Chapter [Sarga] 73  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 73


Seeing Ravana, his father looking lamented after hearing the death of Ravana’s sons and brothers, Indrajit promises to destroy Rama and Lakshmana. He sets out, for the battle, accompanied by his army. After reaching the battle-field, Indrajit performed a sacrificial ritual there, duly making an oblation to the fire. After performing the sacrificial rite, Indrajit goes himself invisible into the sky. Indrajit then showers multitude of arrows towards the monkeys and the monkeys lose their consciousness. Indrajit tears asunder principal monkey-warriors by his maces and arrows. Then, he rains a multitude of arrows of Rama and Lakshmana. Rama says to Lakshmana that he along with Lakshmana can act as thought they fell unconscious, so that Indrajit can return to Lanka, boasting of his laurels of victory. Grievously hurt on the battle field by the missiles of Indrajit, Rama and Lakshmana along with the whole army of monkeys fell unconscious.

tato hataanraakShasapu~NgavaaMstaan |
devaantakaaditrishiro.atikaayaan |
rakShogaNaastatra hataavashiShTaas |
te raavaNaaya tvaritaM shashaMsuH || 6-73-1
1. tataH= then; te= those; hataavashiShTaaH= surviving; rakShogaNaaH= troops of demons; tatra= there; tvaritaaH= hastily; shashamsuH= told; raavaNaaya= Ravana; taan= that; devaantanaadi trishirotikaayaan= Devantaka, Trishira, Atikaya and so on; raakShasapuN^gavaan= the excellent demons; hataan= were killed.
Then, those surviving troops of demons hastily told Ravana that Devantaka, Trishira, Atikaya and other foremost of demons had been killed.
tato hataaMstaansahasaa nishamya |
raajaa mumohaashrupariplutaakShaH|
putrakShayaM bhraatR^ivadhaM cha ghoraM |
vichintya raajaa vipulaM pradadhyau || 6-73-2
2. tataH= thereupon; nishamya= hearing; sahasaa= suddenly; taan= about them; hataan= having been killed; raajaa= Ravana the king of demons; raajaa= shining with prosperity; mahaabaShpapariplutaakShaH= having his eyes filled with profuse tears; vichintya= and broading about; ghoram putra kShayam= the terrific destroyal of his son; bhraatruvadhamcha= and the killing of his brothers; vipulam pradadhyo= contemplated for long.
Thereupon, suddenly hearing of those who had been killed, Ravana the prosperous king of demons, having his eyes filled with profuse tears; boarding over the terrific destroyal of his son as also the death of his brothers, contemplated for long.
tatastu raajaanamudiikShya diinaM |
shokaarNave samparipupluvaanam|
atharShabho raakShasaraajasuunur |
athendrajidvaakyamidaM babhaaShe || 6-73-3
3. tataH= then; udiikShya= seeing; raajaanam= Ravana the king; diinam= miserably; samparipuluvaan= submerged; shokaarNave= in a sea of sorrow; indrajit= Indrajit; raakshasaraajasuumuH= Ravana’s son; ratharShabhaH= the best of charioteers; babhaaShe= spoke; tam= to him; idam vaakyam= the following words.
Then, seeing Ravana the king, miserably submerged in a sea of sorrow, Indrajit, Ravana’s son, the best among charioteers, spoke to him as follows:
na taata mohaM pratigantumarhasi |
yatrendrajijjiivati raakShasendra|
nendraaribaaNaabhihato hi kash chit |
praaNaansamarthaH samare.abhidhartum || 6-73-4
4. taata= O father; nairR^itesha= the king od demons!; na arhase= you ought not; parigantum= to get, moham= emberassment; yatra indrajit jiivati= when Indrajit is alive; kashchit= anyone; indraari baaNaabhihataH= who is struck by Indrajit’s arrows; samarthaH hi abhipaatum= cannot indeed protect; praaNaan= his lives.
“O father, the king of demons! You ought not to get embarrassed, while Indrajit is alive. Anyone who is struck by Indrajit’s arrows cannot indeed protect his life.”
pashyaadya raamaM sahalakShmaNena |
gataayuShaM bhuumitale shayaanaM |
sharaiH shitairaachitasarvagaatram || 6-73-5
5. adya= today; pashya= see; raamam= Rama; lakShmaNena saha= along with Lakshmana; madbaaNa nirbhinna vikiirNa deham= with their bodies undistinguished, scattered; gataayuSham= and dead; shayaanam= lying down; bhuumitale= on the floor; aachita sarva gaatram= with their limbs diffused all over.
“Today, you will see Rama along with Lakshmana, with their bodies undistinguished, scattered and dead, lying down on the floor, with their limbs diffused all over.”
imaaM pratiGYaaM shR^iNu shakrashatroH |
sunishchitaaM pauruShadaivayuktaam|
adyaiva raamaM sahalakShmaNena |
santaapayiShyaami sharairamoghaiH || 6-73-6
6. shR^iNu= Hear; shakrashatoH= of Indrajit’s; pratiJNaam= promise; sunishchitaan= which is very firm; pauruShadaivayuktaam= belonging to valour and coming from gods; adyaiva= now itself; samtarpayiShyaami= I shall overfill; raamam= Rama; lakShmaNena saha= together with Lakshmana; amoghaiH sharaughaiH= with unfailing flood of arrows.
“Listen to Indrajit’s promise, which is very firm, backed by valour and divine blessing. Now itself, I will overwhelm Rama together with Lakshmana unfailing flood of arrows.
adyendravaivasvataviShNumitra |
drakShyanti me vikramamaprameyaM |
viShNorivograM baliyaGYavaaTe || 6-73-7
7. adya= now itself; indra vaivasvata viShNurudra saadhyaaH aha= Indra, Yama, Vishnu, Rudra, Sadhyas (a class of celestials beings); vaishvaanarasuurya chandraaH= the fire-god, the sun and the moon; drakShyanti= can see; me aprameyam vikramam= my unlimited prowess; viShNoH ugram iva= like the terrific prowess of Vishnu (in his dwarf incarnation, Vamana) baliyaJNa vaaTe= in the enclosure where a sacrifice was being performed by Bali, the demon-king.
“Now itself, Indra, Yama, Vishnu, Rudra, Sadhyas (a class of celestial beings), the fire-god, the sun and the moon can see my unlimited prowess, like the terrific prowess of Vishnu (in his dwarf incarnation as Vamana) in the enclosure where a sacrifice was being performed by Bali, the demon-king.”
sa evamuktvaa tridashendrashatrur |
aapR^ichchhya raajaanamadiinasattvaH |
samaarurohaanilatulyavegaM |
rathaM kharashreShThasamaadhiyuktam || 6-73-8
8. evam uktvaa= thus speaking; saH tridashendra shatruh= that Indrajit; adiina sattvaH= with an undepressed mind; aapR^ichchhya= asking permission; raajaanam= of the king; samaaruruha= mounted; ratham= his chariot; anilatulya vegam= with a speed equal to that of wind; khara shreShTha samaadhiyuktam= and yoked with excellent donkeys.
Thus speaking, that Indrajit, with an undepressed mind, after seeking permission from the king, mounted his chariot with a speed equal to that of wind and yoked with excellent donkeys.
samaasthaaya mahaatejaa rathaM harirathopamam|
jagaama sahasaa tatra yatra yuddhamarindama || 6-73-9
9. mahaatejaH= the greatly resplendent; arimdamaH= Indrajit, the annihilator of enemies; samaasthaaya= having ascended; ratham= a chariot; harirathopamam= looking like the chariot of the sun; sahasaa= quickly; jagaama= went; tatra= there; yatra= where; yuddham= the battle was going on.
That greatly resplendent Indrajit, the annihilator of enemies, having ascended a chariot looking like the chariot of the sun, quickly went to the battle-front.
taM prasthitaM mahaatmaanamanujagmurmahaabalaaH|
saMharShamaaNaa bahavo dhanuHpravarapaaNayaH || 6-73-10
gajaskandhagataaH ke chitke chitparamavaajibhiH|
vyaaghravR^ishchikamaarjaarakharoSTTraishcha bhujamgamaiH || 6-73-11
varaahaiH shvaapadaiH simhairjambukaiH parvatopamaiH |
kaakahamsamayuuraishcha raakShasaa bhiimavikramaaH || 6-73-12
prAsamudgaranistriMsha parashvadhagadAdharAH |
bhushuNDimudgaraayaShTishatagniiparighaayudhaaH || 6-73-13
10, 11, 12, 13. bahavaH= many; raakShasaaH= demons; mahaabalaaH= mighty; bhiimavikramaaH= with terrific prowess; samharShamaaNaaH= with joy; dhanuH pravarapaaNayaH= with excellent bows in their hands; praasa mudgaranistrimsha parashvatha gadaadharaaH= carrying lances, sharp-edged spears, swords, axes and maces; bhushuN^DimudgaraayaShTi shatagnii parighaayudhaaH= and armed with Bhushundis (probably a kind of fire arms), mallets, cudgels, Shataghnis (cylindrical piece of wood studded with iron spikes), and iron rods; anujagmuH= followed; tam mahaatmaanam= and iron rods; anujagmuH= followed; tam mahaatmaanam= that great-souled Indrajit; kechit= some; gajaskandhagataaH= rode on the back of elephants; kechit= some; paramavaajbhiH= ascended excellent horses; vyaaghra vR^ishchika maarjaararoShTaraiH= tigers, scorpions, cats, donkeys and camels; parvatopamaiH= looking like mountains; bhujangamaiH= serpents; varaahaiH= wild boars; shvaapadaiH= and wield animals; simhaiH= lions; jambukaiH= jackals; kaaka hamsamayuraishcha= crows, swans and peacocks.
Many mighty demons with terrific prowess, with joy, holding excellent bows in their hands, carrying lances, sharp-edged spears, swords, axes and maces as also armed with Bhushundis (probably a kind of fire arms), mallets, cudgels, Shataghnis (cylindrical piece of wood studded with iron spikes) and iron rods, followed that great souled Indrajit. Some rode on the back of elephants, some ascended excellent horses, tigers, scorpions, cats, donkeys and camels, looking.
sa sha~NkhaninadairbhiimairbheriiNaaM cha mahaasvanaiH|
jagaama tridashendraariH stuuyamaano nishaacharaiH || 6-73-14
14. saH= that; viiryavaan= valiant; tridashendraariH= Indrajit; jagaama= went; vegena= swiftly; ajim= to battle; puurNaiH= with full; shaNkhaninadaiH= blasts of couches; bheriiNaam= and kettle-drums.
That valiant Indrajit swiftly went to the battle-field with full blasts of couches and kettle-drums.
sa sha~NkhashashivarNena chhatreNa ripusaadanaH|
raraaja paripuurNena nabhashchandramasaa yathaa || 6-73-15
15. saH= Indrajit; ripusuudanaH= the tormentator of enemies; chhatreNa= with parasol; shaN^khashashivarNena= as white as a couch and the moon; raraaja= shone; nabhaH yathaa= as the sky; pratipuurNena chandramasaa= with the full moon.
Indrajit, the tormentator of enemies, with a parasol white as a couch and the moon, shone like the sky with the full moon.
aviijyata tato viiro haimairhemavibhuuShitaiH|
chaaruchaamaramukhyaishcha mukhyaH sarvadhanuShmataam || 6-73-16
16. tataH= then; viiraH= the valiant Indrajit; mukhyaH sarvadhanuShmataam= the foremost among all the wielders of bow; hema vibhuuShaNaH= and decked with gold ornaments; avijyata= was being fanned; haimaiH chaaru chaamaramukhyaiH= with foremost of charming whisks with handles of gold.
The valiant Indrajit, the foremost among all the wielders of bow and decked with gold ornaments, was being fanned then with supremely charming whisks with handles of gold.
sa tu dR^iSTvaa viniryaantam balena mahataa vR^itam |
raakShasaadhipatiH shriimaan raavaNaH putramabraviit || 6-73-17
17. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; tam putram= that son; viniryaantam= setting out; mahataa balena= with a large army; saH shriimaan raavaNaH= that glorious Ravana; raakShasaadhipatiH= the king of demons; abraviit= spoke (as follows)
Seeing that son setting out with a large army, that glorious Ravana, the king of demons, spoke as follows:
tvamapratirathaH putra tvayaa vai vaasavo jitaH |
kimpunarmaanuSham dhR^iShyam nihaniSyasi raaghavam || 6-73-18
tathokto raakShasendreNa pratyagR^ihNaanmahaashShaH |
18. putra= my dear son!; tvam apratirathaH= there is no charioteer who can stand you as your rival; tvayaa= by you; vaasavaH= Indra the lord of celestials; jitaH= was conquered; nihaniShyasi= you can kill; raaghavam= Rama; maanuSham= a man; dhR^iShyam= who is assailable; kim punaH= how much more can I tell?” tathaa= thus; uktaH= spoken; raakShasendreNa= by the king of demons; (Indrajit); pratyagR^ihNaat= accepted; mahaashiShaH= his great blessings.
“O my dear son! There is no charioteer who can stand you as your rival. Indra the lord of celestials was conquered by you. You can kill Rama, a mere human being, who is assailable. How much more can I tell?” After hearing these words of Ravana Indrajit accepted his great blessings.
tatastvindrajitaa la~Nkaa suuryapratimatejasaa || 6-73-19
raraajaaprativiiryeNa dyaurivaarkeNa bhaasvataa |
19. indrajitaa= with that Indrajit; suuryapratimatajasaa= with a splendour equal to that of sun; aprativiiryeNa= with no warrior who can stand him as his rival; laN^kaa= the city of Lanka; raraaja= shone; dyauH iva= like sky; bhaasvataa= shining; arkeNa= with the sun.
With that Indrajit, having a splendour equal to that of the sun and having no warrior who can stand him as his rival, the City of Lanka shone, like the sky shining with the sun.
sa sampraapya mahaatejaa yuddhabhuumimarindamaH || 6-73- 20
sthaapayaamaasa rakShaaMsi rathaM prati samantataH |
20. sampraapya= reaching; yuddhabhuumim= the battle field; saH= Indrajit; mahaatejaaH= of great splendour; arimdamaH= the annihilator of enemies; sthaapayaamaasa= stationed; rakShaamsi= his demons; ratham prati samantataH= around his chariot.
Reaching the battle-field, Indrajit of great splendour, the annihilator of enemies, stationed his demons around his chariot.
tatastu hutabhoktaaraM hutabhuksadR^ishaprabhaH || 6-73- 21
juhuve raakShasashreShTho mantravadvidhivattadaa |
21. tataH= then; raakShasa shreShThaH= that foremost of demons; huta bhuksadR^ishaprabhaH= having a radiance equal to that of fire; mantrasattamaiH= with excellent sacrificial incantations; juhuve= performed a sacrifice, vidhivat= according to rule; hutabhoktaaram= making an oblation to the fire.
Then, that foremost of demons, having a radiance equal to that of fire, with excellent sacrificial incantations, performed a sacrifice, as per rules, making an oblation to the fire.
sa havirjaalasaMskaarairmaalyagandhapuraskR^itaiH || 6-73-22
juhuve paavakaM tatra raakShasendraH prataapavaan |
23. shastraaNi= weapons; sharapatraaNi= serving the purpose as reeds; vibhiitikaaH= chips of Vibhitika tree; samidhaH= serving as fuel; atha lohitaani vaasaamsicha= and then using red pieces of cloth; tathaa= and; kaarShNaayasam sruvam= the sacrificial ladle was made of iron.
That valiant leader of demons offered oblations to fire there, with garlands and pounded sandalwood, including clarified butter and parched grain.
shastraaNi sharapatraaNi samidho.atha vibhiitakaH || 6-73-23
lohitaani cha vaasaaMsi sruvaM kaarShNaayasaM tathaa |
23. shastraaNi= weapons; sharapatraaNi= seaving the purpose as reeds; vibhiitikaaH= chips of Vibhitika tree; samidhaH= serving as fuel; atha lohitaani vaasaamsicha= and then using red pieces of cloth; tathaa= and; kaarShNaayasam sruvam= the sacrificial ladle was made of iron.
That sacrificial rite was performed with weapons serving as reeds, chips of Vibhishaka tree serving as fuel, then using red pieces of cloth and the sacrificial ladle made of iron.
sa tatraagniM samaastiirya sharapatraiH satomaraiH || 6-73-24
chhaagasya sarvakR^iShNasya galaM jagraaha jiivataH |
24. samaastiirya= duly spreading; agnim= fire; sharapatraiH= with reeds (in the form of other weapons); satomariaH= accompanied by lances; tatra= there; saH= he; jagraaha= elapsed; galam= the neck; jiivitaH chhagasya= of a live goat; kR^iShNa varNasya= of dark hue (for offering it to the fire as an oblation).
Duly spreading fire with reeds (in the form of other weapons) accompanied by lances there, Indrajit elapsed the neck of a live goat of dark hue (for offering it to the fire as an oblation).
sakR^ideva samiddhasya vidhuumasya mahaarchiShaH || 6-73-25
babhuuvustaani li~Ngaani vijayaM yaanyadarshayan |
25. mahaarchiShaH= from the great fire of flames; samiddhasya= set ablaze; sakR^ideva= (by that offering having been thrown into it) acting at once; vidhuumasya= smokeless; babhuuva= arose; yaani taani= such; liN^gaani= signs; aadarshayan= showing; vijayam= victory (of the past).
From the great fire of flames, set ablaze by that offering having been thrown into it acting at once without smoke, appeared such signs as had beckoned victory (of the past).
pradakShiNaavartashikhastaptakaa~nchanasaMnibhaH || 6-73-26
havistatpratijagraaha paavakaH svayamutthitaH |
26. paavakaH= the fire; taptakaaNchana sannibhaH= equal to the molten gold; utthitaH= rising up; svayam= on its own; pradakShiNaavarta shikhaH= and having flames revolving from left to right; pratijagraaha= accepted; tat= that; haviH= oblation.
The fire, resembling the molten gold, rising up on its own and having flames revolving from left to right, accepted that oblation.
so.astramaahaarayaamaasa braahmamastravidaaM varaH || 6-73-27
dhanushchaatmarathaM chaiva sarvaM tatraabhyamantrayat |
27. saH= Indrajit; astravishaaradaH= who was skilled in the use of mystic missiles; aahaarayaamaasa= invoked; brahmam astram= the missile presided over by Brahma; abhyamantrayat= and charged; tatra= there; dhanushcha= the bow; aatmarathamchaiva= his own chariot; sarvam= and all.
Indrajit, who was skilled in the use of mystic missiles, invoked the missile presided over by Brahma and charged it on his bow, chariot and all.
tasminnaahuuyamaane.astre huuyamaane cha paavake || 6-73-28
saarkagrahendu nakShatraM vitatraasa nabhastalam |
28. tasmin aster= (While) that missile; aahuuyamaane= was being invoked; paavake= and the sacrificial fire; huuyamaane cha= propitiated; nabhastalam= the firmament; saarkagrahendunakShatram= including the sun, the moon, other planets and lunar mansions, vitatraasa= trembled with terror.
While that missile was being invoked and the sacrificial fire propitiated, the firmament including the sun, the moon, other planets and lunar mansions trembled with fear.
sa paavakaM paavakadiiptatejaa |
hutvaa mahendrapratimaprabhaavaH|
sa chaapabaaNaasirathaashvasuutaH |
khe.antardadha aatmaanamachintyaruupaH || 6-73-29
29. hutvaa= having propitiated offerings in fire; saH= Indrajit; paavaka diipta tejaaH= having a splendour, shining like the fire; mahendra pratima prabhaavaH= having a night similar to that of Indra the lord of celestials; achintya viirya= possessing an unimaginable prowess; andardadha= became invisible; aatmaanam= himself; khe= in the sky; sachaapabaaNaasi rathaashvasuutaH= with the bow, arrows, sword, chariot, horses, charioteer and all.
Having propitiated offering in fire, Indrajit, having a splendour shining like the fire, having a might similar to that of Indra, and possessing an unimaginable prowess, became himself invisible in the sky, with the bow, arrows, sword, chariot, horses, charioteer and all.
tato hayarathaakiirNaM pataakaadhvajashobhitam |
niryayau raakShasabalam nardamaanam yuyutsayaa || 6-73-30
30. tataH= then; raakShasabalam= the army of demons; hayarathaakiirNam= extensive with horses and chariots; pataaka dhvaja shobhitam= embellished by banners and flags; niryayau= set out; yuyutsayaa= with a desire to fight; nardamaanam= roaring.
Then, the army of demons, extensive with horses and chariots, embellished by banners and flags, set out with a desire to fight, roaring.
te sharairbahubhishchitraistiikShaNavegairalaN^kR^itaiH |
tomarairaN^kushashchaapi vaanaraan jaghnuraahave || 6-73-31
31. te= they; jagnuH= killed; vaanaraan= the monkeys; aahave= in the battle-field; bahubhiH= with many; chitraiH= wonderful; aalaN^kR^itaiH= and ornamental; sharaiH= arrows; tiikShNa vegaiH= possessing great velocity; tomaraiH= lances; aN^kushaishchaapi= and goads too.
They killed the monkeys in the battle-field with many wonderful and ornamental arrows, possessing great velocity as also lances and goads.
raavaNistu susamkruddhastaanniriikShya nishaacharaan |
hR^iShTaa bhavanto yudhyantu vaanaraaNaaM jighaamsayaa || 6-73-32
32. niriikShya= seeing; taan= those; nishaacharaan= demons; susamkruddhaH= the most enraged; raavaNiH tu= Indrajit on his part; (spoke to them as follows:)
Seeing those demons, the most enraged Indrajit on his part spoke to them as follows: “All of you fight enthusiastically with an intent to kill the monkeys.”
tataste raakShasaaH sarve garjanto jayakaaN^ikShiNaH |
abhyavarShamstato ghoraM vaanaraan sharavR^iShTibhiH || 6-73-33
33. tataH= then; sarve= all; te raakShasaaH= those demons; garjanaH= roaring; jayakaaN^kShiNaH= with a desire for victory; tataH= thereafter; ghoram= terribly; abhyavarShan= rained; sharavR^iShTibhiH= showers of arrows; vaanaraan= on monkeys.
Roaring with a desire for victory, all those demons thereafter terribly rained showers of arrows on monkeys.
sa tu naaliikanaaraachairgadaabhirmusalairapi |
rakShobhiH saMvR^itaH saMkhye vaanaraan vichakarta ha || 6-73-34
34. sa u= that Indrajit on his part; rakShobhiH samvR^itaH= along with his demons; samkhye= in battle; vichakartaha= destroyed; vaanaraan= the monkeys; naaliika naaraachaiH= with Naliika (broad-headed) arrows, steel arrows; gadaabhiH= maces; musalairapi= and clubs.
That Indrajit, on his part, along with his demons in the battle-field, destroyed the monkeys with Nalika (broad-headed) arrows, steel arrows, maces and clubs.
te vadhyamaanaaH samare vaanaraaH paadapaayudhaaH |
abhyavarShanta sahasaa raavaNiM shailapaadapaiH || 6-73-35
35. te vaanaraaH= those monkeys; paadapaayudhaaH= wielding trees as their weapons; vadhyamaanaaH= being struck; samara= in the battle; sahasaa= quickly; abhyararShanta= rained; shailapaadapaiH= mountains and trees; raavaNim= on Indrajit.
Those monkeys, wielding trees as their weapons, being struck in the battle-field, quickly rained mountains and trees on Indrajit.
indrajittu tadaa kruddho mahaatejaa mahaabalaH |
vaanaraaNaaM shariiraaNi vydhamadraavaNaatmajaH || 6-73-36
36. indrajittu= Indrajit on his part; raavaNaatmajaH= the son of Ravana; mahaatejaaH= of great splendour; mahaabalaH= and of great strength; tadaa= then; kruddhaH= was enraged; vyadhamat= and wounded; shariiraaNi= the bodies; vaanaraaNaam= of monkeys.
Indrajit the son of Ravana, on his part, possessing great splendour and great strength, was enraged and wounded the bodies of the monkeys.
shareNaikena cha hariinnava paJNcha cha sapta cha |
bibheda samare kruddho raakShasaan saMpraharShayan || 6-73-37
37. kruddhaH= that enraged Indrajit; sampraharShayan= bringing enormous delight; raakShasaan= the demons; bibheda= severed off; hariin= the monkeys; nava paN^cha sapta cha= by nines, fives and sevens; ekena shareNa= with a single arrow.
Bringing enormous delight to the demons that enraged Indrajit severed off the monkeys by nines, fives and sevens with a single arrow.
sa sharaiH suuryasamkaashaiH shaatakumbhavibhuuShaNaiH |
vaanaraan samare viiraH pramamaatha sudurjayaH || 6-73-38
38. saH viiraH= that chief of demons; sudurjayaH= the most invincible one; sharaiH= with arrows; shaatakumbha vibhuuShaNaiH= decked with gold; suurya samkaashaiH= with a brilliance equal to the sun; pramamaatha= destroyed; vaanaraan= the monkeys; samara= in battle.
That most invincible chief of demons, with arrows decked with gold, having brilliance equal to the sun, destroyed the monkeys in battle.
te bhinnagaatraaH samare vaanaraaH sharapiiDitaaH |
peturmathitasaMkalpaaH surairiva mahaasuraaH || 6-73-39
39. te vaanaraaH= those monkeys; sharapiiDitaaH= tormented by the arrows; samara= in battle; bhinnagaatraaH= with severed limbs; petuH= fell down; mathitasamkalpaaH= with their desires crushed; mahaasuraaH iva= like the great demons; suraiH= by the celestials.
Those monkeys, tormented by the arrows in battle, with their limbs severed, fell down with their aspirations shaken, like the great demons fallen down by the celestials.
te tapantamivaadityaM ghorai rbaaNagabhastibhiH |
abhyaadhaavanta samkruddhaaH samyuge vaanararShabhaaH || 6-73-40
40. te vaanararShabhaaH= those excellent monkeys; samkruddhaaH= with anger; abhyaadaavanta= ran against Indrajit; tapantam= who was tormenting; aadityam iva= like the sun, ghoraiH baaNagabhastibhiH= with his terrific ray-like arrows.
Those excellent monkeys with anger attacked Indrajit, who was tormenting them like the sun with his terrific ray-like the sun with his terrific ray-like arrows.
tatastu vaanaraaH sarve bhinnadehaa vichetasaH |
vyathitaa vidravanti sma rudhireNa samukShitaaH || 6-73-41
41. tataH= then; sarve= all; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; bhinnadehaaH= with their bodies severed; vichetasaH= losing their consciousness; vyathitaaH= perturbed; samukShitaaH= and dampened; rudhireNa= by blood; vidravantisma= ran away.
Then, all the monkeys, with their bodies severed, having lost their consciousness and perturbed as they were, having their limbs dampened with blood, took to their heels.
taamasyaarthe paraakramya vaanaraastyaktajiivitaaH |
nardantaste.anivR^ittaastu samare sashilaayudhaaH || 6-73-42
42. te vaanaraaH= those monkeys; sashilaayudhaaH= with mountains as their weapons; nardantaH= roaring; samare= in battle; anivR^ittaaH= without turning back; tyakta jiivitaaH= abandoned their lives; paraakramya= showing their courage; raamasya arthe= for the sake of Rama.
Those monkeys, wielding mountains as their weapons, roaring in the battle field, without turning back, abandoned their lives, showing their courage for the sake of Rama.
te drumaiH parvataagraishcha shilaabhishcha plavaMgamaaH |
abhyavarShanta samare raavaNiM samavasthitaaH || 6-73-43
43. samavasthotaaH= continuing to stay; samara= in the battle; te plavangamaaH= those monkeys; abhyavarShanta= rained; raavaNim= on Indrajit; drumaIH= with trees; parvataagraishcha= mountain-peaks; shilaabhishcha= and rocks.
Continuing to stay in the battle-field, those monkeys rained trees, mountain-peaks and rocks on Indrajit.
taM drumaaNaam shilaanaaM cha varShaM praaNaharaM mahat |
vyapohata mahaatejaa raavaNiH samitiMjayaH || 6-73-44
44. raavaNiH= Indrajit; mahaatejaaH= of great splendour; samitimjayaH= the conqueror in battles; vyapohata= kept off; tam= that; mahat= great; varSham= rain; drumaanaam= of trees; shilaanamcha= and rocks; praaNaharam= which take away lives.
Indrajit of great splendour and the conqueror of battles, kept off that great rain of deadly hail of trees and rocks.
tataH paavakasaMkaashaiH sharairaashiiviShopamaiH |
vaanaraaNaamaniikaani bibheda samare prabhuH || 6-73-45
45. tataH= thereupon; prabhuH= that capable Indrajit; sharaiH= with his arrows; paavaka samkaashaih= identical of fire; aashiiviShopamaiH= and looking like serpents; samara= in battle; bibheda= split; aniikaani= the armies; vaanaraaNaam= of monkeys.
Thereupon, the capable Indrajit with his arrows, identical of fire and looking like serpents in battle, split the armies of monkeys.
aShTaadashasharaistiikShaNaiH sa viddhvaa gandhamaadanam |
vivyaadha navabhishchaiva nalaM duuraadavasthitam || 6-73-46
46. saH= He; viddhvaa= striking; gandhamaadanam= Gandhamadana; tiikShNaiH aShTaadasha sharaiH= with eighteen sharp arrows; vivyaadha= struck; nalam= nala; avasthitam duuraat= who was standing farway; navabhiH= with nine arrows.
Indrajit struck Gandhamadana with eighteen sharp arrows and also struck Neela, who was standing at a far-away place, with nine arrows.
saptabhistu mahaaviiryo maindaM marmavidaaraNaiH |
paJNchabhirvishikhaishchaiva gajam vivyaadha saMyuge || 6-73-47
47. mahaaviiryaH= Indrajit of great prowess; saptabhiH= with his seven arrows; marmavidaaraNaiH= which can tear asunder vital parts; vivyaadha= struck; maindam= Mainda; paN^chabhiH vishikhaiH= and with fire arrows; gajamchaiva= Gaja too; samyuge= in battle.
Indrajit having a great prowess, struck Mainda with seven arrows, which can tear asunder vital parts and also struck Gaja with five arrows in battle.
jaambavantaM tu dashabhirniilaM trimshadbhireva cha |
sugriivamR^iShabhaM chaiva so.aN^gadam dvividaM tathaa || 6-73-48
ghorairdattavaraistiikShaNairniSpraanakarottadaa |
48. tadaa= then; saH= Indrajit; dashabhiH= with ten arrows; jaambavantam= (struck) Jambavan; trimshadbhireva= with thirty arrows; niilam= Nila; ghoraiH tiikShNaiH= with terrific sharp arrows; data varaih= endowed with boons; sugriivam= Sugreeva; R^iShabham chaiva= Rishabha; aN^gadam= Angada; tathaa= and; dvividam= Dvivida; akarot= and made then; niShpraaNaan= breathless.
Indrajit then struck Jambavan with ten arrows and Nila with thirty arrows. He also struck Sugreeva, Rishabha, Angada and Dvivida with sharp and terrific arrows endowed with boons and made them breathless.
anyaanapi tadaa mukhyaanvaanaraan bahubhiH sharaiH || 6-73-49
ardayaamaasa samkruddhaH kaalaagniriva muurchitaH |
49. samkruddhaH= that enraged Indrajit; tadaa= then; muurchhitaH kaalaagniriva= looking like an excited fire that is to destroy the world; ardayaamaasa= tormented; anyaan= other; mukhyaan= chiefs; vaanaraan api= of monkeys too; bahubhiH sharaiH= with many arrows.
That enraged Indrajit, then looking like an excited fire that is to destroy the world, tormented other chiefs of monkeys too with many arrows.
sa sharaiH suuryasamkaashaiH sumukhaiH shiigragaamibhiH || 6-73-50
vaanaraaNaamaniikaani nirmamantha mahaaraNe |
50. saH= he; nirmamantha= harassed; aniikaani= the armies; vaanaraaNaam= of monkeys; mahaaraNe= in that great battle; sumuktaiH= with well-discharged; shiighragaamibhiH= and fast-moving; sharaiH= arrows; suuryasamkaashaih= equal to the sun (in splendour).
He harassed the armies of monkeys’ fast-moving arrows looking like the sun in their splendour.
aakulaaM vaanariim senaaM sharajaalena piiDitaam || 6-73-51
hR^iShTaH sa parayaa priityaa dadarsha kShatajokShitaam |
51. saH hR^iShTaH= that enthusiastic Indrajit; parayaa priityaa= with great pleasure; dadarsha= saw; vaanariim akulaam senaan= that extensive army of monkeys; kShatajokShitaam= drenched in blood; piiDitaam= and tormented; sharajaalena= by a multitude of arrows.
That enthusiastic Indrajit, with a great pleasure, saw that exclusive army of monkeys, drenched in blood and tormented by a multitude of arrows.
punareva mahaatejaa raakShasendraatmajo balii || 6-73-52
samsR^ijya baaNavarShaM cha shastravarShaM cha daaruNam |
mamarda vaanaraaniikaM paritastvindrajidbalii || 6-73-53
52, 53. indrajit raakShasendraatmajaH= Indrajit, the son of Ravana; mahaatejaaH= having a great splendour; balii= and possessing strength; balii= and power; punareva= again; samsR^ijya= generating; daaruNam= terrific; baaNa varShamcha= rain of arrows; shastravarShamcha= and rain of weapons; mamarda= destroyed; vaanaraaniikam= the army of monkeys; paritaH= from all sides.
Indrajit, the son of Ravana, possessing a great splendour power and strength, again generating a terrific rain of arrows and weapons, destroyed the army of monkeys from all sides.
sa sainyamutsR^ijya sametya tuurNaM |
mahaaraNe vaanaravaahiniiShu|
adR^ishyamaanaH sharajaalamugraM |
vavarSha niilaambudharo yathaambu || 6-73-54
54. utsR^ijya= leaving off; svasainyan= his army; mahaahave= in that great battle; adR^ishyamaanaH= becoming invisible; (Indrajit); sametya= advancing (towards the monkeys); vavarSha= rained; tuurNam= quickly; ugram= terrific sharajaalam= multitude of arrows; manara vaahiniSha= on the armies; niilaambudharaH yathaa= as a black cloud (down pours); ambu= the rain.
Leaving off his army from that great battle-field and becoming invisible, Indrajit advanced towards the monkeys and quickly rained terrific hail of arrows on those armies of monkeys, as black cloud downpours the rain.
te shakrajidbaaNavishiirNadehaa |
maayaahataa visvaramunnadantaH|
raNe nipeturharayo.adrikalpaa |
yathendravajraabhihataa nagendraaH || 6-73-55
55. raNe= in that battle; te harayaH adrikalpaaH= those mountain-like monkeys; maayaahataH= as victims of conjuring tricks; shakrajidbaaNa vishiirNa dehaaH= with their bodies torn into pieces by the arrows of Indrajit; unnadantaH visvaram= roaring with discordant notes; nipetuH= fell down; nagendraaH yathaa= like mountains; indravajraabhihataaH= struck by Indra’s thunderbolt.
In that battle, those mountain-like monkeys as victims of conjuring tricks with their bodies torn into pieces by Indrajit’s arrows and roaring as they were with discordant notes, fell down on earth, like mountains struck by Indra’s thunder bolt.
te kevalaM sandadR^ishuH shitaagraan |
baaNaanraNe vaanaravaahiniiShu|
maayaa niguuDhaM cha surendrashatruM |
na chaatra taM raakShasamabhyapashyan || 6-73- 56
56. te= those monkeys; raNe= in battle; samdadR^ishuH= saw; kevalam= only; baaNaan= arrows; sitaagraan= with pointed tips; vaanara vaahiniiShu= falling on the armies of monkeys; na apashyan= they could not see; atra= there; tam raakShasam api= that Indrajit the demon; surendrashatrum= the enemy of Indra; maayaavignuDham= remaining concealed by his conjuring trick.
Those monkeys in battle saw only arrows with pointed tips falling on the armies of monkeys. They could not see there, that Indrajit the demon, the enemy of Indra, remaining concealed by his conjuring trick.
tataH sa rakSho.adhipatirmahaatmaa |
sarvaa disho baaNagaNaiH shitaagraiH|
prachchhaadayaamaasa raviprakaashair |
viShaadayaamaasa cha vaanarendraan || 6-73-57
57. tataH= then; mahaatmaa= the mighty; saH= Indrajit; rakShodhipatiH= the leader of demons; prachchhadayaamaasa= covered; sarvaaH dishaH= all the quarters; baaNashataiH= with hundreds of arrows; shitaagraiH= having sharply pointed like the splendour of the sun; vidaarayaamaasa cha= and tore asunder; vaanarendraan= the monkey-chiefs.
Then, the mighty Indrajit, the leader of demons, covered all the quarters with hundreds of sharply pointed arrows, having splendour of the sun and tore asunder the monkey-chiefs.
sa shuulanistriMsha parashvadhaani |
vyaavidhya diiptaanalasaMnibhaani|
savisphuli~Ngojjvalapaavakaani |
vavarSha tiivraM plavagendrasainye || 6-73-58
58. saH= Indrajit; vavarSha= rained; tiivram= excessively; shuulanistrimsha parashvadhaani= pikes, swords and axes; vyaaviddha diiptaanila saprabhaaNi= shining like augmented and flaming fire; savisphuliN^gojvakaani= shooting forth incandescent flames with sparks; plavagendrasainye= on the army of excellent monkeys.
Indrajit excessively rained on the army of monkeys’ pikes, swords and axes, shining like augmented and flaming fire and shooting forth incandescent flames with sparks.
tato jvalanasa~NkaashaiH shitairvaanarayuuthapaaH|
taaDitaaH shakrajidbaaNaiH praphullaa iva kiMshukaaH || 6-73-59
59. tataH= then; taaDitaaH= struck; shakrajidbaaNaiH= by the arrows of Indrajit; jvalanasamkaashaiH= the arrows which shone brightly as fire; vaanarayuuthapaiH= the monkey-commanders; (looked like); praphvallaaH kimshukaaH iva= kimshuka trees bearing crimson flowers.
Struck by the Indrajit’s arrows, shining brightly as fire, the monkey-commanders then looked like Kimshuka trees bearing crimson flowers.
te.anyonyamabhisarpanto ninadantash cha visvaram|
raakShasendraastranirbhinnaa nipeturvaanararShabhaaH || 6-73-60
60. te vaanararShabhaaH= those foremost f monkeys; raakShasendra abhinirbhinnaaH= torn asunder by that leader of the demons; abhisarpantaH= approaching; anyonyam= at each other; ninadantashcha= and roaring; visvaram= in a discordant note; nipetuH= fell down on the ground.
Those excellent monkeys, torn asunder by that chief of demons, approaching at each other and roaring in a discordant tone, fell down on the ground.
udiikShamaaNaa gaganaM ke chinnetreShu taaDitaaH|
sharairvivishuranyonyaM petushcha jagatiitale || 6-73-61
61. kechit= some monkeys; taaDitaaH= banged; netreShu= in the eyes; sharaiH= by arrows; udiikShamaaNaaH= and looking up; gaganam= at the sky; vivishuH= joined; anyonyam= each other; petushcha= and fell down; jagatiitale= on the floor.
Banged in the eyes by arrows, some monkeys looking up towards the sky, joined each other and fell down on the floor.
hanuumantaM cha sugriivama~NgadaM gandhamaadanam|
jaambavantaM suSheNaM cha vegadarshinameva cha || 6-73-62
maindaM cha dvividaM niilaM gavaakShaM gajagomukhau|
kesariM harilomaanaM vidyuddaMShTraM cha vaanaram || 6-73-63
suuryaananaM jyotimukhaM tathaa dadhimukhaM harim|
paavakaakShaM nalaM chaiva kumudaM chaiva vaanaram || 6-73- 64
praasaiH shuulaiH shitairbaaNairindrajinmantrasaMhitaiH|
vivyaadha harishaarduulaansarvaaMstaanraakShasottamaH || 6-73-65
62, 63, 64, 65. praasaiH= with lances; shuulaiH= spikes; shitaiH baaNaiH= and sharp arrows; mantra samhitaiH= charged with sacred texts; indrajit= Indrajit; raakShasottamaH= the excellent demon; vivyaadha= struck; taan sarvaan harishaarduulaan= all those foremost of monkeys; (namely) hanuumantam cha= Hanuman; sugriivam= Sugreeva; aN^gadam= Angada; gandha maadanam= Gandhamadana; jaambavantam= Jambavan; suSheNam cha= SuShena; vegadarshinameva cha= vegadarshina; maindam cha= Mainda; dvividam= Divivda; niilam= Nila; gavaakSham= Gavaksha; Gavayam= Gavaya; kesarim= Kesari; harilomaanam= Hariloma; vidyuddamShTram= Vidyuddamshtra; vaanaram cha= the monkey; suuryaananam= Suryanana; jyotimukham= Jyotimukha; tathaa= and; harim= a monkey; dadhimukham= called Dadhimukha; paavakaakSham= Pavakaksha; nalamchaiva= Nala; vanaram chaiva= as also a monkey called; kumudam= Kumuda.
With lances, spikes and sharp arrows, charged with sacred texts, Indrajit the excellent demon struck all those foremost of monkeys, namely Hanuman, Sugreeva, Angada, Gandhamadana, Jambavan, Sushena, Vegadarshina, Mainda, Dvivida, Nila, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Kesari, Hariloma, Vidyuddamshtra, Suryanana, Jyothimukha, a monkey called Dadhimukha, Pavakaksha, Nala as also a monkey named Kumuda.
sa vai gadaabhirhariyuuthamukhyaan |
nirbhidya baaNaistapaniiyapu~NkhaiH |
vavarSha raamaM sharavR^iShTijaalaiH |
salakShmaNaM bhaaskararashmikalpaiH || 6-73-66
66. nirbhidya= tearing asunder; hariyuuthamukhyaan= the principal monkey-warriors; gadaabhiH= by maces; baaNaiH= and arrows; tapaniiyavarNaiH= which were of golden colour; saH= that Indrajit; vavarSha= rained; sharavR^iShTijaalaiH= a multitude of showers of arrows; bhaaskara rashmi kalpaiH= equal to sun’s rays; raamam= on Rama; salakShmaNam= along with Lakshmana.
Tearing asunder the principal monkey-warriors by maces and arrows, which were of golden colour, that Indrajit rained a multitude of showers of arrows equal to sun’s rays on Rama and Lakshmana.
sa baaNavarShairabhivarShyamaaNo |
dhaaraanipaataaniva taanvichintya|
samiikShamaaNaH paramaadbhutashrii |
raamastadaa lakShmaNamityuvaacha ||6-73-67
67. achintya= Ignoring; abhivR^iShyamaaNaH= the showering; baaNavarShaiH= rain of arrows; dhaaraanipaataaniva= as though they are showers of rain; saH raamaH= that Rama; paramaadbhutashriiH= of the most wonderful luster; samiikShamaaNaH= looking around thoroughly; uvaacha= spoke; tataH= then; lakShmaNam= to Lakshmana; iti= as follows:
Ignoring that showering rain of arrows, as though they are mere showers of rain, that Rama of the most wonderful luster, looking around thoroughly, then spoke to Lakshmana as follows:
asau punarlakShmaNa raakShasendro |
brahmaastramaashritya surendrashatruH|
nipaatayitvaa harisainyamugram |
asmaa~nsharairardayati prasaktam ||6-73-68
68. lakShmaNa= O Lakshmana!; asau= this; surendrashatruH= Indrajit; aashritya= having recourse to; mahaastram= a great missile; nipaatayitvaa= throwing down; harisainyam= the army of monkeys; ardayati= is tormenting; asmaan= us; prasakatam= incessantly; shitaiH sharaiH= with his sharp arrows.
“O Lakshmana! This Indrajit, by a great missile, is throwing down our army of monkeys and tormenting us incessantly with his sharp arrows.”
svayambhuvaa dattavaro mahaatmaa |
khamaasthito.antarhitabhiimakaayaH |
kathaM nu shakyo yudhi naShTadeho |
nihantumadyendrajidudyataastraH ||6-73-69
69. katham= how; mahaatmaa= can the mighty; samaahitaH= and composed indrajit= Indrajit; dattavaraH= on whom a boon has been bestowed; svayambhuvaa= by Brahma; antarhita bhiimakaaya= and who has concealed his terrible form; udyataastraH= who stands with his weapons uplifted; naShTadehaH= eventhough his body is invisible; shakyaH nihantum= be killed; yudhi= in the battle; adya= today?
“How can the mighty and composed Indrajit on whom a boon has been bestowed by Brahma and who has concealed his terrible form who stands with his weapons uplifted eventhough his body is visible be killed in the battle today?
manye svayambhuurbhagavaanachintyo |
yasyaitadastraM prabhavash cha yo.asya|
baaNaavapaataaMstvamihaadya dhiiman
mayaa sahaavyagramanaaH sahasva || 6-73-70
70. manye= I think; bhagavaan svayambhuuH= the self-born Lord Brahma; yaH prabhavaH= who is the source of this universe; achintyaH= is inconceivable; etat astram= and by whom this missile (is presided); dhiiman= O wise one!; avyagramanaaH= remaining undistracted in mind; tvam= you; sahasva= bear; mayaa saha= along with me; iha= here; baaNaavapaatam= the hail of arrows; adya= today.
“I think the self-born Brahma who is the source of the universe is inconceivable and this missile is presided over by him. O wise one! Remaining undistracted in mind, you bear along with me today the hail of arrows here.”
prachchhaadayatyeSha hi raakShasendraH |
sarvA dishaH saayakavR^iShTijaalaiH|
etachcha sarvaM patitaagryaviiraM |
na bhraajate vaanararaajasainyam || 6-73-71
71. eShaH raakShasendraH= (Let) this chief of demons; sarvaadhikaH= who is surpassing all; prachchhaadayitu= be covered; paayaka vR^iShTi jaalaiH= with a multitude of showers of arrows; etat= this; sarvam= entire; vaanararaaja sainyam= army of Sugreeva; patitaagrya shuuram= whose leading warriors have fallen; na bhraajate= looks no more charming.
“Let this chief of demons, who is surpassing all, be covered with a multitude of showers of arrows. This entire army of Sugreeva, whose leading warriors have fallen, looks no more charming.”
aavaaM tu dR^iShTvaa patitau visaMj~nau |
nivR^ittayuddhau hataroShaharShau|
dhruvaM pravekShyatyamaraarivaasaM |
asau samaadaaya raNaagralakShmiim || 6-73-72
72. dR^iShTvaa= finding; aavaam= both of us; visamJNau= fallen unconscious; gataharSha roShau= and without showing joy and anger; nivR^ittayuddhau= having desisted from fighting; samaasaadya= and having obtained; raNaagryalakShmiiva= laurels of battle in its beginning itself asau dhruvam pravekShyati= he will certainly return; amaraarivaasam= Lanka (the abode of demons).
“Finding both of us fallen unconscious without displaying any joy or anger as also having desisted from fighting, Indrajit will certainly return to Lanka, after having obtained laurels of battle in its beginning itself.”
tatastu taavindrajidastrajaalair |
babhuuvatustatra tadaa vishastau|
sa chaapi tau tatra viShaadayitvaa |
nanaada harShaadyudhi raakShasendraH || 6-73-73
73. tataH= thereafter; tau= Rama and Lakshmana; tadaa= then; babhuuvatuH= became; vishastau= struck; tatra= there; astra jaalaiH= by a multitude of arrows; indrajitaH= of Indrajit; tatra= there; saH= that; raakShasendrashchaapi= leader of demons also; viShaayitvaa= causing affliction; tau= to both of them; nanaada= roared; harShaat= with a thrill of rapture; yudhi= in battle.
Thereafter, Rama and Lakshmana there became struck by a multitude of arrows of Indrajit. That leader of demons also there, causing affliction to both of them, roared with a thrill of rapture in battle.
tatastadaa vaanararaajasainyaM |
raamaM cha sa~Nkhye sahalakShmaNena|
viShaadayitvaa sahasaa vivesha |
puriiM dashagriivabhujaabhiguptaam || 6-73-74
samstuuyamaanaH sa tu yaatudhaanaiH |
pitre cha sarvaM hR^iShito.abhyuvaacha || 6-73-75
74, 75. evam vihhuudayitvaa vaanna sainyam raamamcha lakShmaNena saha= Thus causing the army of monkey along with Rama and Lakshmana to become despondent; samkhye= in battle; saH= that Indrajit; tataH= then; samstuuyamaanaH= being eulogized; yaatu dhaanaiH= by demons; sahasaa= quickly; vivesha= entered; puriim= the city; dashagriiva bhujaabhiguptaam= being protected by Ravana’s arms; abhyuvaacha= and informed; sarvam= all; pitre= to his father; hR^iShitaH= cheerfully.
Thus causing the army of monkeys along with Rama and Lakshmana to become despondent in battle, that Indrajit, getting eulogized by the demons, quickly reached the city of Lanka which was being protected by Ravana’s arms. Then, Indrajit cheerfully informed all that had happened, to his father.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaMDe trisaptatitamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 73rd chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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