Chapter [Sarga] 35  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in
Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 35


Seetha asks Hanuma to describe the various characteristics of Rama and Lakshmana. Hanuma describes n detail to Seetha the appearance and qualities of Rama and Lakshmana. Hanuma also gives an account of how a friendship developed between Rama and Lakshmana as well as Sugreeva the Lord of monkeys. Hanuma also narrates his own life-story from the time he was born till his role as a minister of Sugreeva. He ends the story with his sight of Seetha in Lanka.

taam tu raama kathaam shrutvaa vaidehii vaanara R^iShabhaat |
uvaaca vacanam saantvam idam madhurayaa giraa || 5-35-1
1. shrutvaa= hearing; taam= that; raama kathaam= narration about Rama; vaanara rSabhaat= from Hanuma the excellent of monkeys; vaidehii= Seetha; madhurayaa giraa= in a sweet voice; uvaacha= spoke; idam= these; vachanam= words; saantvam= which were addressed gently.
Hearing that narration about Rama from Hanuma the excellent of monkeys, Seetha in a sweet voice spoke the following gentle words:
kva te raameNa samsargaH katham jaanaasi lakShmaNam |
vaanaraaNaam naraaNaam ca katham aasiit samaagamaH || 5-35-2
2. kva= where; samparkaH= was the contact; te= to you; raameNa= with Rama?; katham= how; jaanaasi= do you know; lakSmaNam= Lakshmana?; katham= how; samaagamaH= did the union; vaanaraaNaam naraaNaamcha= between monkeys and men; aasiit= occur?
"Where was your contact with Rama? How do you know Lakshmana? How did the union between monkeys and men arise?"
yaani raamasya lingaani lakShmaNasya ca vaanara |
taani bhuuyaH samaacakShva na maam shokaH samaavishet || 5-35-3
3. vaanara= O Hanuma!; yaani= which (are) liN^gaani= the characteristics; raamasya= of Rama; lakSmaNasya= and of Lakshmana?; saamaachakSya= tell; taani= them; shokaH= sorrow; na samaavishet= will not take possession; maam= of me; bhuuyaH= again.
"O Hanuma! What are the characteristics of Rama and Lakshmana? Narrate them to me, so that sorrow will not take possession of me again."
kiidR^isham tasya samsthaanam ruupam raamasya kiidR^isham |
katham uuruu katham baahuu lakShmaNasya ca shamsa me || 5-35-4
4. kii dR^isham= of what kind; samsthaanam= was the appearance; tasya raamasya= of that Rama; lakSmaNasya= and of Lakshmana? kiidR^isham= of what kind was; ruupam= the form?; katham= how (were); uuruu= the thighs?; katham= how were; baahuu= the arms? shamse= tell; me= me.
"Of what kind was the appearance of that Rama and of Lakshmana? Of what kind was their form? How were the thighs? How were the arms? Tell me."
evam uktaH tu vaidehyaa hanuumaan maaruta aatmajaH |
tato raamam yathaa tattvam aakhyaatum upacakrame || 5-35-5
5. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; vaidehyaa= by Seetha; hanumaan= Hanuma; maarutaatmajaH= the son of wind-god; tataH= then; upachakrame= started; aakhyaatum= to tell; raamam= about Rama; yathaatattvam= according to the actual state.
Hearing the words of Seetha, Hanuma, the son of wind-god, then started to describe Rama according to his actual state (as follows):
jaanantii bata diShTyaa maam vaidehi paripR^icChasi |
bhartuH kamala patra akShi samkhyaanam lakShmaNasya ca || 5-35-6
6. vaidehi= O Seetha; kamalapatraakSi= having eyes resembling lotus leaves!; diSTya= by fortune; paripR^ichchhasi= you are asking; samsthaanam= about the appearance; bhartuH= of Rama your husband; lakSmaNasya= and of Lakshmana; jaanantii= eventhough you know about them; bata= Alas, what a pleasure!.
"O Seetha having eyes resembling lotus leaves! By my fortune, you are enquiring about the appearance of Rama your husband and Lakshmana, eventhough you know about them. Alas! what a pleasure!"
yaani raamasya cihnaani lakShmaNasya ca yaani vai |
lakShitaani vishaala akShi vadataH shR^iNu taani me || 5-35-7
7. vishaalaakSi= O Seetha the large-eyed woman!; yaani chihnaani= of which characteristics; raamasya= of Rama; yaani= and of which characteristics; lakSmaNasya cha= of Lakshmana; lakSitaani= were seen; shR^iNu= hear; taani= them; me= from me.
"O the large eyed Seetha! I tell the characteristics of Rama and Lakshmana as I recognized them; hear them from me."
raamaH kamala patra akShaH sarva bhuuta mano haraH |
ruupa daakShiNya sampannaH prasuuto janaka aatmaje || 5-35-8
8. jaanakaatmaje= O Seetha the daughter of Janaka!; raamaH= Rama; kamala patraakSaH= has his eyes resembling the petals of a lotus; sarva sattvamanoharaH= he has a handsomeness, attracting the hearts of all living beings; ruupa dakSiNya sampannaH= He is endowed with grace and dexterity; prasuutaH= from the time he was born.
"O Seetha the daughter of Janaka! Rama has his eyes resembling the petals of a lotus. He has a handsomeness, attracting the hearts of all living beings. He is endowed with grace and dexterity, by birth."
tejasaa aaditya samkaashaH kShamayaa pR^ithivii samaH |
bR^ihaspati samo buddhyaa yashasaa vaasava upamaH || 5-35-9
9. aaditya sankaashaH= he is equal to the sun; tejasaa= in splendour; pR^ithiviisamaH= equal to the earth; kSamayaa= in endurance; bR^ihaspati samaH= equal to Brihaspati; buddhyaa= in intelligence; vaasavopamaH= and equal to Indra; yashasaa= in fame.
"He is equal to the sun in splendour, earth in endurance, Brihaspati in intelligence and Indra in fame."
rakShitaa jiiva lokasya sva janasya ca rakShitaa |
rakShitaa svasya vR^ittasya dharmasya ca param tapaH || 5-35-10
10. paramtapaH= Rama, the tormentator of his adversaries; rakSitaa= is a protector; jiivalokasya= of the world of beings; abhirakSitaa= further protecting; svajanasya= his own people; rakSitaa= he is the protector; vR^ittasya= his own behaviour; dharmasyacha= and righteousness.
"Rama the tormentator of his adversaries, is a protector of the world of beings, further protecting his own people. He is the protector of his own behaviour and righteousness.
raamo bhaamini lokasya caaturvarNyasya rakShitaa |
maryaadaanaam ca lokasya kartaa kaarayitaa ca saH || 5-35-11
11. bhaamini= O Seetha!; raamaH= Rama; rakSitaa= is the protector*; chaaturvarNasya= of the four castes; lokasya= of the world; saH= He; kartaa= is the doer; kaarayitaachaiva= and also the agent; maryaadaanaam= for the proprieties of conduct; lokaanaam= of people.
"O Seetha! Rama is the protector of the four castes of the world. He is the doer and also the agent for the people's propriety of conduct."
* Four principal castes described in Manu's code - Brahmanas (priestly class), Kshatriyas (members of military or reigning order); Vaisyas (Traders and agriculturists) and Sudras (class of servitude).
arciShmaan arcito atyartham brahma carya vrate sthitaH |
saadhuunaam upakaaraj~naH pracaaraj~naH ca karmaNaam || 5-35-12
12. archiSmaan= (Rama) Rama is a resplendent man; architaH= He is respected; atyartham= exceedingly; sthitaH= He is established; brahmacharya vrate= in a vow of chastity; upakaarajNaH= He knows how to do good; saadhuunaam= to virtuous people; prachaaraJNashcha= He knows the application and advantage; karmaNaam= of actions.
"Rama is a resplendent man. He is respected exceedingly. He is established in a vow of chastity. He knows how to do good to virtuous people. He knows the application and advantage of his actions."
raaja vidyaa viniitaH ca braahmaNaanaam upaasitaa |
shrutavaan shiila sampanno viniitaH ca param tapaH || 5-35-13
13. raaja vidyaa viniitashcha= He is well trained in statesmanship; upaasitaa= He honours; braahmaNaanaam= Brahmins, the priestly class; shrutavaan= He possesses sacred knowledge; shiilasamapannaH= He is endowed with a good conduct; viniitaH= He is a modest-man; paramtapaH= He torments his adversaries.
"He is well trained in statesmanship. He honours brahmins, the priestly class. He possesses sacred knowledge. He is endowed with good conduct. He is a modest man. He torments his adversaries."
yajuH veda viniitaH ca vedavidbhiH supuujitaH |
dhanuH vede ca vede ca veda angeShu ca niShThitaH || 5-35-14
14. yadurveda viniitashcha= He got trained in Yajurveda, the sacrificial Veda; supuujitaH= he is highly honoured; veda vidbhiH= by those well-versed in Vedas; niSThitaH= He is skilled in; dhanurvedecha= Dhanurveda, the science of archery; vedeSu= other Vedas; vedaaNgecha= and the six limbs of Vedangas.
"He got trained in Yajurveda, the sacrificial Veda. He is highly honoured by those well-versed in Vedas. He is skilled in Dhanurveda, the science of archery, other Vedas and the six limbs* of Vedangas."
Six limbs of Vedangas : 1) Siksha, the science of proper articulaton and pronunciation 2) Chandas, the metre 3) Vyakarana, the grammar 4) Nirukta, the explanation of difficult Vedic words 5) Jyotisha, the astronomy or rather the Vedic Calendar. 6) Kalpa, the ceremonial represented by a large number of Sura works.
vipula amso mahaabaahuH kambu griivaH shubha aananaH |
guuDha jatruH sutaamra akSho raamo devi janaiH shrutaH || 5-35-15
15. devi= O Princess!; raamaH= Rama; vipulaamsaH= is broad-shouldered; mahaabaahuH= long-armed; kambugriivaH= has a shell-like neck; shubhaananaH= has an auspicious countenance, guuDha jatruH= He has hidden collar-bone; suutaamraakSaH= He has beautiful red eyes; shrutaH= he is heard about; janaiH= by people.
"O princess! Rama is a broad shouldered and a long-armed man. He has a shell-like neck. He has a handsome countenance. He has a hidden collar-bone. He has beautiful red eyes. His fame is heard about by people."
dundubhi svana nirghoShaH snigdha varNaH prataapavaan |
samaH sama vibhakta ango varNam shyaamam samaashritaH || 5-35-16
16. dundubhisvananirghoSaH= He has a voice like the sound of a kettle-drum; snigdhavarNah= He has a shining skin; prataapavaan= He is full of splendour; samaH= He is square-built; samavibhaktaaN^gaH= His limbs are symmetrically built; samaashritaH= He is endowed with; shyaamam varNam= a dark-brown complexion.
"He has a voice like the sound of a kettle-drum. He has a shining skin. He is full of splendour. He is square-built. His limbs are built symmetrically. He is endowed with a dark-brown complexion."
tristhiraH tripralambaH ca trisamaH triShu ca unnataH |
trivaliivaan tryavanataH catuH vyangaH trishiirShavaan || 5-35-17
17. tristhiraH= He is ever firm in three limbs (viz. the breast, wrist and fist); tripralambashcha= long in three (viz. his locks, testicles and knees); unnataH= elevated; triSu= in three (viz. the breast, rim of the navel and the lower abdomen); tritaamraH= coppery in three (viz. the rims of his eyes, nails, palms and soles); smigdhaH triSucha= soft in three (viz. the lines on his soles, hair and the end of membrum virile); nityashaH= and always; triSu gambhiiraH= deep in three (viz. the voice, gait and the navel).
"He is ever firm in three limbs (viz. the breast, waist and fist), long in three (viz. the breast, waist and fist), long in three (viz. the eyebrows, arms and soles), uniform in three (viz. his locks, testical and knees, elevated in three (viz. his breast, rim of his navel and lower abdomen), coppery in three of the navel and the lower abdomen), coppery in three (viz. the rims of his eyes, nails, palms and soles), soft in three (viz. the lines on his soles, hair and the end of the membrane virile) and always deep in three (viz. the voice, gait and the navel)."
trivaliivaamstryavanatashchaturvyaN^gastrishiirSavaan |
chatuSkalashchaturlekhashchatuSkiSkushchatuHsamaH || 5-35-18
18. trivaliivaan= He has three folds (in the skin of his neck and belly); tryavanataH= He is depressed at three places (viz. the middle of his soles, the lines on his soles and the nipples); chaturvyaN^gaH= undersized at four place (viz. the neck, membrum virile, the back and the shanks); trishiirSavaan= He is endowed with three spirals in the hair of his head, four lines at the root of his thumbs and the four lines on his forehead; chatuSkalaH= He has four marks on his thumb (denoting his proficiency in the four Vedas); chaturlekhaH= He has four lines on his forehead (indicating longevity); c
"He has three folds in the skin of his neck and belly. He is depressed at three places (viz. the middle of his soles, the lines on his soles and the nipples). He is undersized at four places (viz. the neck, membran virile, the back and the shanks). He is endowed with three spirals in the hair of his head. He has four lines at the root of his thumb (denoting his proficiency in the four Vedas). He has four lines on his forehead (indicating longevity). He is four cubits high (96 inches). He has four pairs of limbs (viz. the cheeks, arms, shanks and knees) equally matched."
catuSh kalaH catuH lekhaH catuSh kiShkuH catuH samaH |
caturdasha sama dvandvaH catuH daShTaH catuH gatiH || 5-35-19
19. chaturdashamadvandvaH= He has fourteen other pairs of limbs (viz. the eye brows, nostrils, eyes, ears, the lips, nipples, elbows, wrists, knees, testicles, loins, hands, feet and thighs) equally matched; chaturdamSTraH= the four large teeth at both the ends of his upper and lower jaws are very sharp; chaturgatiH= He walks in four gaits (resembling the, walks of a lion, a tiger, an elephant and a bull); mahoSTha hanunaasashcha= He is endowed with excellent lips, chin and nose; paN^chasnigdhaH= He has five glossy limbs (viz. the hair, eyes, teeth, skin and soles); aSTa vamshavaan= He has eight long limbs (viz. the arms, fingers and toes, eyes and ears, thighs and shanks).
"He has fourteen other pairs of limbs (viz. the eye brows, nostrils, eyes, ears, lips, nipples, elbows, wrists, knees testicles, lions, hands, feet and thighs) equally matched. The four large teeth at both the ends of his upper and lower jaws are very sharp. He walks in four gaits (resembling the walks of a lion, a tiger, an elephant and a bull). He is endowed with excellent lips, chin and nose. He has five glossy limbs (viz. the hair, eyes, teeth, skin and soles). He has eight long limbs (viz. the arms, fingers and toes, eyes and ears, thighs and shanks).
dasha padmo dasha bR^ihat tribhiH vyaapto dvi shuklavaan |
ShaD unnato nava tanuH tribhiH vyaapnoti raaghavaH || 5-35-20
20. raaghavaH= Rama; dashapadmaH= has ten lotus-like limbs (viz. the countenance, the mouth, the eyes, the tongue, lips, palate, breasts, nails, the hands and the feet); dashabR^ihat= He has ten ample limbs (viz. the chest, the head, the forehead, the neck, the arms the heart, the mouth, the feet, the back and the ears); vyaaptaH= He is spread through; tribhiH= by reason of three (viz. splendour, renown and glory); vyaaptaH= He is spread through; tribhiH= by reason of three (viz. splendour, renown and glor); dvishuklavaan= He is doubly pure (on father's and mother's side); SaDunnataH= He is elevated in six limbs (viz the flanks, the abdomen, the breast, the nose, the shoulders and the forehead); navatanuH= He is small, thin, fine or sharp in nine (viz. the hair, the moustaches and the beard, nails, the hair on the body, the skin, the finger joints, the membran virile, acumen adn perception) vyaaproti= He pursus religious merit, world riches and sensuous delight in three periods ( viz the forenoon, midday and afternoon).
"Rama has ten lotus-like limbs (viz. the countenance, the mouth, the eyes, the tongue, lips, palate, breasts, nails, the hands and the feet). He has ten ample limbs (viz. the chest, the head, the forehead, the neck, the arms, the heart, the mouth the feet, the back and the ears). He is spread through by reason of three (viz. splendour, renown and glory). He is doubly pure (on father's and mother's side). He is elevated in six limbs (viz. the flanks, the abdomen, the breast, the nose, the shoulders and the forehead). He is small, thin, fine or sharp in nine (viz. the hair, the moustaches and the beard, nails the hair on the body, the skin, the finger-joints, the membrum virile, acumen and perception). He pursues religious merit, worldly riches and the sensuous delight in three periods (viz. the forenoon, midday and afternoon).
satya dharma paraH shriimaan samgraha anugrahe rataH |
desha kaala vibhaagaj~naH sarva loka priyam vadaH || 5-35-21
21. satyadharmaparaH= Rama is engrossed in truth and righteousness; shriimaan= He is a prosperous man; rataH= He is interested in; samgrahaanugrahe= reception and facilitation; desha kaala vibhaagaJNaH= He knows apportioning of place and time; sarvalokapriyamvadaH= He speaks affectionately with all.
"Rama is engrossed in truth and righteousness. He is a prosperous man. He is interested in reception and facilitation. He knows how to apportion place and time. He speaks affectionately with all."
bhraataa ca tasya dvaimaatraH saumitriH aparaajitaH |
anuraagena ruupeNa guNaiH caiva tathaa vidhaH || 5-35-22
22. aparaajitah= the invincible; saumitriH= Lakshmana; tasya= that Rama's vaimaatraH= step-mother's son; bhraataa= and the brother; tathaavidhaH= is like that Rama; anuraageNa= in affection; ruupeNa= in appearance guNaishchaiva= and in qualities.
"The invincible Lakshmana, the son of Rama's step-mother and Rama's brother, is resembling Rama in appearance, affection and in qualities."
taavubhau narashaarDuulau tvaddarshanasamutsukau |
vichinvanau mahiim kR^itsnaamasmaabhirabhisamgaatau || 5-35-23
23. tau= those; ubhau= two; narashaarduulau= tigers among men; tvaddarshana samutsukau= very anxiously desirous of seeing you; vichinvantau= and searching; kR^itsnaam= all over; mahiim= the earth; abhisamgatau= came in contact; asmaabhiH= with us.
"Rama and Lakshmana, the two tigers among men, very anxiously desirous of seeing you and searching all over the earth, came in contact with us."
tvaam eva maargamaaNo tau vicarantau vasum dharaam |
dadarshatuH mR^iga patim puurvajena avaropitam || 5-35-24
R^ishyamuukasya pR^iShThe tu bahu paadapa samkule |
bhraatuH bhaarya aartam aasiinam sugriivam priya darshanam || 5-35-25
24, 25. tau= those two, Rama and Lakshmana; vicharantau= wandering maargamaaNau= in search of; tvaameva= you only; vasundharaam= on the earth; dadarshatuH= saw; sugriivam= Sugreeva; mR^igapatim= the Lord of monkeys; aasiinam= sitting; R^ishyamuukasya pR^iSThe= on the top of R^ishyamuka mountain; bahupaadapasamkule= filled with several trees; avaropitam= having been dethroned; puurvajena= by his elder brother; bhayaartam= oppressed with fear; bhraatuH= from his brother; priyadarshanam= and who was pleasant to the sight.
"Those two brothers Rama and Lakshmana, wandering only in search of you all over the earth, saw Sugreeva the Lord of monkeys, sitting on the top of Rishyamuka mountain, filled with several trees, having been dethroned by his elder brother, oppressed with fear, but who was pleasant to the sight."
vayam tu hari raajam tam sugriivam satya samgaram |
paricaryaamahe raajyaat puurvajena avaropitam || 5-35-26
26. vayamtu= we, for one; paricharyaasnahe= are serving; tam= that; sugriivam= Sugreeva; hariraajam= the Lord of monkeys; satya samgaram= who was true to his promise; avaropitam= and who was dethroned; raajyaat= from the kingdom, puurvajena= by his elder brother.
"We for one are serving that Sugreeva, the Lord of monkeys, who was true to his promise, but was dethroned from the kingdom from his elder brother."
tataH tau ciira vasanau dhanuH pravara paaNinau |
R^ishyamuukasya shailasya ramyam desham upaagatau || 5-35-27
27. tataH= then; tau= those two brothers, Rama and Lakshmana; chiiravasanau= wearing clothes made of bark; dhanuH pravara paaNinau= arming the best bows; upaagatau= came; ramyam= to the charming; desham= place; R^ishyamuukasya= shailasya of Rishyamuka mountain.
"In the meanwhile, those two brothers Rama and Lakshmana, wearing clothes made of bark and arming the best bows, came to the charming place of Rishyamuka mountain."
sa tau dR^iShTvaa nara vyaaghrau dhanvinau vaanara R^iShabhaH |
abhipluto gireH tasya shikharam bhaya mohitaH || 5-35-28
28. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; saH= those; naravyaaghrau= excellent of men; dhanvinau= coming with bows in hand; saH= that; vaanararSabhaH= Sugreeva the best of monkeys; bhayamohitaH= was deluded with fear; abhiplutaH= and jumped over; shikharam= to the hill-top; tasya= of that; gireH= mountain.
"Seeing Rama and Lakshmana, the excellent of men, coming with bows in hand, that Sugreeva the best of monkeys was deluded with fear and jumped over to the hill-top of that mountain."
tataH sa shikhare tasmin vaanara indro vyavasthitaH |
tayoH samiipam maam eva preShayaamaasa satvaraH || 5-35-29
29. tataH= thereafter; vyavasthitaH= stationed; tasmin shikhare= on that hill-top; saH= that; vaanarendraH= Sugreeva the lord of monkeys; satvaram= very soon; preSayaamaasa= sent; maaneva= me only; samiipam= to approach; tayoH= those two (brothers)
"Thereafter, stationed on that hill-top, that Sugreeva the lord of monkeys, very soon sent me only, to approach those two brothers."
taav aham puruSha vyaaghrau sugriiva vacanaat prabhuu |
ruupa lakShaNa sampannau kR^ita a~njaliH upasthitaH || 5-35-30
30. sugreeva vachanaat= as per the words of Sugreeva; aham= I; kR^itaaN^jaliH= making salutations; upasthitaH= reached; tau= those two brothers, Rama and Lakshmana; puruSavyaaghrau= the tigers among men; prabhuu= the capable men; ruupalakSaNa sampannau= and endowed with a good form and characteristics.
"On that command of Sugreeva, I reached saluting those two brothers, Rama and Lakshmana the excellent and capable men, endowed with good form and characteristics."
tau parij~naata tattva arthau mayaa priiti samanvitau |
pR^iShTham aaropya tam desham praapitau puruSha R^iShabhau || 5-35-31
31. tau= those two brothers, Rama and Lakshmana; puruSarSabhau= the excellent among men; parijJNaata tattvarthau= having known the exact position (about Sugreeva); priitisamanvitau= and fully endowed with kindness; aaropya= wee made to ascend; mama pR^iSTham= my back; praapitau= and caused to arrive at; tam desham= that place (where Sugreeva and others were present).
"Those two brothers, Rama and Lakshmana, the excellent among men, were fully endowed with kindness, after knowing the exact position about Sugreeva. Then, I made Rama and Lakshmana to ascend on my back and took them to Sugreeva's place."
niveditau ca tattvena sugriivaaya mahaatmane |
tayoH anyonya sambhaaShaat bhR^isham priitiH ajaayata || 5-35-32
32. sugriivaaya= for Sugreeva; mahaatmana= the high-souled; niveditau= was made known (by me); tattvena= the true state (about Rama and Lakshman); anyonya samlaapaat= by the mutual converstaion; bhR^isham= a great; prritiH= friendship; ajaayata= was developed.
"I informed the high-souled Sugreeva about the true position of Rama and Lakshmana. After a mutual conversation between those two brothers and Sugreeva, a great friendship developed among them."
tatastau priitisaMpannau hari iishvara nara iishvarau |
paraspara kR^ita aashvaasau kathayaa puurva vR^ittayaa || 5-35-33
33. tataH= thereafter; tau= those two; hariishvaranareshvarau= Sugreeva the lord of monkeys and Rama, the excellent among men; priitisampannau= endowed with friendship; kathayaa= by the narration; puurva vR^ittayaa= of the earlier occurrances; parasparakR^itaashvaasau= developed mutual confidence.
"Thus endowed with friendship, Sugreeva the lord of monkeys and Rama the best of men, by talking together of their earlier occurrences, developed mutual confidence."
tam tataH saantvayaamaasa sugriivam lakShmaNa aagrajaH |
strii hetoH vaalinaa bhraatraa nirastam uru tejasaa || 5-35-34
34. tataH= thereafter; saH= that; lakSmaNaagrajaH= Rama, the elder brother of Lakshmana; vaalinaa= through Vali; urutejasaa= of great splendour; bhraatraa= the brother of Sugreeva; saantvayaamaasa= consoled; sugriivam= Sugreeva; nirastam= who was expelled (from the kingdom by Vali); strii hetaH= for the sake of Ruma, a woman.
"Thereafter, that Rama the elder brother of Lakshmana, through the extremely effulgent Vali the brother of Sugreeva, consoled Sugreeva who was earlier expelled from the kingdom; (by Vali), for the sake of Ruma a woman."
tataH tvan naashajam shokam raamasya akliShTa karmaNaH |
lakShmaNo vaanara indraaya sugriivaaya nyavedayat || 5-35-35
35. tataH= then; lakSmaNaH= Lakshmana; nyavedayat= informed; sugriivaaya= Sugreeva; vaanarendraaya= the king of monkeys; shokam= about the sorrow; ramasya= of Rama; akliSTakarmaNaH= who is unwearied in action; tvannaashajam= generated out of your disappearance.
"Then, Lakshmana informed Sugreeva the king of monkeys about the sadness of Rama, (who is unwearied in action), born out of your disappearance."
sa shrutvaa vaanara indraH tu lakShmaNena iiritam vacaH |
tadaa aasiin niShprabho atyartham graha grasta iva amshumaan || 5-35-36
36. shrutvaa= having heard; vahaH= the words; iiritam= spoken; lakSmaNena= by Lakshmana; saH= that; vaanarendrastu= Sugreeva on his part; tadaa= then; aasiit= became; niSprabhaH= dim-witted; atyartham= very much; amshumaaniva= like the sun; grahagrastaH= overpowered by Rahu, the inauspicious planet.
"Hearing the words of Lakshmana, Sugreeva then became highly dim-witted, as the sun becomes dim when overpowered by an eclipse."
tataH tvat gaatra shobhiini rakShasaa hriyamaaNayaa |
yaani aabharaNa jaalaani paatitaani mahii tale || 5-35-37
taani sarvaaNi raamaaya aaniiya hari yuuthapaaH |
samhR^iShTaa darshayaam aasuH gatim tu na viduH tava || 5-35-38
37, 38. tataH= thereafter; yaani= which; aabharaNajaalaani= multitude of ornaments; tvadgaatrashobhini= adorning on your body; hriyamaaNayaa= and which were being snatched away; rakSasaa= by Ravana; paatitaani= and which were dropped; mahiitale= on tot he earth; taani sarvaaNI= all those ornaments; aaniiya= were brought; hariyuuthapaaH= by monkeys-leaders; samhR^iSTaaH= joyfully; darshamaanuH= shown; raamaaya= to Rama; na viduH= (But) they did not know; tava= your; gatimtu= path (of further movement).
"Thereafter, all those multitude of ornaments which adorned your body, which were being tried to be be snatched away by Ravana and which were dropped on to the earth, were brought by monkey-leaders joyfully and shown to Rama. But the monkey-leaders did not know the further course of your movement."
taani raamaaya dattaani mayaa eva upahR^itaani ca |
svanavanti avakiirNanti tasmin vihata cetasi || 5-35-39
39. taani= those ornaments; upahR^itaani= were brought near; raamaaya= to Rama; dathaani= and were given (to him); mayaiva= just by me; tasmin vigata chetasi= while he (Rama) was losing consciousness; svanavanti= the resounding ornaments; avakiirNaani= were scattered.
"I indeed brought those ornaments near to Rama and gave them to him. Then, soon after receiving them, Rama lost his consciousness and the resounding ornaments were scattered all over."
taani anke darshaniiyaani kR^itvaa bahu vidham tataH |
tena deva prakaashena devena paridevitam || 5-35-40
40. taani darshaaniiyaani= those beautiful ornaments; tava= of yours; kR^itvaa= were kept; aN^ke= in the flank; tena devena= by that Lord Rama; devaprakaashena= looking like god; paridevitam= lamented; bahuvidham= in many ways.
"That Lord Rama looking like god, kept those beautiful ornaments of yours in his flank and lamented in many ways."
pashyataH tasyaa rudataH taamyataH ca punaH punaH |
praadiipayan daasharatheH taani shoka huta ashanam || 5-35-41
41. taani= those ornaments; praadiipayan= ignited; shoka hutaashanam= fire of grief; daasharatheH= of Rama; pashyataH= who was seeing; taani= them; rudataH= lamenting; taamyatashcha= and getting suffocated; punaH punaH= again and again.
"While seeing those ornaments, Rama was lamenting and getting suffocated again and again. Thus, those ornaments ignited the fire of Rama's grief."
shayitam ca ciram tena duhkha aartena mahaatmanaa |
mayaa api vividhaiH vaakyaiH kR^icChraat utthaapitaH punaH || 5-35-42
42. tena mahaatmanaa= by that mighty man; duHkhaartena= who was grief stricken; shayitamcha= and lying on the floor; chiram= for a long time; punaH utthaapitaH= was again made to get up; mayaapi= by me; kR^ichchhraat= with difficulty; vividhaiH vaakyaiH= by telling several words.
"That grief-stricken mighty man was thus lying on the floor for a long time. Then, with great difficulty, I made him to get up by telling several consoling words."
taani dR^iShTvaa mahaaarhaaNi darshayitvaa muhuH muhuH |
raaghavaH saha saumitriH sugriive sa nyavedayat || 5-35-43
43. saH raaghavaH= that Rama; mahaabaahuH= the long armed; saha saumitriH= along with Lakshmana; dR^iSTvaa= having seen; darshayitvaa= examined; taani= those ornaments; muhuH muhuH= angain and again; nyavedayat= and gave; sugriiva= to Sugreeva.
"That long-armed Rama, along with Lakshmana, after seeing those ornaments, examined them, again and again. He later gave them to Sugreeva."
sa tava adarshanaat aarye raaghavaH paritapyate |
mahataa jvalataa nityam agninaa iva agni parvataH || 5-35-44
44. aarye= O, the kind mistress!; tava adarshanaat= as you were being unseen; saH raaghavaH= that Rama; paritapyate= was tormented; nityam= forever; jvalataa mahataa agninaa= with a great flaming fire (of grief); agniparvataH iva= like a volcano.
"O the kind mistress! As you were being unseen, Rama was tormented forever with a great flaming fire of grief, like a volcano."
tvat kR^ite tam anidraa ca shokaH cintaa ca raaghavam |
taapayanti mahaatmaanam agni agaaram iva agnayaH || 5-35-45
45. tvatkR^ite= for your sake; tam raaghavam mahaatmanam= to that great souled Rama; anidraacha= insomnia; shokaH= grief; chintaacha= and worry; taapayanti= were tormenting; agnayah iva= like flames; agnyagaaram= to a burning house.
"For your sake, insomnia, grief and worry were tormenting that great souled Rama, as flames torment a burning house."
tava adarshana shokena raaghavaH pravicaalyate |
mahataa bhuumi kampena mahaan iva shilaa uccayaH || 5-35-46
46. tava adarshana shokena= by the grief, caused by your invisibility; raaghavaH= Rama; pravichaalyate= was trembled; mahataa bhuumikampena= as a great earth quake; (trembles); mahaan shilochchayaH iva= a high mountain.
"By the grief caused by your not being seen, Rama is trembled with grief, as a high mountain is trembled by a great earthquake."
kaanaanaani suramyaaNi nadii prasravaNaani ca |
caran na ratim aapnoti tvam apashyan nR^ipa aatmaje || 5-35-47
47. nR^ipaatmaje= O princess!; apashyan= not seeing; tvaam= you; (Rama); na aapnoti= is not obtaining; ratim= delight; charan= while moving in suramyaaNi kaananaani= very beautiful forests; nadiiH= rivers; prasravaNaani cha= and water-falls.
"O princess! In not seeing you, Rama is not obtaining delight, even while moving in quite charming forests, encompassing rivers and water-falls."
sa tvaam manuja shaarduulaH kShipram praapsyati raaghavaH |
samitra baandhavam hatvaa raavaNam janaka aatmaje || 5-35-48
48. janakaatmaje= O Seetha the daughter of Janaka!; saH raaghavaH= that Rama; manujashaarduulaH= the excellent of men; praapsyasi= will receive; tvaam= you; kSipram= soon; hatvaa= killing; raavaNam= Ravana; samitra baandhavam= along with his friends and relatives.
"O Seetha the daughter of Janaka! That Rama the excellent of men will receive you, soon after, killing Ravana along with Ravana's friends and relatives."
sahitau raama sugriivaav ubhaav akurutaam tadaa |
samayam vaalinam hantum tava ca anveShaNam tathaa || 5-35-49
49. tadaa= then; ubhau= both; raama sugriivau= Rama and Sugreeva; sahitau= were together; akurutaam= and made; samayam= an agreement; hantum= (That Rama) to kill; vaalinam= Vali; tathaa= (and Sugreeva); anveSaNam= to arrange for a search; tava= of you.
"That day when Rama and Sugreeva were together, both of them made an agreement that Rama would annihilate Vali and Sugreeva would arrange for a search of you."
tatastaabhyaam kumaaraabhyaam viiraabhyaam sa hariishvaraH |
kiSkindhaam samuupaagamya vaalii yuddhe nipaatitaH || 5-35-50
50. tataH= thereafter; taabhyaam= those; viiraabhyaam= valiant; kumaaraabhyaam= princes; samupaayamya= having reached; kiSkindhaam= Kishkindha; saH= that; vaalii= Vali; hariishvaraH= the king of monkeys; nipaanitaH= was tumbled down; yuddhe= in a combat.
"Thereafter, Rama and Lakshmana the two valiant princes reached Kishkindha. Rama killed Vali the king of monkeys there in a combat."
tato nihatya tarasaa raamo vaalinam aahave |
sarva R^iShka hari samghaanaam sugriivam akarot patim || 5-35-51
51. tataH= after; nihatya= killing; vaalinam= Vali; achave= in combat; tarasaa= by his strength; raamaH= Rama; akarot= made; sugriivam= Sugreeva; patim= the king; sarvaR^ikSa hari samghaanaam= for the entire multitude of bears and monkeys.
"After killing Vali in combat by means of his strength, Rama made Sugreeva the king for the entire multitude of bears and monkeys."
raama sugriivayoH aikyam devi evam samajaayata |
hanuumantam ca maam viddhi tayoH duutam iha aagatam || 5-35-52
52. devi= O princess!; aikyam= A friendship; samajaayata= was held well; evam= in such a manner; raama sugreevayoH= between Rama and Sugreeva; vidhi= know; maam= me; hanumantam= as Hanuma; aagatam= who came; iha= here; duutam= as a messenger; tayoH= for both of them.
"O princess! A friendship was held well in such a manner between Rama and Sugreeva. Know me as Hanuma, who came here as a messenger on behalf of both of them."
sva raajyam praapya sugriivaH samaniiya mahaahariin |
tvat artham preShayaamaasa disho dasha mahaabalaan || 5-35-53
53. praapya= having got; svaraajyam= his own kingdom; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; samaaniiya= summoned for; mahaabalaan= mighty; hariishvaraan= and capable monkeys; preSayaamaasa= and sent (them); dasha= to ten; dishaH= directions; tvadartham= for your sake.
"Having got his own kingdom, Sugreeva summoned for mighty as well as capable monkeys and sent them to ten different directions in search of you."
aadiShTaa vaanara indreNa sugriiveNa mahaaojasaH |
adri raaja pratiikaashaaH sarvataH prasthitaa mahiim || 5-35-54
54. aadiSTaaH= as commanded; sugriiveNa= by Sugreeva; mahaujasaa= of great splendour; vaanarendreNa= and the king of monkeys; adriraaja pratiikaaSaH= those monkeys resembling the king of mountains; prasthitaaH= started out; mahiim= on earth; sarvataH= in all directions.
"As commanded by Sugreeva of a great splendour and the king of monkeys, those monkeys resembling Himalayan mountains, started out on all directions of the earth."
tataste maargamaaNaa vai sugriivavachanaaturaaH |
charanti vasudhaam kR^itsnaam vayamanye cha vaanaraaH || 5-35-55
55. tataH= then; vayam= we; te= as such; anye vaanaraaH cha= and other monkeys; sugriiva vachanaaturaaH= who are eager to fulfill the command of Sugreeva; maargamaaNaH= are in search of you; charanto= and wandering kR^itsnaam= the entire; vasudhaam= earth.
"Then, we along with other monkeys too who are eager to fulfill the command of Sugreeva, are wandering the entire earth in search of you."
angado naama lakShmiivaan vaali suunuH mahaabalaH |
prasthitaH kapi shaarduulaH tribhaaga bala samvR^itaH || 5-35-56
56. harishaarduulaH= an excellent monkey; aN^gadonaama= named Angada; lakSmiivaan= possessed of fortune; vaalisuunuH= son of Vali; mahaabalaH= are mostly powerful monkey; prasthitaH= set out; tribhaagasam vR^itaH= taking one third of army (along with him).
"An excellent monkey named Angada, possessed of fortune, son of Vali and having great strength, taking one third of army along with him, set out in search of you."
teShaam no vipranaShTaanaam vindhye parvata sattame |
bhR^isham shoka pariitanaam aho raatra gaNaa gataaH || 5-35-57
57. ahoraatragaNaaH= a number of days and night; gataaH= passed; teSaa= filled as we were with grief; vipraNaSTaanaam= having got lost our way intensely; vindhye parvata sattame= in a mountain range called Vindhya.
"A number of days and nights passed, filled as we were with grief, having got lost our way intensely in a mountain-range called Vindhya."
te vayam kaarya nairaashyaat kaalasya atikrameNa ca |
bhayaac ca kapi raajasya praaNaan tyaktum vyavasthitaaH || 5-35-58
58. te vayam vyavasthitaaH= we were as such determined; tyaktum= to forsake; praaNaan= our lives; kaarya nairaashyaat= because of despair in our non-fulfillment of work; kaalasya atikrameNacha= in our over-tapping the time-limit (given by Sugreeva); bhayaachcha= and in fear; kapiraajasya= of Sugreeva the king of monkeys.
"We were determined to forsake our lives because of despair in our non-fulfillment of work, in our overstepping of time-limit given by Sugreeva and in fear of the King Sugreeva."
vicitya vana durgaaNi giri prasravaNaani ca |
anaasaadya padam devyaaH praaNaan tyaktum vyavasthitaaH || 5-35-59
59. vichintya= having searched; vanadurgaaNo= in places difficult of access in forests, giriprasravaNaani= at mountains and at cascades; anaasaadya= and unobtainable; padam= any trace; devyaaH= of you the princess; samudyataaH= we were ready; tyaktum= to give up; praaNaan= the lives.
"Having searched in places difficult of access in forests, at mountains and at cascades and not obtaining any indication of you the princess, we were ready to give up our lives."
dR^iSTvaa praayopaviSTaamshcha sarvaanvaanarapuN^gavaan |
bhR^isham shoka arNave magnaH paryadevayat angadaH || 5-35-60
tava naasham ca vaidehi vaalinaH ca tathaa vadham |
praaya upavesham asmaakam maraNam ca jaTaayuShaH || 5-35-61
60, 61. vaidehi= O Seetha!; dR^iSTvaa= seeing; sarvaan= all; vaanarapuNgavaan= the excellent monkeys; praayopaviSTaan= sitting down and calmly awaiting the approach of death; aN^gadaH= Angada; bhR^isham= was very much; magnaH= immersed; shokaarNave= in the sea of sorrow; paryadevayat= and lamented; tava naashamcha= about your loss; tathaa= and; vadhamcha= the killing of; vaalinaH= of Vali; maraNamcha= the death; jaTaayuSaH= of Jatayu; asmaakam= and our; praayopavesham= calmly awaiting for the death in simply sitting down.
"O Seetha! Seeing all the excellent monkeys sitting down and calmly awaiting for the approach of death, Angada was very much immerssed in the ocean of sorrow and lamented about your loss, the killing of Vali, the death of Jatayu and our practice of calmly awaiting for the approach of death in simply sitting down."
teShaam naH svaami samdeshaan niraashaanaam mumuurShataam |
kaarya hetoH iva aayaataH shakuniH viiryavaan mahaan || 5-35-62
62. teSaam naH= for us as such; niraashaanaam= who lost our hopes on our lives; mumuurSataam= and willing to give up our lives; svaani samdeshaat= as per the command of Sugreeva; kaarya hetoriva= (as thought) for the sake of our need alone; mahaan= a great; viiryavaan= valiant; shakuniH= bird; aayaataH= came (there).
"For us who lost all our hopes on our lives and willing to give up our lives as per the command of Sugreeva, as though for the sake of our need alone, a great valiant bird came there."
gR^idhra raajasya sodaryaH sampaatiH naama gR^idhra raaT |
shrutvaa bhraatR^i vadham kopaat idam vacanam abraviit || 5-35-63
63. shrutvaa= hearing; bhraatruvadham= about the killing of his brother; gR^idhra raajasya sodaryaH= thebrother of Jatayu, the king of vultures; sampaatirnaamaH= named Sampati; gR^idhra raaT= (himself) a king of vultures; abriviit= spoke; idam vachanam= the following words; kopaat= in anger.
"Hearing about the killing of his brother, the vulture-king Sampati the brother of slain Jatayu the King of vultures spoke (the following) words in anger:
yaviiyaan kena me bhraataa hataH kva ca vinaashitaH |
etat aakhyaatum icChaami bhavadbhiH vaanara uttamaaH || 5-35-64
64. vaanarottamaaH= O, the best of monkeys!; kena= by whom; me= my; yaviiyaan= younger; bhraataa= brother; hataH= was killed?; kva= where; nipaatitaH= was he made to fall?; ichchhami= I desire; etat= this; aakhyaatum= to be told; bhavadbhiH= by you.
"O the best of monkeys! Tell me who, where and how my younger brother Jatayu was killed and made to fall."
angado akathayat tasya jana sthaane mahat vadham |
rakShasaa bhiima ruupeNa tvaam uddishya yathaa tatham || 5-35-65
65. aN^gadaH= Angada; akathayat= told; tasya= that Sampati; yathaa tatham= a detailed account of events; mahadvadham= about the events; killing of that great bird; janasthaane= at Janasthana; bhiimaruupeNa rakSasaa= by a demon of terrific form; uddishya= for the sake of; tvaam= you.
"Then, Angada told Sampati a detailed account of events which led to the killing of that great bird at Janasthana, by a demon of terrific form, for your sake."
jaTaayoH tu vadham shrutvaa duhhitaH so aruNa aatmajaH |
tvaam aaha sa vara aarohe vasantiim raavaNa aalaye || 5-35-66
66. varaarohe= O Seetha with an excellent waist!; shrutvaa= hearing; vadham= about the slaughter; jaTaayuSaH= of Jatayu; saH= that; aruNaatmajaH= Sampati the son of Aruna; duH khotaH= was pained; shashamsa= and said; tvaam= you; vasantiim= were staying; raavaNaalaye= in Ravana's house.
"O Seetha with an excellent waist! Hearing about the slaughter of Jatayu, that Sampati the son of Aruna was very much pained and said that you were staying in Ravana's house."
tasya tat vacanam shrutvaa sampaateH priiti vardhanam |
angada pramukhaaH sarve tataH samprasthitaa vayam || 5-35-67
67. shrutvaa= hearing; tat= those; priitivardhanam= a delight-increasing; vachanam= words; tasya sampaate= of that Sampaate= of that Sampati; vayam= we; aN^gada pramukhaaH= with our Chief Angada; prasthitaaH= started; tataH= from there; tuurNam= soon.
"Hearing those delightful words of Sampati, we with our Chief Angada started soon from there."
vindhyaadutthaaya sampraaptaaH saagarasyaantamuttaram |
tvat darshana kR^ita utsaahaa hR^iShTaaH tuShTaaH plavamgamaaH || 5-35-68
68. plavaNgamaaH= the monkeys; hR^iSTaaH= were very much delighted; tuSTaaH= and satisfied; tvaddarshana kR^itotsaaho= and exercising their strength to see you; utthaaya= having risen; vindhyaat= from Vindhya mountain; sampraaptaaH= reached; uttaram antam= the northern shore; saagarasya= of the ocean.
"The monkeys were very much delighted and satisfied. They were making up their energy to see you, rose up from Vindhya mountain and reached the northern shore of the ocean."
aN^gadapramukhaaH sarve velopaantamupasthitaaH |
chintaam jagmuH punarbhiitaastvaddarshanasamutsukaaH || 5-35-69
69. sarve= all; aN^gada pramukhaaH= the monkeys with their Chief Angada; tvaddarshanamutsakaaH= in their anxiety to see you; upasthitaaH= reached; velopaantaam= the shore-area of the ocean; bhiitaaH= being frightened; punaH= again; jagmuH= got; chintaam= the worry.
"All the monkeys with their Chief Angada, in their anxiety to see you, reached the ocean. They were frightened after seeing the ocean there and they were again worried."
atha aham hari sainyasya saagaram dR^ishya siidataH |
vyavadhuuya bhayam tiivram yojanaanaam shatam plutaH || 5-35-70
70. atha= thereafter; prakSya= seeing; saagaram= the ocean; aham= I; vyavadhuuya= removed; tiivram= the serious; bhayan= fear; harisainyasya= of the army of monkeys; siidataH= who were worrying; plutaH= and crossed; shatam= hundred; yojanaanaam= Yojanas.
"Thereafter, seeing the ocean, I removed the serious fears of the army of monkeys who were worrying and crossed hundred Yojanas across the sea."
lankaa ca api mayaa raatrau praviShTaa raakShasa aakulaa |
raavaNaH ca mayaa dR^iShTaH tvam ca shoka nipiiDitaa || 5-35-71
71. laN^kaachaapi= even Lanka; raakSasaakulaa= filled with demons; praviSTaa= was entered; mayaa= by me; raatrau= in the night; raavaNashcha= Ravana too; dR^iSTaH= was seen; mayaa= by me; tvamcha= You too; shoka pariplutaa= filled with grief (were seen by me).
"Entering even Lanka, filled with demons in the night, I saw Ravana and you too who were immersed in grief."
etat te sarvam aakhyaatam yathaa vR^ittam anindite |
abhibhaaShasva maam devi duuto daasharatheH aham || 5-35-72
72. devi= O princess; anindite= the faultless!; sarvam= all; etat= this; aakhyaatam= was told; te= to you; yathaavR^ittam= as actually occurred; abhibhaaSasva= talk; maam= to me; aham= I; duutaH= am the messenger; daasharatha= of Rama.
"O the faultless princess! I told you all this as actually occurred. I am the messenger of Rama. Talk to me."
tvam maam raama kR^ita udyogam tvan nimittam iha aagatam |
sugriiva sacivam devi budhyasva pavana aatmajam || 5-35-73
73. devi= O princess!; buddhasva= know; tam maam= me as such; raama kR^itodyogam= having made an effort on Rama's behalf; aagatam= who came; iha= here; tvannimittam= for your sake; sugreeva sachivam= Sugreeva's minister; pavanaatmajam= and son of wind-god.
"O princess! I made an effort on Rama's behalf and came here for your sake. I am Sugreeva's minister. I am the son of wind-god. Know me, as such."
kushalii tava kaakutsthaH sarva shastrabhR^itaam varaH |
guroH aaraadhane yukto lakShmaNaH ca sulakShaNaH || 5-35-74
74. tava= your; kaakutthsaH= Rama; varaH= excellent; sarvashastrabhR^itaam= among all the wielders of bow; kushalii= is safe; lakSmaNashcha= Lakshmana too; yuktaH= who is engaged in; guroH aaraadhane= the service of his elder brother; sulakSaNaH= and having good characteristics; (is also safe).
"You Rama, the excellent man among all the wielders of bow, is safe. Lakshmana, who is engaged in the service of his elder brother and possessing good characteristics, is also safe."
tasya viiryavato devi bhartuH tava hite rataH |
aham ekaH tu sampraaptaH sugriiva vacanaat iha || 5-35-75
75. devi= O princess! aham= I; rataH= who am interested; hite= in the welfare; tasya= of Rama; tava= your; bhartuH= husband; viiryavataH= who is valiant; praaptaH= came; iha= here; ekaH= alone; sugreeva vachanaat= on the command of Sugreeva.
"O princess! I, who am interested in the welfare of the valiant Rama, your husband, came here alone on the command of Sugreeva."
mayaa iyam asahaayena carataa kaama ruupiNaa |
dakShiNaa dig anukraantaa tvan maarga vicaya eShiNaa || 5-35-76
76. mayaa= by me; kaama ruupiNaa= who can change my form at will; tvanmaarga vichayaiSiNaa= desirous of finding out your access; asahaayena= without any helper; charataa= wandering alone; iyam= this; dakSiNa dik= southern direction; anukraantaa= is obtained.
"I, who can change my form at will, desirous of finding out your access, wandering alone without any helper, came to this southern direction."
diShTyaa aham hari sainyaanaam tvan naasham anushocataam |
apaneShyaami samtaapam tava abhigama shamsanaat || 5-35-77
77. aham apaneSyaamni= I shall remove; samtaapam= the anguish; harisainyaanaam= of the army of monkeys; anushochataam= who are lamenting tvannaasham= because of your loss; tava abhigamashamsanaat= by informing about my approaching you; diSTyaa= by a good fortune!.
"I shall remove the anguish of the army of monkeys who are lamenting because of your disappearance by informing them about my coming close to you because of my good fortune!"
diShTyaa hi na mama vyartham devi saagara langhanam |
praapsyaami aham idam diShTyaa tvat darshana kR^itam yashaH || 5-35-78
78. devi= O princess; diSTyaa= by good luck; mama= my; saagare laN^ghanam= crossing of ocean; na vyartham= has not gone in vain; aham= I; praapsyaami= can get; idam= this; yashaH= fame; taddarshana kR^itam= of having seen you; diSTyaa= by my good luck.
"O princess! By my fortune, my crossing of ocean has not  gone in vain. I can get this fame of having seen you because of my good luck."
raaghavaH ca mahaaviiryaH kShipram tvaam abhipatsyate |
samitra baandhavam hatvaa raavaNam raakShasa adhipam || 5-35-79
79. mahaaviiryaH= the highly valiant; raaghavashcha= Rama; hatvaa= by killing; raavaNam= Rama; hatvaa= by killing; raavaNam= Rama; raakSasaadhipam= the Lord of demons; samitra baandhavam= along with his friends and relatives; abhi patsyate= and will obtain; tvaam= you; kSipram= soon.
"The highly valiant Rama, by killing Ravana the Lord of demons along with his friends and relatives, will obtain you soon."
kaurajo naama vaidehi giriiNaam uttamo giriH |
tato gacChati go karNam parvatam kesarii hariH || 5-35-80
80. vaidehi= O Seetha!; giriH= there is a mountain; maalyaannaama= called Malyavan; uttamaH= which is the best; girriNaam= among mountains; tataH= from there; hariH= a monkeys; kesarii= called Kesari; gachchhati= went; paravatam= to another mountain; gokarNam= called Gokarna.
"O Seetha! There is a mountain called Malyavan, which is the best among mountains. From there, a monkeys called Kesari went to another mountain called Gokarna."
sa ca deva R^iShibhiH dR^iShTaH pitaa mama mahaakapiH |
tiirthe nadii pateH puNye shamba saadanam uddharat || 5-35-81
81. diSTaH= as commanded; devarSibhiH= by gods and seers; saH mahaakapi= that great monkey; called Kesari; mama= my; pitaa= father; uddharat= killed; shamba saadanam= a demon named Shamba sadana; puNye= at a sacred; tiirthe= shrine; naadiipateH= near the sea-shore.
"As prayed by gods and seers, that great monkey called Kesari, my father killed a demon named Shambasadana at a sacred shrine near the sea-shore."
tasya aham hariNaH kShetre jaato vaatena maithili |
hanuumaan iti vikhyaato loke svena eva karmaNaa || 5-35-82
82. maithili= O Seetha!; aham= I; jaataH= am born; kSetre= in the wife; tasya hariNaH= of that Kesari, the monkey; vaatena= by the grace of wind-god; syena karmaNaa eva= by my activity alone; vikhyaataH= I am renowned; hanumaaniti= as Hanuman; loke= in this world.
"O Seetha! I am born in the womb of the wife of that Kesari the monkey, by the grace of the wind-god. By my activity alone, I am renowned as Hanuma in this world."
vishvaasaartham tu vaidehi bharturuktaa mayaa guNaaH |
vishvaasa artham tu vaidehi bhartuH uktaa mayaa guNaaH || 5-35-83
83. vaidehi= O Seetha! guNaaH= the qualities; bhartuH= of Rama, your husband; uktaaH= were uttered; mayaa= by me; vishvaasaartham= to cause trust in you; anaghe devi= O the faultless princess!; raaghavaH= Rama; nayitaa= will take; tvaam= you; itaH= from here; achiraat= within a short time.
"O Seetha! I described the qualities of Rama, your husband, to cause trust in you. O the faultless princess! Rama will take you from here within a short time."
evam vishvaasitaa siitaa hetubhiH shoka karshitaa |
upapannaiH abhij~naanaiH duutam tam avagacChati || 5-35-84
84. evam= thus; vishvaasitaa= inspired with confidence; hetubhiH= by logical reasons; siita= Seetha; shokakarshitaa= emaciated with grief; avagachchhati= could recognise; tam= him; duutam= as a messenger; upapannaiH= by adequate; abhiJJnaanaiH= clues serving as proof.
Thus inspired by confidence because of the above reasons, Seetha emaciated with grief, by adequate clues served as proof.
atulam ca gataa harSham praharSheNa tu jaanakii |
netraabhyaam vakra pakShmaabhyaam mumoca aanandajam jalam || 5-35-85
85. jaanakii= Seetha; gataacha= obtained; atulam= unequalled; harSam= delight; mumocha= (She) released; jalam= tears; aanandajam= of joy; netraabhyaam= from her eyes; vakrapakSmaabhyaam= having curved eye lashes; praharSeNa= with a thrill of delight.
Seetha obtained unequal delight. She released tears of joy from her eyes having curved eye-lashes, with a thrill of delight.
caaru tac ca aananam tasyaaH taamra shukla aayata iikShaNam |
ashobhata vishaala akShyaa raahu mukta iva uDu raaT || 5-35-86
86. tat= that; vadanam= countenance; tasyaah vishalaakSyaaH= of that large eyed Seetha; chaaru= who is beautiful; taamrashuklaayatekSaNam= whose eyes are red, white and long; ashobhata= is shining; uDuraaDiva= like a moon; the king of stars; raahumuktaH= liberated from Rahu the demon.
The countenance of that large-eyed Seetha, who is beautiful, whose eyes are red white and long is shining like a moon, the king of stars liberated from Rahu the demon.
hanuumantam kapim vyaktam manyate na anyathaa iti saa |
atha uvaaca hanuumaan taam uttaram priya darshanaam || 5-35-87
87. saa= Seetha; manyate= considered; hanumantam= Hanuma; vyaktam= clearly; kapim= as a monkey; na= not; anyathaa iti= as otherwise; atha= thereafter; hanuumaan= Hanuma; uttaram uvaacha= replied; taam= to her; priya darshanaam= who is pleasant to the sight.
Seetha considered Hanuma clearly as a monkey and not otherwise. Thereafter Hanuma replied to her who is pleasant to the sight (as follows)
etatte sarvamaakhyaatam samaashvasihi maithili |
kim karomi katham vaa te rochate pratiyaamyaham || 5-35-88
88. maithili= O Seetha!; etat sarvam= All this; aakhyaatam= was told; te= to you; samaashvasihi= be consoled indeed!; kim= what; karomi= can I do?; kathamvaa= how; rochate= is it agreeable; te= for you?; aham= I; pratiyaami= am returning.
"O Seetha! I told you indeed all this please be consoled. Tell me what I can do for you and also what is agreeable to you. I am going back now."
hate asure samyati shamba saadane |
kapi praviireNa maharShi codanaat |
tato asmi vaayu prabhavo hi maithili |
prabhaavataH tat pratimaH ca vaanaraH || 5-35-89
89. maithili= O Seetha!; maharSichodanaat= as provoked by the sages; kapipraviiNena= by Kesari, the valiant monkey; asure= a demon; shambasaadane= called shambasadana; hate sati= having been killed; samyati= in battle; vaanaraaH asmi= I am monkey; vaayuprabhavaH= born through the wind-god; prabhaavataH= by his influence; tatpratimaH= I am equal to the wind-god.
"O Seetha! As provoked by the sages, Kesari, the valiant monkey killed a demon called Shambasadana in battle. I am a monkey born through wind-god and through his influence I am equal to the wind-god in strength."

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe paJNchatrimshaH sargaH
Thus completes 35th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic

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