
Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War
Chapter [Sarga] 50
Observing Vibhishana to be the cause of panic created among the monkeys, Sugreeva asks Jambavan to restore the confidence of monkeys. Jambavan then ressures the monkeys. Vibhishana also feels distressed on perceiving the bodies of Rama and Lakshmana lying unconscious on the ground. Sugreeva consoles and convinces Ravana that Rama and Lakshmana will regain consiousness. Meanwhile, Garuda the King of Birds, makes his appearance on the scene and liberates Rama and Lakshmana from their bondage. |
atha uvaaca mahaa tejaa hari raajo mahaa balaH |
kim iyam vyathitaa senaa muuDha vaataa iva naur jale || 6-50-1
kim iyam vyathitaa senaa muuDha vaataa iva naur jale || 6-50-1
1. atha= then; hariraajaH= Sugreeva, the king of monkeys, mahaatejaH= having a great splendour; mahaabalaH= and a mighty prowess; uvaacha= spoke; (as follows); kim= why; iyam senaa= is this army; vyathitaa= agitated; nouH iva= like a ship; muuDhavaateva= driven out of its course; jale= in water.
Meanwhile, Sugreeva the king of Monkeys, possessing a great splendour and a mighty power, enquired saying, "Why is this army agitated, like a ship driven out of its course in water?"
sugriivasya vacah shrutvaa vaali putro angado abraviit |
na tvam pashyasi raamam ca lakSmaNam ca mahaa balam || 6-50-2
shara jaala aacitau viiraav ubhau dasharatha aatmajau |
shara talpe mahaatmaanau shayaanaau rudhira ukSitau || 6-50-3
na tvam pashyasi raamam ca lakSmaNam ca mahaa balam || 6-50-2
shara jaala aacitau viiraav ubhau dasharatha aatmajau |
shara talpe mahaatmaanau shayaanaau rudhira ukSitau || 6-50-3
2, 3. shrutvaa= hearing; vachaH= the words; sugriivasya= of Sugreeva; aN^gadaH= Angada; vaaliputraH= the son of Vali; abraviit= replied (as follows); tvam na pasyasi= do you not see; mahaatmanau= the high-souled; raamam= Rama; lakSmaNam cha= and Lakshmana; mahaaratham= the great charioteer; viirau uboau= the two valiant; dasharathaatmajau= sons of Dasaratha; sharajaalachitau= covered with darts; shayanau= lying; rudhirokSitau= all bloody; sharatalpe= in a bed of arrows.
Hearing the words of Sugreeva, Angada the son of Vali replied, saying "Do you not see the high-souled Rama and Lakshmana of the great chariot, those two valiant sons of Dasaratha covered with darts lying all bloody in a bed of arrows?"
atha abraviid vaanara indrah sugriivah putram angadam |
na animittam idam manye bhavitavyam bhayena tu || 6-50-4
na animittam idam manye bhavitavyam bhayena tu || 6-50-4
4. atha= thereupon; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; vaanarendraH= the Lord of Monkeys; abraviit= said; putram= to his son; aN^gadam= Angaa; na manya= I do not think; idam= this; animittam= to be without any reason; bhavitavyam= there must be; bhayena= (some) danger (ahead).
Thereupon, Sugreeva the Lord of Monkeys said to his son Angada: "To my mind, there is some othere cause why the monkeys are bewildereed. There must be some danger ahead."
viSaNNa vadanaa hy ete tyakta praharaNaa dishaH |
prapalaayanti harayas traasaad utphulla locanaaH || 6-50-5
prapalaayanti harayas traasaad utphulla locanaaH || 6-50-5
5. atra= here; ete= these; harayaH= monkeys; palaayante= are running away; dishaH= in all directions; utphulla lochanaaH= with their eyes distended; traasaat= with terror; tyakta praharaNaaH= throwing down their arms; viSaNNavadanaaH= and looking dejected.
"Here, these monkeys are runnng away in all directions, with their eyes distended with terror, throwing down their arms and looking dejected."
anyonyasya na lajjante na niriikSanti pR^iSThataH |
viprakarSanti ca anyonyam patitam langhayanti ca || 6-50-6
viprakarSanti ca anyonyam patitam langhayanti ca || 6-50-6
6. na lajjante= (They) are not ashamed; anyanyasya= of one another; na niriikSanti= they are not looking; pR^iSThataH= behind them; viprakarSanti= (They) are jotling; anyonyam= each other; laN^ghayanti cha= and leaping over; patitam= those who have fallen.
"They are not ashamed of one another. They are not looking behind than even. They are jostling each other and leaping over those who have fallen."
etasminn antare viiro gadaa paaNir vibhiiSaNaH |
sugriivam vardhayaam aasa raaghavam ca niraikSata || 6-50-7
sugriivam vardhayaam aasa raaghavam ca niraikSata || 6-50-7
7. etasmin antare= In the meanwhile; viiraH= the valiant; vibhiiSaNaH= Vibhishana; gadaapaaNiH= wielding a mace in his hand; (came there); vardhayaamaasa= and cheered; sugriiva= Sugreeva; raaghavam cha= and Rama (saying); jayaashiSaa= Victory to Rama! Victory to Rama!
In the midst of this turmoil, the valiant Vibhishana, wielding a mace in his hand came there and cheered Sugreeva and Rama saying "Victory to Rama! Victory to Rama!."
vibhiiSaNam tam sugriivo dR^iSTvaa vaanara bhiiSaNam |
R^ikSa raajam samiipastham jaambavantam uvaaca ha || 6-50-8
R^ikSa raajam samiipastham jaambavantam uvaaca ha || 6-50-8
8. dR^iSTvaa= observing; vibhiiSaNam= Vibhishana; vaanara bhiiSaNam= who had caused panic among the monkeys; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; uvaacha ha= spoke; mahaatmaanam= to the illustrious; R^ikSaraajam= Jambavan the king of the bears; samiipastham= who stood near; (as follows):
Observing Vibhishana to be the cause of panic among the monkeys, Sugreeva spoke to the illustrious Jambavan the king of Bears who stood near (as follows):
vibhiiSaNo ayam sampraapto yam dR^iSTvaa vaanara R^iSabhaaH |
vidravanti paritrastaa raavaNa aatmaja shankayaa || 6-50-9
vidravanti paritrastaa raavaNa aatmaja shankayaa || 6-50-9
9. ayam= this; vibhiiSaNaH= Vibhishana; sampraaptaH= has come; dR^iSTvaa= on seeing; yam= him; vaanararSabhaaH= the foremost of monkeys; aayata santraasaaH= seized with terror; dravanti= have fled; raavaNaatmaja shaNkayaa= deeming him to be Indrajit, Ravana's son.
"It is Vibhishana who has come here. On seeing him, the foremost of monkeys seized with terror have fled, deeming him to be Indrajit, Ravana's son."
shiighram etaan suvitrastaan bahudhaa vipradhaavitaan |
paryavasthaapaya aakhyaahi vibhiiSaNam upasthitam || 6-50-10
paryavasthaapaya aakhyaahi vibhiiSaNam upasthitam || 6-50-10
10. paryavasthaapaya= you reassemble; etaan= those monkeys; bhiighram= immediately; susantrastaan= who, in fear; vipradhaavitaan= have scattered; bahudhaa= in many directions; aakhyaahi= and inform (them); vibhiiSaNam= (that it is Vibhishana; upasthitam= who has come!.
"You reassemble those monkeys immediately, who in fear have scattered in many directions and inform them that it is Vibhishana who has come!"
sugriiveNa evam uktas tu jaambavaan R^ikSa paarthivaH |
vaanaraan saantvayaam aasa samnivartya prahaavataH || 6-50-11
vaanaraan saantvayaam aasa samnivartya prahaavataH || 6-50-11
11. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; sugriiveNa= by Sugreeva; jaambavaan= Jambavan; R^ikSa paarthivaH= the king of Bears; nivartya vaanaraan pradhaavataH= made monkeys, who were fleeing, to turn back; saantvayaamaasa= and reassured (them).
Thus spoken by Sugreeva, Jambavan the king of Bears called the fugitive monkeys back and restored them to confidence.
te nivR^ittaah punah sarve vaanaraas tyakta sambhramaaH |
R^ikSa raaja vacah shrutvaa tam ca dR^iSTvaa vibhiiSaNam || 6-50-12
R^ikSa raaja vacah shrutvaa tam ca dR^iSTvaa vibhiiSaNam || 6-50-12
12. shrutvaa= hearing; R^iSaraaja vachaH= the words of Jambavan the king of Bears; sarve= all; te vaanaraaH= those monkeys; dR^iSTvaa= on seeing; tam= that; vibhiiSaNam= Vibhishana; punaH nivR^ittaaH= retraced their steps; tyakta saadhvasaah= shaking off their fear.
Hearing the words of Jambavan the king of Bears, all those monkeys, on perceiving Vibhishana, retraced their steps, shaking off their fear.
vibhiiSaNas tu raamasya dR^iSTvaa gaatram sharaish citam |
lakSmaNasya ca dharma aatmaa babhuuva vyathita indriyaH || 6-50-13
lakSmaNasya ca dharma aatmaa babhuuva vyathita indriyaH || 6-50-13
13. dharmaatmaa= the virtuous; vibhiiSaNastu= Vibhishana; tadaa= then; dR^iSTvaa= on beholding; raamasya= Rama's; gaatram= body; lakSmaNasya= as also of Lakshmana's chitam= covered; sharaiH= with arrows; babhuuva= became; vyathitaH= distressed.
Meanwhile, the virtuous Vibhishana, on beholding Rama's body as also of Lakshmana's covered with arrows, felt distressed.
jala klinnena hastena tayor netre pramR^ijya ca |
shoka sampiiDita manaa ruroda vilalaapa ca || 6-50-14
shoka sampiiDita manaa ruroda vilalaapa ca || 6-50-14
14. vimR^ijya cha= washing; tayoH= their; netre= eyes; hastena= with his hands; jalaklinnena= dipped in water; ruroda= (Vibhishana) began to weap; shoka sampiiDitamanaaH= with anguish seizing his heart; vilalaapa cha= and lamented (saying).
Washing their eyes with his hands dipped in water, Vibhishana began to weap, with anguish seizing his heart and lamented, saying:
imau tau sattva sampannau vikraantau priya samyugau |
imaam avasthaam gamitau raakasaih kuuTa yodhibhiH || 6-50-15
imaam avasthaam gamitau raakasaih kuuTa yodhibhiH || 6-50-15
15. imau= these two; tau= who are; sattvasampannau= powerful; vikraantau= and valiant; priya samgamau= warriors; gamitau= have been brought; imaam= to this; avasthaam= state; raakSasaiH= by the demons; kuuTayodhibhiH= the treacherous combatants.
"These two powerful and valiant warrriors have been brought tot his state by the demons, the treacherous combatants."
bhraatuH putreNa me tena duSputreNa duraatmanaa |
raakSasyaa jihmayaa buddhyaa chalitaav R^iju vikramau || 6-50-16
raakSasyaa jihmayaa buddhyaa chalitaav R^iju vikramau || 6-50-16
16. bhreatR^iputreNa= son of my brother; duSputreNa= that wicked youth; duraatmanaa= of perverse soul; raakSasyaa= in his demoniacal; jihmayaa buddhyaa= cunning mind; vaN^chitau= has deceived; R^ijuvikramau= those two honourable fighters.
"The son of my brother, that wicked youth of perverse soul in his demoniac cunning mind, has decived those two honourable fighters."
sharair imaav alam viddhau rudhireNa samukSitau |
vasudhaayaam ima suptau dR^ishyete shalyakaav iva || 6-50-17
vasudhaayaam ima suptau dR^ishyete shalyakaav iva || 6-50-17
17. imau= these two (Rama and Lakshmana) viddhau= struck, alam= badly; sharaiH= by arrows; samukSitau= covered; rudhireNa= with blood; suptau= and lying; vasudhaayaam= on the earth; dR^ishyete= are appearing; shalyakaaviva= like two porcupines.
"These two warriors, Rama and Lakshmana, who were struck badly by arrows and covered with blood are lying on the earth, like two porcupines."
yayor viiryam upaashritya pratiSThaa kaankSitaa mayaa |
taav ubhau deha naashaaya prasuptau puruSa R^iSabhau || 6-50-18
taav ubhau deha naashaaya prasuptau puruSa R^iSabhau || 6-50-18
18. imau= these; puraSarSabhau= two lions among men; yayau= on whom aashritya= depended; pratiSThaa= the position; kaaNkSitaa= aspired; mayaa= by me; tau= they as such; prasuptau= are lying insensible; dehanaashaaya= waiting for the dissolution of the body.
"These two lions among men, on whom depended the positon aspired by me, are lying insensible, waiting for the dissolution of the body."
jiivann adya vipanno asmi naSTa raajya mano rathaH |
praapta pratijnash ca ripuh sakaamo raavaNah kR^itaH || 6-50-19
praapta pratijnash ca ripuh sakaamo raavaNah kR^itaH || 6-50-19
19. naSTaraajyamanorathaH= deprived of the hope of becoming king; adya= now; asmi= I am; vipannaH= dead; jiivannapi= even if survinving, ripuH= (while) my rival; raavaNaH= Ravana; praapta pratijJNaH= sees his vow fulfilled; kR^itaH= and gets; sakaamaashcha= his desires realised.
"Deprived of the hope now of becoming a king, I am as one dead, eventhough surviving; while my rival Ravana sees his vow fulfilled and gets his desires realised."
evam vilapamaanam tam pariSvajya vibhiiSaNam |
sugriivaH sattva sampanno hari raajo abraviid idam || 6-50-20
sugriivaH sattva sampanno hari raajo abraviid idam || 6-50-20
20. sugriivaH= Sugreeva; sattva sampannaH= the magnanimous; hariraajaH= king of the Monkeys; pariSvajya= having embraced; tam vibhiiSaNam= that Vibhishana; evam= thus; vilapamaanam= lamenting; abraviit= spoke; idam= these words.
Then, Sugreeva the magnanimous King of Monkeys embraced that Vibhishana thus lamenting and spoke the following words:
raajyam praapsyasi dharmajna lankaayaam na atra samshayaH |
raavaNaH saha putreNa sa raajyam na iha lapsyate || 6-50-21
raavaNaH saha putreNa sa raajyam na iha lapsyate || 6-50-21
21. dharmajJNa= O, knower of what is right!; praapsyasi= you shall obtain; raajyam= the kingdom; laN^kaayaam= in Lanka; na= there is no; samshayaH= double; atra= in this matter; raavaNaH= Ravana; na lapsyate= will not fulfil; svakaamam= their desire; iha= now.
"O, knower of what is right! You shall certainly reign over Lanka. Ravana and his son will not acheive their purpose."
na rujaapiiDitaav etaav ubhau raaghava lakSmaNau |
tyaktvaa moham vadhiSyete sagaNam raavaNam raNe || 6-50-22
tyaktvaa moham vadhiSyete sagaNam raavaNam raNe || 6-50-22
22. etau= these; ubhau= two; raaghavalakSmanau= Rama and Lakshmana; na piiDitau= are not badly off; rujaa= with injury; tyaktvaa= giving up; moham= their swoon; vadhiSyete= they will destroy; raavaNam= Ravana; sagaNam= with his hordes; raNe= in battle.
"The injury done to Rama and Lakshmana is not grave. Emerging from their swoon, they will destroy Ravana with his hordes in battles."
tam evam saantvayitvaa tu samaashvaasya ca raakSasam |
suSeNam shvashuram paarshve sugriivas tam uvaaca ha || 6-50-23
suSeNam shvashuram paarshve sugriivas tam uvaaca ha || 6-50-23
23. saantvayitvaa= consoling; samaashvaasya= and convincing; tam raakSasam= that Vibhishana; evam= in this way; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; uvaacha= spoke; tam suSeNam= to that Sushena; shvashuram= his father-in-law; paarshve= who was on his side.
Consoling and convincing Vibhishana thus, Sugreeva spoke to Sushena, his father-in-law, who was on his side (as follows):
saha shuurair hari gaNair labdha samjnaav arim damau |
gaccha tvam bhraatarau gR^ihya kiSkindhaam raama lakSmaNau || 6-50-24
gaccha tvam bhraatarau gR^ihya kiSkindhaam raama lakSmaNau || 6-50-24
24. gR^ihya= taking; bhraatarau= these two brothers; raamalakSmaNau= Rama and Lakshmana; harigaNaiH= with the troops of monkeys; shuuraiH= who ar strong; tvam= you; gachha= go; kiSkindhaam= to Kinshkinda; arindamau= till these two scourgers of their foes; labdha sanjJNau= have recovered their consciouness.
"Taking these two brothers, Rama and Lakshmana with the troops of monkeys who are strong, you go to Kishkindha, till these two scourgers of their foes have recovered their consciousness."
aham tu raavaNam hatvaa saputram saha baandhavam |
maithiliim aanayiSyaami shakro naSTaam iva shriyam || 6-50-25
maithiliim aanayiSyaami shakro naSTaam iva shriyam || 6-50-25
25. aham tu= as for me; hatvaa= slaying; raavaNam= Ravana; saputram= with his son; saha baandhavam= and his relatives; aanayiSyaami= I shall bring back; maithiliim= Seetha; shakraH iva= as did Indra the Lord of celestials; shriyam= the prosperity; naSTaam= he had lost.
"As for me, I shall slay Ravana with his son and his relatives and bring back Seetha as did Indra the Lord of celestials, the prosperity he had lost."
shrutvaa etad vaanara indrasya suSeNo vaakyam abraviit |
deva asuram mahaa yuddham anubhuutam sudaaruNam || 6-50-26
deva asuram mahaa yuddham anubhuutam sudaaruNam || 6-50-26
26. shrutvaa= hearing; etatvaakyam= these words; vaanarendrasya= of Sugreeva; suSeNaH= Sushena; abraviit= spoke (as follows); sudaaruNam= a highly terrific; mahat= and great; yuddham= was; daivaasuram= between celestials and demons; anubhuutam= was perceived by me.
"Hearing the words of Sugreeva, Sushena replied as followers: " A highly terrific and great was between celestials and demons was perceived by me."
tadaa sma daanavaa devaan shara samsparsha kovidaaH |
nijaghnuH shastra viduSash chaadayanto muhur muhuH || 6-50-27
nijaghnuH shastra viduSash chaadayanto muhur muhuH || 6-50-27
27. chhaadayantaH= by making themselves invisible; muhurmuhuH= again and again; tadaa= at that time; daanavaaH= the demons; sharasamsparsha koridaaH= skilled in the use of arrows; nijaghuuH= overcame; devaan= the gods; shastraviduSaH= (despite) their skill in bearing arms.
"By making themselves invisible again and again, the demons skilled in the use of arrows overcame the celestials despite their skill in bearing arms."
taan aartaan naSTa samjnaamsh ca para asuumsh ca bR^ihaspatiH |
vidhyaabhir mantra yuktaabhir oSadhiibhish cikitsati || 6-50-28
vidhyaabhir mantra yuktaabhir oSadhiibhish cikitsati || 6-50-28
28. taan= to those celstials; aartaan= who were injured; naSTasamjJNaan= who have lost consciousness; gataasuumshcha= and who (almost) lost their lives; bR^ihaspatiH= Brihaspati; chikitsati= treated (them); vidyaabhiH= with his spells; mantrayuktaabhiH= comprising of sacred formulas; oSadhiibhiH= and herbs.
"To those celestials who were wounded, unconscious and almost deprived of life, Brihaspati treated them by the aid of herbs accompanied by his spells of sacred formulas."
taany auSadhaany aanayitum kSiira udam yaantu saagaram |
javena vaanaraah shiighram sampaati panasa aadayaH || 6-50-29
javena vaanaraah shiighram sampaati panasa aadayaH || 6-50-29
29. vaanaraaH= (Let) the monkeys; sampaati panasaadayaH= Sampati, panasa and others; yaantu= go; shiighram= quickly; javena= with speed; saagaram= to the ocean, kSirodam= of milk; aanayitum= to bring; taani= those; ouSadhaani= herbs.
"Let the monkeys Sampati, Panasa and others go quickly in speed, to the ocean of milk, to bring those herbs."
harayas tu vijaananti paarvatii te mahaa oSadhii |
samjiiva karaNiim divyaam vishalyaam deva nirmitaam || 6-50-30
samjiiva karaNiim divyaam vishalyaam deva nirmitaam || 6-50-30
30. harayaH= these monkeys; vijaananti= are conversant with; taaH= those; paarvaatiiH= mountainous; mahouSadhiiH= efficacious herbs; divyaam= the celestial; samjiivakaraNiim= Samjivakarani; vishalyaam= and Vishalya; devanirmitaam= which were created by a God.
"These monkeys are conversant with those efficacious mountianous herbs - the celestial Sanjivakarani and Vishalya, which were created by a God."
candrasH ca naama droNash ca parvatau saagara uttame |
amR^itam yatra mathitam tatra te parama oSadhii || 6-50-31
amR^itam yatra mathitam tatra te parama oSadhii || 6-50-31
31. kSirode= from the bosom of the milky ocean; saagarottame= the best of oceans; (rise the mountains); naama= called; chnadrashcha= Chandra; droNashcha= and Drona; yatra= where; amR^itam= the ambrosia; mathitam= was churned; te= those aparamauSadhii= excellent herbs; tatra= are here.
"In the bosom of the milky ocean the best of oceans, rise the mountains called Chandra and Drona, where the ambrosia was formerly churned. These two excellent herbs exist there."
tau tatra nihite devaiH parvate parama oSadhii |
ayam vaayu suto raajan hanuumaams tatra gacchatu || 6-50-32
ayam vaayu suto raajan hanuumaams tatra gacchatu || 6-50-32
32. mahodadhau= In that vast ocean; vihitau= were built; viihitau= and fixed; tau parvatau= those mountains; devaiH= by the celestials; raajan= O, King!; ayam= (Let) this; hanuumaan= Hanuman; vaayusutaH= the son of wind-god; gachhatu= go; tatra= there.
"The celestials place dthose two mountain in the vast sea. O, King! Let Hanuman the son of Wind-God go there."
etasminn antare vaayur meghaamsh ca api savidyutaH |
paryasyan saagare toyam kampayann iva parvataan || 6-50-33
paryasyan saagare toyam kampayann iva parvataan || 6-50-33
33. etasmin antare= In the mean-time; vaayuH= a (great) wind (arose); savidyutaH meghaamshchaapi= accompanied by massed clouds and lightning; paryasyan= whipping up; toyam= the salty waves; saagare= in the ocean; kampayanniva parvataan= causing the mountains to tremble as from an earthquake.
In the meantime, a great wind arose, accompanied by massed clouds and lightning, whipping up the salty waves in the ocean, causing the mountains to tremble as from an earthquake.
mahataa pakSa vaatena sarve dviipa mahaa drumaaH |
nipetur bhagna viTapaaH samuulaa lavaNa ambhasi || 6-50-34
nipetur bhagna viTapaaH samuulaa lavaNa ambhasi || 6-50-34
34. sarvadviipa mahaadrumaaH= large trees situated in all the sand-banks; bhagnaviTapaaH= had their branches broken; mahataa pakSavaatena= by the mighty stroke of vata's wing; nipetuH= and fell; lavaNa salile= in the briny water; ambhasi= of the ocena.
"Large trees on the sand-banks had their branches broken by the mighty stroke of Vata's wings and fell headlong into the briny waters of the ocean."
abhavan pannagaas trastaa bhoginas tatra vaasinaH |
shiighram sarvaaNi yaadaamsi jagmush ca lavaNa arNavam || 6-50-35
shiighram sarvaaNi yaadaamsi jagmush ca lavaNa arNavam || 6-50-35
35. pannagaaH= the snakes; abhavan= became; trastaaH= frightened; bhoginaH= the snakes; vaasinaH= living; tatra= there; sarvaaNi= and all; yaadaamsi= marine animals; jagmuH= wnet; shiighram= quickly; lavaNaarNavam= to the briny ocean.
"The snakes became frightened. The snakes inhabiting there and all the marine animals plunged quickly into the briny ocean."
tato muhuurtad garuDam vainateyam mahaa balam |
vaanaraa dadR^ishuH sarve jvalantam iva paavakam || 6-50-36
vaanaraa dadR^ishuH sarve jvalantam iva paavakam || 6-50-36
36. tataH= thereupon; sarve= all; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; dadR^ishaH= saw; muhuurtaat= within a moment; mahaabalam= a mighty; garuDam= Garuda the eagle; vainateyam= the son of Vinata; jvalantam paavakam iva= like unto a blzing torch.
Thereupon, all the monkeys saw within a moment, a mighty eagle, Garuda, the son of Vinata, like unto a blazing torch.
tam aagatam abhiprekSya naagaas te vipradudruvuH |
yais tau sat puruSau baddhau shara bhuutair mahaa balau || 6-50-37
yais tau sat puruSau baddhau shara bhuutair mahaa balau || 6-50-37
37. te= those; naagaaH= serpents; mahaabalaiH= of mighty prowess; sharabhuutaiH= which became arrows; yaiH= by whom; tau= those two; puruSau= Rama and Lakshman; baddhau= were fastened; prekSya= beholding; tam= that Garuda the eagle; aagatam= which came; sampradudruvaH= fled away.
On beholding Garuda the eagle which came there, the serpants who bound those two warriors Rama and Lakshmana in the form of mighty arrows, fled away.
tataH suparNah kaakutsthau dR^iSTvaa pratyabhinandya ca |
vimamarsha ca paaNibhyaam mukhe candra sama prabhe || 6-50-38
vimamarsha ca paaNibhyaam mukhe candra sama prabhe || 6-50-38
38. tataH= thereupon; suparNaH= Garuda, the eagle; spR^iSTvaa= coming into contact with; kaakutthsau= Rama and Lakshman; pratyabhinandya cha= and greeting them; paaNibhyaam= and with his hands; vimamarshacha= caressly touched; mukhe= their faces; chandra samaprabhe= which were readiant like the moon.
Thereupon, Garuda the eagle, coming into contact iwth Rama and Lakshmana d offering them his good wishes, with his hands caressly touched their faces that were radiant like the moon.
vainateyena samspR^iSTaas tayoh samruruhur vraNaaH |
suvarNe ca tanuu snigdhe tayor aashu babhuuvatuH || 6-50-39
suvarNe ca tanuu snigdhe tayor aashu babhuuvatuH || 6-50-39
39. tayoH= their; vraNaaH= wounds; samspR^iSTaaH= touched; vainateya= by Garuda the eagel; samruhuH= were healed; tayoH= their; tanuu= bodies; aashu= soon; babhuuvatuH= became; snigdhe= smooth; suuarNecha= and well-rounded.
Their wounds, touched by Garuda the eagle, were healed. Their bodies soon became smooth and well-rounded.
tejo viiryam balam ca oja;utsaahash ca mahaa guNaaH |
pradarshanam ca buddhish ca smR^itish ca dviguNam tayoH || 6-50-40
pradarshanam ca buddhish ca smR^itish ca dviguNam tayoH || 6-50-40
40. tayoH= their; tejah= lustre; viiryam= valour; utsaahasya= strength; endurance and resolution; mahaaguNaaH= those great qualitites; pradarshanam= (also) their perspicacity; buddhishcha= intelligence; smR^itishcha= and memory; dviguNam= were re-doubled.
Their lustre, valour, strength, endurance and resolution, those great qualities, also their perspicacity, intelligence and memory were re-doubled.
taav utthaapya mahaa viiryau garuDo vaasava upamau |
ubhau tau sasvaje hR^iSTau raamash ca enam uvaaca ha || 6-50-41
ubhau tau sasvaje hR^iSTau raamash ca enam uvaaca ha || 6-50-41
41. utthaapya= lifting; tau= them; ubhau= both; vaasavopamau= who wee like Indra; mahaatejaaH= the highly majestic; garudaH= Garuda the eagle; sasvaje= embraced (them_; raamashcha= Rama also; hR^iSTaH= being plased; uvaachha= spoke; enam= to him (as follows)
Lifting them up both who were like Indra, the highly majestic Garuda the eagle embraced them. Rama also, being pleased, spoke to him (as follows):
bhavat prasaadaad vyasanam raavaNi prabhavam mahat |
aavaam iha vyatikraantau shiighram ca balinau kR^itau || 6-50-42
aavaam iha vyatikraantau shiighram ca balinau kR^itau || 6-50-42
42. iha= now; bhavat prasaadaat= by you grace; aavaam= we both; vyatikraanto= have crossed over; mahat= a great; vyasanam= diaster; raavaNi prabhavam= created by Inrajit, the son of Ravana; kR^itau= we have been made; balinau= stron; puurvaivat= as before.
"Now, by your grace, we both have overcome a great disaster created by Indrajit the son of Ravana. We have been made strong as before."
yathaa taatam dasharatham yathaa ajam ca pitaamaham |
tathaa bhavantam aasaadya hR^iSayam me prasiidati || 6-50-43
tathaa bhavantam aasaadya hR^iSayam me prasiidati || 6-50-43
43. aasaadya= by meeting; bhavantam= you; me= my; hR^idayam= heart; prasiidati= is gladdened; yathaa tathaa= i the same manner; yathaa= as (meeting); dasharatham= Dasaratha; taatam= my father; yathaa= and as (meeting); ajamcha= Aja; pitaamaham= my paternal grandfather.
"By meeting you thus, my heart is gladdened in the same manner as I am meeting Dasaratha, my fatehr and Aja, my paternal grandfather."
ko bhavaan ruupa sampanno divya srag anulepanaH |
vasaano viraje vastre divya aabharaNa bhuuSitaH || 6-50-44
vasaano viraje vastre divya aabharaNa bhuuSitaH || 6-50-44
44. kaH= who; bhavaan= are you; ruupasampannaH= the one enowed with beauty; divyasraganulepanaH= having blissful garlands and anointments; vasaanaH= wearing; viraje= clean; vastre= garments; divyaabharaNa bhuuSitaH= and adorned with divine ornaments?
"Who are you, the one endowed with beauty, having blissful garlands and anointments, wearing clean garments and adorned iwth divine ornaments?"
tam uvaaca mahaa tejaa vainateyo mahaa balaH |
patatri raajah priita aatmaa harSa paryaakula iikSaNaH || 6-50-45
patatri raajah priita aatmaa harSa paryaakula iikSaNaH || 6-50-45
45. vainateyaH= Garuda the eagle; patattriraajaH= the king of Birds; mahaatejaH= the highly majestic; mahaabalah= and mighty (one); priitaatmaa= being plased in mind; harSaparyaakulekSaNaH= with his eyes widened in gladness; uvaacha= spoke; tam= to that Rama (as follows):
The highly majestic and the mighty Garuda the eagle, the King of Birds, with his eys widened in gladness and with a pleased heart, spoke to Rama as follows:
aham sakhaa te kaakutstha priyah praaNo bahish caraH |
garutmaan iha sampraapto yuvayoh saahya kaaraNaat || 6-50-46
garutmaan iha sampraapto yuvayoh saahya kaaraNaat || 6-50-46
46. kaakutstha= O, Rama!; te= to you; aham= I (am) priyaH= a beloved; sakhaa= friend; garutmaan= Garuda; bahischaraH praaNaH= dear as your own; moving outside; sampraaptaH= I came; iha= here; saahya kaaraNaat= for helping; yuvayoH= both of you.
"O, Rama! I am your dearest friend Garuda dear as your own breath moving outside I came here for the purpose of helping you, both."
asuraa vaa mahaa viiryaa daanavaa vaa mahaa balaaH |
suraasH ca api sagandharvaah puras kR^itya shata kratum || 6-50-47
nemam mokSayitum shaktaah shara bandham sudaaruNam |
maayaa balaad indrajitaa nirmitam kruura karmaNaa || 6-50-48
suraasH ca api sagandharvaah puras kR^itya shata kratum || 6-50-47
nemam mokSayitum shaktaah shara bandham sudaaruNam |
maayaa balaad indrajitaa nirmitam kruura karmaNaa || 6-50-48
47, 48. asuraaH vaa= either the demons; mahaaviiryaaH= the most valiant; vaanaraaH vaa= or hte monkeys; mahaabalaah= the exceedingly strong; suraashchaapi= or the celestials; sagandharvaaH= together with the celestial musicians; puraskR^itya= having in their front; shatakratum= devendera, the Lord of celestials; na shaktaaH= are not able; mokSayitum= to untie; imam= this; sudaaruNam= awfully terrific; sharabandham= entanglement of arrows; nirmitam= created; maayaabalaat= through his power of sorcery; indrajitaa= by Indrajit; kruura karmaNaa= of cruel deeds.
"Either the most valiant demons or the exceedingly strong monkeys or the celestials together with the celestial musicians having Devendra the Lord of celestials in their forefront are unable to untie this awfully terrific entanglement of arrows created through his power of sorcery by Indrajit of terrific deeds."
ete naagaah kaadraveyaas tiikSNa damSTraa viSa ulbaNaaH |
rakSo maayaa prabhaavena sharaa bhuutvaa tvad aashritaaH || 6-50-49
rakSo maayaa prabhaavena sharaa bhuutvaa tvad aashritaaH || 6-50-49
49. ete= these serpents; kaadraveyaaH= the sons of Kadru; tiikSNadamSTrau= with their sharp fangs; viSolbaNaaH= abundantly furnished iwth poison; bhuutvaa= became; sharaaH= arrows; rakSomaayaa prabhaaveNa= by the dint of sorcery by Indrajit the demon; tvadaashritaa= and took their base at you."
"These serpents, which took their base at, were none other than the sons of Kadru with their sharp fangs, abundantly filled with poison, transformed into arrows, by the dint of sorcery by Indrajit the demon."
sabhaagyasH ca asi dharmajna raama satya paraakrama |
lakSmaNena saha bhraatraa samare ripu ghaatinaa || 6-50-50
lakSmaNena saha bhraatraa samare ripu ghaatinaa || 6-50-50
50. dharmajJNa= the knower of righteousness; satyaparaakrama= andtrue to your promise!; lakSmaNena saha= along with Lakshmana; bhraatraa= your brother; shatrughaatinaa= the annihilator of enemies; asi= you have become; sabhaayyaH= fortunate; samare= in battle.
"O, Rama the knower of righeousness and true to your promise! You, along with your brother Lakshmana the annihilator of enemies, indeed are lucky."
imam shrutvaa tu vR^itta antam tvaramaaNo aham aagataH |
sahasaa yuvayoh snehaat sakhitvam anupaalayan || 6-50-51
sahasaa yuvayoh snehaat sakhitvam anupaalayan || 6-50-51
51. shrutvaa= hearing; imam= this; vR^ittaantam= incident; aham= I; aagataH= came; sahasaiva= soo; tvaramaaNaH= hastily; anupaalayan= duly cherishing; aavayoH= our; snchaat= love; sakhitvam= and frindship.
"Hearing about this incident, I have hastened all at once, duly cherishing the love and friendship (for you)."
mokSitau ca mahaa ghoraad asmaat saayaka bandhanaat |
apramaadasH ca kartavyo yuvaabhyaam nityam eva hi || 6-50-52
apramaadasH ca kartavyo yuvaabhyaam nityam eva hi || 6-50-52
52. mokSitau cha= you have been released; asmaat saayaka bandhanaat= from this shackle of arrows; mahaaghoraat= which was quite terrific; nityamevacha= a forever; apramaadaH= vigilance; kartavyaH= is to be maintained; yuvaabhyaam= by both of you.
"You have been released from this quite terrific shackle of arrows. Both of you should maintain vigilance, all the time."
prakR^ityaa raakSasaah sarve samgraame kuuTa yodhinaH |
shuuraaNaam shuddha bhaavaanaam bhavataam aarjavam balam || 6-50-53
shuuraaNaam shuddha bhaavaanaam bhavataam aarjavam balam || 6-50-53
53. prakR^itya= by name; sarve= all; raakSasaaH= the demons; kuuTayodhinaH= are treacherous fighters; saN^graame= the warriors; shuddhabhaavanaam= the pure-minded-ness; aarjavam= and the straight forwardness; balam= are the strength.
"All the demons by their very nature are treacherous fighters in battle. For you, the warriors, your pue-mindedness and straight forwardeness are the strengths."
tan na vishvasitavyam vo raakSasaanaam raNa ajire |
etena eva upamaanena nitya jihmaa hi raakSasaaH || 6-50-54
etena eva upamaanena nitya jihmaa hi raakSasaaH || 6-50-54
54. etena upamaanenaiva= by this example itself (of Indrajit); raakSasaaH= the demons; nityam= are alwasy; jihmaaH hi= indeed crooked-minded; tat= for that reason; na vishvasaneeyam= it is not be trusted' raakSasaanaam= in the case of demons; nah= by you; raNaajire= in the battle-field.
"What Indrajit has done, exemplifies how the demons are always crooked-minded. For this reason, you should not trust the demons in battle."
evam uktvaa tato raamam suparNah sumahaa balaH |
pariSvajya suhR^it snigdham aapraSTum upacakrame || 6-50-55
pariSvajya suhR^it snigdham aapraSTum upacakrame || 6-50-55
55. saH suparNaH= that Garuda; mahaabalaH= the mighty; uktvaa= having spoken; raamam= to Rama; evam= thus; tadaa= then; pariSvajya cha= and having embraced; susnigdham= affectionately; upachakrame= and began; aapraSTam= to take leave.
That mighty Garuda, having spoken thus to Rama then and having affectionately embraced him, began to take leave of him.
sakhe raaghava dharmajna ripuuNaam api vatsala |
abhyanujnaatum icchaami gamiSyaami yathaa aagatam || 6-50-56
abhyanujnaatum icchaami gamiSyaami yathaa aagatam || 6-50-56
56. raama= O, Rama; dharmajJNa= the knower of righteousness; vatsala= affectionate; ripuNaamapi= even towards the enemies; sakhe= and my friend!; ichhaami= I wish; abhyamjJNaatum= to take leave of you; gamiSyaami= I shall proceed; yathaasukham= happily.
"O, Rama the knower of piety, affectionate even towards your enemies and my dear fried! I wish to take leave of you." I shall proceed happily."
na cha kautuuhalam kaaryam sakhitvam prati kaaN^kSiNaa |
kR^itakarmaa raNe viira k\sakhitvam prativetsyasi || 6-50-57
kR^itakarmaa raNe viira k\sakhitvam prativetsyasi || 6-50-57
57. viira= O, hero!; na kaaryam= there is no need; kautuuhalam= for curiosity; kaaNKSiNaa= to wish to know; sakhitvam prati= about my friendship; kR^itakarmaa= after the act is accomplished; prativetsyasi= you will know; sakhitvam= about my friendship.
"O, hero! You need not be so curious to know the casue of my friendship. You will know of it, once you have accomplished success in battle."
baala vR^iddha avasheSaam tu lankaam kR^itvaa shara uurmibhiH |
raavaNam ca ripum hatvaa siitaam samupalapsyase || 6-50-58
raavaNam ca ripum hatvaa siitaam samupalapsyase || 6-50-58
58. kR^itvaa= by making; laN^kaam= Lanka; baala vR^iddhaavasheSam= a remnant land of children and the aged; sharornibhiH= under the flutter of your arrows; hatvaa= and by slaying; raavaNam= Ravana; ripum= the enemy; tvam= you; pratipatsyase= will bring back; siitaam= Seetha.
"When, under the flutter of your arrows, Lanka has been destroyed save for the aged and the children and you have slain Ravana,. your enemy, you will bring back Seetha."
ity evam uktvaa vacanam suparNah shiighra vikramaH |
raamam ca virujam kR^itvaa madhye teSaam vana okasaam || 6-50-59
pradakSiNam tatah kR^itvaa pariSvajya ca viiryavaan |
jagaama aakaasham aavishya suparNah pavano yathaa || 6-50-60
raamam ca virujam kR^itvaa madhye teSaam vana okasaam || 6-50-59
pradakSiNam tatah kR^itvaa pariSvajya ca viiryavaan |
jagaama aakaasham aavishya suparNah pavano yathaa || 6-50-60
59, 60. uktvaa= speaking; vachanam= these words; ityevam= in this way; suparNaH= Garuda suvarNaH= having beautiful wings; shiighravikramaH= with a swift flight; viiryavaan= possessing vigour; madhye= in the middle; teSaam= of those; vanaukasaam= monkeys; kR^itvaa= and by making; raamam= Rama; niirujam= painless; tataH= and thereafter; pradakSiNam kR^itvaa= making a circumambulation; pariSvajya= and embracing; aavishya= entering; aakaasham= the sky; pavanoyathaa= as a wind; jagaama= went away.
Having spoken thus, Garuda of swift flight, having beautiful wings, who had just healed Rama's wounds in the presence of monkeys, having paid obeisance presence of monkeys, having paid obeisance to him (by circumambulation) and taken him into his arms, entered the sky with the speed of the wind.
nirujau raaghavau dR^iSTvaa tato vaanara yuuthapaaH |
simha naadaams tadaa nedur laanguulam dudhuvush ca te || 6-50-61
simha naadaams tadaa nedur laanguulam dudhuvush ca te || 6-50-61
61. tataH= then; dR^iSTvaa= seeing; raaghavau= Rama and Lakshmana; niirujau= rid of pain; vaanara yuudhapaaH= the chiefs of monkeys; tadaa= then; neduH= howled; simha naadaan= like roars of lions; te= they; dudhuvushcha= lashed; laanguulam= their tail.
Seeing Rama and Lakshmana healed of their wounds, the cheifs of monkeys haowled like roars of lions and lashed their tails.
tato bheriiH samaajaghnur mR^idangaamsh ca vyanaadayan |
dadhmuH shankhaan samprahR^iSTaah kSvelanty api yathaa puram || 6-50-62
dadhmuH shankhaan samprahR^iSTaah kSvelanty api yathaa puram || 6-50-62
62. tataH= thereupon; (the monkeys); samaajaghnuH= beat; bheriiH= the gongs; avaadayan= resounded; mR^idaN^gaamshchaapi= the drums; dadhmuH= blew; shaN^khaan= the couches; kSvelantyapi= and jumped in joy; yathaapuram= as before.
Thereupon, gongs were beaten, drums resounded, and couches were blown amid jumping in joy of the monkeys as before.
aapare aasphoTya vikraantaa vaanaraa naga yodhinaH |
drumaan utpaaTya vividhaams tasthuh shata sahasrashaH || 6-50-63
drumaan utpaaTya vividhaams tasthuh shata sahasrashaH || 6-50-63
63. apare= some other; vikraantaaH= strong; vaanaraaH= monkeys; nagayodhinaH= who use trees as maces in battle; sphoTya= waving their arms; utpaaTya= uprooting; vividhaan= various kinds; shatasahasraH= of hundreds and thousands; drumaan= of trees; tasthuH= stood there.
Some other strong monkeys who use trees as maces in battle, waving their arms and uprooting hundreds and thousands of various trees, stood there, ready for the battle.
visR^ijanto mahaa naadaams traasayanto nishaa caraan |
lankaa dvaaraaNy upaajagmur yoddhu kaamaah plavam gamaaH || 6-50-64
lankaa dvaaraaNy upaajagmur yoddhu kaamaah plavam gamaaH || 6-50-64
64. visR^ijantaH= uttering; mahaanaadaan= great noises; traasayantaH= frightening; nishaacharan= the demons; yuddhakaamaaH= and desirous to fight; plavaNgamaaH= and desirous to fight; plavaNgamaaH= the monkeys; upaajagmuH= reached; lan^kaa dvaaraaNi= the gates of Lanka.
Uttering great noises, frightning the demons and desirous to fight, the monkeys reached the gates of Lanka.
tatas tu bhiimas tumulo ninaado tatas tu bhiimas tumulo ninaado |
babhuuva shaakhaa mR^iga yuuthapaanaam |
kSaye nidaaghasya yathaa ghanaanaam |
naadah subhiimo nadataam nishiithe || 6-50-65
babhuuva shaakhaa mR^iga yuuthapaanaam |
kSaye nidaaghasya yathaa ghanaanaam |
naadah subhiimo nadataam nishiithe || 6-50-65
65. subhiimaH= the highly terrific; tumulaH= and tumultuous; naadaH= sound; teshaam= of those; shaakhaa mR^iga yuuthapaanaam= leaders of the monkeys; babhuuvaH= arose; subhiimah naadaH yathaa= like the highly terrifying sound; nadataam ghanaanaam= of thunder-clouds; nishiidhe= in a mid-night; kSaye= at the end; nidaaghasya= of summer.
Thereafter, a highly terrible and tumuluous sound arose among the leaders of the monkeys, as, at the end of summer the roaring of thunder clouds in the mid-night.
ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe vaalmiikiiye aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe paJNchashaH sargaH
Thus completes 50th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.
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