Chapter [Sarga] 54  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 54


Hanuma, with his blazing tail comes out and flits over the horses in Lanka, making up his mind to set fire to the city of Lanka which is the only work let for him to do. Hanuma burns the entire city, barring the abode of Vibhishana. All the demons were frightened o seeing the blazing fire, consuming their city with its trees, houses and a host of living beings. Surprised to see the city burning, the celestials and musicians (Gandharvas) gain a great delight.

viikShamaaNaH tato lankaam kapiH kR^ita mano rathaH |
vardhamaana samutsaahaH kaarya sheSham acintayat || 5-54-1
1. tataH= then; kR^ita manorathaH= after fulfilling his heart's wish; kapiH= Hanuma; viikSamaaNaH= looking over; laN^kaam= Lanka; achintayat= thought; kaarya sheSam= about the remaining act to be done; vardhamaanasamutsaahaH= with an augmented energy.
Then, after fulfilling his heart's wish, Hanuma, looking over Lanka, thought about the remaining act to be done, with an augmented energy.
kim nu khalv avishiShTam me kartavyam iha saampratam |
yat eShaam rakShasaam bhuuyaH samtaapa jananam bhavet || 5-54-2
2. kimnu= which; kartavyam= (is the) act; khalu= indeed; avashiSTam= remaining; iha= here; me= for me; yat= that; ibhavet= may; bhuuyaH= anguish; saampratam= now; eSaam= to these; rakSasaam= demons?
"Which act indeed is remaing nowto be done by me here, that may further create anguish to these demons?"
vanam taavat pramathitam prakR^iShTaa raakShasaa hataaH |
bala eka deshaH kShapitaH sheSham durga vinaashanam || 5-54-3
3. vanam= the garden; pramathitam taavat= has been destroyed; prakR^iSTaaH= excellent; raakSasaaH= demons; hataaH= have been killed; balaikadeshaH= a portion of the army; kSapitaH= has been destroyed durgavinaashanam= the demolition of the fort; sheSam= is remaining.
"I have demolished the garden. I have killed excellent demons. I destroyed a portion of the army. The demolition of the fort is still remaining."
durge vinaashite karma bhavet sukha parishramam |
alpa yatnena kaarye asmin mama syaat saphalaH shramaH || 5-54-4
4. durge= (While) the fort; vinaashite= is destroyed; karma= the task; bhavet= will become; sukhaprishramam= bereft of fatigue; alpayatnena= by a small effort; asmin kaarye= in this task; shramaH= the work; syaat= will become; saphalah= fruitful.
"When the fort gets destroyed, the task (of Rama's battle) will be devoid of fatigue. Even with a small effort in this task, the work will become fruitful."
yo hi ayam mama laanguule diipyate havya vaahanaH |
asya samtarpaNam nyaayyam kartum ebhiH gR^iha uttamaiH || 5-54-5
5. nyaayam= It is justified; kartum= to do; samtarpaNam= the act of satiating; asya= to it; ayam= this; haryavaahanaH= fire; yaH diipyate= which is flaring up; mama laaNguule= on my tail; ebhiH= with these; gR^ihottamaH= excellent houses.
"It is justified to satisfy this blazing flame on my tail, by feeding it to the full, with these excellent houses (in the city of Lanka)."
tataH pradiipta laanguulaH savidyut iva toyadaH |
bhavana agreShu lankaayaa vicacaara mahaakapiH || 5-54-6
6. tataH= then; mahaakapiH= Hanuma; prataptalaaNguulaH= with his burning tail; vichachaara=strolled; bhavanaagreSu= over the house-tops; laN^kaayaaH= in Lanka; savidyut toyadaH iva= like a cloud charged with lightning.
Then, Hanuma, with his burning tail, strolled over the house-tops of Lanka, like a cloud charged with lightning.
gR^ihaadgR^iham raakSasaanaamudyaanaani ca vaanaraH |
viikSamaaNo hyasamtrastaH praasaadaamshcha chachaara saH || 5-54-7
7. viikSamaaNaH= Surveying; udyaanaani= the gardens; praasaadaashcha= and lofty palatial mansions; saH vaanaraH= that Hanuma; asamtraptaH= without fear; chachaara= wandered; gR^ihaat= from one house; gR^iham= to another house; raakSasaanaam= of the demons.
Surveying the gardens and lofty palatial mansions, that Hanuma, without fear, passed from one house to another, of the demons.
avaplutya mahaavegaH prahastasya niveshanam |
agnim tatra sa nikSipya shvasanena samo balii || 5-54-8
tato.anyatpupluve veshma mahaapaarshvasya viiryavaan |
mumoca hanumaan agnim kaala anala shikhaa upamam || 5-54-9
8, 9. avaplutya= jumping down; prahastasya niveshanam= on Prahasta's house; viiryavaan= the valiant; saH= Hanuma; mahaavegaH= with great swiftness; balii= having strength; samaH= equal; shvasanena= to wind; nikSipya= putting down; agnim= fire; tatra= on it; tataH= and from there; pupluve= jumped over; anyat= another; veshma= house; mahaaparshvasya= of Mahaparsva; hanumaan= Hanuman; mumocha= dropped; agnim= fire; kaalaanalashikhopamam= resembling a flame of fire that is to destroy the world; (on that house).
Jumping down on Prahasta's house, the valiant Hanuma, with great swiftness, having strength equal to wind, scattering fire on it, jumped over from there, to another house belonging to Mahaparsva. Hanuma, with great swiftness, having strength equal to wind, scattering fire on it, jumped over from there, to another house belonging to Mahaparsva. Hanuma scattered a fire there resembling a flame of fire that is to destroy the world.
vajradaMSTra sya cha tadaa pupluve sa mahaakapiH |
shukasya cha mahaatejaaH saaraNasya cha dhiimataH || 5-54-10
10. saH mahaakapiH= that Hanuma; mahaatejaa= of great splendour; tadaa= then; pupluve= jumped over; (the houses); vajradamSTrasycha= of Vajradamshtra; shukasya= of Shuka; dhiimataH saaraNasya= and of the intelligent Sarana.
That Hanuma, of great splendour, then leapt to the houses of Vajradamshtra, Shuka and Sarana, the intelligent.
tathaa chendrajito veshma dadaaha hariyuuthapaH |
jambumaaleH sumaaleshcha dadaaha bhavanam tataH || 5-54-11
rashmiketoshcha bhavanam suuryashatrostathaiva cha |
hrasvakarNasya daMSTrasya romashasya cha rakSasaH || 5-54-12
yuddhonmattasya mattasya dhvajagriivasya rakSasaH |
vidyujjihvasya ghorasya tathaa hastimukhasya cha || 5-54-13
karaaLasya pishaachasya shoNitaakSasya chaiva hi |
kumbhakarNasya bhavanam makaraakSasya chaiva hi || 5-54-14
yajJNashatroshcha bhavanam brahmashatrostathaiva cha|
naraantakasya kumbhasya nikumbhasya duraatmanaH || 5-54-15
varjayitvaa mahaatejaa vibhiiSaNagR^iham prati |
kramamaaNaH krameNaiva dadaaha haripuN^gavaH || 5-54-16
11, 12, 13, 14,15, 16. varjayitvaa= leaving; vibhiiSaNa gR^ihamprati= the house of Vibhishana; haripuN^gava= Hanuma; mahaatejaaH= of great splendour; kramamaaNaH= went; krameNaiva= successively; bhavanam= to the house; rashmiketoshcha= of Rashmiketu; tathaiva cha= and; suuryashatroH= of surya shatru; hrasvakarNashcha= of Hrasvakarna; damSTrasya= of Damstra; rakSasaH romashasya= of Romasha the demon; yuddhonmattasya= of Yuddhaumatta; mattasya= of Matta; rakSasaH dhvajagriivasya= of Dhvajagriva, the demon; ghorasya vidyujjihvasya= of the terrific Vidyujjihva; tathaa= and; hastimukhasya cha= of Hastimukha; karaahasya= of Karala; pishaachasya= of Pishacha; shoNitaakSasya chaiva hi= of Shonitaaksha; bhavanam= the house; kumbhakarNasya= of Kumbhakarna; makaraakSasya chaivahi= of Makaraaksha; yajJNashatroshcha bhavanam= the house of Yajnashatru; tathaiva cha= and; brahmashatro= of Bhrahmashatru; naraantakasya= of Narantaka; kumbhasya= of Kumbha; duraatmanaH nikumbhasya= and the house of the evil minded Nikumbha.
Leaving the house of Vibhishana, Hanuma of great splendour, went successively to the houses of Rashmiketu, Surya shatru, Hrasvakarna, Damshtra, Romasha the demon, Yuddhonmatta, Matta, Dhvajagreeva the demon, the terrific Vidyujjihva, Hastimukha, Karala, Pishacha, Shonitaaksha, Kumbhakarna, Makaraksha, Yajnashatru, Brahmashatru, Narantaka, Kumbha as also the evil-minded Nikumbha and burnt the houses.
teSu teSu mahaarheSu bhavaneSu mahaayashaaH |
gR^iheSvR^iddhimataamR^iddhim dadaaha sa mahaakapiH || 5-54-17
17. saH mahaakapiH= that Hanuma; mahaayashaaH= of great fame; dadaaha= burnt away; R^iddhim= the wealth; teSu teSu= in the respective; mahaarheSu gR^iheSu= mansions; R^iddhimataam= of the rich.
That Hanuma of great fame burnt away wealth in the mansions of the rich.
sarveSaam samatikramya raakSasendrasya viiryavaan |
aasasaadaatha lakSmiivaan raavaNasya niveshanam || 5-54-18
18. samatikramya= having passed over; sarveSaam= all the houses; viiryavaan= the mighty; lakSmiivaan= Hanuman of glory; atha= thereafter; aasasaada= approached; niveshanam= the house; rakSasendrasya= of Ravana the king of demons.
Having passed over all the houses, the mighty and glorious Hanuma thereafter approached the house of Ravana the king of demons.
tatastasmin gR^ihe mukhye naanaaratnavibhuuSite |
merumandarasaMkaashe sarvamaN^gaLashobhite || 5-54-19
pradiiptamagnimutsR^ijya laaN^guulaagre pratiSThitam |
nanaada hanumaan viiro yugaantajalado yathaa || 5-54-20
19, 20. tataH= thereafter; utsR^ijya= throwing; pradiiptam= blazing; agnim= fire; pratiSThitam= located; laN^guulaagre= at the tip of his tail; tasmin mukhye gR^ihe= on that principal house; naanaaratna vibhuuSite= decorated with various kinds of precious stones; merumandara samkaashe= resembling Mounts Meru and Mandara; sarvamaNgaLa shobhite= and embellished with all good work; viiraH= the valiant; hanumaan= Hanuma; nanaada= roared; yugaantajalado yathaa= like a cloud thundering at noon-time in rainy season.
Thereafter, scattering a blazing fire located at the tip of his tail, on that principal house, decorated with various kinds of precious stones, resembling Mounts Meru and Mandara as also embellished with all good work, the valiant Hanuma roared like a cloud thundering at noon-time in a rainy season.
shvasanena ca samyogaat ativego mahaabalaH |
kaala agniH iva jajvaala praavardhata huta ashanaH || 5-54-21
21. samyogaat= in contact; shvasanena= with the wind; hutaashanah= the fire; praavardhata= escalated; ativegaH= with a great speed; mahaabalaH= and a great intensity; jajvaala= blazed; kaalagniriva= like a fire that is to destroy the world.
In contact with the wind, the fire escalated with a great speed and intensity, blazing like a fire that is to destroy the world.
pradiiptam agnim pavanaH teShu veshmasu caarayat |
abhuuchchhvasanasamyogaadativego hutaashanaH || 5-54-22
22. pavanaH= the wind; aachaarayat= carried; pradiiptam= the blazing; agnim= fire; teSu veshmasu= on those houses; shvasanam yogaat= by combining with the wind; hutaashanaH= the fire; abhuut= became; ativegaH= very swift.
The wind carried the blazing fire to other houses. In conjunction with the wind, the fire became very swift.
taani kaancana jaalaani muktaa maNimayaani ca |
bhavanaani avashiiryanta ratnavanti mahaanti ca || 5-54-23
23. taani mahaanti cha bhavanaani= those; large houses; kaaNchana jaalaani= with golden windows; muktaamaNimayaani cha= embedded with pearls, gems; ratnavanti= and precious stones; avashiiryanta= were shattered (to pieces).
Those large houses, with golden windows, embedded with pearls, gems and precious jewels were shattered to pieces.
samjajJNe tumulaH shabdo raakSasaanaam pradhaavataam |
svagRihasya paritraaNe bhagnotsaahorjiashriyaam || 5-54-24
nuunemeSaa.agniraayaataH kapiruupeNa haa iti |
24. tumulaH= a tumultuous; shabdaH= voice; samjajJNe= was produced; iti= saying; haa= "Alas!; eSaH agniH= this fire; aayataH= has come; nuunam= really; kapiruupeNa= in the form of a monkey!"; raakSasaanaam= by the demons; pradhaavataam= who were running (hither and thither); paritraaNe= to protect; svagR^ihasya= their houses; bhagnotsaahorjita shriyaam= who lost their energy and abundant wealth.
The demons, who were running hither and thither to protect their houses and who lost their spirits and abundant wealth, created a tumultuous nose, saying "Alas! The fire-god has come really in a form of this monkey!"
krandantyaH sahasaa petuH stanamdhayadharaaH striyaH || 5-54-25
kaashchiragnipariitebhyo harmyebhyo muktamuurdhajaaH |
patantyo rejire.abhrebhyaH saudaaminya ivaambaraat || 5-54-26
25, 26. kaashchit= some; striyaH= women; krandantyaH= crying; stamamdhaya dharaaH= carrying their suckling’s; muktamuurdhajaaH= and having their hair dishevelled; petuh= felldown; sahasaa= quickly; harmebhyaH= from their houses; agniparitebhyaH= enveloped by fire; rejire= and shone; soudaaminyaH iva= like lightning’s; patantyaH= falling; abhrebhyaH= from clouds; ambaraat= from the sky.
Some women crying and carrying their suckling’s with their hair dishevelled, fell down from their houses, which were enveloped with fire, and shone like flashes of lightning falling from clouds in the sky.
vajra vidruma vaiduurya muktaa rajata samhitaan |
vicitraan bhavanaat dhaatuun syandamaanaan dadarsha saH || 5-54-27
27. saH= that Hanuma; dadarsha= saw; syandamaanaan= molten; dhaatuun= metals; vajra vidruma vaiduurya muktaa rajata samhitaan= mixed with diamonds, corals, cat's eye gems, pearls and silver; vichintraan bhavanaat= (surging) from every marvellous house.
That Hanuma saw molten metals mixed with diamonds, corals, cat's eye-gems, pearls and silver, surging from every marvellous house.
na agniH tR^ipyati kaaShThaanaam tR^iNaanaam ca yathaa tathaa |
hanuumaan raakShasa indraaNaam vadhe kimcin na tR^ipyati || 5-54-28
na hanuumadvishastaanaam raakSasaanaam vasundharaa |
28. yathaa= how; agniH= the fire; natR^ipyati= is not satisfied; kaaSThaanaam= with firewood; tR^iNaanaam= and dry blades of grass; tathaa= so also; hanumaan= Hanuma; natR^ipyati= was not satisfied; kimchit= even a little; vadhe= in killing; raakSasendraaNaam= of demons; vasundharaa= the earth; na= is not wearied; raakSasaanaam= with the demons; hanumadvishastaanaam= killed by Hanuma (receiving in her lap)
As the fire does not get satisfied with any amount of firewood and straw fed to it, Hanuma was not wearied in killing any number of demons. The earth was not then wearied in receiving the number of demons killed by Hanuma (in her lap).
kvachitkimshukasamkaashaaH kvachichchhaalmalisannibhaaH || 5-54-29
kvachitkuN^kumasamkaashaaH shikhaa vahneshchakaashire |
29. shikaaH= flames; vahneH= of fire; chakaashire= glittered; kimshukasamkaashaaH= like Kimshuka (Butea frondosa) flowers; kvachit= at some places; shaalmali sannibhaaH= like blossoms of Shalmali tree (Salmalia malabarica); kvachit= at some places; kuNkuma samkaashaaH= like flowers of saffron; kvachit= at some places.
Flames of fire glittered like Kimshuka flowers at some places, blossoms of Shalmali tree at some places and like saffron-flowers at some other places.
hanuumataa vegavataa vaanareNa mahaatmanaa |
laN^kaapuram pradagdham tadrudreNa tripuram yathaa || 5-54-30
30. tat= that; laN^kaapuram= city of Lanka; pradagdham= was scorched; mahaatmanaa hanuumataa= by the high-souled Hanuma; vegavataa vaanareNa= the swift monkey; tripuram yathaa= as Tripura city; (was scorched); rudreNa= by Rudra.
The high souled Hanuma, the swift monkey scorched the city of Lanka, as Rudra scorched the city of Tripura.
tatastu laN^kaapuraparvataagre |
smutthito bhiimaparaakramo.agniH |
prasaarya chuuDaavalayam pradiipto |
hanuumataa vegavataa visR^iSTaH || 5-54-31
31. tataH= then; agniH= the fire; bhiima paraakramah= having a terrific prowess; visR^iSTaH= diffused; vegavataa hunuumataa= by the swift Hanuma; prasaarya= having stretched out; chuuDaavalayam= a circle of flames; pradiiptaH= blazed; samutthitaH= and rose up; laN^kaapura parvataagre= to the summit of the mountain on which the city of Lanka was situated.
Then, the fire having a terrific prowess, diffused by the swift Hanuma, stretching out a circle of flames, blazed and rose up to the summit of the mountain on which the city of Lanka.
yugaantakaalaanalatulyavegaH |
samaaruto.agnirvavR^idhe divaspR^ik |
vidhuumarashmirbhavaneSu sakto |
rakSaH shariiraajyasamarpitaarchiH || 5-54-32
32. agniH= (that) fire; bhavaneSu= saktaH= diffused on those buildings; samaarutaH= together with the wind; yugaanta kaalaanala tulya vegaH= having a speed equal to the fire at the time of dissolution of the world; vavR^iddhe= grew taller; divispR^ik= touching the sky; (that fire was) vidhuuma rashmiH= having smokeless splendour; rakSaH shariiraajya samarpitaarchiH= with flames consigned to the bodies of demons like a ghee.
That fire diffused on those buildings, together with the wind picked up a speed equal to that of a fire at the time of dissolution of the world. It grew taller, touching the sky with a smokeless splendour. Those flames of fire shot up, as inflamed by ghee
aadityakoTiisadR^ishaH sutejaa |
laN^kaam samastaam parivaarya tiSThan |
shabdairanekairashanipraruuDai |
rbhindannivaaNDam prababhau mahaagniH || 5-54-33
33. mahaagniH= the great fire; parivaarya tiSThan= persisted; surrounding; samastaan laN^kaam= the entire Lanka; sutejaaH= with a good splendour; aaditya koTiisadR^ishaH= equal to that of a crore of suns; prababhau= blazed; aN^Dam bhindanniva= like a broken-up hemi-sphere of the world; shabdaiH= with sounds; anekaiH= in multitude; ashanipraruuDhaH= of a widely thunderbolt.
The great fire persisted, surrounding the entire Lanka, having a good splendour equal to that of millions of suns and blazed like a broken-up hemi-sphere of the world, creating many sounds of a wide-spread thunderbolt.
tatraambaraadagniratipravR^iddho |
ruukSaprabhaH kimshukapuSpachuuDAH |
nirvaaNadhuumaakularaajayashcha |
niilotpalaabhaaH prachakaashire.abhraaH || 5-54-34
34. tatra= there; ruukSaprabhaH= with a harsh splendour; agniH= the fire; atipravR^iddhaH= extended fully; ambaraat= to the sky; kimshukapuSpa chuuDa= having a crest like; kimshuka flowers; (shooting flomes) abravaaH= the clouds; niilotpalaabhaaH= bearing the colour of blue lotuses; prachakaashire= shone; nirvaaNa dhuuma kuularaajayaH= as covered by smoke formed out of extinguished fire.
The fire with a fierce splendour there, extended fully to the sky, shooting flames like Kumshuka flowers. The clouds, bearing the colour of blue lotuses, shone as covered by smoke formed out of the extinguished fire.
vajrii mahendrastridasheshvaro vaa |
saakSaadyamo vaa varuNo.anilo vaa |
rudrognirarko dhanadashcha somo |
na vaanaro.ayam svayameva kaalaH | 5-54-35
35. ayam= he; na= is not; vaanaraH= a monkey; (He is) mahendraH vaa= either Indra; vajraa= wielding a thunderbolt; saakSaat yamovaa= or Yama the lord of death appearing before the eyes; varuNaH= or Varuna the lord of water; anilovaa= or the wind-god; agniH= or the fire; rudraH= seated in the third eye of Lord Shiva; arkaH= or the sun-god; dhanadashcha= or Kubera the lord of riches; somah= or the moon-god; svayameva kaalaH= he may be Kala (the Time-spirit) himself.
"He is not a monkey. He is either Indra the Lord of celestials wielding a thunderbolt, or Yama the lord of death of water, or the wind-god or the fire seated in the third eye of Lord Shiva or the sun-god or Kubera the lord of riches or the moon-god. He may be Kala (the Time-spirit) himself."
kim brahmaNa sarvapitaamahasya |
sarvasya dhaatushchaturaananasya |
ihaagato vaanararuupadhaarii |
rakSopasamhaarakaraH prataapaH 5-54-36
36. kim= whether; chaturaananasya brahmaNaH prataapaH= the rage of four-faced Brahama; sarva pitaamahasya= the grand father of all; sarvasya dhaatuH= and the creator of all; upaayataH= has arrived; iha= here; vaanara ruupa dhaarii= in the guise of a monkey; rakSopasamhaarakaraH= playing the role of a destroyer of demons?.
"Whether the rage of four-faced Brahma, the grand father of all and the creator of all has arrived here in the guise of a monkey, playing the role of a destroyer of demons?"
kim vaiSNavam vaa kapiruupametya |
rakSovinaashaaya param sutejaH |
anantamavyaktamachintyamekam |
svamaayayaa saampratamaagatam vaa 5-54-37
37. kim vaa= or whether; param= a supreme; sutejaH= bright energy; vaiSNavam= of Vishnu; the lord of maintenance of the Universe; achintyam= unthinkable; avyaktam= unmanifest; anantam= infinite; edam= and peerless; aagatam= arrived; etya kapiruupam= assuming the form of a monkey; rakSovinaashaaya= for the destruction of demons; saampratam= now; svamaayayaa= by virtue of Her extra ordinary power?
"Or whether a supreme bright energy of Vishnu, the lord of maintenance of the Universe, unthinkable, unmanifest, infinite and pearless, arrived now, assuming the form of a monkey for the destruction of demons, by virtue of Her extraordinary power?"
ityevamuuchurbahavo vishiSTaa |
rakSogaNaastatra sametya sarve |
sapraaNisamghaaM sagR^ihaam savR^ikSaam |
dagdhaam puriim taam sahasaa samiikSya || 5-54-38
38. ityevam= thus; uuchuH= spoke; sarve= all; vishiSTaaH raakSogaNaaH= those excellent troops of demons; bahavaH= in multitude; sametya= gathering together; tatra= there; samiikSya= on seeing; taam puriim= the city; dagdhaam= burnt; sahasaa= so soon; sapraaNisamghaam= with its host of living beings; sagR^ihaam= along with houses; savR^ikSaam= as also trees.
Thus spoke all those excellent troops of demons in multitude, gathering together there, on seeing that city scorched so soon, with its host of living beings, houses and trees.
tatastu laN^kaa sahasaa pradagdhaa |
saraakSasaa saashvarathaa sanaagaa |
sapakSisamghaa samR^igaa savR^ikSaa |
ruroda diinaa tumulam sashabdam || 5-54-39
39. tataH= then; laN^kaa= Lanka; pradagdhaa= having been scorched; sahasaa= suddenly; saraakSasaa= with its demons; saashva rathaa= horses, chariots; sa naagaa= elephants; sapkSisamghaa= multitude of birds; samR^igaa= animals; savR^ikSaa= and trees; ruroda= cried; diinaa= pitiably; sashabdam tumulam= with tumultuous noise.
Then, Lanka having been scorched with its demons, horses, chariots, elephants, multitude of birds, animals and trees, cried pitiably with tumultuous noise.
haa taata haa putraka kaanta mitra |
haa jiivitam bhogayutam supuNyam |
rakSobhirevam bahudhaa bruvadbhiH |
shabdaH kR^ito ghoraravaH subhiimaH || 5-54-40
40. subhiimaH= a very terrific; shabdaH= noise; kR^itaH= was made; ghoraravaH= with a dreadful sound; bruvadbhiH= spoken; bahudhaa= in many ways; rakSobhiH= by demons; evam= thus; haa taata= O my dear father!; haa putraka= O my beloved son!; kaanta= O my beloved husband!; mitra= O my friend!; haa supuNyam jiivitam= O my very auspicious life; bhogayutam= filled with enjoyments.
Making a very terrific noise with a dreadful sound, the demons cried in various ways as follows: "O my dear beloved son! O my beloved husband! O my friend! O my very auspicious life, filled with enjoyments!"
hutaashanajvaalasamaavR^itaa saa |
hatapraviiraa parivR^ittayodhaa |
hanuumataH krodhabalaabhibhuutaa |
babhuuva shaapopahatea laN^kaa || 5-54-41
41. saa laNKaa= that Lanka; babhuuva= appeared; shaapopahateva= as afflicted by a curse; krodha balaabhibhuutaa= defeated by a strong fury; hanuumataH= of Hanuma; hutaashana jvaala samaavR^itaa= enveloped by flames of fire; hata praviiraa= with its distinguished heroes killed; parivR^ittayodhaan= with its warriors retreated.
That Lanka appeared as though afflicted by a curse, as defeated by a strong fury of Hanuma, enveloped by flames of fire, with its distinguished heroes killed and with its warriors in retreat.
sa sambhraamatrastaviSaNNaraakSasaaM |
samujjvalajjvaalahutaashanaaN^kitaam |
dadarsha laN^kaam hanumaan mahaamaanaaH |
svayambhuukopopahataamivaavanim || 5-54-42
42. hanumaan= Hanuma; mahaamanaaH= with his great mind; dadarsha= saw; laN^kaam= Lanka; sasambhramatrasta viSaNNa raakSasaam= with its confused, frigtened and dejected demons; samujjvala hutaashanaaN^kitaam= marked by blazing flames of fire; avanim iva= appearing like an earth; svayambhu kopahataam= afflicted by the fury of Brahama, the creator of the universe.
Hanuma, with his great mind, saw Lanka with its dazed, frightened and dejected demons, marked by blazing flames of fire and afflicted by the fury of Brahma the creator of the universe.
bhamktvaa vanam paadaparatnasamkulam |
hatvaa tu rakSaamsi mahaanti samyuge |
dagdhvaa puriim taam gR^iharatnamaaliniim |
tasthau hanuumaan pavanaatmajaH kapiH || 5-54-43
43. bhamktvaa= Breaking; vanam= the garden; paadaparatna samkulam= which was full of excellent trees; hanuumaan= Hanuma; pavanaatmajaH kapiH= the monkey and son of wind-god; hatvaa= (after) killing; mahaanti= great; rakSaamsi= demons; samyuge= in the battle; dagdhvaa= and scorching; taam purrim= that city; gR^iharatnamaaliniim= endowed with a series of excellent houses; tasthau= stood at ease.
After demolishing the garden which was full of excellent trees, killing great demons in battle and burning that city endowed with a series of excellent houses, Hanuma the monkey and the son of wind-god, stood at ease.
trikuuTashR^iN^gaagratale vichitre |
pratiSThito vaanararaajasimhaH |
pradiiptalaaN^guulakR^itaarchimaalii |
vyaraajataaditya ivaamshumaalii || 5-54-44
44. pratiSThitaH= standing; vichintre trikuuTa shR^ingaagratale= on the wonderful flat summit of Mount Trikuta; vaanara raaja simhaH= Hanuma, the foremost leader of the monkeys; pradiipta laaNguula kR^itaarchimaalii= having a garland of flames formed by his blazing tail; vyaraajata= shone; aadityaH iva= like the sun; amshumaalii= having a garland of rays.
Standing there on the wonderful flat summit of Mount Trikuta, Hanuma the foremost leader of the monkeys, having a garland of flames formed by his blazing tail, shone like the sun having a garland of rays.
sa raakSasaaMstaan subahuumshcha hatvaa |
vanam cha bhamktvaa bahuupaadapam tat |
visR^ijya rakSobhavaneSu chaagnim |
jagaama raamam manasaa mahaatmaa || 5-54-45
45. hatvaa= killing; taan subabhuun= those several; raakSasaan= demons; bhaktvaa= demolishing; tat vanamcha= that garden also; bahupaadapam= endowed with several trees; visR^ijya= and throwing; agnim= fire; rakSobhavaneSu= on the houses of demons; saH mahaatmaa= that high souled Hanuma; manasaa= mentally; jagaama= went; raamam= to Rama.
Killing those multitudes of demons, demolishing that garden endowed with several trees and scattering fire on the houses of demons, the high-souled Hanuma sought Rama with his mind.
tatastu tam vaanaviiramukhyam |
mahaabalam maarutatulyavegam |
mahaamatim vaayusutam variSTham |
pratuSTavurdevagaNaashcha sarve || 5-54-46
46. tataH= then; sarve= all; devagaNaaH= the multitude of celestials; pratuSTuvuH= enlogised; tam vaayusutam= that Hanuma; vaanara viira mukhyam= the principal; warrior of the monkeys; mahaabalam= possessing great strength; maarutatulya vegam= and swiftness equal to the wind; mahaamatim= greatly intelligent; variSTham= and the most excellent.
Then, all the multitude of celestials enlogised that Hanuma, the principal warrior of the monkeys, possessing great strength and swiftness similar to the wind, greatly intelligent and the most excellent.
bhamktvaa vanam mahaatejaa hatvaa rakSaamsi samyuge |
dagdhvaa laN^kaapuriim ramyaam raraaja sa mahaakapiH || 5-54-47
47. bhanktvaa= demolishing; vanam= the garden; hatvaa= killing; rakSaamsi= the demons; samyuge= in battle; mahaatejaaH= greatly splendoured; mahaakapiH= Hanuma; raraaja= shone; dagdhvaa= after burning; ramyaam= the beautiful; laN^kaapuriim= City of Lanka.
Demolishing the garden, killing the demons in battle, Hanuma of great splendour shone brightly, after burning the beautiful City of Lanka.
tatra devaaH sagandharvaaH siddhaashcha paramarSyaH |
dR^iSTvaa laN^kaam pradgdhaam taam vismayam paramam gataaH || 5-54-48
48. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; taam laNKaam purrim= that city of Lanka; dagdhaam= burnt; tatra= there; devaaH= celestials; siddhaashcha= saints; para marSayaH= and great sages; sagandharvaaH= along with celestial musicians; gataaH= got; paramam= a colossal vismayam= surprise.
Seeing that city of Lanka burnt there, celestials, saints and great sages along with celestial’s musicians, got a colossal surprise.
tam dR^iSTvaa vaanarashreSTham hanumantam mahaakapim |
kaalaagniriti samchintya sarvabhuutaani tatrasuH || 5-54-49
49. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; tam hanumantam= that Hanuma; vaanarashreSTham= the foremost among the monkeys; mahaakapim= and a great monkey; sarva bhuutaani= all the created beings; tatrasuH= were frightened; samchintya= thinking him; kaalaagni riti= to be a fire that is to destroy the world.
Seeing that Hanuma, the foremost among the monkeys and a mighty monkey, all the created beings were frightened, thinking of him as a fire that is to destroy the world.
devaashcha sarve munipuN^gavaashcha |
gandharvavidyaadharanaagayakSaaH |
bhuutaani sarvaaNi mahaanti tatra |
jagmuH paraam priitimatulyaruupaam || 5-54-50
50. tatra= there; sarve= all; devaashcha= the celestials; munipuN^gavaashcha= excellent sages; gandharva vidyaadhara naagayakSaaH= Gandharvas the celestials musicians; Vidyaadharas the supernatural beings, Nagas the celestial serpents and Yakshas the spirits; sarvaani= all; mahaanti bhuutaani= great living beings; jagmuH= got; paraam= a great; atulya ruupaam= peerless; priitim= delight.
There, all the celestial musicians, Vidyadharas the supernatural beings, Nagas the celestial serpents, Yakshas the spirits and all great living beings attained a great joy.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe chatuHpaJNchaashaH sargaH
Thus completes 54th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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