprasthaano.ayamaakhyaati sarveSaam vo viparyayam || 5-26-27
27. achireNa kaalenaiva = in a short time only; praapsyaameva = I will attain; manoratham = (my) desire; ayam = this; dushhprasthaanaH = evil course; aakhyaati = is telling; sarveshhaam = all; vaH = of your; viparyayam = destruction.
"In a short time only I will attain my desire. This evil course is telling of destruction of you all."
yaadR^ishaaniiha dR^ishante laN^kaayaamashubhaani vai |
achireNaiva kaalena bhaviSyati hataprabhaa || 5-26-28
28. iha = here; laN^kaayaam = in Lanka; yaadR^ishaani = whatever; ashubhaani = inauspicious things; dR^ishyante = are being seen; achireNaiva kaalena = (from those) in a short while; bhavishhyati = (Lanka) will become; hataprabhaa = deprived of glory.
"Here in Lanka whatever inauspicious things are being seen, from those, in a short while Lanka will become deprived of glory."
nuunaM laN^kaa hate paape raavaNe raakSasaadhame |
shoSaM yaasyati durdharSaa pramadaa vidhava yathaa || 5-26-29
29. paape = sinful; raakshasaadhame = vile ogre; raavaNe= Ravana; hate = while being killed; laN^kaa = Lanka; durdharshhaa = which is unconquerable; nuunam = definitely; yaasyati = will get; shoshham = drying up; pramadaa yathaa = like a woman; vidhavaa = who lost husband.
"While the sinful, vile ogre Ravana is being killed, Lanka which is unconquerable till now, definitely will get drying up like a woman who lost husband."
puNyotsava samR^iddhaa cha naSTabharrtii saraakSasii |
bhaviSyati purii laN^kaa naSTabhartrii yathaaN^ganaa || 5-26-30
30. puNyotsava samR^iddhaa = (now) abounding in pious festivities; laN^kaapurii = the city of Lanka; nashhTa bhartrii = with lost lord; saraakshasii = together with ogresses; bhavishhyati = will become; aN^ganaa yathaa = like a woman; nashhTa bhartrii = with lost husband;.
"Now abounding in pious festivities, the city of Lanka with lost lord together with ogresses will become like a woman with lost husband."
nuunaM raakSasakanyaanaaM rudantiinaaM gR^ihe gR^ihe |
shroSyaami nachiraadeva duHkhaartaanaamiha dhvanim || 5-26-31
31. nachiraadeva = in a short while; iha = here; gR^ihe gR^ihe = in every house; nuunam shroshhyaami = I can definitely hear; dhvanim = the sound; raakshasakanyaanaam = of ogresses; rudantiinaam = crying; duHkhaartaanaam = being tormented by grief.
"In a short while here in every house I can definitely hear the sound of ogresses crying being tormented by grief."
saandhakaaraa hatadyotaa hataraakSasapuN^gavaa |
bhaviSyati purii laN^kaa nirdagdhaa raamasaayakaiH || 5-26-32
32. la~Nkaa purii = the city of Lanka; bhavishhyati = will become; nirdagdhaa = burnt; raamasaayakaiH = by Rama's arrows; saandhakaaraa = together with darkness; hadadyotaa = with destroyed lustre; hata raakshasa pu~Ngavaa = with killed best ogres.
"The city of Lanka will become burnt by Rama's arrows together with darkness, with destroyed luster with killed best ogres."
yadi naama sa shuuro maaM raamo raktaantaalochanaH |
jaaniiyadvartamaanaaM hi raavaNasya niveshane || 5-26-33
33. saH raamaH = that Rama; shuuraH = a strong man; raktaanta lochanaH = with red eye corners; yadi naama jaaniiyaat = will he know; maam = me; vartamaanaam = to be living; niveshane = in the house; raavaNasya = of Ravana.
"Will that Rama who is a strong man with red eye corners know me to be in the house of Ravana."
anena tu nR^ishaMsena raavaNenaadhamena me |
samayo yastu nirdiSTastasya kaalo.ayamaagataH || 5-26-34
sa cha me vihito mR^ityurasmin duSTe na vartate |
34. yaH = whatever; samayaH = time; nirdishhTa = ordered; anena raavaNena = by this Ravana; nR^ishaMsena = who is cruel; adhamena = (and) vilest of men; ayam = this; kaalaH = time; aagataH = has come; me = to me; saH mR^ityuH = that death; vihitaH = decreed; me = to me; na vartate =does not hold good; asmin dushhTe = in the matter of this evil one.
"Whatever time has been ordered by this cruel and vilest of men Ravana, this time has come to me. That death decreed to me does not hold good to this evil one (Ravana)."
akaaryaM ye na jaananti nairR^itaaH paapakaariNaH || 5-26-35
adharmaattu mahotpaato bhaviSyati hi saaMpratam |
naite dharmaM vijaananti raakSasaaH pishitaashanaaH || 5-26-36
35, 36. ye nairR^itaaH = Whoever ogres; paapakaariNaH = who are sinners; naa jaanati = do not know; akaaryam = what should not be done; adharmaattu = due to their unrighteousness; saaMpratam = now; bhavishhyati = there will be; mahotpaataH = a great calamity; ete = these; raakshasaaH = ogres; pishitanaashanaaH = who are meat eaters; na jaanati = do not know; dharmam = virtue.
"Whoever sinful ogres who do not know what should not be done, due to their unrighteousness now there will be a great calamity. These meat eating ogres do not know virtue."
dhruvaM maaM praataraashaarthe raakSasaH kalpayisyati |
saahaM kathaM kariSyaami taM vinaa priyadarshanam || 5-26-37
raamam raktaantanayanamapashyantii sukuHkhitaa |
37. raakshsaH = an ogre; dhruvam = will definitely; kalpayishhyati = make; maam = me; praataraashaarthe = for breakfast; saa aham = such I; katham karishhyaami = what should do; tam vinaa = without Rama; priyadarshanam = with pleasing appearance; suduHkhitaa = I am grieving a lot; apashyantii = not seeing; raamam = Rama; raktaantanayanam = with red eye corners.
"An ogre will definitely eat me for breakfast. What should such I do without Rama with pleasing appearance? I am grieving a lot not seeing Rama with red eye corners."
yadi kashchit pradaataa me viSasyaadya bhavediha || 5-26-38
kSipraM vaivasvataM devaM pashyeyaM patinaa vinaa |
38. adya = now; kashchit bhavedyadi = if there exists any one; praadaataa = (who is a) giver; vishhasya = of poison; iha = here; patinaa vinaa = (I) without husband; kshipram = quickly; pashyeyam = will see; devam = the god; vaivasvatam = Yama.
"Now if there exists any one who is a giver of poison here, I without husband quickly will see the god Yama."
naajaanaajjivatiiM raamaH sa maaM lakSmaNapuurvajaH || 5-26-39
jaanantau tau na kuryaataaM noryvaaM hi mama maargaNam |
39. saH raamaH = that Rama; lakshmaNa puurvajaH = elder to Lakshmana; naajaanaat = (may) not know; maam = me; jiivatiim = to be alive; tau = those two; jaanantau = knowing (me to be alive); na kuryataam iti na = it cannot be said that they will not do; mama maargaNam = my search; uurdhvaam = on earth;
"That Rama elder to Lakshmana may not know me to be alive. If those two know me to be alive, then it cannot be said that they will not do my search on earth."
nuunaM mamaiva shokena sa niiro lakSmaNaagrajaH || 5-26-40
devalokamito yaatastyaktvaa dehaM mahiitale |
40. lakshmaNaagrajaH = the elder brother of LakshmaNa; saH = that Rama; viiraaH = who is valiant; mama shokenaiva = due to grief of me; tyaktvaa = leaving; deham = the body; mahiitale = on earth; yaataH = has gone; itaH = from here; devalokam = to celestial world; nuunam = this is certain.
"That valiant Rama who is the elder brother of Lakshmana due to grief of me, leaving the body on earth has gone to celestial world. This is certain."
dhanyaa devaah sagandharvaaH siddhaashcha paramarSayaH || 5-26-41
mama pashyanti ye naathaM raamaM raajiivalochanam |
41. ye = whoever;pashyanti = is seeing; mama = my; naatham = husband; raamam = Rama; raajiiva lochanam = with eyes resembling a lotus flower; devaaH = (such) Devas; siddhaashcha = Siddhas; sagandhravaaH = together with Gandharvas; parmarshhayaH = and great sages; dhanyaaH = are fortunate.
"Whoever is seeing my husband Rama with eyes resembling a lotus flower such Devas, Siddhas together with Gandharvas and great sages are fortunate."
athavaa na hi tasyaartho dkarmakaamasya dhiimataH || 5-26-42
mayaa raamasya raajarSerbhaaryayaa paramaatmanaH |
42. athavaa = or; tasya raamasya = to that Rama; dharmakaamasya = with a desire in virtuousness; dhiimataH = who is intelligent; raajarshheH = sage-king; paramaatmanaH = the supreme spirit; artham na = there is no use; mayaa = with me; bhaaryayaa = his wife.
"Or to that Rama with a desire in virtuousness, who is intelligent, a sage-king, the supreme spirit, there is no use with me, his wife."
dR^ishyamaane bhavetpriitiH sauhR^idaM naastyapashyataH || 5-26-43
naashayanti kR^itaghnaastu na raamo naashayiSyati |
43. priitiH bhavet = friendly disposition will occur; dR^ishyamaane = in what is being seen; naasti = there is no; sauhR^idam = friendship; apashyataH = to one who does not see; kR^itaghnaaH = ungreatful ones; naashayanti = destroy (friendship); raamaH tu = but Rama; na naashayishhyati = will not destroy friendship.
"Friendly disposition will occur in what is being seen. There is no friendship to one who does not see. Ungrateful ones destroy frindship. But Rama will not destroy friendship."
kiM nu me na guNaaH kechitkiM vaa bhaagyakSayo mama || 5-26-44
yaahaM siidaami raameNa hiinaa mukhyena bhaaminii |
44. aham = I; yaa = who; bhaaminii = is a woman; siidaami = (who is) perishing; mukhyena raameNa vinaa = without the chief Rama; me = to (such) me; na kiM nu = are there no; kechit guNaaH = good qualities; kiM vaa = or; mama = (has) my; bhaagyakshayaH = fortune diminished.
"I who is a woman who is perishing without the chief Rama to such me are there no good qualities or has my fortune diminished."
shryo hi hiivitaanmartuM vihiinaayaa mahaatmanaH || 5-26-45
raamaadakliSTachaaritraachchhuuraachchhatrunibarhaNaat |
45. vihiinaayaaH = deprived; raamaat = from Rama; aklishhTa chaaritraat = with untroubled reputation; shuuraat = a warrior; shatrunibarhaNaat = annihilator of enemies; mahaatmanaH = a great soul; me = to (such) me; jiivitaat = more than living; martuH = death; shreyaH = is good.
"To me who is deprived of Rama with untroubled reputation, a warrior, annihilator of enemies, a great soul, more than living, death is good."
athavaa nyastashastrau tau vane muulaphalaashinau || 5-26-46
bhraatarau hi narashreSThau saMvR^ittau vanagocharau |
46. athavaa = or; tau bhraatarau = those two brothers; narashresThau = best among men; nyasta shastrau = giving up weapons; vane = in the forest; saMvR^ittau = (may have) become; vanagocharau = dwellers of forest; muulaphalaashanau = eating roots and fruits.
"Or those two brothers who are best among men giving up weapons in the forest may have become dwellers of forest eating roots and fruits."
athavaa raakSasendreNa raavaNena duraatmanaa || 5-26-47
chadmanaa ghaatitau shuurau bhraatarau raamalakSmaNau |
47. athavaa = or; raamalakshmaNau = Rama and Lakshmana; shuurau bhraatarau = the warrior brothers;ghaatitau = (may have been) killed; duraatmanaa = by the evil soul; raakshsendreNa raavaNena = by king of ogres Ravana; chadmanaa = by deceit;
"Or Rama and Lakshmana the warrior brothers may have been killed by the evil soul king of ogres Ravana by deceit."
saahamevaMgate kaale martumichchhaami sarvathaa || 5-26-48
na cha me vihito mR^ityurasmin duHkhe.api vartate |
48. evam gate = under such circumstances; kaale = (and time); saa = such; aham = I; sarvathaa = in all ways; ichchhaami = am desiring; martum = to die; asmin dukhaH api = even in this grief; mR^ityuH = death; vihitaH na vartate = is not bestowed (on me).
"Under such circumstances and time, such I in all ways am desiring to die. Even in this grief, death is not bestowed on me."
dhanyaaH khalu mahaatmaano munayastyaktakilbiSaaH || 5-26-49
jitaatmano mahaabhaagaa yeSaaM na staH priyaapriye |
49. mahaatmanaH = great souled ones; tyakta kilbishhaaH = with abandoned sins; jittatmanaH = with a conquered mind; mahaabhaagaaH = those with great fortune; munayaH = sages; dhanyaaH khalu = are indeed fortunate; yeshhaam = to whom; na staH = there is no; priyaapriye = pleasure or displeasure.
"Great souled ones with abandoned sins, with a conquered mind, those with great fortune, sages are indeed fortunate to whom there is no pleasure and displeasure."
priyaanna saMbhavedduHkhamapriyaadadhikaM bhayam || 5-26-50
taabhyaaM hi ye viyujyante namasteSaaM mahaatmanaam |
50. priyaat = from pleasure; duHkham = sorrow; apriyaat = (and) from displeasure; adhikam bhayam = great fear; na sambhavet = do not occur (to great souls); ye = whoever; viyujyante = are separated; taabhyaam = from pleasure and displeasure; namaH = (my) obeisance; teshhaam mahaatmaanaam = to such great souls.
"From pleasure sorrow and from displeasure great fear do not occur to great souls. Whoever are separated from pleasure and displeasure, my obeisance to such great souls."
saahaMtyuktaa priyeNaiva raamena viditaatmanaa || 5-26-51
praaNaaMstyakSyaami paapasya raavanasya gataa vasham |
51. tyaktaa = left; priyeNaiva raameNa = by dear Rama; viditaatmanaa = with a well known mind; vasham gataa = coming under the control; paapasya = of sinful one; raavaNasya = of Ravana; saa aham = such I; tyakshaami = will leave; praaNaan = breath of life.
"Left by dear Rama with a well known mind coming under the control of sinful Ravana, such I will leave breath of life."

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe SaDviMshaH sargaH
Thus completes 26th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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