Chapter [Sarga] 71  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 71


Seeing Atikaya, the colossal demon, coming towards him on a chariot, Rama asks Vibhishana who he is Vibhishana introduces Atikaya, as being a son of Ravana and Dhanyamali (another consort of Ravana). When some commanders of monkeys try to attack Atikaya, he chops off trees and crags hurled at him. Without fighting further with the monkeys, Atikaya, moves forward to Rama and challenges him for a fight. Then Lakshmana with his bow and arrows begins to fight with Atikaya. By a sharp arrow struck by Atikaya in Lakshmana’s chest, Lakshmana is enraged and releases an arrow employed with a missile of fire and Atikaya attacks it with an arrow employed with a solar missile. On the advice the wind-god appeared before him, Lakshmana finally hurls an arrow employed with a missile of Brahma and chips off the head of Atikaya.

svabalam vyathitam dR^iShTvaa tumulaM lomaharShaNam |
bhraatR^IMshcha nihataandR^iShTvaa shakratulyaparaakramaan || 6-71-1
pitR^ivyau chaapi sandR^ishya samare saMniShUditau |
yuddhonmattam cha mattam cha bhraatarau raakShasarShabhau || 6-71-2
chukopa cha mahaatejaa brahmadattavaro yudhi |
atikaayo.adrisa~Nkaasho devadaanavadarpahaa || 6-71-3
1, 2, 3. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; svabalam= his own army; tumulam= making a tumultuous sound; romaharShaNam= with excessive fear; vyathitam= seeing; dR^iShTvaa= seeing; bhraatR^iin= his brothers; shakratulya paraakramaan= having a prowess equal to that of Indra the lord of celestials; nihataan= having been killed; atikaayaH= Atikaya; mahaatejaaH= of great splendour; brahmadattavaraH= having boons bestowed by Brahma the lord of creation; adrisamkaashaH= having appearance of a mountain; devadaanavadarpahaa= and who removed the pride of celestials and ogres; yudhi= in battle; samdR^ishya= and seeing; pitR^ivyau= his paternal uncles; bhraatarau= and his brothers; raakShasa shreShTau= the foremost of demons; yudhhaumattamcha= and Yuddhaumatta; mattam cha= and Matta; samnipaatitau= having been fallen down; chukopacha= was enraged.
Seeing his own army making a tumultuous sound tottering with excessive fear, seeing his brothers having a prowess equal to that of Indra the lord of celestials having been killed, and seeing his paternal uncles as also Yuddhonmatta and Matta (Mahodara and Mahaparshva) his brothers and the foremost of demons having been fallen down, Atikaya of great splendour, having boons bestowed by Brahma the lord of creation, having appearance of a mountain and who removed the pride of celestials and ogres, was enraged.
sa bhaaskarasahasrasya sa~Nghaatamiva bhaasvaram |
rathamaasthaaya shakraarirabhidudraava vaanaraan || 6-71-4
4. saH= that Atikaya; shakraariH= the enemy of Indra the lord of celestials; aaruhya= mounting; ratham= a chariot; bhaasvaram= shining; bhaaskara sahasrasya samghaatamiva= like a cluster of thousand suns; abhidudraava= ran; vaanaraan= towards the monkeys.
That Atikaya, the enemy of Indra the lord of celestials, mounting a chariot shining like a cluster of thousand suns, ran towards the monkeys.
sa visphaarya tadaa chaapam kiriiTii mR^iShTakuNDalaH |
naama samshraavayaamaasa nanaada cha mahaasvanam || 6-71-5
5. saH= He; kiriTii= wearing a crown; mR^iShTakuNDalaH= and well-cleansed ear-rings; visphaarya= drawing; chaapam= his bow; naama samshraavayaamaasa= making his name loudly heard; nanaada cha= roared; mahaasvanam= with a big noise.
Wearing a crown and well-cleansed ear-rings as also drawing his bow, he roared with a big noise, making his name loudly heard.
tena simhapraNaadena naamavishraavaNena cha |
jyaashabdena cha bhiimena traasayaamaasa vaanaraan || 6-71-6
6. tena simhapraNaadena= by that lion-like roar; naama vishraavaNena= making his name loudly heard; bhiimena jyaashabdena cha= and by that terrific sound of the bow-string; traasayaamaasa= it created terror; vaanaraan= to the monkeys.
By that lion-like roar, making his name loudly heard and by that terrific sound of the bow-string, it created terror to the monkeys.
te dR^iShTvaa dehamaahaatmyam kumbhakarNo.ayamutthitaH |
bhayaartaa vaanaraaH sarve samshrayante parasparam || 6-71-7
7. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; dehamaahaatmyam= the bulkiness of his body; sarve= all; te vaanaraaH= those monkeys; kumbhakarNaH utthitaH= thinking that Kumbhakarna woke up (again); samshrayante= took refuge; parasparam= with each other; bhayaartaaH= afflicted as they were, with fear.
Seeing the bulkiness of his body, all the monkeys, thinking that Kumbhakarna woke up again, took refuge with each other, afflicted as they were, with fear.
te tasya ruupamaalokya yathaa viSNostrivikrame |
bhayaadvaanarayodhaaste vidravanti tatastataH || 6-71-8
8. aalokya= seeing; tasya ruupam= his form; viShNoH iva= looking like Vishnu; trivikrame= who strided over the three worlds in three steps; te= those; te= renowned; vaanarayodhaaH= monkey-warriors; bhayaat= with fear; vidravanti= ran away; tatstataH= hither and thither.
Seeing his form appearing like Vishnu who strided over the three worlds in three steps, the those renowned monkey-warriors with fear, ran away hither and thither.
te.atikaayam samaasaadya vaanaraa muuDhachetasaH |
sharaNyam sharaNam jagmurlakShmaNaagrajamaahave || 6-71-9
9. atikaaya samaasaadya= (when) Atikaya was to be attacked; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; muuDhachetasaH= were bewildered in mind; sharaNam jagmuH= and sought refuge; lakSmaNaagrajam= with Rama; aahave= in battle; sharaNyam= who affords protection.
When Atikaya was to be attacked, the monkeys were bewildered in mind and sought in the battle, a refuge with Rama, who affords protection.
tato.atikaayam kaakutstho rathasthaM parvatopamam |
dadarsha dhanvinam duuraadgarjantaM kaalameghavat || 6-71-10
10. tataH= then; kaakutthsaH= Rama; dadarsha= saw; duuraat= from a distance; parvatopamam= who resembled a mountain; rathastham= stationed in a chariot; garjantam= and rumbling; kaala meghavat= like a cloud; appearing at the time of universal dissolution.
Then, Rama saw from a distance, Atikaya, who resembled a mountain in size, stationed in a chariot, armed with a bow and rumbling like a cloud appearing at the time of universal dissolution.
sa tam dR^iShTvaa mahaakaayam raaghavastu suvismitaH |
vaanaraansaantvayitvaa cha vibhiiShaNamuvaacha ha || 6-71-11
11. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tam= that Atikaya; mahaakaayam= having a colossal body; saH= that; raaghavastu= Rama for his part; suvismitaH= was quite surprised; saantvayitavaa cha= and consoling; vaanaraan= the monkeys; uvaacha ha= spoke; vibhiiShaNam= to Vibhishana (as follows):
Seeing that Atikaya, having a colossal body, Rama for his part was quite surprised and after consoling the monkeys, spoke to Vibhishana (as follows):
ko.asau parvatasa~Nkaasho dhanuShmaanharilochanaH |
yukte hayasahasreNa vishaale syandane sthitaH || 6-71-12
12. kaH= who; asau= is he; parvatasamkaashaH= resembling a mountain (in size); dhanuShmaan= armed with a bow; harilochanaH= brown-eyed; sthitaH= and seated; vishaale syandane= in a spacious chariot; yukte= yoked; haya sahasreNa= with a thousand horses?
“Who is he, resembling a mountain in size, armed with a bow, brown-eyed and seated in a spacious chariot yoked with a thousand horses?”
ya eSha nishitaiH shuulaiH sutiikShNaiH praasatomaraiH |
archiShmadbhirvR^ito bhaati bhuutairiva maheshvaraH || 6-71-13
13. yaH eShaH= who; archiShmadbhiH= with resplendent; nishitaiH= and sharp; shuulaiH= spikes; sutiikShNaiH= with very sharply; praasa tomaraiH= barbed javelins and lances; bhaati= and shining; maheshvaraH iva= like lord Shiva; bhuutaiH vR^itaH= surrounded by genii.
He is shining like Lord Shiva surrounded by genii, with resplendent and sharp spikes, with very sharply barbed javelins and lances.
kaalajihvaaprakaashaabhirya eSho.abhiviraajate |
aavR^ito rathashaktiibhirvidyudbhiriva toyadaH || 6-71-14
14. yaH eShaH= who; abhiviraajate= is shining; toyadaH iva= like a cloud; vidyudbhiH= with lightings; aavR^itaH= and moving round; rathashaktiibhiH= with staffs which support the banners of the war-chariot; kaala jihvaa prakaashaabhiH= with appearances of tongues of the time-spirit.
“He is shining like a lightening cloud and moving round with staffs which support the banners of the war-chariot, appearing like tongues of the Time-Sprit.”
dhanuumsi chaasya sajyAni hemapR^iShThaani sarvashaH |
shobhayanti rathashreShTham shakrapaatamivaambaram || 6-71-15
15. dhanuumShicha= bows; sajjaani= adhered; hema pR^iShThaani= with golden backs; asya ratha shreSTham= in his excellent chariot; shobhayanti= are shining; sarvashaH= on all sides; shakra chaapam iva= like a rainbow; ambaram= in the sky.
“Bows adhered with golden backs in his excellent chariot are shining on all sides like a rainbow in the sky.”
ya eSha rakShaH shaarduulo raNabhuumim viraajayan |
abhyeti rathinaam shreShTho rathenaadityatejasaa || 6-71-16
dhvajashR^i~NgapratiShThena raahuNaabhiviraajate |
suuryarashmiprabhairbaaNairdisho dasha viraajayan || 6-71-17
16, 17. yaH= which; rakShashshaarduulaH= excellent of demons; shreShThaH= the eminent; rathinaam= of charioteers; viraajayan raNa bhuumin= making the battle-field to shine; abhyeti= coming; rathena= in a chariot; aaditye varchasaa= with splendour of the sun; baaNaiH= and with arrows; suurya rashmi prabhaiH= having gleams of sunbeams, viraajayan= shining; dashadishaH= in ten directions; abhiviraajate= embellishing a brilliance; raahuNaa= by an emblem of Rahu; dhvajashR^iNga pratiShThena= installed on the point of his standard.
“That warrior of demons, the eminent of charioteers, making the battle-front to shine, is coming in a chariot with the splendour of the sun, with arrows having gleams of sun-beams, shining in ten directions and embellishing brilliance by an emblem of Rahu installed on the point of his standard.”
triNataM meghanirhraadam hemapR^iShThamala~NkR^itam |
shatakratudhanuHprakhyam dhanushchaasya viraajate || 6-71-18
18. asya= his; dhanuH= bow; trinatam= triply curved; hema pR^iShTham= golden backed; alamkR^itam= and decorated; megha samnaadam= having a rumbling sound of the cloud; viraajate= is shining; shatakratudhanuH prakhyam= like a rainbow.
“His triply curved, golden backed and decorated bow, having a rumbling sound of the cloud, is shining like a rain-bow.”
sadhvajaH sapataakashcha saanukarSho mahaarathaH |
chatuHsaadisamaayukto meghastanitanisvanaH || 6-71-19
19. mahaarathaH= his large chariot; sadhvajaH= with its flag; sapataakashcha= and emblem; saanukarShaH= with its axle-tree at the bottom; meghastamita niH svanaH= having the sound of a cloud’s lightning; chatussaadisamaayuktaH= consists of four charioteers.
“His large chariot, with its flag and emblem, with its axle-tree at the bottom, and having the sound of a cloud’s lightning, consists of four charioteers.”
viMshatirdasha chaaShTau cha tuuNiirarathamaasthitaaH |
kaarmukaaNi cha bhiimaani jyaashcha kaa~nchanapi~NgalaaH || 6-71-20
20. vimshati= twenty; tuuNyaH= quivers; dashacha= ten; bhiimaani= terrific; kaarmukaaNi cha= bows; aShTou cha= and eight; jyaashcha= bow-strings; kaaN^chana piN^gaLaaH= golden and reddish brown in colour; aasthitaaH= are abiding; asya ratham= in his chariot.
Twenty quivers, ten terrific bows and eight bow-strings, golden and reddish brown in colour, are abiding in his chariot.”
dvau cha khaDgau rathagatau paarshvasthau paarshvashobhinau |
chaturhastatsaruchitau vyaktahastadashaayatau || 6-71-21
21. rathagatau= on that chariot are hanging; dvau= two; khaDgau cha= swords; vyakta hastadashaayatau= clearly measuring ten cubits in length; chaturhastatsaruchitou= shone upon by hilts measuring four cubits; pradiiptau= are casting their splendour; paarshvashobhitau= on his two sides.
“On that chariot are hanging two swords, clearly measuring ten cubits in length and provided with measuring four cubits, casting their splendour on his two sides.”
raktakaNThaguNo dhiiro mahaaparvatasaMnibhaH |
kaalaH kaalamahaavaktro meghastha iva bhaaskaraH || 6-71-22
22. dhiiraH= this brave warrior; rakta kaNTha guNaH= with a red garland adorning his neck; mahaaparvata sannibhaH= resembling a large mountain; kaalaH= black in colour; kaala mahaavaktraH= having a mouth as large as Death; bhaaskaraH iva= looks like the sun; meghasthaH= veiled by a cloud.
“This brave warrior, with a red garland adorning his neck, resembling a large mountain black in colour and having a month as large as Death, looks like the sun veiled by a cloud.”
kaa~nchanaa~NgadanaddhaabhyaaM bhujaabhyaameSha shobhate |
shR^i~Ngaabhyaamiva tu~Ngaabhyaam himavaanparvatottamaH || 6-71-23
23. bhujjaabhyaam= with his arms; kaaN^chanaaN^gada naddhaabhyaam= adorned with gold armlets; eShaH= he; shobhate= shines; himavaan iva= like the Himalaya parvatottamaH= the highest mountain; tuN^gaabhyaam shR^iN^gaabhyaam= with its two lofty peaks.
“With his arms adorned with gold armlets, he shines like the Himalaya, the highest mountain with its two lofty peaks.”
kuNDalaabhyaam tu yasyaitadbhaati vaktram shubhekShaNam |
punarvasvantaragataM puurNabimbamivaindavam || 6-71-24
24. subhiiShaNam= his awfully dreadful; vaktram= face; ubhaabhyaam= wit two; kuN^Dalaabhyaam= ear-rings; bhaati= is shining; paripuurNaH nishaakaraH= like a full moon; punarvasvantaragataH= appearing between the two stars constituting the constellation, Punarvasu.
“His awfully dreadful face, with two ear-rings, is shining like a full moon appearing between the two stars constituting the constellation, Punnarvasu.”
aachakShva me mahaabaaho tvamenam raakShasottamam |
yam dR^iShTvaa vaanaraaH sarve bhayaartaa vidruutaa dishaH || 6-71-25
25. mahaabaaho= O the long armed!; dR^iShTvaa= by seeing; yam= whom; sarve= all; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; bhayaartaaH= afflicted with fear; vidrutaaH= ran away; dishaH= in different direction; tvam= you; aachakShva= tell; me= me; enam raakShasottamam= about this foremost of demons.
“O the long armed! Tell me who this foremost of demons is! On seeing him all the monkeys, afflicted with fear, are running away in different directions.”
sa pR^iShTho raajaputreNa raameNaamitatejasaa |
aachachakShe mahaatejaa raaghavaaya vibhiiShaNaH || 6-71-26
26. pR^iShTaH= questioned (thus); raameNa= by Rama; raja putreNa= the prince; amita tejasaa= having an unlimited splendour; saH= that; vibhiiShaNaH= Vibhishana; maahaatejaaH= of great splendour; aachakShe= replied; raaghavaaya= to Rama (as follows):
Thus asked by Rama, the prince having an unlimited splendour, that Vibhishana of great brilliance, replied to Rama as follows:
dashagriivo mahaatejaa raajaa vaishravaNaanujaH |
bhiimakarmaa mahotsaaho raavaNo raakShasaadhipaH || 6-71-27
27. raajaa= the king; raavaNaH= Ravana; dashagriivaH= the ten-necked; mahaatejaaH= having great brilliance; vaishraavaNaanujaH= the brother of Kumbera the lord of wealth; bhiima karma= doing terrific deeds; mahotsaahaaH= having great power; raakShaseshvaraH= is the lord of demons.
“The ten-necked king Ravana, having great brilliance, the brother of Kubera the lord of wealth, doing terrific deeds and possessing a great power, is the lord of demons.”
tasyaasiidviiryavaanputro raavaNapratimo raNe |
vR^iddhasevii shrutadharaH sarvaastraviduShaam varaH || 6-71-28
28. tasya= to him; aasiit= there is; putraH= a son; viiryavaan= who is valiant; raavaNapratimaH= equal to Ravana; raNe= in combat; vR^iddha sevii= who serves elders; varaH= excellent; shrutidharaH= among those holding that which is heard; sarvaastra viduShaam= and who is skilled in the use of weaponry.
“To him, there is a valiant son, equal to Ravana in combat, who serves elders, holding that which is heard from them and skilled in the use of weaponry.”
ashvapR^iShThe rathe naage khaDge dhanuShi karShaNe |
bhede saantve cha daane cha naye mantre cha saMmataH || 6-71-29
29. sammataH= (He) is respected; mantre cha= for his counsel; ashvapR^iShThe= for his rides on a horse-back; naaga pR^iShThe= and an elephant-back; khaDge dhanuShi karShaNe= for his drawing out of sword and bow; bhede saantvecha daanecha= for his strategy of winning over to his side by sowing dissention, negotiation naye= and for his steering capacity of an army.
“He is respected for his counsel, for his rides on the backs of horses and elephants, for his drawing out of the sword and the bow, for his strategy winning over to his side by sowing dissention negotiation and bribery and for his steering capacity of an army.
yasya baahum samaashritya la~Nkaa bhavati nirbhayaa |
tanayam dhaanyamaalinyaa atikaayamimam viduH || 6-71-30
30. samaashritya= resting; yasya baahum= on whose arm; laN^kaa= Lanka; bhavati nirbhayaa= is feeling fearless; viduH= (they) know; imam= him; atikaayam= as Atikaya; tanayam= the son; dhaanyamaalinyaaH= of Dhanyamali.
“He is Atikaya, the son of Dhanyamali. Lanka is feeling fearless, by resting on his arm.”
etenaaraadhito brahmaa tapasaa bhaavitaatmanaa |
astraaNi chaapyavaaptaani ripavashcha paraajitaaH || 6-71-31
31. etena= by him; bhaavitaatmanaa= who purified his soul by meditating on the universal soul; aaraadhitaH= was worshipped; brahmaa= Brahma the lord of creation; astraaNicha= and the missiles too; avaaptaani= obtained; ripavashcha= and enemies; paraajitaaH= conquered.
“He, who purified his soul by meditating on the universal soul, worshipped Brahma the lord of creation, obtained missiles too and conquered the enemies.
suraasurairavadhyatvam dattamasmai svayambhuvaa |
etachcha kavacham divyam rathashchaiSho.arkabhaaskaraH || 6-71-32
32. svayambhuvaa= by Brahma; asmai dattam= to him was given (a boon); avadhyatvam= of not being killed; suraasuraiH= by celestials and demons; (and also); etat= this; divyam= wonderful; kavacham cha= armour; rathashcha= and the chariot; ravibhaasvaraH= shining like the sun.
“Brahma, the lord of creation, granted a boon, exempting him from death at the hands of celestials and demons as also this wonderful armour and the chariot shining like the sun.”
etena shatasho devaa daanavaashcha paraajitaaH |
rakShitaani cha rakShaami yakShaashchaapi niShuuditaaH || 6-71-33
33. etena= by him; devaaH= celestials; daanavaashcha= and ogres; paraajitaaH= were conquered; shatashaH= hundreds of times; yakShaashcha api= even Yakshas the super natural beings; niShuuditaaH= were destroyed; rakShaamsi= the demons; rakShitaani= were defended.
“He conquered the celestials and the ogres several times, destroyed Yakshas the supernatural beings and defended the demons.”
vajram viShTambhitaM yena baaNairindrasya dhiimataH |
paashaH salilaraajasya yuddhe pratihatastathaa || 6-71-34
eSho.atikaayo balavaan raakShasaanaamatharShabhaH |
sa raavaNasya suto dhiimaan devadanava darpahaa || 6-71-35
34, 35. yena= by whom; baaNaiH= with his arrows; yuddhe= in battle; vajram= the thunderbolt; dhiimataH indrashcha= of the intelligent Indra; viShTambhitam= was paralyzed; tathaa= and; paashaH= the noose; salilaraajasya= of Varuna, the lord of waters; pratihataH= was struck down; eShaH= he as such; atikaayaH= is Atikaya; balavaan= a strong demon; atha= and; R^iShabhaH= the foremost; raakShasaanaam= among demons; saH= He; dhiimaan= the wise demon; raavaNa sutaH= is the son of Ravana; devadaanava darpahaa= who took off the pride from celestials and ogres.
“He is Atikaya, who paralyzed the thunderbolt of the intelligent Indra with his arrows. He struck down the noose of Varuna, the seizer of transgressors. This wise Ravana’s son, who is strong and the foremost of demons took off the pride of celestials and ogres.”
tadasmin kriyataam yatnaH kShipraM puruShapu~Ngava |
puraa vaanarasainyaani kShayaM nayati saayakaiH || 6-71-36
36. puruShapuN^gava= O Rama, the foremost of men!; tat= therefore; yatnaH= let the effort; kriyataam= be made; kShipram= quickly; asmin= in his case; puraanayati= (otherwise) he will shortly bring in.
“O Rama, the foremost of men! Therefore let the effort to destroy him be made quickly. Otherwise shortly, he will bring in destruction for our army of monkeys, with his arrows.”
tato.atikaayo balavAnpravishya harivaahiniim |
visphaarayaamaasa dhanurnanaada cha punaH punaH || 6-71-37
37. pravishya= entering; harivaahiniim= the army of monkeys; balavaan= the strong; atikaayaH= Atikaya; tataH= then; visphaaryaamaasa= stretched; dhanuH= his bow; nanaada cha= and roared; punaH punaH= again and again.
Entering the army of monkeys, the strong Atikaya then stretched his bow and roared again and again.
taM bhiimavapuSham dR^iShTvaa rathastham rathinaaM varam |
abhipeturmahaatmaano ye pradhaanaaH ye vanaukasaH || 6-71-38
38. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tam= him; bhiimavapuSham= with a terrific body; rathastham= seated in the chariot; varam= and excellent; rathinaam= among the charioteers; vanaukasaH= were chiefs; mahaatmanaH= and powerful; abhipetuH= rushed towards him.
Seeing him with a terrific body, seated in the chariot, as the excellent one among the charioteers, powerful chiefs of monkeys rushed towards him.
kumudo dvivido maindo niilaH sharabha eva cha |
paadapairgirishR^i~Ngaish cha yugapatsamabhidravan || 6-71-39
39. paadapaiH= with trees; girishR^iN^gaiH= and with mountain-peaks; kumudaH= Kumuda; dvividaH= Dvivida; maindaH= Mainda; niilaH= Nila; sharbhaH eva cha= and Sharabha; samabhidravan= ran (to attack him); yugavata= at once.
Taking trees and mountain peaks, Kumuda, Dvivida, Mainda, Nila and Sharabha marched forwards quickly to attack him at once.
teShaam vR^ikShaaMshcha shailaaMshcha sharaiH kaa~nchanabhuuShaNaiH |
atikaayo mahaatejaashchichchhedaastravidaam varaH || 6-71-40
40. atikaayaH= Atikaya; mahaatejaaH= of great splendour; astavidaam varaH= the foremost among those skilled in weaponry; chichchheda= chopped off; teShaam= their; vR^ikShaam= trees; shailaam cha= and crags; sharaiH= with his arrows; kanaka bhuuShaNaiH= decked with gold.
Atikaya of great splendour, the foremost among those skilled in weaponry, chopped off their trees and crags with his arrows decked with gold.
taaMshchaiva saraansa harii~nsharaiH sarvaayasairbalii |
vivyaadhaabhimukhaH sa~Nkhye bhiimakaayo nishaacharaH || 6-71-41
41. saH= he; balii= the strong; vishaaradaH= the skilled; bhiimakaayaH= with a terrific body; vivyaadha= struck; sarvaan= all; taan= those; hariin= monkeys; abhimukhaan= facing in front of him; samkhye= in battle; sharaiH= with arrows; sarvaayasaiH= fully made of iron.
That strong and skilled Atikaya with a terrific body, struck all those monkeys, facing in front of him in battle with arrows fully made of iron.
te.arditaa baaNabarSheNa bhinnagaatraaH plava~NgamaaH |
na shekuratikaayasya pratikartuM mahaaraNe || 6-71-42
42. te paraajitaaH= those overthrown monkeys; arditaaH= injured; baaNa varSeNa= by the shower of arrows; atikaayasya= of Atikaya; bhinnagaatraaH= with their blown out bodies; mahaahave= in that great battle; na shekuH= were unable; pratikartum= to retaliate (on him).
Those overthrown monkeys, injured with their blown out bodies, by the shower of Atikaya’s arrows in that great battle, were unable to retaliate on him.
tatsainyam hariviiraaNaam traasayaamaasa raakShasaH |
mR^igayuuthamiva kruddho hariryauvanamaasthitaH || 6-71-43
43. raakShasaH= that demon; yauvanadarpitaH= who was arrogant of his youth; traasayaamaasa= frightened; tat= that; sainyam= army; hariviiraaNaam= of monkey-warriors; kruddhaH hariH= as an enraged lion (frightens) mR^igayuuthamiva= a herd of deers.
That demon, who was arrogant of his youth, frightened that army of monkey-warriors, as an enraged lion frightens a herd of deers.
sa raaShasendro harisainyamadhye |
naayudhyamaanaM nijaghaana kam chit |
upetya raamam sadhanuH kalaapii |
sagarvitam vaakyamidaM babhaaShe || 6-71-44
44. saH= that; raakShasendraH= chief of demons; na nijaghaana= did not strike; kamchit= whomsoever; hariyuuthamadhye= of the monkey-warriors; ayudhyamaanam= who could not fight; saH= that Atikaya; sadhanuH kalaapii= with his bow and quiver of arrows; utpatya= going up quickly; raamam= towards Rama; babhaaShe= spoke; idam= these; garvitam vaakyam= haughty (to him) words.
That chief of demons did not strike whomsoever of the monkey-warriors who were unable to fight. That Atikaya, with his bow and quiver of arrows, going up quickly towards Rama, spoke haughty words (to him) as follows:
rathe sthito.aham sharachaapapaaNi |
na praakR^itam kaM chana yodhayaami |
yasyaasti shaktirvyavasaaya yuktaa |
dadaatuM me kShipramihaadya yuddham || 6-71-45
45. aham= I; sthitaH= am seated; rathe= in the chariot; shara chaapapaaNiH= with arrows and bow in my hand; na yodhayaami= I would not give battle; kamchana praakR^itam= with any common warrior; yasya asti= he who has; shaktiH= ability; vyavasaaya yuktaH= and energy; dadaatu= can give; yuddham= a fight; adya= now; iha= here; me= to me; shiighram= quickly.
“I am seated in the chariot with arrows and a bow in my hand. I would not give battle with any common warrior. He who has ability and energy can give his fight to me now and here quickly.”
tattasya vaakyaM bruvato nishamya |
chukopa saumitriramitrahantaa |
amR^iShyamaaNashcha samutpapaata |
jagraaha chaapam cha tataH smayitvaa || 6-71-46
46. nishamya= hearing; tasya tat vaakyam= those of his words thus spoken; saumitriH= Lakshmana; amitrahantaa= the annihilator of enemies; chukopa= was enraged; tataH= then; smayitvaa= smiling; amR^iShyamaaNaH= and unable to bear his words; samutpapaata= rose up quickly; jagraaha= and took up; chaapam= his bow.
Hearing his words, Lakshmana the annihilator of enemies was enraged. Then, unable to bear his words and smiling, he rose up quickly and took up his bow.
kruddhaH saumitrirutpatya tuuNaadaakShipya saayakam |
purastaadatikaayasya vichakarSha mahaddhanuH || 6-71-47
47. kruddhaH= the enraged; saumitriH= Lakshmana; utpatya= coming forward quickly; aakShipya= and taking off; saayakam= an arrow; tuuNaat= from the quiver; an arrow; chakarSha= pulled out; mahat= his great; dhanuH= bow; parastaat= in front; atikaayasya= of Atikaya.
The enraged Lakshmana, coming forward quickly and taking off an arrow from his quiver pulled out his great bow in front of Atikaya.
puurayansa mahiim shailaanaakaashaM saagaram dishaH |
jyaashabdo lakShmaNasyograstraasayanrajaniicharaan || 6-71-48
48. saH= that; jyaashabdaH= twang of the bow; lakShmaNasya= of Lakshmna; puurayan= filling; sarvaam= the entire; mahiim= earth; aakaasham= sky; saagaram= ocean; dishaH= and quarters; ugraH= was angry; traasayan= frightening; rajanii charaan= the demons.
That twang of the bow of Lakshmana, filling the entire quarters, earth, sky and the ocean, was angry, frightening the demons.
saumitreshchaapanirghoSham shrutvaa pratibhayam tadaa |
visiShmiye mahaatejaa raakShasendraatmajo balii || 6-71-49
49. shrutvaa= hearing; saumitreH chaapanirghoSham= the twang of Lakshmana’s bow; pratibhayam= which was terrible; balii= the strong; raakShasendraatmajaH= Atikaya; mahaatejaH= of great splendour; tadaa= then; visiShmiye= was surprised.
Hearing the terrific twang of Lakshmana’s bow, the strong Atikaya of great splendour, was surprised.
tadaatikaayaH kupito dR^iShTvaa lakShmaNamutthitam |
aadaaya nishitaM baaNamidam vachanamabraviit || 6-71-50
50. dR^iShvaa= seeing; lakShmaNam= Lakshmana; utthitam= coming forth (for battle); atikaayaH= Atikaya; tadaa= then; kupitaH= was enraged; aadaaya= and taking; nishitam baaNam= a sharp arrow; abraviit= spoke; idam vachanam= the following words.
Seeing Lakshmana standing in front of him for the battle, Atikaya then was enraged and taking a sharp arrow, spoke the following words:
baalastvamasi saumitre vikrameShvavichakShaNaH |
gachchha kim kaalasadR^ishaM maam yodhayitumichchhasi || 6-71-51
51. saumitre= O Lakshmana; tvam asi= you are; avichakShaNaH= ignorant; vikrameShu= of a fight; baalaH= you are a minor; gachchha= go away; kim= why; ichchhasi= do you wish; yodhayitum= to fight; maam= with me; kaala samkaasham= who is like Yama the Lord of Death.
“O Lakshmana! You are still a boy. You are ignorant of a fight. Why do you wish to fight with me, who is like Yama the Lord of Death? Go away.”
na hi madbaahusR^iShTaanaamastraaNaam himavaanapi |
soDhumutsahate vegamantarikShamatho mahii || 6-71-52
52. vegam= to the speed; baaNaanaam= of arrows; madbaahusR^iShTaanaam= discharged by my arms; himavaanapi= even the Himalaya mountains; na utsahate hi= would not be able; soDhum= to endure; antarikSham atho mahii= nor the sky nor the earth.
“Even the Himalayan Mountains or the sky or the earth would be unable to endure the speed of arrows released by my arms.”
sukhaprasuptam kaalaagniM prabodhayitumichchhasi |
nyasya chaapaM nivartasva maa praaNaa~njahi madgataH || 6-71-53
53. ichhasi= you wish; vibodhayitum= to arouse; kaalaagnim= a fire that is to destroy the world; sukhaprasuptam= which is sleeping happily; nivartasya= go back; nyasya= keeping; chaapam= your bow; maajahi= do not kill; praaNaan= your lives; madgataH= having approached me with hostile intentions.
“You wish to arouse a fire of dissolution, when it is sleeping happily. Placing your bow here, go back. Do not lose your life, by fighting against me.”
atha vaa tvaM pratiShTabdho na nivartitumichchhasi |
tiShTha praaNaanparityajya gamiShyasi yamakShayam || 6-71-54
54. tvam na ichhasi= If you do not wish; nivartitum= to go back; athavaa= rather; pratistabdhaH= with obstinance; tiShTha= stay back; parityajya= abandoning; praaNaan= your lives; gamiShyasi= you will go; yamakShayam= to the abode of Yama.
“If you do not go back, with an obstinance, then you rather stay back. Abandoning your lives, you will reach the abode of Yama.”
pashya me nishitaan baaNaana ridarpaniShuudanaan |
iishvaraayudhasa~Nkaashaamstaptakaa~nchanabhUShaNaan || 6-71-55
55. pashya= see; nishitaan baaNaan= my sharp arrows; tapta kaaNchana bhuuShaNaan= decked with pure gold; me ripudarpa niShuudanaan= which can remove the pride of my enemies; iishvaraayudha samkaashaan= which are like the weapons of Ishvara the lord destruction.
“See my sharp arrows decked with pure gold, which can remove the pride of my enemies and which are like the weapons of Ishvara the lord of destruction.”
eSha te sarpasa~Nkaasho baaNaH paasyati shoNitam |
mR^igaraaja iva kruddho naagaraajasya shoNitam || 6-71-56
56. eShaH baaNaH= this arrow; sarpasamkaashaH= looking like a serpent; pasyati= will drink; te shoNitam= your blood; mR^igaraajaajaH iva= like a lion; naagaraajasya shoNitam= (drinking) the blood of an elephant; ityevam uktvaa= thus speaking; samkruddhaH= Atikaya was enraged; samdadhe= and fixed; sharam= an arrow; dhanuShi= on his bow.
“This arrow looking like a serpent will drink your blood as a lion drinks the blood of an elephant. “Thus speaking, Atikaya was enraged and fixed an arrow on his bow.
shrutvaatikaayasya vachaH saroShaM |
sagarvitam samyati raajaputraH |
sa sa~ncukopaatibalo masvii |
uvaacha vaakyam cha tato mahaartham || 6-71-57
57. shrutvaa= hearing; vachaH= the words; atikaayasya= of Atikaya; saroSham= filled with anger; sagarvitam= and arrogance; samyati= in battle; raajaputraH= Lakshmana; samchukopa= was enraged; tataH= thereafter; saH= that Lakshmana; atibalaH= with great strength; manasvii= wisdom; bR^ihachchhriiH= and great glory; uvaacha cha= spoke also; vaakyam= (the following) words:
Hearing the words of Atikaya, filled with anger and arrogance in that battle-field, Lakshmana was enraged. Thereafter, that Lakshmana, having a great strength wisdom and great glory, also spoke as follows:
na vaakyamaatreNa bhavaanpradhaano |
na katthanaatsatpuruShaa bhavanti |
mayi sthite dhanvini baaNapaaNau |
vidarshayasvaatmabalam duraatman || 6-71-58
58. duraatman= O the evil minded one!; vaakyamaatrena= just by mere words; bhavaan= you; na= cannot be; pradhaanaH= a very important person; katthanaat= by of boasting themselves; na bhavanti= people cannot become; satpuruShaaH= good persons; nidarshayatva= you show; aatmabalam= your strength; mayi= in me; sthite= who is standing; baaNa paaNau= with an arrow in hand; dhanvini= and wielding a bow.
“O the evil-minded! Just by uttering mere words, you cannot by a very important person. People cannot become good persons, just by boasting of themselves. You rather show your strength in me, who is standing with an arrow in hand and wielding a bow.”
karmaNaa suuchayaatmaanaM na vikatthitumarhasi |
pauruSheNa tu yo yuktaH sa tu shuura iti smR^itaH || 6-71-59
59. suuchaya= reveal; aatmaanam= yourself; karmaNaa= by your deeds; na arhasi= you do not deserve; vikatthitum= to boast of yourself; yaH= whoever; yuktaH pauruSheNa= is with a valour; saH= he alone; smR^itaH= is declared; shuuraH iti= as a warrior.
“Reveal yourself by your deeds. You do not deserve to boast of yourself. A person with valour alone is declared as a warrior.”
sarvaayudhasamaayukto dhanvii tvam rathamaasthitaH |
sharairvaa yadi vaapyastrairdarshayasva paraakramam || 6-71-60
60. tvam= you; aasthitaH= are seated; ratham= in a chariot; sarvaayudha samaayuktaH= with all the weapons; dhanvii= and wielding a bow; darshayasva= show; paraakramam= your prowess; sharaiH vaa= either by your arrows; yadi vaapi= or even; astraiH= by your weapons.
“You are seated in a chariot, with all the weaponry and wielding a bow. Show your prowess either by your arrows or even by your weapons.”
tataH shiraste nishitaiH paatayiShyaamyaham sharaiH |
maarutaH kaalasampakvam vR^intaattaalaphalaM yathaa || 6-71-61
61. tataH= thereupon; nishitaiH sharaiH= with sharp arrows; aham= I; paatayiShyaami= shall strike down; te shiraH= your head; nishitaiH sharaiH= by my sharp arrows; taalaphalam yathaa= as a fruit of a fan-palm; kaala sampakvam= ripened by time; (is fallen down); maarutaH= by wind; vR^intaat= from its stalk.
“Thereupon, with sharp arrows, I shall strike down your head like a fruit of a fan-palm, ripened by its time, is fallen down from its stalk by the gust of a wind.”
adya te maamakaa baaNaastaptakaa~nchanabhuuShaNaaH |
paasyanti rudhiram gaatraadbaaNashalyaantarotthitam || 6-71-62
62. maamakaaH baaNaaH= (these) arrows of mine; taptakaaNchana bhuuShaNaaH= decked with pure gold; paasyanti= will drink; rudhiram= blood; baaNashalyaantarothitam te gaatraat= coming forth from the holes formed in your body by the sharp points of my arrows.
“Today, these arrows of mine decked with pure gold, will drink blood oozing forth from the holes formed in your body by the sharp points of my arrows.”
baalo.ayamiti viGYaaya na maavaGYaatumarhasi |
baalo vaa yadi vaa vR^iddho mR^ityum jaaniihi samyuge || 6-71-63
baalena viShNunaa lokaastrayaH kraantaastrivikramaiH |
63. viN^aaya= thinking; iti= that; ayam= he; baalaH= is a boy; na cha arhasi= you ought not; avaJNaatum= to disregard (me); baalovaa= either as a boy; vR^iddhovaa= or as an old man; jaanihi= you indeed perceive (me); samyuge= in the battle front; mR^ityum= as the god of Death; baalena viShNuunaa= by Vishnu as a boy; trayaH= the three; lokaaH= worlds; kraantaaH= were occupied; trivikramaiH= by his three strides.
“Thinking me to be a boy, you need not disregard me. Either as the boy or as the aged, you indeed know me in battle-front as the god of Death. Vishnu, as a boy occupied the three worlds just with his three strides, Didn’t he?”
lakShmaNasya vachaH shrutvaa hetumatparamaarthavat || 6-71-64
atikaayaH prachukrodha baaNam chottamamaadade |
64. shrutvaa= hearing; hetuvat= the reasonable; paramaarthavat= and highly meaningful; vachaH= words; lakShmaNasya= of Lakshmana; atikaayaH= Atikaya; prachukrodhaH= was very much enraged; aadadecha= and took out; uttamam= an excellent; baaNam= arrow.
Hearing the reasonable and highly meaningful words of Lakshmana, Atikaya was very much enraged and took out an excellent arrow.
tato vidyaadharaa bhuutaa devaa daityaa maharShayaH || 6-71-65
guhyakaashcha mahaatmaanastadyuddham dadR^ishustadaa |
65. tataH= then; vidyaadharaaH= Vidyadharas the supernatural beings bhuutaaH= Bhutas the spirits, devaaH= the celestials; daityaaH= the demons; maharShayaH= the great sages; guhyakaaH= Guhyakas a class of demi=gods; mahaatmanaH= the great souled; dadR^ishuH= saw; tat= that; yuddham= battle.
Then, Vidyadharas the supernatural beings, Bhutas the spirits, Devas the celestials, Daityas the demons, Maharshies the great sages and Guhyakas a class of demi-gods, all the great souled ones saw that battle.
tato.atikaayaH kupitashchaapamaaropya saayakam || 6-71-66
lakShmaNasya prachikShepa sa~NkShipanniva chaambaram |
66. tataH= thereafter; kupitaH= the enraged; atikaayaH= Atikaya; aaropya= stringing; saayakam= an arrow; chaapam= to his bow; prachikShepa= dispatched (the arrow); lakShmaNaaya= towards Lakshmana; ambaram samkShipan iva= as though he were shrinking up the space in between.
Thereafter, the enraged Atikaya, stringing an arrow to his bow, dispatched it towards Lakshmana, as though he were shrinking up the space in between.
tamaapatantaM nishitam sharamaashiiviShopamam || 6-71-67
ardhachandreNa chichchheda lakShmaNaH paraviirahaa |
67. lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; paraviirahaa= the annihilator of enemy-warriors; chichheda= chopped off; tam= that; ashiivishopamam= serpent-like; nishitam= sharp; sharam= arrow; aapatantam= which was falling down on him; ardhachandraNa= with his crescent pointed arrow.
Lakshmana, the annihilator of enemy-warriors, chopped off that serpent-like sharp arrow, which was falling down on him, with his crescent-pointed arrow.
taM nikR^ittam sharam dR^iShTvaa kR^ittabhogamivoragam || 6-71-68
atikaayo bhR^isham kruddhaH pa~nchabaaNaansamaadade |
68. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; tam sharam= that arrow; nikR^ittam= which was chopped off; kR^itta bhogam uragam iva= as a snake’s hood severed into pieces; atikaayaH= Atikaya; bhR^isham= was very much; kR^iddhaH= enraged; samaadadhe= and fitted; paN^cha= five; baaNaan= arrows (to his bow).
Seeing that arrow which was chopped off as a snake’s hood severed into pieces, Atikaya was very much enraged and fitted five arrows to his bow.
taa~nsharaansamprachikShepa lakShmaNaaya nishaacharaH || 6-71-69
taanapraaptaa~nsharaistiikShNaishchichchheda bharataanujaH |
69. nishaacharaH= that demon; samprachikShepa= hurled; taan sharaan= those arrows; lakShmaNaaya= towards Lakshmana; apraaptaan= even before they reached him; bharataanujaH= Lakshmana; taan chichheda= chopped them off; shitaiH baaNaiH= with his sharp arrows.
That demon hurled those arrows towards Lakshmana. Even before they reached him, Lakshmana chopped them off with his sharp arrows.
sa taaMshchhittvaa sharaistiikShNairlakShmaNaH paraviirahaa || 6-71-70
aadade nishitaM baaNam jvalantamiva tejasaa |
70. chhitvaa= cutting off; taan= those arrows; shitaiH baaNaiH= with his sharp arrows; saH lakShmaNaH= that Lakshmana; paraviirahaa= the annihilator of enemy-warriors; aadade= took up; nishitam baaNam= a sharp arrow; jvalantamiva tejasaa= as though it was blazing with a glow.
Cutting off those arrows with his sharp arrows that Lakshmana, the destroyer of enemy-warriors, took up a sharp arrow, as though it was blazing with a glow.
tamaadaaya dhanuH shreShThe yojayaamaasa lakShmaNaH || 6-71-71
vichakarSha cha vegena visasarja cha saayakam |
71. aadaaya= taking; tam saayakam= that arrow; lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; yojayaamaasa= harnessed it; dhanuH shreShThe= on his excellent bow; vichakarShacha= stretched it; vegena= with force; visasarja= and discharged it.
Taking that arrow, Lakshmana harnessed it on his excellent bow, stretched it with force and released it.
puurNaayatavisR^iShTena shareNaanata parvaNaa || 6-71-72
lalaaTe raakShasashreShThamaajaghaana sa viiryavaan |
72. saH viiryavaan= that valiant Lakshmana; nataparvaNaa shareNa= by a flat-jointed arrow; puurNaayatavisR^iShTena= stretched and released fully; aajaghaana= struck it; lalaaTe= on the forehead; raakShasashreShTham= of that foremost of demons.
That valiant Lakshmana, by a flat-jointed arrow released fully, struck it on the forehead of that excellent demon.
sa lalaaTe sharo magnastasya bhiimasya rakShasaH || 6-71-73
dadR^ishe shoNitenaaktaH pannagendra ivaahave |
73. saH sharaH= that arrow; magnaH= sunken; lalaaTe= into the forehead; tasya= of that; bhiimasya= terrible; rakShasaH= demon; aktaH= coated; shoNitena= with blood; dadR^ishe= appeared; pannagendraH iva= like a serpent-king; achare= on a mountain.
That arrow, sunken into the forehead of that terrible demon, smeared with blood, appeared like a serpent-king on a mountain.
raakShasaH prachakampe cha lakShmaNeShu prakampitaH || 6-71-74
rudrabaaNahataM bhiimam yathaa tripuragopuram |
74. raakShasaH= the demon; lakShmaNeShu prapiiDitaH= tormented by Lakshmana’s arrow; atha= then; prachakampa= trembled violently; ghoram tripuragopuram yathaa= like the terrific town-gate of Tripura City built of gold, silver and iron in the sky, air and earth by Maya for the demons, rudra baaNahatam= struck by the arrow of Shiva.
The demon, tormented by Lakshmana’s arrow, then trembled violently as when the terrific town-gate of Tripura City, (built of gold, silver and iron in the sky, air and earth by Maya for the demons) was struck by Shiva’s arrow.
chintayaamaasa chaashvasya vimR^ishya cha mahaabalaH || 6-71-75
saadhu baaNanipaatena shvaaghaniiyo.asi me ripuH |
75. mahaabalaH= that demon of great strength; aashvasya= recovering his breath; vimR^ishya= reasoningly; chintayaamaasa= reflected; saadhu= well!; baaNanipaatena= by flying down and arrow; asi= you have become; me= to me; shlaaghaniiyaH= a commendable; ripuH= enemy.
That demon of great strength, recovering his breath, reasoningly reflected as follows: “Well! By flying down an arrow, you have become a commendable enemy for me.”
vichaaryaivam vinamyaasyaM vinamya cha bhujaavubhau || 6-71-76
sa rathopasthamaasthaaya rathena prachachaara ha |
76. evam= thus; vidhaaya= speaking; saH= Atikaya; vidaarya= widely opening; aasyam= him mouth; vinamya= bending down; mahaabhujau= with his large shoulders; aasthaaya= ascended; rathopastham= the top of his chariot; prachachaaraha= roamed about hither and thither; rathena= with his chariot.
Thus speaking with his mouth wide open, Atikaya bent down with his large shoulder, ascended the top of his chariot and roamed about hither and thither by his chariot.
ekam triinpa~ncha sapteti saayakaanraakShasarShabhaH || 6-71-77
aadade sandadhe chaapi vichakarShotsasarja cha |
77. raakShasarShabhaH= that foremost of demons; aadade= took out; ekam= one; triin= three; paN^cha= five; sapteti= and seven; saayakaan= arrows; samdadhe cha api= fixing the arrows to the bow; vichakarSha= and stretching it; utsasarja cha= released (the arrows).
Atikaya, the foremost of demons, seized hold of one, three, five and seven arrows and fixed them to his bow, stretched it and released the arrows.
te baaNaaH kaalasa~Nkaashaa raakShasendradhanushchyutaaH || 6-71-78
hemapu~Nkhaa raviprakhyaashchakrurdiiptamivaambaram |
78. te= those arrows; raakShasendradhanuH chyutaaH= released from the bow of the leader of demons; kaalasamkaashaaH= appearing as Death; hemapuN^khaaH= with golden shafts; raviprakhyaaH iva= shining like the sun; chakruH ambaram diiptam= set the sky ablaze.
Those arrows, released from the bow of Atikaya, the leader of demons, appearing as Death, with golden shafts and shining like the sun, set the sky ablaze.
tatastaanraakShasotsR^iShTaa~nsharaughaanraavaNaanujaH || 6-71-79
asambhraantaH prachichchheda nishitairbahubhiH sharaiH |
79. tataH= thereupon; raaghavaanujaH= Lakshmana; asambhraantaH= coolly; prachichchheda= chopped off; taan= those; sharaughaan= gluts of arrows; raakShasotsR^iShTaan= released by the foremost of demons; bahubhiH nishitaiH sharaiH= by the multitude of his sharp arrows.
Thereupon, Lakshmana coolly chopped off those gluts of arrows released by that foremost of demons, by the multitude of his sharp arrows.
taa~nsharaanyudhi samprekShya nikR^ittaanraavaNaatmajaH || 6-71-80
chukopa tridashendraarirjagraaha nishitam sharam |
80. samprekShya= perceiving; taan sharaan= those arrows; nikR^ittan= being chopped off; yuddi= in battle; raavaNaatmajaH= Atikaya; tridashendraari= the enemy of Indra the lord of celestials; chukopa= was enraged; jagraaha= and took out; nishitam sharam= a sharp arrow.
That Atikaya, of great splendour, fixing that arrow to his bow and by instantly releasing it, struck the approaching Lakshmana in the middle of his chest.
sa sandhaaya mahaatejaastaM baaNam sahasotsR^ijat || 6-71-81
tataH saumitrimaayaantamaajaghaana stanaantare |
81. saH= that Atikaya; mahaatejaH= of great splendour; samdhaaya= fixing; tam= that; baaNam= arrow (to his bow); sahasaa= instantly; utsR^ijat= released; tena= and by it; aajaghaana= struck; aayaantam= the approaching; saumitrim= Lakshmana; stanyaantare= in the middle of his chest.
That Atikaya, of great splendour, fixing that arrow to his bow and by instantly releasing it, struck the approaching Lakshmana in the middle of his chest.
atikaayena saumitristaaDito yudhi vakShasi || 6-71-82
susraava rudhiram tiivraM madaM matta iva dvipaH |
82. taaDitaH= struck; atikaayena= by Atikaya; vakShasi= in his chest; yudhi= in the battle; saumitriH= Lakshmana; susraava= oozed out; rudhiram= blood; tiivram= severely; madam iva= like the fluid exuding; mattaH dvipaH= from a rutting elephant.
Struck in battle by Atikaya in his chest, Lakshmana oozed out blood severely, like the fluid exuding from a rutting elephant.
sa chakaara tadaatmaanam vishalyaM sahasaa vibhuH || 6-71-83
jagraaha cha sharam tiiShNamastreNaapi samaadadhe |
83. saH vibhuH= that powerful Lakshmana; tadaa= then; sahasaa= quickly; chakaara= made; aatmaanam= himself; vishalya= freed from the arrow-head; jagraaha= and took up; tiikShNam= a sharp; sharam= arrow; samdadhe cha= and fixed it; astreNa= with a missile.
That powerful Lakshmana, then quickly made himself freed from that arrow-head, took up a sharp arrow and fixed it with a missile.
aagneyena tadaastreNa yojayaamaasa saayakam || 6-71-84
sa jajvaala tadaa baaNo dhanushchaasya mahaatmanaH |
84. tadaa= then; yojayaamaasa= (Lakshmana) employed; agneyena astreNa= the missile of fire; saayakam= on his arrow; asya mahaatmanaH baaNaH= that arrow of the great souled Lakshmana; dhanushcha= and the bow too; jajvaala= caused a flame to blaze.
When Lakshmana employed the missile of fire on his arrow, that arrow of the great souled Lakshmana and as also the bow, caused a flame to blaze.
atikaayo.atitejasvii sauramastram samaadade || 6-71-85
tena baaNaM bhuja~Ngaabham hemapu~Nkhamayojayat |
85. atikaayaH= Atikaya; atitejasvii= of great splendour; samaadade= took-up; sauram astram= a solar missile; ayojayat= and employed; tena= it; tam baaNam= on that arrow; hema puNkham= with a golden shaft; bhujangaabham= and looking like a serpent.
Atikaya of great splendour took up a solar missile and employed it on that arrow, having a golden shaft as also looking like a serpent.
tatastam jvalitaM ghoram lakShmaNaH sharamaahitam || 6-71-86
atikaayaaya chikShepa kaaladaNDamivaantakaH |
86. lakShmaNaH= (Meanwhile) Lakshmana; chikShepa= hurled; atikaayaaya= at Atikaya; jvalitam= that blazing; ghoram= and awful; sharam= arrow; aahitam= employed; tat= with that; astram= mystic missile; antakaH= as Yama the lord of Death; (would hurl); kaala daN^Damiva= his rod of destruction.
Meanwhile, Lakshmana hurled at Atikaya, that blazing and awful arrow employed with that mystic missile as Yama the lord of Death would hurl his rod of destruction.
aagneyenaabhisamyuktam dR^iShTvaa baaNaM nishAcharaH || 6-71-87
utsasarja tadaa baaNam diiptam suuryaastrayojitam |
87. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; baaNam= the arrow; agneyaastraabhisamyuktam= charged with a missile of fire nishaacharaH= the demon; tadaa= then; usasarja= released; raudram= and awful; baaNam= arrow; suuryaastra yojitam= charged with the solar missile.
Seeing that arrow charged with a mystic missile of fire, Atikaya the demon then released the awful arrow charged with the solar missile.
taavubhaavambare baaNaavanyonyamabhijaghnatuH || 6-71-88
tejasaa sampradiiptaagrau kruddhaaviva bhujam gamau |
88. tau= those; ubhau= two; baaNau= arrows; tejasau sampradiiptaagrau= with their points blazing in splendour; abhijaghuutuH= struck; anyonyam= at each other; ambare= in the sky; kruddhau bhujangamau iva= like two enraged serpents.
Those two arrows, having their points blazed in splendour, struck at each other in the sky, like two enraged serpents.
taavanyonyam vinirdahya petaturdharaNiitale || 6-71-89
nirarchiShau bhasmakR^itau na bhraajete sharottamau |
taavubharu diipyamaanau sma na bhraajete mahiitale || 6-71-90
89, 90. tau= those two arrows; vinirdadhya= completely burning; anyonyam= one another; petatuH= fell down; pR^ithiviitale= on the ground; sharottamau= those excellent arrows; bhasmakR^itau= both reduced to ashes; nirarchiShau= without a flame; na bhraajete= were not radiant; tau= those; ubhau= two arrows; diipyamaanau= blazing; na bhraajete= were not radiant; mahiitale= on the earth’s surface.
Those two excellent arrows, eventhough they were both blazing, did not radiate any longer on the earth’s surface, in that they were without a flame and had been reduced to ashes.
tato.atikaayaH sa~NkruddhastvastramaiShiikamutsR^ijat |
tatprachichchheda saumitrirastramaindreNa viiryavaan || 6-71-91
91. tataH= thereupon; atikaayaH= Atikaya; samkruddhaH= enraged; utsR^ijat= released; aiShiikam= an arrow made of cane; tvaaShTram= presided over by Tvashta (the architect of gods); tataH= then; viiryavaan= the valiant; saumitraiH= Lakshmana; chichheda= chopped off; astram= that missile; aindreNa= by his missile presided over by Indra the lord of celestials.
Thereupon, the enraged Atikaya released an arrow made of cane (a missile) presided over by Tvasha (the architect of gods). Then, the valiant LakShmana chopped off that missile, by his missile presided over by Indra the lord of celestials.
aiShiikaM nihatam dR^iShTvaa kumaaro raavaNaatmajaH |
yaamyenaastreNa sa~Nkruddho yojayaamaasa saayakam || 6-71-92
92. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; aiShiikam= his arrow made of cane; nihatam= struck down; kumaaraH= that young; raavaNaatmajaH= Atikaya; samkruddhaH= was quite enraged; yojayaamaasa= and fixed; saayakam= his arrow; yaamyena astreNa= with a missile presided over by Yama the lord of retribution.
Seeing his arrow made of cane struck down, that young Atikaya was quite enraged and fixed his arrow with a missile presided over by Yama the lord of retribution.
tatastadastram chikShepa lakShmaNaaya nishaacharaH |
vaayavyena tadastram tu nijaghaana sa lakShmaNaH || 6-71-93
93. tataH= thereupon; nishaacharaH= Atikaya; chikShepa= hurled; tat= that; astram= missile; lakShmaNaaya= on Lakshmana; saH lakShmaNaH= that Lakshmana; tat nijaghaana= struck it down; vaayuvyena astreNa= by a missile presided over by the wind-god.
Thereupon, Atikaya hurled that missile on Lakshmana. That Lakshmana struck it down by a missile presided over by the wind-god.
athainam sharadhaaraabhirdhaaraabhiriva toyadaH |
abhyavarShata sa~Nkruddho lakShmaNo raavaNaatmajam || 6-71-94
94. atha= then; samkruddhaH= the furious; lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; abhyavarShata= showered forth; sharadhaaraabhiH= hails of arrows; enam raavaNaatmajam= on this Atikaya; toyadaH iva= as a cloud; dhaaraabhiH iva= showers hails of down-pour.
Then, the furious Lakshmana showered forth hails of arrows on Atikaya, as a rainy cloud showers hails of down-pour.
te.atikaayam samaasaadya kavache vajrabhuuShite |
bhagnaagrashalyaaH sahasaa peturbaaNaa mahiitale || 6-71-95
95. sanaasaadya= reaching; atikaayam= Atikaya; te baaNaaH= those arrows; bhagnaagra shalyaa= with the points of their shafts shattered; kavache= on the armour; vajrabhuuShite= adorned with diamonds; sahase= and instantly; petuH= fell; mahiitale= on the earth’s surface.
Reaching Atikaya, those arrows with the points of their shafts shattered on his armour, adorned with diamonds and instantly fell on the earth’s surface.
taanmoghaanabhisamprekShya lakShmaNaH paraviirahaa |
abhyavarShata baaNaanaam sahasreNa mahaayashaaH || 6-71-96
96. abhisamprekShya= seeing; taan= those arrows; moghaan= becoming unsuccessful; mahaayashaaH= the greatly famous; lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; paraviirahaa= the annihilator of enemy-warriors; abhyavarShata= showered forth; baaNaanaam= arrows; sahasreNa= in thousand.
Seeing those arrows becoming unsuccessful, the highly famous Lakshmana the annihilator of enemy-warriors, showered forth arrows in thousands.
sa varShyamaaNo baaNaughairatikaayo mahaabalaH |
avadhyakavachaH sa~Nkhye raakShaso naiva vivyathe || 6-71-97
97. atikaayaH= Atikaya; saH mahaakaayaH raakShasaH= that mighty demon; vR^iShyamaaNaH= (though) deluged; baaNaughaiH= with a flood of arrows; na vivyathe= was not agitated; samkhye= in battle; avadhyakavachaH= because of the inviolability of is armour.
Atikaya, that mighty demon, though deluged with a flood of arrows, was not agitated in battle because of the inviolability of his armour.
sharaM chaashiiviShaakaaraM lakSmaNaaya vyapaasR^ijat |
sa tena viddhaH saumitrirmarmadeshe shareNa ha || 6-71-98
muhuurtamaatraM niHsamjJNo hyabhava chchhatrutaapanaH |
98. vyapaasR^ijat= (Atikaya) released; sharam= an arrow; aashiiviShaakaaram= having a serpent-like form; lakShmaNaaya= on Lakshmana; viddhaH= struck; tena shareNa= by that arrow; marmadeshe= on his vital parts; saH saumitriH= that Lakshmana; shatrutaapanaH= the tormentator of his enemies; abhavat= became; niH samjNaH= unconscious; muhuurtamaatram= just for a moment.
Atikaya released an arrow having a serpent-like form on Lakshmana. Struck by that arrow on his vital parts, that Lakshmana, the tormentator of his enemies, felt unconscious just for a moment.
tataH samjJNaamupaalabhya chaturbhiH saayatottamaiH || 6-71-99
nijaghaana hayaan saMkhye saarathim cha mahaabalaH |
dhvajasyonmathanam kR^itvaa sharavarShai rarimdamaH|| 6-71-100
99, 100. upaalabhya= having regained; samjJNaam= his consciousness; mahaabalaH= the mighty Lakshmana; arimdamaH= the annihilator of enemies; sharavarShaiH= with his flood of arrows; unmathanam kR^itvaa= throwing down; dhvajasya= the flag-staff; nijaghaana= killed; saarathim= the charioteer; hayaan= and the horses; samkhye= in combat; chaturbhiH saayakottamaiH= with his four excellent arrows.
Having regained his consciousness, the mighty Lakshmana, the annihilator of enemies, with his flood of arrows threw down the flag-staff and killed the horses and the charioteer in combat, with his four excellent arrows.
asaMbhraantaH sa saumitristaan sharaanabhilakShitaan |
mumocha lakShmaNo baaNaan vadhaarthaM tasya rakShasaH || 6-71-101
101. asambhraantaH= free from flurry; saH lakShmaNaH= that Lakshmana; saumitriH= the son of Sumitra; mumocha= released; taan sharaan= those arrows; abhilakShitaan= aiming at him; vadhaartham= for killing; tasya rakShasaH= of that demon.
Free from flurry, that Lakshmana, the son of Sumitra, released those arrows, exactly aiming at that demon, for the purpose of killing him.
na shashaaka rujam kartum yudhi tasya narottamaH |
athainamabhyupaagamya vaayurvaakyamuvaacha ha || 6-71-102
102. narottamaH= Lakshmana, the best among men; na shashaaka= was not able; kartum rujam= to afflict any injury; tasya= to him; yuddhi= in battle; atha= thereupon; vaayuH= the wind-god; upaagamya= approaching; enam= him; uvaacha ha= spoke; vaakyam= (the following) words:
Lakshmana, the best among men, was not able to afflict any injury to Atikaya in battle. Then, the wind-god came to him and spoke to him as follows:
brahmadattavaro hyeSha avadhya kavachaavR^itaH |
braahmeNaastreNa bhindhyenameSha vadhyo hi naanyathaa || 6-71-103
avadhya eSha hyanyeShaamastraaNaam kavachii balii |
103. eShaH= he; brahmadattavaraH= endowed with a boon by Brahma the lord of creation; avadhya kavachaavR^itaH= is cloaked with an inviolable armour; bhindi= split; enam= him; brahmeNa astreNa= with a missile of Brahama; eShaH= he; na vadhyaH= cannot be killed anyathaa= by any other way; baliiH= the mighty; eShaH= Atikaya; kavachii= with that armour; avadhyaH= cannot be destroyed; anyeShaam= by other; astraaNaam= missiles.
“He, endowed with a boon by Brahma the lord of creation, is cloaked by inviolable armour. Split him with a missile of Brahma. He cannot be killed by any other means. The mighty Atikaya, with that armour, cannot be destroyed by other missiles.”
tataH sa vaayorvachanaM nishamya |
saumitririndrapratimaanaviiryaH |
samaadade baaNamamoghavegaM |
tadbraahmamastram sahasaa niyojya || 6-71-104
104. tataH= then; nishamya= hearing; vachanam= the words; vaayoH= of the wind-god; saumitriH= Lakshmana; indra pratimaana viiryaH= having a prowess equal to that of Indra; niyujya= fixing; tat= that; braahmaam astram= missile presided over by Brahma; samaadadhe= directed; baaNam= the arrow; ugravegam= with a terrific force; sahasaa= quickly.
Then, hearing the words of the wind-god, Lakshmana having a prowess equal to that of Indra the lord of celestials, adjusting his arrow with a missile presided over by Vrahma, quickly directed the arrow with a terrific force.
tasminvaraastre tu niyujyamaane |
saumitriNaa baaNavare shitaagre |
dishaH sachandraarkamahaagrahaash cha |
nabhashcha tatraasa raraasa chorvii || 6-71-105
105. niyujyamaane= while fixing; varaastre= that excellent missile; baanavare= on that superior arrow; shitaagre= with a sharp point; saumitriNaa= by Lakshmana; dishaH cha= (all) the quarters; chandraarka mahaagrahaashcha= moon, sun and the great planets; nabhashcha= as also the sky; tatraasa= were frightened; urviicha= earth also; raaraasa= made an uproar.
While fixing that excellent missile on that superior sharp-pointed arrow by Lakshmana, all the quarters, the sun, the moon, the great planets and the sky were frightened. Earth also made an uproar.
taM brahmaNo.astreNa niyujya chaape |
sharam supu~NkhaM yamaduutakalpam |
saumitririndraarisutasya tasya |
sasarja baaNam yudhi vajrakalpam || 6-71-106
106. niyujya= having charged; brahmaNaH astraH= the missile of Brahma; tam sharam= on that arrows; sapuN^kham= with the feathers and all; yama duutakalpam= equal to a messenger of Yama the lord of Death; chaape= over the bow; saumitriH= Lakshmana; sasarja= released; baaNam= that arrows; vajrakalpam= similar to a thunder bolt; tasya indraarisutasya= on that son of Ravana.
Having charged the missile of Brahma on that arrow with the feathers and all, equal to a messenger of Yama the lord of Death over his bow, Lakshmana released that arrow looking like a thunderbolt on Atikaya, the son of Ravana.
tam lakShmaNotsR^iShTamamoghavegaM |
samaapatantam jvalanaprakaasham |
suvarNavajrottamachitrapu~NkhaM |
tadaatikaayaH samare dadarsha || 6-71-107
107. atikaayaH= Atikaya; dadarsha= saw; tam baaNam= that arrow; lakShmaNotskR^iShTavivR^iddha vegam= released with augmented force by Lakshmana; shvasanogravegam= moving so fastly as the wind; suparNavajrottamchitra puNkham= having beautiful wings with variegated feathers, looking like an excellent thunderbolt; samaapatantam= approaching him; samara= in battle.
Atikaya saw that arrow, released with augmented force by Lakshmana, moving so fastly as the wind, having beautiful wings with variegated feathers and looking like a thunderous thunderbolt, approaching him in battle.
taM prekShamaaNaH sahasaatikaayo |
jaghaana baaNairnishitairanekaiH |
sa saayakastasya suparNavegas |
tadaativegena jagaama paarshvam || 6-71-108
108. prekShyamaaNaH= seeing; tam= that arrow; atikaayaH= Atikaya; sahasaa= quickly; jaghaana= struck; anekaiH= with several; nishitaiH= sharp; baaNaiH= arrows; saH tasya saayakaH= that arrow of Lakshmana; suvarNavegaH= with a speed equal to Garuda the eagle; tathaa= thus; jagaama= reached; paarshvam= his proximity.
Seeing that arrow, Atikaya quickly struck with several sharp arrows. That Lakshmana’s arrow, with a speed equal to Garuda the eagle, thus reached Atikaya’s proximity.
tamaagataM prekShya tadaatikaayo baaNaM pradiiptaantakakaalakalpam |
jaghaana shaktyR^iShTigadaakuThaaraiH shuulairhalaishchaapyavipannacheShTaH || 6-71-109
109. prekShya= seeing; tam baaNam= that arrow; pradiiptaantakakaala kalpam= blazing and looking like Yama the lord of Death and black in colour; aagatam= approaching; atikaayaH= Atikaya; tadaa= then; jaghaana= struck it; shaktyR^iShTigadaa kuThaaraiH= with spike, spear, mace axe; sharaishchaapi= and arrows.
Seeing that blazing arrow, looking like Yama the lord of Death and black in colour, approaching him, Atikaya then struck it with spike, spear, mace, axe and arrows.
taanyaayudhaanyadbhutavigrahaaNi |
moghaani kR^itvaa sa sharo.agnidiiptaH |
prasahya tasyaiva kiriiTajuShTaM |
tadaatikaayasya shiro jahaara || 6-71-110
110. tadaa= then; saH sharaH= that arrow; agnidiiptaH= blazing like fire; moghaani kR^itvaa taani aayudhaani= made in vain, those weapons; adbhuta vigrahaani= of wonderful form; pragR^ihya= taking; shiraH= his head; jahaara= carried it away.
Then, that arrow, blazing like fire, made in vain those weapons of wonderful form and taking Atikaya’s head, carried it away.
tachchhiraH sashirastraaNam lakShmaNeShuprapiiDitam |
papaata sahasaa bhUmau shR^i~Ngam himavato yathaa || 6-71-111
111. tat= that; shiraH= head; sashirastraaNam= with its diadem; lakShmaNeShu pramaditam= destroyed by Lakshmana; papaata= fell down; sahasaa= quickly; bhuumau= on the ground; shR^iNgam yathaa= like a peak; himavataH= of the Himalayan mountain.
That head with its diadem, chopped off by Lakshmana, quickly fell down on the ground, like a peak of the Himalayan Mountain.
taM bhuumau patitaM dR^iSTvaa vikShiptaambarabhuuShaNam |
babhuuvurvyathitaaH sarve harasheShaa nishaacharaaH|| 6-71-112
112. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tam= that Atikaya; patitam= who fell; bhuumau= on the ground; vikShiptaambara bhuuShaNam= with his clothes and ornaments scattered away; sarve= all; hataseShaaH= the surviving; nishaacharaaH= demons; babhuuvuH= became; vyathitaaH= perturbed.
Seeing Atikaya falling on the ground, with his clothes and ornaments scattered away, all the surviving demons became perturbed.
te viShaNNamukhaa diinaaH prahaarajanitashramaaH |
vinedurucchairbahavaH sahasaa visvaraiH svaraiH|| 6-71-113
113. bahavaH= many; te diinaaH= of those depressed demons; viShaNNa mukhaaH= dejected in countenance; prahaarajanita shramaaH= with a fatigue born of fighting, sahasaa= suddenly; vineduH= began to shout; uchchaiH= loudly; svaraiH= with their voices; visvaraiH= in discordant notes.
Many of those depressed demons, dejected as they were, showing fatigue born of fighting, in their faces, suddenly began to shout loudly, with their voices in discordant notes.
tatastatparito yaataa nirapekShaa nishaacharaaH |
puriimabhimukhaa bhiitaa dravanto naayake hate || 6-71-114
114. naayake hate= as their leader was dead; nishaacharaaH= the demons; tataH= then; bhiitaaH= were frightened; nirapekShaaH= and being indifferent to fight; yaataaH= went; dravantaH= running away; abhimukhaaH= with their faces turned towards; tat puriim= that city; paritaH= all around.
As their leader was dead, the demons were then frightened and becoming indifferent to fight, went running away all around, with their faces turned towards that City of Lanka.
praharShayuktaa bahavastu vaanaraa |
prabuddhapadmapratimaananaastadaa |
apuujayamllakShmaNamiShTabhaaginaM |
hate ripau bhiimabale duraasade || 6-71-115
115. bhiima bale duraasade ripau hate= after the dangerous demon with terrific strength was killed; bahavaH= the multitude was killed; bahavaH= the multitude; vaanaraaH= of monkeys; tadaa= then; praharShayuktaaH= were endowed with a great delight; praphullapadmapratimaananaaH= with their faces; apuujayan= and worshipped; lakShmaNam= Lakshmana; iShTabhaaginam= who was blessed with the fulfillment of his desire.
When the dangerous demon with the terrific strength was killed, the multitude of monkeys then were endowed with a great delight, with their faces looking like full blown lotuses and worshipped Lakshmana who got his desire fulfilled.
atibala matikaayamabhrakalpaM |
yudhi vinipaatya sa lakShmaNaH prahR^iSTaH |
tvaritamatha tadaa sa raamapaarshvaM
kapinivahaishcha supuujito jagaama || 6-71-116
116. vinipaatya= throwing down; yudhi= in battle; atikaayam= that Atikaya; atibalam= who was exceedingly strong; abhrakalpam= and looking like a cloud; saH lakShmanaH= that Lakshmana; tadaa= then; prahR^iShTaH= was greatly delighted; supuujitaH= and while he was being worshipped; kapinivahaiH= by the multitude of monkeys; atha= thereupon; tvaritam= quickly; jagaama= hastened towards; raama paarshvam= the vicinity of Rama.
Throwing down in battle, that Atikaya who was exceedingly strong and looking like a cloud, Lakshmana was greatly delighted and while he was being worshipped by the multitude of monkeys, thereupon quickly hastened towards the proximity of Rama.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe ekasaptatitamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 71st chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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