Chapter [Sarga] 31  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 31


Sitting on the branch of a Simshapa tree, Hanuma began to narrate in human language the story of Rama from the time he was born till his sending Hanuma to Lanka in search of Seetha. Hearing the narration of Hanuman, Seetha was overjoyed and finds Hanuma perched on Simshapa tree.

evam bahu vidhaam cintaam cintayitva mahaakapiH |
samshrave madhuram vaakyam vaidehyaa vyaajahaara ha || 5-31-1
1. chintayitvaa= thinking; evam= thus; bahuvidhaam= many kinds of; chintaam= thought; mahaakapiH= Hanuman; vyaajahaaraH= spoke (the following) madhuram= sweet; vaakyaam= words; samshrave= within the hearing; vaidehyaaH= of Seetha.
Thus reflecting on many kinds of thought, Hanuma spoke the following sweet words within the hearing range of Seetha.
raajaa dasharatho naama ratha kunjara vaajinaam |
puNya shiilo mahaakiirtiH R^ijuH aasiin mahaayashaaH || 5-31-2
2. raajaa= (There was) a king; dasharathe naama= named Dasaratha; mahaayashaaH= who was very glorious; ikSvaakuuNaam= among kings belonging to Ikshvaku dynasty; puNya shiilaH= and had virtuous disposition; ratha kuN^jara vaajimaan= he owned chariots, elephants= and horses; mahaa kiirtiH= and was very famous.
“There was a king named Dasaratha who was very glorious among the kings of Ikshvaku dynasty and had a virtuous disposition. He owned chariots, elephants and horses, becoming very famous.
raajarSiiNaaM guNashreSThastapasaa charSibhiH samaH |
cakra varti kule jaataH puram dara samo bale || 5-31-3
3. (He was) guNashreSThaH= excellent in virtues; raajarSiiNaam= among royal sages; samaH= equal to; R^iSibhiH= the (seven) sages; tapasaa= in austerity; jaataH= born; chakravarti kule= in the lineage of emperors; purandara samaH= and was equivalent to Indra; bale= in prowess.
“He was excellent in virtues among royal sages. He was equal to the seven sages in austerity. He was born in the lineage of emperors and was equivalent to Indra in prowess.”
ahimsaa ratiH akShudro ghR^iNii satya paraakramaH |
mukhyaH ca ikShvaaku vamshasya lakShmiivaaml lakShmi vardhanaH || 5-31-4
4. (He was) ahinsaa ratiH= fond of harmlessness; akSudraH= not vulgar; ghR^iNii= compassionate; satya paraakramaH= truly mighty; mukhyashcha= eminent; ikSvaaku vamshashcha= in Ikshvaku race; lakSmiivaan= endowed of prosperity; lakSmivardhanah= and causing to increase prosperity.
“He was keen on harmlessness. He was not vulgar. He was compassionate. He was truly mighty. He was an eminent king in Ikshvaku race. He was endowed with prosperity and was causing to increase prosperity.”
paarthiva vya~njanaiH yuktaH pR^ithu shriiH paarthiva R^iShabhaH |
pR^ithivyaam catuH antayaam vishrutaH sukhadaH sukhii || 5-31-5
5. (He was) yuktaH= endowed; paarthiva vyaNjanaiH= with royal characteristics; pR^ithushrii= was highly prosperous; paarthivarSabhaH= excellent among kings; vishrutaH= famous; pR^ithivyaam= on earth; chaturantaayaam= with four borders; sukhadaH= gave happiness; sukhii= and was happy himself.
“The king Dasaratha was endowed with royal characteristics, highly prosperous, excellent among kings and highly prosperous, excellent among kings and famous on earth with its four borders. He was happy man and gave happiness to others.”
tasya putraH priyo jyeShThaH taaraa adhipa nibha aananaH |
raamo naama visheShaj~naH shreShThaH sarva dhanuShmataam || 5-31-6
6. tasya= to that Dasaratha; jyeSTha putraH= (there was) an eldest son; raamo naama= named Rama priyaH= who was beloved; taaraadhipa nibhaananaH= having a face like a moon; visheSaJNaH= knowing distinctions (in humans and others); shreSThaH= and excellent; sarvadhanuSmataam= among all the wielders of the bow.
“There was an eldest son named Rama to that Dasaratha. Rama was beloved having a moon-like face. He, knows the distinctions among humans and others. He was excellent among all the wielders of the bow.”
rakShitaa svasya vR^ittasya sva janasya api rakShitaa |
rakShitaa jiiva lokasya dharmasya ca param tapaH || 5-31-7
7. paramtapaH= (that Rama) who torments the enemies; rakSitaa= is a protector; svasya= his own; vR^ittasya= mode of life; rakSitaa= a protector; svajanasya= of his own people; rakSitaa= a protector; jiiva lokasya= of every living being; rakSitaa= and a protector; dharmatyacha= of righteousness.
“That Rama who annihilates enemies, is a protector of his own mode of life, a protector of his own people, a protector of every living being and a protector of righteousness.”
tasya satya abhisamdhasya vR^iddhasya vacanaat pituH |
sabhaaryaH saha ca bhraatraa viiraH pravrajito vanam || 5-31-8
8. vachanaat= by the words; tasya= of that Dasaratha; vR^iddhesayaa= his old; pituH= father; satyaabhisandhasya= a true speaking man; viiraH= that Rama, a brave man, a brave man; pravraajitaH= went on exile; vanam= to a forest; sa bhaaryaH= along with his wife; sahacha bhraatraa= and together with his brother.
“By the command of that Dasaratha, his old father and true-speaking man, that Rama a brave man went on exile to a forest along with his wife and brother.”
tena tatra mahaaaraNye mR^igayaam paridhaavataa |
raakSasaa nihataaH shuuraa bahavaH kaamaruupiNaH || 5-31-9
9. paridhaavataa mR^igayaam= while hunting; tatra mahaaraNye= in that great forest; baharaH= many; raakSasaaH= demons; shuuraaH= who were valiant; kaama ruupiNaH= and who could assume any form at will; nihataaH= were killed; tena= by that Rama.
“While hunting in that forest, that Rama killed many demons who were valiant and who could assume any form at will.”
jana sthaana vadham shrutvaa hatau ca khara duuShaNau |
tataH tu amarSha apahR^itaa jaanakii raavaNena tu || 5-31-10
vaJNchayitvaa vane raamaM mR^igaruupeNa maayayaa |
10. tataH= thereafter; shrutvaa= hearing; jana sthaana vadham= about the killing of demons in Janasthana a part of Dandaka forest; khara duuSaNau cha= Khara and Dushana the demons; hatau= having been killed; jaanakii= Seetha; amarSaapahR^itaa= was taken away with anger; raavaNena= by Ravana; vaNchayitvaa= by deceiving; mR^iga rupeNa= in the guise of a deer; raaman= Rama; vane= in the forest; maayayaa= and by creating illusion.
“Thereafter, hearing about the killing of demons in Janasthana, a part of Dandaka forest, in addition to killing of Khara and Dushana the demons, the enraged Ravana took away, Seetha, by deceiving Rama in creating an illusive image of deer in the forest.”
sa maargamaaNastaam deviim raamaH siitaamannditaam || 5-31-11
aasasaada vane mitram sugriivam naama vaanaram |
11. tataH= thereafter; saH raamaH= that Rama parapuramjayaH= the conqueror of enemys cities; mahaabalaH= and a very stron man; hatvaa= having killed; vaalinam= Vali; praayachchhat= gave away; tat= that; kapiraajyam= kingdom of monkeys; sugriivasya= to Sugreeva.
“Searching for Seetha the irreproachable lady, that Rama met a monkey called Sugreeva as his friend in the forest.”
tataH sa vaalinam htvaa raamaH parapuramjayaH || 5-31-12
praayachchhatkapiraajyam tatsugriivaaya mahaabalaH |
12. tataH= thereafter; saH raamaH= that Rama; parapuramjayaH= the conqueror of enemy’s cities; mahaabalaH= and a very strong man; hatvaa= having killed; vaalinam= Vali; praayachchhat= gave away; tat= that; kapiraajyam= kingdom of monkeys; sugriivasya= to Sugreeva.
“Thereafter, Rama the conqueror of enemy’s cities and very strong man, killed Vali and gave away that kingdom of monkeys to Sugreeva.”
sugriiveNaapi saMdiSTaa harayaH kaamaruupiNaH || 5-31-13
dikSu sarvaasu taam deviim vichinnvanti sahasrashaH |
13. samdiSTaaH= sent; sugriiveNa= by Sugreeva; sahasrashaH= thousands of; harayaH= monkeys; kaamaruupiNaH=capable of assuming any form at their will; vichinvanti= are searching; taam deviim= that lady, Seetha; sarvaasu dikSu= in all quarters.
“As commanded and sent by Sugreeva, thousands of monkeys capable of assuming form at their will, are searching for that lady Seetha in all quarters of the earth.”
aham sampaativachanaachchhatayojanamaayatam || 5-31-14
asyaa hetorvishaalaakSyaaH saagaraM vegavaan plutaH |
14. sampaati vachanaat= by the words of Sampati; aham= I; vegavaan= a swift monkey; plutaH= crossed; saagaram= the ocean; aayatam= having a length; shata yojanam= of one hundred Yojanas; asyaaH vishalaakSyaaH hetoH= for the sake of this broad eyed Seetha.
“By the words of Sampati, I a swift monkey crossed the ocean having a length of one hundred yojanas for the sake of this broad eyed Seetha.”
yathaa ruupaam yathaa varNaam yathaa lakShmiim vinishcitaam || 5-31-15
ashrauSham raaghavasya aham saa iyam aasaaditaa mayaa |
15. iyam= this Seetha; asaaditaa= has been found; mayaa= by me; yathaa ruupaam= according to the comeliness; yathaa varNaam= according to the complexion; yathaa lakSmavatiimcha= and according to the bodily marks; saa= the same; aham= I; taam= that Seetha; ashrauSam- had heard; raaghavasya= from Rama.
“This Seetha has been found by me according to the same comeliness, complexion and the bodily marks as I had heard from Rama.”
viraraama evam uktvaa asau vaacam vaanara pumgavaH || 5-31-16
jaanakii ca api tat shrutvaa vismayam paramam gataa |
16. uktvaa= speaking; vaacham= the words; evam= thus; asau= that; vaanarapuNgavaH= Hanuma, the excellent among the monkeys; viraraama= kept quiet; shrutvaa= hearing; tat= those words; jaanakiicha api= Seetha also; aagataa= got; param= a great; vismayam= surprise.
Having spoken these words, Hanuma kept quiet. Hearing those words, Seetha too got a great surprise.
tataH saa vakra kesha antaa sukeshii kesha samvR^itam || 5-31-17
unnamya vadanam bhiiruH shimshapaa vR^ikSham aikShata |
17. tataH= then; saa= that Seetha; klesha samvR^ita chetanaa= whose conciousness was enshrouded by affliction; vakra keshaantaa= whose hair-ends were curved; bhiiruH= and who was of fearful nature; unnamya= lifted; vadanam= her face; aikSata= and looked towards; shimsupaavR^ikSam= shimshupa tree.
Thereafter, that Seetha whose consciousness was enshrouded by affliction, whose hair-ends were curved and who was of a fearful nature, lifted her face and looked towards Shimshupa tree.
nishamya siitaa vachanam kapeshcha |
dishashcha sarvaaH pradishashca viikSya |
svayam praharSaM paramaM jagaama |
sarvaatmanaa raamamanusmarantii || 5-31-18
18. nishamya= heaving; kapaH= Hanuma’s; vachanam= words; viikSya= and seeing; sarvaaH= all; dishashcha= quarters; pradishashcha= and sub-quarters; siitaa= Seetha; anusmarantii= was recollecting; raamam= Rama; sarvaatmanaa= in all ways; jagaama= and obtained; paramam= a great; praharSam= joy.
Hearing Hanuma’s words and looking at all quarters and sub-quarters, Seetha was recollecting Rama in all ways and obtained a great joy.
saa tiryag uurdhvam ca tathaa api adhastaan |
niriikShamaaNaa tam acintya buddhim |
dadarsha pinga adhipateH amaatyam |
vaata aatmajam suuryam iva udayastham || 5-31-19
19. niriikSamaaNaa= looking at; tiryak= sides; uurdhavam cha= up; tathaapi= and; adhastaat= down; saa= that Seetha; dadarsha= saw; vaataatmajam= that Hanuman, of wind-God the sun; achintya buddhim= having an unimaginable intelligence; amaatyam= the minister; piNgaadhipate= of Sugreeva; suuryamiva= resembling the sun; udayastham= behind an eastern mountain.
Looking at sides, up and down, that Seetha saw that Hanuman, the sun of wind-god, having an unimaginable intelligence, the minister of Sugreeva and looking like the sun behind an eastern mountain.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe ekatrimshaH sargaH
Thus completes 31st Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic

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