Chapter [Sarga] 45  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 45


The seven sons of Prahasta surrounded by a great army rush in speedy chariots upon Hanuma, who is standing on the archy gate way. They discharge a shower of arrows on Hanuma. Then, Hanuma crushes all the enemies, using his palms, feet, fists, nails, chest and thighs only as his weapons. After killing those demons, Hanuma climbs up the archy door-way and takes up his position there again.

tataH te raakShasa indreNa coditaa mantriNaH sutaaH |
niryayuH bhavanaat tasmaat sapta sapta arci varcasaH || 5-45-1
mahaabala pariivaaraa dhanuShmanto mahaabalaaH |
kR^ita astraa astravidaam shreShThaaH paraspara jaya eShiNaH || 5-45-2
hema jaala parikShiptaiH dhvajavadbhiH pataakibhiH |
toyada svana nirghoShaiH vaaji yuktaiH mahaarathaiH || 5-45-3
tapta kaancana citraaNi caapaani amita vikramaaH |
visphaarayantaH samhR^iShTaaH taDidvanta iva ambudaaH || 5-45-4
1, 2, 3, 4. tataH= thereafter; te= those; sapta= seven; sutaaH= sons; mantriNaH= of his chief minister; saptaarchirochiSaH= having a lustre similar to that of fire; mahaabalapariivaaraaH= surrounded by a great army; dhanuSmantaH= wielding their respective bows; mahaabalaaH= possessing a great strength; kR^itaastraaH= well; trained in archery; astravidaam shreSThaH= the best among knowers of weapons; paraspara jayaiSiNaH= wishing victory reciprocally; amita vikramaaH= and having an immense prowess each; choditaaH= directed; raakSasendreNa= by Ravana; niryayuH= started; samhR^iSTaaH= highly delighted; tasmaat= from that; bhavanaat= palace; mahaarathaiH= in great chariots; vaajiyuktaiH= yoked with horses; (the chariots) toyadasvananirghoSaiH= were having a noise similar to that of an autumnal cloud; hemajaala parikSiptaiH= overlaid with aprotective armour of gold; dhvajadbhiH= surmounted by banners; pataakibhiH= decorated with smaller flags; visphaarayantaH= stretching; chaapaani= their bows; tapta kaaNchana chitraaNi= inlaid with refined gold and looking colourful; taTitvantaH ambudaaH iva= like clouds accompanied by flashes of lightning.
Thereafter, those seven sons of his chief minister having a lustre similar to that of fire, surrounded by a great army, wielding their respective bows, possessing a great strength, well-trained in archery and the best among knower of weapons, wishing a victory reciprocally, having an immense prowess each, and as directed by Ravana, started highly delighted from that palace, in great chariots yoked with horses. Those chariots were having a noise similar to that of an autumnal cloud, overlaid with a protective armour of gold, surmounted by banners and decorated with smaller flags. They were stretching their bows inlaid with refined gold and looking colourful like clouds accompanied by flashes of lightning.
jananyaH taaH tataH teShaam viditvaa kimkaraan hataan |
babhuuvuH shoka sambhraantaaH sabaandhava suhR^it janaaH || 5-45-5
5. tataH= thereupon; viditvaa= coming to know; kimkaraan= that Kimkaras (themselves); hataan= were killed; teSaam= their; janyastu= mothers on their part; sa baandhava suhR^ijjanaaH= together with their relatives and friends; babhuuvuH= became; shoka sambhraantaaH= tormented with grief.
Coming to know that Kimkaras themselves were killed their mothers together with their relatives and friends were tormented with grief.
te paraspara samgharShaaH tapta kaancana bhuuShaNaaH |
abhipetuH hanuumantam toraNastham avasthitam || 5-45-6
6. te= those sons of chief minister; taptakaaNchana bhuuSaNaaH= wearing ornaments made of pure gold; abhipetuH= rushed; hanumantam= towards Hanuma; avasthitam= who was ready for battle; toraNastham= and who stood on the archy door-way motionless.
Those sons of chief minister, wearing ornaments made of pure gold, rushed towards Hanuma, who was ready for battle and who stood on the archy gate-way motionless.
sR^ijanto baaNa vR^iShTim te ratha garjita nihsvanaaH |
vR^iShTimanta iva ambhodaa viceruH nairR^ita R^iShabhaaH || 5-45-7
7. te nairR^itaambudaaH= those demons looking like clouds; ratha garjita niHsvanaaH= diffusing thunder-like sounds of their chariots; sR^ijantaH= creating; baaNavR^iSTim= a shower of arrows; vicheruH= moved in different directions; vR^iSTimantaH ambhodaaH= resembling rainy clouds.
Those demons looking like clouds, diffusing thunder-like sounds of their chariots and discharging a shower of arrows, moved in different directions resembling rainy clouds in the monsoon.
avakiirNaH tataH taabhiH hanuumaan shara vR^iShTibhiH |
abhavat samvR^ita aakaaraH shaila raaD iva vR^iShTibhiH || 5-45-8
8. tataH= then; avakiirNaH= covered by; taabhiH sharavR^iSTibhiH= those showers of arrows; hanumaan= Hanuma; abhavat= became; shailaraaDiva= like a mountain-king; samvR^itaakaaraH= concealed by incessant showers.
Thus covered by those showers of arrows, Hanuma became invisible even as a mountain-king is concealed by incessant showers.
sa sharaan vancayaamaasa teShaam aashu caraH kapiH |
ratha vegaan ca viiraaNaam vicaran vimale ambare || 5-45-9
9. vicharan= roaming about; vimale= in a cloudless; ambare= sky; saH aashucharaH= that fast-footed; kapiH= monkey; moghayaamaasa= made useless; sharaan= the arrows; ratha vegamcha= and the speed of the chariots; teSaam viiraaNaam= of those virile demons.
Roaming about in a cloudless sky, that fast-footed monkey made the arrows and the speedy chariots of those virile demons, useless.
sa taiH kriiDan dhanuShmadbhiH vyomni viiraH prakaashate |
dhanuShmadbhiH yathaa meghaiH maarutaH prabhuH ambare || 5-45-10
10. kriiDan= playing; taiH= with those demons; dhanuSmadbhiH= wielding a bow each; vyomni= in the sky; saH viiraH= that hero; prakaashate= shone; prabhuH maarutaH= loke the Lord of Wind; meghaiH= (playing with) clouds; dhanuSmadbhiH= brandishing a rainbow.
Playing with those demons wielding a bow each in the sky, that hero shone like the Lord of Wind, playing with clouds brandishing a rain bow.
sa kR^itvaa ninadam ghoram traasayan taam mahaacamuum |
cakaara hanumaan vegam teShu rakShahsu viiryavaan || 5-45-11
11. kR^itvaa= making; ghoram= a terrific; ninadam= roar; viiryavaan= the valiant; saH= Hanuma; traasayan= and frightening; taam= that; mahaa chamuum= great army; chakaara vegam= rushed; teSu rakSassu= on those demons.
Making a terrific roar and frightening that great army, the valiant Hanuma rushed on those demons.
talena abhihanat kaamshcit paadaiH kaamshcit param tapaH |
muShTinaa abhyahanat kaamshcin nakhaiH kaamshcit vyadaarayat || 5-45-12
12. paramtapaH= that Hanuma, the annihilator of enemies; abhyahanat= struck; kaamshchit= some; talena= with palms; kaamschhit= some; paadaiH= with his feet; kaamshchit= and some; muSTinaa= with his fists; vyadaarayat= (He) tore down; kaamshchit= some; nakhaiH= with his nails.
That Hanuma, the annihilator of enemies, struck some with his palms, some with his feet and some others with his fists. He tore down some others with his nails.
pramamaatha urasaa kaamshcit uurubhyaam aparaan kapiH |
kecit tasya eva naadena tatra eva patitaa bhuvi || 5-45-13
13. kapiH= Hanuma; pramamaatha= crushed; kaamshchit= some; urasaa= with his chest; aparaan= and some others; uurubhyaam= with his thighs; kechit= some; patitaaH= fell down; bhuvi= on the ground; tatvaiva= there itself; tasya minaadena= by his roar.
Hanuma crushed some with his chest and some others with his thighs. Some fell down there itself on the ground, just by the roar made by Hanuma.
tataH teShv avapanneShu bhuumau nipatiteShu ca |
tat sainyam agamat sarvam disho dasha bhaya arditam || 5-45-14
14. teSu= (Seeing) those demons; uvasanneSu= dying; nipatiteSu cha= and falling; bhuumau= on the ground; sarvam= all; tat= that (remaining); sainyam= army; agamat= fled; dasha dishaH= in ten (different) directions; bhayaarditam= afflicted with fear.
Seeing those demons dying and falling on the ground, all the remaining army, afflicted with fear, fled in ten different directions.
vineduH visvaram naagaa nipetuH bhuvi vaajinaH |
bhagna niiDa dhvajac chatraiH bhuuH ca kiirNaa abhavat rathaiH || 5-45-15
15. naagaaH= elephants; vineduH= trumpeted; visvaam= with a wrong accent; vaajinaH= Horses; nipetuH= fell down; bhuvi= on the ground; bhuushcha= even the earth; kiirNaa abhavat= was filled with; rathaiH= chariots; bhagna niiDa dhvajachchhatraiH= which had their seats, banners and canopies broken.
Their elephants trumpeted with a wrong accent. Horses fell down on the ground. Even the earth was filled with chariots which had their seats, banners and canopies broken.
sravataa rudhireNaatha sravantyo darshitaaH pathi |
vividhaishcha svarairlaN^kaa nanaada vikR^itam tadaa || 5-45-16
16. sravantyaH= streams; sravataa rudhireNa= flowing with blood; darshitaa= were seen; pathi= on the way; atha= thereafter; tadaa= then; laN^kaa= Lanka; nanaada= resounded; vikR^itam= horribly; vividhaiH svaraiH= with various kinds of voices.
Thereafter, streams flowing with blood were seen on the way. Lanka resounded with various kinds of horrible voices.
sa taan pravR^iddhaan vinihatya raakShasaan |
mahaabalaH caNDa paraakramaH kapiH |
yuyutsuH anyaiH punaH eva raakShasaiH |
tat eva viiro abhijagaama toraNam tat || 5-45-17
17. saH kapiH= that Hanuma; viiraH= the hero; mahaabalaH= the exceedingly strong one; chaN^Da paraakramaH= having terrible prowess; vinihatya= killing; taan= those; pravR^iddhaan raakSasaan= arrogant demons; yuyutsuH= and being desirous of a combat; anyaiH raakSasaiH= with the other demons; abhijagaama= reached; punareva= yet again; tam toraNameva= that archy door way itself.
That heroic and mighty Hanuma having a terrible prowess, killing those arrogant demons and being desirous of a combat with the other demons, again reached that archy door way itself.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe paJNchachatvaarimshaH sargaH
Thus completes 45th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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