
Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War
Chapter [Sarga] 86
On the advice of Vibhishana, Lakshmana releases a multiple of arrows towards Indrajit. A fight ensues between bears monkeys and demons. Hearing the terrible noise of the battle, Indrajit discontinues his sacrificial rite and enters the battle-field. Hanuma with trees as weapons, plays havoc among the demons and challenges Indrajit to a duel. Lakshmana catches sight of Indrajit, coming in his chariot. |
atha tasyaamavasthaayaaM lakShmaNaM raavaNaanujaH |
pareShaamahitaM vaakyamarthasaadhakamabraviit || 6-86-1
pareShaamahitaM vaakyamarthasaadhakamabraviit || 6-86-1
1. tasyaam avasthaayaam= In that situation; raavaNaanujaH= Vibhishana; atha= then; abraviit= spoke; vaakyam= (the following) words; ahitam= which were hostile; pareShaam= to the enemies; artha saadhakam= and which promoted an advantage (to Lakshmana).
In that situation, Vibhishana then spoke the following words, which were hostile to the enemies and advantageous to Lakshmana.
yadetadraakShasaaniikaM meghashyaamaM vilokyate |
etadaayodhyataaM shiigramM kapibhishcha shilaayudhaiH || 6-86-2
etadaayodhyataaM shiigramM kapibhishcha shilaayudhaiH || 6-86-2
2. yat yetat raakShasaaniikam== Let this army of demons; vilokyate= which is seen here; meghashyaamam= dark as a cloud; shiighram etat aayodhyataam= be quickly engaged in this battle; kapibhiH= by the monkeys; shilaayudhaiH= using rocks as their weapons.
"Let this army of demons which is seen here, dark as a cloud, be quickly engaged in battle, by the monkeys using rocks as thier weapons."
asyaaniikasya mahato bhedane yatalakShmaNa |
raakShasendrasuto.apyatra bhinne dR^ishyo bhaviShyati || 6-86-3
raakShasendrasuto.apyatra bhinne dR^ishyo bhaviShyati || 6-86-3
3. lakShmaNa= O Lakshmana!; yata= make an effort; bhedane= to break; asya mahataH aniikasya= this mighty army; atra bhinne= while this army is borken; raakShasendra sutaH.api= Indrajit also; dR^ishyaH bhaviShyati= will become visible.
"O Lakshmana! Make an effort to break this mighty army. When this army is destroyed, Indrajit also will become visible."
sa tvamindraashaniprakhyaiH sharairavakiranparaan |
abhidravaashu yaavadvai naitatkarma samaapyate || 6-86-4
abhidravaashu yaavadvai naitatkarma samaapyate || 6-86-4
4. saH tvam= you as such; abhidrava vai= rush forward; aashu= quickly; avakiran= gushing out; sharaiH= arrows; indraashaniprakhyaiH= equal to Indra's thunderbolt; paraan= on the enemies; etat= so long as; etat= this; karma= sacrificial act; na samaapyate= is not carried through.
"You as such, rush forward quickly, gushing out arrows, equal to Indra's thunderbolt, on the enemies, so long as this sacrificial act of Indrajit is not actually carried through."
jahi viiraduraatmaanaM maayaaparamadhaarmikam |
raavaNiM kruurakarmaaNaM sarvalokabhayaavaham || 6-86-5
raavaNiM kruurakarmaaNaM sarvalokabhayaavaham || 6-86-5
5. viira= O hero!; jahi= kill; raavaNim= Indrajit; duraatmanam= the evil-minded; maayaaparam= who is interested in doing conjuring tricks; adharmikam= who is unjust; kruura karmaaNam= engaged in cruel acts; sarvaloka bhayaavaham= and who brings fear to all the worlds.
"O hero! Make a short work of Indrajit, the evil minded, who is interested in performing conjuring tricks, who is unjust, engaged in cruel acts and who brings fear to all the worlds."
vibhiiShaNavachaH shrutvaa lakShmaNaH shubhalakShaNaH |
vavarSha sharavarShaaNi raakShasendrasutaM prati || 6-86-6
vavarSha sharavarShaaNi raakShasendrasutaM prati || 6-86-6
6. shrutvaa= hearing; vibhiiShaNa vachaH= the words of Vibhishana; lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; shubhalakShaNaH= having auspicious marks; vavarSha= showered frth; sharavarShaaNi= streams of arrows; raakShasendrasutam prati= towards Indrajit.
Hearing the words of Vibhishana, Lakshmana, having auspicious marks, showered forth streams of arrows in the direction of Indrajit.
R^ikShaaH shaakhaamR^igaashchaiva drumaadrivarayodhinaH |
abhyadhaavanta sahitaastadaniikamavasthitam || 6-86-7
abhyadhaavanta sahitaastadaniikamavasthitam || 6-86-7
7. R^ikShaaH= bears; shaakhaamR^igaishchaiva= and monkeys; druma pravara yodhinaH= who fight with gigantic trees; abhyadhaavanta= rushed towards; tat aaniikam= that army (of demons); avasthitam= who were drawn up in battle-array; sahitaaH= together.
Bears and monkeys, who fight was gigantic trees, rushed towards that army of demons, drawn up in battle-array.
raakShasaashcha shitairbaaNairasibhiH shaktitomaraiH |
abhyavartanta samavare kapisainyajighaaMsavaH || 6-86-8
abhyavartanta samavare kapisainyajighaaMsavaH || 6-86-8
8. raakShasaaH cha= Demons also; kapisainya jighaamsavaH= with an intent to kill the monkeys; samare= in battle; abhyavartanta= attacked; shitaiH baaNaiH= with sharp arrows; asibhiH= swords; shaktitomaraiH= spears and javelins.
The demons too, with an intent to kill the monkeys in battle, attacked them with sharp arrows, sowrds, spears and javelins.
sa samprahaarastumulaH sa~njaGYe kapirakShasaam |
shabdena mahataa la~NkAM naadayanvai samantataH || 6-86-9
shabdena mahataa la~NkAM naadayanvai samantataH || 6-86-9
9. mahataa shabdena= with a great uproar; saH= that; tumulaH= tumultuous; samprahaaraH= battle; samjaJNe= occured; kapiraakShasaam= between the monkeys and the demons; naadayantvai= reverberating; laN^kaam= Lanka; samantataH= on all sides.
That tumultuous battle between the monkeys and the demons rendered Lanka noisy on all sides with its great uproar.
shastrairbahuvidhaakaaraiH shitairbaaNaishcha paadapaiH |
udyatairgirishR^i~Ngaishcha ghorairaakaashamaavR^itam || 6-86-10
udyatairgirishR^i~Ngaishcha ghorairaakaashamaavR^itam || 6-86-10
10. aakaasham= the sky; aavR^itam= was covered; shastraiH= with weapons; vividhaakaaraiH= of various shapes; shitaiH baaNaishcha= with sharp arrows; paadapaiH= with trees; ghoraiH udyataiH girishR^ingaishcha= and with tossed mountain-tops.
The sky was covered with weapons of various shapes, sharp arrows, trees and tossed mountain tops.
te raakShasaa vaanareShu vikR^itaananabaahavaH |
niveshayantaH shastraaNi chakruste sumahadbhayam || 6-86-11
niveshayantaH shastraaNi chakruste sumahadbhayam || 6-86-11
11. te raakShasaaH= those demons; vikR^itaanana baahavaH= of ugly faces and arms; niveshayantaH= hurling; shastraaNi= weapons; vaanareShu= on monkeys; chakruH sumahat bhayam= created a great fear.
Those demons of ugly faces and arms, hurling weapons on the monkeys, created a great fear.
tathaiva sakalairvR^ikShairgirishR^i~Ngaishcha vaanaraaH |
abhijaghnurnijaghnushcha samare raakShasarShabhaan || 6-86-12
abhijaghnurnijaghnushcha samare raakShasarShabhaan || 6-86-12
12. vaanaraashcha tathaiva= even monkeys too; abhijaghnuH= struck; jaghnuH= and killed; sarva raakShasaan= all the demons; samare= in the battle; sakalaiH= with all types; vR^ikShaiH= trees; girishR^iNgaishcha= and mountain-peaks.
Even the monkeys too struck and killed all the demons in the battle, with various types of trees and mountain-peaks.
R^ikShavaanaramukhyaishcha mahaakaayairmahaabalaiH |
rakShasaaM vadhyamaanaanaaM mahadbhayamajaayata || 6-86-13
rakShasaaM vadhyamaanaanaaM mahadbhayamajaayata || 6-86-13
13. mahat= a great; bhayam= fear; ajaayata= developed; rakShasaam= among the demons; yudhyamaanaanaam= who were fighting; mahaabalaiH= with mighty; R^ikSha vaanara mukhyaiH= leaders of bears and monkeys; mahaakaayaiH= possessing collosal bodies.
A great fear developed among the demons who were fighting with mighty leaders of bears and monkeys endowed with colossal bodies.
svamaniikaM viShaNNaM tu shrutvaa shatrubhirarditam |
udatiShThata durdharShastatkarmaNyananuShThite || 6-86-14
udatiShThata durdharShastatkarmaNyananuShThite || 6-86-14
14. shrutvaa= hearing; svam aniikam= that his own army; arditam= tormented; shatrubhiH= by the enemies; viShaNNam= was dejected; saH durdharShaH= that unconquerable Indrajit; udatiShThata= left off; ananuShThite= without performing; karmaNi= the sacrificial rite.
Hearing that his own army being tormented by the enemies, was dejected; that unconquerable Indrajit left off, without performing the sacrificial rite.
vR^ikShaandhakaaraanniShkramya jaatakrodhaH sa raavaNiH |
aaruroha rathaM sajjaM puurvayuktaM sa raakShasaH || 6-86-15
aaruroha rathaM sajjaM puurvayuktaM sa raakShasaH || 6-86-15
15. saH= that; jaatakrodhaH= enraged; raavaNiH= Indrajit; nirgamya= coming out; vR^ikShaandhakaraat= from the gloominess of the trees; aaruroha= ascended; ratham= his chariot; sajjam= kept ready; susamyatam= and well-fastened; puurvayuktam= with horss, before hand.
That enraged Indrajit, coming out from the gloominess of the trees, ascended his firmly yoked chariot which had already been united
sa bhiimakaarmukasharaH kR^iShNaa~njanachayopamaH |
raktaasyanayanaH kruuro babhau mR^ityurivaantakaH || 6-86-16
raktaasyanayanaH kruuro babhau mR^ityurivaantakaH || 6-86-16
16. saH bhiimaH= that awful Indrajit; bhiima kaarmuka sharaH= armed with terrific bow and arrows; kR^iShNaaN^jana chayopamaH= equal to a mass of black collyrium; raktaasyanayanaH= with his blood-red eyes; babhau= shone; antakaH mR^ityuriva= like the destructive Death.
That awful Indrajit, armed with terrific bow and arrows, looking like a mass of black collyrium with his blood-red eyes, appeared like the destructive Death.
dR^iShTvaiva tu rathasthaM taM paryavartata tadbalam |
rakShasaaM bhiimavegaanaaM lakShmaNena yuyutsataam || 6-86-17
rakShasaaM bhiimavegaanaaM lakShmaNena yuyutsataam || 6-86-17
17. dR^iShTvaiva= just on seeing; tam= him; rathastham= being on a chariot; tat balam= that army; rakShasaam= of demons; bhiima vegaanaam= with a terrific speed; paryavartata= turned back; lakShmaNena yuyutsataam= wishing to fight with Lakshmana.
Just on seeing Indrajit being on a chariot, that army of demons with a terrific speed, turned back, wishing to fight with Lakshmana.
tasmin kaale tu hanumaanudyamya suduraasadam |
dharaNiidharasa~Nkaashii mahaavR^ikShamarindamaH || 6-86-18
sa raakShasaanaaM tatsainyaM kaalaagniriva nirdahan |
chakaara bahubhirvR^ikShairniHsaMj~naM yudhi vaanaraH || 6-86-19
dharaNiidharasa~Nkaashii mahaavR^ikShamarindamaH || 6-86-18
sa raakShasaanaaM tatsainyaM kaalaagniriva nirdahan |
chakaara bahubhirvR^ikShairniHsaMj~naM yudhi vaanaraH || 6-86-19
18, 19. tasmin kaale= At that time; hanumaan= Hanuma; arimdamaH= the destroyer of enemies= dharaNiidhara samkaashaH= looking like a mountain; udyamya= uplifting; suduraasadam= an absolutely unparalleled; mahaavR^ikSham= large tree; nirdahan= consuming; tat= taht; sainyam= army; raakShasaanaam= of demon; kaalaagniriva= like the fire at the time of dissolution of the world; saH vaanaraH= and that aforesaid monkey (Hanuma); chakaara niHsamJNam= made unconscious (the army); bahubhiH vR^ikShaiH= with many trees; yudhi= in the battle.
At that time, Hanuma the destroyer of enemies looking like a mountain, uplifted an absolutely unpaalleled large tree. Consuming that army of demons, as a fire at the time of universal dissolution, the aforesaid monkey made that army unconscious on the battle field, with many trees.
vidhvaMsayantaM tarasaa dR^iShTvaiva pavanaatmajam |
raakShasaanaaM sahasraaNi hanuumantamavaakiran || 6-86-20
raakShasaanaaM sahasraaNi hanuumantamavaakiran || 6-86-20
20. dR^iShTvaiva= immediately on seeing; pavanaatmajam= Hanuma; vidhvamsayantam= destroying; tavasaa= (their army) rapidly; sahasraaNi= thousands; raakShasaanaam= of demons; avaakiran= hurled weapons.
Immediately on seeing Hanuma destroying thier army rapidly, thousands of demons hurled weapons on him.
shitashuuladharaaH shuulairasibhishchaasipaaNayaH |
shaktibhiH shaktihastaashcha paTTasaiH paTTasaayudhaaH || 6-86-21
parighaishcha gadaabhishcha kuntaishcha shubhadarshanaiH |
shatashashcha shataghniibhiraayasairapi mudgaraiH || 6-86-22
ghoraiH parashubhishchaiva bhiNDipaalaishcha raakShasaaH |
muShTibhirvajravegaishcha talairashanisaMnibhaiH || 6-86-23
abhijaghnuH samaasaadya samantaatparvatopamam |
teShaamapi cha sa~Nkruddhashchakaara kadanaM mahat || 6-86-24
shaktibhiH shaktihastaashcha paTTasaiH paTTasaayudhaaH || 6-86-21
parighaishcha gadaabhishcha kuntaishcha shubhadarshanaiH |
shatashashcha shataghniibhiraayasairapi mudgaraiH || 6-86-22
ghoraiH parashubhishchaiva bhiNDipaalaishcha raakShasaaH |
muShTibhirvajravegaishcha talairashanisaMnibhaiH || 6-86-23
abhijaghnuH samaasaadya samantaatparvatopamam |
teShaamapi cha sa~Nkruddhashchakaara kadanaM mahat || 6-86-24
21, 22, 23, 24. samaasaadya= approaching; parvatopamam= Hanuma looking like a mountain; raakShasaaH shta shuuladharaaH= demons bearing pointed pikes; abhiaghnuH= struck him; samantataat= from all sides; shuulaaH= with pikes; asi paaNayaH= those= carrying swords in hands; asibhiH cha= with swords; shaktihastaaH= those carrying javelins in their hands; shaktiibhiH cha= with javelin; parighaishcha gadaabhishcha= with iron rods and maces; paTTishaayudhaaH= those armed with sharp-edged spears; paTTishaiH= with spears; shubhadarshanaiH= with bright-looking; kuntaiH cha= spears; shatashaH= with hundreds; shataghniibhiH= of cylindrical pieces of wood studded with iron spikes; aayasaiH mudgarairapi= with steel hammers; gharaiH parashubhishchaiva= with awful axes; bhindi paalaishcha= with slings for throwing stones; vajrakalpaiH muShTibhiH= with their thunderbolt-like fists; talaiH= and slaps; ashani samnibhaiH= which fell like flashes of lightning; samkruddhaH= the enraged Hanuma; chakaara= made; mahat kadanam= a colossal destruction; teShaam= of those demons.
Approaching Hanuma looking like a mountain, the demons bearing pointed pikes struck him from all sides with pkes, those carrying swords in their hands with swords, those carring javelins in their hands with jalins, with iron rods with maces; those armed with sharp-edged spears with spears, as also with bright-looking spears, with hundreds of cylindrical wooden pieces studded with iron spikes, with steel hammers, ,with awful axes, with slings for the rwing stones, with their thunderbolt-like fists and slaps which fell like flashes of lighning. Then, the enraged Hanuma made a colossal destruction of those demons.
sa dadarsha kapishreShThamachalopamamindrajit |
suudayaanamamitraghnamamitraanpavanaatmajam || 6-86-25
suudayaanamamitraghnamamitraanpavanaatmajam || 6-86-25
25. saH indrajit= that Indrajit; dadarsha= saw; pavanaatmajam= that Hanuma; kapishreShTham= the foremost of monkeys; achalopamam= looking like a mountain; asantrastam= not at all fearing; suudamaanam= and killing; amitraan= the enemies.
That Indrajit saw Hanuma, the foremost of monkeys, looking like a mountain, fearlessly killing his enemies.
sa saarathimuvaachedaM yaahi yatraiSha vaanaraH |
kShayameva hi naH kuryaadraakShasaanaamupekShitaH || 6-86-26
kShayameva hi naH kuryaadraakShasaanaamupekShitaH || 6-86-26
26. saH= He; uvaacha= spoke; idam= the following words; saarathim= to his charioterr; yaahi= proceed; yatra= where; eShaH= this; vaanaraH= monkey (is); upekShataH= if he is neglected; kuryaadeva hi= he will indeed do; kShayam= the destruction; naH raakShasaam= of our demons.
He spoke the following words tohis charioteer: "Take the chariot to the place where that monkey is standing. If we neglect him, he will surely destroy our demons."
ityuktaH saarathistena yayau yatra sa maarutiH |
vahan paramadurdharShaM sthitamindrajitaM rathe || 6-86-27
vahan paramadurdharShaM sthitamindrajitaM rathe || 6-86-27
27. saarathiH= the charioteer; iti= thus; uktaH= spoken; tena= by him; yayau= went; vahan= carrying; parama durdharSham= that unusually unconquerable; indrajitam= Indrajit; sthitam rathe= sitting in the chariot; yatra= to the place where; maarutiH= Hanuma (was there).
Hearing the words of that Indrajit, the charioteer went, carrying that very unconquerable Indrajit sitting in the chariot, to the place where Hanuma was there.
so.abhyupetya sharaankhaDgaanpaTTasaasiparashvadhaan |
abhyavarShata durdharShaH kapimuurdhni sa raakShasaH || 6-86-28
abhyavarShata durdharShaH kapimuurdhni sa raakShasaH || 6-86-28
28. abhyupetya= coming close (to Hanuma); saH raakShasaH= that demon; durdharShaH= who was unconquerable; abhyavarShata= hurled; sharaan= arrows; khaDgaan= swords; pathishaasi parashvadhaan= sharp-edged spears and axes; kapimuurdhaani= on the head of Hanuma.
Coming close to Hanuma, that unconquerable Indrajit hurled swords, sharp-edged spears and axes on the head of Hanuma.
taani shastraaNi ghoraaNi pratigR^ihya sa maarutiH |
roSheNa mahataaviSho vaakyaM chedamuvaacha ha || 6-86-29
roSheNa mahataaviSho vaakyaM chedamuvaacha ha || 6-86-29
29. pratigR^ihya= receiving; taani ghoraaNi= shastraani= those terrible weapons; saH maarutiH= that Hanuma; uvaacha= spoke; idam vaakyam= the following words; mahataa roSheNa aaviShTo= wrapped with a great rage.
Receiving those terrible weapons, that Hanuma spoke, seized as he was, with great rage, the following words:
yudhyasva yadi shuuro.asi raavaNaatmaja durmate |
vaayuputraM samaasaadya na jiivanpratiyaasyasi || 6-86-30
vaayuputraM samaasaadya na jiivanpratiyaasyasi || 6-86-30
30. durmate raavaNaatmaja= O evil-minded Indrajit!; asi yadi shuuraH= if you are valiant; yudhyasva= you fight (with me); samaasaadya= to Hanuma; na pratiyaasyasi= you will not return; jiivan= alive.
"O evil-minded Indrajit! If you are valiant, fight with me. Coming nearer to Hanuma, you will not return alive."
baahubhyaaM samprayudhyasva yadi me dvandvamaahave |
vegaM sahasva durbuddhe tatastvaM rakShasaaM varaH || 6-86-31
vegaM sahasva durbuddhe tatastvaM rakShasaaM varaH || 6-86-31
31. durbuddhe= O foolish fellow!; dvandvam yadi= If you enter into a duel; me= with me; samprayudhyasva= fight; baahubhyaam= with arms; sahasva=withstand; vegam= my force; aahave= in the battle-field; tataH= then; tvam= you; varaH= will be considered as the best; rakShasaam= among the demons.
"O foolish fellow! If you enter into a duel with me, fight with your arms. Withstand my force in the battle-field. Then you will be considered as the best among the demons."
hanuumantaM jighaaMsantaM samudyatasharaasanam |
raavaNaatmajamaachaShTe lakShmaNaaya vibhiiShaNaH || 6-86-32
raavaNaatmajamaachaShTe lakShmaNaaya vibhiiShaNaH || 6-86-32
32. vibhiShaNaH= Vibhishana; aachaShTe= told; lakShmaNaaya= lakshmana (in the following words), samudyata sharaasanam= while with bow upraised; raavaNaatmajam hanuumantam jighaamsantam= Indrajit was seeking to kill Hanuma.
Vibhishana told Lakshmana in the following words that while with bow upraised, Indrajit sought to kill Hanuma.
yaH sa vaasavanirjetaa raavaNasyaatmasambhavaH |
sa eSha rathamaasthaaya hanuumantaM jighaaMsati || 6-86-33
sa eSha rathamaasthaaya hanuumantaM jighaaMsati || 6-86-33
33. aasthaaya= having seated; ratham= in a chariot; saH= he; yaH= who; raavasya sambhavah= was born to Ravana (Indrajit); vaasavanirjetaa= who conquered Indra; jighaamsati= is seeking to kill; hanuumantam= Hanuma.
"Having seated in a chariot, Indrajit, who conquered Indra, is seeking to kill Hanuma."
tamapratimasaMsthaanaiH sharaiH shatruvidaaraNaiH |
jiivitaantakarairghoraiH saumitre raavaNiM jahi || 6-86-34
jiivitaantakarairghoraiH saumitre raavaNiM jahi || 6-86-34
34. saumitra= O Lakshmana!; jahi= kill; tam= that; raavaNim= Indrajit; ghoraiH sharaiH= with terrific arrows; apratima samsthaanaiH= in incomparable workmanship; shatrunivaaraNaiH= which ward off enemies; jiivitaanta karaiH= and putting an end to their lives.
"O Lakshmana! Kill that Indrajit with your terrific arrows of incomparable workmanship, which ward off the enemies and putting an end to their lives."
ityevamuktastu tadaa mahaatmaa |
vibhiiShaNenaarivibhiiShaNena |
dadarsha taM parvatasaMnikaashaM |
rathasthitaM bhiimabalaM duraasadam || 6-86-35
vibhiiShaNenaarivibhiiShaNena |
dadarsha taM parvatasaMnikaashaM |
rathasthitaM bhiimabalaM duraasadam || 6-86-35
35. ityevam= thus; uktaH= spoken to; tadaa= then; vibhiiShaNena= by Vibhishana; arivibhiiShaNena= who was fearful to the adversaries; mahaatmaa= the great souled Lakshmana; dadarsha= saw; tam= Indrajit; parvata samnikaasham= who closely resembled a mountain; rathasthitam= seated in a chariot; bhiima balam= of terrific strength; duraasadam= and who was difficult to approach.
Hearing the words of Vibhishana, who was fearful to his adversaries, the great-souled Lakshmana saw Indrajit, who closely resembled a mountain, seated in a chariot, of terrific strength and who was difficult to approach.
ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe ShaDshiititamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 86th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.
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Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War
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