Chapter [Sarga] 57  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in
Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 57


Hanuma leaps from the coast of Lanka and touches Mount Mainaka, which he came across in the way. He advances further and roars at the top of his voice at the Mount Mahendra, so as to bring jubiliation to the monkeys awaiting his return there. Jambavan tells the monkeys, who moved by jumps with joy on hearing Jambavan, that Hanuma has returned successfully, from his expedition as way evident from his jubilant roar. Having greeted Jambavan, Angada and others on alighting on the summit of Mount Mahendra, Hanuma narrates to them briefly the story of his discovery of Seetha. Applauding Hanuma, prince Angada, who was eager to hear the story, sits down on a rock along with all others.

sacandra kumudam ramyam saarka kaaraNDavam shubham |
tiShya shravaNa kadambam abhra shaivala shaadvalam || 5-57-1
punarvasu mahaamiinam lohita anga mahaagraham |
airaavata mahaadviipam svaatii hamsa viloDitam || 5-57-2
vaata samghaata jaata uurmim candra amshu shishira ambumat |
bhujamga yakSha gandharva prabuddha kamala utpalam || 5-57-3
hanumaan maarutagatirmahaanauriva saagaram |
apaaramaparishraantaH pupluve gaganaarNavam || 5-57-4
1, 2, 3, 4. hanumaan= Hanuma; maarutagatiH= with a rush equal to that of wind; aparishraantaH= without a fatigue; pupluve= leapt across; apaaram= the boundless; gaganaarNavam= sea analogous to sky; mahaanauH iva= like a large ship; saagaram= crossing the ocean; ramyam= pleasant; sachandra kumudam= having the moon for a white water-lily; saarkakaaraN^Davam= the sun for a water-fowl; shubham= auspicious; tiSyashravaNakaadambam= having the constellations known by the names of Pushya and Shravana for swans; abhrashaiVaalashaadvalam= the clouds for its duck-weeds; punarvasumahaamiinam= the twin constellations, the Punarvasus, for its large fish; lohitaaN^ga mahaagraham= the planet Mars for its large alligator; airaavata mahaadviipam= Airavata (Indra's elephant) for a large island; svaatihamsaviloLitam= graced with a swan in the form of the constellation Sati; vaata samghaatajaatormi= having gales for its waves; chandraamshushishiraambumat= and the moonbeams for its cool water; bhujaN^ga yakSa gandharva prabuddha kamalotpalam= with the Nagas, Yakshas and Gandharvas for its full-blown lotuses and water-lilies.
Hanuma, with a rush equal to that of wind, without a fatigue, leapt across the boundless sea looking analogous to sky, like a large ship crossing the ocean. In that pleasant and auspicious sky-like sea, shone the moon as a white water-like sea, shone having the constellations known by the names of Pushya and Shravana as swans, the clouds as its duck-weeds; the twin constellations the Punarvasus as its large fish, the planet Mars as its large alligator, a large island as Airavata (Indra's elephant), graced with a swan in the form of the constellation, Swati, having gales as its waves, the moon beams as its cool water and with the Nagas, yakshas and Gandharvas as its full blown lotuses and water-lilies.
graasamaana iva aakaasham taaraa adhipam iva aalikhan |
harann iva sanakShatram gaganam saarka maNDalam || 5-57-5
maarutasya aalayam shriimaan kapiH vyoma caro mahaan |
hanuumaan megha jaalaani vikarShann iva gacChati || 5-57-6
5, 6. vyomacharaH= while moving in the sky; hanumaan= Hanuma; maarutasyaatmajaH= the son of wind-god; shriimaan= the illustrious; mahaan kapiH= great monkey; grasamaanaH iva= appeared like swallowing; vyomacharaH= the sky; ullikhanniva= like scratching the moon; haranniva= like carrying off; gaganam= the sky; sanakSatram= with its stars; saarkamaN^Dalam= and the disc of the sun; gachchhati= and was going; vikarSanniva= as though dragging asunder; meghajaalaani= a mass of clouds.
While moving in the sky, the illustrious Hanuma, the son of wind-god and the great monkey, appeared as if swallowing the sky, scratching the moon and carrying off the sky with its stars and the disc of the sun and was going as though dragging asunder, a mass of clouds.
paaNDura aruNa varNaani niila maanjiShThakaani ca |
harita aruNa varNaani mahaaabhraaNi cakaashire || 5-57-7
7. mahaabhraaNi= dense clouds; paaN^DaraaruNa varNaani= with white and red colours; niilamaaN^jiSThakaani cha= with blue and yellow colours; haritaaruNa varNaani= with green and reddish brown colours; chakaashire= shone brightly.
Dense clouds, with white and red colours, blue and yellow colours as also green and reddish brown colours shone brightly in the sky.
pravishann abhra jaalaani niShkraman ca punaH punaH |
pracChannaH ca prakaashaH ca candramaa iva lakShyate || 5-57-8
8. punaH punaH= time and again; pravishan= etering; niSpatamshcha= and coming out; abhrajaalaani= of the clusters of clouds; (Hanuma); lakSyate= was perceived; chandramaaH iva= as the moon; prachchhannashcha= covered (invisible) prakaashashcha= and coming to light (visible).
Time and again, entering and coming out of the clusters of clouds, Hanuma appeared like the moon becoming visible and invisible again and again.
vividhaabhraaghanaasannagocharo dhavaLaambaraH |
dR^ishyaadR^ishyatanurviirastadaa chandrayate.ambare || 5-57-9
9. viiraH= the heroic Hanuma; dhavalaambaraH= who was clad in white clothes; vividhaabhraghanaasanna gocharaH= having found his way into various kinds of dense clouds (and energing again); dR^ishyaadR^ishya tanuH= and having his body becoming visible and invisible; chandraayate= shone like the moon; ambare= in the sky.
The heroic Hanuma, who was clad in white clothes, having found his way into various kinds of dense clouds (and energing again) and having his personlaity becoming visible and invisible, shone like the moon in the sky.
taarkSyaayamaaNo gagane babhaase vaayunandanaH |
daarayanmeghabR^indaani niSpatamshcha punaH punaH || 5-57-10
10. daarayan= tearing asunder; megha bR6indaani= the clusters of clouds; punaH punaH= again and again; niSpatamshcha= as also coming out of them; mahataa= with big; naadena= noise; vaayunandanaH= hanuma the son of wind-god; meghasvana mehaasvanaH= making a thunderous great sound; babhaase= shone; taarkSyaayamaaNah= flying like Garuda the eagle; yagane= in the sky.
Tearing asunder the clusters of clouds again and again as also energing from them and roaring with a big noise, Hanuma the son of wind-god, making a thunderous great sound, shone flying like Garuda the eagle, in the sky.
nadan naadena mahataa megha svana mahaasvanaH |
pravaraan raakSasaan hatvaa naama vishraavya chaatmanaH || 5-57-11
aakulaam nagatiim kR^itvaa vyathayitvaa cha raavaNam |
ardayitvaa balam ghoram vaidehiimabhivaadya cha || 5-57-12
aajagaama mahaatejaaH punaH madhyena saagaram |
hatvaa= killing; pravaraan raakSasaan= the foremost of demons; vishraavya= becoming famous; aatmanaH= by his; naama= name; aakulaam nagariim kR^itvaa= making Lanka perplexed; vyathayitvaa= causing anguish; raavaNam= to Ravana; ardayitvaa= tormenting; ghoram balam= the terrible army; abhivaadyacha= and offering salutation; vaidehiim= to Seetha; mahaatejaaH punaH aajagaama= Hanuma returned; saagaram madhyena= flying over the middle of the sea.
Killing the foremost of demons, becoming famous by is name, making Lanka perplexed, causing anguish to Ravana by tormenting his terrible army, and bidding his adieu to Seetha, Hanuma returned by flying over the middle of the sea.
parvata indram sunaabham ca samupaspR^ishya viiryavaan || 5-57-13
jyaa mukta iva naaraaco mahaavego abhyupaagataH |
13. samupaspR^ishya= touching; sumaabhamcha= mainaka; parvatendram= the foremost mountain; viiryavaan= the victorious Hanuma; abhyupaagataH= came; mahaavegaH= with a great speed; naaraachaH iva= like an iron arrow; jyaamuktaH= discharged from a bow-string.
Touching Mount Mainaka, the victorious Hanuma came with a great speed resembling an iron arrow discharged from a bow-string.
sa kimcit anusampraaptaH samaalokya mahaagirim || 5-57-14
mahaaindra megha samkaasham nanaada hari pumgavaH |
14. anusampraaptaH= approaching; kimchit= a little; samaalokya= and observin; mahendram= Mount Mahendra; mahaagirim= the great mountain; meghasamkaasham= looking like a dense cloud; saH haripuN^gavaH= that Hanuma; nanaada= made a great noise.
Approaching a bit near and observing Mount Mahendra, the great mountain looking like a dense cloud, that Hanuma made a loud noise.
sa puurayaamaasa kapirdisho dasha samantataH || 5-57-15
nadannadeva mahataa meghasvanamahaasvanaH |
15. sa kapiH= that Hanuma; meghasvana mahaasvanaH= emitting a great roar like that of rumbling of cloud; nadan= while making sound; puurayaamaasa= filled; samastataH= the whole space; dasha dishaH= on all quarters; naadena= with the noise.
Emitting a great roar, that Hanuma, whole loud noise resembled the rumbling of a cloud, filled the whole space in all directions with the noise.
sa tam deshamanupraaptaH suhR^iddarshanalaalasaH || 5-57-16
nanaada harishaarduulo laaN^guulam chaapyakampayat |
16. anupraaptaH= having reached; tam desham= that place; suhuddarshana laalasaH= aredently desirous of seeing his friends; saH harishaarduulaH= that Hanuma; nanaada= roared; akampayachcha= and waved; laaN^guulam= his tail.
Having reached that place, Hanuma who was ardently desirous of seeing his friends, roared and waved his tail.
tasya naanadyamaanasya suparNacharite pathi || 5-57-17
phalatiivaasya ghoSeNa gaganam saarkamaNDalam |
17. gaganam= the sky; saarkamaN^Dalam= with the disc of the sun; phalatiiva= began to crack as it wwere; asya ghoSeNa= due to his roar; naanadyamaanasya= even as he repeatedly roared; pathi= on the path of the sky; suparNa charite= as followed by Garuda; the eagle endowed with charming wings.
The sky, with the disc of the sun, began to crack as it were, due to his roar, even as he repeatedly roared on the path of the sky as followed by Garuda, the eagle endowed with charming wings.
ye tu tatrottare tiire samudrasya mahaabalaaH | 5-57-18
puurvam samviSThitaaH shuuraa vaayuputradidR^ikSavaH |
mahato vaatanunnasya toyadasyeva garjitam || 5-57-19
shushruvuste tadaa ghoSamuuruvegam hanuumataH |
18, 19. te= those; mahaabalaah= mighty; shuuraaH= heroes; ye= who; samviSthitaaH= were waiting; puurvam= already; uttare tiire= on the northern shore; samudrasya= of the sea; vaayuputra didR^ikSavaH= with an eagerness to see Hanuma; shushruuvuH= heard; tatra= there; tadaa= at that time; ghoSam= the sound; hanumataH uuruvegam= produced by the sweeping motion of Hanuma's thighs; gargitam iva= which resmebled the roar; mahataH toyadasya of a huge cloud; vaatanunnasya= propelled by the wind.
Those mighty heroes who were waiting already on the northern shore of the sea, with an eagerness to see Hanuma, heard there at that time, the sound produced by the sweeping motion of Hanuma's thighs, which resembled the reoar of a huge cloud propelled by the wind.
te diinamanasaH sarve shushruvuH kaananaukasaH || 5-57-20
vaanarendrasya nirghoSam parjanyaninadopamam |
20. sarve= all; te= those; kaananaukasaH= monkeys; diina manasaH= who were distressed in mind; (for not having heard the news of Seetha hitherto);shushruruH= heard; vaanarendrasya= hanuma's nirghoSam= roar; parjanya ninadopamam= similar to the roar of a rumbling cloud.
All those monkeys, who were distressed in mind (for not having heard the news of Seetha hitherto), heard Hanuma's roar similar to the roar of a rumbling cloud.
nishamya nadato naadam vaanaraaH te samantataH || 5-57-21
babhuuvuH utsukaaH sarve suhR^it darshana kaankShiNaH |
21. nishamya= hearing; naadam= the roar; (of Hanuma); nadataH= who was making the sound; te sarve vaanaraaH= all those monkeys; samantataH= stationed there in all directions; babhuuvuH= became; utsukaaH= anxiously; suhR^iddarshana kaaNKSiNaH= desirous of seeing their friend.
Hearing that roar of Hanuma, who was making the sound, all those mokeys stationed there in all directions, became anxiously desirous of seeing their friend.
jaambavaan sa hari shreShThaH priiti samhR^iShTa maanasaH || 5-57-22
upaamantrya hariin sarvaan idam vacanam abraviit |
22. saH jaambavaan= that Jambavan; harishreSThaH= the foremost among monkeys and bears; priitisamhR^iSTa maanasaH= with his mind thrilled iwth joy; upaamantrya= summoning; sarvaan= all; harrin= the monkeys; abraviit= spoke; idam= these; vachanam= words.
The Jambavan, the foremot among the monkesy and bears, with his mind thrilled with joy, having summoned all the monkeys, spoke the follwoing words:
sarvathaa kR^ita kaaryo asau hanuumaan na atra samshayaH || 5-57-23
na hi asya akR^ita kaaryasya naada evam vidho bhavet |
23. asau= this; hanumaan= Hanuma; kR^itakaaryaH= has accomplished his assignment; sarvathaa= in all ways; asya= his; naadaH= sound; na bhave hi= will not indeed be; evam vidhaH= in this manner; akR^ita kaaryaH= if his task has not been fulfilled; naatra samshayaH= there is no doubt in this matter.
"This Hanuma has accomplished his assignment in all ways. His sound will not indeed be like this, if he has not fulfilled his task. There is not doubt in this matter."
tasyaa baahu uuru vegam ca ninaadam ca mahaatmanaH || 5-57-24
nishamya harayo hR^iShTaaH samutpetuH tataH tataH |
24. nishamya= hearing; ninaadamcha= the sound; bahuuruvegamcha= of the dashing movement of arms and thighs; tasya mahaatmanaH= of that high-souled Hanuma; harayaH= the monkeys; hR^iSTaah= with joy; samutpetuH= moved by jumps;tatastataH= from their respective places.
Hearing the sound of the dashing movement of the high souled Hanuma's arms and thighs, the monkeys moved by jumps with joy from their respective places.
te naga agraan naga agraaNi shikharaat shikharaaNi ca || 5-57-25
prahR^iShTaaH samapadyanta hanuumantam didR^ikShavaH |
25. te= those monkeys; prahR^iSTaaH= with joy; didR^ikSavaH= longing to see; hanuumantam= Hanuma; samapadyanta= took off; nagaagraat= from top of one tree; nagaagraaNi= to the tops of other trees; shikharaat= as also from one mountain-summit; shikharaaNicha= to the other summits.
Those monkeys with joy, longing to see Hanuma, took off from the top of one tree to the tops of other trees as also from one mountain-summit to the other summits.
te priitaaH paadapa agreShu gR^ihya shaakhaaH supuShpitaaH || 5-57-26
vaasaamsi iva prakaashaani samaavidhyanta vaanaraaH |
26. te vaanaraaH= those monkeys; gR^ihya= graspoing; shaakhaaH= the branches; paadapaagreSu= at the tops of trees; suviSThitaaH= and standing there well; priitaH samaavidhyanta= joyously waved; prashaakhaaH= the twigs; vaasaamsiiva= as if they are their raiments.
Those monkeys, grasping the boughs at the tops of trees, and standing there firmly, joyously waved the twigs, as if they are their raiments.
girigahvarasamliino yathaa garjati maarutaH || 5-57-27
evam jagarja balavaan hanumaanmaarutaatamajaH |
27. balavaan= the mighty; hanumaan maarutatmajaH= Hanuma the son of wind-god; jagarja= roared; evam yathaa= as so; maarutaH= the wind; garjati= roars; girigahvara samliinaH= while entering the caves of mountains.
The mighty, Hanuma the son of wind-god, roared as though the wind roars while it enters the caves of mountains.
tam abhra ghana samkaasham aapatantam mahaakapim || 5-57-28
dR^iShTvaa te vaanaraaH sarve tasthuH praanjalayaH tadaa |
28. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; tam mahaakapim= that Hanuma; tadaa= then; aapatantam= descending quickly; abhraghanasamkaasham= lkie a dense cloud; sarve te= all those; vaanaraaH= monkeys; tasthuH= stood; praaN^jalayaH= joining their palms in salutation.
Seeing that Hanuma then rushing like a dense cloud, all those monkeys stood there, joining their palms in salutation.
tataH tu vegavaan tasya gireH giri nibhaH kapiH || 5-57-29
nipapaata mahaaindrasya shikhare paadapa aakule |
29. vegavaan kapiH= the swift hanuma; girinibhaH= looking like a mountain; tataH= then; nipapaata= descended; shikhare= on the summit; tasya mahendrasya= of that Mount Mahendra; paadapaakule= thick with trees.
The swift Hanuma, looking like a mountain, then descended on the summit of that Mount mahendra, thick with trees.
harSeNaapuuryamaaNo.asau ramye parvatanirghare || 5-57-30
chinnapakSa ivaakaashaatpapaata dharaNiidharaH |
30. asau= this Hanuma; aapuuryamaaNaH= filled; harSeNa= with joy; papaata= fell; aakaashaat= from the sky; ramye parvata nirjhare= into a charming mountain-torrent; dharaNiidharaH iva= like a mountain; chhinnapakSaH= having its wings torn off.
Hanuma like a mountain with its wings torn off, thrilled with joy, fell from the sky into a charming mountain-torrent.
tataH te priita manasaH sarve vaanara pumgavaaH || 5-57-31
hanuumantam mahaatmaanam parivaarya upatasthire |
parivaarya ca te sarve paraam priitim upaagataaH || 5-57-32
31, 32. tatH= then; sarve= all; te vaanarapuN^gavaaH= the foremost of those monkeys; priita manasaH= having their minds pleased; upatasthire= stood; parivaarya= surrounding; mahaatmaanam= the high-souled; hanumantam= hanuma; te sarve= all of them; parivaarya= having encircled him; upaagataaH= obtained; paraam= a supreme; priitim= joy.
Then, all the foremost of those monkeys, with their pleasing hearts, stood surrounding the high-souled Hanuma. Having encircled Hanuma, all of them obtained a supreme joy.
prahR^iShTa vadanaaH sarve tam arogam upaagatam |
upaayanaani ca aadaaya muulaani ca phalaani ca || 5-57-33
pratyarcayan hari shreShTham harayo maaruta aatmajam |
33. sarve harayaH= all those monkeys; prahR^iSTa vadanaaH= with their delighted faces; aadaaya= taking; muulaanicha= roots; phalaanicha= and fruits; upaayanaani= as gifts; pratyarchayan= honoured; maarutaatmajam= hanuma; harishreSTham= the excellent one among the monkeys; upaagatam= who came; arogam= healthily.
All those mokeys with their delightful faces, taking roots and fruits as their presents, honured Hanuma, the foremost among the monkeys, who came back hale and healthy.
hanuumaan tu guruun vR^iddhaan jaambavat pramukhaan tadaa || 5-57-34
kumaaram angadam caiva so avandata mahaakapiH |
34. tadaa= then; mahaakkapiH hanumaamstu= Hanuma the foremost among the mokeys on his part; avandata= offered his salutation; guruun= venerable persons; vR^iddhaan= and elders; jaambavatpramukhaan= like Jambavan in the first place; aNgadam chaiva= as also Angada; kumaaram= the prince.
Then, Hanuma the excellent one among the monkeys, on his part, offered his salutation to venerable persons and elders like Jambavan in the first place, as also Angada, the prince.
sa taabhyaam puujitaH puujyaH kapibhiH ca prasaaditaH || 5-57-35
dR^iShTaa devii iti vikraantaH samkShepeNa nyavedayat |
35. saH= that Hanuma; vikraantaH= the victorious one; puujyaH= and the venerable one; puujitaH= was honoured; taabhyaam= by that Jambavan and Angada; prasaaditaH= He was also made gracious; kapibhiH= by the other monkeys; nyavedayat= (Hanuma) informed them; samkSepeNa= briefly; iti= that; siitaa= Seetha; dR^iSTaa= was seen (by him).
Jambavan and Angada honoured that victorious and venerable Hanuma. The other monkeys also made him gracious. Hanuma informed them briefly that he had seen Seetha.
niShasaada ca hastena gR^ihiitvaa vaalinaH sutam || 5-57-36
ramaNiiye vana uddeshe mahaaindrasya gireH tadaa |
36. tadaa= then; gR^ihiitvaa= seizing; hastena= the hand; vaalinaH sutam= of Angada, Vali's son; (Hanuma); niSasaadacha= sat down; ramaNiiye vanoddesha= at a distinct spot in the charming forest; mahendrasya gireH= of Mount Mahendra.
Then, seizing the hand of Angada, Vali's son, Hanuma sat down at a distinct spot in the charming forest of Mount Mahendra.
hanuumaan abraviidt hR^iShTaH tadaa taan vaanara R^iShabhaan || 5-57-37
ashoka vanikaa samsthaa dR^iShTaa saa janaka aatmajaa |
rakShyamaaNaa sughoraabhii raakShasiibhiH aninditaa || 5-57-38
eka veNii dharaa baalaa raama darshana laalasaa |
upavaasa parishraantaa malinaa jaTilaa kR^ishaa || 5-57-39
37, 38, 39. tadaa= then; hR^iSTaH= the pleased; hanumaan= Hanuma; abraviit= spoke; taan vaanararSabhaan= to those foremost ones among the monkeys (as follows); saa jaanakaatmajaa= that Seetha the daughter of Janaka; ashoka vanikaa samsthaa= who was staying in Ashoka garden; rakSyamaaNaa= guarded; aninditaa= unblemished; sughoraabhiH raakasiibhiH= by very dreadful female-demons; ekaveniidharaa= wearing a single braid; baalaa= young woman; raama darshana laalasaa= longing to see Rama; upavaasa parishraantaa= thoroughly fatigued due to fasting; malinaa= wearing soiled clothes; kR^ishaa= and looking emaciated; dR^iSTaa= was seen (by me).
Then, the pleased Hanuma spoke the following words to those excellent monkeys: "I saw that Seetha, the duaghter of Janaka, who was staying in Ashoka garden, guarded unblemished by highly dreadful female-demons and wearing a single braid, young woman, as she was, longing to see Rama, thoroughly fatigued due to her fasting, with her hair twisted together, wearing soiled clothes and looking emaciated."
tato dR^iShTaa iti vacanam mahaaartham amR^ita upamam || 5-57-40
nishamya maaruteH sarve muditaa vaanaraa bhavan |
40. nishamya= hearing; mahaartham= the important; amR^itopamam= and nectar-like; vachanam= word; maaruteH= of Hanuma; iti= saying; dR^iSTaa= "seen (by me)"; sarve= all; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; abhavan= became; muditaaH= delighted.
Hearing from Hanuma that important and nectar like word to the effect that Seetha had been seen all the monkeys became delighted.
kShveDanti anye nadanti anye garjanti anye mahaabalaaH |
cakruH kila kilaam anye pratigarjanti ca apare || 5-57-41
41. anye mahaabalaaH= some mighty monkeys; kSvehanti= made a lion's roar; anye= some others; nadanti= were making a sound of approbation; anye= some; garjanti= were making a sound of thunder; anye= some others; chakruH= produced; kila kilaam= cries expressing joy; apare= some others pratigarjanti= were roaring in return.
Some mighty monkeys made a lion's roar. Some were making a sound of approbation. Some were making a sound of thunder. Some others proudced cries expressing joy. Some others were roaring in return.
kecit ucChrita laanguulaaH prahR^iShTaaH kapi kunjaraaH |
ancita aayata diirghaaNi laanguulaani pravivyadhuH || 5-57-42
42. kechit= some; kapikuNjaraaH= eminent monkeys; prahR^iSTaaH= with joy; uchchhrita laaN^guulaani= and with their tails lifted up; pravivyadhuH= waved; aayataaN^chita diirghaaNi= their distended long curved; laan^guulaani= tails.
Some eminent monkeys, with joy and with their tails lifted up, waved their distended curved tails.
apare tu hanuumantam vaanaraa vaaraNa upamam |
aaplutya giri shR^ingebhyaH samspR^ishanti sma harShitaaH || 5-57-43
43. aaplutya= descending; girishR^iNgebhya= from the mountain-tops; apare= some other; vaanaraaH= monkeys; harSitaaH= with delight; sam spR^ishanti sma= fondingly touched; hanuumantam= Hanuma; vaaraNopamam= who resembled an elephant.
Descending from the mountain-tops; some other monkeys, with delight, fondingly touched Hanuma who resembled an elephant.
ukta vaakyam hanuumantam angadaH tu tadaa abraviit |
sarveShaam hari viiraaNaam madhye vaacam anuttamaam || 5-57-44
44. atha= thereafter; aN^gadaH= Angada; ukta vaakyam= having teh words spoken; hanuumantam= by Hanuma; abraviit= spoke; uttamam vachanam= (the following) excellent words; madhye= in the midst; hariviiraaNaam= of the eminent monkeys.
After hearing the words of Hanuma, Angada spoke the follwoing excellent words in the midst of those eminent monkeys.
sattve viirye na te kashcit samo vaanara vidyate |
yat avaplutya vistiirNam saagaram punaH aagataH || 5-57-45
45. vaanara= O Hanuma!; yat= since; punaH aagataH= you returned (here); avaplutya= crossing; vistiirNam= the extensive; saagaram= ocean; na kashchit= none; vidyate= is; samaH= equal; te= to you; sattve= in strength; viirye= and prowess.
"O Hanuma! Since you returned here crossing the extensive ocean, none stands equal to you in strength and prowess."
aho svaamini te bhaktiraho viiryamaho dhR^itiH |
diShTyaa dR^iShTaa tvayaa devii raama patnii yashasvinii || 5-57-46
diShTyaa tyakShyati kaakutsthaH shokam siitaa viyogajam |
46. aho= what amazing; te= your; bhaktiH= devotion; svaamini= to the lord!; aho= what a wonderful; viiryan= prowess!; aho= what a surprising; dhR^itiH= courage!; diSTyaa= by our good fortune; yashasvinii= the illustrious; devii= Seetha; raama patnii= Rama's consort; dR^iSTyaa= thank heven!; kaakutthsaH= Rama; tyakSyati= can give up; shokam= his sorrow; siitaaviyogajam= born out of Seetha's separation.
"What amazing is your devotion to the Lord! What a wonderful prowess! What a surprising courage! By our good fortune, you saw the illustrious Seetha, Rama's consort. Thank heaven! Rama can give up his sorrow born out of Seetha's separataion."
tato angadam hanuumantam jaambavantam ca vaanaraaH || 5-57-47
parivaarya pramuditaa bhejire vipulaaH shilaaH |
47. pramaditaaH= very much delighted; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; tataH= then; bhejire= got hold of; vipulaaH= extensive flat; shilaaH= rocks; parivaarya= encircling; aN^gadam= Angada; hanuumantam= Hanum; jaamvavantamcha= and Jambavan.
Very much delighted, the monkeys then sat on extensive flat rocks encircling Angada, Hanuma and Jambavan.
shrotu kaamaaH samudrasya langhanam vaanara uttamaaH || 5-57-48
darshanam ca api lankaayaaH siitaayaa raavaNasya ca |
tasthuH praanjalayaH sarve hanuumat vadana unmukhaaH || 5-57-49
48, 49. shrotu kaamaaH= longing to hear; laN^ghanam= about crossing; samudrasya= of ocean; darshamchaapi= and the seeing; laN^kaayaaH= of Lanka; siitaayaaH= of Seetha; raavaNasya cha= and of Ravana; sarve= all; vaanarottamaaH= those excellent monkeys; tasthuH= waited; hanumadvachanonmukhaaH= in expectation of Hanuma's words; praN^jalayaH= with their joined palms.
Longing to hear about crossing of ocean and the seeing of Lanka, Seetha and Ravana, all those excellent monkeys waited with their joined palms, in anctipation of Hanuma's words.
tasthau tatra angadaH shriimaan vaanaraiH bahubhiH vR^itaH |
upaasyamaano vibudhaiH divi deva patiH yathaa || 5-57-50
50. shriimaan= the auspicious; aN^gada= Angada; tasthau= waited; devapatiryathaa= like Indra the Lord of celestials; upaasyamaanaH= waited upon; vibudhaiH= by celestials; divi= in heaven; vR^itaH= encircled; bahubhiH vaanaraiH= by many mokes; tatra= there.
The auspicious Angada encircled by many monkeys there, waited like Indra the lord of celestials, who was waited upon by celestials in heaven.
hanuumataa kiirtimataa yashasvinaa |
tathaa angadena angada baddha baahunaa |
mudaa tadaa adhyaasitam unnatam mahan |
mahii dhara agram jvalitam shriyaa abhavat || 5-57-51
51. tadaa= then; unnatam= the high; mahat= large; mahiidharaagram= uppermost part of the mountain; adhyaasitam= on which were seated; mudaa= with delight; kiirtimataa hanuumataa= by the illustrious Hanuma; tathaa= and yashasvinaa= the famous; aN^gadena= Angeda; aN^gada baddha baahunaa= with bracelets worn on his upper arms; abhavet= became; jvalitam= stood blazed; shriyaa= with splendour.
The high and large summit of the mountain, on which were seated then with delight, the illustrious Hanuma and the famous Angada, with bracelets worn on his upper arms, stood blazed with splendour.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe saptapaJNchashaH sargaH
Thus completes 57th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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