Chapter [Sarga] 33  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 33


An ogre named Sarama reassures Seetha by telling her that Ravana, the conjurer created an illusory appearance of Rama’s head and exhibited it before her. She informs Seetha that Rama is still alive and is stationed along with his forces at the southern shore of the ocean. Sarama restores confidence to Seetha, by saying that Rama after killing Ravana in battle will soon win her back.

siitaam tu mohitaam dR^iSTvaa saramaa naama raakSasii |
aasasaada aashu vaidehiim priyaam praNayinii sakhii || 6-33-1
1. atha= then; dR^ishhTvaa= seeing; mahitaam=the bewildered; siitaam= Seetha; raakshhasii= a demon; sarama= called Sarama; praNayinii= an affectionate; sakhii= female companion; aasasaada= approached; priyaam= her best loved; vaidehiim= Seetha.
Seeing the bewildered Seetha, a demon named Sarama*, an affectionate female companion then approached Seetha, her beloved Seetha, her beloved friend.
*Sarama, according to some commentators was the wife of Vibhishana.
mohitaam raakshasendreNa siitaam paramaduHkhitaam |
aashvaasayaamaasa tadaa saramaa mR^idubhaaShiNii || 6-33-2
2. tadaa= then; saramaa= Sarama; mR^idu bhaashiNii= the soft-spoken woman; aashvaasayaamaasa= consoled; siitaam= Seetha; mohitaam= who was infatuated; raakshhasendreNa= by Ravana; paramaduHkhitaam= and who was very much in grief.
Sarama, the soft-spoken woman, consoled Seetha who having been infatuated by Ravana was very much in distress.
saa hi tatra kR^itaa mitram siitayaa rakSyamaaNayaa |
rakSantii raavaNaad iSTaa saanukroshaa dR^iDha vrataa || 6-33-3
3. saa= Sarama; raavaNaadishhTaa= who was assigned by Ravana; rakshhantii; to guard Seetha; saanukroshaa= was kind hearted; dR^iDhavrataa= and firm in austerity; (she) kR^itaahi= was indeed made; mitram= a companion ; siitaaya= by Seetha; rakshhyamaaNayaa= who was being protected; tatra=there.
Sarma, who was assigned by Ravana to guard Seetha, was kind hearted and firm in austerity. She was indeed made a companion by Seetha, who was being protected by her there.
saa dadarsha sakhiim siitaam saramaa naSTa cetanaam |
upaavR^itya utthitaam dhvastaam vaDavaam iva paamsuSu || 6-33-4
4. saa= that; saramaa= Sarama; sakhii=the companion; dadarsha= saw; siitaam= Seetha; nashhTachetanaam= who lost her consciousness; upaavR^itya= having rolled herself; paamsushhu= in dust; badabaamiva= like a female horse; utthitaam= risen; dhvastaam= covered with dust
The affectionate Sarama found Seetha stupefied and just risen after rolling in the dust and soiled, resembling a female horse.
taam samaashvaasayaam aasa sakhii snehena suvrataa |
uktaa yad raavaNena tvam pratyuktam ca svayam tvayaa || 6-33-5
5. sakhii= that companion, Sarama; snehena= affectionate; samaa shvaasayaamaasa= consoled; taam= that Seetha; suvrataam= the very virtuous woman; vaidehi= O, Seetha, samaashvasihi= be comfortable; maa bhuut= Let there not be; vyathaa= perturbation; te maanasaa= in your mind.
Sarama consoled the very virtuous Seetha as follows “O, Seetha! Be comfortable! Do not get perturbed in your mind.
uktaa yadraavaNena tvam pratyuktashcha svayam tvayaa |
sakhii snehena tad bhiiru mayaa sarvam pratishrutam || 6-33-6
liinayaa ganahe shuuhye bhayam utsR^ijya raavaNaat |
tava hetor vishaala akSi na hi me jiivitam priyam || 6-33-7
6, 7. bhiiru= O, timid woman! yat= whatever; uktvaa= was spoken; raavaNena= by Ravana; tvam= to you; tat sarvam= and all that; pratyuktashcha= was replied; tvayaa= by you; sarvam= of your own accord ; pratishrutam= was overheard; mayaa= by me; utsR^ijya= having abandoned; bhayam= fear; raavaNaat= from Ravana; liinayaa= by hiding; shuunye= in a barren; gagane= sky; sakhiisnehena= owing to affection towards you, my companion; vishaalaakshhi= O, the large eyed woman! me = to me; nahi= there is indeed no; bhayam= fear; raavaNaat = of Ravana; tava hetoH= in your cause.
timid woman! Because of my friendship with you, I overheard Ravana’s words and all the words you have spoken in reply to him, by hiding nearby in a barren sky without fear. O, large eyed woman! I do not have any fear of Ravana, owing to my affection towards you”.
sa sambhraantasha ca niSkraanto yat kR^ite raakSasa adhipaH |
tac ca me viditam sarvam abhiniSkramya maithili || 6-33-8
8. maithili= O,Seetha! Sarvam= everything; viditam= was known; me= to me; abhinishhkramya= having gone outside; tatra= about that matter; yatkR^ite= why; saH raakshhaseshvaraH= that Ravana; nishhkaantah= had gone away; sambhraantaH= agitated.
"O, Seetha! Every thing was ascertained by me on the spot, after going out, about the reason for which Ravana has gone away agitated."
na shakyam sauptikam kartum raamasya vidita aatmanaH |
vadhashca puruSa vyaaghre tasminn eva upapadyate || 6-33-9
9. na sakyam= It is not possible; kartum= to perform; souptikam= an attack while sleeping; raamasya= in the case of Rama; viditaatmanaH= who was aware of his self; vadhashcha= killing also; tasmin= in his case; purushhavyaaghre= the tiger among men; naiva upapadyate= does not come into existence.
“It is not possible to attack Rama, a man of self awareness, while he is asleep. Nay even killing him, the tiger among men, is well nigh impossible.”
na ca eva vaanaraa hantum shakyaaH paadapa yodhinaH |
suraa deva R^iSabheNa iva raameNa hi surakSitaaH || 6-33-10
10. na shakyaaH= It is not possible; hantum= to kill; evam= in this manner; vaanaraaH= monkeys; paadapayodhinaH= who perform fighting by the use of trees; surakshhitaaH =and who are well protected; raamaNe= by Rama; suraaH iva= as celestials; surararshhabheNa= by Indra the excellent among celestials.
“It is not possible to kill in this manner even monkeys, who perform fighting with trees, in as much as they are fully protected by Rama, even as celestials are protected by Indra their lord”
diirgha vR^itta bhujah shriimaan mahaa uraskah prataapavaan |
dhanvii samhanana upeto dharma aatmaa bhuvi vishrutaH || 6-33-11
vikraanto rakSitaa nityam aatmanashca parasya ca |
lakSmaNena saha bhraatraa kushalii naya shaastravit || 6-33-12
hantaa para bala oghaanaam acintya bala pauruSaH |
na hato raaghavaH shriimaan siite shatru nibarhaNaH || 13
11, 12, 13. siite= O, Seetha! raaghavaaH= Rama; diirghavR^itta bhujaH= who has long and rounded arms; shriimaan= an illustrious man; mahoraskaH= who is large-chested; prataapavaan= a man of great energy; dhanvii= wielder of a bow; samhananopetaH= a man endowed with muscularity; dharmaatmaa= a righteous minded man; vishrutaa= a man of celebrity; bhuvi= on earth; nityam= forever; vikraantaH= a man of strength; rakshhitaa= a protector; aatmanashcha= for himself; parasyacha= and for others; bhraataa lakshhmaN ena saha= who is together with his brother Lakshmana; kuliinah= a man of high descent; nayashaastravit= knower of doctrines of prudence and wisdom; hantaa= killer; para baloughaan= of a stream of enemy forces; achintyabala pourushhaH= a man with an inconceivable strength and valor; shriimaan= a venerable man; shatru nibarhaNaH= an annihilator of adversaries; na hataH= has not been killed.
“O, Seetha! Rama, who is endowed with long and well rounded arms, an illustrious man, who is large-chested, a man of great energy, an archer well known in the world, a man endowed with muscularity, a righteous minded man, a person of celebrity on earth, a man of eternal strength, a protector for himself and for others, while together with his brother Lakshmana, a man of high descent, a knower of doctrines of conduct and behavior, the killer of a stream of enemy forces, a man of inconceivable strength and valor, a venerable man and an annihilator of adversaries, has not been killed.”
ayukta buddhi kR^ityena sarva bhuuta virodhinaa |
iyam prayuktaa raudreNa maayaa maayaavidaa tvayi || 6-33-14
14. maayaa= a trickery; prayuktaa= has been hurled; tvayi= on you; iha= here; maayaavinaa= by Ravana, a conjurer; ayuktabuddhikR^ityena= a committer of wrong thinking and action; sarvabhuuta virodhinaa= an enemy of all beings; roudreNa= and a fiery person.
“A trickery has been hurled on you here by the cruel Ravana, a conjurer, who is perverse in thinking and action and an enemy of all beings.”
shokas te vigataH sarvaH kalyaaNam tvaam upasthitam |
dhruvam tvaam bhajate lakSmiiH priyam priiti karam shR^iNu || 6-33-15
15. te= you; shokaH= sorrow; vigataH= has gone asunder; sarva kalyaaNam= an all pervading auspiciousness; upasthitam= has occasioned; tvaam= you; dhruvam= Assuredly; lakshhmiiH= prosperity; bhajate= is waiting upon; tvaam= you; priyam= a favorable thing; bhavati= is coming into existence; te= for you; shruNu= hear (me).
“Your sorrow is (now) gone once for all. An all-pervading auspiciousness will await you. Accordingly prosperity will attend on you. Hear me.”
uttiirya saagaram raamaH saha vaanara senayaa |
samniviSTaH samudrasya tiiram aasaadya dakSiNam || 6-33-16
16. raamaH= Rama; vaanarasenayaa saha= along with his army of monkeys; uttiirya= having crossed; saagaram= the ocean; aasaadya= reached; dakshhiNam tiiram= the southern shore; samudrasya= of the sea; samnivishhTaH= and is encamped; (there)
“Rama, along with his army of monkeys, having crossed the ocean, reached its southern shore and is encamped there.”
dR^iSTo me paripuurNa arthaH kaakutsthaH saha lakSmaNaH |
sahitaiH saagara antasthair balais tiSThati rakSitaH || 6-33-17
17. kaakutthsaH= Rama; saha lakshmaNaH= who was along with Lakshmana; paripuurNaarthaH= who was full of meaning; dR^ishhTati= was perceived; me= by me; tishhTati= who is stationed (there); rakshhitaH= being protected; balaiH= by his forces; sahitaiH= who are united; saagaraantasthaiH= near the ocean.
“Rama, who was along with fully meaningful Lakshmana, was perceived by me. He stands protected by the troops gathered together at the vicinity of the ocean.”
anena preSitaa ye ca raakSasaa laghu vikramaH |
raaghavas tiirNaity evam pravR^ittis tair iha aahR^itaa || 6-33-18
18. anena= by him; ye= which; laghuvikramaaH= quick paced; raakshhasaH= demons; preshhitaaH=were sent; pravR^ittiH= the news; aahR^itaa= has been brought; taiH= by them; ityevam= that; raaghavaH= Rama; tiirNaH= had crossed(the ocean.)
“Some swift paced demons, who were dispatched by Ravana, brought this very news here that Rama has crossed the ocean.”
sa taam shrutvaa vishaala akSi pravR^ittim raakSasa adhipaH |
eSa mantrayate sarvaiH sacivaiH saha raavaNaH || 6-33-19
19. vishaalaakshhi= O, the wide-eyed Seetha! shrutvaa= hearing; taam= that; pravR^ittim= news; saH eshhaH= yonder; raavaNaH= Ravana; mantrayate= is deliberating; sachivaih saha= with his ministers.
“O, the wide-eyed Seetha! Hearing that news, yonder Ravana is busy making deliberations with all his ministers.”
iti bruvaaNaa saramaa raakSasii siitayaa saha |
sarva udyogena sainyaanaam shabdam shushraava bhairavam || 6-33-20
20. (while); saramaa= Sarama; raakshhasii= the ogress; bruuvaaNaa= was talking; iti= as aforesaid; siitaayaa saha= with Seetha; bhairavam= a terrific; shabdam= sound; shushraava= was heard; sarvodyogena= because of the all-out preparation; sainyaanaam= of the troops.
While Sarama, the ogre was talking as aforesaid with Seetha; a terrific sound was heard, from the troops engaged in the impending war.
daNDa nirghaata vaadinyaaH shrutvaa bheryaa mahaa svanam |
uvaaca saramaa siitaam idam madhura bhaaSiNii || 6-33-21
21. shrutvaa= hearing; mahaasvanam= a loud sound; bheryaaH= of a kettle drum; daN^Danirghaatavaadinyaa= made to sound like a thunder storm with drum stick; saramaa= Sarama; madhura bhaashhiNii= who speaks sweetly; uvaacha= spoke; siitam= to Seetha; idam= these words:
Hearing the crashing sound of kettle drums, made to sound like a thunder storm with a drum stick, Sarama in her sweet voice spoke to Seetha as follows:
samnaaha jananii hy eSaa bhairavaa bhiiru bherikaa |
bherii naadam ca gambhiiram shR^iNu toyada nisvanam || 6-33-22
22. bhiiru= O, timid Seetha! Eshhaa= this; bhairavaa= frightful; bherikaa= sound of kettle drum; samvaahajananii= is indeed indicative of preparation for a war; shruNu= hear; gambhiiram= the thundering; bheriinaadamcha= sound of the kettle drum; toyadaniH svanam= resembling the sound of a lightening cloud.
“O, timid Seetha! This frightful sound of a kettledrum is indeed indicative of preparation for a war. Hear also the thundering crash of the kettle drums, which resembles the rumbling of clouds”
kalpyante matta maatamgaa yujyante ratha vaajinaH |
tatra tatra ca samnaddhaaH sampatanti padaatayaH || 6-33-23
23. matta maataN^gaaH= elephants in rut; kalpyante= are being caparisoned for war; rathavaajinaH= the chariot horses; yujyante= are being prepared for battle; sahasrashaH= thousands; turagaaruuDhaaH= of horse men ; praasa hastaaH= with darts in their hands; dR^ishyante= are being seen.
“Elephants in rut are being caparisoned for war. Chariot horses are being prepared for a battle. Thousands of horsemen carrying darts in their hands are seen.”
tatra tatra cha sannaddhaaH sampatanti sahasrashaH |
aapuuryante raaja maargaaH sainyair adbhuta darshanaiH || 6-33-24
vegavadbhir nadadbhishca toya oghair iva saagaraH |
24. sahasrashaH= thousands; samnaddhaaH= of warriors equipped with armor; sampatanti= are marching quickly ; tatra tatra cha= here and there. RaajamaargaaH= Royal high ways; aapuuryante= are filled; adbhutadarshanaiH= with wonderfully looking; sainyaiH= warriors; saagaraH iva= like a sea; toyoughaiH= with its flood of waters; nadadbhishcha= with roaring sound; vegavadbhiH= and velocity.
“Thousands of soldiers equipped with armor are marching quickly hither and thither. Royal highways are filled with wonderfully looking warriors like a swift flowing sea with its flood of waters making a roaring sound.”
shaastraaNaam ca prasannaanaam carmaNaam varmaNaam tathaa || 6-33-25
ratha vaaji gajaanaam ca bhuuSitaanaam ca rakSasaam |
sambhramo rakshasaameSa hR^iShitaanaam tarasvinaam || 6-33-26
prabhaam visR^ijataam pashya naanaa varNaam samutthitaam |
vanam nirdahato dharme yathaa ruupam vibhaavasoH || 6-33-27
25, 26, 27. pashya= see; sambhramaH= hurriedly; eshhaH= this; prasannaanaam= sheen of polished; shastraaNaam= weapons; charmaNaam= shields; tathaa=and; varmaNaam= coats of mail; visR^ijataam= sending forth; prabhaam= luster; naanaavarNasamutthitaam= of many hues; ruupam yathaa= like the splendor; vibhaavasoH= of fire; nirdahataH= consuming; vanam= a forest; gharme= in summer; rathavaajigajaanaamcha= (here is seen) the flurry of chariots; horses and elephants; raakshhasendraanuyaayinaam= following the lead of Ravana; and; tarasvinaam= of energetic; raakshhasaam= demons; hR^ishhitaanaam= thrilled with joy.
“See hurriedly, this sheen of polished weapons, shields and coats of mail sending forth luster of many hues like the splendor of fire consuming a forest in summer. Here is seen the flurry of chariots, horses and elephants following the lead of Ravana as well as of energetic demons thrilled with joy.”
ghaNTaanaam shR^iNu nirghoSam rathaanaam shR^iNu nisvanam |
hayaanaam heSamaaNaanaam shR^iNu tuurya dhvanim yathaa || 6-33-28
udyata aayudha hastaanaam raakSasa indra anuyaayinaam |
sambhramo rakSasaam eSa tumulo loma harSaNaH || 6-33-29
28, 29. shruNu= hear; nirghoshham= the sound; ghaNTaanaam= of bells (of elephants); shruNu= hear; niHsvanam= the rattling; rathaanaam= of chariots; shruNu= hear; hayaanaam= of horses; hreshhamaaNaanaam= neighing; tuuryadhvanim yathaa= resembling the flourish of trumpets; eshhaH= here is; tumulaH= the bustle; rakshhasaam= of demons; udyataayudha hastaanaam= carrying uplifted weapons in their hands; raakshhasendra anuyaayinaam= following the lead of Ravana; sambhramaH= the bustling activity ; romaharshhaNaH= is causing hair to stand on end.
“Hear the sound of bells of elephants. Hear the ratting of chariots. Hear the cry of neighing horses, resembling the flourish of trumpets. Here is the bustle of demons, carrying uplifted weapons in their hands; following the lead of Ravana. This bustling activity is causing hair to stand erect through terror.”
shriis tvaam bhajati shokaghnii rakSasaam bhayam aagatam |
raamaat kamala patra akSi daityaanaam iva vaasavaat || 6-33-30
avajitya jita krodhas tam acintya paraakramaH |
raavaNam samare hatvaa bhartaa tvaa adhigamiSyati || 6-33-31
30, 31. shriiH= a good fortune; shokaghnii= which will bring sorrow to an end; bhajati= will adore; tvaam= you; bhayam= a fear ; aagatam= has come; raakshhasaam= for demons; raamaH= Rama; bhartaa= your husband; kamala patraakshhaH= the lotus eyed; avajitya= winnable by mastery; vaasavaH iva= like Indra the god of celestials; jitakrodhaH= who has overcome his anger; achintya paraakramaH= having unimaginable strength; hatvaa= having killed; tam= that; raavaNam= RavaNa; samare= in battle; adhigamishhyati= will acquire; tvaa= you.
“A good fortune, which will bring your sorrow to an end, awaits you. A peril has arrived for demons. The lotus eyed Rama, your husband, who has overcome his anger but having an unimaginable strength will kill Ravana in battle and win you back”
vikramiSyati rakSahsu bhartaa te saha lakSmaNaH |
yathaa shatruSu shatrughno viSNunaa saha vaasavaH || 6-33-32
32. tebhartaa= your consort; sahalakshhmanaNaH= along with Lakshmana, vikramishhyati= will show his strength; rakshhassu= over the demons; yathaa vaasavaH= like Indra the god of celestials; vishhNunaa saha= along with Vishnu, the lord of preservation; shatrughnaH= who annihilates the enemies; (showing his strength over); shatrushhu= the adversaries.
“Your consort along with Lakshmana will show his valor against the demons, like Indra the lord of celestials along with Vishnu the lord of preservation, the annihilator of enemies exhibited his strength over his adversaries.”
aagatasya hi raamasya kSipram anka gataam satiim |
aham drakSyaami siddha arthaam tvaam shatrau vinipaatite || 6-33-33
33. kshhipram= very soon; aham= I; drakshhyaami= shall see; tvaam=you; aN^kaagataam satiim= mounted on the lap; tasya= of Rama; aagatasya= (really) arrived; siddhaarthaam= your object of his coming being fulfilled; shatrou= and the enemy; vinipaatite= fallen.
“Very soon, I shall see you, mounted on the lap of Rama who actually arrived, your object of his coming being fulfilled and the enemy fallen.”
ashruuNy aanandajaani tvam vartayiSyasi shobhane |
samaagamya pariSvaktaa tasya urasi mahaa urasaH || 6-33-34
34. jaanakii= O, Seetha! Vartayishhyasi= you will roll on; asraaNi= tears; aanandajaani= born out of joy; urasi= on the bosom; tasya= of that Rama; mahorasaH= the broad chested; samaagamya= reunited with you; parishhvaktaa= holding you clasped to his breast.
“O, Seetha! You will shed tears of joy on the bosom of that broad-chested Rama, re- united with you and holding you clasped to his breast.”
aciraan mokSyate siite devi te jaghanam gataam |
dhR^itaam etaam bahuun maasaan veNiim raamo mahaa balaH || 6-33-35
35. achiraan= before long; devi= O, divine; siite= Seetha! MahaabalaH= that mighty; raamaH= Rama; mokshhyate= will loosen; ekaam= veNiim= the single plait; gataam= which has reached past; te jaghanam = your hips; dhR^itaam= which you have worn; bahuun= these many; maasaan= months.
“Before long, O divine Seetha, that mighty Rama will loosen the one single plait which has reached past your hips, which you have worn these many months.”
tasya dR^iSTvaa mukham devi puurNa candram iva uditam |
mokSyase shokajam vaari nirmokam iva pannagii || 6-33-36
36. devii= O, queen! DR^ishhTvaa= seeing; tasya= his; mukham= face; uditam puurNachandram iva= looking like a rising full moon; mokshhyase= you will renounce; vaari= your tears; shokajam= born of grief; pannagii iva= like a female snake; nirmokam= (casts off) its slough.
“O, Queen! Seeing his face, looking like a rising moon, you will renounce your tears born of grief, like a female snake casts off its slough.”
raavaNam samare hatvaa naciraad eva maithili |
tvayaa samagram priyayaa sukha arho lapsyate sukham || 6-33-37
37. maithili= O, Seetha! hatvaa= having killed; raavanaam= Ravana; samare= in combat; nachiraadeva= within no time; sukhaarhaH= Rama, who deserves felicity); lapsyate= will enjoy happiness; samagraH= in the company; priyaayaa= of his beloved; tvayaa= namely yourself.
“O, Seetha! Having killed Ravana in combat within no time, Rama (who deserves facility); will enjoy happiness in the company of the beloved, namely yourself.”
samaagataa tvam raameNa modiSyasi mahaatmanaa |
suvarSeNa samaayuktaa yathaa sasyena medinii || 6-33-38
38. sabhaajitaa= acclaimed; mahaatmenaa= by the high soled; raameNa= Rama; tvam= you; modishhyasi= will be delighted; medinii yathaa= as the earth; sasyena samaayukta= endowed with crops; suvarshheNa= after the onset of good rains.
Acclaimed by the high soled Rama, you will be so happy as how the earth, endowed with crops, feels after the onset of good rains.”
giri varam abhito anuvartamaano |
haya iva maNDalam aashu yaH karoti |
tam iha sharaNam abhyupehi devi
divasa karam prabhavo hyayam prajaanaam 6-33-39
39. devi= O, qeen! abhyupaiH= seek; sharaNam= refuge; iha= now; tam= with him; divasakaram= (that) sun; yaH= which; vivartamaanaH= rolls; girivaram abhitaH= towards Meru, the highest mountain; hayaH iva= like a horse; karoti= which makes; maN^Dalam= a round; aashu= rapidly; ayam= he; prabhavaH hi= is indeed the source; prajaanaam= of all creatures.
“O, queen! Seek refuge now with him - the sun that rolls towards Meru the highest mountain, like a horse that makes its round rapidly. That sun is indeed the source of all creatures.”

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe trayastriMshaH sargaH
Thus completes 33rd Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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