
Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty
Chapter [Sarga] 47
Ravana sends Aksha, his own son, to fight against Hanuma. Aksha, along with his army elephants and horses, approach Hanuma and incites him to battle by discharging three sharp arrows. As Aksha discharges his arrows, Hanuma bounces quickly to the sky and smashes Aksha, his chariot and the horses with blows. After killing Aksha, Hanuma returns again to the same archy door-way. | ![]() |
senaa patiin panca sa tu pramaapitaan |
hanuumataa saanucaraan savaahanaan |
samiikShya raajaa samara uddhata unmukham |
kumaaram akSham prasamaikShata akShatam || 5-47-1
hanuumataa saanucaraan savaahanaan |
samiikShya raajaa samara uddhata unmukham |
kumaaram akSham prasamaikShata akShatam || 5-47-1
1. nishamya= hearing; pramaapitaan= and sustaining prof; paN^cha= (that) the five; senaapatiin= army-generals; saanucharaan= along with their followers; savaahanaan= and vehicles; hataan= were disposed off; hanumataa= by Hanuma; raajaa= that Ravana; prasamaikSata= looked at; akSam= Aksha; kumaaran= his son; agrataH= who was sitting in front of him; samaroddhatonmukham= who was violent in combat and inclined to fighting.
Hearing and sustaining that the five army-generals along with their followers and vehicles were disposed off by Hanuma, Ravana looked at Aksha, his son, violent in combat and who was inclined to fighting as well as sitting in front of him.
sa tasya dR^iShTi arpaNa sampracoditaH |
prataapavaan kaancana citra kaarmukaH |
samutpapaata atha sadasi udiirito |
dvijaati mukhyaiH haviShaa iva paavakaH || 5-47-2
prataapavaan kaancana citra kaarmukaH |
samutpapaata atha sadasi udiirito |
dvijaati mukhyaiH haviShaa iva paavakaH || 5-47-2
2. dR^iSTyarpaNa samprachoditaH= goaded by obtaining of looks, tasya= of Ravana; saH= that Aksha; prataapavaan= the energetic demon; atha= thereupon; golden dotted bow; samutpapaata= sprang up quickly; paavakaH iva= like a fire; udiiratah= moved up; dvijaatimukhyaiH= by the foremost brahmins; haviSaa= by offering oblations; sadasi= in a sacrificial fire.
Goaded by the looks of Ravana, the energetic Aksha, wielding a golden dotted bow, quickly sprang up, like a fire switched up by the foremost of brahmins in a sacrificial fire, by offering oblations to it.
tato mahat baala divaa kara prabham |
pratapta jaambuu nada jaala samtatam |
rathaam samaasthaaya yayau sa viiryavaan |
mahaaharim tam prati nairR^ita R^iShabhaH || 5-47-3
pratapta jaambuu nada jaala samtatam |
rathaam samaasthaaya yayau sa viiryavaan |
mahaaharim tam prati nairR^ita R^iShabhaH || 5-47-3
3. saamaasthaaya= mounting; mahat= a great; ratham= chariot; baaladivaakaraprabham= having a splendour of a newly risen sun; pratapta jaambuunada jaalasamtatam= and overlaid with a protective armour of highly refined gold; saH viiryavaan nairR^itarSabhaH= that valiant chief of demons; tataH= then; yayau= went; tam mahaaharim prati= towards that mighty monkey.
Mounting a great chariot, having a splendour of a newly risen sun and overlaid with a protective armour of highly refined gold, that valiant cheif of demons sallied forth towards that mighty monkey.
tataH tapaH samgraha samcaya arjitam |
pratapta jaambuu nada jaala shobhitam |
pataakinam ratna vibhuuShita dhvajam |
mano java aShTa ashva varaiH suyojitam || 5-47-4
pratapta jaambuu nada jaala shobhitam |
pataakinam ratna vibhuuShita dhvajam |
mano java aShTa ashva varaiH suyojitam || 5-47-4
4. tataH= then; (that chariot); tapaH samgraha samchayaarjitam= was earned by many kinds of his penances; pratapta jaambuunadjaala shobhitam= shining with a protective armour of highly refined gold; pataakinam= adorned iwth a flag; ratnavibhuuSita dhvajam= on a flag-staff studded with gems; suyojitam= yoked well with; manojavaaSTaashvavaraiH= eight excellent horses, having a speed equal to that of a mind.
Aksha's chariot was earned through many kinds of his penances. It was shining with a protective armour of highly refined gold, adorned with a flag on a flag-staff studded with gems and yoked well with eight excellent horses, having speed equal to that of a mind.
sura asura adhR^iShyam asamga caariNam |
ravi prabham vyoma caram samaahitam |
satuuNam aShTa asi nibaddha bandhuram |
yathaa krama aaveshita shakti tomaram || 5-47-5
ravi prabham vyoma caram samaahitam |
satuuNam aShTa asi nibaddha bandhuram |
yathaa krama aaveshita shakti tomaram || 5-47-5
5. suraasuraadhR^iSyam= (that chariot) cannot be attacked by celestials or demons; asamga chaariNam= (It) moves without hindrance; raviprabham= It has a shining similar to the sun; vyomacharam= It can move within the sky; samaahitam= well-conceived; satuuNam= with a quiver; aSTaasi= eight swords; nibaddha bandhuram= tied with bells; yathaakrama aveshita shakti tomaram= arranged well in order with spears and lances.
That chariot was unassailable by celestials or demons. It moved without hindrance to any place. It shone like a sun and could move within the sky. It was well-conceived with a quiver, eight swords and tied with bells. It was orderly arranged with spears and lances in their respective places.
viraajamaanam pratipuurNa vastunaa |
sahema daamnaa shashi suurya varvasaa |
divaa kara aabham ratham aasthitaH tataH |
sa nirjagaama amara tulya vikramaH || 5-47-6
sahema daamnaa shashi suurya varvasaa |
divaa kara aabham ratham aasthitaH tataH |
sa nirjagaama amara tulya vikramaH || 5-47-6
6. tataH= then; saH= he; amaratulyavikramaH with a prowess equal to that of celestials; nirjagaama= came forth; aasthitaH= mounting; ratham= the chariot; sa hema daamnaa= decorated with golden wreaths; shashi suurya varchasaa= with a brilliance of the moon and the sun; pratipuurNa vastunaa= filled with every right thing; viraajamaanam= shining; divaakaraabham= like rays of sun.
Then, Aksha having a prowess equal to that of celestials, came forth, mounting that chariot decorated with golden wreaths, having a brilliance of moon and sun, filled with every right thing and shining like rays of sun.
sa puurayan kham ca mahiim ca saacalaam |
turamga matanga mahaaratha svanaiH |
balaiH sametaiH sa hi toraNa sthitam |
samartham aasiinam upaagamat kapim || 5-47-7
turamga matanga mahaaratha svanaiH |
balaiH sametaiH sa hi toraNa sthitam |
samartham aasiinam upaagamat kapim || 5-47-7
7. saH= that Aksha; puurayan= filling; khamcha= the sky; mahiimcha= and the earth; saachalam= along with its mountains; turaN^ga maatN^ga mahaarathasvanaiH= with sounds of horses, elephants and chariots; balaiH saha sametaiH= joined together with his army; upaagamat= approached; mahaakapim= Hanuma the great monkey; samartham= the efficient one; toraNasthitam= who was standing at the archy door-way.
Aksha, filling the sky earth and its mountains with sounds of horses elephants and chariots, together with his army, approached the efficient Hanuma the great monkey, standing at the archy door-way.
sa tam samaasaadya harim hari iikShaNo |
yuga anta kaala agnim iva prajaa kShaye |
avasthitam vismita jaata sambhramaH |
samaikShata akSho bahu maana cakShuShaa || 5-47-8
yuga anta kaala agnim iva prajaa kShaye |
avasthitam vismita jaata sambhramaH |
samaikShata akSho bahu maana cakShuShaa || 5-47-8
8. samaasaadya= approaching; tam harim= that Hanuma; avasthitam= standing readily; prajaakSaye= to destroy mortals; kaalagnim iva= like a fire that is to destroy the world; saH akSaH= that Aksha; hariikSaNaH= the yellow-eyed; vismitajaatasambhramaH= was bewildered born of a surprise; samaikSata= and looked to; bahuumaanachakSuSaa= him with a great esteem.
Approaching that Hanuma, standing there readily to destroy mortals, similar to a fire that is to destroy the world, the yellow-eyed Aksha was bewildered, born of a surprise and looked to him with a great esteem.
sa tasya vegam ca kapeH mahaatmanaH |
paraakramam caariShu paarhtiva aatmajaH |
vicaarayan kham ca balam mahaabalo |
hima kShaye suurya iva abhivardhate || 5-47-9
paraakramam caariShu paarhtiva aatmajaH |
vicaarayan kham ca balam mahaabalo |
hima kShaye suurya iva abhivardhate || 5-47-9
9. saH= that Aksha; mahaabalaH= the mighty; paarthivaamajaH= prince; vidhaarayan= assessing; vegamcha= the swiftness; tasya kapeH= of that Hanuma; mahaatmanaH= the high-souled; paraakramamcha= his prowess; aariSu= in respect of his adversaries; svam cha= and his own; balam= strength; abhivardhate= increased his body more and more; himakSaye suurya iva= like the sun when the frost is faded away.
That Aksha, the mighty prince, assessing the swiftness of that high-souled Hanuma and his prowess with regard to his adversaries as also his own strength, increased his body more and more like the sun when the frost is faded away.
sa jaata manyuH prasamiikShya vikramam |
sthiraH sthitaH samyati durnivaaraNam |
samaahita aatmaa hanumantam aahave |
pracodayaamaasa sharaiH tribhiH shitaiH || 5-47-10
sthiraH sthitaH samyati durnivaaraNam |
samaahita aatmaa hanumantam aahave |
pracodayaamaasa sharaiH tribhiH shitaiH || 5-47-10
10. prasamiikSya= seeing; vikramam= Hanuma's prowess; durnivaaraNam= which was unrestrainable; sthiram= and stable; samyati= in battle; sah= that Aksha; jaatamanyuH= exhibiting anger; sthiraH= became stable; samaahitaatmaa= with his mind composed; prachodayaamaasa= incited; hanumantam= Hanuma; aahave= to battle; shitaiH= tribhiH sharaiH= by discharging three sharp arrows.
Understanding Hanuma's prowess to be unrestrainable and stable in battle, that Aksha, exhibiting anger initially, became stable and mentally composed and incited Hanuma to battle by discharging three sharp arrows towards him.
tataH kapim tam prasamiikShya garvitam |
jita shramam shatru paraajayoH jitam |
avaikShata akShaH samudiirNa maanasaH |
sabaaNa paaNiH pragR^ihiita kaarmukaH || 5-47-11
jita shramam shatru paraajayoH jitam |
avaikShata akShaH samudiirNa maanasaH |
sabaaNa paaNiH pragR^ihiita kaarmukaH || 5-47-11
11. prasamiikSya= recognising; tam kapim= that Hanuma; garvitam= as a haughty monkey; shatru paraajayorjitam= after having gallantly conquered his adversaries; jita shramam= and accustomed to fatigue; sah akSaH= that Aksha; sabaaNapaaNiH= with arrows in his hand; pragrahiita kaarmukaH= and grasping the bow; avaikSata= saw (him); samudiirNamaanasaH= with an excited mind.
Recognizing that Hanuma, as a haughty monkey, after having gallantly conquered his adversaries and accustomed to fatigue, that Aksha, graspign the bow and arrows his hand, saw him with an excited mind.
sa hema niShka angada caaru kuNDalaH |
samaasasaada aashu paraakramaH kapim |
tayoH babhuuva apratimaH samaagamaH |
sura asuraaNaam api sambhrama pradaH || 5-47-12
samaasasaada aashu paraakramaH kapim |
tayoH babhuuva apratimaH samaagamaH |
sura asuraaNaam api sambhrama pradaH || 5-47-12
12. hema niSkaaN^gadachaarukuN^DalaH= having a golden chain, a pair of armlets and charming ear-rings; saH= Aksha; aashuparaakramaH= of a quick prowess; samaasasaada= approached; kapim= Hanuma; tayoH= their; apratimaH= unmatched; samaagamaH= get-together in combat; abhuut= became; sambhramapradaH= baffled; suraasuraaNaamapi= to even the celestials and demons.
Having a glden chain, a pair of armlets and charming ear-rings, Aksha of a swift prowess, approached Hanuma. Their unmatched get-together in combat became a baffle to even the celestials and demons.
raraasa bhuumiH na tataapa bhaanumaan |
vavau na vaayuH pracacaala ca acalaH |
kapeH kumaarasya ca viikShya samyugam |
nanaada ca dyauH udadhiH ca cukShubhe || 5-47-13
vavau na vaayuH pracacaala ca acalaH |
kapeH kumaarasya ca viikShya samyugam |
nanaada ca dyauH udadhiH ca cukShubhe || 5-47-13
13. viikSya= seeing; samyugam= the battle; kapeH= of Hanuma; kumaarasya= and of Aksha; bhuumiH= the earth; raraasa= uproared; bhaanumaan= the sun; na tataapa= did not shine; vaayuH= the wind; na vavau= ceased to blow; achalaH cha= the mountain; prachachaala= shook; dyau= the sky; nanaada= made a reverberent sound; udadishcha= the ocean too; chukSubhe= was agitated.
Seeing that battle between Hanuma and Aksha, the earth uproared. The sun did not shine brightly. The wind ceased to blow. The mountain shook. The sky made a reverberant sound. The ocean too was agitated.
tataH sa viiraH sumukhaan patatriNaH |
suvarNa punkhaan saviShaan iva uragaan |
samaadhi samyoga vimokSha tattvavit |
sharaan atha triin kapi muurdhni apaatayat || 5-47-14
suvarNa punkhaan saviShaan iva uragaan |
samaadhi samyoga vimokSha tattvavit |
sharaan atha triin kapi muurdhni apaatayat || 5-47-14
14. tataH= then; atha= and thereafter; saH viiraH= that eminent demon; samaadhisamyoga vimokSatattvavit= who correctly knew how to fix his gaze on the target, to fit an arrow to the bow and to discharge it; apaatayat= hurled; kapimuurdhni= on Hanuma's head; triin sharaan= three arrows; sumukhaan= well-painted; suvarNa puNkhaan= with golden shafts; patattriNaH= and feathers; saviSaan uragaamiva= and which resembled venomous serpants.s
Then, that eminent demon, who correctly knew how to fix his gaze on the target, to fit an arrow to the bow and to discharge it, hurled on Hanuma's head, three arrows which were well-painted, having golden shafts and feathers and which resembled venomous serpants.
sa taiH sharaiH muurdhni samam nipaatitaiH |
kSharann asR^ig digdha vivR^itta locanaH |
nava udita aaditya nibhaH shara amshumaan |
vyaraajata aaditya iva amshu maalikaH || 5-47-15
kSharann asR^ig digdha vivR^itta locanaH |
nava udita aaditya nibhaH shara amshumaan |
vyaraajata aaditya iva amshu maalikaH || 5-47-15
15. kSaran= oozing the blood from his wounds; taiH sharaiH= caused by those arrows; muurdhni nipaatitaiaH= descended into his head; samam= at the same time (by Aksha); navoditaadityanibhaH= looking like the newly risen su; arR^igdigdha vivR^ittalochanaH= his eyes, bathed in blood, rolling rapidly; saH= Hanuma; vyaraajata= shone brightly; aaditya iva= like the sun; amshumaalikaH= surrounded by a circle of rays; sharaamshumaan= having the arrows as its rays.
Oozing the blood from his wound caused by those arrows descended into his head (by Aksha), looking like the newly risen sun, his eyes bathed in blood rolling rapidly, Hanuma shone brightly like the sun surrounded by a circle of rays, having the arrows as its rays.
tataH sa pinga adhipa mantri sattamaH |
samiikShya tam raaja vara aatmajam raNe |
udagra citra aayudha citra kaarmukam |
jaharSha ca aapuuryata ca aahava unmukhaH || 5-47-16
samiikShya tam raaja vara aatmajam raNe |
udagra citra aayudha citra kaarmukam |
jaharSha ca aapuuryata ca aahava unmukhaH || 5-47-16
16. samiikSya= seeing; raNe= in the battle; tam= that; raajavaraatmajam= Aksha the prince; udagra chitraayudhachitra kaarmukam= with his marvelllous weapons and picturesque bow; saH= that Hanuma; piN^gaadhipa mantri sattamaH= the excellent one among Sugreeva's ministers; tataH= then; jaharSa= rejoiced; aahavonmukhaH= and with an inclination to fight; apuuryata= grew in size.
Seeing in the battle that Aksha the prince, with his marvellous weapons and picturesque bow, that Hanuma the excellent one among Sugree's counsellors, was rejoiced and with an inclination to fight, grew in size.
sa mandara agrastha iva amshu maalii |
vivR^iddha kopo bala viirya samyutaH |
kumaaram akSham sabalam savaahanam |
dadaaha netra agni mariicibhiH tadaa || 5-47-17
vivR^iddha kopo bala viirya samyutaH |
kumaaram akSham sabalam savaahanam |
dadaaha netra agni mariicibhiH tadaa || 5-47-17
17. saH= that Hanuma; balaviirya samyutaH= endowed with strength and prowess; amshumaalikaH iva= resembling the sun; mandaraagra sthaH= appearing on a peak of Mandara mountain; vivR^iddha kopaH= and whose anger was increased; tadaa= then; dadaaha= burnt; netraagni mariichibhiH= by the rays of fire emnating from his eyes; kumaaam= the prince; akSam= Aksha; sabalam= along with his army; savaahanam= and vehicles.
That Hanuma, endowed with strength and prowess, resembling the sun appearing on a peak of Mandara muntain and whose anger was increased, then burnt the prince Aksha along with his army and vehicles, by the rays of fire emnating from his eyes.
tataH sa baaNa aasana shakra kaarmukaH |
shara pravarSho yudhi raakShasa ambudaH |
sharaan mumoca aashu hari iishvara acale |
balaahako vR^iShTim iva acala uttame || 5-47-18
shara pravarSho yudhi raakShasa ambudaH |
sharaan mumoca aashu hari iishvara acale |
balaahako vR^iShTim iva acala uttame || 5-47-18
18. saH raakSasaambudaH= that demon in the form of a cloud; sharapravarSaH= raining down arrows; tataH= then; baaNaasana chitrakaarmukaH= wielding a bow in the form of a rain bow; aashu= soon; mumocha= discharged; sharaan= arrows; hariishvaraachale= on Hanuma in the form of a mountain; valaakakaH iva= like a cloud; vR^iSTim= showering rain; achalottame= on a high mountain.
That demon in the form of a cloud, raining down arrows, then wielding a bow in the form of a rain-bow, soon discharged arrows on Hanuma standing in the form of a mountain, like a cloud showering rain on a high mountain.
tataH kapiH tam raNa caNDa vikramam |
vivR^iddha tejo bala viirya saayakam |
kumaaram akSham prasamiikShya samyuge |
nanaada harShaat ghana tulya vikramaH || 5-47-19
vivR^iddha tejo bala viirya saayakam |
kumaaram akSham prasamiikShya samyuge |
nanaada harShaat ghana tulya vikramaH || 5-47-19
19. tataH= then; prasamiikSya= seeing; tam= that; kumaaram akSam= prince Aksha; raNachaN^Da vikramam= having an impetuous valour; vivR^iddhatejobalaviirya samyutam= endowed with enhanced splendour, strength and vigour; ghanatulyavikramam= wandering in the sky like a cloud; samyuge= in the battle; kapiH= Hanuma; nanaada= roared; harSaat= with joy.
Seeing that Aksha the prince, possessing an impetuous valour, endowed with enhanced splendour strength and vigour with a capacity to move within the sky like a cloud, coming to the battle, Hanuma roared with joy.
sa baala bhaavaat yudhi viirya darpitaH |
pravR^iddha manyuH kShataja upama iikShaNaH |
samaasasaada apratimam raNe kapim |
gajo mahaakuupam iva aavR^itam tR^iNaiH || 5-47-20
pravR^iddha manyuH kShataja upama iikShaNaH |
samaasasaada apratimam raNe kapim |
gajo mahaakuupam iva aavR^itam tR^iNaiH || 5-47-20
20. viiryadarpitaH= boastful of his valour; yudhi= in battle; baalabhaavaat= because of his childish attitude; saH= that Aksha; pravR^iddhamanyuH= with a heightened fury; kSatajopamekSaNaH= with blood-red eyes; samaasaada= approached; kapim= Hanuma; apratimam= who was incomparable; raNe= in battle; gajaH iva= like an elephant; mahaakuupam= (approaching) a well; aavR^itam= covered; tR^iNaiH= with heaps of grass.
Boastful of his valour in battle because of his childish attitude, Aksha wit an enhanced fury and red-blood eyes, approached Hanuma who was incomparable in battle, as an elephant approaching a well covered with heaps of straw.
sa tena baaNaiH prasabham nipaatitaiH |
cakaara naadam ghana naada nihsvanaH |
samutpapaata aashu nabhaH sa maarutiH |
bhuja uuru vikShepaNa ghora darshanaH || 5-47-21
cakaara naadam ghana naada nihsvanaH |
samutpapaata aashu nabhaH sa maarutiH |
bhuja uuru vikShepaNa ghora darshanaH || 5-47-21
21. baaNaiH= by the arrows; nipaatitaiH= descended; prasabham= forcefully; tena= by Aksha; saH maarutiH= that Hanuma; chakaara= made; naadam= a noise; naadaniHsvanaH= like the sound of a thunder; samutpapaata= and jumped; aashu= quickly; nabhaH= to the sky; bhujoruvikSepaNa ghora darshanaH= assuming a terrible sight, stretching out his arms and thighs.
As Aksha forcefully discharged his arrows, Hanuma roared a sound of thunder and bounced quickly to the sky assuming a terrible sight, stretching out his arms and thighs.
samutpatantam samabhidravat balii |
sa raakShasaanaam pravaraH prataapavaan |
rathii ratha shreShThatamaH kiran sharaiH |
payo dharaH shailam iva ashma vR^iShTibhiH || 5-47-22
sa raakShasaanaam pravaraH prataapavaan |
rathii ratha shreShThatamaH kiran sharaiH |
payo dharaH shailam iva ashma vR^iShTibhiH || 5-47-22
22. saH= that Aksha; balii= the strong one; pravaraH= the foremost; raakSasaanaam= among demons; prataapavaan= the valiant one; rathii= mounting a chariot; rathishreSThatamaH= the best among the car-warriors; samabhidravat= went chasing; utpatantam= (that Hanuma) flying upwards; kiran= sprinkling; sharaiH= arrows; payodharaH iva= like a cloud; ashma vR^iSTibhiH= showering hail-stones; shailam= on a mountain.
That strong and valiant Aksha, the foremost among the demons, and the best among car warriors, went chasing Hanuma who was flying upwards, difusing arrows like a cloud showering hail-stones on a mountian.
sa taan sharaan tasya vimokShayan kapiH |
cacaara viiraH pathi vaayu sevite |
shara antare maarutavat viniShpatan |
mano javaH samyati caNDa vikramaH || 5-47-23
cacaara viiraH pathi vaayu sevite |
shara antare maarutavat viniShpatan |
mano javaH samyati caNDa vikramaH || 5-47-23
23. saH hariH= that Hanuma; manojavaH= who has a swiftness equal to the mind; chaN^DavikramaH= possessing impetuous valour; samyati= in battle; viiraH= and a valiant one; viniSpatan= rushing forth; maarutavat= liek wind; sharaantare= in the space between one arrow and another; vimokSayan= and escaping; sharaan= the arrows; tasya= of Aksha; chachaara= moved; pathi= in the path; vaayusevite= visited by wind.
That valiant Hanuma, whose swiftness was equal to the mind and possessing impetuous valour in battle, rushing forth like wind in the space between one arrow and another and thus escaping Aksha's arrows, moved in the path visited by wind (the sky).
tam aatta baaNa aasanam aahava unmukham |
kham aastR^iNantam vividhaiH shara uttamaiH |
avaikShata akSham bahu maana cakShuShaa |
jagaama cintaam ca sa maaruta aatmajaH || 5-47-24
kham aastR^iNantam vividhaiH shara uttamaiH |
avaikShata akSham bahu maana cakShuShaa |
jagaama cintaam ca sa maaruta aatmajaH || 5-47-24
24. saH maarutaatmajaH= that Hanuma; avaikSata= saw; bahumaana chakSuSau= with a respectful faculty of sight; tam= that; akSam= Aksha; aattabaaNaasanam= wielding a bow; aahavonmukham= readily inclined; to fight; aastR^iNantam= covering; kham= the sky; sharottamaiH= with excellent arrows; vishikhaiH= having various types of tops; jagaama= and became; chintaamcha= thoughtful.
With a respectful faculty of sight, Hanuma saw that Aksha who was wielding his bow and readily inclined to fight, covering the entire sky with excellent arrows with various types of tops and became thoughful.
tataH sharaiH bhinna bhuja antaraH kapiH |
kumaara varyeNa mahaatmanaa nadan |
mahaabhujaH karma visheSha tattvavit |
vicintayaamaasa raNe paraakramam || 5-47-25
kumaara varyeNa mahaatmanaa nadan |
mahaabhujaH karma visheSha tattvavit |
vicintayaamaasa raNe paraakramam || 5-47-25
25. tataH= then; kapiH= Hanuma; mahaabhujaH= the mighty armed; karma visheSa tattvavit= who knew how to act under particular circumstances; nadan= roaring; bhinna bhujaantaraH= when pierced in the breast with shafts; mahaatmanaa= by the high souled; kumaara viireNa= heroic Aksha; vichintayaamaasa= reflected on; paraakramaan= the prowess of the adversary; raNe= in battle.
Then, the mighty armed Hanuma, who knew how to act under particular circumstances, roaring when pierced in the breast with shafts by the high souled heroic, Aksha, reflected on the prowess of his adversary in battle.
abaalavat baala divaa kara prabhaH |
karoti ayam karma mahan mahaabalaH |
na ca asya sarva aahava karma shobhinaH |
pramaapaNe me matiH atra jaayate || 5-47-26
karoti ayam karma mahan mahaabalaH |
na ca asya sarva aahava karma shobhinaH |
pramaapaNe me matiH atra jaayate || 5-47-26
26. mahaabalaH= the mighty; ayam= Aksha; baaladivaakaraprabhaH= possessing the lustre of a rising sun; karoti= is performing; mahat= great; karma= act; abaalavat= as a mature youth; me matiH= my mind; na cha jaayate= is nt conceding atra= here; pramaapaNe= to kill; asya= him; sarvaahavakarma shobhinaH= who is distinguished in all acts of war fare.
"The mighty Aksha, possessing the lustre of a rising sun, is performing a great act, as a mature youth. My mind is not conceding here to kill him, who is distinguished in all acts of war-fare."
ayam mahaatmaa ca mahaan ca viiryataH |
samaahitaH ca atisahaH ca samyuge |
asamshayam karma guNa udayaat ayam |
sanaaga yakShaiH munibhiH ca puujitaH || 5-47-27
samaahitaH ca atisahaH ca samyuge |
asamshayam karma guNa udayaat ayam |
sanaaga yakShaiH munibhiH ca puujitaH || 5-47-27
27. ayam= he; mahaatmaacha= possesses a great intellect; mahaan= and is prominent viiryataH cha= by his valour too; samaahitaH= (He is) well-composed; atisahaH= and highly tolerant; samyuge= in battle; karmaguNodayaat= due to eminence in his deeds and virtues; ayam= he; asamshayam= is undoubtedly; puujitaH= adored; munibhishcha= by saints; sanaagayakSaiH= along with Nagas the serpent-demons and Yakshas the semi-divine beings.
"He possesses a great intellect and is also prominent by his valour. He is well-composed and highly tolerant in battle. Due to his eminent deeds and virtues, he is undoubtedly adored by saints, Nagas the serpent-demons and Yakshas the semi-dviine being."
paraakrama utsaaha vivR^iddha maanasaH |
samiikShate maam pramukha aagataH sthitaH |
paraakramo hi asya manaamsi kampayet |
sura asuraaNaam api shiighra kaariNaH || 5-47-28
samiikShate maam pramukha aagataH sthitaH |
paraakramo hi asya manaamsi kampayet |
sura asuraaNaam api shiighra kaariNaH || 5-47-28
28. sthitaH= (He is) standing; pramukhaagrataH= very much before; samiikSate= and seeing; maam= me; paraakramtsaaha vivR^iddha maanasaH= straight in eyes reassured as he is, by his prowess and enthusiasm; asya= his; shiighra gaaminaH= swift-moving; paraakramaH= prowess; prakampayet=trembles; maamsi api= even the minds; suraasuraaNaam= of celestials and demons.
"He is standing very much before me and looks me straight in the eyes, reassured as he is, by his prowess and enthusiasm. His swift-moving prowess trembles even the minds of celestials and demons."
na khalv ayam na abhibhavet upekShitaH |
paraakramo hi asya raNe vivardhate |
pramaapaNam tu eva mama asya rocate |
na vardhamaano agniH upekShitum kShamaH || 5-47-29
paraakramo hi asya raNe vivardhate |
pramaapaNam tu eva mama asya rocate |
na vardhamaano agniH upekShitum kShamaH || 5-47-29
29. upekSitaH= (If) neglected; ayam= he; naabhibhavet na khalu= would undoubtedly overpower me; asya= his; paraakramaH= prowess; vardhate hi= is indeed getting augmented; raNe= in battle; pramaapaNamtveva= killing him only; adya= now; rochate= is the option; mama= for me; nakSamaH= It is not appropriate; upekSitum= to neglect; vardhamaanaH= an augmented; agniH= fire.
'If neglected, he would undoubtedly overpower me. His prowess is getting augmented in battle. The only option left out for me is to kill him now. It is not proper to neglect a spreadin fire."
iti pravegam tu parasya tarkayan |
sva karma yogam ca vidhaaya viiryavaan |
cakaara vegam tu mahaabalaH tadaa |
matim ca cakre asya vadhe mahaakapiH || 5-47-30
sva karma yogam ca vidhaaya viiryavaan |
cakaara vegam tu mahaabalaH tadaa |
matim ca cakre asya vadhe mahaakapiH || 5-47-30
30. mahaakapiH= Hanuma; viiryavaan= the valiant one; mahaabalah= and the mighty one; chintayan= reflecting; iti= thus; parasya pravegam= about the rapidity of the adversary; vidhaaya= and determining; svakarmayogamcha= his own couse of action; tadaa= then; chakara= acquired; vegam= momentum; chakre= and made up; buddhim= his mind too; asya= of his; vadhe= killing.
The valiant and te mighty Hanuma, reflecting thus about the swiftness of the adersary and determining his own couse of action, then acquired a course of action, then acquired a momentum and also made up his mind to kill him.
sa tasya taan aShTa hayaan mahaajavaan |
samaahitaan bhaara sahaan vivartane |
jaghaana viiraH pathi vaayu sevite |
tala prahaalaiH pavana aatmajaH kapiH || 5-47-31
samaahitaan bhaara sahaan vivartane |
jaghaana viiraH pathi vaayu sevite |
tala prahaalaiH pavana aatmajaH kapiH || 5-47-31
31. saH kapiH= that Hanuma; viiraH= the heroic; pavanaatmajaH= son of wind; jaghaana= killed; tala prahaaraiH= by the slap of his palm; taan= those; aSTa= eight; hayaan= horses; mahaajavaan= possessing great speed; pathi= in the path; vaayusevite= abounding in wind; samaahitaan= with alertness; bhaarasahaan= with a capacity bear burden; vivartane= while turning to different directions.
That Hanuma, the heroic son of wind, killed using the blows of his palm, those eight horses posessing a great speed in the path of sky with alertness as also having a capacity to bear burden while turning to different directions.
tataH talena abhihato mahaarathaH |
sa tasya pinga adhipa mantri nirjitaH |
sa bhagna niiDaH parimukta kuubaraH |
papaata bhuumau hata vaajiH ambaraat || 5-47-32
sa tasya pinga adhipa mantri nirjitaH |
sa bhagna niiDaH parimukta kuubaraH |
papaata bhuumau hata vaajiH ambaraat || 5-47-32
32. tataH= then; tasya mahaarathaH= the great chariot of Aksha; abhihataH= struck; taleNa= by the palms; piN^gaadhipamantrimirjitaH= subdued by Hanuma, the counsellor of Sugreeva; prabhagnaniiDaH= with its interior broken; parimukta kumubaraH= with its carriage-pole loosened; hatavaajiH= and its horses dead; papaata= and fallen; ambaraat= from the sky; bhuumau= to the ground.
Then, the great chariot of Aksha, thus struck by the palm and subdued by Hanuma the counsellor of Sugreeva, had its interior broken, its carriage pole loosened and its horses dead and fallen from the sky to the ground.
sa tam parityajya mahaaratho ratham |
sakaarmukaH khaDga dharaH kham utpatat |
tapo abhiyogaat R^iShiH ugra viiryavaan |
vihaaya deham marutaam iva aalayam || 5-47-33
sakaarmukaH khaDga dharaH kham utpatat |
tapo abhiyogaat R^iShiH ugra viiryavaan |
vihaaya deham marutaam iva aalayam || 5-47-33
33. parityajya= leaving; ratham= the chariot; saH= that Aksha; mahaarathaH= the great chariot-warrior; sakaarmukaH= with his bow; khaDgadharaH= and wielding a sword; utpatatan= leaping; kham= to the sky; ugra viiryavaan= having a terrible power of penance; vihaaya= leaving; deham= his body; R^iSiH iva= like a sage; (was seen going to); aalayam= the abode; marutaam= of celestials; tapobhiyogaat= because of his Yogic penance.
Leaving the chariot, wielding the bow and sword, that Aksha the chariot-warrior leapt to the sky. Having a terrible power of penance and leaving his body like a sage, he then was seen departing to heaven because of his Yogic penance.
tataH kapiH tam vicarantam ambare |
patatri raajaa anila siddha sevite |
sametya tam maaruta vega vikramaH |
krameNa jagraaha ca paadayoH dR^iDham || 5-47-34
patatri raajaa anila siddha sevite |
sametya tam maaruta vega vikramaH |
krameNa jagraaha ca paadayoH dR^iDham || 5-47-34
34. tataH= thereafter; kapiH= Hanuma; maarutatulya vikramaH= with a prowess equal to that of wind; sametya= approaching; tam= Aksha; vicharantam= moving; ambare= in the sky; patatriraajaanila siddha sevite= often frequented by Garuda the eagel, the wind and Siddhas the ascetics endowed with supernatural powers; krameNa= and slowly; jagraaha= grasped; dR^iDham= firmly; tam= his; paadayoH= feet.
Thereafter, Hanuma with his prowess equal to that of wind, approaching Aksha moving in the sky, which is often frequented by Garuda the eagle, the wind and Siddhas the ascetics endowed with supernatural powers, slowly grasped his feet firmly.
sa tam samaavidhya sahasrashaH kapiH |
mahaauragam gR^ihya iva aNDaja iishvaraH |
mumoca vegaat pitR^i tulya vikramo |
mahii tale samyati vaanara uttamaH || 5-47-35
mahaauragam gR^ihya iva aNDaja iishvaraH |
mumoca vegaat pitR^i tulya vikramo |
mahii tale samyati vaanara uttamaH || 5-47-35
35. saH kapiH= that Hanuma; pitR^itulyavikramaH= having a prowess equal to the wind-god, his father; vaanarottamaH= and the excellent one among the monkeys; samaavidhya= spinning round; tam= that Aksha; gR^ihya= grasping; mahoragam= a great serpent; aNDajeswaraH iva= like an eagle; samyati= in the battle; sahasrashaH= for a thosand time; mumocha= and hurled him down; mahaatale= to the floor; vegaat= rapidly.
That Hanuma, with a prowess equal to that of wind-god, his father, and the excellent one among monkeys, spigning round Aksha like grasping a great serpent an eagle for a thousand times in the battle, hurled him down to the floor rapidly.
sa bhagna baahu uuru kaTii shiro dharaH |
kSharann asR^in nirmathita asthi locanaH |
sa bhinna samdhiH pravikiirNa bandhano |
hataH kShitau vaayu sutena raakShasaH || 5-47-36
kSharann asR^in nirmathita asthi locanaH |
sa bhinna samdhiH pravikiirNa bandhano |
hataH kShitau vaayu sutena raakShasaH || 5-47-36
36. bhagnar baahuuru kaTii shirodharaH= with his arms, thighs, hips and neck broken; asR^ik= blood; kSaran= dripping; nirmathitaasthilochanaH= with his bones and eyes crushed; sambhinnasandhiH= with his joints displaced; pravikiirNa bandhanaH= and with sinews shattered; saH raakSasaH= that demon; hataH= was killed; vaayusutena= by Hanuma; kSitau= on the ground.
With his arms, thighs, hips and neck broken, blood dripping, his bones and eyes crushed, his joints displaced and his sinews shattered, that demon was killed by Hanuma.
mahaakapiH bhuumi tale nipiiDya tam |
cakaara rakSho adhipateH mahat bhayam |
maharShibhiH cakra caraiH mahaavrataiH |
sametya bhuutaiH ca sayaakSha pannagaiH |
suraiH ca sa indraiH bhR^isha jaata vismayaiH |
hate kumaare sa kapiH niriikShitaH || 5-47-37
cakaara rakSho adhipateH mahat bhayam |
maharShibhiH cakra caraiH mahaavrataiH |
sametya bhuutaiH ca sayaakSha pannagaiH |
suraiH ca sa indraiH bhR^isha jaata vismayaiH |
hate kumaare sa kapiH niriikShitaH || 5-47-37
37. mahaalkapiH= Hanuma; nipiiDya= having crushed; tam= him; bhuumitale= on the floor; chakaara= created; mahat= a great; bhayam= fear; rakSodhipateH= to Ravana; kumaare= Aksha; hate= thus having beeing killed; saH kapiH= Hanuma; niiriikSataH= was seen; sametya= together; bhR^ishajaatavismayaiH= with excessive astonisment; maharSibhiH= by great sages; chakracharaiH= who move everywhere without obstructions; mahaavrataiH= having exalted voes; bhuutaishcha= by spirits; sayakSa pannagaiH= alog with Yakshas the semi-divine beings and Pannagas the serpent-demons; suraishcha= and by celestials; sendraiH= together with Indra the lord of celestials.
Hanuma, having crushed him on the ground, created a great fear to Ravana. Aksha, thus having been killed, Hanuma was gazed on with excessive astonishment by great sages who move everywhere without obstruction and having great voes as also by spirits Yakshas the semidivine beings, Pannagas the serpent-demons and by celestials with Indra the lord of celestials.
nihatya tam vajra suta upama prabham |
kumaaram akSham kShataja upama iikShaNam |
tat eva viiro abhijagaama toraNam |
kR^ita kShaNaH kaala iva prajaa kShaye || 5-47-38
kumaaram akSham kShataja upama iikShaNam |
tat eva viiro abhijagaama toraNam |
kR^ita kShaNaH kaala iva prajaa kShaye || 5-47-38
38. nihatya= killing; tam akSam= that Aksha; vajrisutopama prabham= with a lustre equal to that of Jayantha the son of Indra; kSata jopamakSaNam= and having eyes equal to blood; viiraH= the heroic Hanuma; abhijagaama= reached; tam= that; toraNameva= archy door way again; kaalah iva= like Yama the lord of death; kR^itakSaNaH= expecting in a moment; prajaakSaye= any mortal to be destroyed.
Killing that Aksha, possessing a lustre equal to that of Jayanta the son of Indra the lord of celestials and having his eyes resembling blood, the heroic Hanuma reached the same archy door way again, like Yama the lord of death expecting in a moment any mortal getting destroyed by him.
ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe saptachatvaarimshaH sargaH
Thus completes 47th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.
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