Chapter [Sarga] 41  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 41


Hanuma thinks within himself that he should implement the fourth strategy for success, viz. open assault with the demons, so as to meet Ravana and his ministers for knowing their designs and strengths. Accordingly, he makes up his mind to damage the royal pleasure-garden attached to the gynaecium at Lanka and then proceeds to do that task.

sa ca vaagbhiH prashastaabhiH gamiShyan puujitaH tayaa |
tasmaat deshaat apakramya cintayaamaasa vaanaraH || 5-41-1
1. tayaa= by that Seetha; saH vaanaraH= that Hanuma; gamiSyan= who was ready to go; puujitaH= was treated well; prashastaabhiH vaagbhiH= with commendable words; tasmaat= from that; deshaat= place; apakramya= (Hanuma) having gone to a distance; chintayaamaasa= thought (in this way):
Seetha honoured Hanuma, who was ready to go, with good words. Hanuma, having gone to a distance from that place, thought within himself (as follows):
alpa sheSham idam kaaryam dR^iShTaa iyam asita iikShaNaa |
triin upaayaan atikramya caturtha iha dR^ishyate || 5-41-2
2. iyam= this; asitekSaNaa= black-eyed Seetha; dR^iSTaa= has been seen; idam kaaryam alpa sheSam= there is only a little that remains to be done; atikramya= transgressing; triin= the three; upaayaan= strategies viz. sowing dissension; negotiation and bribery; chaturthaH= the fourth strategy viz. open assault; dR^ishyate= is seen; iha= here.
"I have seen this black-eyed Seetha. There is only a little that remains to be done by me. Abandoning the three strategies for success viz. sowing dissension, negotiation and bribery, I have to implement here the fourth strategy viz. open assault."
na saama rakShahsu guNaaya kalpate |
na danam artha upaciteShu vartate |
na bheda saadhyaa bala darpitaa janaaH |
paraakramaH tu eSha mama iha rocate || 5-41-3
3. rakSassu= in the case of demons; saama guNaaya= the strategy of negotiation; na kalpate= is not practicable; arthopachiteSu= in the case of persons having abundant wealth; daanam= the strategy of bribery; na yujyate= is not appropriate; bala darpitaa= who are proud of their strength; na bheda saadhyaaH= the strategy of sowing dissension is not amenable. mama= to me; iha= here; paraakramastvaiva= prowess alone; rochate= is agreeable.
"In the case of demons, the strategy of negotiation is not practicable. For those persons having abundant wealth, the strategy of bribery is not suitable. For persons who are proud of their strength, the strategy of sowing dissension is not amenable. Prowess alone is agreeable for me here."
na ca asya kaaryasya paraakramaat R^ite |
vinishcayaH kashcit iha upapadyate |
hR^ita praviiraaH tu raNe hi raakShasaaH |
kathamcit iiyuH yat iha adya maardavam || 5-41-4
4. na vinishchayaH= no decision; kashchit= whatsoever; upapadyate= is adequate; asya kaaryasya paraakramaat R^ite= except showing valour; asya kaaryasya= in this task yat= for; raakSasaaH= the demons; hata praviiraaH= being heroes killed; raNe= in combat; iiyuH= may obtain; maardvam= weakness; adya= now; iha= and here; katham chit= somehow or other.
"Except showing of valour, no strategy in accomplishing this task is adequate in these circumstances, for the demons can adopt a weak attitude in the ensuring combat, if their foremost heroes are somehow killed here and now."
kaarye karmaNi nirdiShTaH yo bahuuni api saadhayet |
puurva kaarya virodhena sa kaaryam kartum arhati || 5-41-5
5. karmaNi= (when) a work; nirdiSTe= is directed; kaarye= to be done; yaH= who; saadhayet= implements; bahuunyapi= many tasks; puurva kaaryaa virodhena= which are not inconsistent to the initial task; saH= he; arhati= is worthy; kaaryam= of doing that work.
"He alone can accomplish his purpose, who implements many (secondary) tasks even after the initial task has been carried through, without impairing the previous achievement."
na hi ekaH saadhako hetuH svalpasya api iha karmaNaH |
yo hi artham bahudhaa veda sa samartho artha saadhane || 5-41-6
6. na hi ekaH= there is indeed no single; hetuH= manner; saadhakaH= to implememtn; svalpasya api karmaNaH= even a small task; yaH= whoever; veda= knows; artham= (to do) a task; bahudhaa= in many ways; saH= he alone; samarthaH= is capable; artha saadhane= of promoting that task.
'There is indeed no single exclusive method to accomplish a purpose however small a task may be. On the other hand, whoever knows to do a task in many ways, he alone is capable of achieving that task."
iha eva taavat kR^ita nishcayo hi aham |
yadi vrajeyam plavaga iishvara aalayam |
para aatma sammarda visheSha tattvavit |
tataH kR^itam syaan mama bhartR^i shaasanam || 5-41-7
7. aham vrajeyam yadi= If I go; plavageshvaraalayam= to the abode of Sugreeva the Lord of monkeys; kR^ita nishchyaat paraatma samaarda visheSatattvavit= having ascertained the truth as to who will predominate in an encounter between the adversary and ourselves; ihaiva taavat= here itself; tataH= then; mama bhartR^ishaasanam= will the command of my master; kR^itam syaat= be carried out.
'If I go to the abode of Sugreeva the Lord of monkeys, having ascertained the truth as to who will predominate in an encounter between the adversary and ourselves here itself, then will the command of my master have been carried out by me."
katham nu khalv adya bhavet sukha aagatam |
prasahya yuddham mama raakShasaiH saha |
tathaiva khalv aatma balam ca saaravat |
samaanayen maam ca raNe dasha aananaH || 5-41-8
8. kathamnu= how can; mama yuddham= my combat; raakSasaiH saha= with the demons; adya= now; prasahya= will very much; sukhaagatam= come to be a happy one?; tathaiva= in the same manner; aatmabalam bhavet= how will my strength become; saaravat= fruitful?; saH dashaananaH= (How) indeed will that Ravana; maanayet= applaud; maam= me; raNe= in battle?
"How can my combat with the demons now will prove to be a happy one? And, how will my strength become fruitful? How indeed will that Ravana applaud me in battle?"
tataH samaasaadya raNe dashaananaM |
samantrivargam sabalaprayaayinam |
hR^idi sthitam tasya matam balaM cha vai |
sukhena mattvaa.ahamitaH punarvraje || 5-41-9
9. tataH= then; samaasaadya= meeting; dashaananam= Ravana; samantrigaNam= with his troop of ministers; sabalaprayaayinam= with his army and followers marching; raNe= in battle; mattvaa= knowing; matam= the opinion; sthitam= established; hR^idi= in his heart; balamcha vai= and also about his strength; aham= I; punaH vraje= will go back; itaH= from here; sukhena= happily.
"Then meeting Ravana with his troop of ministers, his army and his followers in battle as well as knowing his designs and strength, I will go back from here happily."
idam asya nR^ishamsasya nandana upamam uttamam |
vanam netra manaH kaantam naanaa druma lataa yutam || 5-41-10
10. idam uttamam= this excellent; vanam= grove; asya nR^ishamsasya= of this cruel Ravana; naanaadrumalataayutam= with various kinds of trees and creepers; netramanaHkaantam= and which is pleasing to the eyes and mind; nandanopamam= is looking like Nandana, Indra's paradise.
"This excellent grove of this cruel Ravana, with its various kinds of trees and creepers, which is pleasing to the eyes and the mind, is looking like Nandana, Indra's paradise."
idam vidhvamsayiShyaami shuShkam vanam iva analaH |
asmin bhagne tataH kopam kariShyati sa raavaNaH || 5-41-11
11. vidhvamsayiSyaami= I will destroy; idam= this grove; analaH iva= like fire; shuSkam vanam= searching a dried up forest; asmin bhagne= while this grove gets demolished; dashaananaH= Ravana; kariSyati kopam= will get angry; tataH= then.
"I will destroy this grove like fire scorching a dried up forest. While this grove gets demolished, Ravana will then be angry."
tato mahat saashva mahaaratha dvipam |
balam samaaneShv api raakShasa adhipaH |
trishuula kaala aayasa paTTisha aayudham |
tato mahat yuddham idam bhaviShyati || 5-41-12
12. tataH= then; raakSasaadhipaH= Ravana; samaadeskSyati= will order for; balam= an army; saashvamahaaratha dvipam= consisting of horses, great chariots and elephants; mahat trishuula kaalaayasapaTTisaayudham= and armed with weapons like great tridents and spears made of iron; tataH= and then; idam= this; mahat= great; yuddham= combat; bhaviSyati= will follow.
"Thereupon Ravana will order for an army consisting of horses, great chariots and elephants and armed with weapons like great tridents and spears made of iron. Then, a great combat will follow."
aham tu taiH samyati caNDa vikramaiH |
sametya rakShobhiH asamga vikramaH |
nihatya tat raavaNa coditam balam |
sukham gamiShyaami kapi iishvara aalayam || 5-41-13
13. sametya= attacking; taiH= those; rakSobhiH= demons; chaNDa vikramaiH= of terrific prowess; aham tu= I too; asahya vikramaH= with an unbearable strength; nihatya= killing; tat= that; balam= army; raavaNa choditam= incited by Ravana; gamiSyaami= will return; kapiishvaraalayam= to the place of Sugreeva; sukham= happily.
"Attacking those demons of terrific prowess, I too with my unbearable prowess, will kill that army instigated by Ravana and return to the place of Sugreeva happily."
tato maarutavat kruddho maarutiH bhiima vikramaH |
uuru vegena mahataa drumaan kSheptum atha aarabhat || 5-41-14
14. tataH= thereafter; maarutiH= Hanuma; bhiima vikramaH= of terrific prowess; kruddhaH= getting angry; atha= then; aarabhat= started; kSeptum= to throw away; drumaan= trees; mahataa uuruvegena= by a highly violent jerk of his thighs; maarutavat= like a wind.
Thereafter, Hanuma of terrific prowess, getting angry, started then to throw away trees by a highly violent jerk of his thighs akin to the jerk of a wind.
tataH tadt hanumaan viiro babhanja pramadaa vanam |
matta dvija samaaghuShTam naanaa druma lataa yutam || 5-41-15
15. tataH= then; viiraH= the valiant; hanumaan= Hanuma; babhaN^ja= laid waste; pramadaavanam= the royal garden attached to the gynaecium; mattadvija samaaghuSTam= resonant with cries of birds in heat; naanaadruma lataayutam= and endowed with various kinds of trees and creepers.
Then, the valiant Hanuma laid waste the royal garden attached to the gynaecium resonant with cries of birds in heat and endowed with various kinds of trees and creepers.
tat vanam mathitaiH vR^ikShaiH bhinnaiH ca salila aashayaiH |
cuurNitaiH parvata agraiH ca babhuuva apriya darshanam || 5-41-16
16. vR^ikSaiH= with trees; mathitaiH= damaged; salilaashayaiH= with ponds; bhinnaiH= destroyed; parvataagraishcha= with tops of pleasure-hills; chuurNitaiH= powdered; tat vanam= that grove; babhuuva= became; apriyadarshanam= nasty at sight.
Hanuma damaged trees in that grove, destroyed the ponds and crushed the tops of pleasure hills to powder. Thus, that grove became nasty at sight.
naanaashakuntavirutaiH prabhinnaiH salilaashayaiH |
taamraiH kilasayaiH klaantaiH klaantadrumalataayitam || 5-41-17
na babhau tadvanam tatra daavaanalahatam yathaa |
vyaakulaavaraNaa rejurvihvalaa iva taa lataaH || 5-41-18
17, 18. klaanta druma lataayutam= with its trees and creepers dried up; naanaa shakuntavirtaiH= with the howls of various birds; salilaashayaiH= with its ponds; prabhinnaiH= destroyed; taamraiH kisalayaiH= with its copper-coloured sprouts; klaantaiH= dried up; tatra= there; tat vanam= that grove; na babhau= did not look bright; daavaanalahatam yathaa= as if it had been destroyed by a wild fire; taaH lataaH= those; creepers; vyaakulaavaraNaaH= with their bars of support displaced; rejuH vihvalaaH iva= fell like distressed women.
With its trees and creepers dried up, with the howls of various birds, with its ponds destroyed, with its copper-coloured sprouts dried up there, that grove did not look bright, as though it had been destroyed by a wild fire. Those creepers with their bars of support displaced, fell down like distressed woman.
lataa gR^ihaiH citra gR^ihaiH ca naashitaiH |
mahaauragaiH vyaala mR^igaiH ca nirdhutaiH |
shilaa gR^ihaiH unmathitaiH tathaa gR^ihaiH |
pranaShTa ruupam tat abhuun mahat vanam || 5-41-19
19. lataagR^haiH= with its arbours; chitragR^ihaiH= and picture-galleries; naashitaiH= destroyed; mahoragaiH= its great serpents; vychaLamR^igaishcha= and wild animals; niruddhaiH= emitting cries of distress; shilaagR^ihaiH= its grottos; gR^ihaiH= (and other) structures unmathitaiH= demolished; tat mahat vanam= that extensive grove; abhuut= became; praNaSTaruupam= defaced.
"With its arbours and picture-galleries destroyed, its great serpents and wild animals emitting cries of distress, its grottos and other structures demolished, that grove became defaced.
saavihvalaa.ashokalataaprataanaa |
vanasthalii shokalataaprataanaa |
jaataa dashaasyapramadaavanasya |
kaperbalaaddhi pramadaavanasya || 5-41-20
20. saa vanasthalii= that woody land; pramadaa vanasya= of that pleasure-garden; dashaasya pramadaa avamasya= which afforded shelter to the women-folk of Ravana; ashoka lataa prataanaa= which has clusters of Ashoka creapers; jaataa= became; shokalataaprataanaa= a jumple of creepers of sorrow; vihvalaa= for the distressed women; kapeH= by Hanuma's; balaat= strength.
"That woody land of that pleasure-garden which afforded shelter to the women-folk of Ravana and which has clusters of Ashoka creepers became a jumble of creepers of sorrow for the distressed women; by the violence of Hanuma."
sa tasya kR^itvaa jagatiipatermahaa |
nmahat vyaliikam manaso mahaatmanaH |
yuyutsuH eko bahubhiH mahaabalaiH |
shriyaa jvalan toraNam aashritaH kapiH || 5-41-21
21. kR^itvaa= doing; mahat= a great; vyaliikam= displeasure; manasaH= to the mind; tasya= of that; mahaatmanaH= high-souled; jagatiipate= Ravana, Lord of the land of Lanka; mahaakapiH= that Hanuma; yuyutsaH= decided to combat; ekaH= alone; bahubhiH= with many; mahaabalaiH= mighty demons; aasthitaH= and stayed; jvalam shriyaa= with a blazing splendour; toraNam= at the entrance (of the grove).
Creating a great displeasure to the mind of that high-souled Ravana, the Lord of the land of Lanka; that Hanuma decided to fight alone against many mighty demons and stayed

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe ekachatvaarimshaH sargaH
Thus completes 41st Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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