
Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War
Chapter [Sarga] 62
Kumbhakarna enters the abode of Ravana and sees his worried brother sitting in Pushpaka, a self-moving aerial car. Kumbhakarna asks Ravana about the nature of work to be done by him and whether he has to kill anyone. Ravana replies that Rama has come with troops of monkeys including Sugreeva, after crossing the ocean by a bridge, to wage a battle Ravana requests Kumbhakarna to show his terrible prowess in killing all the adversaries in battle. |
sa tu raakSasashaarduulo nidraamadasamaakulaH |
raajamaargam shriyaa juSTam yayau vipulavikramaH || 6-62-1
raajamaargam shriyaa juSTam yayau vipulavikramaH || 6-62-1
1. saH= that; raakSasashaarduulaH= foremost among demons; vipula vikramaH= of extensive prowess; nidraamada samaakulaH= but filled with an intoxicating drowsiness; yayau= marched along; raajamaargam= the king's high way; shriyaajuSTam- full of royal dignity.
That Kumbhakarna of great prowess and the foremost, having full of intoxicating drowsiness, marched along the king's highway, full of royal dignity.
raakSasaanaam sahasraishcha vR^itaH paramadurjayaH |
gR^ihebhyaH puSpavarSeNa kiiryamaaNastadaa yayau || 6-62-2
gR^ihebhyaH puSpavarSeNa kiiryamaaNastadaa yayau || 6-62-2
2. tadaa= then; parama durjayaH= that Kumbhakarna, who was very difficult to be conquered; vR^itaH= surrounded; sahasraiH raakSasaanaam= by thousands of demons; yayau= marched ahead; kiiryamaaNaH puSpavarSeNa= strewn with a shower of flowers; gR^ihebhyaH= from houses (liming the way).
Then, that Kumbhakarna, who was very difficult to be conquered, accompanied by thousands of demons, sallied forth, covered with a shower of flowers from the houses (lining the way).
sa hemajaalavitatam bhaanubhaasvaradarshanam |
dadarsha vipulam ramyam raakSasendraniveshanam || 6-62-3
dadarsha vipulam ramyam raakSasendraniveshanam || 6-62-3
3. saH= he; dadarsha= saw; raakSasendra niveshanam= Ravana's abode; hema jaalavitatam= covered with golden grilled windows; vipulam= spacious; ramyam= beautiful; bhaanubhaasvara danshanam= with appearance of a shining sun.
He saw Ravana's abode, covered with golden grilled windows, spacious and looking beautiful, like a shining sun.
sa tattadaa suurya ivaabhrajaalam |
pravishya rakSodhipaterniveshanam |
dadarsha duure.agrajamaasanastham |
svayaMbhuvam shakra ivaasanastham || 6-62-4
pravishya rakSodhipaterniveshanam |
dadarsha duure.agrajamaasanastham |
svayaMbhuvam shakra ivaasanastham || 6-62-4
4. pravishya= entering; rakSodhi pateH niveshanam= Ravana's palace; suuryaH iva= like the sun (entering); abhrajaalam= a mass of clouds; saH= he; tadaa= then; dadarsha= saw; agrajam= his brother; aasanastham= sitting on a throne; duure= from a distance; shakraH iva= as Indra (saw); svayambhuvam= Brahma; aasanaastham= perched on his seat.
Entering Ravana's palace, like the sun entering a mass of clouds, Kumbhakarna then saw from of distance his brother seated on a throne, as Indra saw Brahma perched on his seat.
bhraatuH sa bhavanaM gachchhan rakSogaNasamanvitaH |
kumbhakarNaH padanyaasairakampayat mediniim || 6-62-5
kumbhakarNaH padanyaasairakampayat mediniim || 6-62-5
5. gachchhan= going; bhraatruh bhavanam= to his brother's palace; saH kumbhakarNaH= that Kumbhakarna; rakSogaNasamanvitaH= accompanied by troops of demons; mediniim akampayata= caused the earth of shake; padanyaasaiH= with his stamping strides.
While going to his brother's palace, that Kumbhakarna, accompanied by troops of demons, caused the earth to shake with his stamping strides.
so.abhigamya gR^iham bhraatuH kakSyaamabhivigaahya cha |
dadarshodvignamaasiinam vimaane puSpake gurum || 6-62-6
dadarshodvignamaasiinam vimaane puSpake gurum || 6-62-6
6. abhigamya= reaching; bhraatuH gR^iham= his brother's house; abhivigaahyacha= and entering; kakSyaam= the inner apartment; saH= he; dadarsha= saw; udvignam gurum= his worried brother; aasiinam= sitting; puSpaka vimaane= in Pushapaka, a self-moving aerial car.
Reaching his brother's house and entering the inner apartment, Kumbhakarna saw his worried brother sitting in Pushpaka, a self-moving aerial car.
atha dR^iSTvaa dashagriivaH kumbhakarNamupasthitam |
tuurNamutthaaya samhR^iSTaH samnikarSamupaanayat || 6-62-7
tuurNamutthaaya samhR^iSTaH samnikarSamupaanayat || 6-62-7
7. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; upasthitam= who arrived; dashagriivaH= Ravana; atha= then; tuurNam= soon; utthaaya= rose up; samhR^iSTaH= delighted; upaanayat= and brought (him); samiikarSam= to his vicinity.
On seeing Kumbhakarna who arrived there, Ravana then quickly rose up from his seat, delighted and brought him nearer to his side.
athaasiinasya paryaN^ke kumbhakarNo mahaabalaH |
bhraaturvavande charaNau kim kR^ityamiti chaabraviit || 6-62-8
bhraaturvavande charaNau kim kR^ityamiti chaabraviit || 6-62-8
8. atha= then; mahaabalaH= the mighty; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; vavan de= offered salutation; charaNau= to the feet; bhraatuH= of his brother; aasiinasya= sitting; paryaNke= on a sofa; abraviit= and spoke; iti cha= saying; kim kR^ityan= "What is the work?"
Then, the mighty Kumbhakarna having offered salutation to the feet of his brother sitting on a sofa, asked him, "What is to be done?"
utpatya chainam mudito raavaNaH pariSasvaje |
sa bhraatraa sampariSvakto yathaavachchhaabhinanditaH || 6-62-9
kumbhakarNaH shubhaM divyam pratipede varaasanam |
sa bhraatraa sampariSvakto yathaavachchhaabhinanditaH || 6-62-9
kumbhakarNaH shubhaM divyam pratipede varaasanam |
9. raavanaH= Ravana; utpatya= rising up (from his seat); pariSasvaje= embraced; enam= him; saH kimbhakarNaH= that Kumbhakarna; yathaavat pariSvaktaH= who was duly embraced; abhinanditaH= and made happy; bhraataa= by his brother; pratipede= reached; shubham= an auspicious; divyam= charming; varaaasanam= and excellent seat.
Rising up from his seat, Ravana embraced him. That Kumbhakarna, who was thus embraced and made happy by his brother, occupied an auspicious, charming and excellent seat.
sa tadaasanamaashritya kumbhakarNo mahaabalaH || 6-62-10
samraktanayanaH krodhaadravaNam vaakyamabraviit |
samraktanayanaH krodhaadravaNam vaakyamabraviit |
10. aashritya= resting on; tat= that; aasanam= seat; saH= that; mahaabalaH= mighty; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; samrakta nayanaH= with blood-shot eyes; krodhaat= in anger; abraviit= spoke; vaakyam= (the folowoing0 words; raavaNam= to Ravana.
Resting on that seat, the mighty Kumbhakarna, with his blood-shot eyes in anger, spoke to Ravana as follows:
kimmarthamahamaadR^itya tvayaa raajan prabodhitaH || 6-62-11
shasa kasmaadbhayam te.atra ko vaa preto bhaviSyati |
shasa kasmaadbhayam te.atra ko vaa preto bhaviSyati |
11. raajan= O king!; kimartham= for what purpose; aham= I; prabodhitaH= have been woken up; tvayaa= by you; aadR^itya= with effort?; shamsa= tell me; kasmaat= from whom; bhayam= is the danger; te= for you; atra= here?; kovaa= or who; bhaviSyati= will be; pretaH= a dead person?
"O king! For what purpose have I been woken up by you, with effort? Tell me from whom is the danger for you here and who is to be killed."
bhraataram raavaNaH kruddhaM kumbhakarNamavasthitam || 6-62-12
roSeNa parivR^ittaabhyaam netraabhyaam vaakyamabraviit |
roSeNa parivR^ittaabhyaam netraabhyaam vaakyamabraviit |
12. raavaNaH= Ravana; netraabhyaam= with his eyes; pari vR^ittabhyaam= rolling; roSeNa= with annoyance; abraviit= spoke; kumbhakarNam= to Kumbhakarna; bhraataram= his brother; avasthitam= who was there; kruddham= with anger.
Ravana, with his eyes rolling with annoyance, spoke to Kumbhakarna, his brother, who was there with anger (as follows):
ayam te sumahan kaalaH shayaanasya mahaabala || 6-62-13
suSuptastvam na jaaniiSe mama raamakR^itam bhayam |
suSuptastvam na jaaniiSe mama raamakR^itam bhayam |
13. mahaabala= O mighty Kumbhakarna!; te= for you; shayaanasya= who have slept; ayam= this; sumahaan kaalaH= is a very long time; tvam= you; suSuptaH= who were fast asleep; na jaaniiSe= do not know; bhayam= about the fear; raama kR^itam= created by Rama; mama= in me.
"O mighty Kumbhakarna! You slept for a long period. You, who were fast asleep, do not know about the fear created by Rama in me."
eSa daasharathii raamaH sugriivasahito balii || 6-62-14
samudram laN^ghayitvaa tu kulam naH parikR^intati |
samudram laN^ghayitvaa tu kulam naH parikR^intati |
14. eSaH= this; raamaH= Rama; daasharathiH= the son of Dasaratha; balii= a strong man; sugriiva sahitaH= along with Sugreeva; laN^ghayitvaa= after crossing; samudram= the ocean; parikR^intati= is cutting short; naH kulam= our race.
"This Rama, the son of Dasaratha, a strong man along with Sugreeva, having crossed the ocean, is cutting short our race."
hanta pashyasva laN^kayaa vanaanyupavanaani cha || 6-62-15
setunaa sukhamaagatya vaanaraikaarNavam kR^itam |
setunaa sukhamaagatya vaanaraikaarNavam kR^itam |
15. hanta= Alas!; pashyasva= see!; aagatya= coming; sukham= happily; setunaa= by a bridge; vanaani= the forests; upavanaanicha= and groves; kR^itam= have been covered; vaanaraikaarNavam= an ocean of monkeys.
"Alas! See! Coming happily by a bridge, the forests and groves have been covered with an ocean full of monkeys."
ye raakSasaa mukhyatamaa hataaste vaanarairyudhi || 6-62-16
vaanaraaNaam kSayam yudhe na pashyaami kathamchana |
na chaapi vaanaraa yuddhe jitapuurvaaH kadaachana || 6-62-17
vaanaraaNaam kSayam yudhe na pashyaami kathamchana |
na chaapi vaanaraa yuddhe jitapuurvaaH kadaachana || 6-62-17
16, 17. te= they; ye= who were; mukhyatamaaH raakSasaaH= very important demons; hataah= were killed; vaanaraiH= by the monkeys; yudhi= in battle; na pashyaami= I do not envisage; kSayam= annihilation; kathamchana= in any way; vaanaraaNaam= of monkeys; yuddhe= in battle; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; na chaapi jita puurvaaaH= were not even defeated before; kadaachana= at any time; yuddhe= in combat.
"The monkeys killed very important demons in battle. I do not envisage, in any way, the destroyable of monkeys on the battle-field. It seems the monkeys were not even defeated at any time before, in a combat."
tadetadbhayamutpannam traayasveha mahaabala |
naashaya tvamimaanadya tadartham bodhito bhavaan || 6-62-18
naashaya tvamimaanadya tadartham bodhito bhavaan || 6-62-18
18. mahaabala= O mighty Kumbhakarna!; tat= such; etat= of this danger; utpannam= has arisen; traayasva= you have to help (us); iha= now; imaam naashaya= get them destroyed; adya= now; bhavaan= you; boditaH= have been woken up; tadartham= for that purpose.
"O mighty Kumbhakarna! Such a danger has arisen. You have to help us now. Get them destroyed now. You have been woken up solely for that purpose."
sarvakSapitakosham cha sa tvamabhyupapadya maam |
traayasvemaam puriim laN^kaam baalavR^iddhaavasheSitaam || 6-62-19
traayasvemaam puriim laN^kaam baalavR^iddhaavasheSitaam || 6-62-19
19. sah tvam= you, as such; abhyupadya= rescuing; maam= me; sarvakSapita kosham= whose treasury has become completely diminished; traayasva= protect; imaam= this; laN^kaam puriim= City of Lanka; baala vR^iddhaavasheSitaam= where the children and the aged only are left over.
"Rescuing me, whose treasury has become completely diminished, you protect this city of Lanka, where only the children and the aged are left over."
bhraaturarthe mahaabaaho kuru karma suduSkaram |
mayaivam noktapurvo hi kashchidbhraataH paramtapa || 6-62-20
mayaivam noktapurvo hi kashchidbhraataH paramtapa || 6-62-20
20. mahaabaaho= O, the great armed Kumbhakarna!; kuru= perform; karma= the act; suduSkaram= which is very difficult to do; bhraatuH arthe= for the sake of this brother; bhraataH= O brother; paramtapa= the annihilator of enemies!; na uktapuurvaH hi= It was not indeed requested before; evam= thus; kashchit= with any one; mayaa= by me.
"O the great armed Kumbhakarna. For the sake of your brother, perform this act, which is very difficult to do. O brother, the annihilator of enemies! In this way, I did not request anyone ever before."
tvayyasti mama cha snehaH paraa sambhaavanaa cha me |
daivaasureSu yuddheSu bahusho raakSasarSabha || 6-62-21
tvayaa devaaH prativyuuhya nirjitaashchaasuraa yudhi |
daivaasureSu yuddheSu bahusho raakSasarSabha || 6-62-21
tvayaa devaaH prativyuuhya nirjitaashchaasuraa yudhi |
21. mama= to me; asti= there is; snehaH= affection; tvayi= towards you; me= to me; (there is); paraa= a high; sambhaavanaacha= respect too; raakSasarSabha= O the foremost of demons!; bahushaH= for several times; prativyuuhya= attacking; devaah= the celestials; asuraaH= and demons; daivaasureSu yuddheSu= in battles between celestials and demons; nirjitaaH= (they) were defeated; tvayaa= by you; yudhi= in battle.
"I have a great respect and affection towards you. O the foremost of demons! For several times, in battles between gods and demons, you conquered the celestials and demons, after attacking them in the battle."
tadetatsarvamaatiSTha viiryam bhiimaparaakram || 6-62-22
na hi te sarvabhuuteSu dR^ishyate sadR^isho balii |
na hi te sarvabhuuteSu dR^ishyate sadR^isho balii |
22. bhiima paraakrama= O Kumbhakarna of terrible prowess!; tat= therefore; aatiSTha= show your superiority; etat= from this; sarvam= entire; viiryam= vigour; na balii dR^ishyate hi= no strong person is indeed seen; sadR^ishaH= who is equal; te= to you; sarva bhuuteSu= in all beings.
"O Kumbhakarna of terrible prowess! Therefore, show your entire prowess. There is indeed no one, in the entire beings, who is equal to you in strength."
kuruSva me priyahitametaduttamam |
yathaapriyam priyaraNa baandhavapriya |
svatejasaa vidhama sapatnavaahiniim |
sharadghanam pavana ivodyato mahaan || 6-62-23
yathaapriyam priyaraNa baandhavapriya |
svatejasaa vidhama sapatnavaahiniim |
sharadghanam pavana ivodyato mahaan || 6-62-23
23. priyaraNa= O Kumbhakarna, delighting in war; baandhava piya= and feeling affection for relatives!; kuruSva= perform; uttamam etat= this excellent act; priyahitam= which is dear and beneficial; me= to me; yathaapriyam= as per you wish; vidhama= blow away; sapatnavaahiniim= the army of adversaries; svatejasaa= by your vital power; sharadghanam iva= as an autumnal cloud (is blown away); mahaan udyataH pavanaH= by a high-rising wind.
"O Kumbhakarna, delighting in war and feeling affection for relatives! Perform this excellent act, which is dear and beneficial to me, as per your liking. Blow away the army of adversaries by your vital power, as an autumnal cloud is blown away by a high-rising wind."
ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe dviSaSTitamaH sargaH
Thus completes 62nd Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.
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