Chapter [Sarga] 68  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 68


Hanuma informs Rama how Seetha expressed her grave doubt as to how monkeys and bears can leap across a vast sea, as well as her appeal to Rama to destroy Ravana along with his entire army in Lanka and take her back to Ayodhya. Hanuma further informs Rama, how he resolved her doubt by explaining the prowess of the troops of monkeys and bears, commanded by Sugreeva as also how he brought solace and peace to her from her worries.

atha aham uttaram devyaa punaH uktaH sasambhramam |
tava snehaan nara vyaaghra sauhaaryaat anumaanya ca || 5-68-1
1. naravyaaghra= O the excellent among men!; atha= thereafter; anumaanya= having shown respect for me; tava snehaat= out of affection; sauhaardraat= and good-heartedness; tava= for you; aham= I; sasambhramam= who was in a haste (to go); uktaH= was spoken to; punaH= again; devyaa= by Seetha the princess; uttaram= about the future.
"O excellent among men! Having shown respect for me out of her affection and good-heartedness for you, I, who was in a haste to go, was spoken to again by Seetha the princess about the further course of action."
evam bahu vidham vaacyo raamo daasharathiH tvayaa |
yathaa maam aapnuyaat shiighram hatvaa raavaNam aahave || 5-68-2
2. raamaH= Rama; daasharathiH= the son of Dasaratha; vaachyaH= is to be informed; evam= thus; tvayaa= by you; bahuvidham= in several ways; shiighram hatvaa= for quickly killing; raavaNam= Ravana; aahave= in battle; yathaa tathaa= and as to how; maam aapnuyaat= he can get me back.
"Rama, the son of Dasaratha, is to be informed by you thus in several ways, for quickly killing Ravana in battle and also as to how he can get me back."
yadi vaa manyase viira vasa ekaa aham arim dama |
kasmimshcit samvR^ite deshe vishraantaH shvo gamiShyasi || 5-68-3
3. viira= O hero; arimdama= the annihilator of enemies!; manyase yadi= if you deem it fit; vasa= stay; ekaaham= for a day; samvR^ite deshe= in a secret place; gamiSyasi= you can go; shvaH= tomorrow; vishraantaH= after taking rest.
" 'O hero the annihilator of enemies! If you deem it fit, stay for a day in a secret place. You can go tomorrow after taking rest'."
mama ca api alpa bhaagyaayaaH saamnidhyaat tava vaanara |
asya shoka vipaakasya muhuurtam syaat vimokShaNam || 5-68-4
4. viiryavan= O the valiant one! tava saamnidhyaat= because of your presence; asya mama shoka vipaakasya vimokSaNam= the termination of my full-flown grief; syaat= may proceed; muhuurtam= for a while.
"'O the valiant one! Because of your presence, the termination of my full-blown grief may continue for a while'."
gate hi tvayi vikraante punaH aagamanaaya vai |
praaNaanaam api samdeho mama syaan na atra samshayaH || 5-68-5
5. tvayi= (when) you; vikraante= the courageous one; gate= go; punaraagamanaaya= for coming back; syaat= there is; sandehaH= an uncertainity; mama praaNaamapi= even to my life; na sandehaH= there is no doubt; atra= about this.
"'When you, the courageous one, have actually left to come back, there will be a danger even to my life. There is no doubt about this'."
tava adarshanajaH shoko bhuuyo maam paritaapayet |
duhkhaat duhkha paraabhuutaam durgataam duhkha bhaaginiim || 5-68-6
6. paraabhuutaam= being overcome; duHkhaat= from one sorrow; duHkham= after another sorrow; durgataam= being miserable; duHkha bhaaginiim= being overcome with grief; shokaH= sorrow; adarshanajaH= born of your disappearance; paritaapayet= will torment me; bhuuyaH= further.
"'The sorrow born of your disappearance will further torment me, who is overtaken by one sorrow after another, miserable and doomed to grief as I am'."
ayam tu viira samdehaH tiShThati iva mama agrataH |
sumahaan tvat sahaayeShu hari R^ikSheShu asamshayaH || 5-68-7
7. hariishvara= O best among monkeys; viira= the valiant one! haryR^ikSeSu= in the matter of monkeys and bears; tvatsahayeSu= who are helpmates to you; ayam= this; sumahaan= a very grave; sandeshaH= doubt; tiSThatiiva= stands; agrataH= before me.
"'O best among the monkeys! O valiant one! In the matter of monkeys and bears who are your helpmates, this very grave doubt stands before me'."
katham nu khalu duShpaaram tariShyanti mahaaudadhim |
taani hari R^ikSha sainyaani tau vaa nara vara aatmajau || 5-68-8
8. kathamnu= how; khalu= indeed; taani= those; haryR^ikSasainyaani= troops of monkeys and bears; tau naravaraatmajau vaa= or those two princes; tariSyanti= can cross; duSpaaram= the insurmountable; mahodadhim= great ocean?
"'How indeed can those troops of monkeys and bears or Rama and Lakshmana can cross that great insurmountable ocean?'"
trayaaNaam eva bhuutaanaam saagarasya asya langhane |
shaktiH syaat vainateyasya vaayoH vaa tava vaa anagha || 5-68-9
9. trayaaNaam= only three; bhuutaanaam= beings; vainateyasyavaa= viz. Garuda the eagle; tava vaa= or yourself; maarutasyavaa= or the wind-god; syaat= have; shaktiH= the capacity; laN^ghane= in crossing; asya= of this; saagarasya= ocean.
"'Three beings viz. Garuda the eagle, or yourself or the wind-god only have the capacity of crossing this ocean'."
tat asmin kaarya niyoge viira evam duratikrame |
kim pashyasi samaadhaanam bruuhi kaaryavidaam vara || 5-68-10
10. viira= O valiant monkey!; tat= that is why; kim= what; samaadhaanam= strategy; pashyasi= are you visualizing; asmin kaarya niryoga= to fulfill this act; duratikrame= which is so difficult to accomplish; evam= thus?; tvam= you; varaH his= are indeed excellent; kaaryavidaam= of those who know how to accomplish any work.
"'O valiant monkey! That is why, what strategy are you visualizing to fulfill this act, which is so difficult to accomplish thus? You are indeed excellent of those who know how to accomplish any work'."
kaamam asya tvam eva ekaH kaaryasya parisaadhane ||
paryaaptaH para viiraghna yashasyaH te bala udayaH || 5-68-11
11. para viiraghna= O Hanuma the annihilator of strong enemies!; tvam= you; eka eva= as one alone; paryaaptaH kaamam= are accomplisher of desires; parisaadhane= of fulfilling; asya kaaryasya= this task; te= your; phalodayaH= fulfillment of result; yashasyaH= is famous.
"O Hanuma the annihilator of hostile enemies! You, as one alone, are capable of fulfilling this task. Your act of fulfilling this task your act of fulfilling the result is well-known."
balaiH samagraiH yadi maam hatvaa raavaNam aahave |
vijayii svaam puriim raamo nayet tat syaat yashaH karam || 5-68-12
12. tat= it; syaat= would; yashaH karam= result in his glory; yadi raamaH= if Rama; hatvaa= after killing; raavaNam= Ravana; samagraiH balaiH= along with his entire army; vijayii= and being victorious; nayet= takes; maam= me; svaam puriim= to his city.
""It would result in his glory, if Rama, after killing Ravana along with his entire army, takes me to his city in his victory'."
yathaa aham tasya viirasya vanaat upadhinaa hR^itaa |
rakShasaa tat bhayaat eva tathaa na arhati raaghavaH || 5-68-13
13. raaghavaH= Rama; naarhati= ought not; (to take me back); tadbhayaadeva= by fearing that Ravana; yathaa tathaa= in the same manner as; aham= I; hR^itaa= was taken away; vanaat= from the forest; rakSasaa= by Ravana the demon; upadhinaa= by a cheating; viirasya= of the heroic Rama.
"'Rama ought not to take me back for fear that Ravana, in the same manner as Ravana the demon took me away from the forest in the absence of Rama by cheating that heroic Rama."
balaiH tu samkulaam kR^itvaa lankaam para bala ardanaH |
maam nayet yadi kaakutsthaH tat tasya sadR^isham bhavet || 5-68-14
14. yadi kaakutsthsaH= If Rama; para bala ardanaH= the destroyer of army of adversaries; kR^itvaa= making; laN^kaam= Lanka; samkulaam= filled; sharaiH= with arrows; maam nayet= takes me home; tat= that; sadR^isham bhavet= will be worthy; tasya= of him.
If Rama, the destroyer of rival army, fills the entire Lanka with arrows and takes me home, it will be quite worthy of him."
tat yathaa tasya vikraantam anuruupam mahaatmanaH |
bhavati aahava shuurasya tathaa tvam upapaadaya || 5-68-15
15. tat= for that reason; tvam= you; upapaadaya= act; yathaa= in such a way; tathaa= that; mahaatmanaH= the high-souled Rama; aahava shuurasya= valiant in battle; bhavet= may exhibit; vikraantam= the prowess; anurumpam= worthy; tasya= of him.
"For that reason, you act in such a way, that the high-souled Rama, valiant in battle, exhibits the prowess befitting of him."
tat artha upahitam vaakyam prashritam hetu samhitam |
nishamya aham tataH sheSham vaakyam uttaram abruvam || 5-68-16
16. nishamya= hearing; tat= that; vaakyam= appeal (of Seetha); arthopahitam= that was somewhat good in fits meaning; prashritam= courteous; hetu samhitam= and furnished with reasons; aham= I; abruvam= spoke; tataH= then; vaakyam= (the following) words; sheSham= remaining; uttaram= as a reply.
"Hearing that appeal (of Seetha), that was somewhat good in its meaning, courteous and duly furnished with reasons, I gave then my remaining reply (as follows):
devi hari R^ikSha sainyaanaam iishvaraH plavataam varaH |
sugriivaH sattva sampannaH tava arthe kR^ita nishcayaH || 5-68-17
17. devi= O Seetha the princess!; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; iishvaraH= the lord; vaanara bhalluka sainyaanaam= of the armies of monkeys and bears; plavatam varaH= excellent among the monkeys; sattva sampannaH= and endowed with strength; kR^ita nishchayaH= is firmly determined; tva arthe= in your cause.
"'O Seetha the princess! Sugreeva, the lord of the troops of monkeys and bears, excellent among the monkeys and endowed with strength, is firmly determined to rescue you."
tasya vikrama sampannaaH sattvavanto mahaabalaaH |
manaH samkalpa sampaataa nideshe harayaH sthitaaH || 5-68-18
yeShaam na upari na adhastaan na tiryak sajjate gatiH |
na ca karmasu siidanti mahatsv amita tejasaH || 5-68-19
18, 19. harayaH= the monkeys; vikrama sampannaaH= endowed with prowess sattvavantaH= perseverance; mahaabalaaH= great strength; manaH samkalpa sampaataaH= and who can rush to any place as they wish; sthitaaH= are intensely committed; tasya= to Sugreeva's command; yeSaam= whose; gatiH= movement; upari= on the sky; adhastaat= or on the ground; na sajjate= has no hindrance; na= has no hindrance; tiryak = (even) horizontally; (those monkeys); amita tejasaH= are not indolent; mahatsu karmasu= (to perform) great tasks.
"So many monkeys, endowed with prowess, perseverance great strength and who can rush to any place as they wish, are intensely committed to Sugreeva's command. There is no hindrance to their movement either in the sky or the ground or in a horizontal region between the sky and the ground. Those monkeys with unlimited splendour are not indolent in performing any great task."
asakR^it taiH mahaabhaagaiH vaanaraiH bala samyutaiH |
pradakShiNii kR^itaa bhuumiH vaayu maarga anusaaribhiH || 5-68-20
20. taiH mahaabhagaiH vaanaraiH= by those illustrious monkeys; bala darpitaiH= proud of their strength; vaayumaargaanusaaribhiH= and who follow the path of wind; bhuumiH= the earth; pradakSiNii kR^itaa= was circumambulated.
"Those illustrious monkeys, proud of their strength and following the path of wind, circumambulated the entire earth several times."
mat vishiShTaaH ca tulyaaH ca santi tatra vana okasaH |
mattaH pratyavaraH kashcin na asti sugriiva samnidhau || 5-68-21
aham taavat iha praaptaH kim punaH te mahaabalaaH |
na hi prakR^iShTaaH preShyante preShyante hi itare janaaH || 5-68-22
21, 22. tatra= in them; vana okasaH= (some of) the monkeys; madvishiSTaashcha= are superior to me; tulyaashcha= and some even equal to me; santi= are there; kashchit naasti= no one; sugriiva sannidhau= in the vicinity of Sugreeva; pratyavaraH= is inferior; mattaH= to me; aham taavat= I myself; anupraaptaH= has come; iha= here; kim punaH= why to talk; te= about them; mahaabalaaH= who are mighty?; prakR^iSTaaH= the superior ones; na preSyante hi= are not sent (for errands); itare= other; janaaH= persons; preShyante hi= are indeed sent.
"'In them, some of the monkeys are superior to me and some are even equal to me. No one in the vicinity of Sugreeva is inferior to me. When I have arrived here, why to talk about those mighty ones? Generally, superior ones are not sent for errands. Only others are indeed sent'."
tat alam paritaapena devi manyuH vyapaitu te |
eka utpaatena te lankaam eShyanti hari yuuthapaaH || 5-68-23
23. devi= O Seetha the princess!; tat= that is why; alam= enough; paritaapena= of your lamentation; te shokaH= (Let) your sorrow; vyapaitu= be removed; te= those; hari yuuthapaaH= leaders of monkeys; eSyanti= will reach; laN^kaam= Lanka; eka utpaatena= by one single leap.
"'O Seetha the princess! Enough of your lamentation. Take away your sorrow. Those leaders of monkeys will reach Lanka by one single leap'."
mama pR^iShTha gatau tau ca candra suuryaav iva uditau |
tvat sakaasham mahaabhaage nR^i simhaav aagamiShyataH || 5-68-24
24. tau nR^isimhau= those two lions among men; Rama and sakaasham too; mahaasattvau= of great strength; mama pR^iSTha gatau= sitting on my shoulders; aagamiSyataH= can come; tvat sakaasham= to you; uditau chandra suuryaav iva= like the rising sun and the moon.
"Rama and Lakshmana, those two lions among men, also of great strength, ascending on my shoulders, can come to you, like the rising sun and the moon."
arighnam simha samkaasham kShipram drakShyasi raaghavam |
lakShmaNam ca dhanuSh paaNim lankaa dvaaram upasthitam || 5-68-25
25. raaghavam= Rama; arighnam= the annihilator of enemies; simha samkaasham= similar to a lion; lakSmaNam cha= and Lakshmana; dhanuS paaNim= wielding or bow in his hand; kSipram= will soon; upaasthitam= approach; laN^kaa dvaaram= the entrance gate of Lanka; drakSyasi= and you will see (them).
"Rama, the annihilator of enemies, similar to a lion, and Lakshmana wielding a bow in his hand, will surely approach the entrance-gate of Lanka and you will see them soon."
nakha damShTra aayudhaan viiraan simha shaarduula vikramaan |
vaanaraan vaanara indra aabhaan kShipram drakShyasi samgataan || 5-68-26
26. drakSyasi= you can see; kSipram= soon; viiraan vaanaraan= the valiant monkeys; nakha damSTra aayudhaan= with their claws and tusks as weapons; simha shaarduula vikramam= having the prowess of lions and tigers; vaaraNendra bhaan= looking like lordly elephants; samgataan= coming together.
"'You can see soon those valiant monkeys, with their claws and tusks as weapons, having the prowess of lions and tigers and looking like lordly elephants, coming here together'."
shaila ambudan nikaashaanaam lankaa malaya saanuShu |
nardataam kapi mukhyaanaam aciraat shoShyase svanam || 5-68-27
27. shroSyasi= you will hear; achiraat= within a short time; svanam= the sound; kapi mukhyanaam= of the excellent of monkeys; nardataam= resonating; laN^kaa malaya saanuSu= on the mountain-peaks of Mount Malayaa in Lanka; shail ambudan nikaashaanaam= like mountains and clouds.
"'You will hear within a short time, the clamour of the excellent of monkeys resonating like a mountains and clouds, on the peaks of Mount Malaya in Lanka'."
nivR^itta vana vaasam ca tvayaa saardham arim damam |
abhiShiktam ayodhyaayaam kShipram drakShyasi raaghavam || 5-68-28
28. drakSyasi= you will see; raaghavam= Rama; arim damam= the annihilator of enemies; nivR^itta vana vaasam= returned from his exile; abhiShiktam= and getting; anointed to the crown; ayodhyayaam= in Ayodhya; tvayaa saridham= along with you; kShipram= soon.
"'You will see Rama, the annihilator of enemies, returning from exile, and getting anointed to the crown in Ayodhya, along with you soon'."
tato mayaa vaagbhiH adiina bhaaShiNii |
shivaabhiH iShTaabhiH abhiprasaaditaa |
jagaama shaantim mama maithila aatmajaa |
tava api shokena tathaa abhipiiDitaa || 5-68-29
29. tataH= thereafter; tava shokena api= though tormented with thought of your sorrow too; abhipiiDitaa= the tormented; maithila aatmajaa= Seetha; abhiprasaadita= was soothened; mayaa= by me; adiina bhaaShiNii= through comforting words spoken; mama vaagbhiH= and by my words; shiivaabhiH= which were well disposed; iSTaabhiH= and agreeable; jagaama= obtained; shaantim= peace of mind.
"Thereafter, soothened by me with comforting, well-disposed and agreeable words, Seetha, though tormented with thought of your grief, obtained peace of mind."

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe aSTaSaSTitamaH sargaH
Thus completes 68th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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