Chapter [Sarga] 88  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 88


A fierce battle of archery starts between Indrajit and Lakshmana. Indrajit strikes Lakshmana with seven arrows, Hanuma with ten arrows and Vibhishana with a hundred arrows/almost at the same time. In retaliation, Lakshmana strikes Indrajit with a multiple of arrows and Indrajit’s armour breaks up into pieces. Indrajit, in response, strikes Lakshmana with a thousand arrows and breaks up Lakshmana’s armour. A fierce fight ensues for a long time. Meanwhile, Vibhishana joins the battle-field, to relieve Lakshmana’s fatigue.

vibhiiShaNavachaH shrutvaa raavaNiH krodhamuurchitaH |
abraviit paruShaM vaakyaM vegenaabhyutpapaata cha || 88-6-1
1. Shrutvaa= hearing; vibhiiShaNa vachaH= the words of Vibhishana; raavaNiH= Indrajit; krodha muurchhitaH= was excited with rage; abraviit= spoke; paruShaM vaakyam= harsha words; abhyutpaatacha= and rushed forward; vegena= in fury.
Hearing the words of Vibhishana, Indrajit was excited with rage, spoke harsh words and rushed forward in fury.
udyataayudhanistriMsho rathe susamalaMkR^ite |
kaalaashvayukte mahati sthitaH kaalaantakopamaH || 88-6-2
mahaapramaaNamudyamya vipulaM vegavaddR^iDham |
dhanurbhiimaM paraamR^ishya sharaaMshchaamitrashaatanaan || 88-6-3
2, 3. (That Indrajit); kaalaantakopamaH= looking like Yama the lord of Death at the time of dissolution of the world; sthitaH= sitting; mahati rathe= in a distinguished chariot; susamalamkR^ite= well-decorated; kaalaashvayukte= and yoked uplifted weapons and sword; udyamya= raising; bhiimam= a terrific; mahaapramaaNam= very big sized; vipulam= enormous; vegavat= and swift; dhanuH= bow; paraamR^ishya= and laying hold of; sharaamshcha= arrows; amitrashaatanaan= which torment the enemies.
Indrajit was looking like Yama the lord of Death at the time of dissolution of the world, sitting in a well-decorated and distinguished chariot yoked with black horses, having upraised sword and weapons, raising a big terrific enormous strong and swift bow and laying hold of arrows which can torment the enemies.
taM dadarsha maheShvaaso rathasthaH samalaMkR^itaH |
alaMkR^itamamitraghno raaghavasyaanujaM balii || 88-6-4
4. balii= the mighty Indrajit; maheShvaasaH= wielding a large bow; rathasthaH= seated in a chariot; samalamkR^itaH= well-adorned; amitraghnaH= and the destroyer of adversaries; dadarsha= saw; tam= that; raaghavasya tanujam= samalankR^itam= the well-adorned; Lakshmana, the brother of Rama.
The mighty the destroyer of adversaries, wielding a large bow, fully adorned, and seated in a chariot saw that Lakshmana who was embellished with his own splendor.
hanumatpR^iShThamaaruuDhamudayastharaviprabham |
uvaachainaM susaMrabdhaH saumitriM savibhiiShaNam || 88-6-5
taaMshcha vaanarashaarduulaan pashyadhvaM me paraakramam |
5. (Indrajit) susamrabdhaH= very hurriedly; uvaacha= spoke; taan vaanara shaarduulaan cha= to those foremost of monkeys and; evam saumitrim= to this Lakshmana; aaruuDham= who ascended; hanumatpR^iShTham= Hanuma’s back; udaya stharaviprabham= with a splendor of the sun shining on Udaya Mountain; sa vibhiiShaNam= and also with Vibhishana; pashyadhvam= you behold; me paraakramam= my prowess.
Indrajit hurriedly spoke to those foremost of monkeys and to this Lakshmana, who ascended Hanuma’s back with a splendor of the sun shining on Mount Udaya and also with Vibhishana as follows: “You behold my prowess now.”
adya matkaarumukotsR^iShTaM sharavarShaM duraasadam || 88-6-6
muktaM varShamivaakaashe dhaarayiShyatha saMyuge |
6. adya= now; dhaarayiShyatha= you can observe; shara varSham duraasadam= an unconquerable stream of arrows; varSham iva= like rain; muktam= released; aakaashe= in the sky; matkaarmukotkR^iShTam= discharged from my bow; samyuge= in the battle field.
“Now, you can face an unconquerable stream of arrows, like rain, released in the sky, as discharged from my bow in the battle-field.”
adya vo maamakaa baaNaa mahaakaarmukaniHsR^itaaH || 88-6-7
vidhamiShyanti gaatraaNi tuularaashimivaanalaH |
7. adya= today; maamakaaH baaNaaH= my arrows; mahaakaarmukaniHsR^itaaH= released from my large bow; vidhamiShyanti= will destroy; vaH gaatraaNi= your bodies; analaH iva= like fire; tuularaashim= consumes a pile of cotton.
“Today my arrows released from my large bow will destroy your bodies, as fire consumes a pile of cotton.”
tiikShaNasaayakanirbhinnaan shuulashaktyR^iShTitomaraiH || 88-6-8
adya vo gamayiShyaami sarvaanena yamakShayam |
8. adya= today; gamayiShyaami= I will send; vaH sarvaaneva= all of you; yamakShayam= to the world of Yama the lord of Death; tiikShNasaayaka nirbhinnaan= pierced with my sharp arrows; shuula shaktyR^iShTitomaraiH= by hurling the pikes javelins and lances.
“Today, I will send all of you to the world of Yama the lord of Death, by piercing you with my sharp arrows and hurling the pikes, javelins and lances on you.”
sR^ijataH sharavarShaaNi kShiprahastasya saMyuge || 88-6-9
jiimuutasyeva nadataH kaH sthaasyati mamaagrataH |
9. kaH= who; sthaasyati= can stand; agrataH= before; mama= me; sR^ijataH= while I release; shara varShaaNi= streams of arrows; kShiprahastasya= swift-handed; samyuge= in battle; nadataH= and roar; jiimuutasyeva= like a cloud.
“Who can stand before me, while I release streams of arrows with my swift-hand in battle, thundering like a cloud?”
raatriyuddhe tadaa puurvaM vajraashanisamaiH sharaiH || 88-6-10
shaayitau stho mayaa bhuumau visaMjJNau sapurassarau |
10. puurvam= earlier; tadaa= on that day; raatri yuddhe= in a nocturnal battle; sapurassarau= both of you along with your followers; visamJNau= were made unconscious; sharaiH= by my arrows; vajraashanisamaiH= which were like thunderbolts and tips of missiles; sthaH= and you have been; shaayitau= made to lie; bhuumau= on the floor.
“Earlier on that day, in a nocturnal battle, both of you along with Sugreeva and other followers, were made unconscious by my arrows which were like thunderbolts and tips of missiles as also you were made to fall down on the floor.”
smR^itirna te.asti vaa manye vyaktaM yaato yamakShayam || 88-6-11
aashiiviShasamaM kruddhaM yanmaam yoddhumupasthitaH |
11. te naasti vaa= do you not have; smR^itiH= that memory?; manye- I presume; vyaktam= clearly that; yaataH= you are on the road; yamakShayam= to the abode of Yama the lord of Death; yat= since; upasthitaH= you have come; yoddhum= to give battle; maam= to me; kruddham= enraged as I am; aashiiviShasamam= like a venomous serpent.
“Do you not have that remembrance? I presume clearly that you are on the road to Yama the lord of Death, since you have come to give battle to me, enraged as I am, like a venomous serpent.”
tachchhrutvaa raakShasendrasya garjitaM raaghavastadaa || 88-6-12
abhiitavadanaH kruddho raavaNiM vaakyamabraviit |
12. kruddhaH= enraged; shrutvaa= in hearing; tat= that; garjitam= roaring; raakShasendrasya= of Indrajit; raaghavaH= Lakshmana; tadaa= then; abraviit= spoke; vaakyam= the following words; abhiitavadanaH= with a courageous countenance.
Enraged in hearing that roaring of Indrajit, Lakshmana then spoke the following words, with a courageous countenance.
uktashcha durgamaH paaraH kaaryaaNaaM raakShasa tvayaa || 88-6-13
kaaryaaNaaM karmaNaam paaraM yo gachchhati sa buddhimaan |
13. raakShasa= O, demon!; uktasya= It has been spoken; tvayaa= by you; paaraH= about the successful conclusion; kaaryaaNaam= of your undertakings; durgamaH= eventhough it is difficult to achieve; saH= he (alone); buddhimaan= is clever; yaH gachhati= whoever is reaching; paaram= the end; karmaaNaam= of his undertakings; kaaryaaNaam= which are practicable.
“O demon! It has been proclaimed by you about the successful conclusion of your tasks, eventhough it is difficult to achieve them. He alone is clever, whoever carries through his undertakings in practice.”
sa tvamarthasya hiinaartho duravaapasya kenachit || 88-6-14
vaachaa vyaahR^itya jaaniiShe kR^itaartho.asmiti durmate |
14. durneate= O evil minded one!; jaaniiShe= you are thinking; iti= that; kR^itaarthaH asmi= you have accomplished your end; vaachaa vyaahR^itya= by proclaiming through word alone; arthasya= the achiement of your end; duravaapasya= which is difficult to attain; kenachit= for anyone; saH tvam hiiinaartham= though you as such are lacking in capacity to achieve your end.
“O evil-minded one! You are thinking that you have accomplished your end, by proclaiming through word alone, the achievement of your end, which is difficult to attain for anyone, though you, as such, lack in capacity to achieve your purpose.”
aMtardhaanagatenaajau yastvayaa charitastadaa || 88-6-15
taskaraacharito maargaH naiSha viiraniShevitaH |
15. tadaa= on that day; tvayaa= by you; antardhaanagatena= who became invisible; aajau= in battle; yaH= which path; charitaH= was followed; maargaH= that path; taskaraacharitaH= is to be followed by thieves; eShaH= this; na viiraniShevitaH= is not to be followed by valiant ones.
“The path, which was followed on that day by you, becoming invisible in the battle-field, is the one trodden by thieves and is not the path followed by valiant ones.”
yathaa baaNapathaM praapya sthito.asmi tava raakShasa || 88-6-16
darshayasvaadya tattejo vaachaa tvaM kiM vikatthase |
16. raakShasa= O demon!; praapya= reaching; tava baaNapatham= within the range of your arrows; yathaa= how; sthitaH asmi= I am standing; (therefore); adya= now; darshayasva= you show; tat= that; tejaH= splendor (prowess); kim= why; tvam= should you; vikatthase= brag; vaachaa= by your words?.
“O demon! Having reached the range of your arrows, I am standing before you. Therefore show your prowess today. Why should you brag with your words?
evamukto dhanurbhiimaM paraamR^ishya mahaabalaH || 88-6-17
sasarja nishitaan baaNaaniMdrajit samitiJNjayaH |
17. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; mahaabalaH= the mighty; Indrajit= Indrajit; samitiNJayaH= victorious in battle; paraamR^ishya= reaching; bhiimam dhanuH= his terrific bow; sasarja= released; nishitaan= sharp; sharaan= arrows (from it).
Hearing those words, the mighty Indrajit, victorious in battle, reaching his terrific bow, released sharp arrows from it.
tena sR^iShTaa mahaavegaaH sharaaH sarpaviShopamaaH || 88-6-18
saMpraapya lakShmaNaM petuH shvasanta iva pannagaaH |
18. sampraapya= duly reaching; lakShmaNam= Lakshmana; sharaaH= the arrows; sR^iShTaaH= released; tena= by Indrajit; mahaavegaah= which rushed with great speed; sarpaviShopamaaH= and were deadly as the venom of serpents; petuH= fell; shvasantaH pannagaaH= like the hissing of serpents.
Duly reaching Lakshmana, the arrows released by Indrajit, which rushed with great speed and were as deadly as the venom of serpents, fell like the hissing of snakes.
sharairatimahaavegai rvegavaan raavaNaatmajaH || 88-6-19
saumitrimindrajidyuddhe vivyaadha shubhalakShaNam |
19. vegavaan= the swift; Indrajit= Indrajit; raavaNaatmajaH= the son of Ravana; sharaiH= with his arrows; atimahaavegaiH= of very great velocity; yuddhe= in battle; vivyaadha= struck; saumitrim= Lakshmana; shubhalakShaNam= who was endowed with auspicious body marks.
The swift Indrajit, the son of Ravana, with his arrows of very great velocity, in that battle, struck Lakshmana who was endowed with auspicious body-marks.
sa sharairatividdhaaN^go rudhireNa samukShitaH || 88-6-20
shushubhe lakShmaNaH shriimaanvidhuuma iva paavakaH |
20. saH shriimaan lakShmaNaH= that glorious Lakshmana; samukShitaH= drenched; rudhireNa= in blood; atividdhaaNgaH= with his body very much wounded; sharaiH= by arrows; shushubhe= shone; vidhuumaH paavakaH iva= like a smoke-less flame.
That glorious Lakshmana, drenched in blood, with his body very much wounded by arrows, shone like a smokeless flame.
indrajittvaatmanaH karma prasamiikShyaabhigamya cha || 88-6-21
ninadya sumahaanaadamitaM vachanamabraviit |
21. prasamiikShya= mulling over; aatmanaH karma= his own feat; indrajittu= Indrajit, for his part; abhigamyacha= approaching (Lakshmana); vinadya= and emitting; sumahaanaadam= an exceedingly loud roar; abraviit= spoke; idam= the following; vachanam= words.
Mulling over his own feat, Indrajit for his part, approaching Lakshmana and emitting an exceedingly loud roar, spoke the following words:
patriNa shitadhaaraaste sharaa matkaarmukachyutaaH || 88-6-22
aadaasyante.adya saumitre jiivitaM jiivitaantakaaH |
22. shitadharaaH= the sharp-edged; jiivitaantakaraaH= and deadly; sharaaH= arrows; patriNaH= with their wings; matkaarmukachyutaaH= released from my bow; adya aadaasyaste= will now take; te jiivitam= your life; samuitre= O Lakshmana!”
“The sharp-edged and deadly arrows, with their wings, released from my bow, will now take your life, O Lakshmana!”
adya gomaayusaMghaashcha shyenasaMghaashcha lakShmaNa || 88-6-23
gR^idhraashcha nipatantu tvaaM gataasuM nihataM mayaa |
23. lakShmaNa= O Lakshmana!; gomaayu samghaashcha= let a number of jackals; shyena samghaashcha= multitude of hawks; gR^iddhaashcha= and vultures; nipatantu= descend; tvaam= upon you; nihatam= when struck down; mayaa= by me; gataasum= you are dead.
“O Lakshmana! Let a number of Jackals, multitude of hawks and vultures descend upon you, when struck down by me, you are dead.”
kShatrabandhuM sadaanaaryaM raamaH paramadurmatiH || 88-6-24
bhaktaM bhraataramadyaiva tvaaM drakhyati hataM mayaa |
24. parama durmatiH= the very much evil-minded; raamaH= Rama; drakShyati= can see; tvaam= you; kShatrabandhum= a mere kshatriya (military class only for a name-sake); sadaa anaaryam= ever ignoble; bhaktam bhraataram= his devoted brother; adyaiva= now itself; nihatam mayaa= killed by me.
“The exceedingly evil-minded Rama now itself can see you, a mere kshatriya (military class only for a name sake), ever ignoble and his devoted brother, killed by me.”
visrastakavachaM bhuumau vyapaviddhasharaasanam || 88-6-25
hR^itottamaaN^gaM saumitre tvaamadya nihatam mayaa |
25. saumitre= O Lakshmana!; tvaam= (Rama will see) you; nihatam= struck down; mayaa= by me; adya= today; visrastakavacham= with your armour dropped down; vyapaviddha sharaashanam= with your bow thrown about; hR^itottamaaN^gam= and with your head dismantled.
“O Lakshmana! Rama will see you, struck down by me today, with your armour dropped down, bow thrown about and head dismantled.”
iti bruvaaNam saMkruddhaM paruShaM raavaNaatmajam || 88-6-26
hetumadvaakyamarthajJNo lakShmaNaH pratyuvaacha ha |
26. lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; arthaJNaH= understanding the sense of the word; pratyuvaacha ha= replied; hetumat vaakyam= (the following) logical words; samkruddham raavaNaatmajam= to the enraged Indrajit; iti= thus; bruvaaNam= speaking; peruSham= harshly.
Lakshmana, understanding the sense of the word, replied in the following logical words to the enraged Indrajit thus speaking harshly.
vaagbalaM tyaja durbhaddhe kruurakarmaasi raakShasa || 88-6-27
atha kasmaadvadasyetatsaMpaadaya sukarmaNaa |
27. durbuddhe= O evil minded one!; tyaja= give up; vaagbalam= strength in your empty words; raakShasa= O demon!; asi= you are; kruura karma= doing cruel acts; kasmaat= why; vadasi= do you talk; etat= this atha= further?; sampaadaya= make it full; sukarmaNaa= by your good work.
“O evil-minded one! Give up strength of speech in your empty words. O demons! You are doing cruel acts. Why do you indulge in such idle talk? Make it active with your good work.”
akR^itvaa katthase karma kimarthamiha raakShasa || 88-6-28
kuru tatkarma yenaahaM shraddadhyaaM tava katthanam |
28. raakShasa= O demon! akR^ityaa= without performing; karma= the act; kimartham= why; katthase= do you boast yourself; iha= here?; kuru= perform; tat karma= that act; yena= by which; shraddadhyaam= I can believe; tava katthanam= your brag.
“O demon! Without performing that act, why do you boast yourself here? Perform that act by which I can believe your brag.”
anuktvaa paruShaM vaakyaM kiMchidapyanavakShipan || 88-6-29
avikatthan vadhiShyaami tvaaM pashya puruShaadhama |
29. puruShaadhama= O the worst of persons!; anuktvaa= without speaking; kimchidapi= even a few; paruSham= harsha; vaakyam= words; anavakhShipan= without abusing you; avikattham= and without bragging myself; pashya= LO!; vadhiShyaami= I will kill; tvaam= you.
“O the worst of persons! Without speaking even a few harsh words, without abusing you and without bragging myself, Lo! I will kill you.”
ityuktvaa paJNcha naaraachaanaakarNaapuuritaan sharaan || 88-6-30
vijaghaana mahaavegaallakShmaNo raakShasorasi |
30. iti= thus; uktvaa= speaking; lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; paNcha naaraachaanaakrNaapuuritaan= stretching five steel arrows up to the ear; vijaghaana= dug them; rakShasorasi= into the demon’s chest; mahaavegaat= with a great speed.
Thus speaking, Lakshmana stretching five steel arrows upto the ear, dug them into the demon’s chest with a great speed.
supatravaajitaa baaNaa jvalitaa iva pannagaaH || 88-6-31
nairR^itorasyabhaasanta savituu rashmayo yathaa |
31. baaNaaH= the arrows; jvalitaaH= blazing; pannagaaH iva= like serpents; supatra vaajitaaH= and feathered with good plumes; abhaasanta= shone; nairR^itorasi= in the demon’s chest; savituH rashmayaH yathaa= like sun-rays.
The arrows, blazing like serpents and feathered with fine plumes, shone like sun-rays in that demon’s chest.
sa sharairaahatastena saroSho raavaNaatmajaH || 88-6-32
suprayuktaistribhirbaaNaiH prativivyaadha lakShmaNam |
32. aahataH= struck; sharaiH= with arrows; tena= by Lakshmana; saH= that; saroShaH= enraged; raavaNaatmajaH= Indrajit; prativivyaadha= pierced in return; tribhiH baaNaiH= three arrows; suprayuktaiH= well-directed; lakShmaNam= to Lakshmana.
Struck with arrows by Lakshmana, that enraged Indrajit pierced in return three arrows well-directed towards Lakshmana.
sa babhuuva mahaabhiimo nararaakShasasiMhayoH || 88-6-33
vimardastumulo yuddhe parasparajayaiShiNoH |
33. saH= that; mahaabhiimaH= very terrific; vimardaH= fight; babhuuva= became; tumulaH= tumultuous; nararaakShasa simhayoH= between Lakshmana the foremost of men and Indrajit the foremost of demns; parasparajayaiShiNoH= who wished to conquer one over the other; yuddhe= in battle.
That fight between Lakshmana, the foremost among men and Indrajit, the formost among demons, who wished to conquer one over the other in battle, was most terrific and tumultuous.
ubhau hi balasaMpannaavubhau vikramashaalinau || 88-6-34
ubhau paramadurjeyaavatulyabalatejasau |
34. ubhau= both; balasampannau= were endowed with strength; ubhau= both; vikramashaalinau= were distinguished for their prowess; ubhau= both; paramadurjayau= were exceedingly difficult to conquer atulya balatejasau= and peerless in strength and courage.
Both were endowed with strength. Both were distinguished for their prowess. Both were exceedingly difficult to conquer and peerless in strength and courage.
yuyudhaate tadaa viirau grahaaviva nabhogatau || 88-6-35
balavR^itraavivaabhiitau yudhi tau duSpR^idharShaNau |
35. tau viirau= those two heroes; duShpradharShaNau= who were difficult to overcome; yuddhi= in battle; yuyudhaate= fought; tadaa= at that moment; grahaaviva= like two planets; nabhogate= figuring in the sky; balavR^itraaviva= like Indra and Vritra, the demon.
Those two heroes, who were difficult to overcome in battle, fought at that moment like two plants figuring in the sky and like Indra and Vritra, the demon.
yuyudhaate mahaatmaanau tadaa kesariNaaviva || 88-6-36
bahuunavaS^ijantau hi maargaNaughaanavasthitau |
nararaakShasamukhyau tau prahR^iShTaavabhyayudhyataam || 88-6-37
36, 37. Tadaa= then; mahaatmaanau= the two warriors; avasthitau= engaged in; avasR^ijantau= releasing; bahuun maargaNaughaan= many streams of arrows; yuyudhaate= fought; kesariNaaviva= like two lions; tau= those; nara raakShasa mukhyau= foremost of human being and demons; abhyayudhyataam= fought; prahR^iShTau= with rejoice.
Then, the two warriors, who were engaged in releasing several streams of arrows, fought like two lions. Lakshmana the foremost among humans and Indrajit the foremost among demons fought with rejoice.
tatashshraan daasharathiH saMdhaayaamitrakarShaNaH |
sasarja raakShasendraya kR^iddhaH sarpa iva shvasan || 88-6-38
38. tataH= thereupon; daasharathiH= Lakshmana; amitrakarShaNaH= the tormentator of enemies; samdhaaya= fitting; sharaan= his arrows; shvasan= and hissing; kruddhaH sarpaH iva= like an enraged serpent; sasarja= released them; raakShasendraaya= for Indrajit.
Thereupon, Lakshmana the tormentator of enemies, fitting his arrows to his bow, released arrows on Indrajit, hissing like an enraged serpent.
tasya jyaatalanirghoShaM sa shrutvaa raakShasaadhipaH |
vivarNavadano bhuutvaa lakShmaNaM samudaikShata || 88-6-39
39. shrutvaa= hearing; jvaatalanirghoSham= the twang of the bow string; tasya= of Lakshmana; saH= that; raakShasaadhipaH= chief of demons; bhuutvaa= becoming; vivarNaradanaH= pale-faced; samudaikShata= fixed his gaze; lakShmaNam= On Lakshmana.
Hearing the twang of the bow-string of Lakshmana, Indrajit the Chief of demons became pale-faced and fixed his gaze on Lakshmana.
viShaNNavadanaM dR^iShTvaa raakShasaM raavaNaatmajam |
saumitriM yuddhasaMyuktaM pratyuvaacha vibhiiShaNaH || 88-6-40
40. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; raakShasam= Indrajit; raavaNaatmajam= the son of Ravana; viShaNNavadanam= with a pale face; vibhiiShaNah= Vibhishana; pratyuvaacha= spoke; saumitrim= to Lakshmana; yuddha samyuktam= who was absorbed in the fight.
Seeing Indrajit (the son of Ravana) pale-faced, Vibhishana spoke as follows to Lakshmana, who was fully absorbed in the fight.
nimittaanyupapashyaami yaanyasmin raavaNaatmaje |
tvara tena mahaabaaho bhagna eSha na saMshayaH || 88-6-41
41. mahaabaaho= O the long armed Lakshmana!; asmin raavanaatmaje= In this Indrajit; yaani nimittaani= which indications; upapashyaami= I am seeing; tena= by them; eShaH= he; bhagnaH= is disappointed; na samshayaH= there is no doubt; tvara= make haste.
“O the long-armed Lakshmana! I infer on the strength of the indications which I see in Indrajit, that he is disappointed. There is no doubt about it. Make haste.”
tatassaMdhaaya saumitriH sharaanaashiiviShopamaan |
mumocha nishitaaMstasmin sarpaaniva viSholbaNaan || 88-6-42
42. tataH= thereupon; samdhaaya nishitaan baaNaan= fitting to his bow, sharp arrows; aashiiviShopamaan= resembling poisonous snakes; saumitriH= Lakshmana; mumocha= the discharged; (those arrows); viSholbaNaan sarppaaniva= which looked like serpents full of venom; tasmin= on him.
Thereupon, fitting to his bow sharp arrows, resembling poisonous snakes, Lakshmana discharged those arrows which looked like serpents full of venom to him.
shakraashanisamasparshairlakShamaNenaahataH sharaiH |
muhuurtamabhavanmuuDhaH sarvasaMkShubhitendriyaH || 88-6-43
43. aahataH= hit; lakShmaNena= by Lakshmana; sharaiH= with arrows; sarvasamkShubhitendriyaH= which invaded all the senses; shakraashani samasparshaiH= like the painful touching of Indra’s thunderbolt; abhavat= (Indrajit) became; muuDhaH= stupefied; muhuurtam= for a moment.
Hit by Lakshmana with arrows, which invaded all his senses, like the hit of Indra’s thunderbolt, Indrajit became stupefied for a moment.
upalabhya muhuurtena saMjJNaam pratyaagatendriyaH |
dadarshaavasthitaM viiramaajau dasharathaatmajam || 88-6-44
44. upalabhya= regaining; samJNaam= his consciousness; muhuurtena= within a moment; pratyaagatendriyaH= with his senses restored; (that Indrajit); dadarsha= saw; viiram= the valiant; dasharadhaatmajam= Lakshmana; avasthitam= engaged in; ajau= the battle.s
Regaining his consciousness within a moment, with his senses restored, that Indrajit saw the valiant Lakshmana engaged in the battle.
so.abhichakraama saumitriM roShaatsaMraktalochanaH |
abraviichhainamaasaadya punaH sa paruShaM vachaH || 88-6-45
45. samrakta lochanaH= with blood-red eyes; roShaat= in anger; saH= Indrajit; abhichakraama= walked; saumitrim= towards Lakshmana; aasaadya= approaching; evam= Lakshmana; saH= he; punaH= again; abraviit cha= spoke; paruSham vachaH= harsh words (as follows):
With blood-red eyes in anger, Indrajit walked towards Lakshmana. Approaching Lakshmana, he again spoke the following harsh words to him:
kiM na smarasi tadyuddhe prathame yatparaakramam |
nibaddhastvaM saha bhraatraa yadaa bhuvi vicheShTase || 88-6-46
46. na smarasikim= don’t you remember; tat matparaakramam= my prowess; prathame yuddhe= in the first battle; yadaa tvam= bhraatraashcha= when you, along with your brother; nibaddhaH= was bound by me; vicheShTate= and you wriggled; bhuvi= on the floor.
“Don’t you remember my prowess in the first encounter, when you along with your brother, was bound by me and you wriggled on the floor?”
yuvaaM khalu mahaayuddhe shakraanisamaiH sharaiH |
shaayitau prathamam bhuumau visaMjJNau sapuraHsarau || 88-6-47
47. prathamam= at first; yuvaam= both of you; sa puraH sarau= along with your foremost warriors; mahaayuddhe= in a major encounter; shaayitau khalu= were indeed laid down; visamJNau= unconscious; bhuumau= on the ground; sharaiH= by me arrows; shakraashanisamaiH= which were equal to Indra’s thunderbolt.
“At first, both of you along with your foremost warriors in a major encounter, were indeed laid down unconscious on the ground, by my arrows which were equal to Indra’s thunderbolt.”
smR^itirvaa naasti te manye vyaktaM vaa yamasaadanam |
gantumichchhasi yanmaaM tvamaadharShayitumichchhasi || 88-6-48
48. yat= that; tvam= you; ichchhasi= desire; aadharShayitum= to attack; maam= me; (means); smR^itiH= the thought of it; naasti= no longer exist; te= in you; vaa= or; manye= I presume; ichhasivaa= you desire; gantum= to go; yama saadanam= to the abode of Yama the lord of Death; vyaktam= clearly.
“The fact that you desire to attack me means that either the remembrance of it no longer exists in you or I presume you desire to go clearly to the abode of Yama the lord of Death.”
yadi te prathame yuddhe na dR^iShTo matparaakramaH |
adya tvaaM darshayiShyaami tiShedaaniiM vyavasthitaH || 88-6-49
49. matparaakramH na dR^iShTaH yadi= If my prowess was not witnessed; te= by you; prathame= in the first; yuddhe= encounter; tvaam darshayiShyaami= I will make you see; adya= today; tiShTha= stand; vyavasthitaH= ready for it idaaniim= now.
“If my prowess was not witnessed by you in the first encounter, I will show it today. Stand ready for it now.”
ityuktvaa saptabhirbaaNairabhivivyaadha lakShmaNam |
dashabhistu hanuumantaM tiikShaNadhaaraiH sharottamaiH || 88-6-50
50. iti= thus; uktvaa= speaking; vivyeadha= (he) struck; lakShmaNam= Lakshmana; saptabhiH baaNaiH= with seven arrows; hanuumantam= and Hanuma; dashabhiH= with ten; sharottamaiH= excellent arrows; tiikShaNadhaaraiH= having sharp edges.
Thus speaking, he struck Lakshmana with seven arrows and Hanuma with ten excellent sharp-edged arrows.
tataH sharashatenaiva suprayuktena viiryavaan |
krodhaaddviguNasaMrabdho nirbibheda vibhiiShaNam || 88-6-51
51. tataH= then; viiryavaan= the valiant Indrajit; krodhaat= with anger; dviguNa samvambhaH= and with twice as much vehemence; nirbhibheda= wounded; vibhiiShaNam= Vibhishana; suprayuktena sharashatenaiva= with a hundred well-aimed arrows.
Then, the valiant Idnrajit with anger and with twice as much vehemence, wounded Vibhishana with a hundred well-aimed arrows.
taddR^iShTvendrajitaa karma kR^itaM raamaanujastadaa |
achintayitvaa prahasannaitatkiMchiditi bruvan || 88-6-52
mumocha cha sharaan ghoraan saMgR^ihya narapuMgavaH |
abhiitavadanaH kruddho raavaniM lakShmaNo yudhi || 88-6-53
52, 53. Tadaa= then; lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; raamaanujaH= the younger brother of Rama; narapuNgavaH= and the foremost among men; dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tat= that; karma= feat; kR^itam= accomplished; indrajitaa= by Indrajit; achintayitvaa= disregarding it; prahasan= deriding it; bruvan= and saying it; iti= as; na kimchit= nothing; abhiitavadanaH= with a fearless face; kruddhaH= enraged; samgR^ihya= and taking ghoraan sharaan= terrific arrows; mumocha= and sicharged them; raavaNim= on Indrajit; yudhi= in the battle.
Seeing that feat accomplished by Indrajit, yet disregarding it, deriding it by saying “This is noting” and taking up terrific arrows, the fearless and enraged Lakshmana the younger brother of Rama and foremost among men, then discharged them against Indrajit in battle.
naivaM raNagataaH shuuraaH praharanti nishaachara |
laghuvashchaalpaviiryaashcha sharaa hiime sukhaastava || 88-6-54
54. nishaachara= O demon!; shuuraaH= heroes; raNagataaH= who come to battle; na praharanti= do not strike; evam= like this; ime sharaaH= these arrows; tava= of yours; laghuvashcha= are light; alpaviiyaashcha= weak; sukhaaH hi= and indeed mild.
“O demon! Heroes who come to battle do not strike like this. These arrows of yours are light, weak and mild indeed.”
naivaM shuuraastu yudhyante samare jayakaaMkShiNaH |
ityevaM taM bruvan dhanvii sharairabhivavarSha ha || 88-6-55
55. shuuraaH= warriors; jaya kaankShiNaH= who wish to win; samara= in battle; na yudhyante= do not fight; evam= like this; ityevam= thus; bruvan= speaking; wielder of a bow; abhivavarSha ha= streamed forth; sharaiH= with arrows; tam= on him.
“Warriors, who wish to win in battle, do not fight like this.” Thus speaking, Lakshmana the wielder of a bow, streamed forth arrows on him.
tasya baaNaiH suvidhvastaM kavachaM kaaJNchanaM mahat |
vyashiiryata rathopasthe taaraajaalamivaambaraat || 88-6-56
56. mahat= a large; kaaN^chanam kavacham= golden armour; suvidhvastam= broken to pieces; baaNaiH= by the arrows; tasya= of Lakshmana; vyashiiryata= slipped down; rathopasthe= in the middle of his chariot; taaraajaalamiva= like a cobweb of stars; ambaraat= (falling) from the sky.
A large golden armour, broken to pieces by Lakshmana’s arrows, slipped down in the middle of chariot, like a cob-web of stars falling from the sky.
vidhuutavarmaa naaraachairbabhuuva sa kR^itavraNaH |
indrajitsamare viiraH pratyuuShe bhaanumaaniva || 88-6-57
57. viiraH= the valiant; Indrajit= Indrajit; vidhuuta varmaa= with his armour disheveled; naaraachaiH= by the steel arrows; kR^itavraNaH= and having a wound made; samara= in the battle; babhuuva= was; bhaanumaaniva= like the sun; pratyuuShe= at dawn.
The valiant Indrajit, with his armour disheveled by the steel arrows, was wounded in battle and looked like the sun at dawn.
tataH sharasahasreNa saMkruddho raavaNaatmajaH |
bibheda samare viiro lakShmaNaM bhiimavidramaH || 88-6-58
58. tataH= thereupon; viiraH= the valiant; raavaNaatmajah= Indrajit; bhiimavikramaH= of terrific prowess; samkruddhaH= was enroged; bibheda= and wounded; lakShmaNam= Lakshmana; sharasahasreNa= with a thousand arrows; samara= in battle.
Thereafter, the valiant Indrajit of terrific prowess was enraged and wounded Lakshmana with a thousand arrows in battle.
vyashiiryata mahaddivyaM kavacham lakShmaNasya tu |
kR^itapratikR^itaanyonyaM babhuuvaturabhidrutau || 88-6-59
59. mahat= the large; divyam= celestial; kavacham= armour; lakShmaNasya= of Lakshmana; vyashiiryata= borke into pieces; kR^ita pratikR^itaanyonyam= with each other in offence and retaliation; abhidrutau= in their attack.
The large celestial armour of Lakshmana broke into pieces. The two warriors vied with each other in offence and retaliation in their attack.
abhiikShaNam niHshvasantau tau yudhyetaaM tumulaM yudhi |
sharasaMkR^ittasarvaaN^gau sarvato rudhirokShitau || 88-6-60
60. tau= those two warriors; sharasamkR^itta sarvaaN^gau= with all their limbs got lacerated; yudhi= in combat; rudhiraukShitau= smeared with blood; sarvataH= all around; abhiikShaNam niH shvasantau= and breathing heavily; yudhyetaam= fought; tumulam= tumultuously.
Those two warriors, with their entire bodies lacerated in combat, smeared with blood all around and breathing heavily, fought the battle tumultuously.
sudiirghakaalaM tau viiraavanyonyaM nishitaiH sharaiH |
tatakShaturmahatmaanau raNakarmavishaaradau || 88-6-61
61. tau= those; mahaatmanau= great souled; viirous= warriors; raNakarma vishaaradau= skilled in war-fare; sudiirgha kaalam= for a long time; tatakShatuH= were cutting through; anyonyam= each other; nishitaiH sharaiH= with sharp arrows.
Thos mighty warriors, skilled in warfare, were cutting through each other, for a long time, with sharp arrows.
babhuuvatushchaatmajaye yatau bhiimaparaakramau |
tau sharaughai stathaakiirNau nikR^ittakavachadhvajau || 88-6-62
sR^ijantau rudhiraM choShNaM jalaM prasravaNaaviva |
62. bhiimaparaakramau= those two heroes of terrific prowess; babhuuvatuH= stay on; yatnau= strennously trying; aatmajaye= in securing their own victory; aakiirNau= crowded all over; tathaa= thus; sharaughaiH= with a multitude of arrows; nikR^itta kavachadhvajau= their armour and standards torn to pieces; tau= they; (stood) sR^ijantau= emitting; uShNam= hot; rudhiram= blood; prasravaNaaviva= as two water falls (gushing); jalam= (hot) water.
Those two heroes f terrific prowess stay on strenuously trying to secure their own victory, covered as they were, all over with a multitude of arrows as also their armour and standards torn to pieces. They stood emitting hot blood, as two water-falls gushing hot water.
sharavarShaM tato ghoraM muJNchatorbhiimaniHsvanam || 88-6-63
saasaarayorivaakaashe niilayoH kaalemeghayoH |
tayoratha mahaan kaalo vyatiiyaadyudhyamaanayoH || 88-6-64
na cha tau yuddhavaimukhyaM shramaM chaapyupajagmatuH |
63, 64. Mahaan= much; kaalaH= of a time; vyatiiyaat= lapsed; tayoH= while the two warriors; yudhyamaanayoH= fought; muN^chatoH= loosing; ghoram= terrific; sharavarSham= stream of arrows; tataH= then; bhiima niH svanam= with an awful clamour; niilayoH iva= like two dark; kaala meghayoH= destructive clouds; saasaarayoH= raining; aakaashe= from the sky; tau= they; na= neither; yuddhavaimukhyam= turned their back from the battle; (na= nor); abhijagmatuH= experienced; sharamamvaapi= any fatigue.
Much of a time lapsed while the two warriors fought loosing terrific stream of arrows, then with an awful clamour, like two dark destructive clouds raining from the sky. They neither trned their back from the battle, nor experienced any fatigue.
astraaNyastravidaaM shreShThau darshayant punaH punaH || 88-6-65
sharaanuchchaavachaakaaraanantarikShe babandhatuH |
65. darshayantau= displaying; astraaNi= their missiles; punaH punaH= again and again; 9the two warriors) shreShThau= who were excellent; astravidaam= among those skilled in the use of missiles; babandhatuH= fastened a net work; sharaan= of arrows; uchchhavachaan aakaraan= of both large and small shapes; antarikShe= in the sky.
Displaying their missiles again and again, the two warriors, who were excellent among those skilled in the use missiles, fastened a net work of arrows both large and small, in the sky.
vyapetadoShamasyantau laghu chitraM cha suShThu cha || 88-6-66
ubhau tu tumulaM ghoraM chakraturnararaakShasau |
66. asyantau= loosing their arrows; vyapeta doSham= faultlessly; suShThucha= gracefully; laghu= and easily; chitramcha= in a wonderful way; nara raakShasau= both the man and the demon; chakratuH= carried on; tumulam= a tumultuous; ghoram= and terrific war.
Loosing their arrows faultlessly, gracefully and easily in a wonderful way, both the man and the demon carried on a tumultuous and terrific war.
tayoH pR^ithak pR^ithagbhiimaH shushruve tumulaH svanaH || 88-6-67
sughorayorniHsvanatorgagane meghayoriva |
67. tayoH= their; bhimaH= terrific; tumulaH= and tumultuous; svanaH= sound; shushruve= could be heard; pR^ithak pR^ithak= one by one repeatedly; saH= that sound; janayaamaasa= created; kampam= tremble; daaruNaH nirghaataH iva= like a violent thunder-storm.
Their terrific and tumultuous sound could be heard one by one repeatedly. That sound created a tremble in people, like a violent thunder-storm.
tayoH sa bhraajate shabdastathaa samarayattayoH || 88-6-68
sughorayorniHsvanatorgagane meghayoriva |
68. saH shabdaH= that clamour; tayoH= of those two warriors; tathaa samara yattayoH= who were engaged thus in that martial act; bhraajate iva= resembled; niH svanatoH= the rumbling; sughorayoH= of two dreadful; meghayoH= thunderin clouds; gagane= in the sky.
That clamour of those two warriors, who were engaged thus in that martial act, resembled the rumbling of two dreadful thundering clouds in the sky.
suvarNapuN^khairnaaraachairbalavantau kR^itavraNau || 88-6-69
prasusruvaate rudhiraM kiirtimantau jaye dhR^itau |
69. kiirtivantau balavantau= those two mighty and glorious warriors; dhR^itau= who were determined; jaye= to gain victory; kR^ita vraNau= wounded; suvarNapuNkhaiH= with golden-shafted; naaraachaiH= steel arrows; prasusruvaate= were profusely giving out; rudhiram= blood.
Those two mighty and glorious warriors, who were determined to gain victory over one another, wounded with golden-shafted steel arrows, were profusely giving out blood.
te gaatrayornipatitaa rukmapuN^khaaH sharaa yudhi || 88-6-70
asR^igdigdhaa viniSpeturvivishurdharaNiitalam |
70. te sharaaH= those arrows; rukmapuNkhaaH= with golden shafts; patitaaH= fallen; gaatrayoH= on their limbs; yudhi= in battle; asR^igdigdhaaH= were smeared with blood; viniShpetuH= came out; vivishuH= and pierced; dharaNiitalam= the surface of the earth.
Fallen on their limbs, the golden-shafted arrows, dropped on the battle-field, smeared with blood and pierced into the surface of the earth.
anye sunishitaiH shastrairaakaashe saMjaghaTTire || 88-6-71
babhaJNjushchichchhidushchaiva tayorbaaNaaH sahasrashaH |
71. anye sunishitaiH baaNaaH= some more arrows; tayoH= released by those two warriors; samjaghaTTire= clashed; sahasrashaH= in thousands; sunishitaiH shastraiH= with sharp weapons; aakaashe= in the sky; babhaNJaH= and shattered; chichchhidushcha= and tore them.
Some more arrows released by those two warriors clashed in thousands with sharp weapons in the sky and shattered and tore them.
sa babhuuva raNe ghorastayorbaaNamayashchayaH || 88-6-72
agnibhyaamiva diiptaabhyaaM satre kushamayashchayaH |
72. tayoH= their; ghoraH= terrific; baaNamayaH chayaH= pile consisting of arrows; raNe= in battle; babhuuva= appeared; kushamayaH chayaH iva= like a mass of sacred Kusha grass; diiptaabhyaam agnibhyaam= by the side of two blazing fires; satre= at a sacrifice.
The terrific pile of arrows in battle appeared like a mass of sacred Kusha grass by the side of two blazing fires at a sacrifice.
tayoH kR^itavraNau dehau shushubhaate mahaatmanoH || 88-6-73
supuSpaaviva niSpatrau vane kiMshukashaalmalii |
73. kR^ita vraNau= the wounded; dehau= bodies; taoH mahaatmanoH= of those two mighty warriors; shushubhaate= shone; kimshukashaalmalii iva= like Kimshuka and Shalmali (silk-cotton) trees; supuShpau= in full blossom; niShpatrau= deprived of leaves; vane= in a forest.
The wounded bodies of those two mighty warriors shone like Kimshuka and Shalmali (silk-cotton) trees in full blossom, deprived of leaves.
chakratustumulaM ghoraM saMnipaataM muhurmuhuH || 88-6-74
indrajillakShmaNashchaiva parasparajayaiShiNau |
74. Indrajit= Indrajit; lakShmaNashchaiva= and Lakshmana; muhurmuhuH paraspara jayaiShiNau= who were time and again wishing to attain victory one over the other; chakratuH= carried out; tumulam= tumultuous; ghoram= and terrific; samnipaatam= battle.
Indrajit and Lakshmana who were time and again wishing to attain victory one over the other, carried out tumultuous and terrific battle.
lakShmaNo raavaNiM yuddhe raavaNishchaapi lakShmaNam || 88-6-75
anyonyaM taavabhighnantau na shramaM pratipadyataam |
75. yuddhe= in the combat; lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; (was striking) raavaNim= Indrajit; raavaNishchaapi= and even Indrajit (was striking); lakShmaNamchaapi= Lakshmana too; tau= both of them; abhighnantau= were striking; anyonyam= each other; na pratipadyataam= and did not experience; shramam= any weariness.
In the combat, Lakshmana was striking Indrajit and Indrajit too was striking Lakshmana. Both of them were striking each other and did not experience any weariness.
baaNajaalaiH shariirasthairavagaaDhaistarasvinau || 88-6-76
shushubhaate mahaaviryau praruuDhaaviva parvatau |
76. baaNajaalaiH= with a multitude of arrows; avagaaDhaiH= dug deep; shariirasthaiH= into their bodies; mahaaviiryau tarasvinau= those two warriors of great prowess and swiftness; shushubhnate= shone; parvatau iva= like two mountains; praruuDhau= shooting forth plants from them.
With a multitude of arrows dug deep into their bodies, those two warriors, of great prowess and swiftness, shone like two mountains shooting forth plants from them.
tato rudhirastiktaani saMvR^itaani sharairbhR^isham || 88-6-77
babhraajuH sarvagaatraaNi jvalanta iva paavakaaH |
77. tataH= at that time; sarvaaatraaNi= all their limbs; rudhira siktaani= dampened with blood; sam vR^itaani= and covered; sharaiH= with arrows; bhR^isham babhraajuH= shone very much; jvalantaH paavakaaH iva= like blazing fires.
At that time, all their limbs, dampened with blood and thickly covered with arrows shone very much like blazing fires.
tayoratha mahaan kaalo vyatiiyaadyudhyamaanayoH || 88-6-78
na cha tau yuddhavaimukhyaM shramaM chaapyabhijagmatuH |
78. mahaan=a lot of; kaalaH= time; vyatiiyat= lapsed; tayoH= in the meanwhile past between them; tau= they; na= netiher; yuddhavaimukhyam= turned their back from the battle; (na=nor); abhijagmatuH= experienced; shramamvaapi = any fatigue.
A lot of time lapsed in the meanwhile past the two warriors. They neither turned their back from the battle nor experienced any fatigue.
atha samaraparishramaM nihantuM |
samaramukheSvajitasya lakShmaNasya |
priyahitamupapaadayanmahaatmaa |
samaramu petya vibhiiShaNo.avatasthe || 88-6-79
79. atha= then; nihantum= to remove; samara parishramam= martial weariness; lakShmaNasya= of Lakshmana; samara mukheShu ajitasya= who did not know defeat in any facet of war; mahaatmaa= the great souled; vibhiiShaNaH= Vibhishana; upapaadayan= offering; priyahitam= agreeable and salutary words; avatasthe= took up his position; upetya= on reaching; samara= the battle-field.
Then, to relieve martial weariness of Lakshmana, who did not experience defeat in any facet of war, the great-souled Vibhishana, offering agreeable and salutary words, took up his position, on reaching the battle-field.

itaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe aShTaashiititamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 88th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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