Chapter [Sarga] 99  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 99


Ravana enters the battle-field and with his mystic missile, frightens several monkeys and destroys them. Rama and Lakshmana come and attack Ravana. Then, Rama and Ravana fight each other with various kinds of arrows. When the missile employed by Ravana is struck down by Rama, all the monkeys shout loudly with a rejoice.

mahodaramahApArshvau hatau dR^iShTvA tu rAkShasau |
tasmiMshcha nihate vIre virUpAkShe mahAbale || 6-99-1
Avivesha mahAnkrodho rAvaNan tu mahAmR^idhe |
sUtan sa~ncodayAmAsa vAkyan chedamuvAcha ha || 6-99-2
1, 2. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; mahodara mahaapaarshvau= Mahodara and Mahaparshva; raakShasau= the demons; hatau= having been killed; tasmin viire= and that valiant; mahaabale= as also the mighty; viruupaaShe= Virupaksha; nihate= killed; mahaamR^idhe= in that great battle; mahaan krodhaH= a tremendous anger; aavivesha= took possession; raavaNam= of Ravana; aavivesha= took possession; raavaNam= of Ravana; samchodayaamaasa= (He) urged; suutam= on his charioteer; uvaacha ha= and addressed; idam vaakyam= the following words:
Seeing Mahodara and Mahaparshva the demons having been killed, and that valiant and mighty Virupaksha struck down in that great battle, a tremendous anger took possession of Ravana. He urged on his charioteer and addressed to him the following words:
nihatAnAmamAtyAnAn ruddhasya nagarasya cha |
duHkhameShoapaneShyAmi hatvA tau rAmalakShmaNau || 6-99-3
3. apaneShyaamyeva surely, I will remove; duHkham= the sorrow; (caused to me); nihataanaam amaatyaanaam= on account of the ministers who have been killed; ruddhasya nagarasyacha= and the city which has been laid seize to (by the monkeys); hatvaa= killing; tau= those two princes; raama lakShmanau= Rama and Lakshmana.
"Killing those two princes, Rama and Lakshmana, I will remove surely the sorrow caused to me on account of the ministers who have been killed and the city which has been laid siege to (by the monkeys)."
rAmavR^ikShan raNe hanmi sItApuShpaphalapradam |
prashAkhA yasya sugrIvo jAmbavAnkumudo nalaH || 6-99-4
sa disho dasha ghoSheNa rathasyAtiratho mahAn |
nAdayanprayayau tUrNan rAghavan chAbhyavartata || 6-99-5
4, 5. raNe= in the battle; hanmi= I will cut down; raama vR^ikSham= the tree in the shape of Rama; siitaapuShpaphalapradam= which is going to yield fruit through its flower in the form of Seetha; yasya prashaakhaaH= whose principal branches are; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; jaambavaan= Jambavan; kumudaH= Kumuda; nalaH= Nala; dvividai shchaiva= Dvivida; maindashcha= Mainda; aN^gadaH= Angada; gandhamaaanaH= Gandhamadana; hanumaamshcha= Hanuma; suSheNashcha= Sushena; sarve hariyuuthapaashcha= and all the chiefs of monkey-warriors.
"In the battle, I will cut down the tree in the shape of Rama, which is going to yield fruit through its flower in the form of Seetha, whose principal branches are Sugreeva, Jambavan, Kumuda, Nala, Dvivida, Mainda, Angada, Gandhamadana, Hanuma, Sushena and all the chiefs of monkey-warriors."
pUritA tena shabdena sanadIgirikAnanA |
sa~ncachAla mahI sarvA savarAhamR^igadvipA || 6-99-6
6. saH= Ravana; mahaan atirathaH= the mighty and the surpassing chariot-warrior; prayayau= wnet; tuurNam= quickly; naadayan= making a noise; dasha dishaH= in all the ten drections; ghoSheNa= raaghavam abhyadhaavata= rushing towards Rama.
Ravana, the mighty and the surpassing Chariot-Warrior, went quickly, making a noise in all the ten directions, with the sound of the chariot, rushing towards Rama.
tAmasan sumahAghoran chakArAstraM sudAruNam |
nirdadAha kapInsarvAnste prapetuH samantataH || 6-99-7
7. puuritaa= filled; tena shabdena= with that sound; sarvaa mahii= the entire earth; sanadiigirikaananaa= with its rivers, mountains and forests; trasta simhamR^igadvijaa= having frightened lions, antelopes and birds; samchachaala= was trembled.
Filled with that sound, the entire earth, with its rivers, mountains and forests, trembled, throwing lions, antelopes and birds, into fright.
tAnyanIkAnyanekAni rAvaNasya sharottamaiH |
dR^iShTvA bhagnAni shatasho rAghavaH paryavasthitaH || 6-99-8
8. chakaara= he employed; sumahaaghoram= very highly terrific; sudaaruNam= and exceedingly frightful; astram= mystic missile; taamasam= called Tamasa; nirdadaaha= which began to consume; sarvaan kapiin= all the monkeys; te= they; prapetuH= fell down; samantataH= on all sides.
He employed very highly terrific and exceedingly frightful mystic missile called Tamasa, which began to consume all the monkeys, who started falling down on all sides.
utpapaata rajo bhuumau tairbhagnai saMpradhaavitaiH |
na hi tatsahituM shekurbrahmaNaa nirmitaM svayam || 6-99-9
9. raja= dust; utpapaata= began to fly up; bhuumau= from the earth; taiH bhagnaiH= while those frustrated monkeys; sampradhaavitaiH= were fleeing away; na shekuH hi= as they could no longer indeed; sahitum= bear; tat= that missile; nirmitam= built; brahmaNaa= by Brahma; svayam= himself.
Dust began to fly up from the earth, while those frustrated monkeys were fleeing away for they could no longer bear that missile built by Brahma himself.
taanyaniikaanyanekaani raavaNasya sharottamaiH |
dR^iSHTvaa bhagnaani shatasho raaghavaH paryavasthitaH || 6-99-10
10. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; taani= those; shatashaH= hundreds; anekaani= of many; aniikaani= armies; bhagnaani= shattered; sharottamaiH= by excellent arrows; raavaNasya= of Ravana; raaghavah= Rama; paryavasthitaH= stood ready for the battle.
Seeing those hundreds of many of his armies shattered by excellent arrows of Ravana, Rama took his stand, ready for the battle.
tato raakShasashaarduulo vidraavya harivaahiniim |
sa dadarsha tato rAman tiShThantamaparAjitam || 6-99-11
lakShmaNena saha bhrAtrA viShNunA vAsavan yathA |
AlikhantamivAkAshamavaShTabhya mahaddhanuH || 6-99-12
padmapatravishAlAkShan dIrghabAhumarindamam |
11, 12. tataH= then; saH= Ravana; raakShasa shaarduulaH= the foremost among the demons; vidraavya= having driven away; harivaahiniim= the army of monkeys; tataH= thereupon; dadarsha= saw; raamam= Rama; lakShmaNena saha= along with Lakshmana; bhraatraa= his brother; vaasavam yathaa= as Indra the lord of celestials; viShNunaa= (is seen) with Vishnu, the supreme lord unconquerable; padmapatravishaalaakSham= having wide eyes like lotus-petals; diirghabaahum= long arms; (Rama); arimdamam= the annihilator of enemies; tiShThantam= stood; avaShTabhya= holding up his great bow; aalikhantam iva= as though scraping; aakaasham= the sky.
Having driven away the army of monkeys, Ravana the foremost among the demons then saw Rama, the annihilator of his enemies, who was endowed with long arms and eyes as wide as lotus petals standing unconquered with his brother Lakshmana-like Indra the lord of celestials is seen with Vishnu, the supreme lord of preservation-holding up his great bow as though scraping the sky.
tato raamo mahaatejaaH saumitrisahito balii || 6-99-13
vAnarAMshcha raNe bhagnAnApatantan cha rAvaNam |
samIkShya rAghavo hR^iShTo madhye jagrAha kArmukam || 6-99-14
13, 14. tataH= then; balii= the mighty; raamaH= Rama; mahaatejaaH= of great splendour; raaghavaH= who was born in Raghu dynasty; saumitra sahitaH= along with Lakshmana; samiikShya= seeing; bhagnaan= the disappointed; vaanaraan cha= monkeys; raavaNam= and Ravana; aapatantam= whow as advancing quickly towards him; hR^iShTaH= was pleased; jagraaha= and seized; kaarmukam= his bow; madhye= at the middle.
Seeing the disappointed monkeys and Ravana advancing, the mighty Rama who was endowed with a great splendour and accompanied by Lakshmana who were born in Raghu dynasty, then pleasingly seized his bow at the middle.
visphArayitumArebhe tataH sa dhanuruttamam |
mahAvegaM mahAnAdaM nirbhindanniva medinIm || 6-99-15
15. tataH= thereupon; saH= Rama; aarebhe= began; visphaarayitum= t stretch; uttamam dhanuH= his excellent bow; mahaavegam= which was endowed with a great force; mahaa naadam= and sonorous; nirbhinnanniva= as though breaking asunder; mediniim= the earth.
Thereupon, Rama began to stretch his excellent bow, which was endowed with great force and sonorous, as though he was breaking the earth asunder.
raavaNasya cha baaNaughai raamavisphaaritena cha |
shabdena raakShasaastena petushcha shatashastadaa || 6-99-16
16. tadaa= then; tena shabdena= due to that sound; raavaNasya baaNaughaiH= produced by the streams of arrows of Ravana; raama visphaaritena= and due to the stretching activity of Rama's bow; te raakShasaaH= those demons; petuH cha= fell down; shatashaH= in their hundreds.
Then, due to that buzzing sound produced by the streams of Ravana's arrows as also by the twang of Rama's bow, those demons fell down in their hundreds.
tayoH sharapathaM prApya rAvaNo rAjaputrayoH |
sa babhUva yathA rAhuH samIpe shashisUryayoH || 6-99-17
17. saH raavaNaH= that Ravana; praapya= coming within; raajaputrayoH sharapatham= the range of the arrow-shots of Rama and Lakshmana; babhau= shone; raahuH yathaa= like Rahu (the demon who is supposed to seize the sun and the moon) samiipe= standing in the vicinity; shashisuuryayau= of the moona and the sun.
That Ravana, coming within the range of arrow-shots of Rama and Lakshmana, resembled Rahu (the demon who is supposed to seize the sun and the moon), standing in the vicinity of the moon and the sun.
tamichchhanprathaman yoddhuM lakShmaNo nishitaiH sharaiH |
mumocha dhanurAyamya sharAnagnishikhopamAn || 6-99-18
18. ichchhan= wishing; yoddhum= to fight; tam= him; nishitaiH sharaiH= with his sharp arrows; prathamam= at the earliest; lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; aayamya= stretching; dhanuH= his bow; mumocha= released; sharaan= his arrows; agnishikhopamaan= which were like flames of fire.
Wishing to fight him with his sharp arrows at the earliest, Lakshmana stretching his bow, released his arrows which were like flames of fire.
tAnmuktamAtrAnAkAshe lakShmaNena dhanuShmatA |
bANAnbANairmahAtejA rAvaNaH pratyavArayat || 6-99-19
19. raavaNaH= Ravana; mahaatejaaH= of extraordinary energy; pratyavaarayan= prevented; taan= those; baaNaan= arrows; muktamaatraan= the moment they were released; lakShmaNena= by Lakshmana; baaNaiH= with his arrows; aakaashe= in the sky itself.
Ravana of extra ordinary energy prevented those arrows, the moment they were released by Lakshmana, with his arrows, in the sky itself.
ekamekena bANena tribhistrIndashabhirdasha |
lakShmaNasya prachichchheda darshayanpANilAghavam || 6-99-20
20. darshayan= showing; paaNilaaghavam= the dexterity of his hand; (Ravana) prachichchheda= split; baaNena= the arrows; lakShmaNasya= of Lakshmana; ekam ekena= one with one; tribhiH triin= three with three; dashabhiH dasha= and ten with ten arrows.
Showing the dexterity of his hand, Ravana split the arrows of Lakshmana one with one, three with three and ten with ten arrows.
abhyatikramya saumitrin rAvaNaH samiti~njayaH |
AsasAda tato rAman sthitaM shailamivAchalam || 6-99-21
21. abhyati kramya= Over-passing; saumitrim= Lakshmana; raavaNaH= Ravana; samitimjayaH= the victorious in battle; aasasaada= approached; raamam= Rama; sthitam= who stood; raNe= in the battle-field; aparam shailam iva= like another mountain.
Overpassing Lakshmana, Ravana the victorious in battle, approached Rama, who stood like another mountain, in the battle-field.
sa sa~Nkhye rAmamAsAdya krodhasanraktalochanaH |
vyasR^ijachchharavarNAni rAvaNo rAghavopari || 6-99-22
22. saH raavaNaH= that Ravana; raakShaseshvaraH= the lord of demons; krodha samrakta lochanaH= having red-blood eyes in samaasaadya= approaching; raaghavam= Rama; vyasR^ijat= released; sharavarShaaNi= streams of arrows.
Having approached Rama, Ravana the lord of demons, having his eyes turning red-blood through anger, released streams of arrows upon him.
sharadhArAstato rAmo rAvaNasya dhanushchyutAH |
dR^iShTvaivApatitAH shIghraM bhallA~njagrAha satvaram || 6-99-23
23. dR^iShTvaiva= just on seeing; shara dhaaraaH= streams of arrows; aapatitaaH= coming forth; dhanushchyutaaH= loosed from the bow; raavaNasya= of Ravana; raamaH= Rama; tataH= thereupon; shiighram= quickly; jagraaha= seized hold; bhallaan= of 'Bhalla* arrows; satvaram= in haste.
Just on seeing streams of arrows coming forth, loosed from Ravana's bow, Rama thereupon quickly seized hold of 'Bhalla'* arrows in haste.
Bhalla - A variety of arrows with a crescent - shaped head.
tA~nsharaughAnstato bhallaistIkShNaishchichchheda rAghavaH |
dIpyamAnAnmahAvegAnkruddhAnAshIviShAniva || 6-99-24
24. tataH= then; raaghavaH= Rama; chichheda= tore off; taan sharoughaan= that multitude of arrows; diipyamaanam= which were blazing; mahaaghoraan= and looking very terrific; kruddhaan aashiiviShaaviva= like enraged serpents; tiikShNaiH bhallaiH= with his sharp "Bhalla' arrows.
Then, Rama tore off that multitude of arrows, which were blazing and looking very terrific like enraged serpents, with his sharp Bhalla - arrows.
rAghavo rAvaNan tUrNan rAvaNo rAghavaM tathA |
anyonyan vividhaistIkShNaiH sharairabhivavarShatuH || 6-99-25
25. raaraaghavo raavaNam= Rama on Ravana; raavaNam raaghavam tathaa= and Ravana on Rama; tuurNam= quickly; vavarShatuH= showered; anyonyam= each other; tiikShNaiH shara varShaiH= with streams of sharp-pointed arrows; vividhaiH= of various kinds.
Rama on Ravana and Ravana on Rama, quickly showered each other with streams of sharp-pointed arrows of various kinds.
cheratushcha chiran chitraM maNDalan savyadakShiNam |
bANavegAnsamudIkShya samareShvaparAjitau || 6-99-26
26. samutkShiptau= pushing back; anyonyam= each other; baaNavegaat= with the velocity of their arrows; aparaajitau= and remaining undefeated (the two warriors); chakratuH= described; maN^Dalam= circles; chitram= of different kinds; chiram= for a long time; savya dakShiNam= from left to right.
Pushing back each other with the velocity of their arrows and remaining undefeated, the two warriors described circles of different kinds each moving from left to right, for a long time.
tayorbhUtAni vitreShuryugapatsamprayudhyatoH |
raudrayoH sAyakamuchoryamAntakanikAshayoH || 6-99-27
27. bhuutaani= created beings; vitresuH= were frightened; tayoH= even as both the warriors; raudrayoH= who looked terrific; saaakamuehoH= who were releasing arrows; yamaantaka nikaashayoH= and who resembled the god of retribution and the god of death respectively; yugapat= all at once; samprayudhyatoH= were fighting.
Created beings were frightened, even as both the terrific warriors were fighting all at once, releasing their arrows at each other, thus resembling the god of retribution and the god of Death respectively.
santatan vividhairbANairbabhUva gaganan tadA |
ghanairivAtapApAye vidyunmAlAsamAkulaiH || 6-99-28
28. gaganam= the sky; tadaa= then; babhuuva= became; satatam= dense; baaNaiH= with arrows; vividhaiH= of various kinds; iva= (even as it is covered); aatapaapaaye= at the end of the monsoon; ghanaiH= with clouds; vidyunmaalaa samaakulaiH= crowded with crowns of lightning.
The sky at that time became dense with arrows of various kinds, even as it is covered, at the end of the monsoon, with clouds crowded with crowns of lightning.
gavAkShitamivAkAshaM babhUva shUravR^iShTibhiH |
mahAvegaiH sutIkShNAgrairgR^idhrapatraiH suvAjitaiH || 6-99-29
29. aakaasham= the sky; babhuuva gavaakShitamiva= was studded as with eye-holes; sharavR^iShTibhiH= by showers of arrows; suvaajitaiH= of high velocity; sutiikShNaagraiH= which were extremely sharp pointed; gR^idhra patraiH= and adorned with plumes of vultures; mahaavegaiH= (and were loosed) with high speed.
The sky was studded as with eye-holes, by showers of arrows of high velocity, which were extremely sharp-pointed and adorned with plumes of vultures and were loosed with high speed.
sharAndhakAran tau bhImaM chakratuH paramaM tadA |
gateastan tapane chApi mahAmeghAvivotthitau || 6-99-30
30. tadaa= then; chakratuH= they made; prathamam= initially; aakaasham= the sky; sharaandhakaaram= even after the sun-set; (they made it dark) utthitau mahaameghaaviva= like two huge clouds risen.
They initially made the sky dark with arrows. Even after the sun-set, they made it dark, like two huge clouds risen in it.
tayorabhuunmahadyuddhamanyonyavadhakA~NkShiNoH |
anAsAdyamachintyan cha vR^itravAsavayoriva || 6-99-31
31. mahat= a great; yuddham= combat; abhuut= ensued; tayoH= between both of them; anyonya vadha kaaN^kShiNoH= who were willing to kill each other; achintyamcha= (that battle) was unimaginable; anaasaasaadyam= and unapproachable; vR^itravaasavayoriva= like the duel that took place between Vritra the demon and Indra the lord of celestials.
A great combat ensued between both of them, who were willing to kill each other. That battle was unimaginable and unapproachable, like the duel that took place between Vritra the demon and Indra the lord of celestials.
ubhau hi parameShvAsAvubhau shastravishAradau |
ubhau chAstravidAM mukhyAvubhau yuddhe vicheratuH || 6-99-32
32. ubhau= both the warriors; parameShvaasau= were excellent archers; ubhau= both; yuddha vishaaradau= were skilled in war-fare; ubhau= both; mukhyau= wee eminently; astravidaam= skilled in the use of missiles; ubhau= both; vicheratuH= moved unhindered; yuddhe= in the battle-field.
Both the warriors were excellent archers. Both were skilled in war-fare. Both were eminently skilled in the use of missiles. Both moved unhindered in the battle-field.
ubhau hi yena vrajatastena tena sharormayaH |
Urmayo vAyunA viddhA jagmuH sAgarayoriva || 6-99-33
33. yena= in whichever course; ubhau vrajatuH= both of them went; tena tena= in that respective direction; sharormayaH= waves of arrows; jagmuH= went; uurmayaH= like waves; saagarayoH= in two oceans; vaayuviddhaaH= whipped by the wind.
In whichever course both of them went, in the same respective direction, streams of arrows went, like waves in two oceans, whipped by the wind.
tataH sansaktahastastu rAvaNo lokarAvaNaH |
nArAchamAlAn rAmasya lalATe pratyamu~nchata || 6-99-34
34. tataH= then; raavaNaH= Ravana; samsakta hataH= having skilful hands; loka raavaNaH= and a cause for the cry of the world; pratyamuNchata= released; naaraacha maalaam= a row of steel arrows; lalaaTe= on the forehead; ramasya= of Rama.
Ravana, having skilful hands and a cause for the cry of the world, released a row of steel arrows on Rama's forehead.
raudrachApaprayuktAn tAM nIlotpaladalaprabhAm |
shirasA dhArayanrAmo na vyathAM pratyapadyata || 6-99-35
35. raamaH= Rama; adhaarayat= bore; shirasaa= on his head; taam= that row of steel arrows; raudrachaapa prayuktaam= discharged from the terrific bow; niilotpaladala prabhaam= and having a lustre of black lotus-petals; na abhyapadyata= he did not get; vyathaam= perturbed.
Rama endured on his head, that row of steel arrows, having a lustre of black lotus-petals, discharged from the terrific bow. He did not get perturbed.
atha mantrAnapi japanraudramastramudIrayan |
sharAnbhUyaH samAdAya rAmaH krodhasamanvitaH || 6-99-36
mumocha cha mahAtejAshchApamAyamya vIryavAn |
36. atha= thereupon; viiryavaan= the valiant; raamaH= Rama; mahaatejaaH= of great splendor; kroda samanvitaH= was filled with anger; abhijapan= and while reciting; mantraan= sacred incantations; udiirayan= and discharging raudram astram= a presided over by Rudra; samaadaaya= having seized hold; mumocha= and released; sharaan= arrows; bhuuyaH= again; aayanaya= having stretched; chaapam= his bow.
Thereupon, seizing hold of more arrows, reciting sacred incantations and making use of the missile presided over by Rudra and stretching his bow, the valiant Rama of great splendour was filled with anger and released those arrows.
te mahAmeghasa~NkAshe kavache patitAH sharAH || 6-99-37
avadhye rAkShasendrasya na vyathAn janayanstadA |
37. te sharaaH= those arrows; patitaaH= which fell; avadhye kavache= on the unbreakable armour; raakShasendrasya= of Ravana; mahaameghasamkaasha= looking like a great cloud; na janayan= could not generate; vyathaam= any pain; tadaa= at that time.
Fallen on the unbreakable armour of Ravana, which looked like a large cloud, those arrows could not cause any pain to him at that time.
punarevAtha tan rAmo rathasthaM rAkShasAdhipam || 6-99-38
lalATe paramAstreNa sarvAstrakushaloabhinat |
38. atha= then; raamaH= Rama; sarvaastra kushalaH= who was skilled in the use of all types of mystic missiles; abhinat= sank; lalaaTe= in the forehead; punareva= yet again; paramaastreNa= by a paramount missile; tam raakShasaadhipam= that Ravana; rathastham= seated in his chariot.
Rama, who was skilled in the use of all types of mystic missiles, forthwith pierced in the forehead, yet again by a paramount missile, that Ravana seated in his chariot.
te bhittvA bANarUpANi pa~nchashIrShA ivoragAH || 6-99-39
shvasanto vivishurbhUmin rAvaNapratikUlatAH |
39. bhitvaa= having pierced; baaNaruupaaNi= the frames of arrows (of Ravana); te= the arrows of Rama; vivishuH= penetrated; paN^cha shiirShaa shvasantaH uragaaH iva= like five-headed hissing serpents; bhuumim= into the earth; raavaNa pratikuulitaaH= when rebuffed by Ravana.
Having pierced the frames of arrows of Ravana, Rama's arrows penetrated like five-headed hissing serpents into the earth, when rebuffed by Ravana.
nihatya rAghavasyAstran rAvaNaH krodhamUrchhitaH || 6-99-40
Asuran sumahAghoramanyadastraM samAdade |
40. nihatya raaghavasya astram= striking down Rama's missile; saH raavaNaH= that Ravana; krodhamuurchhitaH= who was stupefied with anger; chakaara= employed; anyat sumahaaghoram= another exceedingly terrific; aasuram astram= missile presided over by demoniac forces.
Striking down Rama's missile, that Ravana, who was stupefied with anger, employed another exceedingly terrific missile presided over by demoniac forces.
sinhavyAghramukhAMshchAnyAnka~NkakAka mukhAnapi || 6-99-41
gR^idhrashyenamukhAMshchApi sR^igAlavadanAnstathA |
IhAmR^igamuhAMshchAnyAnvyAditAsyAnbhayAvahAn || 6-99-42
pa~nchAsyANllelihAnAMshcha sasarja nishitA~nsharAn |
41, 42. sasarja= (He) released; nishitaan= sharp; sharaan= arrows; simhavyaaghra mukhaan cha api= having the heads of lions and tigers; kaN^kakaakamukhaanapi= those of buzzards and crows; gR^idhrashyena mukhaamshchaapi= even of vultures and faloons; tathaa= and; shR^igaala vadanaan= those of jackal; iihaamR^igamukhaashchaapi= and wolves; vyaaditaasyaan= arrows with their months wide open; lehaanaamshcha= having the heads of venomous snakes; paaN^chaasyaan= with five heads; bhayaavahaan= bringing fear.
He released sharp arrows, having the heads of lions and tigers, those of buzzards and crows, even of vultures and faloons, as well as those of jackals and wolves, arrows with their mouths wide open, having the heads of venomous snakes with five heads, bringing fear.
sharAnkharamukhAMshchAnyAnvarAhamukhasansthitAn || 6-99-43
shvAnakukkuTavaktrAMshcha makarAshIviShAnanAn |
etAMshchAnyAMshcha mAyAbhiH sasarja nishitA~nsharAn || 6-99-44
rAmaM prati mahAtejAH kruddhaH sarpa iva shvasan |
43, 44. shvasan= hissing; sarpaH iva= like a serpent; kruddhaH= provoked to anger; (Ravana); mahaatejaaH= who was endowed with extraordinary energy; maayaavii= and conjuring tricks; sasarja= released; raamam prati= towards Rama; etaan= these; anyaan sharaan= and other arrows; kharamukhaan= having the heads of donkeys; varaahamukha samshritaan= those of boars; shvaana kukkuTa vaktraamshcha= dogs and cocks; makaraashiiviShaananaana= alligators and venomous snakes.
Hissing like a serpent provoked to anger Ravana who was endowed with extraordinary energy and conjuring tricks, released towards Rama these and other arrows, having the heads of donkeys, those of boars, dogs and cocks as also of alligators and venomous snakes.
AsureNa samAviShTaH soastreNa raghunandanaH || 6-99-45
sasarjAstraM mahotsAhaH pAvakaM pAvakopamaH |
45. saH raghupuN^gavaH= that Rama; mahotsaahaH= with a great strength; paavakopamaH= and equal to god of fire; samaaviShTaH= but possessed by; aasureNa astreNa= a missile presided over by demoniac forces; sasarja= released; paavakam astram= a missile presided over by the god of fire.
Possessed by a missile presided over by demoniac forces, that Rama endowed with a great strength and resembling the god of fire, released a missile presided over by the god of fire.
agnidIptamukhAnbANAnstathA sUryamukhAnapi || 6-99-46
chandrArdhachandravaktrAMshcha dhUmaketumukhAnapi |
grahanakShatravarNAMshcha maholkA mukhasansthitAn || 6-99-47
vidyujjihvopamAMshchAnyAnsasarja nishitA~nsharAn |
46. (Rama) sasarja= employed; tatra= there; vividhaan sharaan= various kinds of arrows; agnidiipta mukhaan baaNaan= some with heads bright as fire; suurya mukhaanapi= others with heads shining like the sun; chandraardhachandra vaktraan= the moon, the crescent, dhuumaketu mukhaanapi= a comet; grahanakShatra varNaamshcha= others shining like planets, lunar mansions; maholkaamukhasamsthitaan= and a huge meteor; vidyujjihvopamaan= and some resembling flashes of lightning.
Rama employed there, various kinds of arrows, with heads bright as fire, others with heads shining like the sun, the moon, the crescent, a comet, others shining like planets, lunar mansions and a huge meteor and some arrows resembling flashes of lightning.
te rAvaNasharA ghorA rAghavAstrasamAhatAH || 6-99-48
vilayan jagmurAkAshe jagmushchaiva sahasrashaH |
48. raaghavaastra samaahataaH= struck by the missile of Rama; te= those; ghoraaH= terrific; raavaNasharaaH= arrows of Ravana; jagmuH= got; vilayam= destroyed; aakaashe= in the sky; jagmuH= and fell; sahasrashaH= in thousands of pieces.
Struck by Rama's missile, the terrific arrows of Ravana got destroyed in the sky and fell down in thousands of pieces.
tadastraM nihatan dR^iShTvA rAmeNAkliShTakarmaNA || 6-99-49
hR^iShTA nedustataH sarve kapayaH kAmarUpiNaH |
sugriivaabhimukhaa viiraaH saMparikShipya raagavam || 6-99-50
49, 50. hR^iShTaaH dR^iShTvaa= rejoiced to see; tat astram= that missile; nihatam= struck down; raameNa= by Rama; akliShTakarmaNaa= who was unweary in action; sarve viiraaH kapayaH= all the valiant monkeys; kaama ruupiNaH= who were capable of changing their form at will; tataH= then; neduH= raised a clamour; samparikShipya= encompassing; raamam= Rama; sugriivaabhi mukhaaH= facing Sugreeva.
Rejoiced to see that missile struck down by Rama, who was unweary in action, all the valiant monkeys, who were capable of changing their form at will, then encompassing Rama, raised a clamour, facing Sugreeva.
tatastadastraM vinihatya raaghavaH |
prasahya tadraavaNabaahuniHsR^itam |
mudaanvito daasharathirmahaatmaa |
vinedurucchairmuditaaH kapiishvaraa || 6-99-51
51. vinihatya= striking down; prasahya= with force; tat= that; astram= missile; tadraavaNabaahuniHsR^itam= which came forth from the hands of that Ravana; mahaatmaa= the great souled; daasharathiH= Rama; tataH= then; mudaa anvitaH= was filled with joy; muditaiH= full of joy; vineduH uchchaiH= shouted loudly.
Striking down with force that missile which came forth from Ravana's arms, the great-souled Rama, then was filled with rejoice while the chiefs of monkeys, full f joy, shouted loudly.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe ekonashatatamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 99th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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