Chapter [Sarga] 90  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 90


Indrajit goes back to Lanka and brings another chariot with him. He attacks the monkeys severely. The monkeys seek refuge in Lakshmana. Indrajit and Lakshmana continue a fierce battle with their bow and arrows. Lakshmana destroys Indrajit’s chariot. Indrajit strikes three arrows in Lakshmana’s forehead and Lakshmana strikes five arrows on Indrajit’s face. When Indrajit strikes Vibhishana with arrows, Vibhishana kills Indrajit’s horses. Fitting a missile presided over by Indra the lord of celestials, Lakshmana addressed a prayer on Rama and discharged it towards Indrajit. Indrajit’s head gets chopped off and falls to the ground. Witnessing Indrajit’s death, all the monkey-chiefs, Vibhishana, Hanuma and Jambavan applaud Lakshmana.

sa hataashvo mahaatejaa bhuumau tiShThannishaacharaH |
indrajitparamakruddhaH samprajajvaala tejasaa || 90-6-1
1.mahaatejaaH= the greatly splendoured; indrajit= Indrajit; nishaacharaH= the demon; tiShThan= standing; bhuumau= on the ground; hataashvaH= as his horses were killed; paramakruddhaH= was very much enraged; prajajvaala= and blazed; tejasaa= with spirit.
Indrajit, the demon, who was endowed with extraordinary energy, standing on the ground his horses having been killed; was very much enraged and blazed with spirit.
tau dhanvinau jighaaMsantaavanyonyamiShubhirbhR^isham |
vijayenaabhiniShkraantau vane gajavR^iShaaviva || 90-6-2
2. tau= those two warriors; dhanurdharau= holding their bows; bhR^isham jighaamsantau= having an extreme intent to kill; anyonyam= each other; iShubhiH= with their arrows; gajavR^iShau iva= were like two excellent elephants; abhiniShkraantau= going out; vane= in the forest; vijayena= for the purpose of conquering (one over the other).
Those two warriors, holding their bows, having an extreme intent to kill each other with their arrows, were like two excellent elephants going out in the forest for the purpose of conquering one over the other.
nibarhayantashchaanyonyaM te raakShasavanaukasaH |
bhartaaraM na jahuryuddhe sampatantastatastataH || 90-6-3
3. te= those; raakShasa vanaukasau= demons and monkeys; sampatantaH= rushing; tatashtataH= from all sides; nibarhayantaH= destroying; anyonyam= each other; na jahuH= did not desert; bhartaaram= their master; yuddhe= in battle.
Those demons and monkeys, rushing from all sides, destroying each other, did not desert their masters in battle.
tatastaan raakShasaan sarvaan harShayan raavaNaatmajaH |
stuvaano harShamaaNashcha idaM vachanamabraviit || 90-6-4
4. stuvaanaH= acclaiming; harShayan= the causing rejoice; sarvaan raakShasaan= to all the demons; harShamaaNashcha= and even feeling delighted himself; raavaNaatmajaH= Indrajit; tataH= then; abraviit= spoke; idam vacham= the following words:
Applauding and causing rejoice to all the demons and even feeling delighted himself, Indrajit then spoke the following words:
tamasaa bahulenemaaH saMsaktaaH sarvato dishaH |
neha vijJNaayate svo vaa paro vaa raakShasottamaaH || 90-6-5
5. imaaH= these; dishaH= quarters; samsaktaaH= are wrapped; sarvataH= on all sides; bahulena tamasaa= with abundant darkness; raakShasottama= O foremost of demons!; na vijJnaayate= it cannot be identified; iha= at this time; svovaa parovaa= whether one belongs to one’s own army or an enemy.
“These quarters are wrapped on all sides with abundant darkness. O foremost of demons! It can not be identified at this time whether one belongs to one’s own army or an enemy.
dhR^iShTaM bhavanto yudhyantu hariiNaaM mohanaaya vai |
ahaM tu rathamaasthaaya aagamiShyaami saMyuge || 90-6-6
6. bhavantaH= you; dhR^iShTam= courageously; yudhyantu= fight; mohanaaya= so as to stupefy; hariiNaam= the monkeys; aham tu= I, on my part; aagamiShyaami= will come; samyuge= to the battle; aasthaaya= after ascending; ratham= a chariot.
“You courageously fight, so as to stupefy the monkeys. I, on my part, will return to the battle-field, ascending another chariot.”
tathaa bhavantaH kurvantu yatheme hi vanaukasaH |
na yudhyeyurduraatmaanaH praviShTe nagaraM mayi || 90-6-7
7. bhavantaH= you; kurvantu= act; tathaa= in such a way; yathaa= that; ime= these; duraatmanaH= evil-minded; vanaukasaH= monkeys; na yudhyeyuH= do not carry on the fight (with me); mayi= while I; praviShTe= enter; nagaram= the city.
“You act in such a way so that these evil-minded monkeys do not carry on their fight (with me) while enter the city.”
ityuktvaa raavaNasuto vaJNchayitvaa vanaukasaH |
pravivesha puriiM laN^kaam rathahetoramitraha || 90-6-8
8. iti uktvaa= thus speaking; raavaNasutaH= Indrajit; amitrahaa= the annihilator of enemies; vaN^chayitvaa= deceiving; vanaukasaH= the monkeys; pravivesha= entered; laN^kaam purim= the City of Lanka; ratha hetoH= for the sake of another chariot.
Thus speaking, Indrajit the annihilator of enemies, having deceived the monkeys, entered the City of Lanka for the sake of getting anther chariot.
sa rathaM bhuuShayitvaatha ruchiraM he mabhuuShitam |
praasaasisharasaMyuktaM yuktaM paramavaajibhiH || 90-6-9
adhiShThitaM hayajJNena suutenaaptopadeshinaa |
aaruroha mahaatejaa raavaNiH samitiMjayaH || 90-6-10
9, 10. bhuuShayitvaa= arranging for embellishment; ratham= of a chariot; ruchiram= which was beautiful; hema bhuuShitam= decked with gold; praasaasishara samyuktam= furnished with darts, swords and arrows; yuktam paramavaajibhiH= yoked with excellent horses; adhiShThitam= directed by suten= a charioteer; hayaJNena= who could understand his horses properly; aaptopadeshinaa= and could give credible instructions to them; saH raavaNiH= that Indrajit; samitimjayaH= a conqueror in battle; mahaatejaaH= who was endowed with extraordinary energy; atha= then; aaruroha= ascended it.
Arranging for embellishment of a chariot, which was beautiful, decked with gold, furnished with darts, swords and arrows, yoked with excellent horses, directed by a charioteer who could understand those horses properly and could give credible instructions to them, that Indrajit, a conqueror in battle, who was endowed with extraordinary energy, then ascended it.
sa raakShasgaNairmukhyairvR^ito mandodariisutaH |
niryayau nagaraadviiraH kR^itaantabalachoditaH || 90-6-11
11. saH viiraH= that valiant; manDodariisutaH= Indrajit; vR^itaH= surrounded by; mukhyaiH raakShasa gaNaiH= troops of principal demons; kR^itaanta balachoditaH= incited by the force of destiny; niryayau= sallied forth; nagaraat= from the city.
That valiant Indrajit, surrounded by troops of principal demons and incited by the force of destiny, sallied forth from the city.
so.abhiniShkramya nagaraadindrajitparaviiraha |
abhyayaajjavanairashvairlakShmaNaM savibhiiShaNam || 90-6-12
12. abhiniShkramya= going forth; nagaraat= from the City; saH indrajit= that Indrajit; paraviirahaa= the destroyer of valiant enemies; jananaiH ashvaiH= by his swift horses; abhyayaat= attacked; lakShmaNam= Lakshmana; savibhiShaNam= together with Vibhishana.
Moving out form the City with his swift horses, that indrajit, the destroyer of valiant enemies, attacked Lakshmana and Vibhishana.
tato rathasthamaalokya saumitrii raavaNaatmajam |
naanaraashcha mahaaviiryaa raakShasashcha vibhiiShaNaH || 90-6-13
vismayaM paramaM jagmurlaaghavaattasya dhiimataH |
13. tataH= then; aalokya= Seeing; raavanaatmajam= Indrajit; rathastham= seated in the chariot; saumitriH= Lakshmana; mahaaviiryaah vaanaraashcha= the mighty monkeys; raakShasasya vibhiiShaNaH= and Vibhishana the demons; jagmuH vismayam paramam= were very much surprised; tasya laaghavaat= with alacrity; tasya dhiimataH= of the intelligent Indrajit.
Seeing Idnrajit seated in the chariot, Lakshmana, the mighty monkeys and Vibhishana the demon then were very much surprised on recalling the alacrity of the intelligent Indrajit.
raavaNishchaapi saMkruddho raNe vaanarayuuthapaan || 90-6-14
paatayaamaasa baaNaughaiH shatasho.ath sahasrashaH |
14. samkR^iddhaH= the enraged; raavaNashchaapi= Indrajit also; paatayaamaasa shatashaH= struck down hundreds; atha= and; sahasrashaH= thousands; vaanarayuuthapaan= of monkey-chiefs; baaNaughaiH= by his multitude of arrows; raNe= in the battle.
The enraged Indrajit also struck down hundreds and thousands of monkey-chiefs by using a multitude of arrows in the battle-field.
sa maNDaliikR^itadhanuu raavaNiH samitiMjayaH || 90-6-15
hariinabhyahanatkruddhaH paraM laaghavamaasthitaH |
15. maN^DaliikR^itadhanuH= stretching his bow to a circle; saH kR^iddhaH raavaNiH= that enraged Indrajit; samitimjayaH= the conqueror in battle; aasthitaH= param laaghram= exhibiting supreme agility; abhyahanat= killed; hariin= the monkeys.
Stretching his bow to a circle, that enraged Indrajit the conqueror in battle, exhibiting supreme agility, began to kill the monkeys.
te vadhyamaanaa harayo naaraachairbhiimavikramaaH || 90-6-16
saumitriM sharaNam praaptaH prajaapatimiva prajaaH |
16. vadhyamaanaaH= thus being killed; naaraachaiH= by steel arrows; te harayaH= those monkeys; bhiima vikramaaH= of terrible prowess; sharaNam praaptaaH= sought refuge; saumitrim= in Lakshmana; prajaaH iva= as people; prajaapatim= would seek refuge in Brahma the lord of creation.
Thus being killed by steel arrows, those monkeys of terrible prowess sought refuge in Lakshmana, as people would take refuge in Brahma the Lord of Creation.
tataH samarakopena jvalito raghunandanaH || 90-6-17
chichchheda kaarmukaM tasya darshayan paaNilaaghavam |
17. tataH= then; jvalitaH= blazing; samarakopena= with hostile anger; raghunanadanaH= Lakshmana; darshayan= showing; paaNilaaghavam= agility of his hand; chichheda= tore; tasya karmukam= his bow.
Then, blazing with hostile anger, Lakshmana, showing his agility of hand, tore Indrajit’s bow.
so.anytkaarmukamaadaaya sajjaM chakre tvaranniva || 90-6-18
tadapyasya tribhirbaaNairlakSmaNo nirakR^intata |
18. tvaranniva= Hurriedly; saH= he; aadaaya= took; anyat= another; kaarmukam= bow; chakre= and made it; sajjam= ready; lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; nirakR^intata= tore; asya tadapi= that bow also of indrajit; tribhiH baaNaiH= with three arrows.
Hurriedly, he took another bow and made it ready. Lakshmana tore that bow too of Indrajit with three arrows.
athanaM chinnadhanvaanamaashiiviShaviShopamaiH || 90-6-19
vivyaadhorasi saumitrii raavaNiM paJNchabhiH sharaiH |
19. atha= thereupon; saumitriH= Lakshmana; vivyaadha= struck; enam= this; raavaNim= Indrajit; chhinnadhnvaanam= whose bow was torn; urasi= on his chest; paN^chabhiH= with five; baaNaiH= arrows; aashiiviShaviShopamaiH= which were like serpentine poison.
Thereupon, Lakshmana struck that Indrajit, whose bow was torn, on his chest with five arrows which were deadly like a serpentine poison.
te tasya kaayaM irbhidya mahaakaarmukaniHsR^itaaH || 90-6-20
nipeturdharaNiiM baaNaa raktaa iva mahoragaaH |
20. te baaNaaH= those arrows; mahaakaarmuka niHsR^itaaH= released from that great bow; nirbhidya= tearing; tasya kaayam= his body; nipetuH= fell; dharaNiim= to the earth; raktaaH mahoragaaH iva= like huge red serpents.
Those arrows, released from that great bow, penetrating through Indrajit’s body, fell to the ground like huge red serpents.
sa chchhinnadhanvaa rudhiraM vaman vaktreNa raavaNiH || 90-6-21
jagraaha kaarmukashreShThaM dR^iDhajyaM balavattaram |
21. vaman= ejecting; rudhiram= blood; vaktreNa= from his month; saH raavaNiH= that Indrajit; china dhanvaa= who had his bow torn; jagraaHa= took hold; kaarmukashreShTham= of his excellent bow; dR^iDhajyam= with bow-string firmy fastened; balavatharam= and which was stronger (than the earlier bow).
Ejecting blood from his month, that Indrajit, who had his bow torn, took hold of his excellent bow with the bow-string firmly fastened and which was stronger than the earlier bow.
sa lakShmaNaM samuddishya paraM laaghavamaasthitaH |
vavarSha sharavarShaaNi varShaaNiiva purandaraH || || 90-6-22
22. aashritaH= employing; param= utmost; laaghavam= agility; saH= Indrajit; uddishya= aiming at; LakShmaNam= Lakshmana; vavarSha= streamed forth; sharavarShaaNi= a shower of arrows; purandaraH iva= like Indra the lord of celestials; varShaaNi= streaming forth the rain.
Employing utmost agility, Indrajit, aiming at Lakshmana, streamed forth a shower of arrows, as Indra the lord of celestials streaming forth the rain.
muktamindrajitaa tattu sharavarShamarindamaH |
avaarayadasambhraanto lakShmaNaH suduraasadam || 90-6-23
23. asambhraantaH= coolly; lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; arindamaH= the annihilator of enemies; avaarayat= warded off; sharavarSham= the shower of arrows; suduraasadam= which were the most difficult to be resisted; muktam= released; indrajitaa= by Indrajit.
Lakshmana the annihilator of enemies coolly warded off the shower of arrows released by Indrajit, though it was most difficult to resist.
saMdarshayaamaasa tadaa raavaNiM raghunandanaH || 90-6-24
asaMbhraanto mahaatejaastadadbhutamivaabhavat |
24. raghunandanaH= Lakshmana; mahaatejaaH= with great splendor; asambhraantaH= remaining unperplexed; tadaa= then; samdarshayaamaasa= showed (his prowess); raavaNim= to Indrajit; tat= that; abhuut= was; adbhutamiva= marvelous indeed.
Lakshmana with great splendor, remaining unperplexed, then showed his prowess to Indrajit, which was marvelous indeed.
tatastaan raakShasaan sarvaaMstribhirekaika mahaave || 90-6-25
avidhyatparamakruddhaH shiighraastraM sampradarshayan |
raakShasendrasutaM chaapi baaNaughaiH samataaDayat || 90-6-26
25, 26. paramakruddhaH= getting extremely enraged; (Lakshmana); tataH= then; avidhyat= pierced; taan sarvaan raakShasaan= all those demons; aahave= (who stood in) the battle-field; tribhiH= with three arrows; ekaikam= each; sampradarshayan= showing; shiighraastram= his speed in discharging missiles; samataaDayat api= (and also) struck; tam raakShasaasutam that Indrajit; baanaughaiH= with an array of arrows.
Getting extremely enraged, Lakshmana then pierced all those demons who stood in the battle-field with three arrows each, showing his speed in discharging missiles and also struck Indrajit with an array of arrows.
so.atividdho balavataa shatruNaa shatrughaatinaa |
asaktaM preShayaamaasa lakShmaNaaya bahuun sharaan || 90-6-27
27. saH= that Indrajit; atividdhaH= who was struck; shatrunaa= by the enemy; balavataa= who was mighty; shatrughaatinaa= and destroyer of enemies; preShayaamaasa= sent; asaktam= unhindered; bahuun sharaan= several arrows; lakShmanaaya= for Lakshmana.
That Indrajit, who was struck by the enemy, who was mighty destroyer of enemies, released several arrows unhindered towards Lakshmana.
taanapraaptaan shitairbaaNaishchichchheda paraviiraha |
saaratherasya cha raNe rathino raghusattamaH || 90-6-28
shoro jahaara dharmaatmaa bhallenaanataparvaNaa |
28. paraviirahaa= Lakshmana, the destroyer of valiant adversaries; chichheda= tore; taan= those arrows; apraaptaan= unarrived; shitaiH baaNaiH= with sharp arrows; dharmaatmaa= the virtuous; raghusattamaH= Lakshmana; jahaara eliminated; shiraH= the head; saaatheH= of the charioteer; asya rathinaH= of Indrajit who occupied the charioteer; asya rathinaH= of Indrajit who occupied the chariot; raNe= in the battle; bhallena= with an arrow called Bhalla; aanata parvaNaa= which was curved at its nodes.
Lakshmana, the destroyer of valiant adversaries, tore those arrows yet unarrived, with sharp arrows. The virtuous Lakshmana eliminated the head of the charioteer of Indrajit, the chariot-warrior, in the battle with an arrow called Bhalla which was looking curved at its nodes.
asuutaaste hayaastatra rathamuuhuraviklabaaH || 90-6-29
maNDalaanyabhidhaavantastadadbhutamivaabhavat |
29. te= those; hayaaH= horses; asuutaaH= bereft of a charioteer; tatra= there; aviklabaaH= without getting perturbed; maNDalaani abhidhaavantaH= ran up in a circular fashion; rathm uhuH= and continued to draw the chariot; tat= that; abhavat= was; adbhutamiva= wonderful indeed.
Those horses, bereft of a charioteer there, without getting perturbed, ran up in a circular fashion and continued to draw the chariot. The scene looked wonderful indeed.
amarShavashamaapannaH saumitrirdR^iDhavikramaH || 90-6-30
pratyaviddhyaddhayaaMstasya sharairvitraasayan raNe |
30. aasannaH= getting; amarShavasham= the power of anger; raNe= in battle; saumitriH= Lakshmana; dR^iDhavikramaH= of unyielding prowess; vitraasayan= frightening; hayaan= the horses; pratyavidhyat= pierced (them); sharaiH= with arrows.
Getting the power of anger, Lakshmana of unyielding prowess, pierced the horses of Indrajit with arrows, so as to frighten them thereby.
amarShamaaNastatkarma raavaNasya suto raNe || 90-6-31
vivyaadha dashabhirbaaNaiH saumitriM tamamarShaNam |
31. amarShaNam= getting impatient; tat karma= with that act; (of Lakshmana); raNe= in battle; raavaNasya sutaH= Indrajit; vivyaadha= struck; tam amarShaNam saumitrim= that enraged Lakshmana; dashabhiH baaNaiH= with ten arrows.
Getting impatient with that act of Lakshmana in battle, Indrajit struck that enraged Lakshmana with ten arrows.
te tasya vajrapratimaaH sharaaH sarpaviShopamaaH || 90-6-32
vilayaM jagmuraagatya kavachaM kaaJNchanaprabham |
32. te sharaaH= those arrows; vajrapratimaaH= equal to thunder bolts; sarpaviShopamaaH= and like serpentine poison; tasya= of Indrajit; aagatya= having arrived at; kavacham= the armour; kaaN^chana prabham= with a golden hue; vilayam jagmuH= obtained destruction.
Those arrows of Indrajit, equal to thunderbolts and deadly as serpentine poison, having reached Lakshmana’s armour with a golden hue, got destroyed.
abhedyakachanaM matvaa lakShmaNaM raavaNaatmajaH || 90-6-33
lalaaTe lakShmaNaM baaNaiH supu~Nkhaistribhirindrajit |
avidhyatparamakruddhaH shIghramastraM pradarshayan || 90-6-34
33, 34. matvaa= understanding; lakShmanam= Lakshmana; abheyakavacham= to have been protected by an impenetrable armour; pradarshayan= and showing; shiighram= his swiftness; astram= in discharging missiles; indrajit= Indrajit; raavaNaatmajaH= the son of Ravana; paramakruddhaH= who felt very much angered; avidhyat= pierced; lakShmanam= lakshmana; lalaaTe= in the forehead; tribhiH baaNaiH= with three arrows; supuNkhaiH= provided with good plumes.
Understanding Lakshmana to have been protected by an impenetrable armour and showing his swiftness in discharging missiles, Indrajit the son of Ravana, who felt very much angered, pierced Lakshmana in the forehead with three arrows provided with good plumes.
taiH pR^iShatkairlalaaTasthaiH shushubhe raghunandanaH |
raNaagre samarashlaaghI trishR^i~Nga iva parvataH || 90-6-35
35. taiH pR^iShtkaiH= with those arrows; lalaaTasthaiH= planted in his forehead; raghunandanaH= Lakshmana; samavashalaaghii= who had delight in battle; shushubhe= shone; parvataH iva= like a mountain; trishR^iNgaH= with three peaks; raNaagre= in the battle-field.
With those three arrows planted in his forehead, Lakshmana who was fond of fighting, shone like a mountain with its three peaks, in the battle-field.
sa tathaapyardito baaNai raakShasena mahaamR^idhe |
tamaashu prativivyaadha lakShmaNaH panabhiH sharaiH || 90-6-36
vikR^iShyendrajito yuddhe vadane shubhakuNDale |
36. arditaH= tormented; tathaa= thus; mR^idhe= in battle; raakShasena= By Indrajit the demon; saH lakShmaNaH= that Lakshmana; tadaa= then; aashu= quickly; vikR^iShya= drawing and bending the bow; tam prativivyaadha= pierced him in return; paNchabhiH sharaiH= with five arrows; yuddhe= in battle; indrajitaH vadane= in Indrajit’s face; shubha kuN^Dale= having beautiful ear-rings.
Thus tormented in battle by Indrajit the demon, that Lakshmana then quickly stretching the bow, pierced him in return with five arrows, in battle, in Indrajit’s face holding beautiful ear-rings.
lakShmaNendrajitau vIrau mahaabalasharaasanau || 90-6-37
anyonyaM jaghnaturbaaNairvishikhairbhImavikramau |
37. lakShmaNendrajitau= Lakshmana and Indrajit; viirau= the heroes; mahaabalasharaasanau= endowed with extraordinary mighty and armed with very strong bow; bhiima vikramau= and possessing terrible prowess; jaghnatuH= struck; anyonyam= each other; vishikhaiH baaNaiH= with distinctly pointed arrows.
Lakshmana Indrajit, the heroes endowed with extraordinary might and armed with very strong bows and possessing terrible prowess, struck each other with distinctly pointed arrows.
tatah shoNitadigdhaaN^gau lakShmaNendrajitaavubhau || 90-6-38
raNe tau raajaturviirau puShpitaaviva kiMshukau |
38. tau= those two warriors; lakShmaNendrajitau= Lakshmana and Indrajit; ubhau shoNitadigdhaaN^gau= both with their bodies stained in blood; tataH= at that time; raNe= in battle; rejatuH= shone; puShpitau kimshukau iva= like Kimshuka trees in blossom.
Those two warriors, Lakshmana and Indrajit, with both their bodies stained in blood, shone in the battle-field at that time, like Kimshuka trees in blossom.
tau parasparamabhyetya sarvagaatreShu dhanvinau || 90-6-39
ghorairvivyadhaturbaaNaiH kR^itabhaavaavubhau jaye |
39. tau ubhau dhanvinau= those two archers; kR^ita bhaavau= with their minds directed towards; jaye= victory; abhyetya= approached; parasparam= each other; vivyadhatuH= and pierced; sarvagaatreShu= in all the others limbs; ghoraiH baaNaiH= with dreadful arrows.
Those two archers, with their minds directed towards victory, met each other and pierced their opponent in all limbs with dreadful arrows.
tataH samarakopena saMvR^ito raavaNaatmajaH || 90-6-40
vibhiiShaNaM tribhirbaaNairvivyaadha vadane shubhe |
40. tataH= then; raavaNaatmajaH= Indrajit; samarakopena samvR^itaH= filled with martial anger; vivyaadha= struck; vibhiiShanam= Vibhishana; shubhe vadane= in his auspicious face; tribhiH baaNaiH= with three arrows.
Then, Indrajit, filled with martial anger, struck Vibhishana in his auspicious face, with three arrows.
ayomukhastribhirviddhvaa raakShasendraM vibhiiShaNam || 90-6-41
ekaikenaabhivivyaadha taansarvaan hariyuuthapaan |
41. viddhvaa= having struck; vibhiiShaNam= Vibhishana; raakShasendram= the leader of demons; tribhiH ayomukhaiH= with three arrows; (Indrajit); abhirivyaadha= struck; sarvaan= all; taan= those; hariyuuthapaan= monkey-chiefs; ekekaina= each with one arrow.
Having struck Vibhishana, the leader of demons, with three arrows, Indrajit struck all those monkey chiefs with a single arrow each.
tasmai dR^iDhataraM kruddho hataashvaaya vibhIShaNaH || 90-6-42
vibhiiShaNo mahaatejaa raavaNeH sa duraatmanaH |
42. kruddhaH dR^iDhataram= much enraged; tasmai= with him; saH vibhiiShaNaH= that Vibhishana; mahaatejaaH= of great splendor; jaghaana= killed; hayaan= the horses; duraatmanaH raavaneH= of the evil-minded Indrajit; gadayaa= with his mace.
Very much enraged with him, that Vibhishana of great splendor killed the horses of that evil-minded Indrajit with his mace.
sa hataashvaatsamaaplutya rathaanmathirasaarathiH || 90-6-43
atha shaktiM mahaatejaaH pitR^ivyaaya mumocha ha |
43. rathaat= from the chariot; mathitasaarathiH= whose charioteer was destroyed; hataashvaat= and whose horses were killed; saH mahaatejaaH= that Indrajit of a great splendor; samaaplntya= just dumped down; atha= and then; mumochaha= released; shaktim= his javelin; pitR^ivyaaya= towards his paternal uncle.
Just leaping down from the chariot whose charioteer was destroyed earlier and whose horses were killed, that Indrajit of great splendor employed his javelin towards his maternal uncle.
taamaapatantiiM saMprekShya sumitraanandavardhanaH || 90-6-44
chichchheda nishitai rbaaNairdashadhaapaatayadbhuvi |
44. samprekShya= seeing; taan= that javelin; aapatantiim= rushing towards him; sumitrananda vardhanaH= Lakshmana; chichheda= tore (it); nishitaiH baaNaiH= with sharp arrows; dashadhaa= into ten pieces; aapaatayat= and felled it; bhuvi= on the floor.
Seeing that Javelin rushing towards Vibhishana, Lakshmana tore it into ten pieces with his sharp arrows and felled it on the floor.
tasmai dR^iDhatanuH kruddho hataashvaaya vibhiiShaNaH || 90-6-45
vajrasparshasamaanpa~ncha sasarjorasi maargaNaan |
45. dR^iDhatanuH= the strong-bodied; vibhiiShaNaH= Vibhishana; kruddhaH= in anger; sasarja= dug; paNcha= five; saayakaan= arrows; vajra sparshasamaan= whose impact was as hard as that of a thunder-bolt; urasi= into the bossom; tasmai= of Indrajit; hataashvaaya= whose horses were already killed.
The strong bodied Vibhishana, in anger, dug five arrows, whose impact was a hard as that of a thunder-bolt, into the bosom of Indrajit, whose horses were already killed.
te tasya kaayaM nirbhidya rukmapu~Nkhaa nimittagaaH || 90-6-46
babhuuvurlohitaadigdhaa rakTaa iva mahoragaaH |
46. bhitvaatu= having penetrated; tasya kaayam= his body; te= those arrows; rukmapuNkhaaH= which were provided with golden feathers; nimittagaaH= went straight into their target; lohita digdhaaH= got stained with blood; babhuuvaH= and became; raktaaH mahoragaaH iva= like red large serpents.
Having penetrated his body, those arrows which were provided with golden feathers, went straight into their target, got stained with blood and appeared like red large serpents.
sa pitR^ivyasya sa~Nkruddha indrajichchharamaadade || 90-6-47
uttamaM rakShasaaM madhye yamadattaM mahaabalaH |
47. samkruddhaH= enraged; pitR^ivyasya= with his paternal uncle; saH Indrajit= that Indrajit; rakShasaam mmadhye= standing in the midst of the demons; aadade= took; uttamam= an excellent; mahaabalam= mighty; sharam= arrow; yama dattam= (earlier) presented by Yama the lord of Death.
Enraged with his paternal uncle, that Indrajit, standing in the midst of demons, took hold of an excellent arrow earlier presented by Yama the lord of Death.
taM samiikShya mahaatejaa maheShuM tena saMhitam || 90-6-48
lakShmaNo.apyaadade baaNamanyaM bhImaparaakramaH |
48. samiikShya= seeing; tam= that; maheShum= great arrow; samhitam= seized; tena= by him; lakShmano.api= Lakshmana also; mahaatejaa= of great splendor; bhiima paraakramaH= and terrible prowess; aadade= took hold of; anyat= another; baanam= arrow.
Seeing that great arrow seized by him, Lakshmana also, of great splendor and terrible prowess, took hold of another arrow.
kubereNa svayaM svapne yaddattamamitaatmanaa || 90-6-49
durjayaM durviShahyaM cha sendrairapi suraasuraiH |
49. (That arrow) dattam= had been presented (to him); svapne= in the course of a dream; kubereNa= by Kubera the god of riches; amitaatmanaa svayam= of immense glory himself; yat= which; durjayam= was difficult to be conquered; durviSahyamcha= and much more difficult to be tolerable; suraasurairapi= even for gods anddemons; sendraiH= including Indra the lord of celestials.
That arrow had been presented to him, in the course of a dream, by Kubera the god of riches, of immense glory himself, which was difficult to be conquered and much more difficult to be tolerated even for gods and demons including Indra the lord of celestials.
tayostu dhanuShii shreShThe baahubhiH parighopamaiH || 90-6-50
vikR^iShyamaaNe balavat krauJNchaviva chukuujatuH |
50. vikR^iShyamaaNe= stretched; balavat= with force; parighopamaiH baahubhiH= by their arms which resembled a pair of iron-rods; tayoH= both of their; shreShThTe= excellent; dhanuShii= bows; chukuujatuH= emitted a piercing sound; krauNchaaviva= like that of a pair of curlew-cranes.
Stretched with strength by their arms, which resembled a pair of steel rods, emitted a piercing sound like that of a pair of curlew-cranes.
taabhyaaM tau dhanuShi shreShThe saMhitau saayakottamau || 90-6-51
vikR^iShyamaaNau vIraabhyaaM bhR^ishaM jajvalatuH shriyaa |
51. saayakottamau= the excellent arrows; samhitau= fitted; vikR^iShyamaaNe= and pulled out; shreShThe dhanuShi= from their excellent bow; taabhyaam viiraabhyaam= by those heroes; jajvalatuH= blazed; bR^isham= very much; shriyaa= with splendour.
The excellent arrows fitted and pulled out from their excellent bow by those heroes, blazed very much with splendour.
tau bhaasayantaavaakaashaM dhanurbhyaaM vishikhau chyutau || 90-6-52
mukhena mukhamaahatya saMnipetaturojasaa |
52. tau vishikhau= those arrows; chutau= released; dhanurbhyaam= from the bow; aakaasham bhaasayantau= making the sky shine; aahatya= hitting; mukhena mukham= face to face; samnipetatuH= sollided with each other; ojasaa= powerfully.
Those arrows, released from the bow, making the sky shine and hitting each other face to face, collided each other powerfully.
saMnipaatastayoshchaasiichchharayorghoraruupayoH || 90-6-53
sadhuumavisphuliN^gashcha tajjo.agnirdaaruNo.abhavat |
53. samnipaataH= the collision; tayoH sharayoH= of those arrows; ghoraruupayoH= of terrible form; aasiit= broke out; sadhuumavisphuliNgaH= a fierce five comprising of smoke and sparkles; agniH= the five; tajjaH= broke out from it; abhavat= became; daaruNam= fierce.
The collision of those arrows of terrible form broke out a fierce fire comprising of smoke and sparkles.
tau mahaagrahasa~NkaashaavanyonyaM saMnipatya cha || 90-6-54
sa~Ngraame shatadhaa yaatau medinyaaM vinipetatuH |
54. samnipatya= hitting; anyonyam= each other; mahaagraha samkaashau= like two major planets; tau= those two arrows; samgraame= in battle; yaatau= turned; shatadhaa= into a hundred pieces; petatuH= and fell; medinyaam= on the ground.
Hitting each other like two major planets, those two arrows in battle burst into a hundred pieces and fell on the ground.
sharau pratihatau dR^iShTvaa taavubhau raNamuurdhani || 90-6-55
vriiDito jaataroShau cha lakShmaNendrajitau tadaa |
55. ubhau dR^iShTvaa= both of them seeng; sharau= their arrows; pratihatau= warded off; raNamuurdhani= in the battle-front; tau= those two warriors; lakShmaNendrajitau= Lakshmana and Indrajit; tadaa= then; vriiDitau= felt abashed; jaataroShaucha= and got provoked.
On seeing their arrows warded off in the battle-front, those two warriors, Lakshmana and Indrajit then felt abashed and got provoked.
sa saMrabdhastu saumitrirastraM vaaruNamaadade || 90-6-56
raudraM mahedrajidyuddhe vyasR^ijadyudhi viShThitaH |
56. samrabdhaH= getting excited; saH saumitriH= that Lakshmana; aadade= took hold of astram=a missile; vaaruNam= presided over by Varuna (the god of water); yuddhaviShThitaH= being active in the performance of battle; mahendrajitapi= the great Indrajit too; asR^ijat= discharged; raudram= a missile presided over by Rudra (the god of destruction); yuddhe= in the battle.
Getting excited, Lakshmana took hold of a missile presided over by Varuna (the god of water). Skilled in warfare, the great Indrajit too discharged a missile presided over by Rudra (the god of destruction) in battle.
tena tadvihataM shastraM vaaruNam paramaadbhutam || 90-6-57
tataH kruddho mahaatejaa indrajitsamitiMjayaH |
agneyaM samdadhe diiptaM sa lokaM saMkshipanniva || 90-6-58
57, 58. Tena= by that Rudra missile; tat= that; parama adbhutam= very much wonderful; vaaruNam astram= Varuna-missile; vihatam= was hit; tataH= then; saH= that; kruddham= the enraged; Indrajit= Indrajit; mahaatejaaH= of great splendour; samitimjayaH= and the conqueror of battle; lokam samkShipanniva= like the destroyer of the world; samdadhe= employed; agneyam= a missile presided over by Agni the god of fire; diiptam= which was blazing.
By that Rudra missile, that very wonderful Varuna-missile was struck. Then, that enraged Indrajit of great splendour and the conqueror of battle, looking like the destroyer of the world, employed a missile presided over by Agni the god of fire which was blazing.
saureNaastreNa tadviiro lakShmaNaH paryavaarayat |
astraM nivaaritaM dR^iSTvaa raavaNiH krodhamuurchitaH || 90-6-59
aadade nishitaM baaNamaasuraM shatrudaaraNam |
59. viiraH= the valiant; lakShmaNah= Lakshmana; paryavaarat= obstructed; tat= it; saureNa astreNa= by a missile presided over by the sun-god; dR^iShTvaa= finding; asstram= his missile; nivaaritam= repelled; raavaNiH= Indrajit; krodhamuurchhitaH= was filled with anger; aadade= took hold of; nishitam= a sharp; aasuram baaNam= arrow used by demons; shatrudaaraNam= and capable of tearing an enemy.
The valiant Lakshmana obstructed Agni-missile, by a missile presided over by the sun-god. Finding his missile repelled, Indrajit was filled with anger and took hold of a sharp arrow used by demons and capable of tearing down an enemy.
tasmaachchaapaadviniSpeturbhaasvaraaH kuuTamudgaraaH || 90-6-60
shuulaani cha bhushuNDyashcha gadaaH khaDgaaH parashvadhaaH |
60. tasmaat chaapaat= from that bow; bhaasvaraa= blazing; kuuTamudgaraaH= weapon similar to a hammer, duly hidden; shuulaanicha= darts; bhushuNDyashcha= fire arms; gadaaH= maces; khaDgaaH= swords; parashvadhaaH= axes; viniShpetuH= rushed forth.
From that bow, blazing weapon similar to a hammer duly hidden, darts, fire arms, maces, swords and axes rushed forth.
taddR^iSTvaa lakShmaNaH saMkhye ghoramastraM sudaaruNam || 90-6-61
avaaryaM sarvabhuutaanaaM sarvashastravidaaraNam |
maaheshvareNa dyutimaaMstadastraM pratyavaarayat || 90-6-62
61, 62. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tat= that; ghoram= terrible; astram= missile; sudaaruNam= which was very harsh; avaaryam= unrestrainable; sarva bhuutaanaam= for all beings; sarva shastra vidaaraNam= and which can tear all the weapons; samkhye= in battle; dyutimaan lakShmaNaH= the brilliant Lakshmana; pratyavaarayat= obstructed; tat= that; astram= missile; maheshvareNa= by Maheswara-missile.
Seeing that terrible missile, which was very harsh, unrestrainable for all beings and which can tear all weapons in battle, the brilliant Lakshmana obstructed that missile by using Maheswara-missile.
tayoH samabhavadyuddhamadbhutaM romaharShaNam |
gaganasthaani bhuutaani lakShmaNaM paryavaarayan || 90-6-63
63. samabhavat= there was; adbhutam= a wonderful; yuddham= battle; tayoH= between them both; romaharShaNam= causing hair to stand erect; bhuutaani= the beings; gaganasthaani= in the sky; paryavaarayan= surrounded; lakShmaNam= Lakshmana.
There was a wonderful battle between both of them, causing hair to stand erect. The beings in the sky surrounded Lakshmana.
bhairavaabhirute bhIme yuddhe vaanararaakShasaam |
bhuutairbahubhiraakaashaM vismitairaavR^itaM babhau || 90-6-64
64. aavR^itam= surrounded; bahubhiH= by many; vismitaiH= surprised; bhuutaiH= beings; bhiime yuddhe= in the terrible battle; vaanararakShasaam= taking place between monkeys and demons; bhairavaabhirute= with a terrific noise; aakaasham= the sky; babhau= sparkled.
Surrounded by many surprised beings in that terrible battle taking place between monkeys and demons, yielding terrific noise, the sky sparkled.
R^iShayaH pitaro devaa gandharvaa garuNoragaaH |
shatakratuM puraskR^itya rarakShurlakShmaNaM raNe || 90-6-65
65. puraskR^itya shatukratum= placing Indra the Lord of Celestials as their head; R^iShayaH= the sages; pitaraH= manes; devaaH= gods; gandharva garuDoragaaH= Gandharvas the celestial musicians, eagles and serpents; rarakShuH= protected; lakShmaNam= Lakshmana; raNe= in the battle-field.
Placing Indra the lord of celestials as their head, the sages, manes, gods, Gandharvas the celestial musicians, eagles and serpents protected Lakshmana in the battle-field.
athaanyaM maargaNashreShThaM sandadhe raavaNaanujaH |
hutaashanasamasparshaM raavaNaatmajadaaruNam || 90-6-66
66. atha= then; raaghavaanujaH= Lakshmana; samdadhe= fitted; anyam= another; maarga shreShTham= excellent arrow; hutaashana samasparsham= which had a sensation of ignition; raavaNaatmaja daaraNam= and which can tear down Indrajit.
Then, Lakshmana fitted another excellent arrow, which had a sensation of ignition and which can tear down Indrajit.
supatramanuvR^ittaa~NgaM suparvaaNaM susaMsthitam |
suvarNavikR^itaM vIraH sharIraantakaraM sharam || 90-6-67
duraavaaraM durviShahaM raakShasaanaaM bhayaavaham |
aashIviShaviShaprakhyaM devasa~NghaiH samarchitam || 90-6-68
67, 68. viiraH= the heroic Lakshmana (fitted); sharam= the arrow; supatram= having beautiful plumes; anuvR^ittaaN^gam= which consisted of rounded parts; suparvaaNam= well-jointed; susamsthitam= skillfully fashioned; suvarNa vikR^itam= decked with gold; shariiraantakaram= which was capable of destroying the body of the enemies; duraavaaram= not difficult to keep off; durviShaham= but difficult even to tolerate; bhayaaraham= which was source of terror; raakShasaanaam= to the demons; aashiiviShaviShaprakhyam= deadly as the venom of poisonous snakes; samarchitam= and duly honoured by the hosts of gods.
The heroic Lakshmana fitted the arrow, having beautiful plumes, which consisted of rounded parts, well-jointed, skillfully fashioned, decked with gold, capable of destroying the body of the enemies, not difficult to keep off but difficult even to tolerate, a source of terror to the demons as deadly as the venom of poisonous snakes and duly honoured by the host of gods.
yena shakro mahaatejaa daanavaanajayatprabhuH |
puraa devaasure yuddhe vIryavaanharivaahanaH || 90-6-69
69. puraa= earlier; yena= with the help of that arrow; mahaatejaaH= the highly powerful; viiryavaan= and valiant; shakraH= Indra; prabhuH= the lord (of celestials); harivaahanaH= who had green horses to his chariot; ajayat= was able to conquer; daanavaan= the demons; devaasura yuddhe= in a combat which raged between celestials and demons.
With the help of that arrow, the highly powerful and valiant Indra, the lord of celestials, who had green horses to his chariot, was able to conquer the demons in a combat which raged between celestials and demons.
tadaindramastraM saumitriH saMyugeShvaparaajitam |
sharashreShThaM dhanuH shreShThe vikarShannidamibraviit || 90-6-70
lakShmiivaan lakSmaNo vaakyamarthasaadhakamaatmanaH |
70. (Fitting); astram= a missile; aindram= presided over by Indra the lord of celestials; aparaajitam= which had never been defeated in battles; dhanuHshreShThe= to his excellent bow; vikarShan= and drawing it; lakShmiivaan= the glorious; saumitriH= Lakshmana; abraviit= made; idam vaakyam= the following prayer; aatmanaH arthasaadhakam= which was intended to achieve his purpose:
Fitting a missile presided over by Indra the lord of celestials, which had never been defeated in battle, to his excellent bow and drawing it, the glorious Lakshmana addressed the following prayer, which was intended to achieve his purpose:
dharmaatmaa satyasandhashcha raamo daasharathiryadi || 90-6-71
pauruShe chaapratidvandvastadenaM jahi raavaNim |
71. shara= O, my dear arrow!; yadi= if; raamaH= Rama; daasharathiH= the son of Dasaratha; dharmaatmaa= has set his mind of virtueous; satya sadhashcha= keeps up his promise; apratidvandvaH cha= and is second to none; pauruSham= in prowess; jahi= kill; enam= this; raavaNim= Indrajit.
“O my dear arrow! If Rama the son of Dasaratha has set his mind on virtue, keeps up his promise and is second to none in his prowess, destroy this Indrajit.”
ityuktvaa baaNamaakarNaM vikR^iShya tamajihmagam || 90-6-72
lakShmaNaH samare vIraH sasarjendrajitaM prati |
72. iti= thus; uktvaa= saying; vikR^iShya= and drawing; aakarNam= up to the ear; baaNam= the arrow; ajihmagam= which went straight; viiraH= the heroic; lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; tam sasarja= released it; indrajitam prati= towards Indrajit.
Thus saying and drawing up to the ear the arrow, which went straight, the heroic Lakshmana released it towards Indrajit.
aindraastreNa samaayujya lakShmaNaH paravIrahaa || 90-6-73
tachchhiraH sashirastraaNaM shrImajjvalitakuNDalam |
pramathyendrajitaH kaayaatpapaata dharaNItale || 90-6-74
73, 74. samaayujya= charging; aindraastreNa= with a missile presided over by Indra the lord of celestials; lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; para viirahaa= the destroyer of valiant enemies; pramathya= severing; tat= that; shriimat= gracious; shiraH= head; indrajitaH= of Indrajit; jvalita kuN^Dalam= which was adorned with blazing ear-rings; sashirastraaNam= and a head-protector; kaayaat= from his trunk; paatayaamaasa= felled (it); bhuutale= to the surface of the earth.
75. tat mahat shiraH= that large head; raakShasatanuujasya= of Indrajit; bhinna skandham= separated from his trunk; rudhirokShitam= and moistened with blood; dadR^ishe= appeared; bhuumau= on the ground; tapaniiya nibham= shining like gold.
tadraakShasatanuujasya chhinnaskandhaM shiro mahat |
tapanIyanibhaM bhuumau dadR^ishe rudhirokShitam || 90-6-75
75. tat mahat shiraH= that large head; raakShasatanuujasya= of Indrajit; bhinna skandham= separated from his trunk; rudhirokShitam= and moistened with blood; dadR^ishe= appeared; bhuumau= on the ground; tapaniiya nibham= shining like gold.
That large head of Indrajit, separated from his trunk and moistened with blood, was seen on the ground, shining like gold.
hatastu nipapaataashu dharaNyaaM raavaNaatmajaH |
kavachI sashirastraaNo vidhvastaH sasharaasanaH || 90-6-76
76. hataH= having been killed; saH raavaNaatmajaH= that Indrajit; atha= then; nipapaataha= forthwith fell; dharaNyaam= to the ground; kavachii= sashirastraaNaH= along with his armour and head-protector; vipraviddha sharaaanaH= with bow shattered.
Having been killed, that Indrajit then forthwith fell to the ground, along with his armour and head-protector, with his bow shattered.
chukrushuste tataH sarve vaanaraaH savibhIShaNaaH |
hR^iShyanto nihate tasmindevaa vR^itravadhe yathaa || 90-6-77
77. tasmin nihate= as Indrajit was killed; sarva te vaanaraaH= all tose monkeys; savibhiiShaNaaH= along with Vibhishana; tataH= then; chukrushuH= roared; hR^iShyantaH= in rejoice; devaaH yathaa= as the celestials (roared in rejoice) vR^itravadhe= when Vritra the demon was killed.
As Indrajit was killed, all those monkeys together with Vibhishana roared in rejoice, as the celestials did, when Vritra the demon was killed.
athaantarikShe devaanaamR^iShINaaM cha mahaatmanaam |
jajJNe.atha jayasaMnaado gandharvaapsarasaam api || 90-6-78
78. atha= then; jayasamnaadaH= a shout of victory; jajNE= rose; antarikShe= in the sky; (from the mouth); devaan= of gods; mahaatmanaam= from the great souled sages; gandharvaapsarasaamcha= Gandharavas the celestial musicians and Apsarasas the celestial nymphs.
Then, a shout of victory rose in the sky from the mouth of gods, great-souled sages, Gandharvas the celestial musicians and the celestial nymphs.
patitaM samabhijJNaaya raakShasI saa mahaachamuuH |
vadhyamaanaa disho bheje haribhirjitakaashibhiH || 90-6-79
79. abhiJNaaya= seeing; tam= him; patitam= fallen; saa mahaachamuuH= that great army; raakShasii= of demons; vadhyamaanaa= being struck; jitakaashibhiH haribhiH= by monkeys shining with victory; bheje= sought; dishaH= the quarters.
Seeing him fallen, that great army of demons, being struck by monkeys shining with victory, sought the quarters.
vanarairvadhyamaanaaste shastraaNyutsR^ijya raakShasaaH |
la~NkaamabhimukhaaH sarve naShTasaMj~naaH pradhaavitaaH || 90-6-80
80. vadhyamaanaaH= being struck; vaanaraiH= by the mnkeys; raakShasaaH= those demons; utsR^ijya= abandoning; shastraaNi= their weaons; bhraShTasamJNaaH= stupefied; pradhaavitaaH= and while running sasruH= went; laN^kaam abhimukhaaH= towards Lanka.
Abandoning their weapons, while being struck by the monkeys, those demons went towards Lanka, running fast stupefied.
dudruvurbahudhaa bhItaa raakShasaaH shatasho dishaH |
tyaktvaa praharaNaansarve paTTasaasiparashvadhaan || 90-6-81
81. sarve= all bhiitaaH= the frightened; raakShasaaH= demons; shatashaH= in hundreds; tyaktvaa= abandoning; praharaNaan= their weapons; paTTishaasi parashvadhaan= sharp-edged spears; swords and axes; dudruvuH= ran away; bahuudhaa= to various directions.
All those frightened demons, abandoning their weapons sharp-edged spears, swords and axes ran away in hundreds to various directions.
ke chilla~NkaaM paritrastaaH praviShTaa vaanaraarditaaH |
samudre patitaaH ke chitke chitparvatamaashritaaH || 90-6-82
82. vaanararditaaH= tormented by the monkeys; kechit= some; paritrastaaH= were scared; praviShTaaH= and entered; laN^kaam= Lanka; kechit= some; patitaaH= fell; samudre= into the ocean; kechit= some; aashritaaH= took refuge; parvatam= in the mountain.
Tormented by the monkeys, some were scared and entered Lanka. Some fell into the ocean. Some took refuge in the mountain.
hatamindrajitaM dR^iShTvaa shayaanaM samarakShitau |
raakShasaanaaM sahasreShu na kashchitpratyadR^ishyata || 90-6-83
83. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; hatam= the killed; indrajitam= Indrajit; shayaanam= lying; raNakShitau= in the battle-field; kashchit= not even one; sahasreShu= among the thousands; raakShasaanaam= of demons; pratyadR^ishyata= was to be seen.
Seeing Indrajit killed and lying on the battle-field, not even one among the thousands of demons was to be seen.
yathaastaM gata aaditye naavatiShThanti rashmayaH |
tathaa tasminnipatite raakShasaaste gataa dishaH || 90-6-84
84. rashmayaH yathaa= as the sun-rays; naavatiShThanti= do not exist; aaditye astamgate= when the sun sets; tathaa= so also; tasmin nipatite= when Indrajit had fallen; te raakShasaaH= those demons; gataaH= left; dishaH= to (different) directions.
As the sun-rays do not exist when the sun has sunk below the horizon, so those demons left to different directions when Indrajit had fallen.
shaantarakshmirivaadityo nirvaaNa iva paavakaH |
sa babhuuva mahaatejaa vyapaasta gatajIvitaH || 90-6-85
85. saH mahaabaahuH= that long-armed Indrajit; vyapaastagatajiivitaH= thrown asunder and dead; babhuuva= was; aadityaH iva= like the sun; shaantarashmiH= whose rays have cooled down; paavakaH iva= and like the fire; nirvaaNaH= which is extinguished.
Thrown asunder and dead, that long-armed Indrajit looked like the sun whose rays have cooled down and like the fire which is extinguished.
prashaantapIDaa bahulo vinaShTaariH praharShavaan |
babhuuva lokaH patite raakShasendrasute tadaa || 90-6-86
86. raakShasendrasute patite= when Indrajit was fallen; lokaH= the world; tadaa= then; babhuuva= became; viShTaariH= the one whose enemy were destroyed; prashaanta piiDaa bahulaH= whose oppressions were pacified; praharShavaan= and the one which was rejoiced.
When Indrajit was fallen, the world then had its oppressions pacified, now that its enemy had been destroyed and it experience a rejoice.
harShaM cha shakro bhagavaansaha sarvaiH surarShabhaiH |
jagaama nihate tasminraakShase paapakarmaNi || 90-6-87
87. tasmin raakShase= while that demon; paapakarmaNi= of sinful deeds; nihate= having been killed; bhagavaan shakraH= the illustrious Indra the ruler of gods; sarveH maharShibhiH saha= along with all the great sages; jagaama harSham= obtained rejoice.
While that demon of sinful deeds is having been killed, the illustrious Indra the ruler of gods along with all the great sages were rejoiced.
aakaashe chaapi devaanaaM shushruve dundubhisvanaH |
nR^ityadbhirapsarobhishcha gandharvaishcha mahaatmabhiH || 90-6-88
88. aakaashe cha= in the sky too; shushruve= was leard; dundubhiH svanaH= the sound of large drums; devaanaam= of celestials; nR^ityadbhiH apsarobhiH= of dancing Apsaras the celestial nymphs; mahaatmabhiH gandharvaishcha= and of the great souled Gandharvas the celestial musicians.
In the sky too was heard the sound of large drums played by celestials, the melody produced by dancing Apsaras the celestial nymphs and the songs of Gandharvas the celestial musicians.
vavarShuH puSpavarShaaNi tadadbhutamivaabhavat |
prashashaMsurhate tasmin raakShase kruurakarmaNi || 90-6-89
89. tasmin raakShase= while that demon; kruurakarmaNi= of cruel deeds; hate= was killed; puShpavarShaaNi= a deluge of flowers; vavarShuH= rained; prashashamsuH= and (a deluge of) praises; tat= It; abhavat= was; adbhutamiva= wonderful.
While that demon of cruel deeds was killed, a deluge of flowers rained along with showers of praises. It was a wonderful scene.
shuddhaa aapo nabhashchaiva jahR^iShurdaityadaanavaaH |
aajagmuH patite tasminsarvalokabhayaavahe || 90-6-90
90. saH= while that Indrajit; sarvalokabhayaavaha= who was the terror of all the worlds; patite= had fallen; aapaH= the waters; nabhashchaiva= and the sky; shuddhaaH= became clear; devadaanavaaH= the celestials and demons; jahruShuH= were rejoiced; aagagmuH= and arrived (on the scene).
While that Indrajit, who was the terror of all the worlds, had fallen, the waters and the sky became clear. The celestials and demons were rejoiced and arrived on the scene.
uuchushcha sahitaaH sarve devagandharvadaanavaaH |
vijvaraaH shaantakaluShaa braahmaNaa vicharantviti || 90-6-91
91. tuShTaaH= the gratified; devagandharvadaanavaaH= celestials, Gandharvas the celestial musicians and the demons; sahitaaH= together; iti uuchuscha= said; braahmaNaaH= (Let) the Brahmanas; vicharantu= move about; vijvaraaH= cheerfully; shaantakaluShaaH= that their trouble has ceased.
The gratified celestials, Gandharvas the celestial musicians and the demons said: “Let the Brahmanas move about cheerfully, now that their trouble has ceased.”
tato.abhyanandansaMhR^iShTaaH samare hariyuthapaaH |
tamapratibalaM dR^iShTvaa hataM nairR^itapu~Ngavam || 90-6-92
92. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tam= that; nairR^itapungavam= foremost of demons; apratibalam= who was unrivalled; samara= in battle; hatam= having been killed; samhR^iShTaaH hariyuuthapaaH= the rejoiced monkey-chiefs; tataH= then; abhyanandan= applauded (Lakshmana).
Seeing that foremost among demons, who was unrivalled in battle, having been killed, the rejoiced monkey-chiefs applauded Lakshmana.
vibhIShaNo hanumaaMshcha jaambavaaMshcharkShayuthapaH |
vijayenaabhinandantastuShTuvushchaapi lakShmaNam || 90-6-93
93. vibhiiShaNaH= Vibhishana; hannumaamshcha= Hanuma; jambavaan cha= and Jamabavan; R^ikShayuuthapaH= the chief of bears; abhinanadantaH= were pleased at; lakShmaNam= Lakshmana; vijayena= for his victory; tuShTuvaH cha api= and applauded him too.
Vibhishana, Hanuma and Jambavan the chief of bears were pleased at Lakshmana for his victor and applauded him too.
kShveDantashcha nadantashcha garjantashcha plava~NgamaaH |
labdhalakShaa raghusutaM parivaaryopatasthire || 90-6-94
94. plavangamaaH= the monkeys; labdha lakShyaaH= who achieved their aim; kShveDantashcha= roaring; plavantashcha= and jumping; upatasthire= stood; parivaarya= encircling; raghusutam= Lakshmana; garjantashcha= while emitting thundering sounds.
The monkeys, who accomplished their aim, roaring, jumping with joy and emitting thundering sounds, stood encircling Lakshmana.
laa~Ngulaani pravidhyantaH sphoTayantashcha vaanaraaH |
lakShmaNo jayatItyevaM vaakyaM vyashraavayaMstadaa || 90-6-95
95. pravidhyantaH= wagging; laanguulaani= their tails; sphoTayantaH cha= lashing them; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; tadaa= then; vishraavayan ityevam vaakyam= gave forth the slogan; lakShmaNaH jayati= “Victorious is Lakshmana!”
Wagging their tails and lashing them, the monkeys then gave forth the slogan, “Victorious is Lakshmana!”
anyonyaM cha samaashliShya kapayo hR^iShTamaanasaaH |
chakruruchchaavachaguNaa raaghavaashrayajaaH kathaaH || 90-6-96
96. samaaShiShya= embracing; anyonyam= each other; hR^iShTamaanasaaH= with rejoiced minds; harayaH= the monkeys; chakruH= indulged; raaghavaashrayasatkathaaH= in good conversations about Lakshmana; uchchhavacha guNaaH= having manifold qualities.
Embracing each other with rejoiced minds, the monkeys indulged in good conversations about Lakshmana and his manifold qualities.
tadasukaramathaabhivIkShya hR^iShTaaH |
priyasuhR^ido yudhi lakShmaNasya karma |
paramamupalabhanmanaHpraharShaM |
vinihatamindraripuM nishamya devaaH || 90-6-97
97. nishamya= hearing; indraripum= Indrajit; vinihatam= having been killed devaaH= the celestials; atha= then; abhiviikShya= witnessing; tat= that; asukarm karma= arduous act; lakShmaNasya= of Lakshmana; priyasuhR^idaH= their beloved friend; yudhi= in battle; hR^iShTaaH= were gratified; upalabhan= and obtained; paramam= a great; manaH praharSham= rejoice of mind.
Hearing Indrajit having been killed and witnessing that arduous act of Lakshmana, their beloved friend in battle, the celestials were gratified and experienced a great rejoice in their minds.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe navatitamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 90th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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