Chapter [Sarga] 44  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 44


Ravana sends Jambumali, son of Prahasta, to capture Hanuma. Jambumali attacks Hanuma with his numerous arrows. Hanuma hurls a big rock towards Jambumali, but it fails to kill him. Then, Hanuma throws a big sal tree towards Jambumali and the latter succumbs to it.

samdiShTo raakShasa indreNa prahastasya suto balii |
jambu maalii mahaadamShTro nirjagaama dhanuH dharaH || 5-44-1
rakta maalya ambara dharaH sragvii rucira kuNDalaH |
mahaan vivR^itta nayanaH caNDaH samara durjayaH || 5-44-2
dhanuH shakra dhanuH prakhyam mahat rucira saayakam |
visphaarayaaNo vegena vajra ashani sama svanam || 5-44-3
1, 2, 3. jambumaalii= Jambumali; mahaadamSTraH= the one with great tusks; dhanurdharaH= wielder a bow; raktamaalyaambaradharaH= the one who wears crimson garlands and clothes; sragvii= wearing a chaplet; ruchikuNDalaH= the one who wears charming ear-rings; mahaan= having a gigantic body; vivR^ttanayanaH= having round and open eyes; chaNTDaH= a demon causing diseases; balii= a strong demon; prahastasya sutaH= and the so of Prahasta; sandiSTaH= commanded; raakSasendreNa= by Ravana; nirjagaama= started; visphaaraaNaH= stretching; vegena= with rashness; mahat dhanuH= his big bow; shakradhanuH prakhyam= resembling a rain bow; ruchirasaayakam= with splendourous arrows; vajraashanisamaprabham= which brilliance was similar to that of lightning and produced a sound like that of a thunder.
Jambumali, the demon with great tusks, wielding a bow, donning crimson garlands and clothes, wearing beautiful chaplet and charming ear-rings, possessing a gigantic body, having round and open eyes, the demon causing diseases, unconquerable in battle, a strong demon and the son of Prahasta, commanded by Ravana, started stretching with rashness his big bow resembling a rain bow garnished splendorous arrows and which brilliance was similar to that of a lightening and produced a sound like that of a thunder.
tasya visphaara ghoSheNa dhanuSho mahataa dishaH |
pradishaH ca nabhaH caiva sahasaa samapuuryata || 5-44-4
4. mahataa visphaara ghoSeNa= the tumultuous sound out of the twanging; tasya dhanuSaH= of that bow; sahasaa= soon; samapuuryata= filled up; dishaH= the quarters; pradishashchaiva= the intermediate points; nabhashchaiva= and even the sky.
The tumultuous sound created out of the twanging of that bow, soon filled up the quarters, intermediate points and the sky.
rathena khara yuktena tam aagatam udiikShya saH |
hanuumaan vega sampanno jaharSha ca nanaada ca || 5-44-5
5. udiikSye= seeing; tam= him; aagatam= who arrived; rathena= by a chariot; kharayuktena= yoked with donkeys; saH hanumaan= that Hanuma; vega sampannaH= endowed with swiftness; jaharSa cha= was thrilled with joy; nanaadacha= and made a noise too.
Seeing him, arriving by a chariot yoked with donkeys, that Hanuma who was endowed with swiftness, was thrilled with joy and made a noise too.
tam toraNa viTankastham hanuumantam mahaakapim |
jambu maalii mahaabaahuH vivyaadha nishitaiH sharaiH || 5-44-6
6. mahaabaahuH= the long-armed; jambumaalii= Jambumali; vivyaadha= transfixed; nishitaiH= sharp; sharaiH= arrows; tam hanumantam= into that Hanuma; mahaakapim= the great monkey; toraNa viTaN^kastham= who was standing on the top of the archy door-way.
The long-armed Jambumali transfixed sharp arrows into that great monkey, Hanuma who was standing on the top of the archy door-way.
ardha candreNa vadane shirasi ekena karNinaa |
baahvoH vivyaadha naaraacaiH dashabhiH tam kapi iishvaram || 5-44-7
7. vivyaadha= (He) transfixed; tam kapiishvaram= that Hanuma; the leader of monkeys; vadane= in the face; ardha chandreNa= with an arrow with a crescent-shaped head; shirasi= on the head; ekena karNinaa= with an arrow with an ear-shaped top; baahvoH= and in the arms; dashabhiH= with ten; vaaraachaiH= arrows made fully of steel.
He transfixed Hanuma the leader of monkeys in the face with an arrow with a crescent-shaped head, on the head with an arrow having an ear-shaped top and in the arms with ten steel arrows.
tasya tat shushubhe taamram shareNa abhihatam mukham |
sharadi iva ambujam phullam viddham bhaaskara rashminaa || 5-44-8
8. tat= that; taamram= crimson; mukham= face; abhihatam= hit; shareNa= by an arrow; shushubhe= shone; phullam ambujamiva= like a full-blown lotus; viddham= penetrated; bhaaskara rashminaa= by the ray of the sun; sharadi= in autumn.
That crimson face of Hanuma, hit by an arrow, shone like a full-blown lotus touched by a sun's ray in autumn.
tattasya raktam raktena raJNjitam shushubhe mukham |
yathaakaashe mahaapadmaM siktaM chandanabindubhiH || 5-44-9
9. tat= that; mukham= face; tasya= of Hanuma; raktam= which was naturally crimson in colour; raN^jitam= smeared; raktena= with blood; shushubhe= beamed; mahaapadmamyathaa= like a large louts; aakaashe= in the sky; siktam= sprinkled; chandana bindubhiH= with drops of sandal.
That face of Hanuma, which was naturally crimson in colour, smeared with blood, beamed like a large lotus in the sky sprinkled with drops of sandal.
cukopa baaNa abhihato raakShasasya mahaakapiH |
tataH paarshve ativipulaam dadarsha mahatiim shilaam || 5-44-10
10. mahaakapiH= Hanuma; baaNaabhihataH= struck by the arrows; chukopa= was enraged; raakSasasya= of the demon; tataH= and then; dadarsha= saw; paarshve= by his side; ativipulaam shilaam= a big rock; mahatiim= of a very large measure.
Hanuma, struck by those arrows, was enraged with that demon and then saw by his side, a big rock of a very large measure.
tarasaa taam samutpaaTya cikShepa balavat balii |
taam sharaiH dashabhiH kruddhaH taaDayaamaasa raakShasaH || 5-44-11
11. samutpaaTya= uplifting; taam= that rock; tarasaa= with strength; balii= the strong Hanuma; chikSepa= hurled (it); balavat= with force; kruddhaH= the enraged; raakSasaH= demon; taaDayaamaasa= struck; taam= that rock; dashabhiH= with ten; sharaiH= arrows.
Uplifting that rock with strength, the athletic Hanuma hurled it with force. The enraged demon then struck back that rock with ten arrows.
vipannam karma tat dR^iShTvaa hanuumaan caNDa vikramaH |
saalam vipulam utpaaTya bhraamayaamaasa viiryavaan || 5-44-12
12. viiryavaan= the powerful; hanumaan= Hanuma; chaN^Da vikramah= having terrific prowess; dR^iSTvaa= in vain; utpaaTya= and having uprooted; vipulam= a very large; saalam= sal tree; bhraamayaamaasa= whirled it around.
Seeing that work in vain, the powerful Hanuma of terrific prowess, uprooted a very large sal tree and whirled it around.
bhraamayantam kapim dR^iShTvaa saala vR^ikSham mahaabalam |
cikShepa subahuun baaNaan jambu maalii mahaabalaH || 5-44-13
13. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; mahaabalam kapim= the mighty Hanuma; bhraamayantam= whirling around; saala vR^ikSam= the sal tree; mahaabalaH= the exceedingly strong; jambumaalii= Jambumali; chikSepa= discharged; subahuun= numerous baaNaan= arrows.
Seeing the mighty Hanuma, whirling around the sal tree, the exceedingly strong Jambumali discharged numerous arrows.
saalam caturbhiH cicCheda vaanaram pancabhiH bhuje |
urasi ekena baaNena dashabhiH tu stana antare || 5-44-14
14. chichheda= (He) splitted; saalam= sal tree; chaturbhiH= with four arrows; vaanaram bhuje= the arms of Hanuma; paN^chabhiH= with five arrows; urasi= in the chest; ekena baaNena= with one arrow; stanaantare= in the space between the breasts; dashabhiH= with ten arrows.
He splitted sal tree with four arrows and struck the arms of Hanuma with five arrows, in the chest with one arrow and in the space between the breast wit ten arrows.
sa sharaiH puurita tanuH krodhena mahataa vR^itaH |
tam eva parigham gR^ihya bhraamayaamaasa vegitaH || 5-44-15
15. saH= Hanuma; sharaiH puurita tanuH= with his body full of arrows; mahataa krodhena= was highly enraged; gR^ihya= and taking; tam parighameva= the same iron rod; vR^itaH vegitaH= and clasping it swiftly; bhraamayaamaasa= whirled it around.
Hanuma, with his body full of arrows, was highly enraged and taking the same iron rod as well as clasping it swiftly, whirled it around.
ativego ativegena bhraamayitvaa bala utkaTaH |
parigham paatayaamaasa jambu maaleH mahaaurasi || 5-44-16
16. bhraamayitvaa= spinning; parigham= the iron rod; ativegena= with a great speed; balatkaTaH= Hanuma, richly endowed with strength; ativegaH= and highly agitated; paatayaamaasa= threw (it); mahorasi= on the broad chest; jambumaalaH= of Jamubumali.
Spinning the iron rod with a great speed, Hanuma, richly endowed with strength and highly agitated, threw it on the broad chest of Jamubumali.
tasya caiva shiro na asti na baahuu na ca jaanunii |
na dhanuH na ratho na ashvaaH tatra adR^ishyanta na iShavaH || 5-44-17
17. tasya= that Jambumali's; shiraH chaiva= head; naasti= was not; tatra= there; na= now; jaanunii= his knees; na= nor; dhanuH= his bow; na= nor; rathaH= his chariot; naa dR^ishyanta= ashvaaH= nor his horses were seen; na= nor iSavaH= his arrows.
That Jambumali's head was not there, nor his arms, nor his knees, nor his bow, nor his chariot and nor his horses were seen nor his arrows.
sa hataH tarasaa tena jambu maalii mahaarathaH |
papaata nihato bhuumau cuurNita anga vibhuuShaNaH || 5-44-18
18. hataH= (Thus) struck; tena= by Hanuma; mahaabalaH= the mighty; jambumaalii= Jambumali; chuurNitaan^ga vibhuuSaNaH= with his limbs and ornaments crushed to powder; sahasaa= was instantly; nihataH= killed; papaata= and fell; bhuumau= on the ground.
Thus struck by Hanuma, the mighty Jambumali, with his limbs and ornaments crushed to powder, was instantly killed and fell dead on the ground.
jambu maalim ca nihatam kimkaraan ca mahaabalaan |
cukrodha raavaNaH shrutvaa kopa samrakta locanaH || 5-44-19
19. shrutvaa= hearing; jambumaalimcha= Jambumali; nihatam= having been killed; mahaabalaan kimkaraanshcha= as also the might kimbaras; raavaNaH= Ravana; chukrodha= was angry; kopa samrakta lochanah= with his red enraged eyes.
Hearing Jambumali having been killed, as also the mighty Kimkaras, Ravana was angry with his red enraged eyes.
sa roSha samvartita taamra locanaH |
prahasta putre nihate mahaabale |
amaatya putraan ativiirya vikramaan |
samaadidesha aashu nishaa cara iishvaraH || 5-44-20
20. mahaabale= (Since) the mighty; prahastaputre= son of Prahasta; nihate= was killed; saH nishaachareshvaraH= that Ravana; roSasamvartita taamra lochanaH= rolling his red eyes with rage; aashu= immediately; samaadidesha= ordered; amaatya putraan= the sons of ministers; ativiirya vikramaan= having too much of strength and prowess; (to go to the battle).
Since the mighty son of Prahasta was killed, that Ravana rolling his red eyes with rage, immediately ordered the sons of ministers possessing high strength and prowess, to go to the battle.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe chatushchatvaariMshaH sargaH
Thus completes 44th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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