Chapter [Sarga] 29  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book IV : Kishkindha Kanda - The Empire of Holy Monkeys

Chapter [Sarga] 29


Sugreeva on his enthronement and gaining an interval of rainy reason, lapses into lavish enjoyment of sensual pleasures. His indulgence becomes overindulgence and makes him to forget his promise-oriented duty to search for Seetha. As an intelligent minister, Hanuma approaches Sugreeva and enlightens Sugreeva about his duty for the requital of help rendered by Rama. Ordering Niila, a commander of monkey forces, for foregathering all monkey troops within fifteen days, Sugreeva re-enters his palace-chambers, dragged by his sensual pleasures.

samiikSya vimalam vyoma gata vidyut balaahakam |
saarasaa aakula sa.mghuSTam ramya jyotsnaa anulepanam || 4-29-1
samR^iddha artham ca sugriivam manda dharmaartha sa.ngraham |
atyartham ca asataam maargam ekaa.nta gata maanasam || 4-29-2
nivR^itta kaaryam siddhaartham pramada abhiratam sadaa |
praaptavantam abhipretaan sarvaan eva manorathaan || 4-29-3
svaam ca paatniim abhipretaam taaraam ca api samiipsitaam |
vihara.ntam aho raatram kR^itaartham vigata jvaram || 4-29-4
kriiDantam iva devesham gandharva apsarasaam gaNaiH |
ma.ntriSu nyasta kaaryam ca ma.ntriNaam anavekSakam || 4-29-5
ucChinna raajya sa.ndeham kaama vR^ittam iva sthitam |
nishcita artho artha tattvaj~naH kaala dharma visheSa vit || 4-29-6
prasaadya vaakyaiH madhuraiH hetumadbhiH mano ramaiH |
vaakyavit vaakya tattvaj~nam hariisham maarutaatmajaH || 4-29-7
hitam tathyam ca pathyam ca saama dharma artha niitimat |
praNaya priiti sa.myuktam vishvaasa kR^ita nishcayam || 4-29-8
hariishvaram upaagamya hanumaan vaakyam abraviit |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9a. vimalam= clear; gata vidyut balaahakam = on which gone are, electric charges - lightning, back-clouds; saarasaa aakula sam ghuSTam= with Saarasa birds, bustles, well, vibrant; ramya jyotsnaa anulepanam= with delightful, moonshine, smudged with; vyoma= sky; on seeing, and; samR^iddha artham= one with abundant, riches; manda dharma artha sangraham= who slowed down, in probity, prosperity, in accumulating; ati artham= too, much; a + sataam maargam= one who is following - un, virtuous ones, course of, of transgression; ekaanta gata maanasam= privacy, gone in, with a heart; nivR^itta kaaryam= one who turned away, from [other] pursuits; siddha artham= one who achieved, goals; sadaa pramada abhiratam= always, in females, indulged; sarvaan manorathaan= all, dearest longings; and; abhipretaam= one who is choicest; svaam paatniim abhipretaam ca = his own, wife; and; samiipsitaam taaraam ca api= highly coveted, Tara, also even; praaptavantam= one who gained; ahaH raatram viharantam = day, night [day in and day out,] merrymaking; kR^ita artham= one who is making much of, his fortune; vigata jvaram= gone, fever - getting rid of other problems; gandharva apsarasaam gaNaiH kriiDantam = with gandharva-s, apsara-s, with cohorts, sporting; devesham iva= god's, king - Indra, one who is like; mantriSu nyasta kaaryam ca= among ministers, reposing, activity - of kingdom, also; mantriNaam= at ministers; an + avekSakam= one who does - notm making eyes at; ucChinna raajya a+sandeham= about disrupted, kingdom, not, doubting - doubtless of the kingdom which once was disrupted from his control; kaama vR^ittam iva sthitam= with eroticism, encompassed, as though, continuing - wallowing in promiscuity; at such; hari iisham= who is monkeys, king; sugriivam ca= Sugreeva, also; samiikSya = on observing; nishcita arthaH= one who is assertive - forthright, regarding norms; artha tattva j~naH= of norms, subtleties, knower of; kaala dharma visheSa vit= time, duty [rubrics of,] an exceptional, the knower of; vaakya vit= articulator - golden-tongued, [after silver-tongued]; maaruta aatmajaH= who is Air-god's, son; such as he is; Hanuma; vaakya tattva j~nam= of words, import, knower of - to the explicator, to Sugreeva; upa aagamya= to his near, on coming - seeking his presence; madhuraiH= sweet ones; hetumadbhiH= reasonable - words; manaH ramaiH= heart, pleasing - words; vaakyaiH= with words; prasaadya= on winning grace - of Sugreeva; words that are; hitam= beneficial; tathyam ca pathyam ca= pragmatic, also, profitable, also; saama dharma artha niitimat= the words that are - impressive, immaculate, imperative, impartial; praNaya priiti samyuktam= love, affection - care and concern, inclusive of; vishvaasa kR^ita nishcayam= belief, making, determination - determining with a belief that Sugreeva will pay heed to his words; vaakyam abraviit = words, spoke.
On observing clear sky on which back-clouds and electric charges have disappeared, on which Saarasa birds are vibrantly bustling and delightful moonshine is coated, and even on observing him whose riches are abundant, who has slowed down in accumulating probity and prosperity from the viewpoint of rectitude, highly engrossed in the course of unvirtuous profligates, whose heart is given to undisturbed privacy, and the one who on achieving his goals and dearest longings has turned away from other pursuits, who regained his choicest wife, and gained highly covetable Lady Tara, thus, who is always indulged in females, merrymaking day in and day out on a par with Indra, which Indra will be sporting with the cohorts of gandharva and apsara females, thereby he who is making much of his fortune on getting rid of other problems, besides, he who reposed the activity of kingdom in his ministers, yet, who does not make eyes at those ministers as he is doubtless of the kingdom which was once disrupted from his control, because, that kingdom is looked after well by the very same ministers, as such he is wallowing in promiscuity, such as he is, seeking the presence of such a Sugreeva, king of monkeys and an explicator, and even on winning his grace, he who is forthright regarding norms of ethics, an exceptional knower of subtleties of transactions and the rubrics of duty and time, that golden-tongued Hanuma, the son of Air-god, spoke sweet words that are reasonable, heart-pleasing, beneficial, pragmatic, profitable, impressive, immaculate, imperative, and impartial, and which words are also inclusive of care and concern of Hanuma, on making a determination with a belief that Sugreeva will pay heed to his words. [4-29-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9a]
raajyam praaptam yashaH caiva kaulii shriiH abhivarthitaa || 4-29-9
mitraaNaam sa.mgrahaH sheSaH tat bhavaan kartum arhati |
9b, 10a. raajyam= kingdom; yashaH ca= glory, as well; praaptam= is acquired; kaulii - kulasya= familial - dynastic; shriiH= prosperity; eva= that way; abhivarthitaa = is enriched; mitraaNaam samgrahaH sheSaH= of friends, foregathering - companionability, is remnant; tat bhavaan kartum arhati = that, you, to do, apt of you.
"Acquired is the kingdom and glory as well, thus enriched is your dynastic prosperity, but foregathering friends is still remaining, and it will be apt of you to negotiate it. [4-29-9b, 10a]
yo hi mitreSu kaalaj~naH satatam saadhu vartate || 4-29-10
tasya raajyam ca kiirtiH ca prataapaH ca api vardhate |
10b, 11a. yaH hi= who, indeed; kaala j~naH= time, knower - punctual; satatam mitreSu saadhu vartate= always, with friends, amiably, conducts; tasya raajyam ca kiirtiH ca= his, kingdom, glory, also; prataapaH ca api = valour, also, even; vardhate= flourishes.
"Indeed, he who really conducts himself punctually and amicably with friends, his kingdom, glory and valour will flourish. [4-29-10b, 11a]
yasya koshaH ca daNDaH ca mitraaNi aatmaa ca bhuumipa |
samaani etaani sarvaaNi sa raajyam mahat ashnute || 4-29-11
11b, c. bhuumi pa= oh, land, ruler of; yasya= whose; koshaH ca= treasury, also; daNDaH ca= army - who are punishers of enemies; also; mitraaNi aatmaa ca = friends, his own self - his own sovereignty, also; etaani sarvaaNi = these, all; samaani= will be balancing; saH mahat raajyam ashnute = he, matchless, kingdom, enjoys.
"Matchless kingdom is his who can keep his treasury, army, friends and his own sovereignty - all these four, in equiponderance. [4-29-11b, c]
tat bhavaan vR^itta sa.mpannaH sthitaH pathi niratyaye |
mitraartham abhiniitaartham yathaavat kartum arhati || 4-29-12
12. tat= therefore - to balance of your power; vR^itta sampannaH= in conduct, well-off - one with straightforward actions; bhavaan= you; nir atyaye= without, peril; pathi sthitaH= on path, abiding - resort to an unimperilled course of action; abhi niita artham= towards, approached, purpose of - the purpose for which Rama and Lakshmana came towards your fore, as promised by you; mitra artham= a friend, purpose of; yathaavat= dutifully; kartum arhati= to make it to happen - you have to achieve, apt of you.
"Therefore, as the one with straightforward actions firstly you resort to an unimperilled course of action, lest any peril is imminent, and it will be apt of you to dutifully achieve the purpose of your friend Rama, for which alone Rama along with Lakshmana came to you, thus let your power preponderate. [4-29-12]
sa.mtyajya sarva karmaaNi mitraartham yo na vartate |
sa.mbhramaat hi kR^ita utsaahaH saH anarthena avarudhyate || 4-29-13
13. yaH= who; sarva karmaaNi sam tyajya= all, [other] activities, leaving off; sambhramaat= expeditiously; kR^ita utsaahaH= made, enthusiasm - enthusiastic - in personal affairs; mitra artham na vartate= for friend's, sake, will not, strive; saH= he; an+arthena= by bad luck, misadventure; avarudhyate hi= he will be thwarted, indeed.
"Adversity thwarts him who comports himself with overenthusiasm only in self-indulgences, and who does not expeditiously strive for the sake of his friend leaving off all other activities of self-indulgence. [4-29-13]
Here Hanuma is indirectly reprimanding Sugreeva for his lascivious way of living forgetting Rama's work. This can be said this way also in a general tone: "No misfortune can constrain him who strives enthusiastically and expeditiously for his friend's mission." But Hanuma's dutifulness is to be kept in view.
yo hi kaala vyatiiteSu mitra kaaryeSu vartate |
sa kR^itvaa mahato api arthaan na mitraarthena yujyate || 4-29-14
14. yaH kaala vyatiiteSu= he, on time's, elapsing - belatedly; mitra kaaryeSu vartate hi = in friend's, mission, functions, indeed; saH mahataH arthaan kR^itvaa api= he, great, deeds, done, even if; mitra arthena yujyate na = by friend's, purpose - mission, will not, associate.
"One who belatedly functions for the present mission of his friend, he will indeed be unassociated with that mission, despite of the fact that he has once performed great deeds in respect of the same friend. [4-29-14]
tat idam mitrakaaryam naH kaala atiitam ari.ndama |
kriyataam raaghavasya etat vaidehyaaH parimaargaNam || 4-29-15
15. arindama= oh, enemy-destroyer; tat= hence; naH= our; idam= this; mitra kaaryam= friend's, task; kaala atiitam= time, lapsed - is delayed; vaidehyaaH parimaargaNam= Vaidehi's, search of; raaghavasya= of Raghava; etat= this; kriyataam = let it be done.
"Hence, the task of our friend is delayed, oh, enemy-destroyer, searching for Vaidehi is Raghava's mission and let it be done. [4-29-15]
na ca kaalam atiitam te nivedayati kaalavit |
tvaramaaNo api sa praaj~naH tava raajan vashaanugaH || 4-29-16
16. raajan= oh, king; praaj~naH= insightful one; kaalavit= knower of time - punctual one; saH= he - Rama; tvaramaaNaH api= hurrying, even though; tava vasha anu gaH= in your, , control, in tow, goer - following you abidingly; atiitam kaalam= about lapsed, time; te na nivedayati = to you, not, indicating.
"Though the time is lagging, oh, king, that insightful and punctual Rama is not indicating about it to you, though he is hurrying to complete his mission within a time-frame, because he is following you alone abiding under the control abiding by your promise. [4-29-16]
kulasya hetuH sphiitasya diirgha bandhuH ca raaghavaH |
aprameya prabhaavaH ca svayam ca apratimo guNaiH || 4-29-17
17. raaghavaH= Raghava is; sphiitasya kulasya hetuH= of dynasty - a multitude of homogenous beings, for augmentation, cause; diirgha bandhuH ca = long-lasting, friend [covenentor,] also; svayam= personally; a + prameya prabhaavaH ca= un, definable, in proficiency, also; guNaiH pratimaH ca= by his merits - grace, un, paralleled one.
"Raghava is the cause for augmentation of multitudes, a long-lasting covenentor, and even an undefinable one in his proficiency, and an unparalleled one by his grace. [4-29-17]
The 'augmenter of multitudes of homogeneous groups...' is not limited to Rama's Ikshvaku dynasty or to the monkey race, or to birds like Jatayu, or to squirrels or bears. Rama is the causer of the augmentation of any living being's group, if they tread the path of virtuousness, thus he is the sustainer of universe in peace. Any violator to that peaceful coexistence will be put to an end, may it be Viradha, Kabandha, Vali or Ravana.
tasya tvam kuru vai kaaryam puurvam tena kR^itam tava |
hariishvara hari shreSThaan aaj~naapayitum arhasi || 4-29-18
18. hari iishvara= oh, monkeys, lord; puurvam tena= previously, by him; tava kaaryam kR^itam= your, work, is done - accomplished your objective; tvam tasya [kaaryam] kuru vai= you, his, objective, accomplish, certainly; hari shreSThaan aaj~naapayitum arhasi= monkeys, best ones, to order - summon for searching Seetha, apt of you.
"Certainly you have to carry through his mission as he has carried out your mission previously, and oh, lord of monkeys, it will be apt of you to summon worthy monkeys for searching Seetha. [4-29-18]
na hi taavat bhavet kaalo vyatiitaH codanaat R^ite |
coditasya hi kaaryasya bhavet kaala vyatikramaH || 4-29-19
19. codanaat R^ite= by impelling, without - without Rama prodding us; kaalaH vyatiitaH= time, lapsed; na taavat bhavet hi= not, till then, will be, indeed - it may not be construed as such; coditasya kaaryasya= if impelled, for work - if he comes and prods us to action; then; kaala vyati kramaH bhavet hi= time, transgression of, will be, indeed.
"As long as Rama is not going to prod us for action deem that there is no time lapse, but the minute he does deem it as lapsed. [4-29-19]
akartur api kaaryasya bhavaan kartaa hariishvara |
kim punaH pratikartuH te raajyena ca vadhena ca || 4-29-20
20. hariishvara= oh, king of monkeys; kaaryasya a+ kartuH api = deed, not, doer, even - even if no help is rendered to you; bhavaan kartaa= you are, doer [helpful one]; vadhena ca= by killing [Vali,] also; raajyena ca = by kingdom, even; te= to you; prati kartuH= in [your] respect, one who has done - one who helped you; kim punaH = why, again - tell about it - blurt out.
"You are a helpful one even to those that are unhelpful to you, oh, king of monkeys, then why repeat about him who helped you in getting your kingdom, and even in killing your enemy, Vali.
"Even if Rama did not help you in getting your kingdom and killing Vali you have to render your help to Rama, for you are a beacon of friendship and you are a helpful one without seeking any requital... then why you are delaying...[4-29-20]

A true friendship does not require barters. A timely help is the only virtue of true friendship, and thankless friends will neglect it. anena k®ta upak˜rasya guõ˜ýhyasya k˜ryam k˜la anatikrameõa sarva prak˜reõa api s˜dhanŸyam | adharmiÿ÷sya tu mitra k˜ryam upekÿaõŸyam iti s¨citam | dk .
shaktimaan ativikraanto vaanara R^iSka gaNa iishvara |
kartum daasharatheH priitim aaj~naayaam kim nu sajjase || 4-29-21
21. vaanara R^iSka gaNa iishvara= monkey, bears, multitude's, lord of; shaktimaan ati vikraantaH= powerful one, highly, adventurous; such as you are, you; daasharatheH priitim kartum= of Dasharatha's son, desire, to fulfil; aaj~naayaam kim nu sajjase= to issue orders, why, really, delaying - temporising.
"Highly adventurous and powerful vanara as you are, oh, lord of multitudes of monkeys and bears, why do you really temporise in issuing orders to fulfil the cherish of Rama. [4-29-21]
kaamam khalu sharaiH shaktaH sura asura mahaa uragaan |
vashe daasharathiH kartum tvat pratij~naam avekshate || 4-29-22
22. daasharathiH= Rama of Dasharatha; sharaiH= with arrows; sura asura mahaa uragaan= gods, demons, great-vipers; vashe kartum= in control, to keep; kaamam shaktaH khalu = if need be, capable of, really; tvat pratij~naam avekshate= from you, [fulfilment of] promise, he is anticipating.
"If need be Rama of Dasharatha is really capable of keeping gods, demons and great-vipers under his control with his arrows, but he is anticipating fulfilment of your promise. [4-29-22]
praaNa tyaaga avisha.nkena kR^itam tena mahat priyam |
tasya maargaama vaidehiim pR^ithivyaam api ca a.mbare || 4-29-23
23. praaNa tyaaga= life, forgoing; a +vi+ shankena= not, much, doubting; tena mahat priyam kR^itam= by him, an exceptional, cherish [of yours,] is done; tasya vaidehiim= his, [wife] Vaidehi; pR^ithivyaam= on earth; ambare api ca= on sky, even, also; maargaama= we search.
"He fulfilled an exceptional cherish of yours without much doubting for the forfeiture of his own life, hence we search for his wife Vaidehi anywhere on earth or even on skies. [4-29-23]
na devaa na ca ga.ndharvaa na asuraa na marut gaNaaH |
na ca yakSaa bhayam tasya kuryuH kim iva raakSasaaH || 4-29-24
24. devaaH= gods; tasya= to him; bhayam na kuryuH= dismay, will not, cause; gandharvaa na= gandharva-s, no; asuraa na= asura-s, no; marut gaNaaH na= Wind-gods, multitudes of, no; yakSaa na ca = Yaksha-s, not, even; raakSasaaH kim iva = raakshasa-s, why, thus.
"Gods cannot cause dismay to him, then gandharva-s - no; multitudes of wind-gods - no; asura-s - no; yaksha-s - no; and then wherefore the raakshasa-s can? [4-29-24]
tat evam shakti yuktasya puurvam priya kR^itaH tathaa |
raamasya arhasi pi.ngesha kartum sarva aatmanaa priyam || 4-29-25
25. pinga iisha = oh, monkeys, lord of; tat= therefore; evam shakti yuktasya= that kind of, energy, having - to energetic one; tathaa= likewise; puurvam priya kR^itaH = earlier, aspiration [of yours], one who fulfilled; raamasya= of such a - Rama; sarva aatmanaa priyam kartum arhasi= any, wise - at all events, desired thing, to do, apt of you.
"Therefore, oh, lord of monkeys, that Rama is energetic to exert himself, but he fulfilled your aspiration earlier, and it will be apt of you requite him with his aspiration at all events. [4-29-25]
na adhastaat avanau na apsu gatiH na upari ca ambare |
kasyacit sajjate asmaakam kapiishvara tava aaj~nayaa || 4-29-26
26. kapiishvara= oh, king of monkeys; tava aaj~nayaa= by your, order if your order; asmaakam= among us - vanara-s; kasyacit= whosoever; gatiH= impetus; adhastaat na sajjate= in netherworlds, not, hampered; avanau= on earth; apsu= in waters; na = will not - retard; upari ambare ca= up above, on sky, even; na= will not.
"In case you were ordering us, oh, king of monkeys, among us whosoever he may be his impetus will be unhampered either in netherworlds, or in water, or up above on the sky. [4-29-26]
tat aaj~naapaya kaH kim te kuto vaa api vyavasyatu |
harayo hi apradhR^iSyaaH te santi koTi agrato anagha || 4-29-27
27. anagha= oh, merited one; tat= therefore; aaj~naapaya= command us; kaH kutaH kim= who, wherefrom, what for - for which purpose; vaa api= or, even; vyavasyatu [vi ava syatu]= exerts himself; te= to you; koTi agrataH= crore - ten million, more than; a +pra+ dhR^iSyaaH= not, really, challengeable - indomitable; harayaH= monkeys; santi= are there.
"Therefore command us, oh, merited one, as you have more than ten million unchallengeable monkeys under your command, as to who should start from where and for which purpose, and as to how one should exert himself." Thus Hanuma appealed to Sugreeva. [4-29-27]
tasya tad vacanam shrutvaa kaale saadhu niruupitam |
sugriivaH sattva sa.mpannaH cakaara matim uttamaam || 4-29-28
28. tasya= his - Hanuma's; kaale saadhu niruupitam= in time, validly, demonstrated - argued; tat vacanam shrutvaathat= that, words, on hearing; sattva sampannaH = one whose soldiery, is substantial; such; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; uttamaam matim cakaara = noble, mind, made up - took a decision.
On hearing the words of Hanuma that are validly demonstrated on time, Sugreeva whose soldiery is substantial, took a noble decision. [4-29-28]
sa.mdidesha ati mati maan niilam nitya kR^ita udyamam |
dikSu sarvaasu sarveSaam sainyaanaam upasa.mgrahe || 4-29-29
29. ati matimaan= noble, minded one; Sugreeva; sarvaasu dikSu= [those available] in all, directions; sarveSaam sainyaanaam= all of the, monkey-forces; upasamgrahe= in foregathering; nitya kR^ita udyamam = one who always, makes, endeavour - strives to foregather military; niilam samdidesha= to Nila, directed.
And the noble minded Sugreeva directed Nila, one of the commanders of vanara army, and who always strives to foregather vanara army, to foregather all of the monkey-forces available in all the directions. [4-29-29]
yathaa senaa samagraa me yuuthapaalaaH ca sarvashaH |
samaagacChanti asa.ngena senaagraaNi tathaa kuru || 4-29-30
30. me samagraa senaa= my, in entirety, army; yuutha paalaaH ca= corps, commanders, even; sarvashaH= from all over; a + sangena= without, delay; yathaa= as to how; sena agraaNi= army, in the van of - cutting edge; samaagacChanti [ sam aa gacChanti]= will marshal towards; tathaa kuru= that way, you make happen.
"You have to have organise that way as to how my army in its entirety and from all over, together with corps commanders, is to be marshalled to stay in the cutting edge of army. [4-29-30]
ye tu a.ntapaalaaH plavagaaH shiighragaa vyavasaayinaH |
samaanaya.ntu te shiighram tvaritaaH shaasanaat mama |
svayam ca ana.ntaram sainyam bhavaan eva anupashyatu || 4-29-31
31. anta paalaaH= senaa paryanta paalakaaH= army's, perimeter, managers defenders; shiighra gaa= quick, stepped ones; vyavasaayinaH= venturesome; ye plavagaaH= which fly-jumpers - are there; te= they; mama shaasanaat = by my, order; tvaritaaH= quickly; shiighram= speedily; sam aanayantu= be fetched; anantaram= later; sainyam= army; [kaaryam= works - later time works]; bhavaan eva= you, alone; svayam ca= personally, also; anu pashyatu= closely, see to it - you monitor - in making it as a unified whole, without heterogeneity.
"Those that are the quickstepped, venturesome fly-jumpers who are the defenders on the perimeter of army, they shall be fetched quickly an speedily at my order, and oh, Niila, you on your own have to personally and closely monitor the military establishment without any heterogeneity. [4-29-31]
tri pa.nca raatraat uurdhvam yaH praapnuyaat iha vaanaraH |
tasya praaNa antiko daNDo na atra kaaryaa vicaaraNaa || 4-29-32
32. yaH vaanaraH= which, vanara; tri panca raatraat uurdhvam= three, five [3x5= 15, fifteen,] nights, above - after; iha praapnuyaat= to here, reaches; tasya praaNa antikaH daNDaH= to him, life, termination, is the punishment; na atra kaaryaa vicaaraNaa= not, there, business, to adjudicate - further.
"And, the monkey who arrives here after fifteen nights, to him termination of life is the punishment, there is no business for further adjudication. [4-29-32]
hariin ca vR^iddhaan upayaatu sa a.ngado
bhavaan mama aaj~naam adhikR^itya nishcitam |
iti vyavasthaam hari pu.ngava iishvaro
vidhaaya veshma pravivesha viiryavaan || 4-29-33
33. sa angadaH= you - along with, Angada; bhavaan= you; mama aaj~naam adhikR^itya = by my, order, authorised; nishcitam= what has been decided - by me; vR^iddhaan hariin ca= to elderly, monkeys, also; upa yaatu= near, you go - approach; thus Sugreeva said and; viiryavaan= doughty one; hari pungava iishvaraH= monkeys, best ones, king of; iti vyavasthaam vidhaaya= thus, set-up, on assigning; veshma pravivesha= palace-chambers, entered.
"Associated with Angada you shall approach elderly monkeys like Jambavanta and others, according to my decision and authorised by my order." Thus, Sugreeva, the king of best monkeys on assigning the set-up, and ordering Niila, the Commander of Vanara Forces, that glorious Sugreeva re-entered his palace-chambers. [4-29-33]
Here it is said that Sugreeva re-entered his palace-chambers. This is due to the impulsive nature towards his sensual gratifications. He should have realised that he shall approach Rama to report the arrangements made, or at least he should have asked Hanuma to inform Rama about these orders to Niila. Without doing either of them, he re-entered the palace-chambers by which Hanuma has landed into a dilemma. Hanuma cannot go to Rama on his own for he is a minister of Sugreeva and inform about the orders of Sugreeva to Niila without the permission of the king, namely Sugreeva, nor as a minister, he can persuade Sugreeva to go to Rama to report the actions taken by monkey forces to search Seetha. In reality, monkey forces are being gathered, but that information is not passed on to Rama. This communication gap creates a furious emotion in Rama and he bids Lakshmana to go to Kishkindha and take Sugreeva to task, and even Lakshmana jumps on Sugreeva like a firebrand, in the coming chapters.

iti vaalmiiki raamaayaNe aadi kaavye kiSkindha kaaNDe ekona tri.nsha sargaH
Thus, this is the 29th chapter in Kishkindha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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