Chapter [Sarga] 62  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 62


The monkeys enter Madhuvana and partake the honey in plenty, as permitted by Hanuma and Angada. Singing and dancing as if in a drunken state, the monkeys were obstructed by those guarding the grove. The terrific monkeys warded off the guards, nay, they even dragged them by their knees and tossed them up in the air. The guards then went to Dadhimukha, the chief of the garden-guards and complained him of the matter. Dadhimukha along with his followers appears on the scene and invade the monkeys with trees and rocks. Angada thrashed Dadhimukha with his arms and made him fall on the ground. Dadhimukha along with his followers then proceed to Kishkindha to report the matter to him. Dadhimukha bows down and touches Sugreeva's feet as a mark of salutation.

taan uvaaca hari shreShTho hanuumaan vaanara R^iShabhaH |
avyagra manaso yuuyam madhu sevata vaanaraaH || 5-62-1
ahamaavaarayiSyaami yuSmaakam paripanthinaH |
1. hanumaan= Hanuma; vaanararSabhaH= like a bull among the monkeys; harishreSThaH and the foremost among them; uvaacha= spoke; taan= to them (as follows); vaanaraaH= O monkeys!; yuuyam= you; sevata= cherish; madhu= the honey; avyagramanasaH= with a cool mind; aham= I; aavaarayiSyaami= will keep off; yuSmaakam= your; paripanthinaH= opposer who is standing in your way.
Hanuma, like a bull among the monkeys and the foremost among them spoke to them as follows: "Cherish the honey with a cool mind, O monkeys! I will keep off your opposer who is standing in your way."
shrutvaa hanumato vaakyam hariiNaam pravaro angadaH || 5-62-2
pratyuvaaca prasanna aatmaa pibantu harayo madhu |
2. shrutvaa= hearing; vaakyam= the words; hanumataH= of Hanuma; prasannaatmaa= the gracious minded; aN^gadaH= Angada; pratyuvaacha= repeated the following words; harayaH= (Let) the monkeys; pibantu= drink; madhu= the honey.
Hearing the words of Hanuma, the gracious minded Angada the principal among the monkeys repeated the words: "Let the monkeys drink the honey."
avashyam kR^ita kaaryasya vaakyam hanumato mayaa || 5-62-3
akaaryam api kartavyam kim anga punaH iidR^isham |
3. vaakyam= the words; akaaryam api= though improper; kR^ita kaaryasya= who has accomplished his work; to be obliged; avashyam= certainly; mayaa= by me; kim aN^ga= wherefore then; iidR^isham punaH= moreover, on such an occasion?
"The words, though improper of Hanuma who had accomplished his task, are to be obliged certainly by me. Wherefore then, moreover, on such an occasion?"
andagasya mukhaat shrutvaa vacanam vaanara R^iShabhaaH || 5-62-4
saadhu saadhv iti samhR^iShTaa vaanaraaH pratyapuujayan |
4. shrutvaa= hearing; vachaH= the words; mukhaat= coming from the mouth; aN^gadasya= of Angada; vaanaraaH= those monkeys; vaanarShabhaaH= who were like bulls among the monkeys; samhR^iSTaaH= were delighted; pratya puujayan= and answered with reverence; saadhu saadhv iti= saying 'good, good!'
Hearing the words coming from the mouth of Angada, those monkeys who were like bulls among the monkeys were delighted and answered with reverence, saying 'good, good!'
puujayitvaa angadam sarve vaanaraa vaanara R^iShabham || 5-62-5
jagmuH madhu vanam yatra nadii vega iva drutam |
5. puujayitvaa= reverencing; aN^gadam= Angada; vaanaraa R^iShabham= the foremost among the monkeys; sarve vaanaraaH= all the monkeys; jagmuH= went; yatra= to the place where; madhu vanam= Madhuvana, the grove abounding in honey was there; nadii vegaH iva= like rush of a river; drumam= towards a tree.
Reverencing Angada the foremost among the monkeys, all the monkeys rushed towards Madhuvana, the grove abounding in honey, like the rush of a river towards a tree.
te prahR^iShTaa madhu vanam paalaan aakramya viiryataH || 5-62-6
atisargaac ca paTavo dR^iShTvaa shrutvaa ca maithiliim |
papuH sarve madhu tadaa rasavatphalamaadaduH || 5-62-7
6, 7. dR^iShTvaa= (because Hanuma) had seen Seetha; shrutvaa= and others had heard of her; atisargaacha cha= and because of grant of permission from Angada; te sarve paTavaH= all those gifted monkeys; prahR^iShTaaH= having entered; madhuvanam= Madhuvana the grove; aakramya paalaan= and overpowering themselves over the guards; viiryataH= with their prowess; vapuH= drank; madhu= the honey; tadaa= then; aadaduH= took; rasavat phalam= juicy fruits.
Because Hanuma had seen Seetha and others had heard of her and because of the grant of permission from Angada, all those gifted monkeys entered Madhuvana the grove, overpowered the guards with their prowess, drank honey and the partook juicy fruits there.
utpatya ca tataH sarve vana paalaan samaagataaH |
taaDayanti sma shatashaH saktaan madhu vane tadaa || 5-62-8
8. tadaa= then; sarve= all those monkeys; utpatya= having jumped; vanapaalaan= on the guards of the grove; samaagataan= who came; saktaan= together; shatashaH= in hundreds; tataH= and then; taaDayanti= banged them.
Then, all those monkeys jumped on the guards of the grove, who came there in hundreds together and banged them.
madhuuni droNa maatraaNi bahubhiH parigR^ihya te |
pibanti sahitaaH sarve bhakShayanti tathaa apare || 5-62-9
9. sarve= all those monkeys; sahitaaH= together; parigR^ihya= taking; drone maatraaNi* madhuuni= vessels of honey; baahubhiH= in their arms; pibanti= drank them; apare= some others; nighnanti sma= banged (those who obstructed them).
All those monkeys together took vessels of honey in their arms and drank them. Some others banged those who obstructed them.
Drona= A wooden vessel containing 1024 Mushtis/fists of honey.
kecit piitvaa apavidhyanti madhuuni madhu pingalaaH |
madhu ucciShTena kecic ca jaghnuH anyonyam utkaTaaH || 5-62-10
10. kechit= some monkeys; madhu piN^galaaH= with their skin-colour, as yellow as honey; piitvaa= having drunk; madhuuni= vessels of honey; pravidhyanti= were throwing (some honey) away; kechichcha= some others; madhu uchchhiShThena= with remnant of honey after drinking; jagmuH= whipped up; anyonyam= one another; utkaTaaH= with excessive intoxication.
Some monkeys, with their skin-colour as yellow as honey, after drinking vessels of honey, also threw some honey away. Some others, with the remnant of honey in their arms, after drinking, whipped up one another with their excessive intoxication.
apare vR^ikSha muuleShu shaakhaam gR^ihya vyavasthitaH |
atyartham ca mada glaanaaH parNaani aastiirya sherate || 5-62-11
11. apare= some others; gR^ihya= seizing; shaakhaam= a branch of a tree; vyavasthitaaH= settled; vR^ikSa muule= at the foot of a tree; atyartham mada glaanaaH= those who were highly intoxicated; sherate= laid down; aastiirNa parNaani= spreading leaves.
Some others, seizing a branch of a tree, stood rooted at the foot of a tree. Some, who were highly intoxicated, laid down spreading leaves on the ground.
unmatta bhuutaaH plavagaa madhu mattaaH ca hR^iShTavat |
kShipanti api tathaa anyonyam skhalanti api tathaa apare || 5-62-12
12. plavagaaH= monkeys; madhu mattaaH= intoxicated with the drinking of honey; unmatta bhuutaaH= became inebriated; kShipanti= and were pushing; anyonyam= one another; hR^iShTavat= cheerfully; tathaa= and; apare= some others; skhalanti cha= began to stumble.
Those monkeys, who were intoxicated by drinking the honey, became inebriated and started pushing one another cheerfully and some others began to stumble.
kecit kShveDaan prakurvanti kecit kuujanti hR^iShTavat |
harayo madhunaa mattaaH kecit suptaa mahii tale || 5-62-13
13. kechit= some; prakurvanti= were making; kShveDaan= lion's roars; kechit= some; hR^iShTavat= with joy; kuujanti= whistled like birds; kechit harayaH= some; madhunaa= with honey; suptaaH= slept; mahii tale= on the floor.
Some were roaring like lions. Some, with joy, whistled like birds. Some monkeys, inebriated as they were by drinking honey, simply slept on the floor.
kR^itvaa kechirdhasantyanye kechitkurvanti chetarat |
kR^itvaa kechidvadantyanye kechidbudhyanti chetarat || 5-62-14
14. kR^itvaa= doing something or other; kechit= some; hasanti= were laughing; anye kechit= some others; kurvanti= were doing; itarat= something else; kechit= some; vadanti= were telling; kR^itvaa= what they were doing; anye kechit= some others; budhyanti= were understanding; itarat= something else.
Doing something or other, some were laughing. Some others were doing something else. Some were telling what they were doing, while some others were understanding some things else.
ye api atra madhu paalaaH syuH preShyaa dadhi mukhasya tu |
te api taiH vaanaraiH bhiimaiH pratiShiddhaa disho gataaH || 5-62-15
15. madhu paalaaH= the honey-keepers; ye= who; syuH= were there; preShyaaH= as messengers; dadhimukhasya= of Dadhimukha; te.api= they also; atra= in that Madhuvana; pratiShiddhaaH= were warded off; bhiimaiH vaanaraiH= by the terrific monkeys; gataaH= and went; dishaH= towards different directions.
The honey-keepers, who were there as messengers of Dadhimukha in that Madhuvana, were warded off by the terrific monkeys and they fled to different directions.
jaanubhiH ca prakR^iShTaaH ca deva maargam ca darshitaaH |
abruvan parama udvignaa gatvaa dadhi mukham vacaH || 5-62-16
16. prakR^iSTaaH= dragged; jaanubhiH= by their knees; pradarshitaaH= those honey-keepers who were shown; deva maargam= the air; parama udvignaaH= were very much depressed; gatvaa= and having gone; dadhimukham= to Dadhimukha; abruvan vachaH= spoke the (following) words.
Dragged by their knees and tossed up in the air by the monkeys, those honey-keepers were very much depressed, went to Dadhimukha and complained as follows:
hanuumataa datta varaiH hatam madhu vanam balaat |
vayam ca jaanubhiH kR^iShTaa deva maargam ca darshitaaH || 5-62-17
17. data varaiH hanuumataa= by the monkeys, as they were granted a boon by Hanuma; madhu vanam= Madhuvana; hatam= was destroyed; balaat= violently; vayamcha= we; kR^iShTaaH= were dragged; jaanuubhiH= by our knees; darshitaaH= and were shown; deva maargam= the air.
"The monkeys, as permitted by Hanuma, violently destroyed Madhuvana. We were dragged by our knees and further tossed up in the air."
tato dadhi mukhaH kruddho vanapaH tatra vaanaraH |
hatam madhu vanam shrutvaa saantvayaamaasa taan hariin || 5-62-18
18. shrutvaa= hearing; madhu vanam= (that) Madhuvana; hatam= was damaged; dadhimukhaH= Dadhimukha; vanapaH= the grove-protector; tatra= there; kruddhaH= was enraged; tataH= and thereafter; saantvayaamaasa= consoled; taan hariin= those monkeys.
Hearing that Madhuvana was damaged, Dadhimukha, the grove-protector there was enraged and thereafter consoled those monkeys (as follows):
iha aagacChata gacChaamo vaanaraan atidarpitaan |
balena aavaarayiShyaamo madhu bhakShayato vayam || 5-62-19
19. aagachchhata iha= come here; gachchhaama= let us go; vaarayiShyaamaH= let us prevent; balena= by our force; vaanaraan= the monkeys; baladarpitaan= who are proud of their strength; bhakShayataH= and who are consuming; madhu= the honey.
"Come here let us go there and prevent by our force, the monkeys who are arrogant of their strength and are consuming the honey."
shrutvaa dadhi mukhasya idam vacanam vaanara R^iShabhaaH |
punaH viiraa madhu vanam tena eva sahitaa yayuH || 5-62-20
20. shrutvaa= hearing; idam= these; vachanam= words; dadhimukhasya= of Dadhimukha; vaanara R^iShabhaaH= the foremost among the monkeys; viiraaH= who display heroism; sahasaa= quickly; yayaH= went; punaH= again; madhu vanam= to Madhuvana; tena eva= along with that Dadhimukha.
Hearing these words of Dadhimukha, the foremost of those monkeys who displayed their heroism, quickly went again to madhuvana along with him.
madhye ca eShaam dadhi mukhaH pragR^ihya sumahaatarum |
samabhyadhaavat vegenaa te ca sarve plavamgamaaH || 5-62-21
21. pragR^ihya= grasping; tarum= a tree; dadhimukhaH= Dadhimukha; samabhyadhaavat= ran; vegenaa= with speed; eShaam madhye= towards the middle of those monkeys; sarve= all; te= those; plavaN^gamaaH cha= monkey-followers too (ran).
Grasping a tree, Dadhimukha speedily took up his position in the middle of those monkeys in Madhuvana. All his follower-monkeys also ran with him.
te shilaaH paadapaan ca api paaShaaNaan ca api vaanaraaH |
gR^ihiitvaa abhyaagaman kruddhaa yatra te kapi kunjaraaH || 5-62-22
22. te kruddhaaH vaanaraaH= those enraged monkeys; gR^ihiitvaa= taking; shilaaH= rocks; paadapan cha api= trees; parvataamshchaapi= and even mountains; abhyaagaman= went; yatra= were; te= those; kapi kuNjaraaH= foremost of monkeys (were there).
Those enraged monkeys, taking rocks, trees and even mountains, went to the place wehre those foremost of monkeys were there.
te svaami vacanam viiraa hR^idayeShv avasajya tat |
tvarayaa hi abhyadhaavanta saala taala shilaa aayudhaaH || 5-62-23
23. te= those; viiraaH= heroic monkeys; avasajya= keeping; hR^idayeShu tat svaami vachanam= the words of their master in mind; tvarayaa= briskly; abhyadhaavanta= ran; saala taala shilaa aayudhaaH= with Sala trees, palm trees and rocks as their weapon.
Those heroic monkeys, keeping the words of their master in mind, briskly ran with Sala trees, palm trees and rocks as their weapons.
vR^ikShasthaan ca talasthaan ca vaanaraan bala darpitaan |
abhyakraamanta te viiraaH paalaaH tatra sahasrashaH || 5-62-24
24. tat= then; viiraaH= the valiant; paalaaH= guards of the grove; sahasrashaH= running; in thousands; abhyakraaman= invaded; vaanaraan= the monkeys; vR^iSasthaan cha= who were on trees; talasthaan cha= at the foot of the trees; bala darpitaan= and who wee arrogant of their strength.
Then, the valiant guards of the grove running in thousands invaded the monkeys who were on trees, at the foot of the trees and who were arrogant of their strength.
atha dR^iShTvaa dadhi mukham kruddham vaanara pumgavaaH |
abhyadhaavanta vegena hanuumat pramukhaaH tadaa || 5-62-25
25. atha= thereupon; dR^iSTvaa= seeing; dadhimukham= Dadhimukha; kruddham= enraged; hanumat pramukhaaH= Hanuma eminent monkeys; tadaa= then; abhyadhaavanta= ran towards him; vegena= with speed.
Seeing Dadhimukha coming with anger, Hanuma along with eminent monkeys ran towards him with speed.
tam savR^ikSham mahaabaahum aapatantam mahaabalam |
aaryakam praaharat tatra baahubhyaam kupito angadaH || 5-62-26
26. kupitaH= the enraged; aNgadaH= Angada; tatra= there; praaharat= struck; baahubhyaam= with his arms; tam= that Dadhimukha; aaryakam= the maternal uncle of his father; mahaabalam= who was endowed with extraordinary night; mahaabaahum= having long arms; aapatantam= and rushing with speed; savR^ikSham= with a tree in hand.
The enraged Angada struck there with his arms, that long-armed Dadhimukha the maternal uncle his father, who was endowed with extraordinary might and who was rushing with speed with a tree in his hand.
mada andhaH a na veda enam aaryako ayam mama iti saH |
atha enam niShpipeSha aashu vegavat vasudhaa tale || 5-62-27
27. mada andhaH cha= Blinded with arrogance; saH= that Angada; na veda= could not remember; enam= that being; iti= as; ayam= he (who was) mama aaryakaH= the maternal uncle of is father; atha= then; niShpipeSha= (he) crushed; enam= him; aashu= quickly; vegavat= and with speed; vasudhaatale= on the ground.
Blinded with arrogance, that Angada did not show any mercy to him on the score of his being the maternal uncle of his father and caused him at once to fall down and began to crush him against the ground.
sa bhagna baahuH vimukho vihvalaH shoNita ukShitaH |
mumoha sahasaa viiro muhuurtam kapi kunjaraH || 5-62-28
28. saH viiraH= that valiant; kapi kuN^ijaraH= elephant among the monkeys; vihvalaH= who was afflicted; sabhagna baahuurubhujaH= with his broken arms, thighs and shoulders; shoNito kShitaH= and drenched in blood; sahasaa= soon; mumoha= lost his consciousness; muhuurtam= for a moment.
That Dadhimukha, the valiant elephant among the monkeys, who was afflicted with his broken arms, thighs and shoulders, drenched as he was in blood, lost his consciousness for a moment.
sa samaashvasya sahasaa samkruddho raajamaatulaH |
vaanaraanvaarayaamaasa daNDena madhumohitaan || 5-62-29
29. saH raajamaatulaH= that Dadhimukha, Sugreeva's maternal uncle; sahasaa= quickly; samaashvasya= recovering his breath; samkruddha= was enraged; vaarayaamaasa= resisted; vaanaraan= those monkeys; madhumohitaan= who were infatuated because of drinking of honey; daN^Dena= by a reprimand.
That Dadhimukha, Sugreeva's maternal uncle, quickly recovering his breath, was enraged and resisted those monkeys, who were highly intoxicated because of drinking of honey, by a proper reprimand.
sa kathamcit vimuktaH taiH vaanaraiH vaanara R^iShabhaH |
uvaaca eka antam aagamya bhR^ityaan taan samupaagataan || 5-62-30
30. kathamchit= somehow; vimuktaH= released; taiH vaanaraiH= by those monkeys; saH vaanara R^iShabhaH= that foremost among the monkeys; aashritya= took shelter; ekaantam= at a solitary place; uvaacham= and spoke; svaan= to his; bhR^ityaan= messengers; samupaagataan= who came there.
Somehow released by those monkeys that Dadhimukha the foremost among the monkeys, went to a solitary place and spoke to his messengers who came there (as follows):
ete tiShThantu gacChaamo bhartaa no yatra vaanaraH |
sugriivo vipula griivaH saha raameNa tiShThati || 5-62-31
31. ete tiShThantu= let these monkeys stay here; gachchhaamaH= we will go; yatra= to the place where; sugreevaH= Sugreeva; naH= our; bhartaa= lord; vaanaraH= the monkey; vipula griivaH= having a thick neck; raameNa saha= along with Rama; tiShThati= are staying.
"Let these monkeys stay here. We will go to the place where the thick-necked Sugreeva, our lord of the monkeys stays together with Rama."
sarvam caiva angade doSham shraavayiShyaami paarthiva |
amarShii vacanam shrutvaa ghaatayiShyati vaanaraan || 5-62-32
32. paarthive shraavayiSyaami= I will make the king hear; sarvam= all; doSam= the misdeed; aN^gada= of Angada; shrutvaa= hearing; vachanam= my words; vaanaraan ghaatayiSyati amarSii= the king, enraged, will get the monkeys killed.
"I will make known to the king, all the misdeed of Angada. Hearing my words, the enraged king will get the monkeys killed."
iShTam madhu vanam hi etat sugriivasya mahaatmanaH |
pitR^i paitaamaham divyam devaiH api duraasadam || 5-62-33
33. etat madhuvanam= this Madhuvana; iSTam hi= is indeed cherished; mahaatmanaH paarthivasya= by the high-souled king Sugreeva; pitR^i paitaamaham= and it derived from his father and grand-father; divyam= (It is ) so charming; duraasadam= and is dangerous to be approached; devaiH api= even by celestials.
"This Madhuvana is indeed cherished by our high-souled king, Sugreeva and it derived from his father and grand father. It is so charming, but is dangerous to be approached even by celestials."
sa vaanaraan imaan sarvaan madhu lubdhaan gata aayuShaH |
ghaatayiShyati daNDena sugriivaH sasuhR^ij janaan || 5-62-34
34. saH sugriivaH= that Sugreeva; ghatayiShyati imaan sarvaan vaanaraan sasuhR^ij janaan= can get all these monkeys together with their companions killed; daN^Dena= as a punishment; (those monkeys are) madhulubhaan= lustful of honey; gata aayuSaH= and their longevity got reduced.
"The longevity of these monkeys got reduced, as they were very much lustful of honey. That Sugreeva can get these monkeys together with their companions, killed as a matter of punishment."
vadhyaa hi ete duraatmaano nR^ipa aaj~naa paribhaavinaH |
amarSha prabhavo roShaH saphalo no bhaviShyati | 5-62-35
35. ete= these; duraatmanaH= evil-minded beings; nR^ipa aajJNaa paribhaavinaH= who disregarded the royal command; vadhyaaH hi= are fit to be capitally punished; naH roShaH= our anger; amarSa prabhavaH= springing from our impatience; bhaviShyati= will become; saphalaH= fruitful.
"These evil-minded beings, who disregarded the royal command, are fit to be capitally punished. Our wrath, springing from our impatience, will indeed become fruitful."
evam uktvaa dadhi mukho vana paalaan mahaabalaH |
jagaama sahasaa utpatya vana paalaiH samanvitaH || 5-62-36
36. evam= thus; uktvaa= speaking; vanapaalan= to the garden-guards; mahaabalaH= the mighty; dadhimukhaH= Dadhimukha; sahasaa= quickly; jagaama= went; utpatya= springing up all at once; samanvitaH= together; vana paalaiH= with the garden-guards.
Thus speaking to the garden-guards, the mighty Dadhimukha quickly springing up all at once, went (to Kishkindha) together with the garden-guards.
nimeSha antara maatreNa sa hi praapto vana aalayaH |
sahasra amshu suto dhiimaan sugriivo yatra vaanaraH || 5-62-37
37. saH vana aalayaH= that Dadhimukha = the monkey; praaptaH= reached yatra= where; dhiimaan sugriivaH vaanaraH= that intelligent monkey, sugreeva (was there); nimeSha antara maatreNa= within an interval of only a moment.
That Dadhimukha, the monkey, reached the place where that Sugreeva, the intelligent monkey was there, within an interval of only a moment.
raamam ca lakShmaNam caiva dR^iShTvaa sugriivam eva ca |
sama pratiShThaam jagatiim aakaashaan nipapaata ha || 5-62-38
38. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; raamam cha= Rama; lakShmaNam chaiva= Lakshmana; sugriivam eva cha= and Sugreeva; nipapaata= (Dadhimukha) descended; sama pratiShThaam jagatiim= to a well-leveled ground; aakaashaat= from the sky.
Seeing Rama, Lakshmana and Sugreeva, Dadhimukha descended to a level ground, from the sky.
sa nipatya mahaaviiryaH sarvaiH taiH parivaaritaH |
hariH dadhi mukhaH paalaiH paalaanaam parama iishvaraH || 5-62-39
sa diina vadano bhuutvaa kR^itvaa shirasi ca a~njalim |
sugriivasya shubhau muurdhnaa caraNau pratyapiiDayat || 5-62-40
39, 40. saH= mahaaviiryaH hariH dadhimukhaH= that Dadhimukha, the monkey of a great prowess; parivaaritaH= surrounded; sarvaiH taiH paalaIH= by all those garden-guards; parama iishvaaH= and the supreme lord; paalaanaam= of those guards; bhuutvaa diinavadanaH= keeping a sad face; kR^itvaa aN^jalim= making respectful salutation; shirasi= with his head; samnipatya= falling down; paryapiiDayat= touched; muurdhnaa= with his head; shubhe charaNau= the auspicious feet; sugriivasya= of Sugreeva.
That Dadhimukha of a great prowess, the supreme lord of the guards, surrounded by all those garden-guards keeping a sad face, made a respectful salutation to Sugreeva with his head, by falling down and touching with his head, the auspicious feet of Sugreeva.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe dviSaSTitamaH sargaH
Thus completes 62nd Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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