Chapter [Sarga] 34  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 34


Hearing the words of the grief-stricken Seetha, Hanuma reveals himself to be a messenger of Rama and repeats the enquiries made by Rama, Lakshmana and Sugreeva. Seetha, however, suspects Hanuma to be Ravana in disguise and chides him when Hanuma approaches nearer to her. Seetha then asks Hanuma to describe the good qualities of Rama. Hanuma on his part discloses to her his actuality as a minister of Sugreeva and tells the important qualities of Rama. He requests her to have faith in his words.

tasyaaH tat vacanam shrutvaa hanuumaan hari yuuthapaH |
duhkhaat duhkha abhibhuutaayaaH saantam uttaram abraviit || 5-34-1
1. shrutvaa= hearing; tat= that; vachanam= speech; tasyaaH= of that Seetha; duHkhaat duHkhaabhibhuutayaaH= who was overthrown from one grief to another; hanumaan= Hanumaan; haripuN^gavaH= the best of monkeys; abraviit= spoke; saantvam= in a kindly and affectionate; uttaram= reply.
Hearing those words of Seetha who was overthrown from one grief to another, Hanuma the best of monkeys gave the following reply in a kindly and affectionate manner.
aham raamasya samdeshaat devi duutaH tava aagataH |
vaidehi kushalii raamaH tvaam ca kaushalam abraviit || 5-34-2
2. devii= O princess; vaidehi= Seetha, the daughter of the king of Videha Kingdom!; aham= I; aagataH= have come; tava duutaH= as your messenger; raamasya sandeshaat= on the direction of Rama; kusalii= the virtuous; raamaH= Rama; abraviit= enquired; tvaamcha kushalam= about your welfare too.
"O Seetha the daughter of the king of Videha Kingdom! I have come here as your messenger on Rama's directions. The virtuous Rama enquired about your welfare too."
yo braahmam astram vedaan ca veda vedavidaam varaH |
sa tvaam daasharathii raamo devi kaushalam abraviit || 5-34-3
3. devii= O divine lady! saH= such; raamaH= Rama; daasharathiH= the son of Dasaratha; yaH= who; varaH= is excellent; veda vidaam= among the knower of Veda; veda= and who knows; brahmam astram= Brahma's missile (a mythical weapon which deals infallible destruction); vedaamshcha= and Vedas the sacred knowledge; abraviit= enquired; tvaam= you; kaushalam= about your welfare.
"O Divine Lady! Rama the son of Dasaratha, who is excellent among the knowers of Veda and who knows Brahma's missile (a mythical weapon which deals infallible destruction) and Vedas the sacred knowledge, enquired about your welfare."
lakShmaNaH ca mahaatejaa bhartuH te anucaraH priyaH |
kR^itavaan shoka samtaptaH shirasaa te abhivaadanam || 5-34-4
4. lakSmaNashcha= also Lakshmana; mahaatejaaH= having a great splendour; priyaH= the favourite brother; anucharaH= and the follower; te bhartuH= of your husband; shoka santaptaH= tormented with grief; kR^itavaan= performed; te abhivaadanam= salutation to you; shirasaa= with his head.
"Also the greatly splendourous Lakshmana, the favourite brother and the follower of your husband, himself tormented with grief, performed salutation to you by bowing his head."
saa tayoH kushalam devii nishamya nara simhayoH |
priiti samhR^iShTa sarva angii hanuumaantam atha abraviit || 5-34-5
5. nishamya= hearing; tayoH= that; kushalam= (news of) welfare; narasimhayoH= of Rama and Lakshmana the excellent among men; saa devii= that divine lady, Seetha; priiti samhR^iSTa sarvaaNgii= with all her limbs thrilled with joy; atha= then; abraviit= spoke; hanumantam= to Hanuma (as follows).
Hearing that news of welfare of Rama and Lakshmana the excellent of men, the divine lady, with all her limbs thrilled with joy, spoke to Hanuma (as follows):
kalyaaNii bata gathaa iyam laukikii pratibhaati me |
ehi jiivantam aanado naram varSha shataat api || 5-34-6
6. aanandaH= joy; eti= rushes; jiivantam- to surviving; naram= man; varSashataadapi= even though (it be) at the end of a hundred years; iyam= this; laukikiir= wordly; gaathaa= adage; pratibhaati= appears; kalyaaNi= auspicious; maa= to me.
" 'Joy rushes to surviving man even though (it be) as the end of a hundred years' - this popular adage appears true and and auspicious for me."
tayoH samaagame tasmin priitiH utpaaditaa adbhutaa |
paraspareNa ca aalaapam vishvastau tau pracakratuH || 5-34-7
7. tasmin= In that Hanuma; samaagate= who approached (her); adbhutaa= a wonderful; priitiH= friendly disposition; utpaaditaa= was brought forth; tayaa= by her; tau= the two of them; vishvastau= with full of confidence; chakratuH= made; aalaapamcha= conversation; paraspareNa= with each other.
Seetha showed wonderful friendly disposition towards Hanuma who approached her. Both of them also conversed with each other in full confidence.
tasyaaH tat vacanam shrutvaa hanuumaan hari yuuthapaH |
siitaayaaH shoka diinaayaaH samiipam upacakrame || 5-34-8
8. shrutvaa= hearing; tat= that; vachanam= reply; tasyaaH= of that; siitaayaaH= Seetha; shoka diinayaaH= who was afflicted with; hanumaan= Hanuma; hari yuuthapaH= the army-chief of monkeys; upachakrame= endeavoured to draw; samiipam= nearer (to her).
Hearing that reply of Seetha who was afflicted with grief, Hanuma the army-chief of monkeys endeavoured to draw nearer to her.
yathaa yathaa samiipam sa hanuumaan upasarpati |
tathaa tathaa raavaNam saa tam siitaa parishankate || 5-34-9
9. yathaa yathaa= in as much as; saH hanumaan= that Hanuma; upasarpati= drew; samiipam= nearer to her; tathaa tathaa= in so much way; saa siitaa= that Seetha; parishaN^kate= suspected; tam= him; raavaNam= as Ravana.
In as much as that Hanuma drew nearer to her, in the same way, that Seetha suspected him as Ravana.
aho dhig dhig kR^itam idam kathitam hi yat asya me |
ruupa antaram upaagamya sa eva ayam hi raavaNaH || 5-34-10
10. aho dhik= O shame!; me duSkR^itam= It was my guilt; kathitam= to tell; asya= him; idam= (all) this; ayam= he; saH raavaNaH hi= is indeed that Ravana; upaagamya= who obtained; ruupaantaram= another guise.
"O shame! It was my guilt to tell him all this to him. He is indeed that Ravana, who obtained another guise."
taam ashokasya shaakhaam saa vimuktvaa shoka karshitaa |
tasyaam eva anavadya angii dharaNyaam samupaavishat || 5-34-11
11. saa= that Seetha; anavadyaaN^gii= having faultless limbs; vimuktyaa= leaving; taam= that; shaakhaam= branch; ashokasya= of Ashoka tree; shoka karshitaa= and emaciated with grief; samupaavishat= sat down; tasyaam dharaNyaameva= on that floor itself.
That Seetha, having faultless limbs, leaving that branch of Ashoka tree and as emaciated with grief, sat down on that ground itself.
hanumaanapi duHkhaartaaM taaM dR^iSTvaa bhayamohitaam |
avandata mahaabaahuH tataH taam janaka aatmajaam || 5-34-12
saa ca enam bhaya vitrastaa bhuuyo na eva abhyudaikShata |
12. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; taam= her; duHkhaartam= afflicted with grief; bhaya mohitam= and deluded with fear; hanumaanapi= also Hanuma; mahaabaahuH= the grea armed; tataH= then; avandata= saluted; taam janakaatmajam= that Seetha; saa cha= she too; bhaya vitrastaa= trembling with fear; naa abhyudaikSata= did not look towards; enam= him; bhuuyaH= again.
Seeing Seetha afflicted with grief and deluded with fear, the great armed Hanuma also then simply saluted her. She too, trembling with fear, did not look towards him again.
tam dR^iShTvaa vandamaanam tu siitaa shashi nibha aananaa || 5-34-13
abraviit diirgham ucChvasya vaanaram madhura svaraa |
13. siitaa= Seetha; shashinibhaananaa= with her countenance resmbling the moon; dR^iSTvaa= seeing; tam= him; vandamaanam= saluting her; uchchhvasya= sighed; diirgham= deeply; abraviit= and spoke; vaanaram= to Hanuma; madhura svaraa= in a sweet-sounding voice (as follows):
Seetha, with her countenance resembling the moon, seeing Hanuma saluting her, had a deep sigh and spoke to Hanuma in a sweet-sounding voice (as follows)
maayaam praviShTo maayaavii yadi tvam raavaNaH svayam || 5-34-14
utpaadayasi me bhuuyaH samtaapam tan na shobhanam |
14. tvam raavaNaH yadi= If you are Ravana; praviSTaH= who made use of; maayaam= an illusive guise; svayam= and yourself; maayaavii= a conjurer; utpaadayasi= you are causing; bhuuyaH= a further; samtaapam= agony; me= to me; tat= that; na shobhanam= is not good.
"If you are Ravana, who made use of an illusive guise and yourself a conjurer, you are causing me a further agony. It is no good."
svam parityajya ruupam yaH parivraajaka ruupadhR^it || 5-34-15
jana sthaane mayaa dR^iShTaH tvam sa eva asi raavaNaH |
15. yaH raavaNaH= which Ravana; parityajya= leaving; svam= ruupam= his real form; dR^iSTaH= was seen; mayaa= by me; parivraajakaruupavaan= in the guise of a vagrant religious mendicant; janasthaane= in Janasthana; sa eva= that Ravana indeed; tvam asi= you are.
'You are indeed the same Ravana, who, abandoning your real form, appeared to me in the guise of a vagrant religious mendicant in Janasthana."
upavaasa kR^ishaam diinaam kaama ruupa nishaa cara || 5-34-16
samtaapayasi maam bhuuyaH samtaapam tan na shobhanam |
16. nishaachara= O demon; kaamaruupa= who can assume any form at will!; tat= It; shobhanam na= is not good; santaapayasi samtaapam= that you are causing any; bhuuyaH= again; maam= to me; upavaasakR^ishaam= who is emaciated by fasting; diinaam= and very miserable.
"O demon who can assume any form at your will! It is no good that again you are causing agony to me, emaciated because of fasting and feeling very miserable."
athavaa naitadevaM hi yanmayaa parishaN^kitam || 5-34-17
manaso hi mama priitirutpannaa tava darshanaat |
17. athavaa= otherwise; yat= whatever; parishaN^kitam= is suspected; mayaa= by me; etat= that; na hi= is not indeed; evam= so; mama manasaH= in my mind; priitiH= a pleasurable sensation; utpannaa hi= occurred indeed; tava darshanaat= by reason of your audience.
"Otherwise, whatever is suspected by me is not indeed true because in my mind, a pleasurable sensation indeed occurred by reason of your audience."
yadi raamasya duutaH tvam aagato bhadram astu te || 5-34-18
pR^icChaami tvaam hari shreShTha priyaa raama kathaa hi me |
18. tvam aagataH yadi= if you have come; raamasya duutaH= as Rama's messenger; astu te= may you be; bhadram= blessed; harishreSTha= O, the best of monkeys!; me= to me; raama kathaa= Rama's anecdote; piyaa hi= is indeed pleasurable; pR^ichchhaami= (hence) I am asking; tvaam= you (to narrate it).
"If you have come as Rama's messenger, may you be blessed! O the best of monkeys! Rama's anecdote is very pleasurable for me. Hence, I am requesting you to narrate it."
guNaan raamasya kathaya priyasya mama vaanara || 5-34-19
cittam harasi me saumya nadii kuulam yathaa rayaH |
19. vaanara= O monkeys!; kathaya= Narrate; guNaan= the qualities; priiyasya raamasya= of my beloved Rama; saumya= O gentle one!; harasi= you are eroding; me chittam= my mind; rayaH yathaa= as a rapid course of steram nadii kuulam= (erodes) a river-bank.
"O monkey! Narrate the qualities of my beloved Rama. O gentle one! You are eroding my mind as a rapid course of stream erodes a river bank."
aho svapnasya sukhataa yaa aham evam cira aahR^itaa || 5-34-20
preShitam naama pashyaami raaghaveNa vana okasam |
20. yaa ham= I, who; chiraahR^itaa= was taken away long ago; pashyaami= is seeing; vanaukasam= a monkey; preSitam naam= sent; raaghavaNa= by Rama; evam= in this way; aho= Alas!; sukhataa= how delightful; sapnasya= of this dream!.
"I, who was taken away long ago, is seeing a monkey sent by Rama in this way. Alas! How delightful this dream is!'
svapne.api yadyaham viiraM raaghavam sahalakSmaNam || 5-34-21
pashyeyam naavasiideyam svapno.api mama matsarii |
21. aham pashyeyam yadi= If I have seen; raaghavam= Rama; viiram= the eminent man; saha lakSmaNam= along with Lakshmana; na avasiideyam= I would not have disheartened; mama= in my case; svapno.api= even the dream; matsarii= is wicked.
"If I have seen the eminent Rama together with Lakshmana, I would not have disheartened. In my case, even my dream is wicked!"
na aham svapnam imam manye svapne dR^iShTvaa hi vaanaram || 5-34-22
na shakyo abhyudayaH praaptum praaptaH ca abhyudayo mama |
22. aham= I; na manye= do not deem; imam= it; svapnam= as a dream; dR^iSTvaa= seeing; vaanaram= a monkey; svapne= in a dream; na shakyaH= is not fit; praaptum= to get; abhyudayam= prosperity; abhyudayaH= (But) prosperity; praaptashcha= has come; mama= to me.
"I do not deem it as a dream. Seeing a monkey in a dream does not bring about prosperity But prosperity has come to me!"
kim nu syaac citta moho ayam bhavet vaata gatiH tu iyam || 5-34-23
unmaadajo vikaaro vaa syaat iyam mR^iga tR^iShNikaa |
23. syaat kim nu= how possibly; ayam= is it; chitta mohaH= a delusion of my mind? iyan bhavet= is it the impending; vaatagatiH= course of a flatulence? vikaarovaa= or change of mental condition; unmaadaja= born out of madness?; syaatiyam= is it a looming; mR^igatR^iSNikaa= mirage?
"How possibly is it a delusion of my mind? Is it an impending course of flatulence or changing mental condition of madness? Is it a looming mirage?"
athavaa na ayam unmaado moho api unmaada lakShmaNaH || 5-34-24
sambudhye ca aham aatmaanam imam ca api vana okasam |
24. athavaa= Otherwise; ayam= It; na unmaadaH= is neither a madness; moho.api= nor even a delusion; unmaada lakSaNaH= which is a symptom of madness; aham= I; sambudhye= am knowing; aatmaanam= about myself; imam vanonkasam= and this monkey.
"Otherwise, it is neither madness nor even a delusion, which is a symptom of madness. Because I am knowing about myself as also about this monkey."
iti evam bahudhaa siitaa sampradhaarya bala abalam || 5-34-25
rakShasaam kaama ruupatvaan mene tam raakShasa adhipam |
25. ityevam= thus; sampradhaarya= deliberating upon; balaabalam= the strengths and weaknesses; bahudhaa= in several ways; siita=Seetha; mane= thought; tam= him; raakSasaadhipam= as Ravana; kaamaruupatvaat= as they can change their forms at will.
Thus deliberating upon the strengths and weaknesses in several ways, Seetha finally imagined him to be Ravana, as demons can change their forms at will.
etaam buddhim tadaa kR^itvaa siitaa saa tanu madhyamaa || 5-34-26
na prativyaajahaara atha vaanaram janaka aatmajaa |
26. tadaa= then; saa= that; tanumadhyamaa= slender waisted; siitaa= Seetha; janakaatmajaa= the daughter of Janaka; etaam buddhim kR^itvaa= thus having made up her mind; na prativyaajahaara= did not reply in return; vaanaram= to Hanuma; atha= thereafter.
Then, that slender waisted Seetha, the daughter of Janaka, thus having made up her mind, did not reply in return anything further to Hanuman.
siitaayaaH cintitam buddhvaa hanuumaan maaruta aatmajaH || 5-34-27
shrotra anukuulaiH vacanaiH tadaa taam sampraharShayat |
27. buddhvaa= understanding; chintitam= the contemplation; siitaayaaH= of Seetha; hanumaan= Hanuma; maarutaatmajaH= the son of wind-god; tadaa= then; sampraharSayat= brought about a great joy; taam= in her; vachanaiH= with his words; shrotraanukuulaiH= favourable to her ears.
Understanding the contemplation of Seetha, Hanuma the son of wind-god then brought about a great joy in her with his words most favourable to her ears (as follows):
aaditya iva tejasvii loka kaantaH shashii yathaa || 5-34-28
raajaa sarvasya lokasya devo vaishravaNo yathaa |
vikrameNa upapannaH ca yathaa viShNuH mahaayashaaH || 5-34-29
28, 29. tejasvii= (Rama) has a great splendour; aaditya iva= like that of the sun; loka kaantaH= pleasing to all; shasiiyathaa= like the moon; raajaa= lord; sarvasya= to the entire; lokasya= world; devo vaishravaNo yathaa= like Kubera the lord of wealth; mahaayashaaH= greatly renowned; viSNuH yathaa= like Vishnu; upapannashcha= and endowed with; vikrameNa= valour.
"Rama has a great splendour like that of the sun. He is pleasing to all like the moon. As Kubera the Lord of wealth, he is a lord to the entire world. Like Vishnu, he is greatly renowned and endowed with valour."
satya vaadii madhura vaag devo vaacaspatiH yathaa |
ruupavaan subhagaH shriimaan kandarpa iva muurtimaan || 5-34-30
30. satyavaadii= (Rama) is a speaker of truth; devaH vaachaspatiryathaa= like lord Brihaspati; madhuravaak= he has a sweet voice; ruupavaan= a handsome man; subhagaH= possessing good fortune; shriimaan= and royal dignity; kandaraH iva= He is like Manmadha, the Lord of love; muurtimaan= personified himself.
"Rama is a speaker of truth. Like Lord Brihaspati, he has a sweet voice. He is a handsome man, possessing good fortune and a royal dignity. He is a personified Manmadha, the lord of love."
sthaana krodha prahartaa ca shreShTho loke mahaarathaH |
baahuc chaayaam avaShTabdho yasya loko mahaatmanaH || 5-34-31
31. sthaana krodhaH= (Rama) gets anger at the right time; prahartaacha= He strikes a befitting person; shreSThaH= he is an excellent; mahaarathaH= chariot-warrior; yasya= in which; baahu chchhaayaam= shelter of arms; mahaatmanaH= of the high-souled man; lokaH= the world; avasTabdhaH= is resting on.
"Rama gets anger only at right time. He strikes a befitting person at a right time. He is an excellent chariot-warrior. The world is resting under the shelter of arms of this high souled man."
apakR^ishShya aashrama padaan mR^iga ruupeNa raaghavam |
shuunye yena apaniitaa asi tasya drakShyasi yat phalam || 5-34-32
32. yena= by which Ravana; mR^igaruupeNa= by means of an illusory antelope; raaghavam= Rama; apakR^iSya= was taken far away; apraniitaa asi= you were stolen; shuunye aashram padaat= from a deserted hermitage; yat= which; phalam= consequence; tasya= to such Ravana; drakSyasi= you will see (later).
"Showing an illusory antelope, Ravana detracted Rama and took you away from a deserted hermitage. You will see later, the consequence Ravana will get for this act."
naciraat raavaNam samkhye yo vadhiShyati viiryavaan |
roSha pramuktaiH iShubhiH jvaladbhiH iva paavakaiH || 5-34-33
tena aham preShito duutaH tvat sakaasham iha aagataH |
tvat viyogena duhkha aartaH sa tvaam kaushalam abraviit || 5-34-34
33, 34. yaH viiryavaan= which valiant Rama; achiraat= soon; vadhiSyati= is going to kill; raavaNam= Ravana; samkhye= in battle; iSubhiH= with arrows; jvaladbhiH= strongly shining; paavakaiH iva= like sparkles; roSa pramuktaiH= released with anger; tena= by the same Rama; preSitaH= I was sent; iha= here; duutaH= as a messenger; aagataH= and I came; tvatsakaasham= to your presence; saH= that Rama; duHkhaartaH= pained with grief; tvadviyogena= by your separation; abraviit= enquired; tvaam kaushalam= about your welfare.
"Which valiant Rama with arrows strongly shining like sparkles released with anger, by the same Rama I was sent here as a messenger and I arrived at your presence. That Rama, agonised by your separation wishes to enquire of your welfare."
lakShmaNaH ca mahaatejaaH sumitra aananda vardhanaH |
abhivaadya mahaabaahuH so api kaushalam abraviit || 5-34-35
35. saH lakSmaNashcha= that Lakshmana too; mahaa tejaaH= having a great splendour; sumitraa nanda vardhanaH= who augments the happiness of Sumitra his mother; mahaa baahuH= and having long arms; abhivaadya= saluted; tvaam= you; abraviit= and enquired; kaushalam= about your welfare.
"That long-armed Lakshmana too, having a great splendour and who augments the happiness of Sumitra his mother, saluted you and enquired about your welfare."
raamasya ca sakhaa devi sugriivo naama vaanaraH |
raajaa vaanara mukhyaanaam sa tvaam kaushalam abraviit || 5-34-36
36. devii= O Princess! saH vaanaraH= that monkey; sugriivonaama= named Sugreeva; sakhaa= a companion; raamasya= of Rama; raajaa= and the king; vaanara mukhyaanaam= of the excellent monkeys; abraviit= asked; tvaam kaushalam= about your welfare.
"O princess! That monkey called Sugreeva, a companion of Rama and the king of the excellent monkeys, asked about your welfare."
nityam smarati raamaH tvaam sasugriivaH salakShmaNaH |
diShTyaa jiivasi vaidehi raakShasii vasham aagataa || 5-34-37
37. raamaH= Rama; sa sugriivaH= together with Sugreeva; sa lakSmaNaH= along with Lakshmana; nityam= is always; smarati= recollecting; tvaam= you; vaidehi= O Seetha!; aagataa= (eventhough) coming into; raakSasiivasham= the power of female-demons; jiivasi= you are surviving; diSTyaa= by your good luck.
"Rama, together with Sugreeva and Lakshmana, is always recollecting you. O Seetha! Eventhough coming into the control female-demons, you are somehow surviving by your good luck!"
naciraat drakShyase raamam lakShmaNam ca mahaaratham |
madhye vaanara koTiinaam sugriivam ca amita ojasam || 5-34-38
38. na chiraat= within a few days; drakSyase= you will see; raamam= Rama; mahaabalam= the mighty; lakSmaNam= lakshmana; amitaujasam= and the highly splendorous; sugriivam cha= Sugreeva; madhye= in the presence of; vaanarakoTiinaam= crores of monkeys.
"Within a few days, you will see Rama, the mighty Lakshmana and the highly splendorous Sugreeva, in the presence of crores of monkeys."
aham sugriiva sacivo hanuumaan naama vaanaraH |
praviShTo nagariim lankaam langhayitvaa mahaaudadhim || 5-34-39
39. aham= I; vaanaraH= am a monkey; sugriiva sachivaH= the minister of Sugreeva; humaan naamaH= named Hanuma; praviSTaH= I entered; laN^kaam nagariim= the City of Lanka; laN^ghayitva= by traversing; mahodadhim= the great ocean.
"I am a monkey, the minister of Sugreeva, called Hanuma. I entered the city of Lanka, by traversing the great ocean."
kR^itvaa muurdhni pada nyaasam raavaNasya duraatmanaH |
tvaam draShTum upayaato aham samaashritya paraakramam || 5-34-40
40. samaashritya= asserting; paraakramam= my strength; kR^itvaa padnyaasam= and putting down my feet; muurdhni= on the head; duraatmanaH raavaNaH= of the evil-minded Ravana; aham= I; upayaataH= have come; draSTum= to see; tvaam= you.
"Asserting my strength and putting down my feet on the head of the evil minded Ravana, I have come to see you."
na aham asmi tathaa devi yathaa maam avagacChasi |
vishankaa tyajyataam eShaa shraddhatsva vadato mama || 5-34-41
41. devi= O princess!; yathaa= As; avagachchhasi= you comprehend; maam= about me; aham= I; na asmi= am not; tathaa= so; tyajyataam eSaa vishaNkaa= let this suspicion be given up; shraddhatsva= believe; mama= me; vadataH= who is saying.
"O Princess! I am not so, as you comprehend me (as Ravana). Let your suspicion be given up. Believe me as I say it."

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe chatustrimshaH sargaH
Thus completes 34th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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