Chapter [Sarga] 98  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 98


When Mahaparshva enters the battle-field and torments the monkeys, Angada comes to their rescue and hits him. Jambavan also enters the field and breaks the chariot and the horses of Mahaparshva. Then, Angada knocks the bow and the helmet of Mahaparshva, as they fall down. Finally, Mahaparshva falls dead, succumbing to a forcible blow of Angada’s fist.

mahodare tu nihate mahaapaarshvo mahaabalaH |
sugriiveNa samiikShyaatha krodhaatsaMraktalochanaH ||6-98-1
a~Ngadasya chamUM bhImaan kShobhayaamaasa saayakaiH |
1. samiikShya= seeing; mahodara= Mahodara; nihate= killed; sugriiveNa= by Sugreeva; mahaabalaH= the mighty; mahaapaarshvaH= Mahaparshva; krodha samrakta lochanaH= with his red-blood eyes in anger; atha= then; kShobhayaamaasa= stirred up; bhiimaam= the terrific; chamuum= army; aN^gadasya= of Angada; maargaNaiH= with his arrows.
Seeing Mahodara killed by Sugreeva, the mighty Mahaparsva for his part with his red-blood eyes through anger, forthwith stirred up the terrific army of Angada with his arrows.
sa vaanaraaNaaM mukhyaanaamuttamaa~Ngaani sarvashaH ||6-98-2
paatayaamaasa kaayebhyaH phalan vR^intaadivaanilaH |
2. saH raakShasaH= that demon; paatayaamaasa= struck down; uttamaaNgaani= the heads; mukhyaanaam vaanaraaNaam= of monkey-chiefs; kaayebhyaH= from their trunks; anilaH iva= as wind (would); phalam= (throw down) a fruit; vR^intaat= from its stalk.
That demon struck down the heads of monkey-chiefs from their trunks, as wind would throw down a fruit from its stalk.
keShaan chidiShubhirbaahUnskandhaaMshchichheda raakShasaH ||6-98-3
vaanaraaNaan susa~NkruddhaH paarshvan keShaaM vyadaarayat |
3. atha= Moreover; susamrabdhaH= very quickly; saH raakShasaH= that demon; chichchheda= chopped off; baahuun= the arms; keShaamchit vaanaraaNaam= of some monkeys; iShubhiH= with his arrows; aakShipat= and struck down; paarshvam= the region of the ribs; keShaam chit= of others.
Moreover, that demon very quickly chopped off the arms of some monkeys with his arrows and struck down the region of the ribs of others.
tearditaa baaNavarSheNa mahaapaarshvena vaanaraaH ||6-98-4
viShaadavimukhaaH sarve babhUvurgatachetasaH |
4. aarditaaH= tormented; baaNavegena= by the flight of arrows; mahaapaarshvena= by Mahaparsva; sarve= all; te vaanaraaH= those monkeys; viShaada vimukhaaH= were downcast with despair; babhuuvuH= and became; gatachetasaH= bereft of their senses.
Tormented by the flight of arrows of Mahaparshva, all those monkeys were downcast with despair and lost heart.
nirIkShya balamudvignama~Ngado raakShasaarditam ||6-98-5
vegan chakre mahaabaahuH samudra iva parvaNi |
5. nishamya= hearing; balam= his army; udvignam= depressed; raakShasaarditam= on being tormented by the demon; aN^gadaH= Angada; mahaavegaH= who was endowed with a great impetuosity; vegam chakre= exhibited his tempo; samudraH iva= like an ocean; parvasu= on full-moon days.
Seeing his army depressed on being tormented by the demon, Angada who was endowed with a great impetuosity, exhibited his tempo like an ocean on full-moon days.
aayasaM parighan gR^ihya sUryarashmisamaprabham ||6-98-6
samare vaanarashreShTho mahaapaarshve nyapaatayat |
6. gR^ihya= taking hold; aayasam parigham= of a steel rod; suurya rashmisama prabham= with its radiance equal to that of the sun; myapaatayat= hurled it; mahaapaarshve= on Mahaparsva; samare= in that combat.
Taking hold of a steel rod, with its radiance equal to that of the sun, hurled it on Mahaparshva in that combat.
sa tu tena prahaareNa mahaapaarshvo vichetanaH ||6-98-7
sasUtaH syandanaattasmaadvisanj~naH praapatadbhuvi |
7. tena= prahaareNa= by that blow; saH mahaapaarshvaH= that Mahaparsva; apata vichetanaH visajJNaH= dropped senseless and unconscious; bhuvi= on the ground; tasmaat syandanaat= from that chariot; sasuutaH= along with his charioteer.
By that blow, that Mahaparsva dropped senseless and unconscious on the ground from his chariot along with is charioteer
yasyarkSharaajastu tejasvii niilaajJNanachayopamaH ||6-98-8
niShpatya sumahaavIryaH svaadyUthaanmeghasaMnibhaat |
pragR^ihya girishR^i~Ngaabhaan kruddhaH sa vipulaan shilaam ||6-98-9
ashvaa~njaghaana tarasaa syandanan cha babha~nja tam |
8, 9. R^ikSharaajaH= Jambavan; tejasvii= the energetic bear; niilaaN^ganachayopamaH= looking like a heap of black collyrium; sumahaaviiryaH= who was exceedingly powerful; kruddhaH= was enraged; niShpatya= and rushing forward; svaynnuthaat= from his battalion; meghasamnibhaat= which resembled a black cloud; pragR^ihya= and seizing hold; vipulaam shilaam= huge rock; girishR^iN^gaabhaam= resembling a mountain-peak; jaghaana= killed; tasya ashvaan= his horses; tarasaa= with his strength; babhaN^ja= and broke; tam syandanamcha= that chariot too.
The energetic Jambavan, looking like a heap of black collyrium, who was exceedingly powerful, battalion which resembled a black cloud a mountain-peak, killed his horses with his strength and broke that chariot too.
muhUrtaallabdhasanj~nastu mahaapaarshvo mahaabalaH ||6-98-10
a~NgadaM bahubhirbaaNairbhUyastaM pratyavidhyata |
10. mahaabalaH= the mighty; mahaapaarshvaH= Mahaparsva; muhuurtaat= within a while; labdha samjJNaH= regained his consciousness; bhuuyaH= again; pratyavidhyata= struck; tam aN^gadam= that Angada; bahubhiH baaNaiH= with a multiple of his arrows.
Regaining his consciousness within a while, the mighty Mahaparshva again struck Angada with his many arrows.
jaambavantan tribhirbaaNairaajaghaana stanaantare ||6-98-11
R^ikSharaajan gavaakShaM cha jaghaana bahubhiH sharaiH |
11. aajaghaana= (He) stuck; jaambavantam= Jambavan; R^ikSharaajam= the king of bears; tribhiH baaNaiH= with three arrows; stanaantare= in his chest; jaghaana= and struck; gavaakShamcha= Gavanksha too; bahubhiH sharaiH= with many arrows.
He struck Jambavan, the king of bears with three arrows in his chest and struck Gavaksha too with many arrows.
gavaakShan jaambavantaM cha sa dR^iShTvaa sharapIDitau ||6-98-12
jagraaha parighan ghorama~NgadaH krodhamUrchhitaH |
12. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; gavaakSham= Gavaksha; jaambavantam cha= and Jambavan; sharapiiDitau= tormented by the arrows; saH aN^gadaH= that Angada; krodhamuurchhitaH= infatuated with anger; jagraaha= seized hold; ghoram parigham= of a terrific iron rod.
Seeing Gavaksha and Jambavan tormented by the arrows, that Angada was infatuated with anger and seized hold of a terrific iron rod.
tasyaa~NgadaH prakupito raakShasasya tamaayasaM ||6-98-13
dUrasthitasya parighan ravirashmisamaprabham |
dvaabhyaaM bhujaabhyaan sa~NgR^ihya bhraamayitvaa cha vegavaan ||6-98-14
mahaapaarshvaaya chikShepa vadhaarthan vaalinaH sutaH |
13, 14. samgR^ihya= holding; tam parigham= that iron rod; ravirashmi samaprabham= with a radiance resembling that of sun's rays; dvaabhyaam bhujaabhyaam= with his both hands; aN^gadaH= Angada; vaalinaH sutaH= the son of Vali; saroShaakShaH= with his eyes filled with anger; bhraamayitvaacha= turning it around; vegavat= with force; chikShepa= hurled it; tasya mahaapaarshvasya raakShasasya= on that Mahaparsva the demon; duurasthitasya= who stood at a distance; vadhaartham= to kill him.
Firmly holding that iron rod, which shone like the rays of the sun, with both hands and turning it around with force, Angada son of Vali, his eyes red with anger, hurled it on that Mahaparshva the demon, who stood at a distance, with an intention to kill him.
sa tu kShipto balavataa parighastasya rakShasaH ||6-98-15
dhanushcha sasharan hastaachchhirastran chaapyapaatayat |
15. kShiptaH= hurled; balavataa= by the mighty Angada; saH parighaH= that iron rod for its part; paatayat= knocked; dhanushcha= the bow; sasharam= with the arrow fitted to it; hastaat= from the hand; tasya rakShasaH= of that demon; shirastraaNam cha= and also his helmet.
Hurled by the mighty Angada, that iron rod for its part, knocked the bow with the arrow fitted to it, from the demon's hand and also his helmet.
tan samaasaadya vegena vaaliputraH prataapavaan ||6-98-16
talenaabhyahanatkruddhaH karNamUle sakuNDale |
16. samaasaadya= approaching; tam= him; vegena= with speed; kruddhaH= and with anger; prataapavaan= the valiant; vaaliputraH= Angada; talena abhyahanan= slapped him; kraNamuule= on the temple (root of the ear); sakuN^Dale= shining with an ear-ring.
Approaching him with speed and with anger, the valiant Angada slapped him on the temple (root of the ear), shining with an ear-ring.
sa tu kruddho mahaavego mahaapaarshvo mahaadyutiH ||6-98-17
kareNaikena jagraaha sumahaantaM parashvadham |
17. kruddhaH= enraged as he was; saH mahaapaarshva= that Mahaparshva for his part; mahaavegaH= who was endowed with a great swiftness; mahaadyutiH= and enormous splendour; jagraaha= seized hold; sumahaantam parashvadham= of a huge axe; ekena kareNa= in one hand.
Enraged as he was, that Mahaparsva for his part, who was endowed with a great swiftness and enormous splendour, seized hold of a huge axe in one hand.
tan tailadhautan vimalaM shailasaaramayaM dR^iDham ||6-98-18
raakShasaH paramakruddho vaaliputre nyapaatayat |
18. parama kruddhaH= extremely enraged; raakShasaH= the demon; nyapaatayat= hurled; vimalam= that stainless; dR^iDham= and strong; tam= axe; taila dhautam= which had been washed in oil; shailasaaramayan= and which was made of steel ; vaaliputre= on Angada.
Extremely enraged, the demon hurled that stainless and strong axe, which had been washed in oil and which was made of steel, on Angada.
tena vaamaansaphalake bhR^ishaM pratyavapaatitam ||6-98-19
a~Ngado mokShayaamaasa saroShaH sa parashvadham |
19. saroShaH= full of anger; saH aN^gadaH= that Angada; mokShayaamaasa= evaded; saH parashvadham= that axe; pratyava paatitam= which had been aimed; tena=by him; bhR^iham= mostly; which had been aimed; tena= by him; bhR^isham= mostly; vaamaamsaphalake= at his left shoulder-bone.
Full of anger, that Angada evaded that axe, which had been aimed by him mostly at his left shoulder-bone.
sa vIro vajrasa~Nkaashama~Ngado muShTimaatmanaH ||6-98-20
sanvartayansusa~NkruddhaH pitustulyaparaakramaH |
20. saH viiraH aN^gadaH= that valiant Angada; pitR^itulya paraakramaH= with his prowess equal to that of his father; susamkruddhah= was quite enraged; samvartayaamaasa= and firmly tightened; aatmanaH muShTim= his fist; vajrasamkaasham= resembling a thunderbolt.
That valiant Angada, with his prowess equal to that of his father, was quite enraged and firmly tightened his fist resembling a thunder-bolt.
raakShasasya stanaabhyaashe marmajJNo hR^idayaM prati ||6-98-21
indraashanisamasparshan sa muShTiM vinyapaatayat |
21. marmajJNaH= knowing the vital parts of the body; saH= Angada; vinyapaatayat= pounced; aatmanaH muSTim= his fist; indraashani sama sparsham= which invaded like a thunderbolt; hR^idayam prati= on the bosom; raakShasasya= of the demon; stanaabhyaashe= in the vicinity of his breasts.
Knowing the vital parts of the body, Angada pounced his fist, which invaded like a thunderbolt, on the boson of the demon, in the vicinity of his breasts.
tena tasya nipaatena raakShasasya mahaamR^idhe ||6-98-22
paphaala hR^idayan chaashu sa papaata hato bhuvi |
22. tena nipaatena= with the blow; tasya= of that fist; mahaamR^idhe= in that great battle; hR^idayam= the fleshy part of his heart; paphaala= was blasted; saH= he; papaata= fell; hataH= dead; bhuvi= on the ground.
With the blow of that fist in that great combat, the fleshy part of his heart was blasted and he fell dead on the ground.
tasminnipatite bhUmau tatsainyan samprachukShubhe ||6-98-23
abhavachcha mahaankrodhaH samare raavaNasya tu |
23.tasmin vinihate= when he fell dead; bhuumau= on the ground; tat= that; sainyam= army; samprachukShubhe= got confused; mahaan= a mammoth; krodhaH= anger; abhavat= arose; raavaNasya= in Ravana.
When Mahaparshva fell dead on the ground, his army got confused. A mammoth anger arose in Ravana.
vaanaraaNaaM prahR^iShTaanaaM siMhanaadaH supuShkalaH ||6-98-24
sphoTayanniva shabdena laN^kaaM saaTTaalagopuraam |
sahendreNeva devaanaaM naadaH samabhavanmahaan ||6-98-25
24, 25. supuShkalaH= that highly profound; simhanaadaH= lion's roar; prahR^iShTaanaam vaanaraaNaam= of the rejoiced monkeys; shabdena= by its sound; samabhavat= was well; mahaan naadaH iva= like the loud sound; devaanaam= of the gods; sahendreNa= along with Indra the lord of celestials; shabdena= by the sound; sphoTayanniva= as though breaking asunder; laN^kaam= the City of Lanka; saaTTaalagopuraam= with its atties and town-gates.
That highly profound lion's roar of the rejoiced monkeys, by its noise, was well like the loud sound of the gods along with Indra the lord celestials, nay, by its vibrations breaking asunder as it were the City of Lanka with its attics and town-gates.
athendrashatrustridashaalayaanaaM |
vanaukasaaM chava mahaapraNaadam |
shrutvaa saroShaM yuddi raakShasendraH |
punashcha yuddhaabhimukho.avatasthe ||6-98-26
26. shrutvaa= hearing; mahaapraNaadam= the loud noise; vanaukasaamchaiva= of monkeys as also; tridashaalayaanaam= of the celestials; yudhi= in the battle-field; raakShasendraH= Ravana; indrashatruH= the adversary of Indra the lord of celestials; atha= then; avatasthe= stood; yuddhaabhimukhe= prepared for a battle; punashcha= again; saroSham= with anger.
Hearing the loud noise of monkeys, as also of the celestials in the battle-field, the enraged Ravana the adversary of Indra, then stood prepared for a battle again.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe aShTanavatitamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 98th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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