Chapter [Sarga] 95  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 95


On beholding the sight of female-demons, afflicted with grief in the houses of Lanka, Ravana is very much enraged and orders his generals to tell their armies to set out for the battle immediately. Ravana promises them to take revenge by killing Rama and Lakshmana as also monkey-chiefs in the battle. Accompanied by several demon-warriors, Ravana marched to the battle-field, where Rama and Lakshmana are while Ravana is sallying forth for the battle, he sees several bad omens presaging his death. On hearing the noise of the demons entering the battle-field, the army of monkeys return to the battle. A tumultuous fight ensues, between the monkeys and the demons. Ravana fights fiercely with monkeys.

aartaanaan raakShasiinaan tu la~NkaayaaM vai kule kule
raavaNaH karuNan shabdaM shushraava pariveditam || 6-95-1
1. raavaNaH= Ravana; shushraava= heard; karuNam= the mournful; paridevitam= and plaintive; shabdam= cry; aartaanaam= of the afflicted; raakShasiinaam= femal-demons; kule kule= in every house; laN^kaayaam= at Lanaka.
Ravana for his part heard the mournful and plaintive cry of the afflicted female-demons in every house at Lanka.
sa tu diirghan vinishvasya muhuurtan dhyaanamaasthitaH |
babhuuva paramakruddho raavaNo bhiimadarshanaH || 6-95-2
2. viniHshvasya= sighing; diirgham= for a long time; aasthitaH= and remaining engrossed; dhyaanam= in reflection; muhuurtam= for a while; saH raavaNaH= that Ravana; paramakruddhaH= was very much enraged; babhuuva= and assumed; bhiimadarshanaH= a frightful appearance.
Sighing for a long time and remaining engrossed in reflection for a while, that Ravana was very much enraged and assumed a frightful appearance.
sandashya dashanairoShThan krodhasanraktalochanaH |
raakShasairapi durdarshaH kaalaagniriva muurchhitaH || 6-95-3
3. samdashya= nipping; oShTham= his lips; dashanaiH= with his teeth; krodhasamraktalochanaH= his eyes becoming blood-red with anger; durdarshaH= his sight becoming difficult to endure; raakShasairapi= even for demons; (Ravana) muurchhitaH kaalagniriva= looked like the augmented fire of dissolution.
Nipping his lips with his teeth, his eyes becoming blood-red with anger, and his sight becoming difficult to endure even for the demons, Ravana looked like the augmented fire of dissolution.
uvaacha cha samiipasthaanraakShasaanraakShaseshvaraH |
bhayaavyaktakathaanstatra nirdahanniva chakShuShaa || 6-95-4
mahodaraM mahaapaarshvan viruupaakShan cha raakShasaM |
shiighran vadata sainyaani niryaateti mamaaGYayaa || 6-95-5
4, 5. raakShaseshvaraH= Ravana; krodhaavyakta kathaH= in words indistinct with anger; nirdahanniva= as though consuming them; chakShuShaa= with his glance; uvaacha= ordered; raakShasaan= the demons; tatra samiipasthaan= standing there near him; mahodara= viz. Mahodara; mahaapaarshva= Mahaparshva; viruupaakSham= and Virupaksha; raakShasam= the demon; (as follows); vadata= tell; sainyaani= the armies; iti= (asking them); niryaata= to start;shiighra= immediately; mama anjJNayaa= as per my command.
Ravana, in words indistinct with anger as though consuming them with his glance, ordered the demons, standing there near him, viz. Mahodara, Mahaparshva and Virupaksha, the demon (as follows): "Tell the armies asking them to start immediately, as per my command."
tasya tadvachanan shrutvaa raakShasaaste bhayaarditaaH |
chodayaamaasuravyagraanraakShasaanstaannR^ipaajJNayaa || 6-95-6
6. shrutvaa= hearing; tasya tat vachanam= that command of Ravana; te raakShasaaH= those demons; bhayaarditaaH= were tormented with fear; chodayamaasa= and enjoined; taan avyagraan raakShasaan= those demons who felt unagitated; nR^ipaajJNayaa= in accordance with the orders of the king.
Hearing that command of Ravana, those demons were tormented with fear and enjoined those armies of demons, who felt unagitated, in accordance with the orders of the king.
te tu sarve tathetyuktvaa raakShasaa bhiimadarshanaaH |
kR^itasvastyayanaaH sarve raavaNaabhimukhaa yayuH || 6-95-7
7. uktvaa= saying; tatheti= 'so it be'; sarve= all; te= those; raakShasaaH= demons; bhiimadarshanaaH= of terrible aspect; svastyanaaH= asking for a blessing of the Almighty for averting evil; te sarve= all of them; yayuH= sallied forth; raNaabhimukhaaH= with their faces turned towards the battle-field.
Saying, 'so it be', all those demons of terrible aspect, praying for the blessing of the Almighty for averting evil, sallied forth, with their faces turned towards the battle-field.
pratipuujya yathaanyaayan raavaNan te mahaarathaaH |
tasthuH praaMjalayaH sarve bharturvijayakaaMkShiNaH || 6-95-8
8. pratipunjya= paying reverence to; raavaNam= Ravana; yathaanyaayam= according to rules of propriety; sarve te mahaarathaaH= all those demons, the great car-warriors; vijayakaaNkShiNaH= wishing victory; bhartuH= of their lord; tasthu= stood; praajJNalayaH= with joined palms.
Paying reverence to Ravana according to the rules of propriety, all those great car-warriors stood with joined palms, wishing victory to their lord.
athovaacha prahasyaitaanraavaNaH krodhamuurchhitaH |
mahodaramahaapaarshvau viruupaakShan cha raakShasaM || 6-95-9
9. prahasya= laughing heartily; raavaNaH= Ravana; tataH= then; krodhamuurchhitaH= stupefied with anger; uvaacha= spoke; etaan= to those demons; mahodara mahaapaarshvau= Mahodara, Mahaparshva; virupaakShaM cha= and Virupaksha; raakShasam= the demon.
Laughing heartily, Ravana then, stupefied as he was with anger, spoke to those demons viz. Mahodara, Mahaparshva and Virupaksha, the demons as follows:
adya baaNairdhanurmuktairyugaantaadityasaMnibhaiH |
raaghavan lakShmaNan chaiva neShyaami yamasaadhanam || 6-95-10
10. adya= today; neShyaami= I will send; raaghavam= Rama; lakShmaNamchaiva= and Lakshmana; yamasaadanam= to the abode of Death; baaNaiH= with my arrows; yugaantaaditya samnibhaiH= looking similar to the sun at the time of dissolution of the universe.
"Today, I will send Rama and Lakshmana to the abode of Death, with my arrows looking similar to the sun at the time of dissolution of the Universe."
kharasya kumbhakarNasya prahastendrajitostathaa |
kariShyaami pratiikaaramadya shatruvadhaadaham || 6-95-11
11. shatruvadhaat= by killing the enemies; adya= now; aham= I; kariShyaami= will take; pratiikaaram= vengeance; kharasya= for Khara; KumbhakarNasya= Kumbhakarna; tathaa= and; prahastendrajito= Prahasta and Indrajit.
"By killing the enemies now, I will take vengeance for Khara, Kumbhakarna, Prahasta and Indrajit."
naivaantarikShaM na disho na nadyo naapi saagaraH |
prakaashatvan gamiShyaami madbaaNajaladaavR^itaaH || 6-95-12
12. antarikSham= the sky; madbaaNajaladaa vR^itaaH= overcast by my arrows, looking like clouds; na= will not (obtain); prakaashatvam= clarity; na= neither; dishaH= the quarters; na= nor; dyauH= the heaven; na= nor; saaaraaH api= the seas; gamiShyanti= will come to view.
"The sky overcast by my arrows, like clouds, will not be distinctly seen. Neither the quarters, nor the heaven, nor the seas will come to view."
adya vaanarayuuthaanaan taani yuuthaani bhaagashaH |
dhanuHsamudraadudbhuutairmathiShyaami sharormibhiH || 6-95-13
13. patattriNaa sharajaalena= with a multitude of plumed arrows; dhanuShaa= joined with my bow; bhaagashaH= by turns; vadhiShyaami= I will kill; yuuthaani= troops; vaanaramukhyaanaam= monkey-chiefs; adya= today.
"With a multitude of plumed arrows joined with my bow, I will kill, by turns, the troops of monkey-chiefs today."
adya vaanarasainyaani rathena pavanaujasaa |
dhanuHsamudraadudbhuutairmathiShyaami sharormibhiH || 6-95-14
14. rathena= by mounting on a chariot; pavanaujasaa= with a speed equal to the wind; mathiShyaami= I will crush; adya= today; vaanara sainyaani= the armies of monkeys; sharormiH= with waves of arrows; udbhuutaiH= born; dhanuH samudraat= out of the ocean of my bow.
"By mounting on a chariot, having a speed equal to that of wind, I will destroy today the armies of monkeys, with waves of arrows arising out of the ocean of my bow.
vyaakoshapadmachakraaNi padmakesaravarchasaam |
adya yuuthataTaakaani gajavatpramathaamyaham || 6-95-15
15. gajavat= like an elephant; adya= today; aham= I; pramathaami= will destroy; yuutha taTaakaani= ponds in the form of troops of monkeys; padmakesara varchasaam= shining like the filaments of louts; vyaakoshapadmavaktraaNi= with their faces resembling full-blown lotuses.
"Like an elephant, today I will destroy ponds in the form of troops of monkeys shining like the filaments of lotus, with their faces resembling full-blown lotuses."
sasharairadya vadanaiH saMkhye vaanarayuuthapaaH |
maNDayiShyanti vasudhaan sanaalairiva paMkalaiH || 6-95-16
16. vadanaiH= with their faces; sasharaiH= transfixed with arrows; vaanarayuuthapaaH= the monkey-leaders; samkhye= lying on the battle-field; adya= today; maN^DayiShyanti= will adorn; vasudhaam= the earth; paN^kajairiva= as with lotuses; sanaalaiH= together with the stalks.
"With their faces transfixed with arrows, the monkey-leaders, lying on the battle-field today will adorn the earth as with lotuses together with the stalks."
adya yuddhaprachaNDaanaan hariiNaan drumayodhinaam |
muktenaikeShuNaa yuddhe bhetsyaami cha shataMshatam || 6-95-17
17. ekeShaNaa= with each arrow; muktena= released; yuddhe= in battle; adya= today; bhetsyaami= I sall tear; shatam shatam= one hundred full; hariiNaam= of monkeys; yuuthaprachaNDaanaam= the most furious of their troop; drumayodhinaam= fighting with trees.
"With each arrow released in battle today, I shall tear one hundred full of monkeys, the most furious of their troop, fighting with trees."
hato bhartaa hato bhraataa yaasaan cha tanayaa hataaH |
vadhenaadya ripostaasaan karmomyasrapramaarjanam || 6-95-18
18. vadhena= by killing; ripoH= of the enemy; adya= today; ashrupramaarjanam karomi= I shall wipe off the tears; teShaam= of those; yeShaam= whose; bhraataa= brother; hataH= was killed; yeShaam= and whose; tanayaH= son; hataH= was killed.
"By killing the enemy today, I shall wipe off the tears of those demons, who lost their brothers and sons."
adya madbaaNanirbhinnaiH prakiirNairgatachetanaiH |
karomi vaanarairyuddhe yatnaavekShya talaaM mahiim || 6-95-19
19. karomi mahiim= I shall cover the earth (so fully); yatnaavekShyatalaam= that it would be possible to see its surface only with effort; see its vaanaraiH= with the monkeys; madbaaNa nirbhinnaiH= pierced with my arrows; prastirNaiH= and lying scattered; yuddhe= in the battle-field; gatachetanaiH= and bereft of their lives; adya= today.
"With the monkeys pierced with my arrows, lying scattered in the battle-field and bereft of their lives today, I shall cover the earth so fully, that it would be possible to see its surface only with effort."
adya kaakaashcha gR^idhraa ye cha maansaashinoapare |
sarvaanstaanstarpayiShyaami shatrumaansaiH sharaarditaiH || 6-95-20
20. adya= today; tarpayiShyaami= I shall satiate; kaakaashcha= the crows; gR^iddhraashcha= the vultures; sarvaan taan= and all those; apare= other beings; ye= which; maamsaashinaH= eat the flesh; shatrumaamsaiH= with the flesh of enemies; sharaahataiH= struck by my arrows.
"Today, I shall satiate the crows, vultures and all those other creatures which eat the flesh, with the flesh of enemies, struck by my arrows."
kalpyataaM me rathashiighran kShipramaaniiyataaM dhanuH |
anuprayaantu maan yuddhe yeavashiShTaa nishaacharaaH || 6-95-21
21. me rathaH= (Let) my chariot; kalpyataam= be arranged; shiighram= quickly; dhanuH= (Let) my bow; aaniiyataam= be brought; kShipram= swiftly; nishaasharaaH= (Let) the demons; ye= who; shiShTaaH= are remaining; atra= here; anuprayaantu= follow; maam= me; yuddhe= to the combat.
"Arrange my chariot quickly. Bring my bow swiftly. Let all the remaining demons here, follow me to the combat."
tasya tadvachanan shrutvaa mahaapaarshvoabraviidvachaH |
balaadhyakShaansthitaanstatra balan santvaryataam iti || 6-95-22
22. shrutvaa= hearing; tat vachanam= that command; tasya= of Ravana; mahaapaashvaH= Mahaparshva; abraviit= ordered; iti vachaH= the (following) words; balaadhyakShaan= to the army chiefs; sthitaan= standing; tatra= there; balam= "(Let) the army; samtvaryataam= be made ready quickly!"
Hearing that command of Ravana, Mahaparshva ordered the army-chiefs, standing there, as follows: "let the army be made ready quickly."
balaadhyakShaastu sanrabdhaa raakShasaanstaangR^ihaadgR^ihaat |
chodayantaH pariyayurla~Nkaan laghuparaakramaaH || 6-95-23
23. balaadhyakShastu= the army-chiefs for their part; laghuparaakramaaH= with quickly resolution; samrabdhaaH= joined hand in hand; chodayantaH= and hastened; taan= those; raakShasaan= demons; gR^ihe gR^ihe= in every house; pariyayuH= going around; laN^kaam= the City of Lanka.
Going around the city of Lanka, the army-chiefs for their part, with quick resolution, joined hand in hand and hastened the demons in every house to set out for the battle.
tato muhuurtaanniShpetuu raakShasaa bhiimavikramaaH |
nardanto bhiimavadanaa naanaapraharaNairbhujaiH || 6-95-24
asibhiH paTTasaiH shuulairgalaabhirmusalairhalaiH |
shaktibhistiikShNadhaaraabhirmahadbhiH kuuTamudgaraiH || 6-95-25
yaShTibhirvimalaishchakrairnishitaishcha parashvadhaiH |
bhiNDipaalaiH shataghniibhiranyaishchaapi varaayudhaiH || 6-95-26
24-26. raakShasaaH= the demons; bhiimadarshanaaH= of terrible aspect; bhiimavadanaaH= having awful faces; tataH= then; nadantaH= roaring; bhujaiH= their arms; naanaa praharaNaiH= equipped with various weapons; ashibhiH= viz., swords; paTTishaiH= sharp-edged darts; shuulaiH= pikes; gadaabhiH= maces; musalaiH= clubs; halaiH= plough-like weapon; tiikShadharaabhiH= sharp-edged; shaktibhiH= javelins; mahadbhiH= huge; kuuTamudgaraiH= Kutas and Mudgaras; yaShTibhiH= staffs; chakraiH= discuss; vividhaiH= of various kinds; nishitaiH= sharpened; parashvadhaiH= axes; bhindipaalaiH= slings for throwing stones; shataghniibhiH= stones or cylindrical wooden pieces with iron pikes; anyaiH= and other; varaayudhaiH= excellent weapons; niShpetuH= rushed out; muhuurtaat= within a moment.
The demons, of terrible aspect and having awful faces, then roaring, with their arms equipped with various weapons viz. swords, sharp-edged darts, pikes, maces, clubs, plough-like weapons, sharp-edged javelins, huge Kutas and Mudgara, staffs, discuses of every kind, sharpened axes, slings for throwing stones, stones or cylindrical wooden pieces with iron pikes and other excellent weapons, rushed out within a moment.
athaanayanbalaadhyakShaashchatvaaro raavaNaajJNayaa |
aaruroha rathan divyaM diipyamaanan svatejasaa || 6-95-27
drutan suutasamaayuktaM yuktaaShTaturagaM ratham |
27. atha= then; raavaNaajJNayaa= as per the orders of Ravana; balaadhyakShaH= the army-commander; satvaraH= hurriedly; aanayat= brought; ratham= a chariot; drutam= movin swiftly; suuta samaayuktam= along with a charioteer; yuktaaShTaturagam= and yoked with eight horses; tadaa= then; bhiimaH= the terrific Ravana; aaruroha= mounted; diiptyamaanam= that chariot shining; svatejasaa= with his own splendour.
Then, as per the orders of Ravana, the army-commander hurriedly brought a chariot, moving swiftly, along with a charioteer and yoked with eight horses. Thereupon, the awful Ravana mounted that chariot, shining with his own splendour.
tataH prayaataH sahasaa raakShasairbahubhirvR^itaH || 6-95-28
raavaNaH sattvagaambhiiryaaddaarayanniva mediniim |
28. tataH= then; vR^itaH= surrounded; bahubhiH raakShasaiH= with several demons; raavaNaH= Ravana; prayaataH= sallied forth; sahasaa= quickly; daamyanniva= as though he was cracking; mediniim= the earth; sattvagaambhiiryaat= with profundity of is strength.
Then, surrounded by several demons, Ravana sallied forth quickly, as though he was cracking the earth with a profundity of his strength.
tatashchaasiinmahaanaadastuuryaaNaam cha tatastataH || 6-95-29
mR^idaN^ggaiH paTahaiH shaN^khaiH kalahaiH saha rakShasaam |
29. tataH= thereupon; mahaan= a great; naadaH= noise; aasiit= emanated; tatstataH= on all sides; tuuryaaNaam= from tambours; mR^idaNgaiH= drums; paTahaiH= kettle-drums; shaN^khaiH= and couches; kalahaiH saha= along with the clamour; rakShasaam= of the demons.
Thereupon, a great noise emanated on all sides from tabors, drums, Kettle-drums and counches along with the clamour of the demons.
aagato rakShasaaM raajaa chatrachaamarasaMyutaH || 6-95-30
siitaapahaarii durvR^itto brahmaghno devakaNTakaH |
yoddhuM raghuvareNeti shushruve kalahadhvaniH || 6-95-31
30, 31. kalahadhvaniH= a clamour; shushruva= was heard; iti= saying; raakShasaam raajaa= (there comes) the ruler of demons; siitaapahaanii= the abductor of Seetha; brahmaghnah= the destroyer of Brahmanas; devakaN^akaH= the enemy of gods; durvR^ittaH= notorious for his bad conduct; chhatra chaamara samyutaH= accompanied by his canopy and pair of whisks; yoddhum= to fight; raghuvareNa= with Rama; the foremost among the Raghu dynasty.
A clamour was heard, saying "There comes the ruler of demons, the abductor of Seetha, the destroyer of Brahmanas, the enemy of gods, notorious for his bad conduct, accompanied by his canopy and pair of whisks, to fight with Rama, the foremost among the Raghu dynasty."
tena naadena mahataa pR^ithivii samakampata |
taM shabdaM sahasaa shrutvaa vaanaraa dudruvurbhayaat || 6-95-32
32. mahataa tena naadena= by that huge sound; pR^ithivii= the earth; samakampata= trembled; shrutvaa= hearing; tam shabdam= that sound; sahasaa= suddenly; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; dudruvuH= ran away; bhayaat= in fear.
By that huge sound, the earth trembled. Hearing that sound suddenly, the monkeys ran away in fear.
raavaNastu mahaabaahuH sachivaiH parivaaritaH |
aajagaama mahaatejaa jayaaya vijayaM prati || 6-95-33
33. mahaabaahuH= the long armed; raavaNastu= Ravana for his part; mahaatejaH= with extra-ordinary energy; parivaaritaH= surrounded; sachivaiH= by his ministers; aajagaama= turned up; vijayam prati= for victory; jayaaya= in quest of victory.
The long-armed Ravana, for his part, with extra-ordinary energy, surrounded by his ministers, turned up for victory in quest of victory.
raavaNenaabhyanujJNaatau mahaapaarshvamahodarau |
viruupaakShashcha durdharSho rathaanaaruruhustadaa || 6-95-34
34. mahaapaarshva mohodarau= Mahaparshva and Mahodara; viruupaakShashcha= as also Virupaksha; durdharShaH= who was difficult to overpower; abhyanujJNaataa= as ordered; raavaNena= by Ravana; tadaa= then; aaruruhuH= ascended; rathaan= their chariots.
Mahaparshva and Mahodara as also Virupaksha, who was difficult to overpower, as order by Ravana, then ascended their chariots.
te tu hR^iShTaa vinardanto bhindata iva mediniim |
naadan ghoran vimuMchanto niryayurjayakaaMkShiNaH || 6-95-35
35. te raakShasaaH= those demons; vinardantaH= roaring; hR^iShTaaH= elatedly; bhindantaH iva= as though cracking; mediniim= the earth; vimuN^chantaH= and emitting; ghoram= an awful; naadam- uroar; niryayuH= sallied forth; jayakaaN^kShiNaH= longing for victory.
Those demons, roaring elatedly, as though cracking the earth, and emitting an awfull uproar, sallied forth, longing for victory.
tato yuddhaaya tejasvii rakShogaNabalairvR^itaH |
niryayaavudyatadhanuH kaalaantakayamomapaH || 6-95-36
36. tataH= then; kaalaantakayamopamaH= Ravana, resembling the all-destroying time in the form of Yama; tejasvii= and a powerful demon; rakShogaNabalaiH= along with the army-troops of demons; udyatadhanuH= with his raised bow; niryayau= set out; yuddhaaya= for the battle.
Then, the powerful Ravana, resembling the all-destroying Time in the form of Yama, along with his army-troops of demons, set out for the battle with his raised bow.
tataH prajavanaashvena rathena sa mahaarathaH |
dvaareNa niryayau tena yatra tau raamalakShmaNau || 6-95-37
37. tataH= then; saH= that Ravana; mahaarathaH= the great chariot-warrior; rathen= by his chariot; prajavitaashvena= driven by swift horses; niryayau= sallied forth; tena dvaareNa= to the gate; yatra= where; tau= those; raamalakShmaNau= Rama and Lakshmana were there.
Then, that Ravana, the great chariot-warrior, ascending his chariot driven by swift horses, sallied forth to the gate, where Rama and Lakshmana were.
tato naShTaprabhaH suuryo dishashcha timiraavR^itaaH |
dvijaashcha nedurghoraashcha saMcachaala cha medinii || 6-95-38
38. tataH= then; suuryaH= the sun; naShTaprabhaH= lost its radiance; dishashcha= the quarters too; timiraavR^itaaH= were enveloped in darkness; dvijaashcha= birds; ghoraaH neduH= emitted fearful notes; mediniicha= and the earth too; samchachaala= violently trembled.
Then, the sun lost its radiance. The quarters too were enveloped in darkness. The birds emitted fearful notes. The earth too trembled violently.
vavarSha rudhiran devashchaskhalushcha turaMgamaaH |
dhvajaagre nyapatadgR^idhro vinedushchaashivan shivaaH || 6-95-39
39. devaH= the cloud; vavarSha= rained; rudhiram= blood; turaNgamaaH= the horses; chaShalushcha= stumbled; gR^idhraH= a vulture; nyapatat= descended; dhvajaagre= on the top of the ensign; shivaashcha= jackals; ashivaaH vineduH= emitted sinister howls.
The cloud rained blood. The horses stumbled. A vulture descended on the top of the ensign. Jackals emitted sinister howls.
nayanan chaasphuradvaaman savyo baahurakampata |
vivarNavadanashchaasiitkin chidabhrashyata svanaH || 6-95-40
40. vaamam= his left; nayanamcha= eye too; asphurat= throbbed; vaamaH= the left; baahuH= arm; akampata= trembled; aasiit= (He) became; vivarNavadanaH= pale-faced; svanaH= his voice; kimchit= was a little; abhrashyata= dropped.
His left eye too throbbed. His left arm trembled. He became pale-faced. His voice was a little lowered.
tato niShpatato yuddhe dashagriivasya rakShasaH |
raNe nidhanashansiini ruupaaNyetaani jajJNire || 6-95-41
41. rakShasaH dashagriivasya= when Ravana the demon; niShpatataH= was sallying forth; yuddhe= for the battle; tataH= then; etaani= these; ruupaaNi= evil images; nidhana shamsiini= predicting his death; jaN^jire= appeared; raNe= in the battle-field.
When Ravana the demon was sallying forth for the battle, the following evil phenomena, predicting his death, appeared in the battle-field.
antarikShaatpapaatolkaa nirghaatasamanisvanaa |
vinedurashivan gR^idhraa vaayasairanunaaditaaH || 6-95-42
42. ulkaa= a meteor; nirghaata samniH svanaa= with a sound similar to a thunder; papaata= fell down; antarikShaat= from the sky; ashivaaH= ill-omened; gR^idharaaH= vultures; abhimishritaaH= together; vaayasaiH= with crows; vineduH= cried out aloud.
A meteor with a sound similar to a thunder, fell down from the sky. Ill-omened vultures together with crows cried out aloud.
etaanachintayanghoraanutpaataansamupasthitaan |
niryayau raavaNo mohaadvadhaarthii kaalachoditaH || 6-95-43
43. achintayan= ignoring; etaan= those; utpaataan= bad omens; samavasthitaan= which came; ghoraan= dreadfully; mohaat= due to ignorance; raavaNaH= Ravana; niryayau= marched forward; vadhaartham= for the purpose of massacre (in battle); kaala choditaH= driven as he was by fate.
Ignoring these dreadful bad omens due to his ignorance, Ravana marched forward for the purpose of the massacre in battle, driven as he was by fate.
teShaan tu rathaghoSheNa raakShasaanaaM mahaatmanaam |
vaanaraaNaamapi chamuuryuddhaayaivaabhyavartata || 6-95-44
44. rathaghoSheNa= (on hearing) the sound of the chariot; mahaatmanaam teShaam rakShasaanaam= of those mighty demons; chamuuH api= that army too; vaanaraaNaam= of monkeys; abhyavartata= returned; yuddhaayaiva= for the fight.
On hearing the sound of the chariot of those mighty demons, that army of monkeys too returned for the fight.
teShaan sutumulaM yuddhaM babhuuva kapirakShasaam |
anyonyamaahvayaanaanaan kruddhaanaaM jayamichchhataam || 6-95-45
45. tumulam= a tumultuous; yuddham= battle; babhuuva= ensued; teShaam rakShasaanaam= of those mighty demons; chamuuH api= that army too; vaanaraaNaam= of monkeys; abhyavartata= returned; yuddhaayaiva= for the fight.
A tumultuous battle ensued between those monkeys and demons, who were fond of victory and summoning each other for combat with rage.
tataH kruddho dashagriivaH sharaiH kaaMchanabhuuShaNaiH |
vaanaraaNaamanIkeShu chakaara kadanaM mahat || 6-95-46
46. tataH= thereupon; kruddhaH= the enraged; dashagriivaH= Ravana; sharaiH= with his arrows; kaaN^chana bhuuShaNaiH= decked with gold; chakaara= performed; mahat= a great; kadanam= combat; vanaaraaNaam aniikeShu= with the army of monkeys.
Thereupon, the enraged Ravana, with his arrows decked with that army of monkeys.
nikR^ittashirasaH ke chidraavaNena valiimukhaaH |
kechidvichchhinnahR^idayaaH kechichchhrotravivarjitaaH || 6-95-47
47. kechit= some; valiimukhaaH= monkeys; nikR^itta shirasaH= had their heads cut off; raavaNena= by Ravana; kechit= some; vibhinna hR^idayaaH= had their hearts pierced; kechit= some; shrotra vivarjitaaH= were made deprived of their ears.
Some monkeys had their heads chopped off by Ravana. Some had their hearts pierced. Some were made deprived of their ears.
niruchchhvaasaa hataaH ke chitke chitpaarshveShu daaritaaH |
ke chidvibhinnashirasaH ke chichchakShurvivarjitaaH || 6-95-48
48. kechit= some; niruchchhvaasaaH= became breathless; hataah= and killed; kechit= some; daaritaaH= were torn; paarshveShu= in the region of the ribs; kechit= some; vibhinna shirasaH= had their heads broken; kechit= some; kR^itaaH= were made; chakShurvinaa= deprived of their eyes.
Some were struck down breathless. Some were torn in their ribs. Some had their skulls smashed. Some were deprived of their eyes.
dashaananaH krodhavivR^ittanetro yato yatoabhyeti rathena saMkhye |
tatastatastasya sharapravegaM soDhuM na shekurhariyuuthapaaste || 6-95-49
49. yataH yataH= whichever side; dashaananaH= Ravana; abhyeti= was coming (in his chariot); samkhye= on the battle-field; krodha viviR^itta netraH= his eyes rolling in anger; te hariyuuthapaaH= those monkeys-warriors; tatstataH= on that side; soDhum na shekuH= could not withstand; sharapravegam= the rapidity of his arrows.
Whichever side Ravana was coming in his chariot on the battle-field, his eyes rolling in anger, those monkey-warriors, on that side, could not with stand the rapidity of his arrows.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe pajJNchanavatitamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 95th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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