Chapter [Sarga] 32  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 32


Seetha is shocked to see Hanuma, perched on the branches of a shimshupa tree She is confused whether it is a dream or a reality. Finally, she thinks that as the monkey is talking to her in a manifested form, it is quite a reality. She prays Lord Brihaspati and Brahma to make he words spoken by Hanuma as true.

tataH shaakhaa antare liinam dR^iShTvaa calita maanasaa |
veSTitaarjunavastram taM vidyutsamghaatapiN^galam || || 5-32-1
1. tataH= then; (Seetha); chalita maanasaa= had her mind shaken; dR^iSTvaa= seeing; tam= that Hanuma; vidyutsanghaata piV^galam= who was tawny coloured; vidyutsanghaata= like a series of flashing thunder bolts; veSTitaarjuna vastram= and wrapped up in a white cloth; liinam= hiding; shaakhaantare= behind branches of Seetha beheld there a monkey.
Then, seeing Hanuma, who was tawny coloured like a series of flashing thunderbolts wrapped up in a white cloth and hiding behind the branches of a tree, Seetha had her mind shaken.
saa dadarsha kapim tatra prashritam priya vaadinam |
pullaashokotkaraabhaasam taptachaamikarekSaNam || || 5-32-2
2. naa= that Seetha; dadarsha= beheld; tatra= there; kapim= a monkey; phulla shokotkaraabhaasam= beaming like a cluster of Ashoka flowers wide opened; tapta chaamiikarekSaNam= with his eyes resembling refined gold; prashritam= humble; priya vaadinam= and speaking agreeably.
Seetha beheld there a monkey, beaming like a cluster of Ashoka flowers wide opened, with his eyes resembling regined gold, humble and speaking agreeable words.
maithilii cintayaamaasa svapno ayam iti bhaaminii |
aho bhiimamidaM ruupaM vaanarasya duraasadam || 5-32-3
durniriikSamiti jJNaatvaa punareva mumoha saa |
3. maithilii= Seetha; gataa= got; paramam= a great; vismayam= surise; chintayaamaasa= and thought (as follows): aho= Alas!; idam= this; ruupam= appearance; vaanarasya= of the monkey; duraasadam= is hard to be approached; bhiimama= fearful; durniriikSam= and difficult to be looked at; iti= thus; jJNaatvaa= thinking; saa= she; mumoha= was bewildered; punareva= again.
Seetha got a great surprise and thought (as follows): "Alas! This monkey is hard to be approached, fearful and difficult to be looked at." Thus thinking, she was bewildered again.
vilalaapa bhR^ishaM siitaa karuNam bhayamohitaa || 5-32-4
raamaraameti duHkhaartaa lakSmaNeti cha bhaaminii |
ruroda bahudhaa siitaa mandam mandasvaraa satii || 5-32-5
4, 5. siitaa= Seetha; bhaaminii= the splendid woman; bhaya mohitaa= bewildered by fear; duHkhaartaa= afflicted with grief; vilalaapa= lamented; bhR^isham= most; karuNam= piteously; raama raameti= saying O, Rama! O, Rama!; lakSmaNeti cha= and O Lakshmana; siitaa= Seetha; rurode= wept; mandam= faintly; mandasvaraa= satii= in a low voice; bahudhaa= in many ways.
The splendid woman Seetha, bewildered by fear and afflicted with grief, lamented most piteously saying "O, Rama! O, Rama! and "O Lakshmana!". Seetha wept faintly in a low voice in many ways.
saa tam dR^iSTvaa harishreSThaM viniitavadupasthitam |
maithilii chintayaamaasa svapno.ayamiti bhaaminii || 5-32-6
6. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; tam= that; harishreSTham= excellent monkey; upasthitam= appraoching; viniitavat= humbly; saa= that; bhaaminii= splendid woman; maithilii= Seetha; chintayaamaasa= thought; ayam= it; iti= as; svapnaH= a dream.
Seeing that excellent monkey appraching humbly, that splendid woman Seetha thought it as a dream.
saa viikSamaaNaa pR^ithubhugnavaktraM shaakhaamR^igendrasya yathoktakaaram |
dadarsha piN^gapravaraM mahaarhaM vaataatmajaM buddhimataaM variSTham || 5-32-7
7. saa= that Seetha; viikSamaaNaa= looking hither and thither; dadarsha= saw; vaataatmajam= Hanuma; pR^ithubhngnavaktram= who had wide and curved mouth; yathokta kaaram= doing as told; shaakhaamR^igendrasya= by Sugreeva the king of monkeys; piN^ga pravaram= the foremost of monkeys; mahaarham= greatly respectable; variSTham= and excellent; buddhimataam= among the intelligent.
Seetha, looking hither and thither, saw Hanuman, who was having a wide and curved mouth, doing acts as told by sugreeva the king of monkeys, the foremost of monkeys, greatly adored and the best among the inelligent.
saa tam samiikShya eva bhR^isham visamj~naa gata asu kalpaa iva babhuuva siitaa |
cireNa samj~naam pratilabhya caiva caiva vicintayaamaasa vishaala netraa || 5-32-8
8. samiikSyaiva= as soon as seeing; tam= that Hanuma; saa siitaa= that Seetha; visamjNaaa= lost her consciousness; bhR^isham= very much; babhuuva= and became; gataasmkalpena= as though lifeless; pratilabhya= regaining; samjJNaam= her cnciousness; chireNa= after a long time; vishaala netraa= the wide-eyed Seetha; bhuuyaH= again; vichintayaamaasa= thought (as follows).
As soon as seeing Hanuma Seetha lost her consciousness very much and became seemingly lifeless. Regaining her consciousness after a long time the wide eyed Seetha moreover thought (as follows)
svapno mayaa ayam vikR^ito adya dR^iShTaH shaakhaa mR^igaH shaastra gaNaiH niShiddhaH |
svasti astu raamaaya salakShmaNaaya tathaa pituH me janakasya raaj~naH || 5-32-9
9. adya= today; shaakhaamR^igaH= a monkey; vikR^itaH= in an ugly form; dR^iSTaH= was seen; mayaa= by me; svapne= in a dream; niSiddhaH= which is forbidden; shaastragaNaiH= according to a series of scriptures; svasti astu= May it be well; raamaaya= with Rama; salakSmaNaaya= together with Lakshmana; tathaa= and; together with Lakshmana; tathaa= and; me pituH= with my father; janakasya raajJNaH= king Janaka.
"Today, I saw an ugly monkey in my dream, which is forbidden according to a body of scriptures. May it be well with Rama together with Lakshmana and with my father, King Janaka.
svapno api na ayam na hi me asti nidraa |
shokena duhkhena ca piiDitaayaaH |
sukham hi me na asti yato asmi hiinaa |
tena indu puurNa pratima aananena || 5-32-10
10. ayam= this; na asti= is not; svapno.api= a dream too; me= to me; yataH= since; piiDitaayaaH= tormented; shokena= by sorrow; duHkhena cha= and grief; naasti hi nidraa= there is indeed no sleep; me= to me; asmi= who is; hiinaa= bereft; tena= of Rama; indu puurNa pratimaana nena= whose countenance resembles a full moon; naasti hi= there is indeed no; sukham= happiness.
"This is not a dream. To me, tormented by sorrow and grief, there is indeed no sleep. To me, separated from Rama whose countenance resembles a full moon, there is no happiness indeed!"
raameti raameti sadaiva buddhyaa vichintyaa vaachaa bruvatii tameva |
tasyaanuruupaM cha kathaaM tadarthaa mevaM prapashyaami tathaa shR^iNomi || 5-32-11
11. vichintya= (since) I am thinking; buddhyaa= with intellect; tameva= (about) that Rama only; bruvatii= and saying; vaachaa= in my voice; raameti raameti= thus 'Rama! Rama!'; sadaiva= always; anuruupam= conformably; prapashyaami= I am seeing; tathaa= and; shR^iNomi= hearing; kathaam= story; evam= in this way; tadarthaam= with the same object.
"Since I am pondering with my mind about that Rama only, and always saying 'Rama! Rama!' thus, confomably I am seeing and hearing a story thus corresponding to he same thought."
aham hi tasya adya mano bhavena sampiiDitaa tat gata sarva bhaavaa |
vicintayantii satatam tam eva tathaiva pashyaami tathaa shR^iNomi || 5-32-12
12. sampiiDitaa= tormented; adya= today; manobhavena= by Manmatha, the god of love; tasya= about that Rama; tadgata sarva bhaavaa= having all my feelings directed towards him; vichintayantii= and thinking; satatam= always; tameva= about him; tathaiva= in the like manner; aham pashyaami= I am seeing; tathaiva= and in the like manner; shR^iNomi= I am hearing (the same matters).
"Tormented as I am today by manmatha god of love longing for Rama, my whole feelings directed towards him and constantly thinking of him alone, in the like manner I am seeing him and in the like manner i am hearing of him alone."
mano rathaH syaat iti cintayaami |
tathaa api buddhyaa ca vitarkayaami |
kim kaaraNam tasya hi na asti ruupam |
suvyakta ruupaH ca vadati ayam maam || 5-32-13
13. chintayaami= I am imagining; iti= that; manorathaH= my wish; syaat= will be fulfilled; tathaa= likewise; vitarkayaami= I am reasoning (it); buddhyaapi cha= by my intellect also; naasti hi= there is indeed no; ruupam= form; tasya= for that wish; ayam= He; suvyakta ruupaH= with a well-manifested form; vadati= is speaking; maam= about me; kim= what; kaaraNaam= is the reason?
"I am imagining that my wish will be fulfilled. Likewise, I am reasoning my wish by my intellect also. There is no concrete form indeed for my wish. He, with a well manifested form is speaking to me. for what reason?"
namo astu vaacaH pataye savajriNe svayambhuve caiva huta ashanaaya |
anena ca uktam yat idam mama agrato vana okasaa tac ca tathaa astu na anyathaa || 5-32-14
14. namaH= my salutation; vaachaspataye= to Brihaspati the lord of eloquence; savajriNe= together with Indra, wielding a thunderbolt; svayambhuve chaiva= to Brahma, the self-existent Lord; hutaashanaaya cha= and to the Lord of fire, eating the oblations; yat= whatever; idam= these words; uktam= are spoken; agrataH= before me; anena vanaukasaa= by this monkey; astu= let them be so; tat astu= let it be so; tathaa= in the like manner; na anyathaa= let it not be otherwise!.
"My salutation to Brihaspati the Lord of eloquence, together with Indra the wielder of a thunderbolt, to Brahma the self-existent Lord and to the Lord of Fire eating the oblations! Let whatever words spoken by this monkey be true! Let them not be untrue!"

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe dvaatrimshaH sargaH
Thus completes 32nd Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic

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