Chapter [Sarga] 39  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book IV : Kishkindha Kanda - The Empire of Holy Monkeys

Chapter [Sarga] 39


Millions and millions of monkeys arrive with their troop-leaders to the control of Sugreeva. Rama's intent to wage war with Ravana is informed to Sugreeva. And Sugreeva who is interested for requital of the help rendered by Rama informs that all the monkeys on earth are ushered to remain in the service of Rama. While Sugreeva is informing about the arrival of monkeys, in a split-second that place is further crammed up with troops and troops of monkey-warriors.

iti bruvaaNam sugriivam raamo dharmabhR^itaam varaH |
baahubhyaam sa.mpariSvajya pratyuvaaca kR^itaa.njalim || 3-39-1
1. dharma bhR^itaam varaH= probity, proponent of, the best; raamaH= Rama; iti bruvaaNam kR^itaanjalim= thus, who is speaking, with his palms-adjoined; sugriivam= to such Sugreeva; baahubhyaam= with both arms; sam pari Svajya= well embracing; prati uvaaca= in reply, spoke - replied.
Rama, the best proponent of probity, happily embraced Sugreeva with both of his arms and replied him who is speaking in this way suppliantly adjoining palms at Rama. [3-39-1]
yat indro varSate varSam na tat citram bhaviSyati |
aadityo asau sahasraa.mshuH kuryaat vitimiram nabhaH || 3-39-2
candramaa rajaniim kuryaat prabhayaa saumya nirmalaam |
tvat vidho vaa api mitraaNaam priitim kuryaat para.mtapa || 3-39-3
2, 3. parantapa= oh, enemy-flamer; saumya= oh, kind one - Sugreeva; indraH varSam= Indra, rain; yat varSate= what for, he rains - the fact that Indra gives rain through Rain-god; sahasra amshuH= thousands of, rayed one - one with umpteen sunrays; asau aadityaH= that, sun; nabhaH vi timiram= sky, without, darkness; kuryaat= makes - the fact that the sun removes darkness; candramaa prabhayaa rajaniim nirmalaam= moon, with his shine, night, shiny; kuryaat= makes - the fact of moon's illumining the night; there is no wonder in them, so also; vaa api= or, even; tvat vidhaH= your, kind of [helpful being]; mitraaNaam priitim kuryaat= to friends, gladness, makes - the fact of gladdening friends; tat= that - sort of helpful nature; na citram bhaviSyati= no, wonder, it will be.
"There is no wonder, oh, enemy-flamer, if Indra gives rain, or if that thousand-rayed sun makes the sky undark, or if the moon makes night shiny with his moonshine, so also oh, gentle one, if a true-friend of your kind gladdens his indigent-friend, there is no wonder. [3-39-2, 3]
evam tvayi tat na citram bhavet yat saumya shobhanam |
jaanaami aham tvaam sugriiva satatam priya vaadinam || 3-39-4
4. saumya= oh, nice one; sugriiva= oh, Sugreeva; evam= in this way; tvayi= [which is prevailing] in you; tat= that [helpful nature in doing good deeds]; yat shobhanam= which is, decorous; citram na bhavet= wonder, not, it will be; tvaam= you; satatam priya vaadinam= always, as affability, exponent of; aham jaanaami= I am, aware of.
"In this way, oh, nice Sugreeva, that helpful nature which is decorously prevailing in you, ushering you for organising the worthwhile, will not be a wonder but natural. I am aware that you have always been the exponent of affability. [3-39-4]
tvat sa naathaH sakhe sa.nkhye jetaa asmi sakalaan ariin |
tvam eva me suhR^it mitram saahaayyam kartum arhasi || 3-39-5
5. sakhe= oh, friend; tvat sa naathaH= with you, as, helmsman; sankhye sakalaan ariin= in war, all, enemies; jetaa asmi= triumphing, I will be; su hR^it mitram= good-hearted, friend; tvam eva= you, alone; me saahaayyam kartum arhasi= to me, helping hand, to proffer, worthy of you.
"With you as the helmsman, oh, friend, I will be triumphing over all the enemies, and you alone are worthy to proffer a helping hand to me as a good-hearted friend of mine. [3-39-5]
jahaara aatma vinaashaaya vaidehiim raakSasa adhamaH |
va.ncayitvaa tu paulomiim anuhlaado yathaa shaciim || 3-39-6
6. raakSasa adhamaH= demon, knavish; vancayitvaa vaidehiim= on deceiving, Vaidehi; anuhlaadaH= demon Anuhlaada; paulomiim= Puloma's daughter; shaciim= Sachi Devi; yathaa= as with; aatma vinaashaaya= for self, extinction; jahaara= carried off.
"That knavish demon Ravana deceitfully carried off Vaidehi for his own extinction, as demon Anuhlaada carried off Sachi Devi, the daughter of Puloma. [3-39-6]
Myth: Shaci Devi, the wife of Indra, is the daughter of a demon called Puloma, the son of Danu. One named Anuhlaada, the son of Hiranyakshyapa, on deceiving Indra abducted Shaci Devi with the consent of her father Puloma. Then Indra infuriated at Puloma, the father of Sachi Devi, for making the abduction possible, killed him. Thereby Indra got a name Pulomajit.
na ciraat tam haniSyaami raavaNam nishitaiH sharaiH |
paulomyaaH pitaram dR^iptam shata kratuH iva arihaa || 3-39-7
7. tam raavaNam= him, that Ravana; na ciraat= not, long after [as soon as possible]; ari haa= enemy, slayer; shata kratuH= hundred, ritual performer [Indra]; paulomyaaH= Paulomii [Shaci's]; dR^iptam pitaram iva= insolent, father, as with; nishitaiH sharaiH han iSyaami= with sharp, arrows, I wish to eliminate.
"As soon as possible I wish to eliminate that Ravana with sharp arrows, as has been done by the enemy slyer Indra when he eliminated the insolent father of Sachi Devi, namely Puloma." Thus Rama is about to tell other things to Sugreeva, but... [3-39-7]
etasmin antare ca eva rajaH samabhivartata |
uSNaam tiivraam sahasraa.mshoH Chaadayat gagane prabhaam || 3-39-8
8. etasmin antare= in this, meanwhile; gagane= on sky; sahasra amshoH= of thousand-rayed one [sun's]; uSNaam tiivraam prabhaam= scorching, intense, radiation; Chaadayat= covering; rajaH= dust; sam abhivartata= started - dust started to overcast sky.
In the meanwhile dust started to overcast the sky covering the intensely scorching radiation of the sun. [3-39-8]
dishaH paryaakulaaH ca aasan tamasaa tena duuSitaaH |
cacaala ca mahii sarvaa sa shaila vana kaananaa || 3-39-9
9. tena= by that; tamasaa= by darkness - [rajasaa= dust]; duuSitaaH= stained; dishaH paryaakulaaH ca aasan= directions, confound, also, became; sa shaila vana kaananaa= with, mountains, woods, forests; sarvaa mahii ca= entire, earth, also; cacaala= wobbled.
Stained with that darkness the directions are confounded, and the entire earth together with its mountains, woods, and forests has wobbled. [3-39-9]
tato nagendra sa.mkaashaiH tiikSNa danSTraiH mahaabalaiH |
kR^itsnaa sa.nChaaditaa bhuumiH asa.nkhyeyaiH plava.ngamaiH || 3-39-10
nimeSa a.ntara maatreNa tataH taiH hari yuuthapaiH |
koTii shata pariivaaraiH kaamaruupibhiH aavR^itaa || 3-39-11
naadeyaiH paar.hvateyaiH ca saamudraiH ca mahaabalaiH |
haribhiH megha nir.hhraadaiH anyaiH ca vana vaasibhiH || 3-39-12
taruNa aaditya varNaiH ca shashi gauraiH ca vaanaraiH |
padma kesara varNaiH ca shvetaiH meru kR^ita aalayaiH || 3-39-13
10, 11, 12, 13. tataH= then; naga indra samkaashaiH= monkeys who are - mountain, lofty, similar to - mountainous in size; tiikSNa danSTraiH= with excruciating, fangs; mahaabalaiH= abnormally mighty ones; a + sankhyeyaiH= in not, calculable - masses; plavangamaiH= with fly-jumpers; kR^itsnaa bhuumiH= entire, earth; nimeSa antara maatreNa= split-second, within, just; sam Chaaditaa= verily, overspread; tataH= then; hari yuuthapaiH= with monkey, commanders; koTii shata pariivaaraiH= with crores [millions,] hundreds of, legions [of monkeys]; kaama ruupibhiH= with by wish, guise-changers; who are from; naadeyaiH= pertaining to rivers; paarvateyaiH ca= pertaining to mountains, also; saamudraiH ca= pertaining to oceans, also; mahaabalaiH haribhiH= of amazing, strength, with monkeys; megha nirhraadaiH= whose blaring will be like - clouds, crashing; anyaiH= with others; vana vaasibhiH ca= forests, dwellers, also; taruNa aaditya varNaiH ca= tender, sun, in colour [complexion,] also; shashi gauraiH ca= moon, white [in complexion,] also; padma kesara varNaiH ca= lotus, fibril, with [body] colour, also; shvetaiH meru kR^ita aalayaiH= who are snow-white ones, who on Mt. Meru, made, their dwelling; with such; taiH vaanaraiH= by [such of] them, vanara-s; [bhuumiH= ground is]; aavR^itaa= enshrouded with them.
In a split-second the entire ground is then enshrouded with incalculable fly-jumpers whose size is mountainous, fangs excruciating, and might abnormal, and each monkey commander is surrounded with hundreds of millions of legions of monkeys, who by their wish can change of their guise, and these monkeys of amazing strength have come crashing war-whoops as clouds letting out thunders while they are on their way from their habitation like riversides, seashores, mountains, and some other monkeys have come from forests as they are forest dwellers, and in the vast of masses their complexion alone remained as an identity to their habitation, like the stripe of tender-sun of some monkeys is marking them from the place of rising sun, moon-white body colour of some more telling that they are from the place of nightly moon, and the colour of skin looking like lotus-fibrils of many more indicates that they are from fertile watery lands, and the snow-white complexion of yet some more indicates that the dwelling place of those monkeys is Mt. Meru. [3-39-10, 11, 12, 13]
koTii sahasraiH dashabhiH shriimaan parivR^itaH tadaa |
viiraH shatabaliH naama vaanaraH pratyadR^ishyata || 3-39-14
14. tadaa= at that time; dashabhiH koTii sahasraiH= ten, crore, thousands - ten thousand crores - a lakh of crores; pari vR^itaH= around, encircled - hemmed in; shriimaan viiraH= distinguished, valorous one; shatabaliH naama vaanaraH= brave, Shatabali, named, Vanara; pratyadR^ishyata [prati a dR^ishyata]== came into view - by Rama and others.
In the meantime the arrival of a distinguished and valorous vanara named Shatabali, hemmed in with ten thousand crores of vanara-s, came into the view of Rama and others. [3-39-14]
tataH kaa.ncana shaila aabhaH taaraayaa viiryavaan pitaa |
anekaiH bahu saahasraiH koTibhiH pratyadR^ishyata || 3-39-15
15. tataH kaancana shaila aabhaH= then, golden, mountain, in sheen; taaraayaa pitaa= Lady Tara's, father [Sushena]; viiryavaan= valorous one; bahu saahasraiH koTibhiH= many, thousands, of crores; an+ekaiH= with not one, with multitudinous monkeys; pratyadR^ishyata= appeared.
Sushena, the father of Lady Tara, a valorous one with the sheen of golden mountain then appeared with very many thousands of crores of vanara-s. [3-39-15]
tathaa apareNa koTiinaam saahasreNa samanvitaH |
pitaa rumayaaH sa.mpraaptaH sugriiva shvashuro vibhuH || 3-39-16
16. tathaa= like that; vibhuH= most efficient [vanara-chief]; rumayaaH pitaa= Ruma's, father; sugriiva shvashuraH= Sugreeva's, father-in-law; apareNa= with another; koTiinaam saahasreNa samanvitaH= of crores, a thousand, followed by - monkey troops; sampraaptaH= has bechanced - arrived.
Like that the most efficient vanara-chief Taara, the father of Ruma and Sugreeva's father-in-law, turned up with another thousand crores of vanara-s following him. [3-39-16]
padma kesara sa.mkaashaH taruNa arka nibha aananaH |
buddhimaan vaanara shreSThaH sarva vaanara sattamaH || 3-39-17
aniikaiH bahu saahasraiH vaanaraaNaam samanvitaH |
pitaa hanumataH shriimaan kesarii pratyadR^ishyata || 3-39-18
17. padma kesara samkaashaH= lotus, fibril, in gleam; taruNa arka nibha aananaH= young, sun, glittering, visage; buddhimaan= intellectual; vaanara shreSThaH= among vanara-s, the prominent one; sarva vaanara sattamaH= among all, vanara-s, graceful one; hanumataH pitaa= Hanuma's, father; shriimaan kesarii= honourable, Kesari; bahu saahasraiH= very, many, thousands of; vaanaraaNaam= of vanara-s; aniikaiH= with army; samanvitaH= associated with; pratyadR^ishyata= came into view.
Honourable Kesari, the father of Hanuma, with his bodily gleam like that of the fibrils of lotuses and visage glittering in the gleam of nascent sun, and who is an intellectual, graceful and prominent vanara among all the vanara-s, then came into view associated with thousands and thousands of armies of vanara-s. [3-39-17]
go laa.nguula mahaaraajo gavaakSo bhiima vikramaH |
vR^itaH koTi sahasreNa vaanaraaNaam adR^ishyata || 3-39-19
19. vaanaraaNaam koTi sahasreNa= vanara-s, crores, thousand; vR^itaH= encircled by; golaanguula mahaaraajaH= baboons, sovereign; bhiima vikramaH= formidably, adventurous one; gavaakSaH adR^ishyata= Gavaaksha, is seen.
Gavaaksha, the formidably adventurous sovereign of baboons is then seen encircled by a thousand crore vanara-s. [3-39-19]
R^ikSaaNaam bhiima vegaanaam dhuumraH shatru nibarhaNaH |
vR^itaH koTi sahasraabhyaam dvaabhyaam samabhivartata || 3-39-20
20. shatru nibarhaNaH= enemy, destroyer; dhuumraH= Dhuumra; bhiima vegaanaam R^ikSaaNaam= of frightful, fastness, with bears; dvaabhyaam koTi sahasraabhyaam= with two, crore, thousands; vR^itaH= surrounded by; sam abhi vartata= verily, to fore, coursed - marched forward.
Dhuumra, the enemy destroyer, marched to the fore of Rama and others surrounded with two thousand crores of bears which have frightful fastness. [3-39-20]
mahaa acala nibhaiH ghoraiH panaso naama yuuthapaH |
aajagaama mahaaviiryaH tisR^ibhiH koTibhiH vR^itaH || 3-39-21
21. panasaH naama= Panasa, named; mahaaviiryaH= highly valorous; yuuthapaH= a commander; tisR^ibhiH koTibhiH= with three, crores - of vanara-s; who are; mahaa acala nibhaiH ghoraiH= gigantic, mountain, beaming forth like, horrendous; vR^itaH= attended by; aajagaama= came up.
The highly valorous commander named Panasa has then arrived attended by a three crore legion of horrendous vanara-s who are beaming forth like gigantic mountains. [3-39-21]
niila a.njana caya aakaaro niilo naama atha yuuthapaH |
adR^ishyata mahaakaayaH koTibhiH dashabhiH vR^itaH || 3-39-22
22. atha= now; dashabhiH koTibhiH= with ten, crores - of vanara-s; vR^itaH= encircled by; niila anjana caya aakaaraH= black, mascara, mound, in shape; mahaa kaayaH= colossally, bodied; niilaH naama yuuthapaH= Niila, named, then, commander; adR^ishyata= has come into view.
Commander Niila has then come into view with his colossal and blackish mascara mound-like body encircled by ten crores of vanara-s that are selfsame to their leader. [3-39-22]
tataH kaa.ncana aabho gavayo naama yuuthapaH |
aajagaama mahaaviiryaH koTibhiH pa.ncabhiH vR^itaH || 3-39-23
23. tataH= then; kaancana [shaila] aabhaH= golden, [mountain,] in sheen; mahaaviiryaH= great-mighty one; gavayaH naama yuuthapaH= Gavaya, named, commander; pancabhiH koTibhiH vR^itaH= with five, crores - of army, surrounded by; aajagaama= came forth.
Then the great-mighty commander named Gavaya whose bodily sheen is like that of a golden mountain has come forth surrounded by five crores of vanara-s. [3-39-23]
dariimukhaH ca balavaan yuuthapo abhyaayayau tadaa |
vR^itaH koTi sahasreNa sugriivam samupasthitaH || 3-39-24
24. tadaa= then; balavaan dariimukhaH ca= mighty one, Dariimukha, also; yuuthapaH= commander; koTi sahasreNa= crores, thousand; vR^itaH= along with; abhyaayayau [abhi aa yayau]= came nigh of; sugriivam sam upa sthitaH= to Sugreeva, verily, nearby, stayed.
Dariimukha, the mighty commander then came along with a thousand crore vanara-s and he stayed nearby Sugreeva drawing nigh of him. [3-39-24]
maindaH ca dvividaH ca ubhau ashvi putrau mahaabalau |
koTi koTi sahasreNa vaanaraaNaam adR^ishyataam || 3-39-25
25. mahaa balau= great-mighty ones; ashvi putrau= Ashvani twin's, sons of; maindaH ca dvividaH ca= Mainda, also, Dvivida, also; ubhau= two of them; vaanaraaNaam= of vanara-s; koTi koTi sahasreNa= crore, crore, with thousand - each with a thousand crore vanara-s; adR^ishyataam= are seen.
Both Mainda and Dvivida, the great-mighty sons Ashvini-twin gods have then appeared, each with a thousand crore vanara-s. [3-39-25]
gajaH ca balavaan viiraH trisR^ibhiH koTibhiH vR^itaH |
aajagaama mahaatejaaH sugriivasya samiipataH || 3-39-26
26. balavaan viiraH mahaatejaaH= mighty, braving, highly resplendent one; gajaH ca= Gaja, also; trisR^ibhiH koTibhiH vR^itaH= three, corers [of vanara-s,] encompassed by; sugriivasya samiipataH aajagaama= to Sugreeva's, nearby, came forth.
The mighty, braving and highly resplendent Gaja came forth to the near of Sugreeva encompassed by three crores of vanara-s. [3-39-26]
R^iksha raajo mahaatejaa jaa.mbavaan naama naamataH |
koTibhiH dashabhiH vyaaptaH sugriivasya vashe sthitaH || 3-39-27
27. mahaatejaa= highly resplendent one; naamataH jaambavaan naama= by name, Jambavanta, renowned one; R^iksha raajaH= bears, king; dashabhiH koTibhiH= ten, crores - of bears; vyaaptaH= spreading around him; sugriivasya vashe sthitaH= Sugreeva's, under control, stayed - stood firm.
A great resplendent one who is renowned by his name Jambavanta has then come with a brigade of ten crore bears spreading around him and stood firm under the control of Sugreeva. [3-39-27]
rumaNo naama tejasvii vikraantaiH vaanaraiH vR^itaH |
aagato balavaan tuurNam koTi shata samaavR^itaH || 3-39-28
28. vi kraantaiH vaanaraiH vR^itaH= with highly, venturesome, vanara-s, surrounded by; tejasvii balavaan rumaNaH naama= blaze like, mighty one, Rumana, named; koTi shata samaavR^itaH= crore, hundred, along with; tuurNam aagataH= swiftly, came.
A blaze-like mighty vanara named Rumana came swiftly surrounded with a hundred crore legion of vanara-s who are highly venturesome. [3-39-28]
tataH koTi sahasraaNaam sahasreNa shatena ca |
pR^iSThato anugataH praapto haribhiH ga.ndhamaadanaH || 3-39-29
29. tataH koTi sahasraaNaam= then, crore, thousand; sahasreNa shatena ca= thousand, hundreds, also; haribhiH= with vanara-s; pR^iSThataH anugataH= at behind, followed by; gandha maadanaH= Gandhamaadana; praaptaH= has arrived.
Gandhamaadana has then arrived while ten thousand crores and hundred thousand crores of monkeys are following him at his behind. [3-39-29]
tataH padma sahasreNa vR^itaH shanku shatena ca |
yuva raajo a.ngadaH praaptaH pitR^i tulya paraakramaH || 3-39-30
30. tataH= then; pitR^i tulya paraakramaH= father [Vali,] matching, in valour; yuva raajaH angadaH= crown-prince, Angada; padma sahasreNa= padma-s, a thousand of; shanku shatena ca= shanku, a hundred of, also; vR^itaH= encompassed by; praaptaH= turned up;.
Angada, the crown prince of Kishkindha, who matches his father Vali in valour has then turned up with a thousand padma legions and a hundred shanku legions of vanara-s. [3-39-30]
tataH taaraa dyutiH taaro hariH bhiima paraakramaH |
pa.ncabhiH hari koTiibhiH duurataH pratyadR^ishyata || 3-39-31
31. tataH= then; taaraa dyutiH= stars, who has the sparkle of; bhiima paraakramaH= of remarkable, valour; taaraH hariH= Tara, the monkey; pancabhiH hariH koTiibhiH= with five, monkey, crores; duurataH= at a distance; pratyadR^ishyata= has appeared.
Tara, the vanara-commander, whose sparkle is as that of stars and whose valour is remarkable then appeared at a distance with five crore monkeys. [3-39-31]
indrajaanuH kapiH viiro yuuthapaH pratyadR^ishyata |
ekaadashaanaam koTiinaam iishvaraH taiH ca samvR^itaH || 3-39-32
32. ekaadashaanaam koTiinaam= for eleven, crores [of monkeys]; iishvaraH= chief of; viiraH yuuthapaH= very bold, commander; indrajaanuH kapiH= Indrajaanu, [named] monkey; taiH= with them - with such a kind of, selfsame vanara-s; samvR^itaH= encompassed by; praty adR^ishyata= appeared.
Indrajaanu, the brave monkey commander who is the chief of eleven crores of monkeys has appeared then encompassed by selfsame vanara troopers. [3-39-32]
tato ra.mbhaH tu anupraaptaH taruNa aaditya sa.nnibhaH |
aayutena vR^itaH caiva sahasreNa shatena ca || 3-39-33
33. tataH= then; taruNa aaditya sannibhaH= tender, sun, similar in shine; rambhaH= Rambha; aayutena sahasreNa= with aayuta-s, thousand of; shatena ca= plus a hundred, also; vR^itaH= surrounded by; anupraaptaH= has come.
Rambha whose bodily glow is like that of tender-sun has then come forth fenced in a thousand plus a hundred of aayuta-s of vanara legions. [3-39-33]
tato yuutha patiH viiro durmukho naama vaanaraH |
pratyadR^ishyata koTibhyaam dvaabhyaam parivR^ito balii || 3-39-34
34. tataH= then; yuutha patiH= legion, commander; viiraH= braving one; balii= powerful one; durmukhaH naama vaanaraH= Durmukha, named, vanara; dvaabhyaam koTibhyaam parivR^itaH= with two, crores [of vanara-s,] encompassed by; pratyadR^ishyata= has appeared.
A braving and powerful legion commander of vanara-s named Durmukha has then appeared encompassed with two crores of vanara-s. [3-39-34]
kailaasa shikhara aakaaraiH vaanaraiH bhiima vikramaiH |
vR^itaH koTi sahasreNa hanumaan pratyadR^ishyata || 3-39-35
35. hanumaan= Hanuma; kailaasa shikhara aakaaraiH= Mt. Kailash, summits, in shape of; bhiima vikramaiH= of formidable, bravery; koTi sahasreNa= crore, thousand; vaanaraiH= with vanara-s; vR^itaH= encompassed by; pratyadR^ishyata= appeared.
Then Hanuma appeared with a thousand crore vanara-s encompassing him who in shape are like the summits of Mt. Kailash and whose bravery is formidable. [3-39-35]
nalaH ca api mahaaviiryaH sa.mvR^ito druma vaasibhiH |
koTii shatena sa.mpraaptaH sahasreNa shatena ca || 3-39-36
36. mahaaviiryaH= highly, vigorous one; nalaH ca api= Nala, also, even; koTii shatena= crores, hundred; sahasreNa shatena ca= thousand, hundred; druma vaasibhiH= on tree, dwellers [monkeys]; samvR^itaH= surrounded with; sampraaptaH= arrived.
Highly vigorous Nala has also arrived while he is surrounded with a hundred crore one thousand and one hundred monkeys, the dwellers on trees. [3-39-36]
tato dadhimukhaH shriimaan koTibhiH dashabhiH vR^itaH |
sa.mpraapto abhinadan tasya sugriivasya mahaatmanaH || 3-39-37
37. tataH= then; shriimaan dadhimukhaH= salutary one, Dadhimukha; dashabhiH koTibhiH vR^itaH= ten, crores, encircled by; abhi nadan= highly, blaring; tasya mahaa atmanaH sugriivasya= to that, great-souled one, to Sugreeva; sampraaptaH= arrived.
Dadhimukha, the salutary vanara-chief then arrived at the near of that great-souled Sugreeva encircled by a ten crore vanara-s who are all blaring highly. [3-39-37]
sharabhaH kumudo vahniH vaanaro ra.mhaH eva ca |
ete ca anye ca bahavo vaanaraaH kaama ruupiNaH || 3-39-38
aavR^itya pR^ithiviim sarvaam parvataan ca vanaani ca |
yuuthapaaH samanupraaptaa eSaam sa.mkhyaa na vidyate || 3-39-39
38, 39. sharabhaH kumudaH= Sharabha, Kumuda; vaanaraH vahniH= vanara, Vahni; ramhaH eva ca= Ramha, even, also; ete kaama ruupiNaH= these are, by wish, guise-changers; anye ca bahavaH= others, also, many of them; eSaam sankhyaa na vidyate= whose, count, not, known; such of those; vaanaraaH= vanara-s; yuuthapaaH= their commanders; sarvaam= in entirety; pR^ithiviim= earth; parvataan ca vanaani ca= mountains, also, forests, also; aavR^itya= overspreading; samanupraaptaa= presented themselves.
Sharabha, Kumuda, Vahni, also even Ramha, these and many other vanara-s have come who by their wish are the guise-changers. And many of those other commanders who have presented themselves along with their troops, overspreading the earth inclusive of its mountains and forests, their count is unknown. [3-39-38, 39]
aagataaH ca niviSTaaH ca pR^ithivyaam sarva vaanaraaH |
aaplava.ntaH plava.ntaH ca garja.ntaH ca plava.mgamaaH |
abhyavartanta sugriivam suuryam abhra gaNaa iva || 3-39-40
40. plavamgamaaH= fly-jumpers; aaplavantaH= by swinging; plavantaH ca= by flying, also; garjantaH ca= thundering, also; pR^ithivyaam sarva vaanaraaH= on earth, all, monkeys; aagataaH ca niviSTaaH ca= arrived, also, settled down, also; suuryam abhra gaNaa iva= at sun, clouds [cramming,] number of, like; sugriivam= at Sugreeva; abhyavartanta [abhi ava vR^it= before, they moved,] presented themselves before Sugreeva.
All those fly-jumpers arrived by swinging, flying and thundering, and all of the monkeys on earth have arrived thus, presented themselves and settled down around Sugreeva as if a number of clouds are cramming the sun. [3-39-40]
kurvaaNaa bahu shabdaan ca prakR^iSTaa balashaalinaH |
shirobhiH vaanarendraaya sugriivaaya nyavedayan || 3-39-41
41. prakR^iSTaaH= outstanding ones; baahu shaalinaH= having sturdy arms, arms are the only weapons to them; bahu shabdaan kurvaaNaaH ca= many, hues and [war] cries, while making, also [while they are arriving]; shirobhiH= with [raised] heads; vaanara idraaya sugriivaaya= to vanara-king, Sugreeva; nyavedayan= submitted [themselves - informed of their arrival with raised heads.]
While arriving those monkeys made many a hue and cry of war, and those outstanding monkeys who are armed with a pair of their own arms have informed the vanara king Sugreeva about their arrival by tilting up their heads as in roll-call or in headcount. [3-39-41]
apare vaanara shreSThaaH sa.ngamya ca yathaa ucitam |
sugriiveNa samaagamya sthitaaH praa.njalayaH tadaa || 3-39-42
42. apare= some other; vaanara shreSThaaH= vanara, leaders; yathaa ucitam= as, befitting; sangamya ca= coming together, also; sugriiveNa samaagamya= with Sugreeva, on meeting; tadaa= then; praanjalayaH sthitaaH= with palms-adjoined, stayed behind.
As befitting to them the other vanara leaders have come together to meet Sugreeva, and on their meeting with Sugreeva then they stayed behind with their palms adjoined. [3-39-42]
sugriivaH tvarito raame sarvaan taan vaanararSabhaan |
nivedayitvaa dharmaj~naH sthitaH praanjaliH abraviit || 3-39-43
43. dharmaj~naH= rectitude, knower of; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; tvaritaH= promptly; praanjaliH sthitaH= with adjoined palms, staying; taan sarvaan vaanara R^iSabhaan= them, all, vanara-s, prominent ones; raame= to Rama; nivedayitvaa= having informed about them; abraviit= addressed [the monkeys that are forgathered.]
Then Sugreeva, the knower of rectitude, promptly informed about all of those paramount monkeys to Rama as to who is who, and staying with folded palms he addressed the forgathered monkey chiefs. [3-39-43]
yathaa sukham parvata nir.hjhareSu
vaneSu sarveSu ca vaanarendraaH |
niveshayitvaa vidhivat balaani
balam balaj~naH pratipattum iiSTe || 3-39-44
44. vaanara indraaH= oh, vanara-chiefs; parvata nirjhareSu= on mountains, at riversides; sarveSu vaneSu ca= everywhere, in forests, also; yathaa sukham= according, to you comfort; vidhivat= procedurally; balaani niveshayitvaa= troops, on camping if you camp the troops properly; bala j~naH= force-knower - Rama; balam= forcefulness [of your troops]; pratipattum= to infer; iiSTe= he - Rama - desires to - he expects to, as a kind of guard of honour.
"Oh, chiefs of vanara-s, on procedurally camping your forces everywhere on mountains, at riversides, and in forests according their comfort, the knower of absolute force, Rama, expects to inspect them to infer the forcefulness of your forces. [3-39-44]
The count of the monkeys who followed their leaders cannot be rendered into million, billion counts, precisely. But when all of them are put together they result into the numerals as contained in Yajur Veda taittariiya as said in Dharmaakuutam. ek˜ ca daþa þatam ca sahasram ca ayutam ca prayutam ca nyavrindam ca samudra× ca madhyam ca anta× ca par˜dha× Yajur Veda taittariiya v˜nara pramukh˜ mah˜ prabh˜v˜ daþa sahasra ko÷i b®nda khara nikharva anta madhya par˜rdha aneka par˜rdha saðkhy˜kai× aprameya par˜kramai× v˜narai× pariv®t˜ sam˜gat˜× sugrŸveõa ca yath˜ sukham viniveþit˜× ca -Dharmaakuutam - Further he goes on to quote Leelavati mathematics: lŸl˜vatŸ gaõita þ˜stre siddhanta þiromaõe -
eka daþa þata sahasra ˜yuta lakÿa prayuta ko÷ya× kramaþa× |
arbudam abdam kharva nikharvam mah˜padmam þankhava× tasm˜t ||
nidhi× ca antam madhyam par˜rdham iti daþa guõa uttaram samjñ˜× |
samkhy˜y˜× sth˜n˜n˜m vyavah˜ra artham k®t˜× p¨rvai× iti ||

iti vaalmiiki raamaayaNe aadi kaavye kiSkindha kaaNDe ekona catvaari.mshaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 39th chapter in Kishkindha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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