Chapter [Sarga] 79  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 79


Fight again ensues between monkeys and demons, when Makaraksha enters the battle-field. The monkeys get frightened of Makaraksha's arrows and begin to run away. Rama comes in and intercepts the demons with his hail of arrows. Makaraksha challenges Rama to fight with him. Rama tears off the arrows hurled by Makaraksha and Makaraksha broke the arrows released by Rama. Finally, Rama breaks the chariot and its horses of his chariot, stands on the ground, takes a splendorous spike in his hand to fight and hurls it on Rama. Rama chops it off with his four arrows. When Makaraksha rushes towards Rama to fight with his fist, Rama hurls a mystic missile from his bow and kills him on the spot. The demons get frightened and run away to Lanaka.

nirgataM makaraakShaM te dR^iShTvaa vaanarapuMgavaaH |
aaplutya sahasaa sarve yoddhukaamaa vyavasthtaaH || 6-79-1
1. dR^iShTvaa= on seeing; makaraakSham= Makaraksha; nirgatam= having come forth; sarve= all; te= those; vaanarapuN^gavaaH= chiefs of the monkeys; sahasaa aaplutya= having jumped up at once; avasthitaaH= took their positions; yoddhu kaamaaH= with intent to give fight.
On seeing Markaraksha come out, all those chiefs of monkeys, leaping all at once, took their positions, with intent to give fight.
tataH pravR^ittaM sumahattadyuddhaM romaharShaNam |
nishaacharaiH plavaMgaanaaM devaanaaM daanavairiva || 6-79-2
2. tataH= thereafter; tat= that; sumahat= very great; yuddham= battle; pravR^ittam= occurred; plavaN^gaanaam= between monkeys; nishaacharaiH= and demons; romaharShaNam= which caused the hair to bristle; devaanaam iva= as between celestials; danavaiH= and demons.
Thereafter, a very great battle ensued between monkeys and demons, which caused one's hair to bristle, like the encounter between celestials and demons.
vR^ikShashuulanipaataishcha gadaaparighapaatanaiH |
anyonyaM mardayanti sma tadaa kapinishaacharaaH || 6-79-3
3. kapinishaacharaaH= the monkeys and the demons; tadaa= then; vR^ikSha shuulanipaataiH cha= by hurling trees and spikes; gadaaparigha paatanaiH= and by throwing maces and clubs; mardayantisma= began to crush; anyonyam= each other.
The monkeys and demons then, by hurling trees and spikes and by throwing maces and clubs, began to crush each other.
shaktikhaDgagadaakunaistomaraishcha nishaacharaaH |
paTTishairbhindipaalaishcha baaNapaataiH samantataH || 6-79-4
paashamudgaradaNDaishcha nirgaataishchaaparaistathaa |
kadanaM kapisimhaanaam chakruste rajaniicharaaH || 6-79-5
4, 5. te nishaacharaaH= those demons; rajaniicharaaH= who were prowlers of might; kadanam chakruH= made a slaughter; kapisimhaanaam= of the lions among the monkeys; shaktikhaDgagadaakunaiH= by means of their javelins, swords, maces, spears; tomaraishcha= and lances; paTTishaiH= sharp-edged spears; bhindipaalaishcha= Bhindipalas (slings for throwing stones); baaNapaataiH= throws of arrows; paashamudgaradaN^DaiH cha= nooses, mallets and staffs; nirghaataiH= missiles; tathaa= and; anyaishcha= other weapons; samantataH= on all sides.
Those demons, who were prowlers of might, made a slaughter of the lions among the monkeys, by means of their javelins, swords, maces, spears, lances, sharp edged spears, Bhindipalas (slings for throwing stones), nooses, mallets, staffs, missiles and other weapons and by throwing arrows on all sides.
baaNaughairarditaashchaapi kharaputreNa vaanaraaH |
saMbhraantamanasaH sarve dudruvurbhayapiiDitaaH || 6-79-6
6. arditaaH= tormented; baaNanghaiH= with a multitude of arrows; kharaputreNa= by Makaraksha; sarve= all; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; sambhraanta manasaH= were bewildered in mind; bhayapiiDitaaH= agonized with fear; dudruvuH= and ran away.
Tormented by Makaraksha with a multitude of arrows, all the monkeys were bewildered in mind, agonized with fear and ran away.
taan dR^iSTvaa raakShasaaH sarve dravamaaNaan vanaukasaH |
neduste siMhavaddR^iptaa raakShasaa jitakaashinaH || 6-79-7
7.dR^iShTvaa= on seeing; taan= those; vanaukasaH= monkeys; dravamaaNaam= fleeing; sarve= all; raakShasaaH= the demons; dR^iptaaH= who were arrogant; simhavat= like lions; neduH= roared; jitakaashinaH= assuming a triumplant feeling.
On seeing those monkeys fleeing, all the arrogant demons roared like lions, assuming a triumphant feeling.
vidravatsu tadaa teShe vaanareSu samantataH |
raamastaanvaaramaayaasa sharavarSheNa raakShasaan || 6-79-8
8. teShu vaanareShu = (while) those monkeys; vidravatsu= were fleeing; samantataH= on all sides; raamaH= Rama; tadaa= then; vaarayaamaasa= obstructed; taan= those; raakShasaan= demons; sharavarSheNa= with a shower of arrows.
While those monkeys were fleeing on all sides, Rama then, with a shower of arrows, intercepted those demons on that occasion.
vaaritaan raakShasaan dR^iSTvaa makaraakSho nishaacharaH |
kopaanalasamaaviShTo vachanaM chedamabraviit || 6-79-9
9. dR^iShTvaa= seeing raakShasaan= the demons; vaaritaan= being intercepted; makaraakShaH= Makaraksha; nishaacharaH= the demon moving about by night; kopaanala samaaviShTaH= engrossed in a fire of anger; abraviit= spoke; idam vachanamcha= the following words.
Seeing Rama thus interrupting the demons, Makaraksha, the demon, engrossed in a fire of anger, spoke the following words:
tiShTha raama mayaa saarthaM dvandvayuddhaM bhaviShyati |
tyaajayuShyaami te praaNaan dhanurmuktaiH shitaiH sharaiH || 6-79-10
10. tiShTa= pause; raama= O Rama; bhaviShyati= there will be; dvandvayuddham= a dual; mayaa saardham= with me; tyaajayiShyaami te praaNaan= I will make your lives to quit; shitaiH sharaiH= by the sharp arrows; dhanurmuktaiH= discharged from my bow.
"Pause, O Rama! You will have a dual with me. I will make your life to quit, by the sharp arrows discharged from my bow."
yattadaa daNDakaaraNye pitaraM hatavaanmama |
tadagrataH svakarmasthaM dR^iShTvaa roSho.abhivardhate || 6-79-11
11. yat= for which reason; hatavaan= you killed; mama pitaram= my father; daN^DakaaraNya= in the forest of Dandaka; tadaa= at that itme; tat= for that reason; roShaH= my anger; abhivardhate= is getting augmented; dR^iShTvaa= in seeing; agrataH svakarmastham= you in front engaged in such nefarious acts.
"Since you killed my father on that day in Dandaka forest, my anger is still growing violent, when I think of you engaged in such nefarious acts".
dahyante bhR^ishamaN^gaani duraatmanmama raaghava |
yanmayaasi na dR^iShTastvaM tasmin kaale mahaavane || 6-79-12
12. duraatman= O evil minded; raagava= Rama!; yat= since; tvam= you; nadR^iShTaH asi= were not being seen; tasmin kaale= from that time; mayaa= by me; mahaa vane= in that huge forest; mama= my; aN^gaani= limbs; bhR^isham= were very much; dahyante= being fumed.
"O evil minded Rama! Since you were not being seen by me from that time in that large forest, my limbs were getting very much fumed."
diShTyaasi darmanaM raama mama tvaM praaptavaaniha |
kaaMkShito.asi kShudhaartasya simhasyevetaro mR^igaH || 6-79-13
13. diShTyaa= by a good fortune; tvam= you; praaptavaan= got; mama darshanam= my sight; iha= here; raama= O Rama!; kaankShitaH asi= you are being sought; kShudhaavtasya simhasya iva= as a lion in hunger; itaraH mR^igaH iva= (seeks) other animal (to eat).
"By a good fortune, you came into my sight here, O Rama! You are being sought by me, as a lion in hunger seeks other animal to eat."
adya madbaaNavegena pretaraaDviShayaM gataH |
ye tvayaa nihataaH shuuraaH saha taishcha vasiShyasi || 6-79-14
14. adya= now; madbaaNa vegena= by the flight of my arrows; gataH tvayaa= (you) having gone; pretaraaDviShayam= to the world of Death; vasiShyasicha= you will reside; taiH shuuraaH saha= with those warriors; ye= who; nihataaH= were killed; tvayaa= by you (earlier).
"Now, by the flight of my arrows, you will go to the world of Death and reside there with those warriors, who were killed by you earlier."
bahunaatra kimuktena shR^iNu raama vacho mama |
pashyantu sakalaa lokaastvaaM maaM chaiva raNaajire || 6-79-15
15. raama= O Rama!; kim= what is the use; uktena= by telling; bahunaa= too much; atra= on this topic?; shruNu= hear; mama= my; vachaH= words; sakalaaH= all; lokaaH= the worlds; pashyantu= will look at; tvaam= you; maam chaiva= and me; raNaajire= in the battle-front.
"O Rama! What is the use, by telling too much on this topic? Hear my words. All the worlds will look at you and me, in this battle-front."
astrairvaa gadayaa vaapi baahubhyaaM vaa raNaajire |
abhyastaM yena vaa raama vartataaM tena vaa mR^idham || 6-79-16
16. raama= O Rama!; mR^idham= the battle; vartataam= will go on; raNaajire= in the battle-field; astrairvaa= either with the weapons; gadayaachaapi= or with a mace; baahubhyaam= or our arms; yena tena vaa= or by those means; abhyastam= learnt (by you).
"O Rama! The battle will proceed in the battle-field, either with the weapons, or with a mace or by our arms or by any other means as learnt by you."
makaraakShavachaH shrutvaa raamo dasharathaatmajaH |
abraviitprahasam vaakyamuttarottaravaadinam || 6-79-17
17. shrutvaa= hearing; makarakshavachaH= the words of Makaraksha; raamaH= Rama; dasharathaatmajah= the son of Dasaratha; prahasan= laughingly; abraviit= spoke; vaakyam= the following worlds; uttarottaravaadinam= to him who was talking further and further (without interruption).
Hearing the words of Makaraksha, Rama the son of Dasaratha laughingly spoke the following words to him, who was still talking further and further (without interruption).
katthase kiM vR^ithaa rakSho bahuunyasadR^ishaani te |
na raNe shakyate jetuM vinaa yuddhena vaagbalaat || 6-79-18
18. rakShaH= O, demon!; kim katthase= why are you boasting yourself; bahuuni asadR^ishaani= with so many unworthy words; vR^ithaa= in vain?; yuddhena vinaa= without fighting; raNe= in the battle-field; nashakyam= it is not possible; te= for you; jetum= to attain victory; vaagbalaat= with the strength of a mere speech.
"O demon! Why are you boasting yourself with so many unworthy words, in vain? Without fighting in the battle-field, it is well nigh impossible for you to attain victory with the strength of a mere speech."
chaturdasha sahasraaNi rakShasaaM tvatpitaa cha yaH |
trishiraa duuShaNashchaapi daNDake nihataa mayaa || 6-79-19
19. chaturdasha= fourteen; sahasraaNi= thousand; rakShasaam= demons; (Khara); yaH= who; tvatpitaa= was your father; trishiraaH= Trishira; duuShaNashchaapi= and even Dushana; nihataaH= were killed; mayaa= by me; daN^Dake= in Dandaka-forest.
"I killed fourteen thousand demons along with Khara your father, Trishira and even Dushana in Dandaka forest."
svaashitaashchaapi maaMsena gR^idhragomaayuvaayasaaH |
bhaviShyantyadya vai paapa tiikShaNatuNDanakhaaN^kuraaH || 6-79-20
20. paapa= O sinful one!; adya= today; gR^idhragomaayuvaayasaaH= vultures, jackals and crows; tiikShNatuN^Dana khaaN^kuraaH= with their sharp beaks and goad-like claws; bhaviShyanti= will be; svaashitaaH= satiated; maamsena= with your flesh.
"O sinful one! Today, vultures jackals and crows with their sharp beaks and goad-like claws will be satiated with your flesh."
raaghaveNaivamuktastu makaraakSho mahaabalaH |
baaNaughaanamuchattasmai raaghavaaya raNaajire || 6-79-21
21. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; raaghaveNa= by Rama; mahaabalaH= the mighty; makaraakShaH= Makaraksha; amuchat= discharged; baaNaugham= a multitude of arrows; tasmaiH raaghavaaya= on that Rama; raNaajire= in the battle field.
Hearing Rama's words, the mighty Makaraksha discharged a multitude of arrows on that Rama in the battle-field.
raan sharaan sharavarSheNa raamashchichchheda naiadhaa |
nipeturbhuvi te chinnaa rukmapuN^khaaH sahasrashaH || 6-79-22
22. raamaH= Rama; chichheda= tore; taan= those; sharaan= arrows; naikadhaa= in many ways; sharavarSheNa= by his array of arrows; te= those arrows; rukmapuNkhaaH= which were provided with golden shafts; nipetuH= fell; bhuvi= to the ground; chhinnaaH= when torn; saharashaH= in thousands.
Rama tore those arrows in many ways, by his array of arrows. Those arrows, which were provided with golden shafts, fell to the ground, when torn in thousands.
tadyuddhamabhavattatra sametyaanyonyamojasaa |
khararaakShasaputrasya suunordasharathasya cha || 6-79-23
23. tat= that; yuddham= battle; abhavat= raged; ojasaa= furiously; sametya= on their meeting; anyonyam= each other; tatra= there; khararaakShasaputrasya= between Makaraksha the son of Khara the demon; dasharathasya suunoH cha= and Rama the son of Dasaratha.
That battle raged furiously, on their meeting each other there, between Makaraksha the son of Khara the demon and Rama the son of Dasaratha.
jiimuutayorivaakaashe shabdo jyaatalayostadaa |
dhanurmuktaH svanotkR^iShTaH shruuyate cha raNaajire || 6-79-24
24. tadaa= then; shabdaH= the sound; dhanurmuktaH= emanated by the bows; svanotkruShTaH= with a great resonance; shruuyate cha= was heard; raNaajire= on the battle-front; jiiyuutayoriva= like the rumbling of clouds; aakaashe= in space.
Then, the sound emanated by the bows, with a great resonance, was heard on the battle-front, like the rumbling of clouds in space.
devadaanavagandharvaaH kimnaraashcha mahoragaaH |
antarikShagataaH sarve draShTukaamaastadadbhutam || 6-79-25
25. draShTukaamaaH= with an intent to see; tat adbhutam= that wonderful battle; sarve= all; devadaanavagandharvaaH= the celestials, the demons, the celestial musicians; kinnaraashcha= mythical beings; mahoragaaH= and the great serpents; antarikShagataaH= arrived at the sky.
With an intent to see that wonderful battle, all the celestials, the demons, the celestial musicians kinnaras the mythical beings and Mahoragas the great serpents reached the sky.
viddhamanyonyagaatreShu dviguNaM vardhate balam |
kR^itapratikR^itaanyonyaM kurutaaM tau raNaajire || 6-79-26
26. anyonyagaatreShuviddham= (Through) the limbs of both were pierced by each other; balam= their strength; dviguNam vardhate= was redoubled; tau= the two warriors; kR^itapratikR^itaanyonyam= inflicted wounds on each other and returned the blows of the other; raNaajire= in the battle-front; kurutaam= and performed the combat.
Though the limbs of both were pierced by each other, their strength was redoubled. The two warriors inflicted wounds on each other, returned the blows of the other in the battle-front and continued the combat.
raamamuktaaMstu baaNaughaan raakShasastvachchhinadraNe |
rakShomuktaaMstu raamo vai naikadhaa praachchhinachchharaiH || 6-79-27
27. raNe= in the battle; raakShasaH= that demon; achchhinat= broke off; baaNaughaan= the multitude of arrows; raama muktaan= discharged by Rama; raamaH= Rama; praachchhinat= snapped off; naikadhaa= in many ways; sharaiH= the arrows; rakShomuktaan= released by the demon.
In the battle, that demon broke the multitude of arrows discharged by Rama. Rama snapped off, in many ways, the arrows released by the demon.
baaNaughavitataaH sarvaa dishashcha pradishastathaa |
saMchannaa vasudhaa chava samantaanna prakaashate || 6-79-28
28. sarvaaH= all; dishashcha= the four quarters; tathaa= and; pradishaH= the intermediate points; baaNaugha vitataaH= were diffused with a multitude of arrows; vasudhaachaiva= even the earth; samchchhannaa= was covered; samantataa= on all sides; na prakaashate= and did not become visible.
All the four quarters and the intermediate points were diffused with a multitude of arrows. Even the earth was covered on all sides and did not become visible.
tataH kruddho mahaabaahurdhanushchichchheda saMyuge |
aShTaabhiratha naaraachaiH suutaM vivyaadha raaghavaH || 6-79-29
29. tataH= then; mahaabaahuH= the long armed; raaghavaH= Rama; kruddhaH= enraged; samyuge= in battle; chichheda= broke up; dhanuH= the bow (of the demon); atha= thereupon; aShTaabhiH naaraachaiH= by his eight iron arrows; vivyaadha= struck; suutam= the charioteer.
Then, the long-armed Rama, full of anger in battle, broke off the bow of the demon. Thereupon, by his eight iron arrows, struck the charioteer.
bhittvaa rathaM sharai raamo hatvaa ashvaaama[aatauat |
viratho vasudhaasthaH sa makaraakSho nishaacharaH || 6-79-30
30. raamaH= Rama; bhittvaa= breaking; ratham= the chariot; sharaiH= with his arrows; hatvaa= and killing; ashvaan= the horses; apaatayat= made them to fall down; saH makaraakShaH= that Makaraksha; nishaacharaH= the demon; virathaH= bereft of his chariot; vasudhaasthaH= stood on the ground.
Rama, breaking the chariot with his arrows and killing its horses, made them to fall down dead. That Makaraksha the demon, bereft of his chariot, stood on the ground.
tattiShThadvasudhaaM rakShaH shuulaM jagraaha paaNinaa |
traasanam sarvabhuutaanaaM yugaantaagnisamaprabham || 6-79-31
31. tat= that; rakShaH= demon; tiShThat vasudhaam= standing on the ground; jagraaha= took; paaNinaa= into his hand; shuulam= a spike; traasanam= which created fright; sarva bhuutaanaam= among all living beings; yugaantaagni samaprabham= and whose splendour was equal to that of fire at the end of the world.
That demon, standing on the ground, took into his hand, a spike, which created fright among all living beings and whose splendour was equal to the fire at the end of the world.
duravaapaM mahachchhuulaM rudradattaM bhayaMkaram |
jaajvalyamaanamaakaashe saMhaaraastramivaaparam || 6-79-32
yaM dR^iSTvaa devataaH sarvaa bhayaartaa vidrutaa dishaH |
32. mahat shuulam= (He took) that great spike; yam dR^iShTvaa= by seeing which; sarvaaH devataaH= all the godheads; bhayaartaaH= were afflicted with fear; vidrutaah= and fled; dishaH= to different directions; duravaapam= which was difficult to be obtained; rudradattam= which was gifted by Rudra, one of the eight forms of Shiva the lord of dissolution; bhayamkaram= which was terrible; jaajvalyamaanam= which flamed violently; aakaasho= in the sky; aparam samhaaraastram iva= like another weapon of destruction.
That great spike, which was difficult to be obtained, was gifted to him by Rudra, one of the eight forms of Shiva the Lord of Dissolution. That terrible spike, which flamed violently in the sky, looked like another new weapon of destruction of the world. On seeing it, all the godheads were afflicted with fear and fled to different quarters.
vibhraamya cha mahachchuulaM prajvalantaM nishaacharaH || 6-79-33
sa krodhaatpraahiNottasmai raaghavaaya mahaatmane |
33. vibhraamyacha= whirling; mahat= that great; shuulam= spike; prajvalantam= which was flaming; nishaacharaH= that demon; krodhaat= in rage; praahiNot= hurled it; tasmai mahaatmane raaghavaaya= against that great-souled Rama.
Brandishing that flaming great spike, that enraged demon hurled it against that great-souled rama.
tamaapatantaM jvalitaM kharaputrakaraachchyutam || 6-79-34
baaNaishchaturbhiraakaashe shuulaM chchheda raaghavaH |
34. raaghavaH= Rama; chichcheda= broke; chaturbhiH baaNaiH= by his four arrows; tam shuulam= that spike; jvalitam= which was flaming; chyutam= coming forth from; kharaputrakaraat= the arm of Makaraksha; aapatntam= rushing towards him; aakaashe= in the sky.
Rama broke, by his four arrows, that flaming spike coming forth from Makaraksha's arm and rushing towards him in the sky.
sa bhinno naikadhaa shuulo divyahaaTakamaNDitaH || 6-79-35
vyashiiryata maholkeva raamabaaNaardito bhuvi |
35. saH shuulaH= that spike; divyahaaTakamaN^DitaH= adored with charming gold; bhinnaH= broken; naikadhaa= in many ways; raamabaaNaarditaH= and tormented by Rama's arrows; vyashiiryata= fell scattered; bhuvi= on the earth; maholkena= like a mighty meteor.
That spike, adored with charming gold, broken in many ways, struck by Rama's arrows, fell scattered on the earth, like a mighty meteor.
tachchhuulaM nihatam dR^iShTvaa raameNaakliShTakarmaNaa || 6-79-36
saadhusaadhviti bhuutaani vyaaharanti nabhogataaH |
36. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tam= that; shuulam= spike; nihatam= struck; raameNa= by Rama; akliShTakarmaNaa= who was unwearied in action; bhuutaani= the beings; nabhogataaH= standing in the air; vyaaharanti= cried; saadhu saadhu iti= saying 'excellent, excellent!'.
Seeing that spike struck by Rama, who was unwearied in action, the beings standing in the air, cried, saying 'Excellent, Excellent!'.
taM dR^iShTvaa nihataM shuulaM makaraakSho nishaacharaH || 6-79-37
muShTimudyamya kaakutthsaM tiShTha tiShTheti chaabraviit |
37. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tam shuulam= that spike nihatam= destroyed; makaraakShaH= Makaraksha; nishaacharaH= the demon; udyamya= rising; muShTim= his fist; abraviit= called out; kakutthsam= to Rama; iti= saying; tiShTha tiShTha= "Wait, Wait!".
Seeing that spike destroyed, Makaraksha the demon, rising his fist, called out to Rama, saying "Wait, Wait!".
sa taM dR^iShTvaapatantaM tu prahasya raghunandanaH || 6-79-38
paavakaastraM tato raamaH samdadhe tu sharaasane |
38. tataH= then; dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tam= him; aapatantam= rushing towards him; saH raamaH= that Rama; raghunandanaH= the delight of Raghu dynasty; prahasya= while smiling; samdadhe sharaasane= fitted to his bow, paavakaastram= a mystic missile presided over by fire.
Then, seeing Makaraksha rushing towards him, that Rama the delight of Raghu dynasty, while smiling, fitted to his bow, a mystic missile presided over by fire.
tenaastreNa hataM rakShaH kaakutsthena tadaa raNe || 6-79-39
sachchhinnahR^idayaM tatra papaata cha mamaara cha |
39. hatam= struck; tena astreNa= by that missile; kaakutthsena= by Rama; rakShaH= the demon; tadaa= then; bhinna hR^idayam sat= with his heart split open; papaata= fell down; mamaaracha= dead; tatra= there; raNe= in the battle-field.
Struck by that missile by Rama, the demon with his heart split open, fell down dead then and there, in the battle-field.
dR^iShTvaa te raakShasaaH sarve makaraakShasya paatanam || 6-79-40
laN^kaameva pradhaavanta raamabaaNabhayaarditaaH |
40. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; paatanam= the fall; makaraakShasya= of Makaraksha; sarve= all; te raakShasaaH= those demons; raamabaaNa bhayaarditaaH= tormented by the fear of Rama's arrows; pradhaavanta= ran away; laN^kaameva= straight to Lanka.
Seeing the fall of Makaraksha, all those demons, tormented by the fear of Rama's arrows, ran away straight to Lanka.
dasharathanR^ipasuunubaaNavegai |
rajanicharaM nihatam kharaatmajaM tam |
pradadR^ishuratha devataaH prahR^iShTaa |
girimiva vajrahataM yathaa vikiirNam || 6-79-41
41. prahR^iShTaaH= thrilled with delight; devataaH= the celestials; tam rajanicharam pradadR^ishuH= (watched) that demon; kharaatmajam= the son of Khara; nihatam= destroyed; dasharatha nR^ipa suunu baaNa vegaiH= by the flighs of Rama's arrows; girimiva= like a mountain; vikiirNam= shattered; vajrahatam= after struck by lightning.
Thrilled with delight, the celestials watched that demon, the son of Khara, destroyed by the flights of Rama's arrows and resembling a mountain shattered, after struck by lightning.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe vaalmiikiiye aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe navasaptatitamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 79th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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