Chapter [Sarga] 27  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 27


In this chapter an ogress named Trijata describes her dream. She dreams of Sri Rama triumphs and the ogre Ravana is conquered.

ityuktaah siitayaa ghoraM raakSasyaH krodhamuurchhitaaH |
kaashchijjagmustadaakhyaatuM raavaNasya duraatmanaH || 5-27-1
1. iti = thus; uktaaH = spoken to; siitayaa = by Seetha; raakshasyaH = ogresses; krodha muurchhitaaH = swooned with anger; ghoram = terribly; kaashchit = some; jagmuH = went; aakhyaatum = to tell; tat = that; raavaNasya = to Ravana; duraatmanaH = the evil minded one.
Thus spoken to by Seetha, ogresses swooned with anger terribly. Some went to tell that to Ravana the evil minded one.
tataH siitaamupaagamya raakSasyo ghoradarshanaaH |
punaH puruSamekaarthamanarthaarthamathaabruvan || 5-27-2
2. tataH = thereafter; raaksasyaH = ogresses; ghora darshanaaH = with a terrible appearance; upaagamya = neared; siitaam = Seetha; atha = then; punaH = again; abruvan = spoke; anarthaartham = (words of) evil purpose; ekkartham = with a single meaning; parushham = (which were) harsh.
Therafter ogresses with a terrible appearance neared Seetha and ten agin spoke words of evil purpose, with a single meaning and which were harsh.
adyedaaniiM tavaanaarye siite paapavinishchaye |
raakSasyo bhakSayiSyanti maaMsametadyathaasukham || 5-27-3
3. anaarye = O ignoble one!; paapavinishchaye = O one with sinful resolve!; siite = O Seetha; adya = today; idaaniim = at this moment; raakshasyaH = ogresses; bhakshayishhyanti = will eat; etat = this; tava = your; maaMsam = flesh; yathhasukham = according to comfort.
"O ignoble one! O one with a sinful resolve! O Seetha! Today at this moment ogreeses will eat this your flesh according to comfort."
siitaaM taabhiranaaryaabhirdR^iSTvaa saMtarjitaaM tadaa |
raakSasii trijaTaa vR^iddhaa shayaanaa vaakyamabraviit || 5-27-4
4. tadaa = then; dR^iSTvaa = seeing; siitaam = Seetha; saMtarjitaam = frightened; taabhiH anaaryaabhiH = by those evil ones; raakshasii = an ogress; trijaTaa = (named) Trijata; shayanaa = sleeping (till then); abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = (these) words.
Then, seeing Seetha frightened by those evil ones, an ogress named Trijata, sleeping till then, spoke these words.
aatmaanaM khaadataanaaryaa na siitaaM bhakSayiSyatha |
janakasya sutaamiSTaaM sunnaSaaM dasharathasya cha || 5-27-5
5. anaaryaaH = O evil ones! khaadata = eat; aatmaanam = your selves; na bhakshayishhyatha = you will not eat; siitaam = Seetha; ishhTaam sutaam = dear daughter; janakasya = of king Janaka; snushhaam cha = and daughter-in-law; dasarathasya = of king Dasaratha.
"O evil ones! Eat your selves. You will not eat Seetha who is the dear daughter of king Janaka and daughter-in-law of king Dasaratha."
svapno hyadya mayaa dR^iSTo daaruno romaharSaNaH |
raakSasaanaamabhaavaaya bharturasyaa bhavaaya cha || 5-27-6
6. adya = now; svapnaH = a dream; daaruNaH = (which is) terrible; romaharshhaNaH = causing the hairs to stand erect; abhaavaaya = for the destruction; raakshasaanaam = of ogres; bhavaaya = for the welfare; asyaaH bhartuH = of Her husband; dR^iShTaH = has been seen; mayaa = by me.
"Now a dream which is terrible, causing the hairs to stand erect for the destruction of ogres and for the welfare of Her husband, has been seen by me."
evamukTaastrijaTayaa raakSasyaH krodhamuurchhitaaH |
sarvaa evaabruvanbhiitaastrijaTaaM taamidaM vachaH || 5-27-7
7. evam = thus; uktaaH = spoken to; trijaTayaa = by Trijata; sarvaaH eva = all; raakshasayaH = ogresses; bhiitaaH = were frightened; abruvan = (and) spoke; taam trijaTaam = to that Trijata; idam = this; vachaH = sentence.
Thus spoken to by Trijata all ogresses were frightened and spoke to that Trijata these words.
kathayasva tvayaa dR^iSTaH svapno.ayaM kiidR^isho nishi |
taasaaM shrutvaa tu vachanaM raakSasiinaaM mukhaachychutam || 5-27-8
uvaacha vachanaM kaale trijaTaa svapnasaMshritam |
8. kiidR^ishii = of what kind; ayam svapnaH = (is) this dream; dR^ishhTaH = seen; tvayaa = by you; kathayasva = tell (us); shrutvaa = listening; vachanam = (to the) utterance; chyutam = (that) came forth; mukhaat = from the mouths; taasaam raakshasiinaam = of those ogresses; trijaTaa = Trijata; uvaacha = spoke; kaale = at that time; vachanam = (this) word; svapna saMshritam = relating to the dream.
"Of what kind is this dream seen by you. Tell us". Listening to this utterance that came forth from the mouths of those ogresses, Trijata spoke at that time this word relating to the dream.
gajadantamayiiM divyaaM shibikaamantarikSagaam || 5-27-9
yuktaaM haMsasahreNa svayamaasthaaya raaghavaH |
shuklamaalyaambaradharo lakSmaNena sahaagataH || 5-27-10
9-10. raaghavaH = Rama; shuklamaalyaambara dharaH = wearing white garlands and clothes; antarikshagaam = passing through the sky; svayam aasthaaya = Himself ascending; shibikaam = a palanquin; gajadantamayiim = made of ivory; yuktaam =tied; haMsa sahasreNa = with a thousand swans; aagataH = arrived; lakshmaNena saha = along with Lakshmana.
"Rama wearing white garlands and clothes passing through the sky, Himself ascending a palanquin made of ivory tied with a thousand swans, arrived along with Lakshmana."
svapne chaadya mayaa dR^iSTaa siitaa shuklaambaraavR^itaa |
saagareNa parikSiptaM svetaM parvatamaasthitaa || 5-27-11
11. adya = now; dR^ishhTaa = (it has been) seen; mayaa = by me; svapne = in the dream (that); siitaa cha = Seetha also; shuklaambaraavR^itaa = wearing white clothes; aasthitaa = was sitting; shvetam parvatam = on a white mountain; parikShiptam = surrounded; saagareNa = by the ocean.
"Now it has been seen by me in the dream that Seetha also wearing white clothes was sitting on a white mountain surrounded by the ocean."
raameNa saMgataa siitaa bhaaskareNa prabhaa yathaa |
raaghavashcha mayaa dR^iSTashcha turdaMSTraM mahaagajam || 5-27-12
aaruuDhaH shailasaMkaashaM chachaara sahalakShmaNaH |
12. siitaa = Seetha; saMgataa = came together; raameNa = with Rama; prabhaa yathaa = like the light; bhaaskareNa = with the Sun; raamashcha = Rama also; mayaa dR^ishhTaH = was seen by me; aaruuDhaH = (to be) mounted; mahaagajam = on a great elephant; chaturdraShhTram = with four tusks; shailasaMkaasham = equalling a mountain; chachaara = (and) wandered; saha lakshmanaH = together with Lakshmana.
Seetha came together with Rama like the light with the Sun. Rama also was seen by me to be mounted on a great elephant with four tusks and equalling a mountain and Rama wandered together with Lakshmana."
tatastau narashaarduulau diipyamaanau svatejasaa || 5-27-13
shuklamaalyaambaradharau jaanakiiM paryupasthitau |
13. tataH = thereafter; diipyamaanau = shining; svatejasaa = with their own radiance; shuklamaalyaambara dharau = wearing white garlands and clothes; tau = those two; narashaarduulau = best among men (Rama and Lakshmana); paryupasthitau = neared; jaanakiim = Seetha.
"Thereafter shining with their own radiance, wearing white garlands and clothes, those two best among men Rama and Laksmana neared Seetha."
tatastasya nagasyaagre hyaakaashasthasya dantinaH || 5-27-14
bhartraa parigR^ihiitasya jaanakii skandhamaashritaa |
14. tataH = Thereafter; jaanakii = Seetha; aashritaa = rested on; skandham = the upper part of back; dantinaH = of elephant; aakaashasthasya = in the sky; parigR^ihiitasya = taken; bhartraa = by Her husband Rama; agre = to the front; tasya nagasya = of that mountain;
"Thereafter Seetha rested on the upper part of back of elephant in the sky; taken by Her husband Rama to the front of that mountain."
bharturaN^kaatsamutpatya tataH kamalalochanaa || 5-27-15
chandrasuuryau mayaa dR^iSTaa paaNinaa parimaarjatii |
15. tataH = thereafter; mayaa dR^ishhTaa = it has been seen by me (that); kamalalochanaa = Seetha with eyes like lotuses; samutpatya = has risen up; a~Nkaat = from the lap; bahrtuH = of Her husband; parimaarjatii = gently touched; chandra suuryau = the Moon and the Sun; paaNinaa = with Her hand.
"Thereafter it has been seen by me that Seetha with eyes like lotuses has risen up from the lap of Her husband and gently touched the Moon and the Sun with Her hand."
tatastaabhyaaM kumaaraabhyaamaasthitaH sa gajottamaH || 5-27-16
siitayaa cha vishaalaakSyaa laN^kaayaa uparisthitaH
16. tataH = thereafter; saH gajottamaH = that best elephant; aasthitaH = ascended; taabhyaam kumaaraabhyaam = by those princes; siitayaa cha = and by Seetha; vishaalakshyaa = with wide eyes; stitaH = stood; upari = on the top; la~NkayaaH = of Lanka.
"Thereafter that best elephant ascended by those princes Rama and Lakshmana and by Seetha with wide eyes stood on the top of Lanka."
paaNDurarSabhayuktena rathenaaSTayujaa svayam || 5-27-17
ihopayaataH kaakuthsaH siitayaa saha bhaarya yaa |
17. kaakutthsaH = Rama; bhaaryayaa siitayaa saha = together with wife Seetha; svayam = Himself; iha upayaataH = came here; rathena = in a chariot; paaNDurarShabhaH yuktena aShTa yujaa = tied with eight white bulls;
"Rama together with wife Seetha, Himself came here in a chariot tied with eight white bulls."
lakSmaNena saha bhraatraa siitayaa saha viiryavaan || 5-27-18
aaruhya puSpakaM divyaM vimaanaM suuryasannibham |
uttaraaM dishamaalokya jagaama puruSttamaH || 5-27-19
18-19. viiryavaan = The valorous; puruShottamaH = best among men Rama; saha = together; bhraatraa lakshmaNena saha = with brother Lakshmana; siitayaa = (and) with Seetha; aaruhya = ascended; divyam = wonderful; puShpakam vimaanam = Pushpaka aeroplane; suurya sannibham = equalling the Sun; jagaama = went; aalokya = beholding; uttaraam disham = northern direction.
"The valorous best among men Rama together with brother Lakshmana and with Seetha ascended wonderful Pushpaka aeroplane equalling the Sun, went in the northern direction."
evaM svapne mayaa dR^iSTo raamo viSNuparaakramaH |
lakSmaNena saha bhraatraa siitayaa saha raaghavaH || 5-27-20
20. raamaH = Rama; viShNuparaakramaH = with strength equalling that of Lord Vishnu; raaghavaH = born in Raghu's dynasty; saha = together; bhraatraa lakshmaNena = with brother Lakshmana; siitayaa = (and) with Seetha; dR^iShTaH = has been seen; mayaa = by me; evam = thus; svapne = in the dream.
"Rama with strength equalling that of Lord Vishnu, born in Raghu's dynasty together with brother Lakshmana and with Seetha has been seen by me thus in the dream."
na hi raamo mahaatejaaH shokyo jetuM suraasuraiH |
raakSasairvaapi chaanyairvaa svargaH paapajanairiva || 5-27-21
21. raamaH = Rama; mahaatejaaH = with great glory; na shakyaH = is not possible; jetum = to be defeated; suraiH = by Suras; raakshasairvaapi = or by ogres; anvairvaa = or by others; svargaH iva = like heaven; paapajanaiH = by sinners.
"Rama with great glory is not possible to be defeated by Suras or by ogres or by others like heaven not being conquerable by sinners."
raavaNashcha mayaa dR^iSTaH kSitau tailasamukSitaH |
raktavaasaah piban mattaH karaviirakR^itasrajaH|| 5-27-22
22. raavanashcha = Ravana also; dR^iShTaH = was seen; mayaa = by me; kshitau = on earth; tailasamukshitaH = sprinkled with oil; rakshavaasaaH = with red clothes; karaviira kR^ita srajaH = with garlands tied with Oleander flowers; piban = drinking oil; mattaH = intoxicated.
"Ravana also was seen by me on earth sprinkled with oil, with red clothes, with garlands tied with Oleander flowers, drinking oil and intoxicated."
vimaanaatpuSpakaadadya raavaNaH patito bhuvi |
kR^iSyamaaNaH striyaa dR^iSTo muNDaH kR^iSNaambaraH punaH || 5-27-23
23. adya = now; raavaNa = Ravana; patitaH = fallen down; bhuvi = (on to) earth; puShpakaat vimaanaat = from Pushpaka aeroplane; muNDaH = having the head shaved; kR^iShNaambaraH = wearing black clothes; punaH = again; dR^iShTaH = was seen; kR^iShyamaaNaH = (to be) pulled; striyaa = by a woman.
"Now Ravana fallen down on to earth from Pushpaka aeroplane having the head shaved, wearing black clothes again was seen to be pulled by a woman."
rathena kharayuktena raktamaalyaanulepanaH |
pibaMstailaM hasannR^itan bhraantachittaakulendriyaH || 5-27-24
24. rakta maalyaanulepanaH = Wearing red garlands and unguents; piban = drinking; tailam = oil; hasan = laughing; nR^ityan = dancing; bhraanta chitta = with a confused mind; akulendriyaH = with agitated senses; rathena = (Ravana went) by a chariot; kharayuktena = tied by donkeys.
"Wearing red garlands and unguents, drinking oil, laughing, dancing, with a confused mind, with agitated senses, Ravana went by a chariot tied by donkeys."
gardabhena yayau shiigraM dakSiNaaM dishamaasthitaH |
punareva mayaa dR^iSTo raavaNo raakSaseshvaraH || 5-27-25
patito.avaakchhiraa bhuumau gardabhaadbhayamohitaH |
25. aasthitaH = undertaking; dakshinaam disham = southern direction; yayau = (Ravana) went; shiighram = quickly; gardhabena = by a donkey; punareva = again; ma dR^iShTaH = it was seen by me; raakshasesvaraH = (that) the king of ogres; raavaNaH = Ravana; bhaya mohitaH = stupefied with fear; patitaH = fell down; gardhabaat = from the donkey; avaakchiraaH = with head down.
"Undertaking southern direction, Ravana went quickly by a donkey.Again it was seen by me that the king of ogres Ravana stupefied with fear, fell down from the donkey with head down."
sahasotthaaya saMbhraanto bhayaarto madavihvalaH || 5-27-26
unmatta iva digvaasaa durvaakyaM pralapan bahu |
durgandhaM dussahaM ghoraM timiraM narakopamam || 5-27-27
malapaN^kaM pravishyaashu magnastatra sa raavaNaH |
26-27. saH raavaNaH = that Ravana; utthaaya = rising up; sahasaa = quickly; saMbhraantaH = together with perplexity; bhayaartaH = distressed with fear; madavihvala = excited by passion; digvaasaa = being naked; unmattaH iva = like a mad man; praplapan = prattling; bahu durvaakyam = many bad words; pravishya = entering; malapapa~Nkam = dirt; durgandham = with a bad smell; dussaham = intolerable; ghoram = horrible; timiram = dark; narakopamam = like hell; ashu = quickly; magnaH = sank; tatra = in that.
"That Ravana rising up quickly, together with perplexity, distressed with fear, excited by passion, being naked, like a mad man, prattling many bad words, entering dirt with a bad smell, which was intolerable, horrible, dark, like the hell and quickly sank in that."
kaNThe baddhvaa dashagriivaM pramadaa raktavaasinii || 5-27-28
kaaLii kardamaliptaaN^gii dishaM yaamyaaM prakarSati |
28. pramadaa = a woman; raktavaasinii = with red clothes; kaLii = who was black; kardamaliptaa~Ngii = with body smeared with dirt; badhvaa = tying; dashagriivam = Ravana; kaNThe = by the throat; prakarShati = was pulling him; yaamyaam disham = in southern direction.
"A woman with red clothes, who was black, with body smeared with dirt, tying Ravana by the throat, was pulling hiim in southern direction."
evaM tatra mayaa dR^iSTah kumbhakarNo nishaacharaH || 5-27-29
raavaNasya sutaaH sarve dR^iSTaastailasamukSitaaH |
29. tatra = in that (dream); nishaacharaH = the ogre; kumbhakarNaH = Kumbhakarna; dR^iShTaH = has been seen; evam = thus; mayaa = by me; sarve = all; raavaNasya = Ravana's; sutaaH = sons; dR^iShTaaH = have been seen; tailasamukshitaaH = to be sprinkled with oil.
"In that dream the ogre Kumbhakarna has been seen thus by me. All Ravana's sons have been seen to be sprinkled with oil."
varaaheNa dashagriivaH shiMshumaareNa chendrajit || 5-27-30
uSTreNa kumbhakarNashcha prayaataa dakSiNaaM disham |
30. dashagriivaH = Ravana; varaaheNa = by a pig; indrajit = Indrajit; shiMshumaareNa cha = by a porpoise; kumbhakarNaH = Kumbhakarna; uShtreNa cha = by a camel; prayaataaH = set out; dakshiNaam disham = in southern direction.
"Ravana by a pig, Indrajit by a porpoise, Kumbhakarna by a camel set out in southern direction."
ekastatra mayaa dR^iSTaH shvetachchhatro vibhiisaNaH || 5-27-31
shuklamaalyaambaradharaH shuklagandhaanulepanaH |
31. tatra = among those; vibhiiShaNaH = Vibhishana; ekaH = is the only one; dR^iShTaH = (who) has been seen; mayaa = by me; shvetachchhatraH = to be having a white umbrella; shuklamaalyaambaradharaH = wearing white garlands and clothes; shuklagandhaanulepanaH = anointing body with white unguents.
"Among those Vibhishana is the only one who has been seen by me to be having a white umbrella, wearing white garlands and clothes and anointing body with white unguents."
shaN^khadundubhinirghoSairnR^ittagiitairalaN^kR^itaH || 5-27-32
aaruhya shailasaMkaashaM meghastanitanisvanam |
chaturdhantaM gajaM divyamaaste tatra vibhiiSaNaH || 5-27-33
chaturbhiH sachivaiH saardhaM vahaayasamupasthitaH |
32-33. vibhiiShaNaH = Vibhishana; tatra aste = is there; alakR^itaH = adorned sha~NkadundubhiniroghoShaiH = with the sound of conch shells and kettledrums; nR^itta giitaiH = with dances and songs; aaruhya = ascended; divyam gajam = a best elephant; shailasaMkaasham = equalling a mountain; meghastanitanisvanam = with the sound of a thundering cloud; chaturdantam = with four tusks; uoasthitaH = (he) approached; vaihaayasam = the sky; chaturbhiH sachivaiH saartham = together with four ministers.
"Vibhishana is there adorned with the sound of conch shells and kettledrums, with dances and songs, ascended a best elephant equalling a mountain with the sound of a thundering cloud, with four tusks. He approached the sky together with four ministers"
samaajashcha mayaa dR^iSTo giitavaaditraniHsvanaH || 5-27-34
pibataaM raktamaalyaanaaM rakSasaaM raktavaasasaam |
34. samaajashcha = an assembly also; rakshasaam = of ogres; pibataam = drinking (oil); raktamaalyaanaam = wearing red garlands; raktvaasasaam = with red clothes;giitavaaditraniHsvanaH = with the sound of songs and musical instruments; dR^iShtaH = has been seen; mayaa = by me.
"An assembly also of ogres drinking oil and wearing red garlands, with red clothes, with the sound of songs and musical instruments has been seen by me."
laN^kaa cheyaM purii ramyaa savaajirathakuJNjaraa || 5-27-35
saagare patitaa dR^iSTaa bhagnagopuratoraNaa |
35. iyam = this; ramyaa = beautiful; la~Nkaa purii cha = city of Lanka also; dR^iShTaa = has been seen; savaajirathaku~njaraaH = together with horses and elephants; bhagnagopuratoraNaa = with broken gates and arches; patitaa = fallen down; saagare = in the ocean.
"This beautiful city of Lanka has also been seen together with horses and elephants with broken gates and arches fallen down in the ocean."
laN^kaa dR^iSTaa mayaa svapne raavaNenaabhirakSitaa || 5-27-36
dagdhaa raamasya duutena vaanareNa tarasvinaa |
36. la~Nkaa = Lanka; abhirakshitaa = protected; raavaNena = by Ravana; dR%iShTaa = has been seen; mayaa = by me; svapne = in the dream; dagdhaa = to be burnt; vaanreNa = by a Vanara; raamsya duutena = (who is) a messenger of Rama; tarasvinaa = (who is) a quick one.
"Lanka protected by Ravana has been seen by me in the dream to be burnt by a quick Vanara who is a messenger of Rama."
siitvaa tailaM pranR^ittaashcha prahasantyo mahaasvanaaH || 5-27-37
laN^kaayaaN bhasmaruukSaayaaM sarvaa raakSasayoSitaH |
37. la~Nkaayaam = in Lanka; bhasmaruukshaayaam = horrible with ash; sarvaaH = all; raakshasa striyaH = ogresses; piitvaa = (were) drinking; tailam = oil; prahasantyaH = laughing heartily; mahaasvanaaH = with a great noise; pranR^ittaaH cha = and also dancing a lot.
"In Lanka horrible with ash, all ogresses were drinking oil, laughing heartily with a great noise and also dancing a lot."
kumbhakarNaadayashceme sarve raakSasapuN^gavaaH || 5-27-38
raktaM nivasanaM gR^ihya praviSTaa gomayahrade |
38. ime sarve = all these; raakshsapu~NgavaaH = best among ogres; kumbhakarNaadayaH = (such as) Kumbhakarna and others; gR^ihya = taking; raktam = a red; nivasanam = cloth; praviShTaaH = entered; gomayahrade = a hole filled with cow dung.
"All these best among ogres such as Kumbhakarna and others taking a red cloth entered a hole filled with cow dung."
apagachchhata nashyadhvaM siitaamaapnoti raaghavaH || 5-27-39
ghaatayetparamaamarSii yuSmaan saardhaM hi raakSanaiH |
39. apagachchha = go away; nashyadhvam = be destroyed; raaghavaH = Rama; aapnoti = will get; siitaam = Seetha; paramaamarShii = with a great anger; yuShmaan ghaatayet = He will get you killed; raakshasaiH saartham = together with (other) ogres.
"Go away! Be destroyed! Rama will get Seetha. With a great anger He will get you killed together with other ogres."
priyaaM bahumataaM bhaaryaaM vanavaasamanuvrataam || 5-27-40
bhartsitaaM tarjitaaM vaapi naanumaMsyati raaghavaH |
40. raaghavaH = Rama; na anumaMsyati = will not approve; bharsitaam = frightening; tarjitaaM vaapi = or threatening; priyaam bhaaryaam = His dear wife; bahumataam = who is highly valued (by Him); anuvrataam = who followed Him; vanavaasam = to live in forest.
"Rama will not approve frightening ot threatening His dear wife who is highly valued by Him, who followed Him to live in the forest."
tadalaM kruuravaakyaishcha saantvamevaabhidhiiyataam || 5-27-41
abhiyaachaama vaidehiimetaddhi mama rochate |
41. tat = for that reason; alam = enough; kruura vaakyaiH = of cruel words; saantvameva = gentle words indeed; abhidiiyataam = be said; abhiyaachaama = (let us) request; vaidehiim = Seetha; etaddhi = this; rochate = is agreeable; me = to me.
"For that reason, enough of cruel words. Gentle words indeed be said. Let us request Seetha. This is agreeable to me."
yasyaamevaMvidhaH svapno duHkhitaayaaM pradR^ishyate || 5-27-42
saa duHkhairvividhairmuktaa priyaM praapnotyanuttamam |
42. yasyaam = which woman; duHkhitaayaam = while being sorrowful; evaMvidhaH = such type; svapnaH = (of) dream; pradR^ishyate = has been seen;saa = that woman; muktaa = being released; vividhaiH duHkhaiH = from various sorrows; praapnoti = will get; anuttamam = unsurpassed; priyam = pleasure.
"Which woman while being sorrowful, such type of dream has been seen, that woman being released from various sorrows, will get unsurpassed pleasure."
bhartsitaamapi yaachadhvaM raaksasyaH kiM vivakSayaa || 5-27-43
raaghavaaddhi bhayaM ghoraM raakSasaanaamupasthitam |
43. raakshasyaH = O ogresses! yaachadhvam = entreat (Her); bhartsitaamapi = who has been frightened; kim = what (is the use); vivakshayaa = with desire to speak; raaghavaat = from Rama; ghoram bhayam = a horrible fear; upasthitam = has come; raakshasaanaam = to ogres.
"O ogresses! Entreat Seetha who has been frightened. What is the use with a desire to speak. From Rama a horrible fear has come to ogres."
praNipaataprasannaa hi maithilii janakaatmajaa || 5-27-44
alameSaa paritraaruM raakSasyo mahaato bhayaat |
api chaasyaa vishaalaakSyaa na kiMchidupalakSaye || 5-27-45
viruupamapi chaaN^geSu susuukSmamapi lakSaNam |
44-45. raakshasyaH = O ogresses!; eShaa = this; maithilii = Seetha; janakaatmajaa = daughter of Janka; praNipaata prasannaa = pleased with prostration; alam = is competent; paritraatum = to protect; mahataH = (from) great; bhayaat = danger. apicha = and also; na upalashaye = I do not see; asyaaH = in Her; vishaalaakshyaa = who is wide eyed; a~NgeShu = in Her limbs; susuuskhmamapi = even a minute; viruupam lakshaNam = misshapen characteristic; kiMchidapi = even insignificant (one).
"O ogresses! This Seetha daughter of Janaka, pleased with prostration is competent to protect us from great danger. And also I do not see in Her who is wide eyed, in Her limbs even a minute misshapen characteristic, even insignificant one."
chaayaavaiguNyamaatraM tu shaN^ke duHkhamupasthitam || 5-27-46
aduHkhaarhamimaaM deviiM vaihaayasamupasthitaam |
46. chaayaavaiguNya maatraM = (I see) an imperfection in complexion alone; sha~Nke = I doubt; imaam deviim = (that) this princess; upasthitaam = who came near; vaihaayasam = an aeroplane (in my dream); aduHkhaarhaam = who is not suited to sorrows; upasthitam = received; duHkham = sorrow.
"I see an imperfection in complexion alone. I doubt that this princess who came near an aeroplane in my dream, who is not suited to sorrows received sorrow."
arthasiddhiM tu vaidehyaaH pashyaamyahamupasthitaam || 5-27-47
raakSasendravinaashaM cha vijayaM raaghavasya cha |
47. aham = I; pashyaami = am seeing; ardhasiddhiM tu = accomplished motive; vaidehyaaH = of Seetha; upasthitaam = coming near; raakshasendra vinaasham cha = the destruction of Ravana also; raaghavasya vijayaM cha = and victory of Rama (coming near).
"I am seeing Seetha coming near accomplishment of motive. I also see the destruction of Ravana also and victory of Rama coming near."
nimittabhuutametattu shrotumasyaa mahatpriyam || 5-27-48
dR^ishyate cha sphurachchakSuH padmapatramivaayatam |
48.nimittabhuutam = being a cause; shrotum = to listen; mahat = (to) a great; priyam = pleasure; asyaaH = of Her; etat = this; spurat = throbbing; chakshuH = eye; aayatam = long; padmapatramiva = like a lotus petal; dR^ishyate = is being seen ( by me).
"Being a cause to listen to a great pleasure of Her, this throbbing eye long like a lotus petal is being seen my me."
iiSachcha hR^iSito vaasyaa dakSiNaayaa hyadakSiNaH || 5-27-49
akasmaadeva vaidehyaa bahurekaH prakampate |
49. ekaH adakshiNaH baahuH = one left arm; t asyaaH dakshiNaayaaH vaidehyaaH= of this straight forward Seetha; akasmaadeva = suddenly; hR^iShitaH = has become erect; iiShat = slightly; prakampate = is trembling.
"One left arm of this strightforward Seetha suddenly has become erect and is slightly trembling."
kareNuhastapratimaH savyashchoruranuttamaH || 5-27-50
vepamaanaH suuchayati raaghavaM purataH sthitam |
50. anuttamaH savyaH uuruH = (Seetha's) best left thigh; kareNuhastapratimaH = equal to an elephant's trunk; vepamaanaH = is trembling; suuchayati = indicating; raaghavam = Rama's; sthitam = is standing; purataH = in front (of Her).
"Seetha's best left thigh equal to an elephant's trunk is trembling indicating Rama's standing in front of Her."
pakSii cha shaakhaanilayaM praviSTaH |
punaH punashchottamasaantvavaadii |
susvaagataM vaachamudiirayaanaH |
punaH punashcodayatiiva hR^iSTaH || 5-27-51
51. pakshii cha = a bird also; praviShTaH = entering; shaakhaa nilayam = (its) dwelling place on a branch; punaH punashcha = again and again; uttamasaantvavaadii = speaking best consolating words; susvaagatam vaacham udiirayaanaH = telliing heartily welcoming words; hR^iShTaH = being delighted; punaH punaH = again and again; chodayatiiva = as though impelling (Seetha).
"A bird also entering its dwelling place on a branch again and again speaking best consolating words, is telling heartily welcoming words being delighted again and again, as though impelling Seetha."

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe saptaviMshaH sargaH
Thus completes 27th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic

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