Chapter [Sarga] 51  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 51


Hearing the rejoicing cries of the monkeys, Ravana asks some demons to discover the cause of that rejoicing. The demons mount the rampart and discover that Rama and Lakshmana have been relieved of the shackle of arrows. They come to Ravana and inform that the two brothers Rama and Lakshmana are alive and appear like two strong elephants in the battle-field. Ravana then calls Dhumraksha, a demon and asks him to go with an army and kill Rama, Lakshmana and the monkeys Dhumraksha along with his army enters the western gate of Lanks where the army-chief Hanuman is stationed. While Dhumraksha advances in the battle-field, he observes several bad omens and feels disturbed.

teSaam sutumulam shabdam vaanaraaNaam tarasvinaam |
nardataam raakSasaih saardham tadaa shushraava raavaNaH || 6-51-1
1. tadaa= then, raavaNaH= Ravana; raakSasaiH saardham= along with (other) demons; shushraava= heard; tumulam= the tumultuous; shabdam= sound; teSaam vaanaraaNaam= of those monkes; mahaujasaam= who were full of martial ardour; nardataam= and who were making a roaring sound.
That tumultuous sound, set up by the monkeys who were full of martial ardour, arrested the attention of Ravana and his demons.
snigdha gambhiira nirghoSam shrutvaa sa ninadam bhR^isham |
sacivaanaam tatas teSaam madhye vacanam abraviit || 6-51-2
2. shrutvaa= hearing; bhR^isham= the mighty; ninadam= clamour; snighdha gambhiira nirghoSam= in a smooth and deep sound; saH= that Ravana; tataH= then; abraviit= spoke; vachanam= (the following) words; madhye= in the midst; teshaam sachivaanaam= of those ministers.
Hearing that mighty clamour, sounding smooth and deep, Ravana spoke to his ministers who surrounded him.
yathaa asau samprahR^iSTaanaam vaanaraaNaam samutthitaH |
bahuunaam sumahaan naado meghaanaam iva garjataam || 6-51-3
vyaktam sumahatii priitir eteSaam na atra samshayaH |
tathaa hi vipulair naadaish cukSubhe varuNa aalayaH || 6-51-4
3, 4. suvyaktam= It is very clear; shruuyate= by hearing; asau= this; sumahaan= very great; naadaH= sound; vaanaraaNaam= of the monkeys; bahuunaam= multitude in number; samutthitaH= risen up together; samprahR^iSTaanaam= who are rejoiced; yathaa= in the same manner; garjataam meghaanaamiva= as the rumbling sound of clouds; eteSaam= (that) their; priitiH= happiness; mahatii= is immense; na samshayaH= there is no doubt; atra= in this matter; tathaahi= for instance; lavaNaarNavaH= the briney ocean; chukSubhe= is agitated; vipulaiH naadaiH= by the loud noises.
"A great uproar, resembling the rumbling of clouds, has arisen from that horde of rejoiced monkeys. Undoubtedly their joy is great, their mighty roars are agitating the briny ocean itself.
tau tu baddhau sharais tiiSkNair bhraatarau raama lakSmaNau |
ayam ca sumahaan naadah shankaam janayati iva me || 6-51-5
5. tau raamalakSmaNau= those two, Rama and Lakshmana; bhraatarau= the brothers; baddhau= were tied; tiikSNaiH sharaiH= by sharp arrows; ayam naadaH= this sound; sumahaan= of great magnitude; janayatiiva= is begetting; shaNaam= a doubt; me= in me.
"Those two brothers Rama and Lakshmana were tied by sharp arrows. This sound of a great magnitude being heard by me, is begetting an apprehension in me."
evam cha vacanam ca uktvaa mantriNo raakSasa iishvaraH |
uvaaca nairR^itaams tatra samiipa parivartinaH || 6-51-6
6. uktvaa= speaking; evam= thus; vachanam= the words; mantriNaH= to his ministers; raakSaseshvaraH= Ravana the Lord of Demons; uvaacha= said; nairR^itaan= to the demons; samiipaparivartanaH= who were moving nearby; tatra= there.
Having spoken thus to his ministers, Ravana the Lord of Demons said to his demons who stood round him there (as follows)
jnaayataam tuurNam etaSaam sarveSaam vana caariNaam |
shoka kaale samutpanne harSa kaaraNam utthitam || 6-51-7
7. jJNaayataam= It is to be known; tuurNam= immediately; harSa kaaraNam= the cause of joy; utthitam= coming forth; sarveSaam= from all; eteSaam= these; vanankasaam= monkeys; shoka kaale= while a time for grief; samupanine= has arisen.
"You immediately discover from what cause this general rejoicing among all these monkeys coming for the their present grievous situation!'
tathaa uktaas tena sambhraantaah praakaaram adhiruhya te |
dadR^ishuh paalitaam senaam sugriiveNa mahaatmanaa || 6-51-8
tau ca muktau sughoreNa shara bandhena raaghavau |
samutthitau mahaa bhaagau viSeduh prekSya raakSasaaH || 6-51-9
8, 9. tathaa= thus; uktaaH= commanded; te= they; susambhraantaaH= very briskly; adhirohya= mounted; praakaaram= the rampart; dadR^ishuH= and saw; senaam= the army; paalitaam= ruled; mahaatmanaa= by the high-souled; sugriiveNa= Sugreeva; mahaabhaagau= and the highly lucky; tau raaghavam= (those) Rama and Lakshmana; muktau= relieved; sughoreNa= from the most terrific; sharabandhena= shackle of arrows; samutthitau= and risen up together; sarva raakSasaaH= all the demons; viSedeuH= were dejected.
Thus commanded by Ravana, they mounted the rampart very briskly and saw the army lead by the high-souled Sugreeva and also the highly fortunate Rama and Lakshmana who were relieved of the terrific shackle of arrow a and risen up together. All the demons felt desponded on seeing it.
samtrasta hR^idayaa sarve praakaaraad avaruhya te |
vivarNa rakshanaaH ghoraa raakSasa indram upasthitaaH || 6-51-10
10. samtrasta hR^idayaaH= with their hearts trembling with fear; vivarNaaH= and faces turning pale; sarve= all; te= those; ghoraaH= terrific; raakSasaaH= demons; avaruhya= descended; praakaaraaat= from the rampart; upasthitaaH= and approached; raakSasendram= Ravana.
With their hearts trembling with fear and faces turning pale, all those terrific demons descended from the rampart and approached Ravana.
tad apriyam diina mukhaa raavaNasya nishaa caraaH |
kR^itsnam nivedayaam aasur yathaavad vaakya kovidaaH || 6-51-11
11. raakSasaaH= the demons; vaakya kovidaaH= who were killed in speech; diina mukhaah= showing sad faces; nyavedayan= informed; kR^itsnam= al; tat= that; apriyam= unpleasant tidings; yathaa vat= faithfully; raavaNasya= to Ravana.
With downcast faces, those demons skilled in speech, faithfully informed Ravana of those unpleasant tidings, saying:
yau taav indrajitaa yuddhe bhraatarau raama lakSmaNau |
nibaddhau shara bandhena niSprakampa bhujau kR^itau || 6-51-12
vimuktau shara bandhena tau dR^ishyete raNa ajire |
paashaan iva gajaau chittvaa gaja indra sama vikramau || 6-51-13
12, 13. bhraatarau= the two brothers; raamalakSmaNau= Rama and Lakshmana; yau= whom; indrajitaa= by Indrajit; sharabandhena= with his benumbing shafts; nibaddhau= were bound; yuddhe= in battle; kR^itau= and made niSprakampa bhujau= their; tau= those two; gajendra samavikramau= with strength equal arms to best of elephants; chhitvaa= have broken; paashaan= their shackles; dR^ishyete= and are seen; gajau iva= as elephants; raNaajire= in the battle= field.
"The two brothers, Rama and Lakshmana, whom Indrajit had bound with his benumbing shafts and whose arms he had pinioned, are free from the arrows which paralyzed them and now appear on the field of battle, as two strong elephants who have snapped their fetters."
tat shrutvaa vacanam teSaam raakSasa indro mahaa balaH |
cintaa shoka samaakraanto viSaNNa vadano abraviit || 6-51-14
14. shrutvaa= hearing; tat vachanam= those words; teSaam= of them; mahaabalaH= the mighty; raakSasendraH= Ravana; chintaa roSa samaakraantaH= was filled with anxiety and fury; abhavat= and became; vivarNavadanaH= pale faced.
Hearing their words, the might Ravana was filled with anxiety and fury. His face became pale (and he spoke as follows):
ghorair datta varair baddhau sharair aashii viSa umapaiH |
amoghaih suurya samkaashaih pramathya indrajitaa yudhi || 6-51-15
tam astra bandham aasaadya yadi muktau ripuu mama |
samshayastham idam sarvam anupashyaamy aham balam || 6-51-16
15, 16. mama ripuuya= I my adversaries; baddhau aasaadyau= having thus been bound; indrajitaa= by Indrajitaa= by Indrajit; muktau= are feed; pramathya= though injured; yuddhi= in battle; ghoraiH sharaiH= by formidable arrows; datta varaiH= those rare boons; ashiiviSopamaiH= resembling serpents; suuryasamkaashaiH= bright as the sun; amoghaiH= that were infallible; aham= I anuupashyaami= perceive; sarvam= all; idam= this; balam= army; samshayastham= in jeopardy.
"If my adversaries, having thus been bound by Indrajit are freed, despite their injuries in battle by his formidable arrows which were infallible those rare boons, resembling serpents, bright as the sun, I perceive my entire army in jeopardy."
niSphalaah khalu samvR^ittaah sharaa vaasuki tejasaH |
aadattam yais tu samgraame ripuuNaam mama jiivitam || 6-51-17
17. sharaaH= those arrows; paavaka tejasaH= bright as fire; yaiH= which; samgraame= in battle; aadattam= have taken; jiivitam= the life; ripuuNaam= of my enemies; samvR^ittaaH khalm= have indeed been rendered; niSphalaaH= void.
"Those very arrows, bright as fire, which in battle have taken the life of my enemies, have now been rendered void indeed!"
evam uktvaa tu samkruddho nishvasann urago yathaa |
abraviid rakSasaam madhye dhuumra akSam naama raakasam || 6-51-18
18. evam= thus; uktvaa= speaking; 9Ravana) samkR^iddhaH= enraged with anger; niH shvasan= sighing; urago yathaa= as a serpent; abraviit= spoke; raakSasam= to the demon; dhuumraakSam naama= called Dhumraksha; madhye= (seated) in the middle; rakSasaam= of the demons.
Having spoken thus in furious tones, hissing like a snake, he addressed a demon called Dhumraksha who was seated amidst the demons and said.
balena mahataa yukto rakSasaam bhiima karmaNaam |
tvam vadhaaya abhiniryaahi raamasya saha vaanaraiH || 6-51-19
19. tvam= you; bhiima vikramaH= with terrific prowess; niryaahi= start; aashu= quickly; mahataa balena= with a mighty army; yuktaH= along with raakSasaiH= demons; vadhaaya= for the purpose of killing; raamaaya= of Rama; vaanaraiH saha= along with his monkeys.
"You, with a terrific prowess, go quickly with a considerable force of demons and slay Rama, Lakshmana and his monkeys."
evam uktas tu dhuumra akSo raakSasa indreNa dhiimataa |
kR^itvaa praNaamam samhR^iSTo nirjagaama nR^ipa aalayaat || 6-51-20
20. evam= thus; uktaH= commanded; raakSasendraNa= by Ravana; dhiimataa= the intelligent; dhuumraakSaH= Dhumrakha; parikramya= going past; tataH= from there; nirjagaama= departed; shiighram= quickly; nR^ipaalayaat= from the royal palace.
Thus commanded by Ravana, the intelligent Dhumraksha, going past from there, quickly departed front her royal palace.
abhiniSkramya tad dvaaram bala adhyakSam uvaaca ha |
tvarayasva balam tuurNam kim cireNa yuyutsataH || 6-51-21
21. abhiniSkramya= having crossed; tad= that; dvaaram= gate; uvaacha ha= he spoke; balaadhyakSam= to the General of the foreces (as follows); yuyutsataH= Mobilise; balam= the army; tvarayasya= hasten; shiighram= quickly; kim= what need is there; chireNa= for delay?.
Having crossed that gate, he spoke to the General of the Forces as follows: "Mobilize the army. Hasten quickly. What need is there for the delay?"
dhuumra akSasya vacah shrutvaa bala adhyakSo bala anugaH |
balam udyojayaam aasa raavaNasya aajnayaa drutam || 6-51-22
22. shrutvaa= hearing; dhuumraakSa vachanam= the words of Dhumraksha; badaadhyakSaH= the General of Forces; balaanugaH= having the army which followed him; udyojayaamaasa= kept ready; balam= the army; drutam= quickly; aajJNaya= as per the command; raavaNasya= of Ravana.
Hearing the words of Dhumraksha, the general of forces, having the army which followed him, kept the army ready quickly, as per Ravana's command.
te baddha ghaNTaa balino ghora ruupaa nishaa caraaH |
vinardamaanaah samhR^iSTaa dhuumra akSam paryavaarayan || 6-51-23
23. te nishaacharaaH= those demons; balinaH= strong; ghora ruupaaH= of terrific form; vinadyamaanaaH= making sounds; baddhaghaN^TaaH= with bells hung on them; samhR^iSTaaH= and rejoiced; paryavaarayan= surrounded; dhuumraakSam= Dhumraksha.
Those strong demons of terrific form, making sounds with bells hung on their bodies, joyously surrounded Dhumraksha.
vividha aayudha hastaash ca shuula mudgara paaNayaH |
gadaabhih paTTasair daNDair aayasair musalair bhR^isham || 6-51-24
parighair bhiNDi paalaish ca bhallaih praasaih parashvadhaiH |
niryayuu raakSasaa ghoraa nardanto jaladaa yathaa || 6-51-25
24, 25. vividhaayudha hastaashcha= furnished with every kind of weapon; shuula mudgarapaaNayaH= brandishing spears, hammers; gadaabhiH= maces; paTTishaiH= harpoons; daNDaiH= sticks; aayasaiH= iron cudgels; musalairapi= bars; parighaiH= clubs; bhindipaalaishcha= javelins; bhallaiH= missiles; paashaiH= nooses; parashvadhaiH= and axes; ghoraaH= those terrible; raakSasaaH= demons; niryayuH= sallied forth; nardantaH= with the noise; jaladaayathaa= of thunder.
Furnished with every kind of weapon, brandishing spears, hammers, maces, harpoons, sticks, iron cudgels, bars, clubs, javelins, missiles, nooses and axes, those terrible demons sallied forth with the noise of thunder.
rathaih kavacinas tv anye dhvajaish ca samalamkR^itaiH |
suvarNa jaala vihitaih kharaish ca vividha aananaiH || 6-51-26
hayaiH parama shiighraish ca gaja indraish ca mada utkaTaiH |
niryayuu raakSasa vyaaghraa vyaaghraa;iva duraasadaaH || 6-51-27
26, 27. kavachinaH= clad in mail; rathaiH= mounted on chariots; samalaN^kR^itaH= that were magnificently dressed; dhvajaiH= with flags; suvarNajaala vihitaiH= and decorated with bands of pure gold; kharaishcha= harnessed to mules; vividhaananaiH= of many heads; hayaishcha= or steeds; parama shiighraiH= of exceeding fleetness; gajaishchaiva= or elephants; madotkaTaiH= in furious rut; anye= some othr; nairR^itavyaaghraaH= excellent demons; niryayuH= went forth; duraasadaaH iva= like veritable; vyaaghraaH= tigers.
Clad in mail, mounted on chariots that were magnificently dressed with flags and decorated with bands of pure gold, harnessed to mules of many heads or steeds of exceeding fleetness or elephants in furious rut, some other excellent demons went forth like veritable tigers.
mR^iga simha mukhair yuktam kharaih kanaka bhuuSaNaiH |
aaruroha ratham divyam dhuumra akSah khara nisvanaH || 6-51-28
28. dhuumraakSaH= Dhumraksha; kharaniHsvanaH= with a mule-like clatter; aaruroha= mounted; divyam= a celestial; ratham= chariot; kharaiH= to which mules; kanaka bhuuSitaiH= adorned with gold; mR^iga simhamukhaiH= and heads of deed and lions; yuktam= were hitched.
Dhumraksha, with a mule-like clatter, set out in a celestial chariot to which mules adorned with gold and heads of deer and lions were hitched.
sa niryaato mahaa viiryo dhuumra akSo raakSasair vR^itaH |
prahasan pashcima dvaaram hanuumaan yatra yuuthapaH || 6-51-29
29. saH dhuumrakSaH= that Dhumraksha; mahaaviiryaH= of mighty prowess; vR^itaH= surrounded; raakSasaiH= by demons; niraataH= set forth; hasan= amidst mocking laughter; pashchima dvaaraat= through the western gate; yatra= where; yuuthapaH= the army-chief; hanuumaan= Hanuman (was stationed).
That Dhumraksha of mighty prowess, surrounded by demons, set forth amidst mocking laughter, through the western gate where the army-chief Hanuman was stationed.
rathapravaramaasthaaya kharayuktaM kharasvanam |
prayaantam tu mahaa ghoram raakSasam bhiima darshanam || 6-51-30
antarikSa gataah kruuraah shakunaah pratyavaarayan |
30. aasthaaya= (As he) mounted; prayaantam= and advanced; an excellent chariot; kharayuktam= harnessed to mules; kharasvanam= whose voices he emulated; kruuraaH shakunaaH= birds of ill-omen; antarikSagataaH= in the sky; pratyaSedhayan= obstructed; prayaantam raakSasam= that advancing demon; mahaaghoram= of very terrible; bhiimadarshanam= and fearful appearance.
As he mounted and advanced in an excellent chariot harnessed to mules, whose voices he emulated, birds of ill-omen in the sky obstructed that advancing demon of very terrible and fearful appearance.
ratha shiirSe mahaa bhiimo gR^idhrash ca nipapaata ha || 6-51-31
dhvaja agre grathitaash caiva nipetuh kuNapa ashanaaH |
31. mahaabhiimaH= a highly terrible; gR^idhashcha= vulture; nipapaata ha= alighted; ratha shiirSe= on the top of his chariot; kuNapaashanaaH= the devorers of corpses; grathitaaH= clustered; nipetuH= and alighted; dhvajaagre= on the point of his standard.
A highly terrible vulture alighted on the top of his chariot, while those devourers of corpses clustered on the point of his standard.
rudhira aardro mahaan shvetah kabandhah patito bhuvi || 6-51-32
visvaram ca utsR^ijan naadam dhuumra akSasya samiipataH |
vavarSa rudhiram devah samcacaala ca medinii || 6-51-33
32, 33. rudhiraardraH= streaming with blood; mahaan= a huge; kabandhaH= decapitated trunk; patitaH= fell; bhuvi= to earth; utsR^ijan= emitting; visvaram= inarticulate; naadam= noise; dhuumraakSasya= in Dhumraksha's vicinity and the sky rained down blood. The earth trembled.
Streming with blood, a huge decapitated trunk fell to earth, emitting inarticulate noise in Dhumraksha's vicinity and the sky rained down blood. The earth trembled.
pratilomam vavau vaayur nirghaata sama nisvanaH |
timira ogha aavR^itaas tatra dishash ca na cakaashire || 6-51-34
34. vaayuH= the wind; nirghaata samanisvanaH= with noise resembling a thunder; vavau= blew; pratilomam= adversely; tatra= then; dishaH= the quarters; na chakaashire= did not dazzle timirough vR^itaaH= as observed by abundant darkness.
The wind with noise resembling a thunder blew adversely. Every quarter, obscured by abundant darkness, did not dazzle.
sa tu utpaataams tato dR^iSTvaa raakSasaanaam bhaya aavahaan |
praadur bhuutaan sughoraamsh ca dhuumra akSo vyathito abhavat || 6-51-35
mumuhuu raakSasaaH sarve dhuumraakSasya puraHsaraaH |
35. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; ghoraan= those terrible; utpaataan= omens; praadudbhuutaan= that appeared; tadaa= then; bhayaavahaan= to the demons; dhuumraakSaH= Dhumraksha; abhavat= became; vyathitaH= perturbed; mumuH= terror seized; sarve= all; raakSasaaH= the demons; puraH saraaH= who advanced in front; dhuumraakSasya= of Dhumraksha.
Seeing those terrible amones that appeared in all their horror to the demons, Dhumraksha became perturbed. Terror seized all the demons who were advancing in front of Dhumraksha.
tataH subhiimo bahubhir nishaa carair |
rvR^ito abhiniSkramya raNa utsuko balii |
dadarsha taam raaghava baahu paalitaam |
samudra kalpaam bahu vaanariim camuum || 6-51-36
36. tataH= then; (Dhumraksha); subhiimaH= the highly terrible; balii= and strong demon; vR^itaH= surrounded; bahubhiH nishaacharaiH= by a multitude of demons; raNotsukaH= eager to enter into combat; abhiniSkramya= set out; dadarsha= and beheld; taam chamuum= that army; bahu vaanariim= of a multitude of monkeys; mahaughakalpaam= resembling a great flood; raaghava baahupaalitaam= protected by the arms of Rama.
Then, Dhumraksha, the highly terrible and strong demon, surrounded by a multitude of demons, eager to enter into combat, set out and beheld that army of a multitude of monkeys, resembling a flood, protected by the arms of Rama.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe ekapaJNchashaH sargaH
Thus completes 51st Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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