Chapter [Sarga] 64  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 64


Coming back to Madhuvana as instructed by Sugreeva, and craving forgiveness of Angada, Dadhimukha submits to him that he along with the other monkeys is urgently required by Sugreeva. Angada and other monkeys including Hanuma spring forward into the air towards Kishkindha. Even before the arrival of those monkeys, Sugreeva explains to Rama the valid reasons for concluding that Seetha has since been found. Angada, Hanuma and other, monkeys approach Sugreeva. Then, Hanuma apprises Rama of the discovery of Seetha. Hearing the news, Rama and Lakshmana were thrilled with joy and looked on Hanuma with a high esteem.

sugriiveNa evam uktaH tu hR^iShTo dadhi mukhaH kapiH |
raaghavam lakShmaNam caiva sugriivam ca abhyavaadayat || 5-64-1
1. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; sugriiveNa= by Sugreeva; dadhi mukhaH= Dadhimukha; kapiH= the monkey; hR^iSTaH= was rejoiced; abhyavaadayat= and offered his salutation with reverence; raaghavam= to Rama; lakSmaNam chaiva= Lakshmana; sugriivam cha= and Sugreeva.
Hearing the words of Sugreeva, Dadhimukha the monkey was pleased and offered his salutation with reverence to Rama, Lakshmana
sa praNamya ca sugriivam raaghavau ca mahaabalau |
vaanaraiH sahitaiH shuuraiH divam eva utpapaata ha || 5-64-2
2. praNamye= after offering salutation; sugriivam= to Sugreeva; mahaabalau raaghavau cha= and to the mighty Rama and Lakshmana; saH= that Dadhimukha; sahitaH= together; shuuraiH vaanaraiH= with the valiant monkeys; utpapaata= sprang; divam eva= into the air.
After offering salutation to Sugreeva and to the mighty Rama and Lakshmana, that Dadhimukha accompanied by his valiant monkeys, sprang into the air.
sa praviShTo madhu vanam dadarsha hari yuuthapaan |
vimadaan uddhataan sarvaan mehamaanaan madhu udakam || 5-64-3
3. saH= that Dadhimukha; praviSTaH= who entered; madhu vanam= Madhuvana; dadarsha= saw; sarvaan= all; hari yuuthapaan= the chiefs of monkeys; vimadaan= who were free from intoxication; madaatyaye= having passed off the honey; vepamaanaan= and who were inwardly excited.
That Dadhimukha, after entering Madhuvana, saw all the chiefs of monkeys, who were free from their intoxication, having passed off the honey and who were inwardly excited.
sa taan upaagamat viiro baddhvaa kara puTa a~njalim |
uvaaca vacanam shlakShNam idam hR^iShTavat angadam || 5-64-4
4. baddhvaa kara puTa aN^jalim= with his hands joined for salutation; saH viiraH= that valiant Dadhimukha; upaagamat= approached; taan= them; hR^iShTavat= and cheerfully; uvaacha= spoke; idam shlakSNam vachanam= these gentle words; aN^gadam= to Angada.
With his hands joined together for salutation, that valiant Dadhimukha approached them and cheerfully spoke the following gentle words to Angada.
saumya roSho na kartavyo yat ebhiH abhivaaritaH |
aj~naanaat rakShibhiH krodhaat bhavantaH pratiShedhitaaH || 5-64-5
5. saumya= O gentle sir!; na roSaH= no anger; na kartavyaH= should be felt (by you); yat parivaaritam= about the obstruction; etat= (made) in this way; bhavantaH= you; pratiSheditaaH= were prevented; rakSibhiH= by the guards; ajJNaanaat= due to their ignorance; krodhaat= and anger.
"O gentle sir! Due to their ignorance, these guards in anger obstructed you to enter the grove. No resentment should be harboured by you about this obstruction."
yuva raajaH tvam iishaH ca vanasya asya mahaabala |
maurkhyaat puurvam kR^ito doShaH tat bhavaan kShantum arhati || 5-64-6
6. mahaabala= O exceedingly strong Angada!; tvam= you; yuva raajaH= are the prince; iishasH cha= and also the master; asya vanasya= of this grove; doShaH= a mistake; kR^itaH= was done; puurvam= formerly; maurkhaat= due to our foolishness; bhavaan= you; arhati= mighty; kSantum= to forgive; tam= it.
"O exceedingly strong Angada! You are the prince and also the master of this grove. We have done a mistake
aakhyaatam hi mayaa gatvaa pitR^ivyasya tava anagha |
iha upayaanam sarveShaam eteShaam vana caariNaam || 5-64-7
7. anagha= O faultless Angada!; aakhyaatam hi= it was indeed informed; tava pitR^ivyasya= to your uncle; gatvaa= after going there; upayaatam= of the coming; sarveShaam= of all; eteShaam= these; vana chaariNaam= monkeys; iha= here.
"O faultless Angada! After going there, I indeed informed your uncle about the arrival of all these monkeys here."
sa tvat aagamanam shrutvaa saha ebhiH hari yuuthapaiH |
prahR^iShTo na tu ruShTo asau vanam shrutvaa pradharShitam || 5-64-8
8. shrutvaa= hearing; tvat aagamanam= your arrival; ebhiH hari yuuthapaiH saha= along with these leaders of monkeys; saH= your uncle; prahR^iSTaH= was exceedingly pleased; tu= but; shrutvaa= on hearing; vanam= that the grove; pradharShitam= was attacked; asau= he; na ruShTaH= was not enraged.
"Hearing your arrival along with these leaders of monkeys, your uncle was exceedingly pleased. Even after hearing of Madhuvana having been attacked, he did not develop any anger."
prahR^iShTo maam pitR^ivyaH te sugriivo vaanara iishvaraH |
shiighram preShaya sarvaan taan iti ha uvaaca paarthivaH || 5-64-9
9. sugriivaH= Sugreeva; te pitR^ivyaH= your uncle; vaanara iishvaraH= the lord of monkeys; paarthivaH= and the king; prahR^iSTaH= was pleased; uvaacha ha maam= and told me; iti= saying; preShaya= send; taan sarvaan= all those monkeys; shiighram= immediately.
“Sugreeva, your uncle, the lord of monkeys and the king was pleased and told me, 'send all the monkeys here'."
shrutvaa dadhi mukhasya etat vacanam shlakShNam angadaH |
abraviit taan hari shreShTho vaakyam vaakya vishaaradaH || 5-64-10
10. shrutvaa= hearing; idam shlakShNam= these smooth; vachanam= words; dadhimukhasya= of Dadhimukha; aN^gadaH= Angada; hari shreSThaH= the foremost among the monkeys; vaakya vishaaradaH= who was skilled in speech; abraviit= spoke; taan= to those monkeys; vaakyam= (the following) words:
Hearing these smooth words of Dadhimukha, the eloquent Angada, the foremost among the monkeys, spoke to those monkeys as follows:
shanke shruto ayam vR^itta anto raameNa hari yuuthapaaH |
tat kShamam na iha naH sthaatum kR^ite kaarye param tapaaH || 5-64-11
11. hari yuuthapaaH= O the foremost of monkeys; param tapaaH= the tormentators of enemies!; shaN^ke= I assume; ayam vR^itta antam= (that) this occurrence; shrutaH= was heard; raameNa= by Rama; tat= that is why; na kShamam= it is not proper; naH= for us; sthaatum= to remain; iha= here; kR^ite kaarye= when the act has been accomplished.
"O the foremost of monkeys, the tormentators of enemies! I assume that Rama might have heard the news (of our arrival). Hence, it is not proper for us to remain here any longer, now that our work has been accomplished."
piitvaa madhu yathaa kaamam vishraantaa vana caariNaH |
kim sheSham gamanam tatra sugriivo yatra me guruH || 5-64-12
12. vana chaariNaH= the monkeys; vishraantaaH= rested; piitvaa= after drinking; madhu= the honey; yathaa kaamam= as much as they liked; kim sheSam= what is there remaining; gamanam= (except) going; yatra= to the place where; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; me guruH= my uncle; tatra= is there.
"The monkeys are taking, rest, after drinking the honey to their heart's content. What is there remaining, except to go to the place where Sugreeva my uncle is there?"
sarve yathaa maam vakShyanti sametya hari yuuthapaaH |
tathaa asmi kartaa kartavye bhavadbhiH paravaan aham || 5-64-13
13. yathaa= whatever; sarve= all; hari yuuthapaaH= the leaders of monkeys; sametya= together; vakShyanti= can tell; maam= me; kartaa asmi= I am the doer; aham= I; paravaan= am obedient; bhavadbhiH= to you; kartavye= in what ought to be done.
"I shall do whatever all the leaders of monkeys together tell me. I am obedient to you, in the matter of what ought to be done."
na aaj~naapayitum iisho aham yuva raajo asmi yadi api |
ayuktam kR^ita karmaaNo yuuyam dharShayitum mayaa || 5-64-14
14. aham= I; na iishaH= am not the master; aajJNaapayitum= to command (you); asmi yadi api yuva raajaH= even though I am a prince; ayuktam= It is not befitting; mayaa= for me; dharSayitum= to violate; yuuyam= you; kR^ita karmaaNaH= who have accomplished the act.
"I am not the master to command you, eventhough I am the crown prince. It is not befitting for me to play the lord over you, who have accomplished the task."
bruvataH ca angadaH ca evam shrutvaa vacanam avyayam |
prahR^iShTa manaso vaakyam idam uucuH vana okasaH || 5-64-15
15. shrutvaa= hearing; avyayam vachanam= the indeclinable words; bruvataH= spoken; evam= thus; aN^gadasya= of Angada; vana okasaH= the monkeys; prahR^iSTa manasaH= with their pleased minds; uuchuH= spoke; idam= these words:
Hearing the indeclinable words spoken thus by Angada, the monkeys with their pleased minds, spoke to him (as follows:
evam vakShyati ko raajan prabhuH san vaanara R^iShabha |
aishvarya mada matto hi sarvo aham iti manyate || 5-64-16
16. raajan= O king; vaanara R^iShabha= the foremost of monkeys!; kaH= who; vadati= speaks; evam= like this; prabhuH san= while he is the lord?; sarvaH= every one; manyate hi= indeed thinks; aishvarya mada mattaH= of one's supremacy, with excited arrogance; aham iti= and says "I, I."
"O prince, the foremost of monkeys! Who would speak like this, while he is the lord? Every one indeed thinks one's supremacy with an excited arrogance and says 'I, I'."
tava ca idam susadR^isham vaakyam na anyasya kasyacit |
samnatiH hi tava aakhyaati bhaviShyat shubha bhaagyataam || 5-64-17
17. susadR^isham= It is so worthy; tava cha= of you alone; idam vaakyam= (that you have spoken) these words; na kasya chit= none else (can speak like this); tava= your; samnatiH= humility; aakhyaati= is telling; bhaviShyat shubha yogyataam= of your future suitableness for prosperity.
"It is so worthy of you alone that you have spoken such words. None else can utter like this. Your humility itself is telling of your future suitableness for prosperity."
sarve vayam api praaptaaH tatra gantum kR^ita kShaNaaH |
sa yatra hari viiraaNaam sugriivaH patiH avyayaH || 5-64-18
18. sarve.api vayam praaptaaH= all of us; who reached here; kR^ita kShaNaaH= are waiting for the right moment; gantum= to go; tatra= to that place; yatra= where; saH sugriivaH= that Sugreeva; avyayaH patiH hari viiraanaam= the imperishable king of the heroic monkeys; (is).
"All of us, who reached here, are waiting for the right moment to go to that place where Sugreeva, the imperishable king of the heroic monkeys, is."
tvayaa hi anuktaiH haribhiH na eva shakyam padaat padam |
kvacit gantum hari shreShTha bruumaH satyam idam tu te || 5-64-19
19. hari shreShTha= O the excellent of monkeys!; haribhiH= for the monkeys; anuktaiH= who are not ordered; tvayaa= by you; na shakyam= it is not possible; padaat padam gantum= to go even a step forward; kvachit= anywhere; bruumaH= we are speaking; idam satyam= this truth; te= to you.
"O the excellent of monkeys! Without your command, it is not possible for the monkeys anywhere, even a step forward. We are speaking this truth to you."
evam tu vadataam teShaam angadaH pratyabhaaShata |
baaDham gacChaama iti uktvaa utpapaata mahii talaat || 5-64-20
20. teShaam padataam= while they were severe speaking; evam= thus; aN^gadaH= Angada; pratyuvaacha ha= replied; baaDham gacChaama= let us surely go; iti= thus; uktvaa= speaking; mahaabalaaH= those mighty monkeys; utpetuH= sprang; kham= into the air.
While they were thus speaking; Angada replied, "Let us go." The mighty monkeys then sprang into the air.
utpatantam anuutpetuH sarve te hari yuuthapaaH |
kR^itvaa aakaasham niraakaasham yaj~na utkShiptaa iva analaaH || 5-64-21
21. sarve= all; te hari yuuthapaaH= those leaders of monkey-troops; achalaaH iva= like stones; yantrotkShiptaaH= shot from a catapult; kR^itvaa= making; aakaasham= the space; niraakaasham= space-less; anuutpetuH utpatantam= followed Angada, who was springing forward.
All those leaders of monkey-troops, like stones shot from a catapult, making the space space-less, followed Angada, who was springing forward.
te ambaram sahasaa utpatya vegavantaH plavamgamaaH |
vinadanto mahaanaadam ghanaa vaata iiritaa yathaa || 5-64-22
22. te plavaN^gamaaH= those monkeys; vegavataH= with swiftness; vinadantaaH= sounding forth; mahaanaadam= a loud noise; sahasaa= quickly; utpatya= sprang; ambaram= into the sky; ghanaaH yathaa= like clouds; vaateritaaH= driven by the wind.
Those monkeys with speed, sounding forth a loud noise, sprang into the sky, like clouds driven by the wind.
angade hi ananupraapte sugriivo vaanara adhipaH |
uvaaca shoka upahatam raamam kamala locanam || 5-64-23
23. ananupraapte= without the landing; aN^gada= Angada; sugriisaH= Sugreeva; vaanaraadhipaH= the king of monkeys; uvaacha= spoke; kamala lochanam= to the lotus-eyed; raamam= Rama; shoka upahatam= afflicted with grief.
Even before Angada landed there, Sugreeva, the king of monkeys spoke to the louts-eyed Rama, who was afflicted with grief (as follows):
samaashvasihi bhadram te dR^iShTaa devii na samshayaH |
na aagantum iha shakyam taiH atiite samaye hi naH || 5-64-24
24. samaashvasihi= be pacified!; te bhadram= happiness to you!; devi= the princess; dR^iShTaa= has been scan; na samshayaH= there is no doubt; naH samaye atiite= when the time fixed by us goes beyond limit; na shakyam= it is not possible; taiH= for them; aagantum= to come; iha= here.
"Be pacified! Happiness to you! The princess has been seen. There is not doubt. When the time earlier fixed by us exceeds beyond limit, it is not possible for them to come here."
na mat sakaasham aagacChet kR^itye hi vinipaatite |
yuva raajo mahaabaahuH plavataam pravaro angadaH || 5-64-25
25. aN^gadaH= Angada; mahaabaahuH= the long-armed; yuva raajaH= prince; pravaraH= and the most excellent; plavataam- of monkeys; na aagachchhet= does not make his appearance; matsakaasham= before my vicinity; kR^itye vinipaatite= if the work is ruined.
"Angada, the long-armed prince and the most excellent of monkeys does not make his appearance before my vicinity, if the work is ruined."
yadi api akR^ita kR^ityaanaam iidR^ishaH syaat upakramaH |
bhavet tu diina vadano bhraanta vipluta maanasaH || 5-64-26
26. yadi api syaat= even if; iidR^ishaH= such; upakramaH= an exploit; (may be possible); akR^ita kR^ityaanaam= by these monkeys, who have not accomplished their work; saH= that Angada; bhavet diina vadanaH= would have worn a sad face; bhraanta vipluta maanasaH= and felt perplexed and scattered in mind.
"Even if such an exploit may be possible by these monkeys who have not been able to accomplish their work, Angada would have worn a sad face and felt perplexed and scattered in mind."
pitR^i paitaamaham ca etat puurvakaiH abhirakShitam |
na me madhu vanam hanyaat ahR^iShTaH plavaga iishvaraH || 5-64-27
kausalyaa suprajaa raama samaashvasihi suvrata |
27. ahR^iSTaH plavaga iishvaraH= if Angada the lord of monkeys is not rejoiced; nahanyaat= he would not have damaged; me madhuvanam= my Madhuvana; pitR^i paitaamaham= which belongs to my father and grandfather; abhirakShitam= and protected; puurvakaiH= by my forebears; samaashvasihi= get consoled well!; raama= O Rama; kausalyaa suprajaaH= the splendid son of Kausalya; suvrata= the virtuous.
"If Angada the lord f the monkeys is not rejoiced, he would not have damaged my madhuvana, which belongs to my father and grandfather as well as protected by my forbears. Get consoled well, O virtuous Rama, the splendid son of Kausalya!"
dR^iShTaa devii na samdeho na ca anyena hanuumataa || 5-64-28
na hi anyaH karmaNaH hetuH saadhane tat vidho bhavet |
28. devii= Seetha; dR^iShTaa= was seen; na samdehaH= there is no doubt; na= none; anyena= other; hanuumataa= than Hanuma; na hi anyaH= there is indeed none other; hanuumataH= than Hanuma; hetuH= who is the executor; saadhane= in accomplishing; asya karmaNaH= this work.
"Seetha was seen. There is no doubt. None other than Hanuma must have seen Seetha. There is indeed none other than Hanuma, who is the executor."
hanuumati hi siddhiH ca matiH ca mati sattama || 5-64-29
vyavasaayaH ca viiryam ca suurye teja iva dhruvam |
29. mati sattama= O Rama, having a very good understanding!; hanuumati= in Hanuma; siddhiH cha= capacity to accomplish any object; matiH cha= intelligence; vyavasaayaH cha= strenuous effort; viiryam cha= and vigour; dhruvam= are unchangeable; tejaH iva= like a splendour; suurye= in the sun.
"O Rama, having a very good understanding! In Hanuma, qualities like capacity to accomplish any object, intelligence, strenuous effort and vigour are unchangeable, like a splendour in the sun."
jaambavaan yatra netaa syaat angadaH ca bala iishvaraH || 5-64-30
hanuumaan ca api adhiShThaataa na tasya gatiH anyathaa |
30. yatra= where; jaambavaan= Jambavan; netaasyaat= is a leader; aN^gadashcha= Angada; bala iishvaraH= the commander of the troops; hanuumaan cha= and hanuma; adhiShThaataa= the administrator; gatiH= the progress; tasya= of that work; na anyathaa= cannot be otherwise.
"Where Jambavan is a leader; Angada as the commander of troops and moreover Hanuma as the administer, the progress of that work cannot be as otherwise."
maa bhuuH cintaa samaayuktaH samprati amita vikrama || 5-64-31
tataH kila kilaa shabdam shushraava aasannam ambare |
hanuumat karma dR^iptaanaam nardataam kaanana okasaam || 5-64-32
kiShkindhaam upayaataanaam siddhim kathayataam iva |
31, 32. amita vikramaH= O Rama of unlimited prowess! maabhuuH chintaa samaayuktaH= do not encounter troubled thoughts; samprati= now!; tataH= thereupon; kaanana okasaam= (while) the monkeys; hanumat karma dR^iptaanaam= who are proud of Hanuma's performance; nardataam= who are making noise; kathayataam iva= as though telling about; siddhim= the accomplishment of their act; upayaataanaam= and approaching towards; kiShkindhaam= Kishkindha; shushraava= was heard; kila kilaa shabdam= certain sounds expressing joy; aasannam= in the proximity; ambare= of the sky.
"O Rama, of unlimited prowess! Do not encounter troubled thoughts now!" Meanwhile, when the monkeys, who are proud of Hanuma's performance and who are making noise as though they are proclaiming about the accomplishment of their act are approaching Kishkindha Sugreeva heard certain sounds expressing joy, in the vicinity of the sky."
tataH shrutvaa ninaadam tam kapiinaam kapi sattamaH || 5-64-33
aayata ancita laanguulaH so abhavadt hR^iShTa maanasaH |
33. tataH= then; shrutvaa= hearing; tam ninaadam= that clamour; kapiinaam= of the monkeys; saH kapi sattamaH= that Sugreeva, the chief of monkeys; abhavat= became; hR^iSTa maanasaH= rejoiced in mind; aayata aNchita laaNguulaH= duly stretching and curling up his tail.
Then, hearing that clamour of the monkeys, Sugreeva the chief of the monkeys became rejoiced at heart, duly stretching and curling up his tail (in joy).
aajagmuH te api harayo raama darshana kaankShiNaH || 5-64-34
angadam purataH kR^itvaa hanuumantam ca vaanaram |
34. kR^itvaa= keeping; aN^gadam= Angada; hanuumantam= and Hanuma; vaanram= the monkey; purataH= in front of them; te harayaH api= those monkeys too; aajagmuH= came; raama darshana kaaN^kSiNaH= with their eagerness or see Rama.
Keeping Angada and Hanuma in front of them, those monkeys too arrived with their eagerness to see Rama.
te angada pramukhaa viiraaH prahR^iShTaaH ca mudaa anvitaaH || 5-64-35
nipetuH hari raajasya samiipe raaghavasya ca |
35. te viiraaH= those heroes; aN^gada pramukhaaH= having Angada as their chief; prahR^iShTaaH cha= exceedingly pleased; mudaa anvitaaH= and filled with joy; nipetuH= landed; samiipe= at the vicinity; hari raajasya= of Sugreeva; raaghavasya cha= and Rama.
Those heroes, having Angada as their chief, exceedingly pleased as they were and filled with joy, landed at the vicinity of Sugreeva and Rama.
hanuumaan ca mahaabahuH praNamya shirasaa tataH || 5-64-36
niyataam akShataam deviim raaghavaaya nyavedayat |
36. tataH= thereafter; mahaabaahuH= the mighty armed; hanumaan= Hanuma; praNamya= offering salutation; shirasaa= by bending his head low; nyavedayat= reported; deviim= that Seetha the princess; niyataam= is constant in devotion to her husband; akShataam= and sound in body.
Thereafter, the mighty armed Hanuma, offering his salutation in bending his head low, informed Rama that Seetha the princess is constant in devotion to Rama and sound in body.
dR^iSTaa deviiti hanumadvadanaadamR^itopamam || 5-64-37
aakarNya vachanam raamo harSamaapa salakSmaNaH |
37. aakarNya= hearing; vachanam= the words; amR^itopamam= which were nectar-like; devii dR^iShTaa iti= saying Seetha was found"; hanumadvaanaat= from the month of Hanuma; raamaH= Rama; salakSmaNaH= along with Lakshmana; aapa= obtained; harSham= joy.
Hearing the nectar-like words, saying "Seetha was found" from the mouth of Hanuma, Rama and Lakshmana felt happy.
nishcita artham tataH tasmin sugriivam pavana aatmaje || 5-64-38
lakShmaNaH priitimaan priitam bahu maanaat avaikShata |
38. tataH= thereupon; lakSmaNaH= Lakshmana; priitimaan= with love; avaikShata= looked at; priitam= the joyful; sugriivam= Sugreeva; bahu maanaat= with reverence; nishchita artham= who decidedly apprised; tasmin pavana aatmaje= about the aforesaid Hanuma; (having accomplished his work).
Thereupon, Lakshmana with love looked with reverence on the joyful Sugreeva, who earlier decidedly apprised about the aforesaid Hanuma, having accomplished the task.
priityaa ca ramamaaNo atha raaghavaH para viirahaa || 5-64-39
bahu maanena mahataa hanuumantam avaikShata |
39. raaghavaH= Rama; para viirahaa= the annihilator of hostile heroes; upetaH= who obtained; parayaa= a great; priityaa= joy; avaikShata= looked at; hanumantam= Hanuma; mahataa bahumaanena= with a high esteem.
Rama, the annihilator of hostile heroes, who obtained a great joy, looked on Hanuma with a high esteem.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe chatuHSaSTitamaH sargaH
Thus completes 64th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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