Chapter [Sarga] 76  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 76


Angada kills Kampana and severely injures Shonitaksha, the demons in battle. Angada, along with Mainda and Dvivida the monkey-warriors encounter Shonitaksha, Yupaksha and Prajangha. Angada kills Prajangha. Shonitaksha dies in the hands of Dvivida and Youpaksha at the hands of Mainda. When Kumbha throws down Angada in the battle-field, Rama sends some more monkey-chiefs headed by Jambavan. Sugreeva, with his thunderbolt-like fist, strikes Kumbha with a heavy blow and kills him.

pravR^itte sa~Nkule tasminghore viirajanakShaye |
a~NgadaH kampanaM viiramaasasaada raNotsukaH || 6-76-1
1. viirajanakShaye= destroying eminent heroes; tasmin ghore samkule= (When) that terrific battle; pravR^itte= was setting in motion; aN^gadaH= Angada; raNotsukaH= who was eager to fight; aasasaada= attacked; viiram= the valiant; kampanam= Kampana.
While that terrific battle, which destroyed many eminent heroes, was in progress, Angada, who was eager to fight, attacked the valiant Kampana.
aahuuya so.a~NgadaM kopaattaaDayaamaasa vegitaH |
gadayaa kampanaH puurvaM sa chachaala bhR^ishaahataH || 6-76-2
2. aahuuya= calling; aN^gadam= Angada; (to fight); saH kampanaH= that Kampana; taaDayaamaasa= struck; vegitaH= rapidly; kopaat= with fury; gadayaa= with a mace; puurvam= before hand; bhR^ishaahataH= violently hit (by him); saH= Angada; chachaala= was reeled.
Calling Angada to fight, Kampana with fury, rapidly struck him with a mace in anticipation. Violently hit by him, Angada was reeled.
sa saMj~naaM praapya tejasvii chikShepa shikharaM gireH |
arditashcha prahaareNa kampanaH patito bhuvi || 6-76-3
3. tejasvii= the energetic; saH= Angada; prapya= obtaining; samJNaam= consciousness; chikShepa= hurled; gireH shikharam= a mountain-peak; arditaH= tormented; prahaareNa= by that stroke; kampanaH= Kampana; patitaH= fell down; bhuvi= on the ground.
Restoring consciousness, the energetic Angada hurled a mountain peak. Tormented by that stroke, Kampana fell down on the ground.
tatastu kampanaM dR^iSTvaa shoNitaakSho hataM raNe |
rathenaabhyapatat kShipraM tatraaN^gadamabhiitavat || 6-76-4
4. tataH= then; dR^iShTvaa= seeing; kampanam= Kampana; hatam= killed; raNe= in battle; shoNitaakShaH= Shonitaksha; tatra= there; abhiitavat= fearlessly; abhyapatat= rushed towards; aN^gadam= Angada; kShipram= quickly; ratena= in a chariot.
Then, seeing Kampana killed in battle, Shonitaksha fearlessly rushed there towards Angada quickly in a chariot.
so.aN^gadaM nishitairbaaNaistadaa vivyaadha vegitaH |
shariiradaaraNaistiikShaNaiH kaalaagnisamavigrahaiH || 6-76-5
kShurakShurapranaaraachairvatsadanaiH shiliimukhaiH |
karNishalyavipaaThaishcha bahubhirnishitaiH sharaiH || 6-76-6
5-6. saH= He; tadaa= then; vegitaH= swiftly; vivyaadha= struck; aN^gadam= Angada; nishitaiH tiikShaNaiH baaNaiH= with sharp pointed arrows; shariira daaraNaiH= which can tear up the body; tiikShNaiH kaalaagni samavigrahaiH= with fire-like forms which can destroy the world; bahubhiH nishitaiH sharaiH= (He struck) with many sharp arrows; (by the names of) kShurakShurapranaaraachaiH= Kshura (an arrow with a crescent-shaped head); naaraacha= Naracha (an arrow entirely made of steel); vatsadanta (an arrow with head slipped like the teeth of a calf; shiliimukhaiH= Shilimukha (an arrow with its head shaped like the feathers of a buzzard); karNishalya vipaaThaiH cha= Karni (an arrow provided with ear-like protuberances on both sides; Shalya (an arrow with a long head); vipaaThaiH= Vipatha (an arrow with its head resembling the leaf of a Karaveera tree.
He then swiftly struck Angada with sharp pointed arrows which can tear up the limbs and with fire-like forms which can destroy the world. He struck with many sharp arrows by the names of Kshura, Kshurapra, Naaraacha, Vatsatanta, Shilimukha, Karni, Shalya and Vipatha.
aN^gadaH pratividdhaaN^go vaaliputraH prataapavaan |
dhanurugraM rathaM baaNaan mamarda tarasaa balii || 6-76-7
7. balii= the strong; aN^gadaH= Angada; vaaliputraH= the son of Vali; pratividdhaaNgaH= with his wounded limbs; prataapavaan= who was powerful; mamarda= crushed; ugram= the terrific; dhanuH= bow; ratham= the chariot; baaNaan= and darts; tarasaa= with his might.
The strong and powerful Angada, the son of Vali, with his wounded limbs, crushed his terrific bow, chariot and darts with his might.
shoNitaakShastataH kShipramasicharma samaadade |
utpapaata tadaa kruddho vegavaanavichaarayan || 6-76-8
8. tataH= then; shoNitaakShaH= Shonitaksha; kShipram= quickly; samaadada= took; asi charma= sword and shield; tadaa= then; kruddhaH= enraged; utpapaata= he jumped down; vegavaan= swiftly; avichaarayan= unhesitatingly.
Then, Shonitaksha quickly took a sword and a shield. Enraged as he was, he swiftly jumped down (from his chariot) unhesitatingly.
taM kShiprataramaaplutya paraamR^ishyaaN^gado balii |
kareNa tasya taM khaDgaM samaacchidya nanaada cha || 6-76-9
9. aaplutya= springing forward; kShiprataram= more swiftly; balii= the strong; aN^gadaH= Angada; paraamR^ishya= seizing hold of; tam= him; kareNa= with his hand; aachchhidya= and snatching away; khaD^gam= the sword; nanaada cha= made a (lion’s) roar.
Springing forward more swiftly, seizing hold of him with his hand and snatching away the sword, the strong Angada made a lion’s roar.
tasyaamsaphalake khaDgaM nichakhaana tato.aN^gadaH |
yajJNopaviitavaccainaM chichcheda kapikuJNjaraH || 6-76-10
10. tataH= thereupon; aN^gadaH= Angada; nichakhaana= dug; khaDgam= the sword; tasya amsaphalake= into the flat surface of his shoulder; kapikuN^jaraH= that foremost of monkeys; chichheda= divided; enam= him; yaJNopaviitavat= from left to right diagonally.
Angada the foremost of monkeys the sword into the flat surface of his shoulder and cut him from left to right diagonally.
taM pragR^ihya mahaakhaDgaM vinadya cha punaH punaH |
vaaliputro.abhidudraava raNashiirShaM paraanariin || 6-76-11
11. pragR^ihyam= taking; tam mahaakhaDgam= that large sword; punaH punaH= and repeatedly; vinadya= roaring; vaaliputraH= Angada; abhidudraava= rushed; paraanariin= towards other enemies; raNashiirSham= in the battle-front.
Taking hold of that large sword and repeatedly roaring, Angada rushed towards the other surviving enemies in the battle-front.
prajaN^ghasahito viiro yuupaakShastu tato balii |
rathenaabhiyayau kruddho vaaliputraM mahaabalam || 6-76-12
12. tataH= thereafter; yuupaakShastu= Yupaksha on his part; kruddhaH= was enraged; prajN^ghasahitaH= and together with Prajangha; abhiyayau= attacked; mahaabalam= the mighty; vaaliputram= Angada; rathena= in a chariot.
Taking hold of that large sword and repeatedly roaring, Angada rushed towards the other surviving enemies in the battle-front.
aayasiim tu gadaam gR^ihya sa viiraH kanakaaN^gadaH |
shoNitaakShaH samaashvasya tamevaanupapaata ha || 6-76-13
13. saH= that; viiraH= valiant; shoNitaaH= Shonitaksha; kanakaaN^gadaH= wearing golden armlets; samaashvasya= regaining his consciousness; gR^ihya= and taking; aayasiim gadaam= an iron mace; anupaapata ha= rushed quickly; tameva= towards the same Angada.
That valiant Shonitaksha, wearing golden armlets, restoring his consciousness, took an iron mace and rushed quickly towards the same Angada.
prajaN^ghastu mahaaviiro yuupaakShasahito balii |
gadayaabhiyayau kruddho vaaliputraM mahaabalam || 6-76-14
14. balii= the strong; mahaaviiraH= and the great warrior; prajaN^gha tu= Prajangha on his part; yuupaakSha sahitaH= along with Yupaksha; kruddhaH= was enraged; abhiyayau= rushed towards; mahaabalam vaaliputram= the mighty Angada; gadayaa= with his mace.
The strong and the great warrior, Prajangha on his part, along with Yupaksha, was enraged and rushed towards the mighty Angada with his mace.
tayormadhye kapishreSThaH shoNitaakShaprajaN^ghayoH |
vishaakhayormadhyagataH puurNachandra ivaababhau || 6-76-15
15. kapishreShTaH= Angada, the chief of monkeys; madhye= in the middle; tayoH shoNitaakShaprajaN^ghayoH= of those two, Shonitaksha and Prajangha; aababhau= shone; puurNachandraH iva= like a full moon; madhyagataH= staying in the middle; vishaakhayoH= of two Vishakha asterisms.
Angada, the chief of monkeys, between the two warriors, Shonitaksha and Prajangha, shone like a full moon between the two asterisms known as Vishakhas.
aN^gadaM parirakShanau maindo dvivida eva cha |
tasya tasthaturabhyaashe parasparadidR^ikShayaa || 6-76-16
16. parirakShantau= protecting; aNgadam= Angada; maindaH= Mainda; dvividaH eva cha= and Dvivida; tasthatuH= stood; abhyaashe= in the vicinity; tasya= of Angada; parasparadR^ikShayaa= with an intent to exhibit each his own martial skill.
Protecting Angada, Mainda and Dvivida took their position near Angada, with an intent to exhibit each of their own martial skill.
abhipeturmahaakaayaaH pratiyattaa mahaabalaaH |
raakShasaa vaanaraan roShaadasibaaNagadaadharaaH || 6-76-17
17. mahaabalaaH= the mighty; raakShasaaH= demons; mahaakaayaaH= with their colossal bodies; pratiyattaaH= in retaliation; abhipetuH= rushed; vaanaraan= towards the monkeys; roShaat= with rage; asibaaNagadaa dharaaH= wielding swords, arrows and maces.
The mighty demons with their colossal bodies retaliated and rushed in anger, wielding swords, arrows and maces, towards the monkeys.
trayaaNaaM vaanarendraaNaam tribhiraakShasapumgavaiH |
saMsaktaanaam mahadyuddhamabhavadromaharShaNam || 6-76-18
18. mahat= a great; yuddham= battle; romaharShaNam= causing hair to stand on end; abhavat= was waged; trayaaNaam= by the three; vaanarendraaNaam= monkey-chiefs; samsaktaanaam= who encountered; tribhiH= the three; raakShasa puN^gavaiH= excellent demons.
A great battle, causing hair to stand on end, was waged by the three monkey-chiefs who encountered the three excellent demons.
te tu vR^ikShaan samaadaaya samprachikShipuraahave |
khaDgena pratichikShepa taan prajaN^ga mahaabalaH || 6-76-19
19. te= those monkeys; aahave= in the battle; samaadaaya= having taken; vR^ikShaan= the trees; samprachikShipuH hurled (at the demons); mahaabalaH= the mighty; prajaN^ghaH= Prajangha; taan pratichikShepa= got rid of them; khaDgena= with a sword.
In the battle-field, the monkeys, seizing hold of trees, hurled them against the demon-chiefs. The mighty Prajangha, however, cut them down with his sword.
rathaanashvaan drumaan shailaan pratichikShipuraahave |
sharaughaiH pratichichchheda taanyuupaakSho mahaabalaH || 6-76-20
20. aahave= (the monkeys) in the battle-field; pratichikShipuH= hurled; drumaan= trees; shailaan= and rocks; rathaan= towards chariots; ashvaan= and horses; mahaabalaH= the mighty; yuupaakShaH= Yupaksha; taan chichheda= chopped them off; shoraughaiH= with a flood of arrows.
The monkeys in the battle-field hurled trees and rocks towards chariots and horses. The mighty Yupaksha chopped them off with a flood of arrows.
sR^iShTaan dvivadamaindaabhyaaM drumaanutpaaTya viiryvaan |
babhaJNja gadayaa madya shoNitaakShaH prataapavaan || 6-76-21
21. shoNitaakShaH= Shonitaksha; viiryavaan= the valiant demon; prataapavaan= and the powerful demon; babhaaN^ja= chopped off; drumaan= the trees; utpaaTya= uplifted; sR^iShTaan= and hurled; dvivida maindaabhyaam= by Dvivida and Mainda; gadayaa= by his mace; madhye= in the mid-way.
Shonitaksha, the valiant and the powerful demon, chopped off the trees uplifted and hurled by Dvivida and Mainda with his mace in the midway itself.
udyamya vipulaM khaDgaM paramarmavidaaraNam |
prajaN^gho vaaliputraaya abhidudraava vegitaH || 6-76-22
22. prajaN^ghaH= Prajangha; udyamya= lifting; vipulam= a large; khaDgam= sword; paramarma vidaaraNam= which can chop off vital parts of the enemies; abhidudraava= rushed; vegitaH= swiftly; vaaliputraaya= towards Angada.
Prajangha, lifting a large sword, which can chop off vital parts of the enemies, rushed swiftly towards Angada.
tamabhyaashagataM dR^iSTvaa vaanarendro mahaabalaH |
aajaghaanaashvakarNena drumeNaatibalastadaa || 6-76-23
23. tadaa= then; mahaabalaH= the mighty; vaanarendraH= Angada; atibalaH= who was exceedingly strong; dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tam= him; abhyaashagatam= coming nearer; aajaghaana= struck (him); drumeNa= with a tree; ashvaarNena= called Ashvakarna.
Then the mighty Angada, who was exceedingly strong, seeing him coming nearer, struck him with an Ashvakarna tree.
baahuM chaasya sanistrimshamaajaghaana sa muSTinaa |
vaaliputrasya ghaatena sa papaata kShitaavasiH || 6-76-24
24. saH= Angada; aajaghaana= struck; asya baahum= his arm; sanistrimsham= holding the sword; muShTinaa= with his fist; ghaatena= by the blow; vaaliputrasya= of Angada; saH asiH= that sword; papaata= fell; kShitau= on the ground.
Angada struck, with his fist, the arm of Prajangha, holding the sword. By that blow, the sword fell on the ground.
taM dR^iSTvaa patitaM bhuumau khaDgam musalasaMnibham |
muSTiM saMvartayaamaasa vajrakalpaM mahaabalaH || 6-76-25
25. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tam khaDgam= that sword; musala samnibham= looking like a pebble in shape); patitam= which fell; bhuumau= on the ground; mahaabalaH= the mighty Prajangha; samvartayaamaasa= tightened; muShTim= his fist; vajrakalpam= equal to a thunder-bolt.
Seeing that sword looking like a pebble (in shape), which fell on the ground, the mighty Prajangha tightened his thunderbolt like fist.
sa lalaaTe mahaaviiryamaN^gadaM vaanararShabham |
aajaghaana mahaatejaaH sa muhuurtaM chchaala ha || 6-76-26
26. saH= that Prajangha; mahaatejaaH= with great splendour; mahaa viiryam= of great valour; vaanararShabham= the excellent monkey; aajaghaana= struck; aN^gadam= Angada; lalaaTe= on his forehead; saH= Angada; chchaalaha= shuddered; muhuurtam= for a moment.
When that Prajangha of great splendour struck Angaa, the excellent monkey with a great strength on his forehead, Angada shuddered for a moment.
sa saMjJNaam praapya tejasvii vaaliputraH prataapavaan |
prajaN^ghasya shiraH kaayaatpaatayaamaasa muSTinaa || 6-76-27
27. saH= that; vaaliputraH= Angada; tejasvii= of splendour; prataapavaan= and prowess; praapya= obtaining; samJNaam= consciousness; muShTinaa= and by his fist; prajaN6ghasya shiraH paatayaamaasa= caused Prajangha’s head to fall; kaayaat= off his trunk.
That Angada of splendour and prowess, restoring his consciousness, struck with his fist and shattered Prajangha’s head off his trunk.
sa yuupaakSho.ashrupuurNaakShaH pitR^ivye nihate raNe |
avaruhya rathaan kShipraM kShiiNeShuH khaDgamaadade || 6-76-28
28. saH= that; yuupaakShaH= Yuupaksha; ashrupuurNaakShaH= with tears filled in his eyes; pitR^ivye nihate= because of the death of his paternal uncle; raNe= in battle; kShiiNeShuH= and since his arrows were exhausted; kShipram= quickly; aadade= took; khaDgam= a sword; avaruhya= after descending; rathaat= from his chariot.
That Yupaksha, with tears filled in his eyes because of the death of his paternal uncle in battle, quickly took a sword as his arrows were exhausted and descended from his chariot.
tamaapatantaM saMprekSya yuupaakShaM dvividastvaran |
aajaghaanorasi kruddho jagraaha cha balaadbalii || 6-76-29
29. samprakShya= seeing; tam yuupaakSham= that Yupaksha; aapatantam= rushing on him; dvividaH= Dvivida; tvaram= hurriedly; aajaghaana= struck; urasi= on his chest; kruddhaH= with rage balii= the strong Dvivida; balata= forcibly; jagraaha= caught hold of him.
Seeing that Yupaksha rushing on him, Dvivida hurriedly struck Yupaksha on his chest and with a rage, forcibly caught hold of him.
gR^ihiitaM bhraataraM dR^iSTvaa shoNitaakSho mahaabalam |
aajaghaana mahaatejaa vakShasi dvividaM tataH || 6-76-30
30. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; mahaabalam= his mighty; bhraataram= brother; gR^ihiitam= being seized; shoNitaakShaH= Shonitaksha; mahaatejaaH= of great splendour; tataH= then; aajaghaana= struck; dvividam= Dvivida; vakShasi= on his chest.
Seeing his mighty brother being seized, Shonitaksha, of great splendour, then struck Dvivida on his chest.
sa tato.abhihatastena chachaala cha mahaabalaH |
udyataaM cha punastasya jahaara dvivido gadaam || 6-76-31
31. saH mahaabalaH= that mighty; dvividaH= Dvivida; abhihataH= struck; tena= by him; tataH= then; chachaala= was tottered; jahaara= (but) pulled off; tasya gadaam= his mace; punaH= again; udyataam= lifted on him.
That mighty Dvivida, struck by Shonitaksha was tottered; but pulled off the platter’s mace when lifted again on him.
etasminnantare maindo dvividaabhyaashamaagamat |
yuupaakShaM taaDamaamaasa talenorasi viiryavaan || 6-76-32
32. etasmin antare= meanwhile; maindaH= Mainda; aagamat= came; dvividaabhyaasham= nearer to Dvivida; viiryavaan= that powerful Mainda; taaDayaamaasa= banged; yuupaakSham= Yupaksha; urasi= on his chest; talena= with his palm.
Meanwhile, Mainda came nearer to Dvivida and banged Yupaksha on his chest with his palm.
tau shoNitaakShayuupaakShau plavamgaabhyaaM tarasvinau |
chakratuH samare tiivramaakarSotpaaTanaM bhR^isham || 6-76-33
33. tau= those; tarasvinau= violent; shoNitaakSha yuupaakShau= Shonitaksha and Yupaksha; samara= in battle; chakratuH= made a keen contest; plavaNgaabhyaam= with the two monkeys; aakarShotpaaTanam= in pulling and overthrowing; bhR^isham= vehemently; tiivram= and severely.
Those two demons, Shonitaksha and Yupaksha, who were full of violence, carried on a keen contest with the two monkeys in the battle field, by pulling and overthrowing them vehemently and severely.
dvividaH shoNitaakShaM tu vidadaara nakhairmukhe |
niSpipeSha cha viiryeNa kShitaavaavidhya viiryavaan || 6-76-34
34. viiryavaan= the valiant; dvividaH= Dvivida; vidadaara= split open; mukhe= the face; shoNitaakSham= of Shonitaksha; nakhaiH= with his nails; aavidhya= threw him down; kShitau= on the floor; viiryeNa= by his strength; niShpipeShacha= and crushed him.
The valiant Dvivida, after splitting open shonitaksha’s face with his claws, threw him down on the floor by his strength and crushed him down.
yuupaakShamabhisaMkruddho maindo vaanarapuMgavaH |
piiDayaamaasa baahubhyaaM papaata sa hataH kShitau || 6-76-35
35. maindaH= Mainda; vaanarapuN^gavaH= the foremost of monkeys; abhisamkruddhaH= was enraged; piiDayaamaasa= and pressed; yuupaakSham= Yupaksha; baahubhyaam= with his arms; saH= Yupaksha; hataH= was killed; papaata= and fell down; kShitau= on the floor.
Mainda, the foremost of monkeys, was enraged and pressed Yupaksha with his arms. Yupaksha fell down dead on the ground.
hataprapraviiraa vyathitaa raakShasendrachamuustadaa |
jagaamaabhimukhii saa tu kumbhakarNaatmajo yataH || 6-76-36
36. saa= that; raakShasendra chamuuH= army of demons; vyathitaa= which was perturbed; hatapraviiraa= with their great warriors killed; tadaa= then; jagaama= moved;abhimukhii= turning its faces; yataH= towards that side, on which side; kumbhakarNaatmajaH= the son of Kumbhakarna (was there).
That army of demons, which was perturbed with their great warriors killed, then moved with its face turned towards the place where Kumbha (the son of Kumbhakarna) was carrying on battle.
aapatantiim cha vegena kumbhastaaM saantvayachchamuum |
athotkR^iSTaM mahaaviiryairlabdhalakShaiH plavamgamaiH || 6-76-37
nipaatitamahaaviiraaM dR^iSTvaa rakShashchamuuM tadaa |
kumbhaH prachakre tejasvii raNe karma suduSkaram || 6-76-38
37-38. kumbhaH= Kumbha; saantvayat= restored to confidence taam chamuum= that army; aapatantiim= which was coming; vegena= with speed; atha= then; dR^iShTvaa= seeing; rakShasachamuum= the army of demons; nipaatita mahaaviiraam= thrown down; mahaaviiryaiH= having their chief warriors plavaN^gamaiH= by the most powerful monkeys; labdhalakshyaiH= who attained their aim; kumbhaH= Kumbha; tejasvii= the powerful; tadaa= then; chakre= did; utkR^iShTam= a great; karma= feat; suduShkaram= which was very difficult to do; raNe= in a battle.
Kumbha, restored to confidence, that army which was coming towards him with speed. Then, seeing the army of demons whose chief-warriors were thrown down by the most powerful monkeys who could fulfill their aim, the powerful Kumbha then performed a great feat which was very difficult to do in a battle.
sa dhanurdhanvinaaM shreShThaH pragR^ihya susamaahitaH |
mumochaashiiviShaprakhyaa~nsharaandehavidaaraNaan || 6-76-39
39. saH= that Kumbha; dhanvinaam shreshshThaH= the foremost among the wielders of bow; pragR^ihya= taking; dhanuH= his bow; susamaahitaH= and fully composed; mumocha= released; sharaan= arrows; aashiiviShaprakhyaan= resembling serpents; dehavidaaaNaan= which can split open the bodies.
That Kumbha, the foremost among the wielders of bow, taking his bow and fully composed, released serpentine arrows which can split open the bodies.
tasya tachchhushubhe bhuuyaH sasharaM dhanuruttamam |
vidyudairaavataarchiShmaddvitiiyendradhanuryathaa || 6-76-40
40. tat= that; uttamam= excellent; dhanuH= bow; tasya= of his; sasharam= fitted with an arrow; shushubhe= shone; dvitiiyendradhanuH yathaa= like a second bow of indra (the rain-god); vidyudairaavataarchiShmat= illumined by flashes of lightning and the splendour of Airavata (the elephant carrying Indra on its back).
That excellent bow of his, fitted with an arrow, shone like a second bow of Indra (the rain-god), illumined by flashes of lightning and the splendour of Airavata (the elephant carrying Indra on its back).
aakarNakR^iShTamuktena jaghaana dvividaM tadaa |
tena haaTakapu~Nkhena patriNaa patravaasasaa || 6-76-41
41. tena= by that; patriNaa= arrow; haaTakapuNkhena= with a golden shaft; patra raasasaa= fastened with feathers; aakarNakR^iShTamuktena= drawn upto the ear and discharged; (he); tadaa= then; jaghaana= struck; dvividam= Dvivida.
By that arrow with a golden shaft and fastened with feathers, drawn upto his ear and discharged, he then struck Dvivida.
sahasaabhihatastena vipramuktapadaH sphuran |
nipapaataadrikuuTaabho vihvalaH plavagottamaH || 6-76-42
42. abhihataH= struck; sahasaa= suddenly; tena= by that arrow; plavagamottamaH= that foremost of monkeys; trikuuTaabhaH= having a splendour of Mount Trikuta; vipramuktapadaH= with his feet swaying to and fro; vihvalan= and perturbed; nipapaata= fell down; sphuran= throbbing.
Suddenly struck by that arrow, that excellent monkey possessing a splendour of Mount Trikuta, was perturbed, with his feet swaying to and fro and fell down throbbing.
maindastu bhraataraM dR^iShTvaa bhagnaM tatra mahaahave |
abhidudraava vegena pragR^ihya mahatiiM shilaam || 6-76-43
43. dR^iShTvaa= beholding; bhraataram= his brother; bhagnam= defeated; mahaahave= in that great battle; maindaH tu= Mainda on his part; tatra= there; pragR^ihya= taking; vipulaam= a large; shilaam= rock; abhidudraava= rushed; vegena= with speed (to attack the demon).
Beholding his brother defeated in that great battle, Mainda there on his part, taking a large rock, rushed with speed to attack the demon.
taaM shilaaM tu prachikShepa raakShasaaya mahaabalaH |
bibheda taaM shilaaM kumbhaH prasannaiH pa~nchabhiH sharaiH || 6-76-44
44. mahaabalaH= the mighty Mainda; pachikShepa= hurled; taam= that; shilaam= rock; raakShasaaya= towards the demon; kumbhaH= Kumbha; bibheda= broke; taam shilaam= rock; paN^chabhiH prasannaiH= with his five shining; sharaiH= arrows.
While that mighty Mainda hurled that rock towards the demon, Kumbha broke that rock into pieces with his five shining arrows.
sandhaaya chaanyaM sumukhaM sharamaashiiviShopamam |
aajaghaana mahaatejaa vakShasi dvividaagrajam || 6-76-45
45. samdhaaya= stretching; anyam= another; sharam= arrow; sumukham= with a good pointed tip; aashiiviShopamam= resembling a serpent; aajaghaana= mahaatejaaH= Kumbha possessing a great splendour; aajaghaana= struck; vakShasi= on the chest; dvivijaagrajam= of Mainda the brother of Dvivida.
Stretching another arrow resembling a serpent and with a good pointed tip, Kumbha of a great splendour, struck it on the chest of Mainda the brother of Dvivida.
sa tu tena prahaareNa maindo vaanarayuuthapaH |
marmaNyabhihatastena papaata bhuvi muurchhitaH || 6-76-46
46. tena prahaareNa= by that blow; tena= of that Kumbha; saH maindaH= that Mainda; vaanarayuuthapaH= the chief of monkeys; abhihataH= was struck; marmaNi= on his vital parts; papaata= and fell; bhuvi= on the ground; muurchitaH= unconscious.
As that blow of Kumbha’s arrow struck that Mainda, the monkey-chief, on his vital parts, he fell unconscious on the ground.
a~Ngado maatulau dR^iShTvaa patitau tau mahaabalau |
abhidudraava vegena kumbhamudyatakaarmukam || 6-76-47
47. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; mahaabalau= both his mighty; maatulau= maternal uncles; mathitau= wounded; aN^gadaH= Angada; abhidudraava= rushed; vegena= speedily; kumbham= towards Kumbha; udyata kaarmukam= having his bow uplifted.
Seeing both his mighty maternal uncles wounded, Angada rushed speedily towards Kumbha, who was standing with his bow uplifted.
tamaapatantaM vivyaadha kumbhaH pa~nchabhiraayasaiH |
tribhishchaanyaiH shitairbaaNairmaata~Ngamiva tomaraiH || 6-76-48
48. paN^chabhiH aayasaiH= with five iron arrows; tribhiH anyaiH shitaiH baaNaiH= and with three other sharp arrows; kumbhaH= Kumbha; vivyaadha= pierced; tam= that Angada; aapatantam= who was coming near to him; maataN^gamiva= as (one would fierce) an elephant tomaraiH= with goads.
With five steel arrows and with three other sharp-edged arrows, Kumbha pierced that Angada advancing towards him, as on would pierce an elephant with goads.
so.a~NgadaM vividhairbaaNaiH kumbho vivyaadha viiryavaan |
akuNThadhaarairnishitaistiikShNaiH kanakabhuuShaNaiH || 6-76-49
49. saH= that; viiryavaan= valiant; kumbhaH= Kumbha; vivyaadha= pierced; aN^gadam= Angada; bahubhiH= with many; nishitaiH= sharp; baaNaiH= arrows; kanaka bhuuShaNaiH= decked in gold; akuN^Tha dhaaraiH= with edges which were not blunt; nishitaiH= (but) sharp; tiikShaNaiH= and harsh.
That valiant Kumbha pierced Angada with a multiple of sharp arrows, decked in gold, with edges which were harsh and sharp.
a~NgadaH pratividdhaa~Ngo vaaliputro na kampate |
shilaapaadapavarShaaNi tasya muurdhni vavarSha ha || 6-76-50
50. aN^gadaH= Angada; vaaliputraH= the son of wind-god; prativiShTaaN^gaH= though pierced all over the body with sharp arrows; na kampate= was not shaken; vavarShaha= (He) showered; shilapaadapavarShaaNi= a rain of rocks and trees; tasy muurdhni= on Kumbha’s head.
Angada, the son of wind-god, though pierced all over the body with sharp arrows, was however not shaken. He showered a rain of rocks and trees on Kumbha’s head.
sa prachichchheda taansarvaanbibheda cha punaH shilaaH |
kumbhakarNaatmajaH shriimaanvaaliputrasamiiritaan || 6-76-51
51. shriimaan= the glorious; Kumbha= Kumbha; kumbhakarNaatmajaH= the son of Kumbhakarna; pravichheda= chopped off; sarvaan= all; taan= those (trees); vaaliputra samiiritaan= hurled by Angada; bibheda cha= and broke off; shilaaH punaH= the rocks further.
The glorious Kumbha the son of Kumbhakarna chopped off all those trees hurled by Angada and burst off the rocks further.
aapatantaM cha samprekShya kumbho vaanarayuuthapam |
bhruvorvivyaadha baaNaabhyaamulkaabhyaamiva ku~njaram || 6-76-52
52. samprekShya= seeing; vaanarayuutham= Angada, the monkey-chief; aapatantam= rushing upon him; kumbhaH= Kumbha; vivyaadha= pierced; bhruvoH= his brows; baaNaabhyaam= his arrows; kuNjaram iva= as an elephant is struck; ulkaabhyaam= with flaming torches.
Seeing Angada the monkey-chief rushing upon him, Kumbha pierced his brows with his brows with his arrows, as an elephant would be struck with flaming torches.
tasya susraava rudhiraM pihite chaasya lochane |
a~NgadaH paaNinaa netre pidhaaya rudhirokShite || 6-76-53
saalamaasannamekena parijagraaha paaNinaa |
53. tasya= Angada’s; rudhiram= blood; susraava= oozed out; asya= his; lochane= eyes; pihite cha= were covered with blood; pidhaaya= covering; netra= his eyes; rudhirokShite= dampened with blood; paaNinaa= with one hand; parijagraaha= he caught hold of; saalam= Sala tree; aasannam= which was nearby; aapannam= nearby; ekena= with one; paaNinaa= hand.
Since Angada’s blood was oozing out, his eyes were covered with blood; Covering his eyes, dampened with blood, with one hand, he caught hold of a Sala tree nearby with another hand.
sampiiDyorasi saskandham kareNaabhiniveshya cha || 6-76-54
kiJNchidabhyavanamyainamunmamaatha mahaaraNe |
54. mahaaraNe= In that battle-field; sampiiDya= propping; saskandam= that tree with branches and all; urasi= on his chest; abhiniveshya cha= holding it; kareNa= with his hand; abhyavanamya= and bending; kiNchit= a little; unmamaatha= (he) uprooted; enam= it.
In the battle-field, propping that tree with branches and all, on his chest, holding it with his hand and bending a little, Angada uprooted it from the ground.
tamindraketupratimaM vR^ikShaM mandarasaMnibham || 6-76-55
samutsR^ijantaM vegena pashyataaM sarvarakShasaam |
55. sarvaraakShasaam= (While) all the demons; miShataam= were looking on; (Angada); vegena= swiftly; samutsR^ijata= hurled; tam vR^ikSham= that tree; mandarasannibham= looking like Mount Mandara; indraketupratimam= and imitating Indra’s banner.
While all the demons were looking on, Angada hurled that tree-which was tall like Indra’s banner and resembled Mount Mandara in size.
sa chichchheda shitairbaaNaiH saptabhiH kaayabhedanaiH || 6-76-56
a~Ngado vivyathe.abhiikShNaM sasaada cha mumoha cha |
56. saH= that Kumbha; chichheda= chopped off; (that tree); saptabhiH shitaiH= with seven sharp; baaNaiH= arrows; kaayabhedanaiH= which were capable of splitting asunder the body; saH= that; aN^gadaH= Angada; abhiikShNam= was very much; vivyathe= perturbed; papaata= fell down; mumoha cha= and swooned too.
That Kumbha chopped off that tree with seven sharp arrows which were capable of splitting asunder the body. That Angada was very much perturbed and fell down, swooning.
a~NgadaM vyathitaM dR^iShTvaa siidantamiva saagare || 6-76-57
duraasadaM harishreShThaa raaghavaaya nyavedayan |
57. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; duraasadam vaaliputram= the unconquerable Angada; patitam= fallen down; siidantam= sinking into depression; saagaram iva= as an ocean; harishreShThaaH= the monkey-chiefs; nyavedayan= informed; raaghavaaya= Rama.
Seeing the unconquerable Angada fallen down and sinking into depression as though in an ocean, the monkey-chiefs informed the matter to Rama.
raamastu vyathitaM shrutvaa vaaliputraM mahaahave || 6-76-58
vyaadidesha harishreShThaa~njaambavatpramukhaaMstataH |
58. tataH= then; shrutvaa= hearing; vaaliputram= about Angada; vyathitam= being seized with anguish; mahaavahe= in that great battle; raamaH= Rama; tataH= thereafter; vyaadidesha= sent out; harishreShThaan= for help the leaders of monkeys; jaambavaatpramukhaan= headed by Jambavan.
Hearing of Angada being seized with anguish in that great combat, Rama sent out for help, leaders of monkeys, headed by Jambavan.
te tu vaanarashaarduulaaH shrutvaa raamasya shaasanam || 6-76-59
abhipetuH susa~NkruddhaaH kumbhamudyatakaarmukam |
59. shrutvaa= hearing; raamasya= Rama’s; shaasanam= message; te= these; vaanara shaarduulaaH= excellent monkeys; susamkruddhaaH= were very much enraged; abhipetuH= and rushed; kumbham= towards Kumbha; udyata kaarmukam= who was holding up a bow.
Hearing Rama’s message, those excellent monkeys were very much enraged and quickly rushed towards Kumbha who was wielding a bow in his hand.
tato drumashilaahastaaH kopasaMraktalochanaaH || 6-76-60
rirakShiShanto.abhyapatanna~NgadaM vaanararShabhaaH |
60. rirakShantaH= desirous of defending; aN^gadam= Angada; vaanararShabhaaH= the foremost of monkeys; tataH= then; druma shilaa hastaaH= wielding trees and rocks in their hands; kopa samrakta lochanaaH= and with their eyes reddened of fury; abhyapatan= rushed on.
With an intent to defend Angada, the monkey-chiefs then holding trees and rocks in their hands and with their furious blood-red eyes, rushed on.
jaambavaaMshcha suSheNashcha vegadarshii cha vaanaraH || 6-76-61
kumbhakarNaatmajaM viiraM kruddhaaH samabhidudruvuH |
61. kruddhaaH= the enraged; jaambavaamshcha= Jambavan; suSheNashcha= Sushena; vegadarshii cha= and Vegadarshi; vaanaraH= the monkey; sambhidudruvuH= ran up; kumbhakarNaatmajam= towards Kumbha the son of Kumbhakarna.
The enraged Jambavan, Sushena and Vegadarshi, the monkey ran up towards Kumbha the son of Kumbhakarna to attack him.
samiikShyaatatatastaaMstu vaanarendraanmahaabalaan || 6-76-62
aavavaara sharaugheNa nageneva jalaashayam |
62. viikShya= seeing; taan mahaabalaan= those mighty; vaanarendraan= monkey-chiefs; aapatataH= coming near him; (Kumbha) aavavaara= covered (them) sharaugheNa= with a flood of arrows; jalaashayam nageneva= as one would obstruct the course of a stream by means of a rock.
Seeing those mighty monkey-chiefs coming nearer to him, Kumbha covered them with a flood of arrows, as one would obstruct the course of a stream by means of a rock.
tasya baaNachayaM praapya na shokerativartitum || 6-76-63
vaanarendraa mahaatmaano velaamiva mahodadhiH |
63. praapya= reaching; tasya baaNapatham= the range of his arrows; mahaatmanaH= the great souled; vaanarendraaH= monkey-chiefs; na shekuH= were unable; ativartitum= even to look at him; much less advance towards him; mahodadhiH iva= any more than a great ocean (would overstep); velaam= its shore.
Reaching the range of his arrows, the great souled monkey-chiefs were unable even to look at him, much less advance towards him, any more than a great ocean would overstep its shore.
taaMstu dR^iShTvaa harigaNaa~nsharavR^iShTibhirarditaan || 6-76-64
a~NgadaM pR^iShThataH kR^itvaa bhraatR^ijaM plavageshvaraH |
abhidudraava vegena sugriivaH kumbhamaahave || 6-76-65
shailasaanu charaM naagaM vegavaaniva kesarii |
64-65. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; taan= those; harigaNaan= troops of monkeys; arditaan= being tormented; sharavR^iShTibhiH= with a flood of arrows; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; plavageshvaraH= the king of monkeys; aN^gadam bhraatR^ijam pR^iShTataH kR^itvaa= keeping Angada, the son of his brother in the rear; abhidudraava= rushed headlong; kumbhakarNaatmajam= towards Kumbha the son of Kumbhakarna; raNe= in the battle; vegavaan kesarii iva= as swift lion; (would bounce); naagam= upon an elephant; shailaanucharam= walking along with slopes of a mountain.
Seeing those troops of monkeys being tormented by a flood of arrows, Sugreeva the king of monkeys, keeping Angada his brother’s son in the rear, rushed headlong towards Kumbha in the battle, as a swift lion would bounce upon an elephant walking along the slopes of a mountain.
utpaaTya cha mahaashailaanashvakarNaandhavaanbahuun || 6-76-66
anyaaMshcha vividhaanvR^ikShaaMshchikShepa cha mahaakapiH |
66. utpaaTya= uprooting; bahuun= many; mahaavR^ikShaan= large trees; ashvakarNaadikaan= like Ashvakarna and so on; anyaan vividhaan= and many other kinds; vR^ikShaan cha= of trees; saH mahaakapiH= that king of monkeys; chikShepa= hurled (them on Kumbha).
Uprooting many large trees beginning with Ashvakarna and many kinds of trees, Sugreeva the king of monkeys hurled them on Kumbha.
taaM chhaadayantiimaakaashaM vR^ikShavR^iShTiM duraasadaam || 6-76-67
kumbhakarNaatmajaH shriimaaMshchichchheda nishitaiH sharaiH |
67. shriimaan= the illustrious; kumbhakarNaatmajaH= Kumbha the son of Kumbhakarna; nishitaiH sharaiH= with his sharp arrows; chichchheda= chopped off; taam= that; vR^ikShavR^iShTim= down pour of trees; chhadayantiim= which was obscuring; aakaasham= the sky; duraasadaam= and which was difficult to be attacked.
The illustrious Kumbha, the son of Kumbhakarna, with his sharp arrows, chopped off that down pour of trees, which was obscuring the sky and which was difficult to be assailed.
abhilakShyeNa tiivreNa kumbhena nishitaiH sharaiH || 6-76-68
nirbhidyamaanaaste rejuryathaa ghorashataghnayaH |
68. te= those trees; nirbhidyamaanaaH= chopped off; nishitaiH sharaiH= with his sharp arrows; tiivreNa kumbhena= by the brutal Kumbha; abhilakSheNa= who was skilled in hitting his target; rejuH= shone; ghoraaH shatagniH yathaa= like terrific Shataghnis (stones or cylindrical pieces of wood studded with iron spikes).
The trees, chopped off with his sharp arrows by the brutal Kumbha, skilled in hitting his target, shone like terrific Shataghnis (stones or cylindrical pieces of wood studded with iron spikes).
drumavarShaM tu tachchhinnaM dR^iShTvaa kumbhena viiryavaan || 6-76-69
vaanaraadhipatiH shriimaanmahaasattvo na vivyathe |
69. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; tat= that; druma varSham= shower of trees; bhinnam= chopped off; kumbhena= by Kumbha; mahaasattvaH= the mighty; shriimaan= and illustrious; vaanaraadhipatiH= Sugreeva; viiryavaan= of valour; na vivyathe= did not feel disturbed.
Seeing that shower of trees chopped off by Kumbha, the mighty and illustrious Sugreeva of valour was not disturbed.
sa vidhyamaanaH sahasaa sahamaanashcha taa~nsharaan || 6-76-70
kumbhasya dhanuraakShipya babha~njendradhanuHprabham |
70. sahamaanaH= enduring; taan= those; sharaan= arrows; vidhyamaanaH= being hit; saH= Sugreeva; aakShipya= taking away; Kumbha dhanuH= Kumbha’s bow; indra dhanuShprabham= having the splendour of a rain-bow; babhaN^ja= broke it; sahasaa= all at once.
Enduring those arrows being hit, Sugreeva snatched away Kumbha’s bow, possessing the splendour of a rain-bow and broke it all at once.
avaplutya tataH shiighraM kR^itvaa karma suduShkaram || 6-76-71
abraviitkupitaH kumbhaM bhagnashR^i~Ngamiva dvipam |
71. tataH= then; shiighram= swiftly; avaplutya= bouncing; kR^itvaa= and doing; suduShkaram karma= that most difficult act; kupitaH= the enraged Sugreeva; abraviit= spoke; Kumbha= to Kumbha; dvipam iva= who was looking like an elephant; bhagna shR^iN^gam= whose tusk was broken.
Thus bouncing swiftly and doing that most difficult task, the enraged Sugreeva spoke (as follows) to Kumbha, who was looking like an elephant with a broken tusk.
nikumbhaagraja viiryaM te baaNavegaM tadadbhutam || 6-76-72
saMnatishcha prabhaavashcha tava vaa raavaNasya vaa |
72. nikumbhaagraja= O Kumbha, the elder brother of Nikumbha!; te= your; viiryam= prowess; adbhutam= is wonderful; baaNavegavat; like the swiftness of an arrow; samnatishcha= the complaisance towards demons; prabhaavashcha= and majesty too; tava vaa= are with you; raavaNasya vaa= or even with Ravana.
“O Kumbha, the elder brother of Nikumbha! Both your prowess and the swiftness of your arrow are wonderful. Both Ravana and you are equal in complaisance towards demons and the majesty too exists.
prahraadabalivR^itraghnakuberavaruNopama || 6-76-73
ekastvamanujaato.asi pitaraM balavattaraH |
73. prahlaada bali vR^itraghna kubera varuNopama= O Kumbha, compeer of Prahlada, Bali, Indra, Kubera and Varuna!; tvam= you; ekaH= alone; asi= are; anujaata= born with a likeness; balavattaram pitaram= of your stronger father.
“O Kumbha, the compeer of Prahlada, Bali, Indra (the destroyer of the demon Vritra), Kubera (the god of riches) and Varuna (the god of water)! You alone are born with a likeness of your father (Kumbhakarna) who was exceedingly strong.”
tvaamevaikaM mahaabaahuM shuulahastamarindamam || 6-76-74
tridashaa naativartante jitendriyamivaadhayaH |
vikramasva mahaabuddhe karmaaNi mama pashya cha || 6-76-75
74-75. tridashaaH= the celestials; naativartate= cannot surpass; tvaam ekameva= even you alone; shuula hastam= with a spike in hand; arindamam= who can destroy the enemy; mahaabaahum= with your large arms; aadhayaH iva= as mental agonies cannot overwhelm his senses; vikramasva= exhibit your prowess; mahaabuddhe= O, demon of a great intellect!; pashya= see; mama= my; karmaaNicha= exploits.
“The celestials cannot surpass even you alone, with a spike in hand, who can destroy the enemy with your large arms, as mental agonies cannot overwhelm the one who subdued his senses. Hence, exhibit your prowess, O demon of great intellect and see my exploits.”
varadaanaatpitR^ivyaste sahate devadaanavaan |
kumbhakarNastu vIryeNa sahate cha suraasuraan || 6-76-76
76. te= your; pitR^ivyaH= uncle (Ravana); vara daanaat= due to receipt of a boon; sahate= is tolerating; devadaanavaan= celestials and demons; kumbhakarNastu= (But) Kumbhakarna on his part; viiryeNa= by his prowess; sahate= is tolerating; suraasuraan= celestials and demons.
“Because of the boon received by him, Ravana your uncle is able to attack the celestials and demons. But Kumbhakarna (your father) on his part is tolerating the celestials and demons.”
dhanuShiindrajitastulyaH prataape raavaNasya cha |
tvamadya rakShasaaM loke shreShTho.asi balaviiryataH || 6-76-77
77. tvam= you; tulyaH= who are equal; indrajitaH= to Indrajit; dhanuShi= in archery; raavaNasya= and to Ravana; prataape= in prowess; asi= are; adya= now; shreShThaH= the foremost; balaviiryataH= in strength and heroism; rakShasaam loke= among the demon-folk.
“You are equal in archery to Indrajit and in prowess to Ravana. Hence, you are now the foremost in strength and heroism among the demon-folk.”
mahaavimardaM samare mayaa saha tavaadbhutam |
adya bhuutaani pashyantu shakrashambarayoriva || 6-76-78
78. bhuutaani= (Let) the created beings; pashyantu= see; tava adbhutam mahaavimardam= your great wonderful fight; mayaa saha= with me; samara= in battle; adya= today; shakrashambavavoriva= like the fight occurred between Indra and Shambara, the demon.
“Let the created beings see your great wonderful fight with me in the battle field today, as they saw that fight between Indra and Shambara, the demon.”
kR^itamapratimaM karma darshitaM chaastrakaushalam |
paatitaa hariviiraashcha tvayaite bhiimavikramaaH || 6-76-79
79. apratimam= an incomparable; karma= task; kR^itam= has been done; tvayaa= by you; astra kaushalam cha= a skill in missile weaponry; darshitam= has been shown; ete= these; hariviiraashcha= monkey-heroes; bhiima vikramaaH= possessing a terrific prowess; paatitaaH= have been struck down.
“You have performed an incomparable task. You have also shown your skill in missile weaponry. You have struck down these monkey-heroes possessing a terrific prowess.”
upaalambhabhayaachchaapi naasi viira mayaa hataH |
kR^itakarmaa parishraanto vishraantaH pashya me balam || 6-76-80
80. viira= O valiant demon; kR^itakarmaparishraantaH= you, who look tired in doing your martial duty; na asi hataH= were not killed; mayaa= by me; upaalambhabhayaat= with a fear of censure; pashya= see; me= my; balam= strength; vishraantaH= after taking some rest.
“O valiant demon! Since you look tired after performing your martial duty, I did not kill you, with a fear of public censure. Identify my strength, after taking some rest.”
tena sugriivavaakyena saavamaanena maanitaH |
agneraajyahutasyeva tejastasyaabhyavardhata || 6-76-81
81. maanitaH= (Kumbha) was honoured; tena Sugreeva saavamaanena vaakyena= with those insulting words of Sugreeva; tasya= His; tejaH= splendour; abhyavardhata= enhanced; agneH iva= like a splendour of the sacrificial (enhances); aajya hutasya= when a melted butter is offered as an oblation.
Kumbha was thus honoured with those insulting words of Sugreeva. Kumbha’s splendour then enhanced, like the splendour of the sacrificial fire, when a melted butter is offered to it as an oblation.”
tataH kumbhastu sugriivaM baahubhyaaM jagR^ihe tadaa |
gajaavivaatamadau niHshvasantau muhurmuhuH || 6-76-82
anyonyagaatragrathitau gharShantaavitaretaram |
sadhuumaaM mukhato jvaalaaM visR^ijantau parishramaat || 6-76-83
82-83. tataH= then; kumbhaH= Kumbha; jagR^ihe= clasped; sugriivam= Sugreeva; baahubhyaam= by his arms; tadaa= then; miH shvasantau= (they stood) breathing heavily; muhurmuH= again and again; aviitamadau gajaaviva= like elephants whose rut was not worn out; anyonya gaatra grathitau= having their bodies wound each other; gharShantau= and rubbing; itaretaram= one another; vispajantau= and releasing; jvaalaam= a flame to blaze; sadhuumam= with smoke; mukhataH= from their faces; parishramaat= due to fatigue.
The reopen, Kumbha pressingly clasped Sugreeva in his arms. Then, they stood breathing heavily again and again as elephants in rut, having their bodies fastened against each other, rubbing one another and emitting a flame to blaze with smoke from their faces because of their fatigue.
tayoH paadaabhighaataachcha nimagnaa chaabhavanmahii |
vyaaghuurNitataraN^gashcha chukShubhe varuNaalayaH || 6-76-84
84. mahii= the floor; abhavat= became; nimagnaa= sunk down; tayoH= by their; paadaabhighaataat= trampling of the feet; vyaaghoorNita taraNgaH= with their waves whirled about; varuNaalayaH= the ocean; chukShubhe= became turbulent.
The battle-ground sank under the trampling of their feet. With their waves whirled about, the ocean became turbulent.
tataH kumbhaM samutkShipya sugriivo lavaNaambbhasi |
paatayaamaasa vegena darshayannudadhestalam || 6-76-85
85. tataH= then; samutkShipya= tossing up; kumbham= Kumbha; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; paatayaamaasa= threw him down; vegena= speedily; lavaNaambhasi= into the ocean; darshayan= showing; udadhaH talam= him the bottom of the sea.
Then tossing up Kumbha, Sugreeva threw him down speedily into the ocean, showing him the bottom of the sea.
tataH kumbhanipaatena jalaraashiH samutthitaH |
vindhyamandarasaMkaasho visasarpa samantataH|| 6-76-86
86. tataH= then; kumbhanipaatena= due to throwing down of Kumbha; samutthitaH= the fully risen; jalaraashiH= sea; vindhyamandara samkaashaH= equal to the height of Mount Vindhya; visasarpa= diffused; samantataH= on all sides.
Due to the hurling down of Kumbha, the fully risen sea, reaching a height of as to that of Mount Vindhya, diffused on all sides.
tasya charma cha pusphoTa sa~njaGYe chaasya shoNitam |
sa cha muShTirmahaavegaH pratijaghne.asthimaNDale || 6-76-87
87. tataH= then; kumbhaH= Kumbha; samutpatya= jumping up; abhipaatya cha= and throwing down; sugriivam= Sugreeva; kruddhaH= irritated; ajaghaana= struck him; urasi= on his chest muShTinaa= with his fist ; vajrakalpena= equal to a thunder-bolt.
The enraged Kumbha, then jumping up and throwing down Sugreeva, struck him on his chest with his thunderbolt-like fist.
tadaa vegena tatraasiittejaH prajvaalitaM muhuH |
vajraniShpeShasa~njaatajvaalaa merau yathaa girau || 6-76-88
88. tasya= his; varma cha= armour too; pusphoTa= was burst asunder; shoNitam vaapi= even blood; samjaJNe= appeared (oozing out); saH mahaa vegaH= that awfully forceful; muShTiH= fist; pratijaghne= was given a counter-strike; asthimaN^Dale= by the cage of bones.
Sugreeva’s armour was burst asunder. Even blood appeared oozing out of his chest. His cage of bones gave a counter-strike to that awfully forceful fist.
sa tatraabhihatastena sugriivo vaanararShabhaH |
muShTiM saMvartayaamaasa vajrakalpaM mahaabalaH || 6-76-89
89. tadaa= then; vegena= by the force (of the fist); tatra= there; prajvalitam= blazed up; mahat= a mighty; tejaH= flame; jvaalaa yathaa= resembling the fire; meroHgireH= (that bursts up) on Mount Meru; vajra niShpeShasamjaataa= born out of a stroke of lighting.
Then, by the force of that fist shot forth there, a mighty flame resembling the fire that bursts up on Mount Meru, was born out of a stroke of lightning.
archiHsahasravikachaM ravimaNDalasaprabham |
sa muShTiM paatayaamaasa kumbhasyorasi viiryavaan || 6-76-90
90. saH= that; mahaabala= mighty; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; vaanara shreShThah= the foremost of monkeys; abhihataH= struck; tatra= there; tena= by him; samvartayaamaasa= tightened; muShTim= his fist; vajrakalpam= equal to a thunderbolt.
Thus struck by Kumbha there, that mighty Sugreeva, the chief of monkeys, tightened his fist which appeared like a thunderbolt.
sa tu tena prahareNa vihvalo bhR^ishapiiDitaH |
nipapaata tadaa kumbho gataarchiriva paavakaH || 6-76-91
91. viiryavaan= the valiant; saH= Sugreeva; paatayaamaasa= forcefully descended; muShTim= his fist; archiH sahasra vikacha ravimaN^Dala varchasam= which shone like the solar disc encircled by a thousand rays; urasi= on the breast; kumbhasya= of Kumbha.
The valiant Sugreeva forcefully descended his fist, which shone like the solar disc encircled by a thousand rays, on the breast of Kumbha.
muShTinaabhihatastena nipapaataashu raakShasaH |
lohitaa~Nga ivaakaashaaddiiptarashmiryadR^ichchhayaa || 6-76-92
92. saH kumbhaH= that Kumbha; bhR^isha piiDitaH= very much hurt; tena prahaareNa= by that blow; vihvalaH= was exhausted; tadaa= and then; nipapaata= fell down; paavakaH iva= like a fire; gataarchiH= whose flame has gone.
That Kumbha, very much hurt by that blow, was exhausted and then fell down, like fire whose flame has extinguished.
kumbhasya patato ruupaM bhagnasyorasi muShTinaa |
babhau rudraabhipannasya yathaaruupaM gavaaM pateH || 6-76-93
93. abhihataH= struck; muShTinaa= with fist; tena= by that Sugreeva; raakShasaH= that demon; nipapaata= fell down; aashu= suddenly; lohitaaNgaH iva= as the plant Mars; diiptarashmiH= of splendid rays; aakaashaat= (would drop down) from the sky; yard^ichchhayaa= accidentally.
Thus struck with Sugreeva’s fist, that demon fell down suddenly, as the planet Mars, of splendid rays, would drop down from the sky accidentally.
tasminhate bhiimaparaakrameNa |
plava~NgamaanaamR^iShabheNa yuddhe |
mahii sashailaa savanaa chachaala |
bhayaM cha rakShaaMsyadhikaM vivesha || 6-76-94
94. tasmin hate= when he was killed; yuddhe= in battle; R^iShaNena= by Sugreeva the chief; plavaN^gamaanaam= of monkeys; bhiimaparaakrameNa= with a terrific prowess; mahii= the earth; chachaala= trembled sa shailaa= with its mountains; savanaa= and forests; adhikam bhayam= too much fear; vivesha= entered; rakShaamsi= the demons.
When Kumbha was killed in battle by Sugreeva the chief of monkeys, possessing a terrific prowess, the earth with its mountains and forests trembled. Too much fear seized the demons.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe vaalmiikiiye aadikaavye yuddhakaaMDe ShaTsaptatitamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 76th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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