Chapter [Sarga] 29  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 29


Seetha experiences some good omens as follows; Her left eye, left shoulder and left thigh quivered, as also her clothing slipped a bit. Feeling these omens, her consciousness was awakened with exaltation.

tathaa gataam taam vyathitaam aninditaam |
vyapeta harShaam paridiina maanasaam |
shubhaam nimittaani shubhaani bhejire |
naram shriyaa juShTam iva upajiivinaH || 5-29-1
1. taam= to her; tathaagataam= who was in such circumstances; vyathitaam= who was in distress; aninditaam= who was irraproachable; vyapeta harSaam= devoid of joy; paridiinamaanasaam= who was dejected; shubhaam= who was virtuous; bhejire= was bestowed with; shubhaani= auspicious; nimittaani= omens; naram iva= as a man; juSTam= possessed; shriyaa= of prosperity; upajiivinaH iva= is bestwoed with dependent servants.
To her who was in such circumstances, who was in distress, who was irraproachable, devoid of joy and dejected but virtuous, was bestowed with auspicious omens, as a prosperous man is bestowed with dependent servants.
tasyaaH shubham vaamam araala pakShma |
raajii vR^itam kR^iShNa vishaala shuklam |
praaspandata ekam nayanam sukeshyaa |
miina aahatam padmam iva abhitaamram || 5-29-2
2. sukeshyaaH= the beautifully haired; tastaaG= Seetha's; vaamanayanam= araala pakSma raajiivR^itam= whose surrounding row of eye-lashes were curved; kR^iSNa vishaalaa shuklam= which was black, wide and bright-looking; praaspandata= like a red lotus; miinaahatam= (quivered) by the blow of a fish.
The beautifully haired Seetha's left eye, which was auspicious, whose surrounding row of eye-lashes were curved, which was black, wide and bright-looking; was predominantly quivering, like a red lotus quivered by the blow of a fish.
bhujaH ca caarv ancita piina vR^ittaH |
para ardhya kaala aguru candana arhaH |
anuttamena adhyuShitaH priyeNa |
cireNa vaamaH samavepata aashu || 5-29-3
3. vaamaH bhujashcha= Her left shoulder; chaarvaNchita piina vR^ittaH= which was pretty, distinguished, beefy and round; paraarthyakaaguru chandanaarhaH= which deserved to be applied with excellent black aloe and sandalwood paste; chireNa dhyuSitaH= which had been used for long as a pillow; anuttamena= by her most excellently; priyeNa= beloved Rama; aashu= quickly; sannavepata= quivered.
Her left shoulder, which was pretty, distinguished beefy and round, which deserved to be applied with excellent black aloe and sandalwood paste, which had been used
gaja indra hasta pratimaH ca piinaH |
tayoH dvayoH samhatayoH sujaataH |
praspandamaanaH punaH uuruH asyaa |
raamam purastaat sthitam aacacakShe || 5-29-4
4. tayoH dvayoH= of her two thighs; samhatayoH= kept together; asyaaH uruH= her (left) thigh; piinaH= which was beefy; sujaataH= and well born; gajendrahasta pratimaH= which resembled the trunk of a princely elephant; praspandamaanaH= was predominantly quivering; achachakSe= spoke; sthitam= the existance; raamam= of Rama; purustaat= in front.
Of her two thighs kept together, the left tigh which was beefy and well born, which resembled the trunk of a princely elephant was predominantly quivering, spoke indistinctly of existenc of Rama in front.
shubham punaH hema samaana varNam |
iiShat rajo dhvastam iva amala akShyaaH |
vaasaH sthitaayaaH shikhara agra dantyaaH |
kimcit parisramsata caaru gaatryaaH || 5-29-5
5. punaH= again; vaasaH= the clothing; sthitaayaaH= of Seetha standng there; amalaakSyaaH= of spotless eyes; chaarugaatryaaH= and charming limbs; shikhaagra dantyaaH= having teeth resembling the buds of jasmine; hema samaana varNam= which was of golden shade; iiSat= and was slightly; rajodhvastamiva= soiled as it were with dust; parisramsata= glided down; shubham= which looked auspicious.
Again, the clothing of Seetha standing there, of spotless eyes and charming limbs, having teeth resembling the buds of jasmine, which was of golden shade and was slightly soiled as it were with dust, glited down, which appeared auspicious (for her).
etaiH nimittaiH aparaiH ca subhruuH |
sambodhitaa praag api saadhu siddhaiH |
vaata aatapa klaantam iva pranaShTam |
varSheNa biijam pratisamjaharSha || 5-29-6
6. etaiH= these; nimittaiH= omens; aparaishcha= and some other omens; sambodhitaa= explained, saadhu= straight; siddhaiH= which were fruitful; praagapi= previously also; subhruuH= Seetha of beautiful eyebrows; pratisamjaharSa= disclosed a great joy; biijam iva= even as a seed; praNaSTam= vanished; vaataatapa klaantam= and withered by the wind and the sun; (got sprouted); varSeNa= by rain.
Bolstered by these and some other omens which straight explained that they were fruitful on the earlier occasion also, Seetha of beautiful eyebrows disclosed a great joy, even as a seed vanished and withered by the wind and the sun, got sprouted by rain.
tasyaaH punaH bimba phala upama oShTham |
svakShi bhru kesha antam araala pakShma |
vaktram babhaase sita shukla damShTram |
raahoH mukhaac candra iva pramuktaH || 5-29-7
7. punaH= moreover; bimbaphalaadharoSTham= having the lips like Bimba fruit; svakSSibhru keshaantam= having beautiful eyes and eyebrows; araalapakSma= who eye lids are curved; sita chaaru dantam= having charming white teeth; tasyaa= her; vaktram= face; babhaase= shone; chandraH iva= like the moon; pramuktaH= liberated; raahoH mukhaat= from the mouth of the demon Rahu.
Moreover, having the lips resembling Bimba fruit, having beautiful eyes and eyebrows, whose eye lids are curved, having charming white teeth, her face shone like the moon liberated from the mouth of the demon Rahu.
saa viita shokaa vyapaniita tandrii |
shaanta jvaraa harSha vibuddha sattvaa |
ashobhata aaryaa vadanena shukle |
shiita anshunaa raatriH iva uditena || 5-29-8
8. viita shokaa= free from sorrow; vyapaniita tandrii= her weariness removed; shaanta jvaraa= her mental affliction alleviated; harSa vibuddhasattvaa= and her consciousness awakened with exaltation; saa aaryaa= that esteemed lady, (Seetha); ashobhata= looked splendid; vadanena= with her countenance; raatririva= as a night; shiitaam shunaa= with the moon; uditena= appear; shukle= during the bright fortnight.
Free from sorrow, her weariness removed, her mental affliction alleviated and her consciousness awakened with exaltation, that esteemed lady (Seetha) looked handsome with her countenance, as a night with the moon appears during the bright fortnight.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe ekonatriMshaH sargaH
Thus completes 29th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic

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