
Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War
Chapter [Sarga] 11
Ravana goes again to the assembly hall, to hold consultations with his ministers, othere important demons and Vibhishana. |
sa babhuva kR^isho raajaa maithiliikaamamohitaH |
asanmaanaachcha suhR^idaam paapaH paapena karmaNaaH || 6-11-1
asanmaanaachcha suhR^idaam paapaH paapena karmaNaaH || 6-11-1
1. saH= that; paapaH= sinful; raajaa= king of demons; maithiliikaamamohitaH= infatuated by his desire for Seetha; babhuuva= became; kR^ishaH= emaciated; asanmaanaacca= despising; suhR^idaam= the kind-hearted; paapena karmaNaa= and by his sinful action.
That sinful Ravana, infatuated by his desire for Seetha, became emaciated by his sinful action and by his despising of well-disposed people like Vibhishana.
atiitasamaye kaale tasminve yudhi raavaNaH |
amaatyaishcha suhR^idbhishca praaptakaalamamanyata || 6-11-2
amaatyaishcha suhR^idbhishca praaptakaalamamanyata || 6-11-2
2. tasmi= that; kaale=occasion; yudhi= for war; vai= indeed; atiita samaye= having gone by; raavama= Ravana; amanyata= thought of consultation with; amaatyaishcha= his ministers and; suhR^idbhishca= well-wishers; praapta kaale= to be a fit-time.
Though the occasion for war was lacking Ravana thought of consulting with his ministers and well-wishers then to be a fit time.
sa hemajaalavitatam maNividrumabhuuSitam |
upagamya viniitaashvamaaruroha mahaartham || 6-11-3
upagamya viniitaashvamaaruroha mahaartham || 6-11-3
3. upagamya= approaching; mahaaratham= a great chariot; hemajaalavitatam= covered by a golden net; maNividruma bhuushhitam= adorned with gems and corals; viniitaashvam= and tied with trained horses; saH= he; aaruruha= ascended (it).
Approaching a great chariot, covered by a golden net, adorned with gems and corals and yoked with trained horses, Ravana mounted on it.
tamaasthaaya rathashreSTho mahaameghasamasvanam |
prayayau rakshasaam shreSTho dashagriivaH sabhaam prati || 6-11-4
prayayau rakshasaam shreSTho dashagriivaH sabhaam prati || 6-11-4
4. dashagriivaH= Ravana; shreSThaH= the excellent; rakSasaam= among demons; aasthaaya= mounted; tam= that; rathashreSTham= most beautiful chariot; mahaameghasmasvanam= with a rattling sound resembling the rumbling of a large cloud; prayayau= and preceeded; sabhaam prati= towards the assembling hall.
Ravana the excellent among demons ascended that most beautiful chariot, with a rattling sound resembling the rumbling of a large cloud and then proceeded towards the assembly-hall.
asicharmadharaa yodhaaH sarvaayudhadharaastataH |
raakshasaa raakshasendrasya purastaatsampratasthire || 6-11-5
raakshasaa raakshasendrasya purastaatsampratasthire || 6-11-5
5. tataH= then; yodhaaH= warriors; as carmadharaaH= holding swords and shields; raakSasaaH= and demons; sarvaayudhadharaaH= wearing all tpes of weapons; sampratasthire= marched; purastaat= in front; raakSasendrasya= of that king of demons.
Warriors holding swords and shield as well as demons wearing all types of weapons, marched in front of Ravana.
naanaavikR^itaveSaashcha naanaabhuuSaNabhuuSitaaH |
paarshvataH pR^iSThatashchainam parivaarya yayustadaa || 6-11-6
paarshvataH pR^iSThatashchainam parivaarya yayustadaa || 6-11-6
6. naanaa vikR^ita veSaashca= 9demons) wearing all types of unusual dresses; naanaabharaNa bhuushhitaaH= and adoring various kinds of jewellery; tadaa= then; yayuH= marched; parivaarya= surrounding; enam= him; paarshvataH= from sides; pR^iSThatashcaiva= and even from behind.
Demons wearing all types of unusual dresses and adoring various kinds of jewellery then marched, duly surrounding him from sides and even behind.
rathaishcaatirathaa shiighram mataishca varavaaraNaiH |
amaatpeturdashagriivamaakriiDadbhishcha vaajibhiH || 6-11-7
amaatpeturdashagriivamaakriiDadbhishcha vaajibhiH || 6-11-7
7. atirathaaH= great chariot-warriors; rathaiH= in chariots; varavaaraNaiH= on excellent elephants; mattaiH= in rut; vaajibhishca= and horses; aakriiDadbhiH= sportively coming in different gaits; anuutpetuH dashagriivam= rushed after Ravana; shiighram= quickly.
Great chariot-warriors in chariots, on excellent elephants in rut and horses supportively coming in different gaits, rushed after Ravana quickly.
gadaaparighahastaashcha shaktitomarapaaNayaH |
parashvathadharaashcaanye tathaanye shuulapaaNayaH || 6-11-8
parashvathadharaashcaanye tathaanye shuulapaaNayaH || 6-11-8
8. gadaaparigha hastaashca= with maces and iron bars in their hands; shaktitomarapaaNayaH= with javelins and iron clubs in their hands; parishvathadharaaH= wearing axes; anye= some others; shuulapaaNayaH= with darts in theirs hands.
Some had maces and iron bars in their hands. Some had javelins and iron clubs. Some were holding axes. Some others had darts in their hands.
tatastuuryasahasraaNaam samjajJNe niHsvano mahaan |
tumulaH shaN^khashabdashcha sabhaam gacchati ravaNe || 6-11-9
tumulaH shaN^khashabdashcha sabhaam gacchati ravaNe || 6-11-9
9. tataH= thereafter; raavaNe= as Ravana; gachchhati= was going; sabhaam= to the assembly hall; mahaan= loud; niHsvanaH= blare; tuuryasahasraaNaam= of thousands of trumpets= tumulaH= and tumultuous; shaNkhashabdashca= noise of couches; samjaN^e= were produced.
As Ravana was proceeding to the assembly-hall, loud blare of thousands of trumpets along with tumultuous noise of conches were produced.
sa nemighoSeNa mahaansahasaabhininaadayan |
raajamaargam shriyaa juSTam pratipede mahaarathaH || 6-11-10
raajamaargam shriyaa juSTam pratipede mahaarathaH || 6-11-10
10. saH= that; mahaan= excellently; mahaarathaH= great chariot; abhininaadayau= making noise; nemighoSeNa= of the sound of the wheels; sahasaa= soon; pratipade= obtained; raajamaargam= the royal high way; juSTam= possessed; shriyaa= of beauty.
That excellently great chariot, making noise of the sound of its wheels, soon entered the beautiful royal high-way.
vimalam caatapatram ca pagR^ihiitamashobhata |
paaNDuram raakshasendrasya puurNastaaradhipo yathaa || 6-11-11
paaNDuram raakshasendrasya puurNastaaradhipo yathaa || 6-11-11
11. aatapatram= the umbrella; vimalam= which was spot-lessly; paaNDuram= white; ashobhata= shone; puurNa taaraadhipoyathaa= like a full moon; pragR^ihiitam= was held; raakSasandraya= (on the head) of Ravana.
The spotlessly white umbrella, held on Ravana's head, shone like a full-moon.
hemaJNjarigarbhe ca shuddhasphaTikavigrahe |
caamaravyajane tasya rejatuH savyadakshiNe || 6-11-12
caamaravyajane tasya rejatuH savyadakshiNe || 6-11-12
12. tasya savyadakSiNe= on his left and right sides, chaamaravyajane= two fans of yak's tails; shuddha sphaTika vigrahe= with crystal handles; hemamaNjarigarbhe= and golden fringes; regatuH= were shining.
On his left and right sides, two fans of yak's tails with crystal handles and golden fringes were shining.
te kR^itaaJNjalayaH sarve rathastham pR^ithiviisthitaaH |
raakshsaa raakshasashreSTham shirobhistam vavandire || 6-11-13
raakshsaa raakshasashreSTham shirobhistam vavandire || 6-11-13
13. sarve= all; te raakSasaaH= those demons; vavandire= offered theri salutation; shirobhiH= (by bending) their heads; kR^itaaNjalayaH= and by joining their palsm; tam= to him; raakSasashreSTam= the best of demons; rathastham= mounted on the chariot.
All those demons standing on ground offered their salutation by bending their heads and joining their palms to his the best of demons, mounted on the chariot.
raakshanaiH stuuyamaanaH san jayaashiirbhirarimdamaH |
asasaada mahaatejaaH sabhaam viracitaam tadaa || 6-11-14
asasaada mahaatejaaH sabhaam viracitaam tadaa || 6-11-14
14. tadaa= then; arindamaH= Ravana the harasser of enemies; san= possessing; mahaatejaH= great splendour; stuuyamaanaH= while being praised; raakSasaiH= by demons; jayashiirbhiH= throught cheers of victory; aasasaada= approached; virachitaam= the arranged; sabhaam= assembly.
Ravana the harasser of enemies, possessing great splendor, while being praised by demons through cheers of victory, approached that organized assembly.
suvarNarajataastiirNaam vishuddhasphaTikaantaraam |
viraajamaano vapuSaa rukmapaTTottaracchadaam || 6-11-15
taam pishaacashataiH SaDbhirabhiguptaam sadaaprabhaam |
pravivesha mahaatejaaH sukR^itaam vishvakarmaNaa || 6-11-16
viraajamaano vapuSaa rukmapaTTottaracchadaam || 6-11-15
taam pishaacashataiH SaDbhirabhiguptaam sadaaprabhaam |
pravivesha mahaatejaaH sukR^itaam vishvakarmaNaa || 6-11-16
15,16. mahaatejaaH= Ravana with great splendour; viraajamaanaH= with shining brightly; napuSaa= body; pravivesha= entered; taam= that assembly hall; suvarNarajataastiirNaam= viSuddhasphaTikaantaraam= whose intereior was wrought with pure crystal; rukmapaTTottaraccadaam= carpeted with skins of deer; abhiguptaam= guarded by shaaDbhiH pishaaca shataiH= six hundred evil spirits, sadaaprabhaam= ever shining; sukR^itaam= and well- build; vishvakarmaNaa= by Visvakarma.
Ravana with great splendour, with his body shining brightly, entered that assembly hall, which was paved with gold and silver, whose interior was wrought with pure crystal, carpeted with skins of deer, guarded by six hundred evil spirits, ever shining and well-constructed by Visvakarma.
tasyaam sa vaiduuryamayam priyaakaajinasamvR^itam |
mahatsopaashrayam bheje raavaNaH paramaasanam || 6-11-17
mahatsopaashrayam bheje raavaNaH paramaasanam || 6-11-17
17. saH= that; raavaNaH= Ravana, tasyaam= in that hall; bheje= occupied; mahat= big; paramaasanam= (and) excellent throne; vaiduuryamayam= embedded with jewels (cat's eye gems); priyakaajinasamvR^itam= covered with skin of deer called Priyaka; sopaashrayam= (and) furnished with pillows.
Ravana, that hall, occupied a big and excellent throne embedded with jewels (cat's eye gems), covered with skin of deer called Priyaka and furnished with pillows.
tataH shashaaseshvaravadduutaan laghuparaakramaan |
samaanayata me kshipramihaitaan raakshasaaniti || 6-11-18
kR^ityamasti mahaajjaane kartavyamiti shatrubhiH |
samaanayata me kshipramihaitaan raakshasaaniti || 6-11-18
kR^ityamasti mahaajjaane kartavyamiti shatrubhiH |
18. tataH= thereafter; iishvaravat= as a king; iti= thus; duutaan= his messengers; laghuparaakramaan= who were mering fast; asti= there is; mahat= a gigantic; kR^ityam= work; jaane= I know; kartvayam iti= what is being done; shatrubhiH= by enemies; samaanayata= bring; iha= here; etaan= these; raakSasaan= demons; kSipram= quickly.
Thereafter Ravana, as a king, ordered his messengers, who were moving fast as follows: "There is a gigantic work before us. I know what the enemies are doing. Therefore, bring all the demons here quickly."
raakshasaastadvacaH shrutvaa laN^kaayaam paricakramuH || 6-11-19
anugehamavasthaya vihaarashayaneSu ca |
udyaaneSu ca rakkshamsi codayanto hyabhiitavat || 6-11-20
anugehamavasthaya vihaarashayaneSu ca |
udyaaneSu ca rakkshamsi codayanto hyabhiitavat || 6-11-20
19, 20. shrutvaa= hearing;tadvacaH= those words; raakSasaaH= the (messenger) demons; chodayantaH= impelling; rakSaamsi= the demons; avasthaaya= staying; vihaara shayaneSu= in entertainment or in places bed-rooms; udyaaneSuca= or in gardens; paricakramuH= went; abhiitavat= without fear; anugchaam= to every house; laN^kaayaam= in Lanka.
Hearing those words, the messenger impelled the demons staying in entertainment places, in bedrooms or in gardens and went without fear to every house in Lanka.
te rathaan ruciraaneke dR^iptaaneke dR^iDhaan hayaan |
naaganeke.adhiruruhurjagmushcaike padaatayaH || 6-11-21
naaganeke.adhiruruhurjagmushcaike padaatayaH || 6-11-21
21. adhiruruhuH= mounted; te= those demons; eke= some; ruchiraan= beautiful; rathaan= chariots; eke= some; dR^iptaan= wild; dR^iDhaan= and strong hayaan= horses; eke= some; naagaan= elephants; eke= some; jagmuh= wnet; padaatayaH= by foot.
Some of the demons mounted beautiful chariots; some mounted wild and strong horses and some mounted on elephants. Some others went on foot.
saa purii paramaakiirNaa rathakuJNjaravaajibhiH |
sampatadbhirviruruce garutmadchirivaamabaram || 6-11-22
sampatadbhirviruruce garutmadchirivaamabaram || 6-11-22
22. saa purii= that city, paramaakiirNaa= extremely crowded; rathaa kuNjara vaajibhiH= with chariots, elephants and horses, sampatadbhiH= rushing togeher fast; viruruche= appeared; ambaramiva= like the sky; garutmadbhiH= by the birds.
That city, extremely crowded with chariots elephants and horses rushing fast together, appeared like birds rushing fast in the sky.
te vaahanaanyavasthaapya yaanaani vividhaani ca |
sabhaam padbhiH pravivishuH simhaa giriguhaamiva || 6-11-23
sabhaam padbhiH pravivishuH simhaa giriguhaamiva || 6-11-23
23. avasthaapya= parking; vaahanaani= horses, elephants; vividhaani= and various; yaanaanicha= kinds of vehicles like chariots; te= they; pravivishuH= entered; padbhiH= by foot; sabhaam= the assembly-hall; giriguhaamiva= like a mountain-cave; simhaaH= by lions.
Parking horses, elephants and various kinds vehicles like chariots, they entered by foot the assembly-hall as a mountain-cave is entered by lions.
raajJNH paadau gR^ihiitvaa tu raajJNaa te pratipuujitaaH |
piiTheSvanye bR^isiiSvanye bhuumau kecidupaavishan || 6-11-24
piiTheSvanye bR^isiiSvanye bhuumau kecidupaavishan || 6-11-24
24. gR^ihiitvaa= touching; paadau= the feet; raaN^aH= of the king; pratipuujitaaH= and being greeted in turn; raajJNaa= by the king; anye= some; upaavishan= sat down; piiTheSu= on seats; anye= some others; bR^iiSu= on mats(of Kusa grass); kechit= and others; bhuumau= on the ground.
Touching the feet of the king and greeted in turn by the king, some sat down on seats, some others on mats (of Kusa grass) and others on the ground.
te sametya sabhaayaam vai raakshasaa raajashaasanaat |
yathaarhamupatasthuste raavaNam raakshasaadhipam || 6-11-25
yathaarhamupatasthuste raavaNam raakshasaadhipam || 6-11-25
25. sametya= congregating; sabhaayaam= in the assembly-hall; raaja shaasanaat= at the king's command; te raakSasaaH= those demons; te= they; upasthuH= took their position; yathaarham= (each) according to their rank; raavaNam (round) Ravana; raakSasaadhipam= the king of demons.
Congregating in the assembly hall at the king's command, those demons took their position round Ravana the king of demons, each according to their rank.
mantriNashcha yathaamukhyaa nishchitaartheSu paNDitaaH |
amaatyaashca guNopetaaH sarvajJNaa buddhidarshanaaH || 6-11-26
samiiyustatra shatashaH shuuraashcha bahavastathaa |
sabhaayaam hemavarNaayaam sarvaarthasya sukhaaya vai || 6-11-27
amaatyaashca guNopetaaH sarvajJNaa buddhidarshanaaH || 6-11-26
samiiyustatra shatashaH shuuraashcha bahavastathaa |
sabhaayaam hemavarNaayaam sarvaarthasya sukhaaya vai || 6-11-27
26,27. mantriNashca= ministers; paNditaaH= who were scholars; nishchitaartheshhu= well-versed in deciding actions; guNopetaaH= those endowed with good qualities; sarvajJNaaH= those who were all-knowing; amaatyaashca= king's ministers; buddhidarshanaaH= who could perceive things by their power of intellect; tathaa= and; bahuvaH= many; shuuraaH= warriors; shatashaH= in hundreds; samiiyuH= gathered; yathaamukhyaaH= according to their importance; sabhaayaam= in assembly hall; hemavarNaayaam- wrapped with gold; sukhaayavai= for felicity; sarvaarthasya= of all actions.
Ministers who were scholars well versed in deciding action those endowed with good qualities, those who were all-knowing, king's ministers who could perceive things by their power of intellect and many warriors in hundreds, gathered according to their importance in that assembly hall, wrapped with gold, for providing felicity in all actions.
tato mahaatmaa vipulam suyugyam |
ratham varam hemavicitritaaN^gam |
shubham samaasthaaya yayau yashasvii |
vibhiiSaNaH samsadamagrajasya || 6-11-28
ratham varam hemavicitritaaN^gam |
shubham samaasthaaya yayau yashasvii |
vibhiiSaNaH samsadamagrajasya || 6-11-28
28. tataH= then; vibhiiSaNaH= Vibhishana; mahaatmaa= the hight-souled; yashasvii= and the inllustrious; aasthaaya= ascended; varam= the excellent; ratham= chariot; vipulam= which was spacious; suyugyam= yoked with good horses; hemavichitritaaN^gam= its various parts decked with gold; shubham= and auspicious; yayau= and drove; samsadam= towards assembly-hall; agrajasya= of his elder brother, Ravana.
The high-souled and illustrious VibhiShana ascended an excellent auspicious and spacious chariot yoked with good horses with its various parts decked in gold and drove towards the assembly-hall of Ravana his elder brother.
sa puurvajaayaavarajaH shashamsa |
naa maatha pashcaaccaraNau vavande |
shukaH prahastashca tathaiva tebhyo |
dadau yathaarham pR^thagaasanaani || 6-11-29
naa maatha pashcaaccaraNau vavande |
shukaH prahastashca tathaiva tebhyo |
dadau yathaarham pR^thagaasanaani || 6-11-29
29. atha= thereafter; saH= that; avarajaH= younger brogher; shashamsa= told; naama= his name; pashchaat= then; vavande= saluted; charaNau= the feet; shukaH= Suka; prahastashcha= and Prahasta; tathaiva; (saluted) likewise (Ravana); dadau= gave; aasanaani= seats; tebhyaH= to them; pR^ithak= separately; yathaarham= according to their rank.
Then, that younger brother Vibhishana told Ravana his name and offered salutation to the feet. Suka and Prahasta followed suit. Ravana gave them suitable seats separately.
suvarNanaanaamaNibhuSaNaanaam |
suvaasasaam samsadi raakshasaanaam |
teSaam paraarthyagurucandanaanaam |
srajaam ca gandhaaH pravavuH samantaat || 6-11-30
suvaasasaam samsadi raakshasaanaam |
teSaam paraarthyagurucandanaanaam |
srajaam ca gandhaaH pravavuH samantaat || 6-11-30
30. gandhaaH= the aroma; paraarthyaaguru chandanaanaam= of the best aloe and sandal paste; teSaam rakSasaanaam= painted on those demons; srajaamca= and of garlands; suvarNanaanaamaNi= of gold and gems; suvaasasaam= and attired in good clothes; pravavuH= diffused; samantaat= all round; samsadi= in the assembly-hall.
The aroma of the best aloe and sandal paste painted on the persons as also of garlands worn round the necks of those demons duly adorned with ornaments of gold and gems and attired in excellent clothes diffused all round in the assembly-hall.
na cukrushurnaanR^itamaaha kashci |
tsabhaasado naapi jajalpuruccaiH |
samsiddhaarthaH sarva evograviiryaa |
bhartuH sarve dadR^ishushcaananam te || 6-11-31
tsabhaasado naapi jajalpuruccaiH |
samsiddhaarthaH sarva evograviiryaa |
bhartuH sarve dadR^ishushcaananam te || 6-11-31
31. sabhaasadaH= the assembled persons; na chukrushuH= did not yell loudly; na kashchit= No one; aaha= uttered; anR^itam= untruth; na jajulpuH api= not even talked; uchchaiH= loudly; sarve= all of them; samsiddhaarthaaH= were ready for action; ugraviiryaaH= and were endowed with terrible energy; te sarve= all of them; dadR^ishuH= perceived; bhartuH= their lord's aanaam= face.
The assembled persons there did not yell loudly. None uttered untruth or even talked vociferously. All of them were ready for action and were endowed with terrible energy. All of them sat, perceiving their lord's face.
sa raavaNaH shastrabhR^itaam manasvinaam |
mahaabalaanaam samitau manasvii |
tapyaam sabhaayaam prabhayaa cakaashe |
madhye vasuunaamiva vajrahastaH || 6-11-32
mahaabalaanaam samitau manasvii |
tapyaam sabhaayaam prabhayaa cakaashe |
madhye vasuunaamiva vajrahastaH || 6-11-32
32. tasyaam sabhaayaam= In that assembly; saH raavaNaH= that Ravana; manasvii= full of mind; chakashe= shone; samitau= prabhayaa= with brilliance; samitau= among the assmeblage; mahaabalaanaam= of those demons possessing great strength; vajrahastaH iva= like Devendra (the Lord of heaven); madhye= amidst; vasuunaam= Vasus (a class of gods)
In that assembly, that Ravana, full of mind, shone with brilliance among the assemblage of those demons possessing great strength, like Devendra (the Lord of heaven) amidst Vasus (a class of gods)
ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe ekaadashaH sargaH
Thus completes 11th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.
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Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War
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