Chapter [Sarga] 60  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 60


Angada suggest with enthusiasm that Seetha must be restored by them only, after conquering Lanka. But Jambavan replies that it is not proper for them to do like that without enquiring about Rama's intention.

tasya tat vacanam shrutvaa vaali suunuH abhaaShata |
ayuktam tu vinaa deviim dR^iSTvadbhishcha vaanaraaH || 5-60-1
samiipam gantumasmaabhii raaghavasya mahaatmanaH |
1. shrutvaa= hearing; tat vachanam= those words; tasya= of Hanuma; vaalisuunuH= Angada the son of Vali; abhaaSata= spoke (as follows); dR^iSTadbhiH= even after Seetha was seen; asmaabhiH= by us; ayuktamcha= it is not proper; gantum= to go; mahaatmanaH raaghavasya samiipam= to the vicinity of the high-souled Rama; deviim vinaa= without the princess; vaanaraaH= O monkeys.
Hearing those words of Hanuma, Angada the son of Vali spoke as follows: "Even after our seeing of Seetha, it is not proper for us to approach the high-souled Rama without taking Seetha with us."
dR^iShTaa devii na ca aaniitaa iti tatra nivedanam || 5-60-2
ayuktam iva pashyaami bhavadbhiH khyaata vikramaiH |
2. pashyaami= I perceive it; ayuktam iva= as improper; nivedanam= to inform; tatra= there; iti= that; devii= Seetha the princess; dR^iSTaa= though seen; bhavadbhiH= by you; khyaata vikramaiH= of renowned prowess; sa aamiitaa cha= has not been brought (here).
"I perceive it as improper to inform there that Seetha the princess, though seen by you of renowned prowess, has not been brought here."
na hi vaH plavate kashcin na api kashcit paraakrame || 5-60-3
tulyaH saamara daityeShu lokeShu hari sattamaaH |
3. hari sattamaaH= O the best of monkeys!; na kashchit= no one; tulyaH= is equal; naH= to us; paraakrame.api= even in prowess; na hi kashchit= nor indeed any one; plavane= in leaping; lokeSu= in the worlds; saamara daityeSu= comprising of celestials or demons.
"O the best of monkeys! No one is equal to us even in our prowess nor indeed anyone who can leap like us in the worlds either of celestials or demons."
teShv evam hata viireShu raakShaseShu hanuumataa || 5-60-4
kim anyat atra kartavyam gR^ihiitvaa yaama jaanakiim |
4. teSu= those; raakSaseSu= demons; hataviireSu= whose warriors have been killed; evam= thus; hanuumataa= by Hanuma; kim anyat= what else; kartavyam= can be done; atra= in this matter?; yaama= we shall go; gR^ihiitvaa= after taking; jaanakiim= Janaki.
"Hanuma indeed thus killed all the warriors among the demons. What work is remaining to be done by us? We will go, after taking Janaki."
tam evam kR^ita samkalpam jaambavaan hari sattamaH || 5-60-5
uvaaca parama priito vaakyam arthavat arthavit |
5. jaambavaan= Jambavan; harisattamaH= the foremost among the forest-animals; arthavit= understanding the sense; parama priitaH= was very much pleased; uvaacha= and spoke; arthavat vaakyam= (the following) meaningful words; tam= to that Angada; evam kR^ita samkalpam= who thus formed a resolution.
Jambavan, the foremost among the forest-animals, understanding the sense, was very much pleased and spoke the following meaningful words to that Angada, who thus formed a resolution.
na taavat eShaa matiH akShamaa no |
yathaa bhavaan pashyati raaja putra |
yathaa tu raamasya matiH niviShTaa |
tathaa bhavaan pashyatu kaarya siddhim || 5-60-6
6. raaja putra= O prince!; eSaa= this; matiH= thought; bhavaan yathaa pashyati= you thus perceive; akSamaa na taavat= is not in competent; naH= of us; tu= but; bhavaan= you; pashyat= see; yaathaa tathaa= in which way; raamasya matiH= Rama's inclination; nivishTa= will be; kaarya siddhim= for the fulfillment of the object.
"O prince! This thought you thus perceive is not incompetent of us. But, you must see the way in which Rama's inclination would be, for the accomplishment of the object."

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe SaSTitamaH sargaH
Thus completes 60th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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