
Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty
Chapter [Sarga] 38
Hanuma asks Seetha to give him a token of remembrance, which Rama can recognize. Seetha then narrates the episode of a crow which occurred on the Chitrakuta mountain and requests Hanuma to repeat it before Rama by way of a token of recollection. She further sends greetings to both Rama and Lakshmana, conveys her enquiry about their welfare and conveys to them her resolve to survive only for a month after the expiry of the time-limit given by Ravana. Thereupon, she hands over to Hanuma her jewel for the head as a token of remembrance. | ![]() |
tataH sa kapi shaarduulaH tena vaakyena harShitaH |
siitaam uvaaca tat shrutvaa vaakyam vaakya vishaaradaH || 5-38-1
siitaam uvaaca tat shrutvaa vaakyam vaakya vishaaradaH || 5-38-1
1. tataH= thereafter; saH kapi= shaarduulaH= that excellent among monkeys; vaakya vishaaradaH= who was skilled in speech; shrutvaa= after hearing; tat vaakyam= those words; toSitaH= was pleased; uvaacha= and spoke; siitaam= to Seetha ( as follows):
Hearing those words of Seetha, the eloquent Hanuma was very much pleased and spoke to Seetha (as follows):
yukta ruupam tvayaa devi bhaaShitam shubha darshane |
sadR^isham strii svabhaavasya saadhviinaam vinayasya ca || 5-38-2
sadR^isham strii svabhaavasya saadhviinaam vinayasya ca || 5-38-2
2. shubhadarshana= O beautiful Seetha; devi= the princess!; bhaaSitam= what is spoken; tvayaa= by you; yuktaruupam= is befitting; sadR^isham= It is suitable; striisvabhavaashcha= of woman's nature; vinayasyacha= and of the humility; saadhviinaam= of chaste women.
"O Seetha, the beautiful princess! Whatever you spoke is befitting. It is in keeping with woman's nature and humility of a chaste women."
striitvam na tu samartham hi saagaram vyativartitum |
maam adhiShThaaya vistiirNam shata yojanam aayatam || 5-38-3
maam adhiShThaaya vistiirNam shata yojanam aayatam || 5-38-3
3. na samartham hi= It is not indeed fit for; striitvam= womanhood; adhiSThaaya= to mount on; maam= me; vyativartitum= and cross; vistiirNam= an extensive; saagaram= ocean; shatayojanam aayatam= which is wide of one hundred Yojanas.
"It is indeed not fit for a woman to mount on my back and traverse an extensive ocean, which is having a width of one hundred yojanas."
dvitiiyam kaaraNam yac ca braviiShi vinaya anvite |
raamaat anyasya na arhaami samsparsham iti jaanaki || 5-38-4
etat te devi sadR^isham patnyaaH tasya mahaatmanaH |
kaa hi anyaa tvaam R^ite devi bruuyaat vacanam iidR^isham || 5-38-5
raamaat anyasya na arhaami samsparsham iti jaanaki || 5-38-4
etat te devi sadR^isham patnyaaH tasya mahaatmanaH |
kaa hi anyaa tvaam R^ite devi bruuyaat vacanam iidR^isham || 5-38-5
4, 5. jaanaki= O Seetha; vinayaanvite= endowed with modesty!; yat= which; dvitiiyam- second; kaaraNam= reason; braviiSi= you were telling; naarhamiiti= that you would not be; samsparsham= touching; anyasya= any one else; raamaat= than Rama; etat= it; sadR^isham= is befitting; te= of you; patnyaaH= the wife; tasya mahaatmanaH= of that high soled Rama; devi= O princess; kaa anyaa= which other woman; tvaamR^ite= except you; bruuyat= can speak; iidR^isham= such; amR^ite= sweet; vachanam= words?
"O Seetha endowed with modesty! The second reason you mentioned that you would not be touching any one else other then Rama is befitting of you, the wife of that high soled Rama. O princess! which other lady except you can speak of such sweet words?"
shroShyate caiva kaakutsthaH sarvam niravasheShataH |
ceShTitam yat tvayaa devi bhaaShitam mama ca agrataH || 5-38-6
ceShTitam yat tvayaa devi bhaaShitam mama ca agrataH || 5-38-6
6. devi= O princess!; kaakutthsa= Rama; shroSyate= will hear; niravasheSataH= completely; sarvam= all; yat= that; cheSTitam= was acted correctly; tvayaa= by you; bhaaSitam= and spoken; agrataH= in front; mama= of me.
"O princess! I can completely inform Rama of all that you have done and of all that you have spoken before me."
kaaraNaiH bahubhiH devi raama priya cikiirShayaa |
sneha praskanna manasaa mayaa etat samudiiritam || 5-38-7
sneha praskanna manasaa mayaa etat samudiiritam || 5-38-7
7. devi= O princess!; bahubhiH kaaraNaiH= because of several reasons; raama priyachikiirSayaa= being desirous of doing good to Rama; sneha praskanna manasaa= and with a mind moistened with affection; etat= this; samudiiritam= was spoken mayaa= by me.
"O princess! All this was told by me because of several reasons, being desirous of doing good to Rama ad with my mind moistened with affection towards him."
lankaayaa duShpraveshatvaat dustaratvaan mahaaudadheH |
saamarthyaat aatmanaH caiva mayaa etat samudaahR^itam || 5-38-8
saamarthyaat aatmanaH caiva mayaa etat samudaahR^itam || 5-38-8
8. duSpradharSatraat= because of the unassailability; lankaayaaH= of Lanka; mahodadheH= and the great ocean; dustaratvaa= difficult to be crossed; aatmanaH saamarthyaachchaiva= and because of my capability; etat= this; samudiiritam= was spoken; mayaa= by me.
"I spoke this because of the unassailability of Lanka, its great ocean so difficult to be crossed and also my capacity of taking you."
icChaami tvaam samaanetum adya eva raghu bandhunaa |
guru snehena bhaktyaa ca na anyathaa tat udaahR^itam || 5-38-9
guru snehena bhaktyaa ca na anyathaa tat udaahR^itam || 5-38-9
9. gurusnehena= because of my great affection; bhaktyaacha= and devotion; ichchhami= I wish; tvaam samaanetum= to carry you well; adyaiva= now itself; raghubandhunaa= te Rama your husband; etat= these words; na udaahR^itam= were not spoken; anyathaa= from another motive.
"Because of my great affection and devotion towards you, I wish to carry you well now itself to Rama your hushand. These words were not spoken by me with any other motive."
yadi na utsahase yaatum mayaa saardham anindite |
abhij~naanam prayacCha tvam jaaniiyaat raaghavo hi yat || 5-38-10
abhij~naanam prayacCha tvam jaaniiyaat raaghavo hi yat || 5-38-10
10. anindite= O faultless Seetha!; notsahaseyadi= if you are not willing; yaatam= to go; mayaa saartham= with me; tvam= you; prayachchha= give; abhijJNaanam= a token of remembrance; yat= which; raaghaaH= Rama; jaaniiyaat= can recognise.
"O faultless Seetha! If you are not willing to go with me, give me a token of remembrance which Rama can recognise."
evam uktaa hanumataa siitaa sura suta upamaa |
uvaaca vacanam mandam baaShpa pragrathita akSharam || 5-38-11
idam shreShTham abhij~naanam bruuyaaH tvam tu mama priyam |
uvaaca vacanam mandam baaShpa pragrathita akSharam || 5-38-11
idam shreShTham abhij~naanam bruuyaaH tvam tu mama priyam |
11. evam= thus; uktaa= spoken; hanumataa= by Hanuma; siitaa= Seetha; surasutopataa= like the daughter of god; mandam= slowly; uvaacha= spoke; vachanam= slowly; uvaacha= spoke; vachanam= the (following) words; baaSpa pragrathitaa kSaram= strung together with alphabets of tears; tvamtu= you; bruuyaaH= tell; idam= this; shreSTham= excellent thing; abhiJNaanam= as a token of remembrance; mama priyam= to my beloved husband.
Hearing Hanuma's words, Seetha like the daughter of a god, slowly spoke the following words, strung together with alphabets of tears: "You tell this (following) excellent thing as a token of remembrance to my beloved husband."
shailasya citra kuuTasya paade puurva uttare tadaa || 5-38-12
taapasa aashrama vaasinyaaH praajya muula phala udake |
tasmin siddha aashrame deshe mandaakinyaa aduurataH || 5-38-13
tasya upavana ShaNDeShu naanaa puShpa sugandhiShu |
vihR^itya salila klinnaa tava anke samupaavisham ||
paryaayeNa prasuptaH ca mama anke bharata agrajaH || 5-38-14
taapasa aashrama vaasinyaaH praajya muula phala udake |
tasmin siddha aashrame deshe mandaakinyaa aduurataH || 5-38-13
tasya upavana ShaNDeShu naanaa puShpa sugandhiShu |
vihR^itya salila klinnaa tava anke samupaavisham ||
paryaayeNa prasuptaH ca mama anke bharata agrajaH || 5-38-14
12, 13, 14. paade= at a hillock; puurvottare= in the north-eastern direction; chitrakuuTasya shailasya= of Chitrakuta mountain; praajyamuula phalodake= having bountiful roots fruits and water; tasmin desha= in that place; siddhaashrite= inhabited by seers; mandaakinya viduurataH= in the vicinity of River Ganges; puraa= long ago; vihR^itya= (we were) strolling; salile= in water; upavana khaNDeSu= in parts of groves; naanaapuSpa sugandhiSu= with various kinds of flowers in perfume; tasya= of that hillock; klinnaH= you became wet; samupaavishaH= and sat; mama aN^ke= at my proximity; taapasaashramavaasinyaaaH= residing in the hermitage of sages.
"There is a place inhabited by sages at a hillock in the north-eastern It was bountiful with roots fruits and water. In that place, while we were residing in a hermitage of sages, on a day long ago, we were strolling in water in parts of groves with various kinds of flowers of perfume in that hillock. Your thereupon became wet and sat at my proximity."
tato maamsa samaayukto vaayasaH paryatuNDayat |
tam aham loShTam udyamya vaarayaami sma vaayasam || 5-38-15
tam aham loShTam udyamya vaarayaami sma vaayasam || 5-38-15
15. tataH= then; vaayasaH= a crow; maamsasamaayuktaH= yearning for meat; paryatuN^Dayat= began to peek (me); aham= I; udyamya= lifting; loSTam= a clod of earth; vaarayaamisma= prevented; tam= that; vaayasam= crow.
"Then, a crow, yearning for meat, began to peck me. Picking up a clod of earth, I prevented the crow from its act."
daarayan sa ca maam kaakaH tatra eva pariliiyate |
na ca api uparaman maamsaat bhakSha arthii bali bhojanaH || 5-38-16
na ca api uparaman maamsaat bhakSha arthii bali bhojanaH || 5-38-16
16. daarayan= tearing; maam= me; saH kaakaH= that crow pariliiyate= was hiding; tatraiva= there only; saH= that; balibhojanah= crow; bhakSaarthii= yearning for food; na upaaramachchhaapi= did not resign; maamsaat= from meat.
"Pecking me again and again, the crow was hiding there only. That crow, yearning for food, did not resig from meat."
utkarShantyaam ca rashanaam kruddhaayaam mayi pakShiNe |
sramsamaane ca vasane tato dR^iShTaa tvayaa hi aham || 5-38-17
sramsamaane ca vasane tato dR^iShTaa tvayaa hi aham || 5-38-17
17. mayi= (while) I; kruddhaayaam= was angry; pakSiNaa= with that bird; vasane= my skirt; srasyamaanecha= was slipping; utkarSantyaamcha= and I was pulling; rashanaam= its string (so as to tighten it); aham= I; dR^iSTaa= was seen; tvayaa= by you; tataH= then.
"While I was angry with that bird, my skirt was slipping and I was pulling its string (so as to tighten it). I was seen by you then."
tvayaa vihasitaa ca aham kruddhaa samlajjitaa tadaa |
bhakShya gR^iddhena kaalena daaritaa tvaam upaagataa || 5-38-18
bhakShya gR^iddhena kaalena daaritaa tvaam upaagataa || 5-38-18
18. tadaa= then; aham= I; kR^iddhaa= moved by anger; samlajjitaa= felt abashed; apahasitaa= being laughed at; tvayaa= by you; daaritaa= Torn down; kaakena= by crow; bhakSagR^idhnena= which was yearning for food; upaagataa= I sought shelter; tvaam= with you.
"Moved by anger, I felt abashed for being laughed at by you. Torn down by the crow, which was yearning for food, I sought shelter with you."
aasiinasya ca te shraantaa punaH utsangam aavisham |
krudhyantii ca prahR^iShTena tvayaa aham parisaantvitaa || 5-38-19
krudhyantii ca prahR^iShTena tvayaa aham parisaantvitaa || 5-38-19
19. shraantaa= feeling tired; punaH aavisham= I again settled on; te= your; utsaN^gam= lap; kruddhyantii= as though angry; aham= I; parisaanvitaa= was consoled; tvayaa= by you; prahR^iSTena= fully delighted.
"Feeling tired, I again settled on your lap. As though angry, I was consoled by you and I was fully delighted."
baaShpa puurNa mukhii mandam cakShuShii parimaarjatii |
lakShitaa aham tvayaa naatha vaayasena prakopitaa || 5-38-20
lakShitaa aham tvayaa naatha vaayasena prakopitaa || 5-38-20
20. naatha= O Lord!; prakopitaa= annoyed; vaayasena= by the crow; baaSpapuurNamukhii= having my face filled with tears; chakSuSi= and having my eyes; parimaarjatii= being wiped; mandam= slowly; aham= I; lakSitaa= was seen; tvayaa= by you.
"Slowly wiping my eyes, my face filled with tears, I was seen by you, O Lord, as having been annoyed by the crow."
parishramaatprasuptaa cha raaghavaaN^ke .apyham chiram |
paryaaYeNa prasuptashcha mamaaN^ke bharataagrajaH 5-38-21
paryaaYeNa prasuptashcha mamaaN^ke bharataagrajaH 5-38-21
21. ahamapi= I even; prasuptaa cha= slept; chiram= for a long time; raaghavaaNke= on Rama's lap; parishramaat= because of fatigue; paryaayeNa= in his turn; bharataagrajaH= Rama, the elder brother of Bharata; prasuptaH= slept; mama; aN^ke= in my arms.
"I even slept for a long time on Rama's lap because of my fatigue. In his turn, Rama the elder brother of Bharata, slept in my arms."
sa tatra punare vaatha vaayasaH samupaagamat |
tataH suptaprabuddhaam maam raamasyaaN^kaatsamutthitaam || 5-38-22
vaayasaH sahasaagamya vidadaara stanaantare |
punaH punarthotpatya vidadaara sa maaM bhR^isham || 5-38-23
tataH suptaprabuddhaam maam raamasyaaN^kaatsamutthitaam || 5-38-22
vaayasaH sahasaagamya vidadaara stanaantare |
punaH punarthotpatya vidadaara sa maaM bhR^isham || 5-38-23
22, 23. atha= thereafter; saH vaayasaH= that crow; punareva= again; samupaagamat= came; tatra= there; tataH= then; saH= that; vaayasaH= crow; sahasaa= quickly; aagamya= having arrived at; maam= me; samutthitaam= who raised; aN^kaat= from the lap; raamasya= of Rama; suptaprabuddhaam= after waking up from my sleep; vidadaara= clawed; stanaantare= the space between my breasts; atha= and; utpatya= flying up; punaH punaH= again and again; maam vidadaara= tore me up; bhR^isham= a lot.
"Meanwhile, the same crow appeared there. Descending all of a sudden, the crow clawed me at the space between the breasts, even as I awoke from my sleep and rose from the lap of Rama. Flying up again, it tore me up a lot."
tataH samukSito raamo muktaiH shoNitabindubhiH |
vayasena tatastena balavatklishyamaanayaa || 5-38-24
sa mayaa bodhitaH shriimaan sukhasuptaH paramtapaH |
vayasena tatastena balavatklishyamaanayaa || 5-38-24
sa mayaa bodhitaH shriimaan sukhasuptaH paramtapaH |
24. tataH= then; raamaH= Rama; samukSitaH= was moistened; muktaiH shoNita bindubhiH= by the discharged drops of blood; tataH= thereafter; saH= that Rama; shriimaan= the splendid man; paramtapaH= the destroyer of enemies; sukha suptaH= who was in a pleasant slumber; bodhitaH= was woken up; tena raayasena= by that crow; mayaa= and by me; balavat klishyamaanayaa= who was grievously tormented (by the crow).
"Then, Rama got wet by the discharged drops of blood. Thereafter, that splendorous Rama, the annihilator of enemies, who was in a pleasant slumber, was woken up by that crow and by me who was grievously tormented by the crow."
sa maam dR^iSTvaa mahaabaahurvitunnaam stanayostadaa || 5-38-25
aashii viSha iva kruddhaH shvasaan vaakyam abhaaShathaaH |
aashii viSha iva kruddhaH shvasaan vaakyam abhaaShathaaH |
25. saH= that Rama; mahaabaahuH= the long armed; dR^iSTvaa= seeing; maam= me; vitunnaam= pierced; stanayoH= on the breasts; tadaa= then; shvasan= hissing; kruddhah ashiiviSaiva= like an angry serpant; abhaaSata= spoke; vaakyam= (the following) words.
"That long-armed Rama, seeing me pierced violently on the breasts, then spoke the following words, hissing like an angry serpant.
kena te naaga naasa uuru vikShatam vai stana antaram || 5-38-26
kaH kriiDati saroSheNa panca vaktreNa bhoginaa |
kaH kriiDati saroSheNa panca vaktreNa bhoginaa |
26. naaganaasoru= O Seetha the round thighed woman!; kena= by whom; te stanaantaram= the space between your breasts; vikSatam vai= was wounded?; kaH= who; kriiDati= is playing; paN^cha vaktreNa bhoginaa= with a fire-faced serpent; saroSeNa= filled with fury?
"O Seetha the round-thighed woman! Who has wounded the space between your breasts? who is playing with a fire-faced serpent filled with fury?"
viikShamaaNaH tataH tam vai vaayasam samavaikShathaaH || 5-38-27
nakhaiH sarudhiraiH tiikShNaiH maam eva abhimukham sthitam |
nakhaiH sarudhiraiH tiikShNaiH maam eva abhimukham sthitam |
27. tataH= then; viikSamaaNaH= throwing a glance (around); samudaikSata= (Rama) saw; tam vaayasam= that crow; tiikSNaiH nakhaiH= with its sharp claws; sarudhiraiH= with its sharp claws; sarudhiraiH= moistened with blood; sthitam= and remaining; abhimukham= in front of ; maaneva= me alone.
'Then, throwing a glance around, Rama saw that crow with its sharp claws moistened iwth blood and sitting in front of me alone."
putraH kila sa shakrasya vaayasaH patataam varaH || 5-38-28
dharaa antara caraH shiighram pavanasya gatau samaH |
dharaa antara caraH shiighram pavanasya gatau samaH |
28. saH= vaayasaH= that crow; varaH= the best; patataam= among birds; putraH kila= seems to be the son; shakrasya= of Indra the Lord of celestials; dharaantarayataH= residing; among the mountains; gatau= and in moving; shiighram= speedily; samaH= equal; paranasya= to the wind.
"That crow, the best among birds, seems to be the son of Indra the Lord of celestials, staying in mountains and moving with a peed equal to the wind."
tataH tasmin mahaabaahuH kopa samvartita iikShaNaH || 5-38-29
vaayase kR^itavaan kruuraam matim matimataam vara |
vaayase kR^itavaan kruuraam matim matimataam vara |
29. tataH= then; mahaabaahuH= the long-armed Rama; matimataam varaH= the best among wise men; kopa samvartitekSaNaH= swirling his eyes in anger; kR^itavaan= made; matim= a resolve; tasmin kruuraam vaayase= in the matter of that ferocious cow.
"Then, the long-armed Rama, the best among wise men, swirling his eyes in anger, made a resolve in the matter of that ferocious crow."
sa darbha samstaraat gR^ihya brahmaNo astreNa yojayaH || 5-38-30
sa diipta iva kaala agniH jajvaala abhimukho dvijam |
sa diipta iva kaala agniH jajvaala abhimukho dvijam |
30. gR^ihya= taking; darbham= a shoot of Kusa grass; samstaraat= from his bed (made of Kusa grass); saH= that Rama; yojayat= used it to work; braahmeNa astreNa= with Brahma's missile (a mythical weapon which deals infallible destruction); sah= that; diiptaH= blazing shoot of grass; kaalaagniriva= like fire destroying the world; jajvaala= flared up; dvijam abhimukham= in front of that bird.
"Taking a blade of Kusa grass from his bed ( made of Kusa grass), Rama employed it to work with Brahma's missile (a mythical weapon which deals with infallible destruction). That blazing shoot of grass, resembling a fire destroying the world, flared up in front of that bird."
sa tam pradiiptam chikSepa darbham tam vaayasam prati || 5-38-31
tatastam vaayasam darbhaH sombare.anujagaama ha |
tatastam vaayasam darbhaH sombare.anujagaama ha |
31. saH= that Rama; chikSepa= threw; tam= that; pradiiptam= blazing; darbham= blade of Kusa grass; tam vaayasam prati= towards that crow; tataH= then; saH darbhaH= that blade of grass; anujagaama ha= chased; tam vaayasam= that crow; ambare= in the sky.
"As Rama threw that blazing blade of Kusa grass towards that crow, that blade of grass went chasing that crow in the sky."
anusR^iShTaH tadaa kaalo jagaama vividhaam gatim || 5-38-32
traaNa kaama imam lokam sarvam vai vicacaara ha |
traaNa kaama imam lokam sarvam vai vicacaara ha |
32. tadaa= then; kaakaH= the crow; anusR^iSTaH= being chased; jagaama= wnet; vividhaam= in many; gatim= a way; traaNa kaamaH= seeking protection; (the crow) vichachaara ha= roamed; sarvam= all over; imam= this; lokam= world.
"Then, while that blade of grass came chasing, that crow went flying in many a way. Seeking protection, it roamed all over the world."
sa pitraa ca parityaktaH suraiH sarvaiH maharShibhiH || 5-38-33
triin lokaan samparikramya tvaam eva sharaNam gataH |
triin lokaan samparikramya tvaam eva sharaNam gataH |
33. samparikramya= roaming; triin= the three; lokaan= worlds; saH= that crow; parityaktaH= was abandoned; pitraacha= by Indra, its father; suraishcha= celestials; sa maharSibhiH= along with sages; sharaNamgataH= (and finally) sought refuge; tameva= in the same Rama.
"Roaming the three worlds in search of a saviour, that crow was abandoned by Indra; its father, the celestials and the sages. Finally, it sought refuge in the same Rama."
sa tam nipatitam bhuumau sharaNyaH sharaNaa gatam || 5-38-34
vadha arham api kaakutstha kR^ipayaa paryapaalayaH |
vadha arham api kaakutstha kR^ipayaa paryapaalayaH |
34. saH= kaakutthsaH= that Rama; sharaNyaH= who affords protection; kR^ipayaa= by compassion; paryapaalayat= protected; tam= that crow; nipatitam= which fell; bhuumau= on the floor; sharaNaagatam= and sought for protection; vadhaarhamapi= even though it was apt to be killed.
"That Rama, who affords protection, was compassionate and protected that crow, which fell on the ground (in salutation to Rama) and sought for protection, eventhough it was apt to be killed."
paridyuunam viShaNNam ca sa tvam aayaantam uktavaan || 5-38-35
mogham kartum na shakyam tu braahmam astram tat ucyataam |
mogham kartum na shakyam tu braahmam astram tat ucyataam |
35. saH= that Rama; abraviit= spoke; tam= of that crow; aayaantam= which was coming; paridyuunam= exhausted; viSaNNam= and dejected; na shakyam tu= It is not possible; kartum= to make; braahmam astram= Brahma missile; mogham= a waste; tat= for that reason; uchyataam= tell me what to do.
"Seeing that crow, coming exhausted and dejected, Rama said to it: 'It is not possible to make Brahma missile a waste. For this reason, tell me what to do now."
hinastu dakSiNaakSitvachchhara ityatha so.abraviit || 5-38-36
tataH tasya akShi kaakasya hinasti sma sa dakShiNam |
dattvaa sa dakSiNam netram praaNebhyaH parirakSitaH || 5-38-37
tataH tasya akShi kaakasya hinasti sma sa dakShiNam |
dattvaa sa dakSiNam netram praaNebhyaH parirakSitaH || 5-38-37
36. 37. atha= thereafter; saH= that crow; abraviit= said; iti= that; trachcharaH= your arrow; hinastu= shoot; dakSiNaakSi= my right eye; tataH= then; saH= that blade of grass; hinantisma= shooted; dakSiNam= the right; akSi= eye; tasya kaakasya= of that crow; saH= that crow; dattvaa= by giving away; dakSiNam netram= its right eye; parirakSitaH= saved; praaNebhyaH= its lives.
Thereafter, that crow said "Let your arrow shoot my right eye." Then that blade of Kusa grass shooted the right eye of that crow. By giving away its right eye in that way, the crow saved its life."
sa raamaaya namaskR^itvaa raajJNe dasharathaaya cha |
visR^iSTastena viireNa pratipede svamaalayam || 5-38-38
visR^iSTastena viireNa pratipede svamaalayam || 5-38-38
38. saH= that crow; namaskR^ityaa= after saluting; raamaaya= Rama; dasharathaaya cha= and Dasaratha; raajJNe= the king; visR^iSTaH= and discharged; tena viireNa= by that valiant Rama; pratipede= it reached; svam= its own; aalayam= abode.
"After offering salutations to Rama and King Dasaratha and being discharged by that valiant Rama, the crow returned to its own abode."
mat kR^ite kaaka maatre api brahma astram samudiiritam |
kasmaat yo maam harat tvattaH kShamase tam mahii pate || 5-38-39
kasmaat yo maam harat tvattaH kShamase tam mahii pate || 5-38-39
39. mahiipate= O lord of the earth! matkR^ite= for my sake; brahmaastram= a Brahma's missile; samudiiritam= was hurled; kaakamaatre= even at a crow; kasmaat= why; kSamase= are you forgiving; tam= him; yaH= who; aharat= took away; maa= me; tvattaH= from you?
"O lord of the earth! For my sake you hurled a Brahma's missile even at a crow. Why are you forgiving the one who has taken me away from you?"
sa kuruShva mahaautsaaham kR^ipaam mayi nara R^iShabha |
tvayaa naathavatii naatha hyanaathaa iva dR^ishyate || 5-38-40
tvayaa naathavatii naatha hyanaathaa iva dR^ishyate || 5-38-40
40. nararSabha= O best among men!; saH= you as such; mahotsaahaH= having great strength; kuruSva= endow; kR^ipam= mercy; mayi= in me; naatha= O protector!; naathavatii= She with a protector; tvayaa= in you; dR^ishyate= is being seen; anaathaa iva= like the one without any protector.
"O Rama the best among men! You, with great strength, annihilate the enemy and bestow your mercy on me. O Lord! She who has a protector in you, actually looks like one without any protector."
aanR^ishamsyam paro dharmaH tvatta eva mayaa shrutaH |
jaanaami tvaam mahaaviiryam mahaautsaaham mahaabalam || 5-38-41
apaara paaram akShobhyam gaambhiiryaat saagara upamam |
bhartaaram sasamudraayaa dharaNyaa vaasava upamam || 5-38-42
jaanaami tvaam mahaaviiryam mahaautsaaham mahaabalam || 5-38-41
apaara paaram akShobhyam gaambhiiryaat saagara upamam |
bhartaaram sasamudraayaa dharaNyaa vaasava upamam || 5-38-42
41, 42. shrutaH= It was heard; mayaa= by me; tvattaH eva= from you alone; anR^ishamsyam= (that) kindness; paraH dharmaH= is the best righteousness; jaanaami= I know; tvaam= you; mahaaiiryam= having a great prowess; mahotsaaham= a great energy; mahaabalam= and a great strength; apaarapaaram= you non-acquiescence; akSobhyam= imperturbability; gaambhiiryaat= profoudness; saagaropamam= like an ocean; bhartaaram= lord; dharaNyaaH= of the earth; samudraayaH= including the ocean; vaasavopamam= and equal to Indra the Lord of celestials.
"You yourself told me that kindness is the best righteousness. I know you, having a great prowess, a great energy, and a great strength. I know your non-acquiescence, imperturbability, profoundness like an ocean, as Lord of the earth including the oceans and as equal to Indra the Lord of celestials."
evam astravidaam shreShThaH sattvavaan balavaan api |
kim artham astram rakShahsu na yojayasi raaghava || 5-38-43
kim artham astram rakShahsu na yojayasi raaghava || 5-38-43
43. raaghava= O Rama!; balavaanapi= eventhough you are stron; astravidaam shreSThaH= excellently skilled in archery; satyavaan= and a truthful man; evam= thus; kimartham= why; nayojayasi= are you not employing; astram= your arrow; rakSassu= on demons?
"O Rama! Eventhough you are strong, excellently skilled in archery and a truthful man, why are you not utilizing your arrow on demons?"
na naagaa na api gandharvaa na asuraa na marut gaNaaH |
raamasya samare vegam shaktaaH prati samaadhitum || 5-38-44
raamasya samare vegam shaktaaH prati samaadhitum || 5-38-44
44. naagaH= the serpent-demons; na shaktaaH= are not capable; pratisamiihitum= of resisting; vegam= the onrush; raamasya= of Rama; samare= in battle; gandharvaa api= even divine musicians; na= are not capable; asuraaH= demons; na= are not capable; marudgaNaaH= troops of storm-gods; na= are not capable.
"Neither the serpent-demons, nor the divine musicians nor the demons nor the storm-gods are able to resist the onrush of Rama in battle."
tasyaa viiryavataH kashcit yadi asti mayi sambhramaH |
kim artham na sharaiH tiikShNaiH kShayam nayati raakShasaan || 5-38-45
kim artham na sharaiH tiikShNaiH kShayam nayati raakShasaan || 5-38-45
45. viiryavataH tasya asti yadi= if the valiant Rama has; kashchit= any; sambhramaH= haste; may= in my case; kimartham= why; na nayati kSayam= does he not destroy; raakSasaan= the demons; tiikSNaiH sharaiH= with his sharp arrows?
"If the valiant Rama has any haste in my case, why does he not destroy the demons with his sharp arrows?!
bhraatuH aadesham aadaaya lakShmaNo vaa param tapaH |
kasya hetoH na maam viiraH paritraati mahaabalaH || 5-38-46
kasya hetoH na maam viiraH paritraati mahaabalaH || 5-38-46
46. kasya hetoH= for what reason; lakSmaNo vaa= even Lakshmana; paramtapaH= the tormentator of enemies; mahaabalaH= the mighty man; viiraH= and the valiant man; na paritraati= does not protect; maam= me; aadaaya= by taking; aadesham= the command; bhraatruH= of his elder brother?"
"For what reason, even Lakshmana the tormentator of enemies, the mighty man and the valiant man does not protect me, by taking the command of his elder brother?'
yadi tau puruSha vyaaghrau vaayv indra sama tejasau |
suraaNaam api durdharSho kim artham maam upekShataH || 5-38-47
suraaNaam api durdharSho kim artham maam upekShataH || 5-38-47
47. tau= those two brothers, puruSavyaaghrau= the tigers among men; Rama and Lakshman; vaayvagni samtejasau= with a sharpness equal to that of wind and fire; suraaNaam durdharSau yadi api= even if unconquerable by demons also;
Those two tigers among men, Rama and Lakshmana, with a sharpness equal to that of wind and fire, even if they are unconquerable by demons too, why are they neglecting me?"
mama eva duShkR^itam kimcin mahat asti na samshayaH |
samarthaav api tau yan maam na avekShete param tapau || 5-38-48
samarthaav api tau yan maam na avekShete param tapau || 5-38-48
48. kimchit= some; mahat= great; duSkR^itam= sin; asti= may be there; mamaiva= of me alone; na samshayaH= there is no doubt; yat= for which reason; tau= those two brothers Rama and Lakshmana; paramtapau= the tormentator of enemies; samrthaavapi= even when capable; na avekSate= are not seeing; maam= me.
"There is not doubt that I would have committed a great sin, for which reason those two brothers Rama and Lakshmana the tormentators of enemies, even when capable , are neglecting me."
vaidehyaa vachanam shrutvaa karuNam saashubhaaSitam |
athaabraviinmahaatejaa hanumaan maarutaatmajaH || 5-38-49
athaabraviinmahaatejaa hanumaan maarutaatmajaH || 5-38-49
49. atha= then; shrutvaa= hearing; vachanam= the words; bhaaSitam= spoken; karuNam= pitiably; saa shru= with tears; vaidehyaa= by Seetha; hanumaan= Hanuma; mahaatejaa= of great splendour; maarutaatmajaH= the son of wind-god; abraviit= spoke (as follows):
Hearing the pitiable appeal Seetha with tears, Hanuma of great splendour and the son of wind-god spoke (as follows)
tvachchhokavimukho raamo devi satyena te shape |
raame duHkhaabhipanne cha lakSmaNaH paritapyate || 5-38-50
raame duHkhaabhipanne cha lakSmaNaH paritapyate || 5-38-50
50. devi= O Seetha!; raamaH= Rama; tvachchoka viukhaH= has grown averse to eveything else caused by grief towards you; shape= I swear; te= to you; satyena= by truth; raame= (When) Rama; duHkhaabhipanne= is overpowered by grief; lakSmaNaH cha= Lakshmana too; paritapyate= is tormented (by grief).
"O Seetha! Rama has grown averse to everything else, caused by grief towards you. I swear it to you by truth. When Rama is overpowered by grief; Lakshmana too gets tormented by grief."
katham chidbhavatii dR^iSTaa na kaalaH paridevitum |
imam muhuurtam duHkhaanaam drakSyasyantamanindite || 5-38-51
imam muhuurtam duHkhaanaam drakSyasyantamanindite || 5-38-51
51. anindite= O faultless Seetha!; kathamchit= Somehow or other; bhavatii= you; dR^iSTaa= appeared; na kaalaH= this is not the time; paridevitum= to lament; drakSyasi= you will see; antam= the end; duHkhaanaam= of your sorrows; imam muhuurtam= within this moment.
"O faultless Seetha! Somehow or other, you have been discovered by me. This is not the time to lament. Your will see the end of your sorrow within a short time."
taavubhau puruSavyaaghrau raajaputrau mahaabalau |
tvaddarshanakR^itotsaahau laN^kaam bhasmiikariSyataH || 5-38-52
tvaddarshanakR^itotsaahau laN^kaam bhasmiikariSyataH || 5-38-52
52. tau ubhau raajaputrau= those two princes; puruSavyaaghrau= the excellent among men; mahaabalau= the mighty ones; tvaddarshanakR^itotsaahau= and who are eager to see you; laN^kaam bhasmii kariSyataH= with reduce Lanka to ashes.
"Those two mighty princes, the excellent among men, are eager to see you and they will reduce Lanka to ashes."
hatvaa cha samare kruutam raavaNam sahabaandhavam |
raaghavastvaam vishaalaakSi neSyati svaam puriim prati || 5-38-53
raaghavastvaam vishaalaakSi neSyati svaam puriim prati || 5-38-53
53. vishaalaakSi= O large eyed Seetha!; hatvaa= killing; kruuram= the cruel; raavaNam= Ravana; sahabaandhavam= along with his relatives; raaghavaH= Rama; neSyati= will take; tvaam= you; svaam puriim prati= to his own city.
"O large-eyed Seetha! Killing the cruel Ravana along with his relatives in battle, Rama will take you back to his own city."
bruuhi yadraaghavo vaachyo lakSmaNashcha mahaabalaH |
sugriivo vaapi tejasvii harayo.api samaagataaH || 5-38-54
sugriivo vaapi tejasvii harayo.api samaagataaH || 5-38-54
54. bruuhi= tell me; yat vaachyaH= what to be expressed; raaghavaH= to Rama; mahaabalaH lakSmaNashcha= or to the mighty Lakshmana; tejasvii sugriivovaapi= or to the splendorous Sugreeva; harayo.api= samaagataaH= or to even the monkeys assembled (there).
"Tell me what to be expressed to Rama or to the mighty Lakshmana or to the splendourous Sugreeva or even to the other monkeys assembled there."
ityuktavati tasmiMstu siitaa surasutopamaa |
uvaacha shokasaMtaptaa hanumantaM plavaMgamam || 5-38-55
uvaacha shokasaMtaptaa hanumantaM plavaMgamam || 5-38-55
55. iti= thus; uktavati= spoken; tasmin= by that Hanuma; siita= Seetha; surasutopamaa= like the daughter of a sage; shoka santaptaa= tormented with grief; uvaacha= spoke; hanumantam= to Hanuma; plavamgamam= the monkey (as follows):
Hearing the words of Hanuma, Seetha, like the daughter of a sage, tormented with grief, spoke to Hanuma the monkey (as follows):
kausalyaa loka bhartaaram suShuve yam manasvinii |
tam mama arthe sukham pR^icCha shirasaa ca abhivaadaya || 5-38-56
tam mama arthe sukham pR^icCha shirasaa ca abhivaadaya || 5-38-56
56. madarthe= On my behalf; abhivaadayacha shirasaa= salute by bowing your head; pR^ichchha= and ask; sukham= about the welfare of; tam= that Rama; lokabhartaaram= the lord of the worlds; yam= whom; manasvinii Kausalyaa= the magnanimous Kausalya; suSuva= gave birth.
"On my behalf, salute by bowing your head and ask about the welfare of Rama, the Lord of the worlds, whom the magnanimous Kausalya gave birth."
srajaH ca sarva ratnaani priyaa yaaH ca vara anganaaH |
aishvaryam ca vishaalaayaam pR^ithivyaam api durlabham || 5-38-57
pitaram maataram caiva sammaanya abhiprasaadya ca |
anupravrajito raamam sumitraa yena suprajaaH || 5-38-58
aishvaryam ca vishaalaayaam pR^ithivyaam api durlabham || 5-38-57
pitaram maataram caiva sammaanya abhiprasaadya ca |
anupravrajito raamam sumitraa yena suprajaaH || 5-38-58
57, 58. sumitraa= Sumitra; suprajaaH= who got good children like Lakshmana; yena= by whom; srajashcha= wreaths of flowers; sarva ratnaani= all the riches; priyaaH yaaH varaaN^ganaaH= pleasant and beautiful girls; aishvaryamcha api= and even the prosperity; durlabham= difficult to be obtained; vishaalaam- pR^ithivyaam= on the extensive earth; (tyakta= were abandoned); sammaanya= venerating; abhiprasaadya cha= and praying for grace; pitram= his fatehr; maataramchaapi= and also his mother; raamaH anupravrajitaH= went to exile, following Rama.
(On my behalf, ask about the welfare of ) Lakshmana, that good child of Sumitra who, having renounced the wreaths of flowers, all the riches, pleasant and beautiful girls and even the prosperity difficult to be obtained in this extensive world, offered his profound respects to and pacified his father and mother, followed Rama to exile."
aanukuulyena dharma aatmaa tyaktvaa sukham anuttamam |
anugacChati kaakutstham bhraataram paalayan vane || 5-38-59
anugacChati kaakutstham bhraataram paalayan vane || 5-38-59
59. tyaktvaa= renouncing; anuttamam= a great; sukham= comfort; dharmaatmaa= the righteous Lakshmana; anugachchhati= followed; paalayam= protecting kaakutthsam= Rama; bhraataram= his elder brother; anukuulyena= acting in an affectionate way towards him; vane= in the forest.
"Renouncing a great comfort, the righteous Lakshmana, acting in an affectionate manner towards Rama, followed him, watching over him in the forest."
simha skandho mahaabaahuH manasvii priya darshanaH |
pitR^ivat vartate raame maatR^ivan maam samaacaran || 5-38-60
pitR^ivat vartate raame maatR^ivan maam samaacaran || 5-38-60
60. simhaskandhaH= Lakshmana, who has broad shoulders like that of a lion; mahaabaahuH= mighty armed; mansvii= steady minded; priyadarshinaH= and having pleasant looks; vartate= who behaves; raame= towards Rama; pitR^ivat= as towards his father; samaacharan= and look to; maam= me; maatR^ivat= as his own mother.
"Lakshmana, who has broad shoulders like that ofa lion, mighty-armed, steady-minded and having pleasant looks, behaves towards Rama as towards his father and looks to me as his own mother."
priyamaaNaam tadaa viiro na tu maam veda lakShmaNaH |
vR^iddha upasevii lakShmiivaan shakto na bahu bhaaShitaa || 5-38-61
raaja putraH priya shreShThaH sadR^ishaH shvashurasya me |
vR^iddha upasevii lakShmiivaan shakto na bahu bhaaShitaa || 5-38-61
raaja putraH priya shreShThaH sadR^ishaH shvashurasya me |
61. viiraH= the valiant; lakSmaNaH= Lakshmana; tadaa= then; na veda= did not know; maam= me; hriyamaaNaam= as being taken away (by Ravana); vR^iddhopasevii= He serves elders; lakSmiivaan= He has splendour; na bahubhaaSitaa= He does not talk much; shaktaH= (though) capable me shashurasy= to Dasaratha, my father-in-law; sadR^ishaH= he is suitably well; priyaH= a beloved; shreSThaH= and best; raajaputraH= prince.
"The valiant Lakshmana, on that day of occurrence, did not know that I was being taken away by Ravana. He serves elders. He possesses a splendour. Though capable, he does not talk much. To Dasaratha, my father-in-law, he is his replica a beloved and the best prince."
mattaH priyataro nityam bhraataa raamasya lakShmaNaH || 5-38-62
niyukto dhuri yasyaam tu taam udvahati viiryavaan |
niyukto dhuri yasyaam tu taam udvahati viiryavaan |
62. lakSmaNaH= Lakshmana; bhraataa= the younger brother; raamasya= of Rama; nityam= is always; priyataraH= the one, who is dearer; mam= to me; viiryavaan= the energetic Lakshmana; udvahati= carries out; taam= that; yasyaam= whatever; dhuri= load of work; niyuktaH= is entrusted.
"Lakshmana, the younger brother of Rama is the one who is dearer to me always. That energetic Lakshmana carries out well, whatever load of work is entrusted to him"
yam dR^iShTvaa raaghavo na eva vR^iddham aaryam anusmarat || 5-38-63
sa mama arthaaya kushalam vaktavyo vacanaan mama |
sa mama arthaaya kushalam vaktavyo vacanaan mama |
63. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; yam= whom; raaghavaH= Rama; na anusmaret= does not recollect; vR^ittam= (his) deceased; aaryam= father; saH= that Lakshmana; vaktavyaH= is to be asked; kushalam= about his well-being; mama vachanaat= as my word; mama arthaaya= on my behalf.
"Seeing whom, Rama ceases to recollect his deceased father, that Lakshmana is to be asked about his well-being, as my word and on my behalf."
mR^iduH nityam shuciH dakShaH priyo raamasya lakShmaNaH || 5-38-64
yathaa hi vaanarashreSTha duHkhakSayakaro bhavet |
tvamasmin kaaryaniryoge pramaaNa harisattama || 5-38-65
yathaa hi vaanarashreSTha duHkhakSayakaro bhavet |
tvamasmin kaaryaniryoge pramaaNa harisattama || 5-38-65
64, 65. vaanarashreSTha= O Hanuma, the excellent of monkeys; harisattama= and the best of monkeys!; tvam= you; pramaaNam= are the model; asmin kaaryaniryoge= for fulfilling this act (of addressing him); yathaa bhavet= in such a way; lakSmaNaH= that Lakshmana; mR^iduH= the mild; nityam= ever; shuchiH= pure; dakSaH= and clever; priyaH= darling; raamasya= of Rama; duHkhakSaya karaH= may bring my sorrows to an end.
"O Hanuma, the excellent of monkeys and the best of monkeys! you are the model for fulfilling this act of addressing him in such a way that Lakshmana, the mild, every-pure and clever darling of Rama may bring my sorrows to an end."
raaghavastvatsamaarambhaanmayi yatnaparo bhavet |
idam bruuyaaH ca me naatham shuuram raamam punaH punaH || 5-38-66
idam bruuyaaH ca me naatham shuuram raamam punaH punaH || 5-38-66
66. tvatsamaarambhaat= by your effort; raaghavaH= Rama; bhavet= will become; yatnaparaH= a diligent man; mayi= in my case; bruuyaaH= tell; idam= this; punaH punaH= again and again; raamam= to Rama; me naatham= my lord; shuuram= and the hero.
"Depending on your effort, Rama will be more active with his effort the following words again and again to Rama, my Lord and the hero:"
jiivitam dhaarayiShyaami maasam dasharatha aatmaja |
uurdhvam maasaan na jiiveyam satyena aham braviimi te || 5-38-67
uurdhvam maasaan na jiiveyam satyena aham braviimi te || 5-38-67
67. dasharathaatmaja= O Rama!; dhaarayiSyaami= I shall hold; jiivitam= my life; maasam= for a month; na jiiveyam= I cannot survive; uurdhvam= after; maasaat= a month; aham= I; braviimi= am telling; te= you; satyena= by truth.
"O Rama! I shall hold my life for a month. I cannot survive after a month I am telling you the truth."
raavaNena uparuddhaam maam nikR^ityaa paapa karmaNaa |
traatum arhasi viira tvam paataalaat iva kaushikiim || 5-38-68
traatum arhasi viira tvam paataalaat iva kaushikiim || 5-38-68
68. viira= O valiant man!; tvam= you; arhasi= are required; traatum= to protect; maam= me; uparuddhaam= who is detained; raavaNena= by Ravana; paapakarmaNaa= the criminal; nikR^ityaa= with humiliation; kaushikiimiva= (as you protected) Indra the Lord of celestials and Lakshmi the goddess of prosperity; paataalaat= from the abode of serpents and demons.
"O valiant man! You are required to rescue me, detained (as I am) by Ravana the criminal and subjected to humiliation, as you (as Lord Vishnu) earlier protected Indra the Lord of celestials and Lakshmi the goddess of prosperity from the abode of servants and demons."
tato vastra gatam muktvaa divyam cuuDaa maNim shubham |
pradeyo raaghavaaya iti siitaa hanumate dadau || 5-38-69
pradeyo raaghavaaya iti siitaa hanumate dadau || 5-38-69
69. tataH= then; muktvaa= untying; shubham= the bright; divyam= divine; chuuDaamaNim= jewel for her head; vastragatam= tied in her garment; siitaa= Seetha; dadau= gave (it); hanumate= to Hanuma; iti= saying; pradeyaH= that it might be delivered; raaghavaaya= to Rama.
Then, untying the bright devine jewel for her head tied in her garment, Seetha gave it to Hanuma, saying that it might be handed over to Rama.
pratigR^ihya tato viiro maNi ratnam anuttamam |
angulyaa yojayaamaasa na hi asyaa praabhavat bhujaH || 5-38-70
angulyaa yojayaamaasa na hi asyaa praabhavat bhujaH || 5-38-70
70. pratigR^ihya= taking; anuttamam= the excellent; maNiratnam= jewel; viiraH= the valiant Hanuma; tataH= thereupon; yojayaamaasa= fitted it; aN^gulyaa= to his finger; asya bhujaH= (since) his arm; (eventhough he had assumed his former tiny form) na praabhavat hi= was not fitting (to it).
Taking the excellent jewel, the valiant Hanuma thereupon fitted it to his finger, since his arm (eventhough he had assumed his former tiny form), was not fitting to it properly.
maNi ratnam kapi varaH pratigR^ihya abhivaadya ca |
siitaam pradakShiNam kR^itvaa praNataH paarshvataH sthitaH || 5-38-71
siitaam pradakShiNam kR^itvaa praNataH paarshvataH sthitaH || 5-38-71
71. pratigR^ihya= receiving; maNiratnam= that jewel; kapivaraH= Hanuma the best among the monkeys; abhivaadya cha= offered his salutation; siitaam= to Seetha; pradakSiNam kR^itvaa= engaging in circumambulation; sthitaH= and stood; paarshvataH= aside; namrataH= with humbleness.
Receiving that jewel, Hanuma the best among the monkeys, offered his salutation to seetha, by engaging himself in circumambulation and stood aside with humbleness.
harSheNa mahataa yuktaH siitaa darshanajena saH |
hR^idayena gato raamam shariireNa tu viShThitaH || 5-38-72
hR^idayena gato raamam shariireNa tu viShThitaH || 5-38-72
72. yuktaH= enjoined; mahataa= harSeNa= with a great delight; siitaadarshanajena= born out of Seetha's discovery saH= that Hanuma; hR^idayena gataH= mentally sought (the presence); raamam= of Rama; viSThitaH= but stood there; shariireNatu= with his physical body alone.
Filled with a great delight, born out of Seetha's discovery by him, that Hanuma mentally sought (the presence) of Rama but stood there with just his physical body.
maNi varam upagR^ihya tam mahaaarham |
janaka nR^ipa aatmajayaa dhR^itam prabhaavaat |
giri vara pavana avadhuuta muktaH |
sukhita manaaH pratisamkramam prapede || 5-38-73
janaka nR^ipa aatmajayaa dhR^itam prabhaavaat |
giri vara pavana avadhuuta muktaH |
sukhita manaaH pratisamkramam prapede || 5-38-73
73. upagR^ihya= taking; tam maNivaram= that excellent jewel; mahaarham= the highly venerable one; dhR^itam= worn; janakanR^ipaatmajayaa= by Seetha; prabhaavaat= and by its influence; pavanaavadhuuta muktaH giririva= resembling one who was shaken by a blast coming from the top of a huge mountain; (Hanuma); sukhita manaaH= mentally pleased; prapede= set out for; pratisamkramam= crossing the ocean in return.
Taking that excellent and highly venerable jewel, worn by Seetha and by its influence resembling one who was shaken by a blast coming from the top of a huge mountain, Hanuma was mentally pleased and set out for crossing the ocean in his return journey.
ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe aSTatrimshaH sargaH
Thus completes 38th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.
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on Sunday, January 30, 2011
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Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty
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