Chapter [Sarga] 67  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 67


Restored to confidence by Angada, all the monkeys return to the battle-field. Dvivida, a leader of the monkeys hurls a mountain towards Kumbhakarna, but it misses the target and falls on horses, elephants and chariots of the enemy. Dvivida hurls another mountain and some demons are killed. Hanuma strikes Kumbhakarna with a large mountain-peak and injures him severely. In reply, Kumbhakarna strikes on Hanuma's chest with his spike. Then, Kumbhakarna strikes other monkey-chiefs who attack him. Thousands of monkeys then ascend Kumbhakarna's body and encounters him with their nails, fists, teeth and arms. In response, Kumbhakarna destroys all those monkeys with his spike. When Angada, the leader of the monkeys, attacks Kumbhakarna, the latter strikes Angada violently and Angada falls unconscious. Then, Kumbhakarna begins his attack on Sugreeva. But, Sugreeva strikes Kumbhakarna's chest with a mountain, but the mountain only breaks into pieces. When Kumbhakarna throws his spike towards Sugreeva in retaliation, Hanuma stops it on the way and breaks it off. Then, Kumbhakarna hurls a mountian-crust on Sugreeva to make him unconscious and takes him away on his shoulders to Lanka. When Sugreeva regains consciousness, he tears off the ears and nose of Kumbhakarna with his sharp nails and teeth. In relation, Kumbhakarna thren Sugreeva down and crushed him. Then Sugreeva bounces into the air and gets re united with Rama. Kumbhakarna thereafter takes his hammer and begins to attack the monkeys and bears. Then, Lakshmana starts to attack Kumbhakarna with his arrows. But, Kumbhakarna appreciates the valour of Lakshmana and proceeds towards Rama to fight with him. Rama discharges some arrows with 'Roundra' spell towards Kumbhakarna. Those arrows disappear into Kumbhakarna's chest and make him weapon-less. In retaliation, Kumbhakarna hurls a mountain-peak towards Rama and even before the mountain-peak reaches Rama, it was split up into pieces by the arrows released by Rama. Thereupon, on the advice given by Lakshmana, all the monkeys climb straight upon Kumbhakarna's body. Kumbhakarna shakes them off with violence. Then, Rama employs a great missile and chops off one arm of Kumbhakarna. When Kumbhakarna with an uprooted tree in his arm, retailiates by running towards Rama, the latter with an arrow, presided over by Indra, hurls it on the former and chops off the second arm of Kumbhakarna, Rama then chops off the feet of Kumbhakarna with his arrows and finally slashes off his head.

te nivR^ittaa mahaakaayaaH shrutvaaN^gadavachastadaa |
naiShThikiiM buddhimaasthaaya sarve samgraamakaaMkShiNaH || 6-66-1
1. shrutvaa= hearing; aN^gada vachaH= the words of Angada; sarve= all; te rnahaakaayaaH= those large-bodies monkeys; nivR^ittaaH= who came back; tadaa= then; aasthaaya= having arrived at; naiSThikiim buddhim= a firm resolution; samgraama kaaN^kSiNaH= were waiting for the battle.
Hearing the words of Angada, all those large-bodied monkeys who came back, having arrived at a firm resolution, were waiting for the battle.
samudiiritaviiryaaste samaaropitavikramaaH |
paryavasthaapitaa vaakyairaN^gadena bakuutasaa || 6-67-2
prayaataashcha gataa harShaM maraNe kR^itanishchayAH |
chakruH sutumulaM yuddhaM vaanaraastyaktajiivitaaH || 6-67-3
2, 3. paryavasthaapitaaH= restored to confidence; vakyaiH= by the words; baliiyasaa aN^gadena= of the mighty Angada; te vaanaraaH= those monkeys; samudiiritaviiryaaH= whose energy was well-augmented; samaaropeta vikramaaH= and prowess well-elevated; gataaH= restoring to; harSam= a thrill of rapture; kR^itanishchayaaH- were determined; maraNe= to die; prayaataaH= and sallied forth; tyaktajiivitaaH= ready to abandon; their lives; chakruH= they were engaged in sutumulam yuddham= a highly tumultuous battle.
Restored to confidence by the words of the mighty Angada, those monkeys, whose energy was well-augmented and prowess well-elevated, restored to a thrill of rapture and as they were determined to die, marched forward to fight. Ready to abandon their lives, they were engaged in a tumultuous battle.
atha vR^ikSaan mahaakaayaaH saanuuni sumahaanti cha |
vaanaraastuurNamudyamya kumbhakarNamabhidravan || 6-67-4
4. udyamya= lifting up; vR^ikSaan= the trees; sumahaanti saanuuni= and very large mountain-tops; mahaakaayaaH vaandraaH= the large-bodied monkeys; atha= thereupon; abhidravan= ran towards; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; tuurNam= briskly.
Lifting up trees and very large mountain-rocks, the large-bodied monkeys thereupon briskly ran towards Kumbhakarna.
kumbhakarNaH samkruddho gadaamudyamya viiryavaan |
dharSayan sa mahaakaayaH samantaadvyakSipadripuun || 6-67-5
5. viiryavaan= the mighty; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; viiryavaan= possessing the vigour; su samkruddhaH= very much enraged; udyamya= having lifted; gadaam= a mace; dharSayan= and frightening; ripuun= his enemies; vyakSipat= diffused them; samantaat= on all sides.
The mighty and valiant Kumbhakarna, who got very much enraged, lifting a mace and frightening his enemies, diffused them on all sides.
shataani sapta chaaShTau cha sahasraaNi cha vaanaraaH |
prakiirNaaH sherate bhuumau kumbhakarNena taaDitaaH || 6-67-6
6. sapta= seven; aSTau cha= and eight; shataani= hundreds; sahasraaNi cha= as also thousands; vaanaraaH= of monkeys; taaDitaaH= hurled; prakiirNaaH= and scattered; kumbhakarNena= by Kumbhakarna; sherate= lay, bhuumau= on the ground.
Seven hundred, eight hundred and thousands of monkeys struck by Kumbhakarna, lay scattered on the ground.
ShoDashaaShTau cha dasha cha viMshattriMshattathaiva cha |
parikShipya cha baahubhyaaM khaadanvi paridhaavati || 6-67-7
bhakShayan bhR^ishasaMkruddho garuDaH pannagaaniva |
7. saH bhR^isha samkruddhaH= that highly enraged Kumbhakarna; parikSipya= putting (in his mouth); shoDosha= (as many as) sixteen; aSTaucha= eight; dashacha= ten; tathaiva= and even; vimshat= twenty; trimshat= or thirty; baahubhyaam= by his hands; khaadan= and devouring them; garuDah iva= like Garuda the mythical bird; shakSayan= devouring; pannagaan= the serpents; paridhaavati= ran about the battlefield.
That highly enraged Kumbhakarna, putting in his mount, (as many as) sixteen or eight or ten or even twenty or thirty monkeys by his hands and devouring them like. Garuda the mythical bird devouring the serpents in lots, ran about the battle-field.
kR^ichchhreNa cha samaashvastaaH samgamya cha tatastataH || 6-67-8
vR^ikSaadrihastaa harayastasthuH samgraamamuurdhani |
8. samaashvastaaH= restored to confidence; kR^ichchhreNa= with difficulty; harayaH= the monkeys; samgamyacha= assembling together; tatastataH= from all sides; tasthuH= stood; samgraamamuurdhani= in the battle-front; vR^ikSaadrihastaaH= with trees and rocks in their hands.
Restored to confidence with difficulty, the monkeys assembling together from all sides, stood in the battle-front, with trees and rocks in their hands.
tataH parvatamutpaaTya dvividaH plavagarSabhaH || 6-67-9
dudraava girishR^iN^gaabham vilamba iva toyadaH |
9. utpaaTya= pulling out; parvatam= a mountain; vilambaH toyadaH= looking like a hanging cloud; dvividaH= Dvivida; plavagarSabhaH= the foremost among the monkeys; dudraava= ran; girishR^iN^gaabham= towards Kumbhakarna who resembled a mountain-peak.
Pulling out a mountain and looking like a hanging cloud, Dvivida the foremost among the monkeys, ran towards Kumbhakarna, who resembled a mountain-peak.
taM samutpatya chikSepa kumbhakarNaaya vaanaraH || 6-67-10
tamapraapya mahaakaayam tasya sainye.apatattataH |
10. samutpatya= springing up; vaanaraH= Dvivida the monkeys; chikSepa= hurled; tam= it; kumbhakarNaaya= towards Kumbhakarna; apraapya= without reaching; mahaakaayam= the colossal bodied; tam= Kumbhakarna; apatat= (it) fell; tataH= then; tasya sainye= on his army.
Dvivida, springing up, hurled that mountain towards Kumbhakarna. Even without reaching the colossal bodied Kumbhakarna, it however fell on his army.
mamardaashvaan gajaamshchaapi rathaamshchaapi nagottamaH || 6-67-11
taani chaanyaani rakSaamsi evam chaanyadgireH shiraH |
11. nagottamaH= that excellent mountain; mamarda= crushed; ashvaan= the horses; gajaamshchaapi= elephants; rathaamshchaapi= and the chariots; anyat= Another; gireH shiraH= mountain-top; (crushed); taani= those; anyaani= other; rakSaamsi= demons.
That excellent mountain crushed the horses, elephants and the chariots. Another mountain-top, when hurled, crushed the other demons.
tachchhaelavegaabhihataM hataashvaM hatasaarathi || 6-67-12
rakSasaam rudhiraklinnam babhuuvaayodhanam mahat |
12. tachchhaila vegaabhihatam= struck by the jerk of the mountain; mahat= the great; ayodhanam= battle; rakSasaam= of demons; hataashvam hatasaarathi- with its horses and charioteers killed; babhuuva= became; rudhiraklinnam= dampened with blood.
Struck by the jerk of the mountain, that great battle-field of demons, with its horses and charioteers killed, became dampened with blood.
rathino vaanarendraaNaam sharaiH kaalaantakopamaiH || 6-67-13
shiraamsi nardataam jahruH sahasaa bhiimaniHsvanaaH |
13. rathinaH= the demons who fight from the chariots; bhiimaniHsvanaaH= with a terrific roar; sahasaa= at once; jahruH= discarded; shiraamsi= the heads; nardataam vaanarendraaNaam= of the clamouring chiefs of monkeys; sharaiH= with their arrows; kaalaantakopamaiH= which were resembling the god of death at the time of universal dissolution.
The demons who fight from the chariots, with their terrific roar, at once discarded the heads of the clamouring chiefs of monkeys, with their arrows, which were resembling the god of death at the time of universal dissolution.
vaanaraashcha mahaatmaanaH samutpaaTya mahaadrumaan || 6-67-14
rathaanashvaan gajaanuSTraanraakSasaanabhyasuudayan |
14. samutpaaTya= uprooting; mahaadrumaan= large trees; mahaatmaanaH vaanaraashcha= the mighty monkeys too; abhyasuudayan= the began to destroy; rathaan= the chariots; ashvaan= horses; uSTraan= camels; raakSasaan= and demons.
Uprooting large trees, the mighty monkeys too began to destroy the chariots, horses, Camels and demons.
hanuumaan shailashR^iN^gaaNi vR^ikShaaMshcha vividhaan dhrumaan || 6-67-15
vavarSha kumbhakarNasya shirasyambaramaasthitaH |
15. aasthitaH= staying in; ambaram= the sky; hanuumaan= Hanuma; vavarSa= showered; shailashR^iN^gaaNi= mountain-tops; shilaashcha= rocks; vividhaan drumaan= and various types of trees; kumbhakarNasya shirasi= on Kumbhakarna's head.
Staying in the sky, Hanuma showered mountain-tops, rocks and various types of trees on Kumbhakarna's head.
taani parvatashR^iN^gaaNi shuulena tu bibheda ha || 6-67-16
babhaJNja vR^ikShavarSham cha kumbhakarNo mahaabalaH |
16. mahaabalaH= the mighty; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; bibheda ha= broke; taani= those; parvatashR^iN^gaaNi= mountain-tops; babhaN^ga= and shattered; vR^ikSavarSamcha= the torrent of trees; shuulena= with his spike.
The mighty Kumbhakarna broken those mountain-tops and shattered the torrent of trees with his spike.
tato hariiNaaM tadaniikamugraM |
dudraava shuulaM nishitaM pragR^ihya |
tasthau tato.asyaapatataH purastaan |
nmahiidharaagram hanumaan pragR^ihya || 6-67-17
17. tataH= then; pragR^ihya= taking; ugram= the dreadful; shuulam= spike; dudraava= (Kumbhakarna) ran; tat ugramaniikam= towards that terrific army; pragR^ihya= taking; mahiidharaagram= a mountain-peak; hanumaan= Hanuma; tasthau= stood; purastaat= in front; tasya= of him; aapatataH= who was approaching to attack.
Then, taking the dreadful spike in his hand, Kumbhakarna ran towards that terrific army of monkeys. Taking a mountain-peak in his hands, Hanuma stood in front of the approaching Kumbhakarna.
sa kumbhakarNam kupito jaghaana |
vegena shailottamabhiimakaayam |
sa chukShubhe tena tadaabhibuuto |
medaardragaatro rudhiraavasiktaH || 6-67-18
18. kupitaH= the enraged; saH= Hanuma; jaghaana= struck; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; shailottama bhiimakaayam= possessing a magnificent body looking like the most elevated mountain; vegena= rapidly; abhibhuutaH= attacked; tena= by him; saH= that Kumbhakarna; chukSubhe= was stumbled; rudhiraavasiktaH= with a sprinkling of blood; medaardragaatraH= and with his limbs succulent with flesh.
The enraged Hanuma struck with violence Kumbhakarna, who was endowed with a magnificent body and looking like the most elevated mountain. Thus attacked by Hanuma, Kumbhakarna was stumbled with a sprinkling of blood and with his limbs succulent with flesh.
sa shuulamaavidhya taDitprakaashaM |
giriryathaa prajvalitaagrashR^iN^gam |
baahvantare maaruti maajaghaana |
guho.achalaM krauJNchamivograshaktyaa || 6-67-19
19. aavidhya= holding firmly; shuulam= the spoke; taDitprakaasham= owning a shine of lightning; giriH prajvalitaagrashR^iN^gam yathaa= and looking like a blazing mountain-peak; saH= that Kumbhakarna; aajaghaana= struck; maarutim= Hanuma; baahvantare= on his chest; guhaH iva= like Guha (the son of Shiva) struck; kroumcham achalam= Krauncha mountain; ugrashaktyaa= with his powerful javelin.
Holding firmly the spike, which was bright as lightning and looking like a blazing mountain-peak, Kumbhakarna struck Hanuma on his chest, as Guha (the son of Shiva) struck Krauncha mountain with his powerful javelin.
sa shuulanirbhinna mahaabhujaantaraH |
pravihvalaH shoNitamudvamanmukhaat |
nanaada bhiimaM hanumaan mahaahave |
yugaantameghastanitasvanopamam || 6-67-20
20. saH hanumaan= that hanuma; shuula nirbhinna mahaabhujaantaraH= struck in his broad chest by the spike; mahaahave= in that great battle; pravihvalaH= was highly perturbed; udvaman= and vomiting; shoNitam= blood; mukhaat= from his mouth; nanaada= roared; bhiimam= awfully; yugaantameghastanita svanopamam= like the sound of thunderous clouds at the time of dissolution of the world.
That Hanuma, struck in his broad chest by the spike in that great combat, was highly perturbed and while vomiting blood from his mouth, awfully roared like the sound of thunderous clouds at the time of dissolution of the world.
tato vineduH sahasaa prahR^iShTaa |
rakShogaNaastaM vyathitaM samiikShya |
plavamgamaastu vyathitaa bhayaartaaH |
pradudruvuH samyati kumbhakarNaat || 6-67-21
21. samiikSya= looking at; tam= Hanuma; vyathitam= perturbed; rakSogaNaaH= all the troops of demons; tataH= then; sahasaa= suddenly; vineduH= shouted; prahR^iSTaaH= with rejoice; plavangamaastu= the monkeys; on their part; vyathitaaH= felt restless; bhayaartaah= and oppressed with fear; pradudruvuH= ran away; kumbhakarNaat= from Kumbhakarna; samyati= in the battle.
Looking at the perturbed Hanuma, all the troops of demons then suddenly shouted with rejoice. The monkeys, on their part, felt restless and being oppressed with fear, ran away from the battle-field.
tatastu niilo balavaan paryavasthaapayan balam |
pravichikSepa shailaagram kumbhakarNaaya dhiimate || 6-67-22
22. tataH= thereupon; balam paryavasthaapayan= cheering up the army and stopping them; lavaan niilaH= the mighty Neela; tataH= then; pravichikSepa= hurled; shailaagram= a mountain-top; dhiimati kumbhakarNaaya= on the intellectual Kumbhakarna.
Thereupon, cheering up the army and stopping them, the mighty Neela then hurled a mountain-top on the intellectual Kumbhakarna.
tadaapatantaM samprekSye muSTinaabhijaghaana ha |
muShTiprahaaraabhihatam tachchhailaagram vyashiiryata || 6-67-23
savisphulimgam sajvaalaM nipapaata mahiitale |
23. samprekSya= seeing; aapatantam= that mountain-top befalling on him; tadaa abhijaghaana ha= (Kumbhakarna) then struck it; muSTinaa= with his fist; muSTiprahaaraabhihatam= struck by the blow of the fist; tat= that; shailaagram= mountain-top; vyashiiryata= was burst into pieces; nipapaata= and fallen down; mahiitale= on the ground; sa visphulingam= with sparks of fire; sajvaalam= and blaze.
Seeing that mountain-top befalling on him, Kumbhakarna then struck it with his fist. By that strike of the fist, that mountain-top was burst into pieces and fallen down on the ground, with sparks of fire and blaze.
R^iShabhaH sharabho niilo gavaakSho gandhamaadanaH || 6-67-24
paJNcha vaanara shaarduulaaH kumbhakarNamupaadravan |
24. R^iSabhaH= Rishabhe; sharabhaH= Sharabha; niilaH= Neela; gavaakSaH= GavakSa; yandhamaadanaH= and Gandhamadana; paNaha= the five; vaanara shaarduulaaH= excellent monkeys; upaadravan= marched ahead quickly; kumbhakarNam= towards Kumbhakarna.
The five excellent monkeys, viz. Rishabha, Sharabha, Neela, Gavaksha and Gandhamadana marched ahead quickly towards Kumbhakarna.
shailairvR^ikShaistalaiH paadairmuShTibhishcha mahaabalaaH || 6-67-25
kumbhakarNaM mahaakaam nijaghnuH sarvato yudhi |
25. mahaabalaiH= those five mighty monkeys; nijaghnuH= struck; mahaakaayam= the large bodied; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; sarvataH= from all sides; shailaiH= with crags; vR^ikSaiH= with trees; talaiH= with their palms; paadaiH= with their feet; muSTibhiH= and with their fists; yudhi= in the battle.
Those five mighty monkeys struck the large-bodied Kumbhakarna from all sides, with crags, trees, palms of their hands, feet and fists in battle.
sparshaaniva prahaaraamstaanvedayaano na vivyathe || 6-67-26
R^iShabham tu mahaavegaM baahubhyaaM pariShasvaje |
26. vedayaanaH= perceiving; taan prahaaraan= those blows; sparshaaniva= just as senses of touch; na vyathe= (Kumbhakarna) was not perturbed; pariSasvaje= (He) enfolded; mahaavegam R^iSabham= the greatly agitated R^ishabha; baahubhyaam= in his arms.
Perceiving those blows merely as the senses of touch, Kumbhakarna was not at all perturbed. He enfolded the greatly agitated Rishabha in his arms.
kumbhakarNabhujaabhyaam tu piiDito vaanararShabhaH || 6-67-27
nipapaatarShabho bhiimaH pramukhaagatashoNitaH |
27. piiDitaH= squeezed; kumbhakarNa bhujaabhyaam= by the arms of Kumbhakarna; bhiimaH= the awful; R^iSabhaH= Rishabha; vaanararSabhaH= the foremost among the monkeys; nipapaata= fell down; pramukhaagatashoNitaH= with blood coming out of his mouth.
Squeezed by Kumbhakarna's arms, the awful Rishabha, the foremost among the monkeys, fell down with blood coming out of his mouth.
muShTinaa sharabham hatvaa jaanunaa niilamaahave || 6-67-28
aajaghaana gavaakShaM cha talenendraripustadaa |
paadenaabhyahanatkR^iddha starasaa gandhamaadanam || 6-67-29
28, 29. tadaa= then; kruddhaH= the enraged; indraripuH= Kumbhakarna, the enemy of Indra; aahave= in battle; hatvaa= beating; sharabham= Sharabha; muSTinaa= with his fist; niilaam= and Neela; jaanunaa= with his knee; aajaghaana= struck; gavaakSam= Gavaksha; talena= with a palm of his hand; abhyahanat= and struck; gandhamaadanam= Gandhamadana; paadena= with his feet; tarosaa= violently.
Then, in battle, the enraged Kumbhakarna, the enemy of Indra, beating Sharabha with his fist and Neela with his knee, struck Gavaksha with a palm of his hand and struck Gandhamadana violently with his feet.
dattapraharavyathitaa mumuhuH shoNitokShitaaH |
nipetuste tu medinyaaM nikR^ittaa iva kiMshukaaH || 6-67-30
30. datta prahaaravyathitaaH= perturbed by the blows given (by Kumbhakarna); te= those monkeys; shoNitokSitaaH= being moistened by blood; mumohuH= were bewildered; nipetuH= and fell down; medinyaam= on the ground; nikR^ittaah kimshukaaH iva= like chopped off Kimsuka trees.
Perturbed by the blows given by Kumbhakarna, those monkeys being moistened with blood, were bewildered and fell down on the ground, like chopped off Kimsuka trees.
teShu vaanaramukhyeShu patiteShu mahaatmasu |
vaanaraaNaam sahasraaNi kumbhakarNaM pradudruvuH || 6-67-31
31. teSu mahaatmasu= (While) those mighty; vaanaramukhyeSu= chiefs of monkeys; paatiteSu= were fallen down; sahasraaNi= thousands; vaanaraaNaam= of monkeys; pradudruvuH= ran; kumbhakarNam= towards Kumbhakarna.
Seeing those mighty chief commanders of monkeys falling down on the ground, thousands of monkeys ran towards Kumbhakarna.
tam shailamiva shailaabhaaH sarve tu plavagarShabhaaH |
samaaruhya samutpatya dadaMshushcha mahaabalaaH || 6-67-32
32. sarve= all; te= those; mahaabalaaH= mighty; plavagarSabhaaH= champions of monkeys; shailaabhaaH= looking like mountains; samaaruhya= ascending; tam= him; shailamiva= looking like a mountain; samutpatya= by jumping up (on him); dadamshuH= bit him (with their teeth).
All those champions of monkeys, looking like mountains, jumping up on Kumbhakarna who was looking like a mountain, ascended him and bit him with their teeth.
taM nakhairdashanaishchaapi muShTibhirjaanubhistathaa |
kumbhakarNaM mahaakaayaM te jaghnuH plavagarShabhaaH || 6-67-33
33. mahaabaahum= the mighty armed; plavagarSabhaaH= excellent monkeys; nijaghnuH= encountered; tam kumbhakarNam= that Kumbhakarna; nakhaiH= with their nails; dashanaishchaapi= teeth; muSTibhiH= fists; tathaa= and; baahubhiH= arms.
Those mighty armed excellent monkeys encountered that Kumbhakarna with their nails, teeth, fists and arms.
sa vaanarasahastraistu vichitaH parvatopamaH |
raraaja raakShasavyaaghro giriraatmaruhairiva || 6-67-34
34. vichitaH= covered; vaanarasahasraiH= by thousands of monkeys; saH= that; raakSasavyaaghraH= foremost among demons; parvatopamaH= looking like a mountains; raraaja= stood out in a crowd; giriH iva= as a hill; aatmaruhaiH= overgrown with trees.
Covered by thousands of monkeys that foremost among demons looking like a mountain, stood out in a crowd, as a hill overgrown with trees.
baahubhyaam vaanaraan sarvaan pragR^ihya sa mahaabalaH |
bhakShayaamaasa samkruddho garuDaH pannagaaniva || 6-67-35
35. pragR^ihya= having seized; sarvaan= all; vaanaraan= the monkeys; baahubhyaam= with his arms; saH mahaabalaH= that mighty Kumbhakarna; bhakSayaamaasa= devoured (them); samkR^iddhaH garuDaH iva= like an enraged Garuda the eagle; (devouring); pannagaan= the serpents.
Seizing all the monkeys with his arms, that mighty Kumbhakarna devoured them like an enraged Garuda the eagle devouring the serpents.
prakShiptaaH kumbhakarNena vaktre paataalasaMnibhe |
naasaapuTaabhyaaM nirjagmuH karNaabhyaam chaiva vaanaraaH || 6-67-36
36. vaanaraaH= the monkeys; prakSiptaaH= hurled; kumbhakarNena= by Kumbhakarna; vaktre= in his mouth; paataala samnibhe= looking like a hole in the earth; nirjagmuH= came out; naasaapuTaabhyaam= from his nostrils; karNaabhyaam chaiva= and ears.
Hurled by Kumbhakarna in his mouth which was looking like a hole in the earth, the monkeys again came out from his nostrils and ears.
bhakShayan bhR^ishasamkruddho hariin parvatasaMnibhaH |
babhaJNja vaanaraan sarvaan samkruddho raakShasottamaH || 6-67-37
37. raakSasottamaH= Kumbhakarna, the best among the demons; parvatasamnibhaH= looking like a mountain; bhR^isha samkruddhaH= very much enraged; babhaN^ja= mutilated; hariin= the monkeys; samikruddhaH= angrily; bhakSayan= (before) devouring them.
Kumbhakarna, the best among the demons, looking like a mountain, was very much enraged and mutilated the monkeys angrily, before devouring them.
maamsashoNitasamkledaaM kurvan bhuumim kurvansa raakShasaH |
chachaara harisainyeShu kaalaagniriva muurchhitaH || 6-67-38
38. kurvan= making; bhuumim= the earth; maamsashoNita kledaam= dampened with flesh and blood; saH raakSasaH= that demon; muurchhitaH kaalagniriva= like an excited fire at the time of dissolution; chachaara= strolled; harisainyeSu= among the army of monkeys.
Making the earth dampened with flesh and blood, that demon, like an excited fire at the time of dissolution, strolled among that army of monkeys.
vajrahasto yathaa shakraH paashahasta ivaantakaH |
shuulahasto babhau kumbhakarNo mahaabalaH || 6-67-39
39. shuula hastaH= wielding a spike in his hand, yuddhe= in the battle; mahaabalaH= the mighty; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; babhau= shone; shakraH yathaa= like Indra the lord of celestials; vajra hastaH= wielding a noose in his hand.
Wielding a spike in his hand in the battle-front, the mighty Kumbhakarna shone like Indra the lord of celestials wielding a thunderbolt in his hand and like Yama the god of death wielding a noose in his hand.
yathaa shuShkaaNyaraNyaani griiShme dahati paavakaH |
tathaa vaanarasainyaani kumbhakarNo dadaaha saH || 6-67-40
40. saH kumbhakarNaH= that Kumbhakarna; dadaaha= scorched away; vaanarasainyaani= that army of monkeys; yathaa tathaa= in the same way as; paavakah= the fire; dahati= scorches away; shuSkaaNi= the dried-up; araNyaani= forests; griiSme= in summer.
That Kumbhakarna scorched away that army of monkeys in the same way as the fire scorches away the dried-up forests in summer.
tataste vadhyamaanaastu hatayuuthaa vinaayakaaH |
vaanaraa bhayasaMvignaa vinedurvisvaraM bhR^isham || 6-67-41
41. tataH= then; te vaanaraaH= those monkeys; hatayuuthaaH= having their troops killed; vinaayakaaH= and without a commander; vadhyamaanaaH= being destroyed (by kumbhakarna); bhayasamvignaaH= and terrified with fear; vineduH= roared; vikR^itaiH svaraiH= with rebellions voices.
Those monkeys, without a commander, having their troops killed and terrified with fear they were being destroyed by Kumbhakarna, roared with rebellious voices.
anekasho vadhyamaanaaH kumbhakarNena vaanaraaH |
raaghavam sharaNam jagmurvyathitaaH khinnachetasaH || 6-67-42
42. vadhyamaanaaH= while being killed; kumbhakarNena= by Kumbhakarna; anekashaH= in many ways; vyathitaaH= the agitated; vaanaraaH= monkeys; sharaNam jagmuH= sought refuge; raaghavam= in Rama; khinnachetasaH= with distressed minds.
While Kumbhakarna was destroying them in many ways, the agitated monkeys sought refuge in Rama, with their distressed minds.
prabhagnaan vaanaraan dR^iSTvaa vajrahastaatmajaatmajaH |
abhyadhaavata vegena kumbhakarNam mahaahave || 6-67-43
43. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; vaanaraan= the monkeys; prabhagnaan= defeated; mahaavaha= in that great battle; vajrahastaatmajaatmajaH= Angada, the son of Indra; abhyadhaavata= ran; vegena= rapidly; kumbhakarnam= towards Kumbhakarna.
Seeing the monkeys defeated in that great battle, Angada the son of Indra, ran rapidly towards Kumbhakarna.
shailashR^iN^gaM mahadgR^ihya vinadan sa muhurmuhuH |
traasayan raakSasaan sarvaa kumbhakarNapadaanugaan || 6-67-44
chikSepa shailashikharaM kumbhakarNasya muurdhani |
44. gR^ihya= taking; mahat= a large; shaila shR^iNgam= mountain-top; saH= Angada; vinadan= roaring; muhurmuhuH= again and again; traasayan= frightening; sarvaan= all; raakSasaan= the demons; kumbhakarNa padaanugaan= following Kumbhakarna; chikSepa= hurled; shaila shikharam= the mountain-top; muurdhani= on the head; kumbhakarNasya= of Kumbhakarna.
Taking a large mountain-top, Angada, roaring repeatedly and frightening all the demons following Kumbhakarna's heels, hurled the mountain-top on Kumbhakarna's head.
sa tenaabhihato muurdhni shailenendraripustadaa || 6-67-45
kumbhakarNaH prajajvaala krodhena mahataa tadaa |
so.abhyadhaavata vegena vaaliputramamarSaNam || 6-67-46
45, 46. tadaa= then; abhihataH= struck; muurdhni= on the head; tena shailena= with that mountain; saH kumbhakarNaH= that Kumbhakarna; indraripuH= Indra's adversary; mahataa krodhena= with a great rage; prajajvaala= was excited; tadaa= and then; abhyadhaavata= ran; vegena= rapidly; amarSaNam vaaliputram= towards the wrathful Angada.
Struck on the head with that mountain, that Kumbhakarna, Indra's adversary, with a great rage, was excited and then ran rapidly towards the wrathful Angada.
kumbhakarNo mahaanaadastraasayan sarvavaanaraan |
shuulam sasarja vai roSaadaN^gade tu mahaabalaH || 6-67-47
47. traasayan= frightening; sarva vaanaraan= all the monkeys; mahaabalaH= the mighty; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; mahaanaadah= with a great roar; sasarja= hurled; shuulam= the spike; aN^gada= at Angada; roSaat= with anger.
Frightening all the monkeys with his great roar, the mighty Kumbhakarna hurled his spike at Angada with anger.
ta maapatantam buddhvaa tu yuddhamaargavishaaradaH |
laaghavaanmochayaamaasa balavaan vaanararSabhaH || 6-67-48
48. buddhvaa= knowing; tam that spike; aapatantam= to be falling on him; balavaan= the mighty; vaanarSabhaH= Angada the chief of monkeys; yuddha maarga vishaaradaH= who was skilled in war-fare; mochayaamaasa= avoided it; laaghavaat= with his alacrity.
Knowing that the spike is going to fall on him, the mighty Angada, the chief of the monkeys, who was skilled in war-fare, avoided it with his alacrity.
utpatya chainam tarasaa talenorasyataaDayat |
sa tenaabhihataH kopaatpramumohaachalopamaH || 6-67-49
49. utpatya= jumping up; ataaDayat= (Angada) struck; tarasaa= violently; urasi= on the chest; talena= with the palm of his hand; abhihataH= beaten; kopaat= with anger; tena= by him; saH= Kumbhakarna; achalopamaH= resembling a mountain; pramumoha= became giddy.
Jumping up Angada struck on Kumbhakarna's chest, with the palm of his hand. Thus beaten with anger by him, Kumbhakarna resembling a mountain, became giddy.
sa labdhasamjJNo.atibalo muSTim samgR^iihya raakSasaH |
apahaasena chikSepa visamjJNaH sa papaata ha || 6-67-50
50. labdha samjJNaH= getting his consciousness; saH= that; atibalaH= mighty; raakSasaH= demon; chikSepa= threw down Angada; muSTim samgR^ihya= by tightening the fist; scorn; saH= Angada; papaataha= fell down; visamjJNaH= unconscious.
Getting his consciousness, that mighty demon threw down Angada by tightening his fist with a scorn. Angada fell down unconscious.
tasmin plavagashaarduule visamjJNe patite bhuvi |
tachuchhuulam samupaadaaya sugriivamabhidudruve || 6-67-51
51. tasmin= (When) that Angada; plavagashaarduule= the foremost among the monkeys; patite= fell down; visamjJNe= unconscious; bhuvi= on the ground; samabhidudruve= (Kumbhakarna) ran; sugriivam= towards Sugreeva; samupaadaaya= taking; tachchuulam= that spike.
When that Angada the foremost among the monkeys fell down unconscious on the ground, Kumbhakarna ran towards Sugreeva, taking that spike in his hand.
tamaapatantaM samprekShya kumbhakarNaM mahaabalam |
utpapaata tadaa viiraH sugriivo vaanaraadhipaH || 6-67-52
52. tadaa= then; samprekSya= seeing; mahaabalam= the mighty; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; aapatantam= coming suddenly; viiraH= the valiant; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; vaanaraadhipaH= the king of monkeys; utpapaata= sprang up all.
Then, seeing the mighty Kumbhakarna coming suddenly towards him, the valiant Sugreeva, the king of the monkeys, sprang up all at once.
sa parvataagramutkShipya samaavidhya mahaakapiH |
abhidudraava vegena kumbhakarNaM mahaabalam || 6-67-53
53. utkSipya= uplifting; samaavidhye= and tightly holding; parvataagram= a mountain-top; mahaabalaH= the mighty; saH= Sugreeva; abhidudraava= ran; mahaabalam= towards the mighty; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; vegena= with speed.
Uplifting and tightly holding a mountain-top, the mighty Sugreeva ran towards the sturdy Kumbhakarna with speed.
tamaapatantaM samprekShya kumbhakarNaH plavaMgamam |
tasthau vivR^itasarvaaN^go vaanarendrasya saMmukhaH || 6-67-54
54. samprekSya= seeing; tam= that; plavaNgamam= Sugreeva; aapatantam= coming suddenly; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; vivR^ita sarvaaN^gaH= with all his limbs braced; tasthau= stood; sammukhaH= facing; vaanarendraH= the king of the monkeys.
Seeing that Sugreeva coming rapidly towards him, Kumbhakarna, with all his limbs braced, stood facing the king of monkeys.
kapishoNitadigdhaaN^gaM bhakShayantaM mahaakapiin |
kumbhakarNaM sthitaM dR^iShTvaa sugriivo vaakyamabraviit || 6-67-55
55. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; sthitam= who stood; bhakSayantam= devouring; plavaN^gamaan= the monkeys; kapishoNitadigdhaaNgam= and with his body smeared with the blood of those monkeys; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; abraviit= spoke; vaakyam= (the following) words:
Seeing Kumbhakarna who stood devouring the monkeys and with his body smeared with the blood of the monkeys, Sugreeva spoke as follows:
paatitaashcha tvayaa viiraaH kR^ita.n karma suduShkaram |
bhakShitaani cha sainyaani praaptaM te paramam yashaH || 6-67-56
56. viiraaH= the eminent monkeys; paatitaaH= were made to fall down; tvayaa= by you; suduSkaran= a very difficult; karma= act; kR^itam= was done; sainyaani= Armies; bhakSitaanicha= were devoured; paramam= a supreme; yashaH= renown; praaptam= is obtained; te= to you.
"You struck down eminent monkeys. You have done a very difficult act. You have devoured the armies. You obtained a great fame."
tyaja tadvaanaraaniikaM praakR^itaiH kim kariShyasi |
sahasvaikaM nipaataM me parvatasyaasya raakShasa || 6-67-57
57. tyaja= leave; tat= that; vaanaraaniikam= army of monkeys; kim kariSyasi= what will you do; praakR^itaiH= with (these) common beings?; raakSasa= O demon!; sahasva= you bear up against; ekam nipaatam= the falling of this one unit; asya parvatesya= of mountain; me= of mine.
"Leave that army of monkeys. What will you do with these common beings? O demon! You bear up against the falling of this one mountain being hurled by me."
tadvaakyam hariraajasya sattvadhairyasamanvitam |
shrutvaa raakShasashaardUlaH kumbhakarNo.abraviidvachaH || 6-67-58
58. shrutvaa= hearing; tat vaakyam= those words; sattva dhairya samanvitam= endowed with strength and courage; hariraajasya= of Sugreeva; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; raakSasashaarduulaH= the foremost among the demons; abraviit= spoke; vachaH= (the following) words.
Hearing those words, endowed with strength and courage, spoken by Sugreeva, Kumbhakarna, the foremost of demons, spoke the following words:
prajaapatestu pautrastvam tathaivarkSharajaHsutaH |
dhR^itipauruShasampannaH kasmaadgarjasi vaanara || 6-67-59
59. vaanara= O monkey!; tvam= you are; pautraH= the grand son; prajaapate= of Lord Brahma; tathaiva= and even; R^ikSa raajaH sutaH= the son of Riksharaja (sprung from the yawn of Brahama); dhR^itipauruSasampannaH= endowed with firmness and valour; kasmaat= why; garjasi= do you roar?
"O monkey! You are the grandson of Lord Brahma and even the son of Riksharaja (sprung from the yawn of Brahma) endowed with firmness and valour. Why do you roar?"
sa kumbhakarNasya vacho nishamya |
vyaavidhya shailam sahasaa mumocha |
tenaajaghaanorasi kumbhakarNaM |
shailena vajraashanisaMnibhena || 6-67-60
60. nishamya= hearing; vachaH= the words; kumbhakarNasya= of Kumbhakarna; saH= Sugreeva; vyaavidhya= firmly holding; shailam= the mountain; mumocha= hurled (it); sahasaa= quickly; aajaghaana= He struck; urasi= the chest; kumbhakarNam= of Kumbhakarna; tena= by it; vajraashani samnibhena= which was as strong enough as Indra's thunderbolt.
Hearing the words of Kumbhakarna, Sugreeva, firmly holding the mountain, hurled it quickly on him. He struck Kumbhakarna's chest by that mountain, which was as strong enough as Indra's thunderbolt.
tachchhailashR^i~NgaM sahasaa vikiirNaM |
bhujaantare tasya tadaa vishaale |
tato viSheduH sahasaa plavamgaa |
rakShogaNaashchaapi mudaa vineduH || 6-67-61
61. tadaa= then; tat= that; shaila shR^iN^gam= mountain-top; sahasaa= soon; vibhinnam= was burst to pieces; tasya vishaale bhujaantare= on his broad chest; tataH= thereupon; plavaN^gaaH= the monkeys; sahasaa= were suddenly; niSeduH= distressed; rakSogaNaaschaapi= the troops of demons; vineduH= roared; mudaa= with rejoice.
Soon after falling on his broad chest, that mountain was crushed to pieces. Then, the monkeys were suddenly distressed. The troops of demons roared with rejoice.
sa shailashR^iN^gaabhihatash chukopa |
nanaada kopaachcha vivR^itya vaktram |
vyaavidhya shuulam cha taDitprakaashaM |
chikShepa haryR^ikShapatervadhaaya || 6-67-62
62. shailashR^iN^gaabhihataH= struck by the mountain-top; saH= that Kumbhakarna; chukopa= was enraged; nanaada= and roared; vivR^itya= widely opening; vaktram= his mouth; roSaat= with anger; vyaavidhya= holding firmly; shuulam= the spike; taDitprakaasham= which was shining like a lighting; chikSepa= to hurled it; vadhaaya= for killing; haryR^ikSapatiH= Sugreeva, the king of monkeys and bears.
Struck by the mountain-top, that Kumbhakarna was enraged and roared with his mouth wide open with anger. Holding firmly the spike, which was emitting a flash of lightning, he hurled it to kill Sugreeva, the king of monkeys and bears.
tatkumbhakarNasya bhujapraviddhaM |
shuulam shitam kaaJNchana daamajuShTam |
kShipram samutpatya nigR^ihya dorbhyaaM |
babhaJNja vegena suto.anilasya || 6-67-63
63. anilasya sutaH= Hanuma; kSipram= quickly; samutpatya= having jumped up; nigR^ihya= and holding; durbhyaam= with his arms; tat shitam= that sharp; shuulam= spike; kaaN^chanadaamajuSTam= furnished with golden wreaths; tat kumbhakarNasya bhuja praNunnam= propelled by Kumbhakarna's arms; babhaN^ja= broken (it); vegena= rapidly.
Hanuma, jumping up and holding with his arms that sharp spike, furnished with golden wreaths, and propelled by Kumbhakarna's arms, wreaths, and smashed it rapidly.
kR^itaM bhaarasahasrasya shuulam kaalaayasaM mahat |
babhaJNja janaumaaropya prahR^iShTaH plavagarShabhaH || 6-67-64
64. tadaa= then; hR^iSTaH= the rejoiced; plavangamaH= Hanuma; aaropya= placing on; jaanum= his knee; mahat= the large; shuulam= spike; kR^itam kaalaayasam= made of iron; bhaarasahasrasya= weighing twenty thousand Tulas; babhaJNa= broke it.
Then, the rejoiced Hanuma, placing on his knee, that large spike made of iron weighing twenty thousand Tulas, broke it.
shuulam bhagnam hanumataa dR^iSTvaa vaanaravaahinii |
hR^iSTaa nanaada bahushaH sarvatashchaapi dudruve || 6-67-65
65. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; shuulam= the spike; bhagnam= being broken; hanumataa= by Hanuma; vaanara vaahinii= the army of monkeys; hR^iSTaa= was rejoiced; nanaada= and roared; bahushaH= several times; dudruve api= and even ran back; sarvataH cha= from all sides.
Seeing Hanuma breaking the spike, that army of monkeys was rejoiced, roared several times and came back quickly from all quarters.
babhuuvaatha paritrasto raakSaso vimukho.abhavat |
simhanaadam cha te chakruH prahR^iSTaa vanagocharaaH || 6-67-66
maarutiM puujayaamchakrurdR^iSTvaa shuulam tathaagatam |
66. atha= then; paritrastaH= the frightened; raakSasaH= demon; abhavat= became; vimukhaH= down cast; te= those; vanagocharaaH= monkeys; prahR^iSTaaH= were rejoiced; chakruH= and made; simhanaadam= a lion's roar; dR^iSTvaa= seeing; shuulam= the spike; tathaagatam= in such a (broken) condition; puujayaamchakruH= (they) adored; maarutim= Hanuma.
Then, the frightened Kumbhakarna became down-cast. Those monkeys were rejoiced and made a lion's roar. Seeing the fate of spike in such a broken condition, they adored Hanuma.
sa tattadaa bhagnamavekShya shuulaM |
chukopa rakSho.adhipatirmahaatmaa |
utpaaTya laN^kaamalayaatsa shR^iN^gaM |
jaghaana sugriivamupetya tena || 6-67-67
67. avekSya= seeing; tat= that; shuulam= spike; bhagnam= broken; tathaa= in that way; saH= that; mahaatmaa= mighty; rakSodhipatiH= leader of demons; chukopa= was enraged; utpaaTya= uprooting; shR^iN^gam= a crest; laN^kaamalayaat= from Malaya mountain standing in the vicinity of Lanka; upetya= and approaching; sugriivam= Sugreeva; jaghaana= he struck; tena= with it.
Seeing that spike broken in that way, that mighty Kumbhakarna was enraged. Uprooting a crest from Malaya mountain standing in the vicinity of Lanka and approaching Sugreeva, he struck him with it.
sa shailashR^iN^gaabhihato visamjJNaH |
papaata bhuumau yudhi vaanarendraH |
taM prekShya bhuumau patitam visamjJNaM |
neduH prahR^iShTaa yudhi yaatudhaanaaH || 6-67-68
68. shaila shR^iN^gaabhihataH= struck by the mountain-top; yudhi= in battle; saH vaanarendraH= that Sugreeva; visamJNaH= became unconscious; papaata= and fell; bhuumau= on the ground; viikSya= seeing; tam= him; visamJNam= unconscious; patitam= and falling down; bhuumau= on the ground; yudhi= in battle; yaatudhaanaaH= the demons; prahR^iSTaaH= were exceedingly pleased; neduH= and cried out loudly.
Struck by the mountain-top in battle, that Sugreeva fell unconscious on the ground. Seeing him falling unconscious on the ground in battle, the demons wee exceedingly pleased and cried out loudly.
tamabhyupetyaadbhutaghoraviiryaM |
sa kumbhakarNo yudhi vaanarendram |
jahaara sugriivamabhipragR^ihya |
yathaanilo meghamatiprachaNDaH || 6-67-69
69. abhipragR^ihya= seizing hold of; tam sugriivam= that Sugreeva; vaanarendram= the king of demons; adbhuta ghoraviiryam= having wonderful and terrific prowess; yudhi= in battle; saH= that; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; jahaara= took him away; atiprachanDaH anilaH yathaa= as an impetuous wind (taken away); megham= a cloud.
Seizing hold of that Sugreeva having wonderful and terrific prowess in battle, that Kumbhakarna took him away, as an impetuous wind takes away a cloud.
sa taM mahaameghanikaasharuupam |
utpaaTya gachchhanyudhi kumbhakarNaH |
raraaja merupratimaanaruupo |
meruryathaatyuchchhritaghorashR^i~NgaH || 6-67-70
70. utpaaTya= lifting up; tam= that Sugreeva; mahaamegha nikaasharuupam= appearing like a huge cloud; yudhi= in the battle; gachchhan= and marching forward; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; raraaja= shone; meruryathaa= like Mount Meru; abhyuchchhrita ghora shR^iNgaH= having a very high and formidable peak.
Lifting up Sugreeva appearing like a huge cloud in the battle-field and marching forward, Kumbhakarna shone like Mount Meru, distinguished by its very high and formidable peak.
tataH samutpaaTya jagaama viiraH |
samstuuyamaano yudhi raakShasendraiH |
shR^iNvanninaadam tridashaalayaanaaM |
plavamgaraajagrahavismitaanaam || 6-67-71
71. tataH= then; samstuuyamaanaH= being praised; yudhi= in the battle; aadaaya= for having seized hold of; tam= Sugreeva; shR^iNvan= and hearing; ninaadam= the sounds; tridivaalayaanaam= of the celestials; plavanga raajagraha vismitaanaam= who were wondering at the seizure of Sugreeva; viiraH raakSasendraH= the valiant chief of demons; jagaama= sallied forth.
Then, being praised in the battle-field by the demons for having seized hold of Sugreeva and hearing the sounds of the celestials who were wondering at the seizure of Sugreeva, Kumbhakarna the valiant chief of demons, sallied forth.
tatastamaadaaya tadaa sa mene |
hariindramindropamamindraviiryaH |
asminhR^ite sarvamidam hR^itaM syaat |
saraaghavam sainyamitiindrashatruH || 6-67-72
72. aadaaya= having taken; tam= that; hariindram= Sugreeva; indropamam= looking like Idnra; saH= that Kumbhakarna; indrashatruH= the adversary of Indra; indraviiryaH= and having Indra's prowess; mene= thought; iti= that; asmin hate= if he is killed; sarvam idam sainyam= all this army; saraaghavam= including Rama; syaat= becomes; hatam= killed.
While taking away that Sugreeva looking like Indra, Kumbhakarna the adversary of Indra and having the prowess of Indra, thought, "If he is killed, all this army including Rama gets destroyed."
vidrutaam vaahiniim dR^iShTvaa vaanaraaNaaM tatastataH |
kumbhakarNena sugriivam gR^ihiitaM chaapi vaanaram || 6-67-73
hanuumaaMshchintayaamaasa matimaan maarutaatmajaH |
73. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; vaanaraaNaam vaahiniim= the army of monkeys; vidrutaam= running away; itastataH= hither and thither; sugriivam= and Sugreeva; vaanaram= the monkey; gR^ihiitamcha api= even being taken away; kumbhakarNena; by Kumbhakarna; matimaan= the intellectual; hanumaan= Hanuma; maarutaatmajaH= the son of wind-god; chintayaamaasa= thought (as follows).
Seeing the army of monkeys running away hither and thither and Sgureeva the monkey even being taken away by Kumbhakarna, the intellectual Hanuma, the son of wind-god thought as follows:
evam gR^ihiite sugriive kiM kartavyaM mayaa bhavet || 6-67-74
yadvai nyaayyaM mayaa kartum tatkariShyaami sarvathaa |
bhuutvaa parvatasamkaasho naashayiShyaami raakShasaM || 6-67-75
74, 75. sugriiva= (While) Sugreeva; gR^ihiita= is being taken away; evam= in this way; kim= what; bhavet kartavyam= is to be done; mayaa= by me?; asamshayam kariSyaami= I shall doubtlessly do; tat= that; yat= which is; nyaayyam= justifiable; kartum= to be done; mayaa= by me; bhuutvaa= becoming; parvatasamkaashaH= equal to a mountain (in body-size); naashayiSyaami= I shall destroy; raakSasam= the demon.
"While Sugreeva is being taken away in this way, what is to be done by me? I shall certainly do that which is justifiable to be done by me. Growing to the size of a mountain, I shall destroy this Kumbhakarna."
mayaa hate samyati kumbhakarNe |
mahaabale muShTivishiirNadehe |
vimochite vaanarapaarthive cha |
bhavantu hR^iShTaaH pravagaaH samagraaH || 6-67-76
76. samagraaH plavgaaH= (Let) all the monkeys; bhavantu= be; hR^iSTaaH= delighted; vaanarapaarthire= while Sugreeva the king of monkeys; vimochite= is liberated; mahaabale kumbhakarNe= and the mighty Kumbhakarna; hate= killed; mayaa= by me; samyati= in battle; muSTivishiirNadehe= with his body crumbled by the blows of my fists.
"Let all the monkeys be delighted while Sugreeva the king of monkeys is liberated and the mighty Kumbhakarna, with his body crumbled by the blows of my fists, killed by me in battle."
atha vaa svayamapyeSha mokShaM praapsyati paarthivaH |
gR^ihiito.ayam yadi bhavettridashaiH saasuroragaiH || 6-67-77
77. athavaa= even otherwise; eSaH= this; vaanaraH= Sugreeva; svayam= can himself; praapsyati= obtain; mokSam= release; bhavedyadi= despite he is; gR^ihiitaH= taken away; tridashaiH= by celestials; saasuroragaiH= along with demons and serpent-demons.
"Even otherwise, this Sugreeva can win the freedom himself despite he is taken away by celestials including demons and serpent-demons."
manye na taavadaatmaanaM budhyate vaanaraadhipaH |
shailaprahaaraabhihataH kumbhakarNena samyuge || 6-67-78
78. manye= I think; vaanaraadhipaH= Sugreeva; aatmaanaam na budhyate taavat= is not conscious of his; shaila prahaaraabhihataH= since he was struck by the blow of the mountain; samynge= in battle; kumbhakarNena= by Kumbhakarna.
"I think Sugreeva is not yet conscious of his self, as Kumbhakarna struck him with the blow of a mountain in the battle."
ayaM muhuurtaatsugriivo labdhasamjJNo mahaahave |
aatmano vaanaraaNaam cha yatpathyaM tatkariShyati || 6-67-79
79. labdhasamJNaH= regaining his consciousness; muhuurtaat= within a moment; mahaahave= in this great battle; ayam= this; sugreevaH= Sugreeva; kariSyati= will do; tat= that; yat= which; pathyam= will be suitable; aatmanaH= for him; vaanaraanaam cha= and for his monkeys.
"Regaining his consciousness within a moment in this great battle, this Sugreeva will do what is good for himself and for his monkeys."
mayaa tu mokShitasyaasya sugriivasya mahaatmanaH |
apriitashcha bhavetkaShTaa kiirtinaashashcha shaashvataH || 6-67-80
80. asya mahaatnaH sugriivasya= to this great souled Sugreeva; mokSitasya= who will be liberated; mayaa= by me; bhavet= there will be; kaSTaa apriitishcha= a difficult dislike; shaashvataH= and perpetual; kiirtinaashaashcha= in fame.
"If I liberate this great-souled Sugreeva, there will be a painful dislike for him and a perpetual in fame."
tasmaanmuhuurtam kaamkShiShye vikramaM paarthivasya naH |
bhinnam cha vaanaraaniikaM taavadaashvaasayaamyaham || 6-67-81
81. tasmaat= therefore; kaamkSiSye= I shall wait for; muhuurtam= a while; paarthvasya vikramam= for the king's prowess; taavat= meanwhile; aham= I; aashvaasayaami= shall cheer up; bhinnam= the scattered; vaanaraaniikam= army of monkeys.
'Therefore, I shall wait for a while, for the king to show his prowess. Meanwhile, I shall cheer up the scattered army of monkeys."
ityevam chintayitvaa tu hanuumaanmaarutaatmajaH |
bhuuyaH samstambhayaamaasa vaanaraaNaaM mahaachamuum || 6-67-82
82. ityevam= thus; chintayitvaa= thinking; hanumaan= Hanuma; maarutaatmajaH= te son of wind-god; atha= then; bhuuyaH= again; samstambhayaamaasa= brought firmness to; mahaachamuum= the large army; vaanaraaNaam= of monkeys.
Thinking in this way, Hanuma the son of wind-god, then again brought firmness to the large army of monkeys.
sa kumbhakarNo.atha vivesha laN^kaaM |
sphurantamaadaaya mahaaharim tam |
puShpaagryavarShairavakIryamaaNaH || 6-67-83
83. aadaaya= taking; tam= that; mahaa harim= Sugreeva; sphutantam= who was throbbing; saH kumbhakarNaH= that Kumbhakarna; vivesha= entered; laN^kaam= Lanka; atha abhipuujyamaanaH= who was then greatly revered; puSpaagrayavarSaiH= with showers of foremost flowers; vimaana charyaagR^iha gopurasthaiH= by those staying in celestial cars, streets, houses and gate-ways of temples.
Taking that Sugreeva who was throbbing, that kumbhakarna entered the City of Lanka, where he was greatly revered with showers of foremost flowers by the citizens staying in celestial cars, streets, houses and gate-ways of temples.
laajagandhodavarSaistu sevyamaanaH shanaiH shanaiH |
raajaviithyaastu shiitatvaatsamjJNaam praapa mahaabalaH || 6-67-84
84. sevyamaanaH= served; laajagandhodavarSaiH= by those showers of pop-corn and fragrant water; shiitatvaat= and due to coolness; raaja viithyaaH= of royal high-ways; mahaabalaH= the mighty Sugreeva; praapa= got; samJNaam= consciousness; shanaiH shanaiH= gradually.
Sprinkled by those showers of pop-corn and fragrant waters and due to the coolness of the royal roads, the mighty Sugreeva gradually regained his consciousness.
tataH sa samjJNaamupalabhya kR^ichchhraa |
dbaliiyasastasya bhujaantarasthaH |
avekShamaaNaH puraraajamaargaM |
vichintayaamaasa muhurmahaatmaa || 6-67-85
85. mahaatmaa= the great souled; saH= Sugreeva; bhujaantarasya= who was interposed; between the shoulders; tasya baliiyasaH= of that mighty Kumbhakarna; upalabhya= regaining; samJNaam= his consciousness; kR^ichchhaat= with difficulty; aveykSamaaNaH= and observing; pura raajamaargam= the royal highway of the city; muhuH= repeatedly; vichintayaamaasa= thought (as follows):
The great souled Sugreeva, who was interposed between Kumbhakarna's shoulders, regaining his consciousness with great difficulty and observing the royal highway of the city, repeatedly thought (as follows):
evam gR^ihiitena kathaM nu naama |
shakyaM mayaa samprati kartumadya |
tathaa kariShyaami yathaa hariiNaaM |
bhaviShyatiiShTam cha hitaM cha kaaryam || 6-67-86
86. gR^ihiitena= captivated; evam= in this way; katham nunaam= how indeed; shakyam= able; kartum= to do; samprati= now; mayaa= by me?; kaaryam= an act; yathaa tathaa= that is fit; iSTam= desirable; hitamcha= and beneficial; hariiNaam= to the monkeys; kariSyaami= will be done; adya= now.
"Having been captivated in this way, what should I do now? I have to do a proper act now which is desirable and beneficial to the monkeys."
tataH karaagraiH sahasaa sametya |
raajaa hariiNaa mamarendrashatroH |
nakhaishcha karNau dashanaishcha naasaaM |
dadaMsha paadairvidadaara parshvau || 6-67-87
87. sametya= thus thinking; raajaa= the king; hariiNaam= of the monkeys; vidadaara= tore asunder; amarendrashatroH karNau= Kumbhakarna's ears; karagraiH= by his nails; naasaam= nose; dashanaiH= by his teeth; paarshvau= ribs; paadaiH= by his feet.
Thus thinking, Sugreeva tore asunder Kumbhakarna's ears by his nails as also nose by his teeth and ribs by his feet.
sa kumbhakarNau hR^itakarNanaaso |
vidaaritastena radairnakhaishcha |
roShaabhibhuutaH kShatajaardragaaraH |
sugriivamaavidhya pipeSha bhuumau || 6-67-88
88. vidaaritaH= torn asunder; radaiH= with teeth; nakhaishcha= and nails; tena= by Sugreeva; saH= that Kumbhakarna; jR^itakarNanaasaH= with his ears and nose deprived; kSatajaardragaatraH= and his limbs moistened with blood; roSaabhibhuutaH= subdued with anger; aavidhya= throwing down; sugriivam= Sugreeva; bhuumau= on the earth; pipeSa= crushed (him).
Torn asunder with teeth and nails by Sugreeva, that Kumbhakarna with his ears and nose deprived and his limbs moistened with blood, was subdued with rage, threw Sugreeva down on the floor and crushed him.
sa bhuutale bhiimabalaabhipiShTaH |
suraaribhistairabhihanyamaanaH |
jagaama kham kandukavajjavena |
punashcha raameNa samaajagaama || 6-67-89
89. bhuutale bhiima balaabhipiSTaH= crushed down on the floor by that terrific Kumbhakarna; abhihanyamaanaH= and struck; taiH suraaribhiH= by the demons; saH= Sugreeva; kandukavat= like a ball; jagaama= moved; javena= with speed; kham= towards the sky; samaajagaama= and got united with; raameNa= Rama; punashcha= again.
Crushed down on the floor by that terrific Kumbhakarna and struck by the demons, Sugreeva moved with speed like a ball towards the sky and got united with Rama.
karNanaasaavihiinasya kumbhakarNo mahaabalaH |
raraaja shoNitotsikto giriH prasravaNairiva || 6-67-90
90. karNa naasaa vihiinaH= bereft of his ears and nose; mahaabalaH= the mighty; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; siktaH= pouring out; shoNitaiH= blood; raraaja= shone; giriH iva= like a mountain; prasravaNaiH= with its cascades.
Bereft of his ears and nose, the mighty Kumbhakarna, pouring out blood, shone like a mountain with its streaming cascades.
shoNitaardro mahaakaayo raakSaso bhiimadarshanaH |
amarSaachchhoNitodgaarii shushubhe raavaNaanujaH || 6-67-91
niilaaJNjanachayaprakhyaaH sasamdhya iva toyadaH |
yuddhaayaabhimukho bhiimo manashchakre nishaacharaH || 6-67-92
91, 92. raavaNaanujaH= Kumbhakarna, the brother of Ravana; raakSasaH= the demon; mahaakaayaH= having his large body; shoNitaardraH= bathed in blood; bhiimadarshanaH= frightful in appearance; shoNitodgaarii= vomiting blood; amarSaat= with rage; niilaaN^janachaya prakhyaH= and looking like a mound of black antimony; shushubhe= shone; toyadaH iva= like a cloud; sasandhyaH= with an evening-twilight; abhimukhaH bhuutvaa= with his face directed towards (the battle-front); bhiimaH nishaacharaH= Kumbhakarna the terrific demon; chakre= made up; manaH= his mind; yuddhaaya= for the combat.
Kumbhakarna the demon and the brother of Ravana, having his large body bathed in blood, frightful in appearance, vomiting blood with rage, and looking like a mound of black antimony shone akin to a cloud with an evening-twilight. With his face directed towards the battle-front, Kumbhakarna the terrific demon made up his mind to continue his combat.
gate cha tasmin suraraajashatruh |
krodhaatpradudraava raNaaya bhuuyaH |
anaayudho.asmiiti vichintya raudro |
ghoram tadaa mudgaramaasasaada || 6-67-93
93. tasmin gate= after the departure of Sugreeva; suraraaja shatruH= Kumbhakarna the adversary of Indra the lord of celestials; krodhaat= with a rage; bhuuyaH= again; pradudraava= quickly marched ahead; raNaaya= for the battle; vichintya= finding out; iti= that; tadaa anaayudhaH asmi= (I am) then without any weapon; raudraH= the dreadful Kumbhakarna; aasasaada= got possession of; mudgaram= a hammer-like weapon.
After the departure of Sugreeva, Kumbhakarna the adversary of Indra, with a rage, marched ahead quickly for the battle. Finding out that he is then without any weapon, the dreadful Kumbhakarna got possession of a hammer-like weapon.
tataH sa puryaaH sahasaa mahaatmaa |
niShkramya tadvaanarasainyamugram |
babhakSha rakSho yudhi kumbhakarNaH |
prajaa yugaantaagniriva pradiiptaH || 6-67-94
94. niSkramya= starting; sahasaa= quickly; puryaaH= from the city; saH= that; mahaatmaaH= mighty; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; tataH= then; babhakSa= devoured; tat ugram vaanara sainyam= that huge army of monkeys; yudhi= in battle; prajaaH iva= like (the devour of) people; pravR^iddhaH yugaantaagniH= by the augmented fire at the time of dissolution of the world.
Starting from the city quickly, that mighty Kumbhakarna then devoured that huge army of monkeys in battle, like the devour of people by the augmented fire at the time of dissolution of the world.
bubhukShitaH shoNitamaamsagR^idhnuH |
pravishya tadvaanarasainyamugram |
chakhaada rakShaamsi hariinpishaachaan |
R^ikShaaMshcha mohaadyudhi kumbhakarNaH |
yathaiva mR^ityurharate yugaante |
sa bhakSayaamaasa hariimshcha mukhyaan || 6-67-95
95. pravishya= entering; tat ugram vaanarasainyam= that huge army of monkeys; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; shoNita maamsa gR^idhnuH= greedily desirous of flesh and blood; bubhukSitaH= in hunger; mohaat= due to his deep bewilderment; yudhi= in battle; chakhaada= ate; rakSaamisi= the demons; hariin= monkeys; pishaachaan= devils; R^ikSaancha= and bears; saH bhakSayaamaasa= he devoured; mukhyaan hariin= the principal monkeys; yathaiva= just as; mR^ityuH= the death; harate= destroys people. yugaante= at the time of the end of the world.
Penetrating that huge army of monkeys, Kumbhakarna who was greedily desirous of flesh and blood in hunger, due to his deep bewilderment in battle, ate away even the demons, monkeys, devils and bears. He devoured the principal monkeys just as the death devours people at the time of the end of the world.
ekam dvau triin bahuun kruddho vaanaraan saha raakShasaiH |
samaadaayaikahastena prachikShepa tvaranmukhe || 6-67-96
96. kruddhaH= the enraged Kumbhakarna; tvaran= quickly; samaadaaya= taking; eka hastena= with his single hand; vaanaraan= the monkeys; raakSasaiH saha= along with demons; ekam= in one's devau= two's; triin= threes; bahuun= or in many; prachikSepa= and hurled them; mukhe= in his mouth.
The enraged Kumbhakarna, quickly taking with his single hand, the monkeys and demons, in one's two's, three's or in many and hurled them into his mouth
samprasravamstadaa medaH shoNita cha mahaabalaH |
vadhyamaano nagendraagrairbhakShayaamaasa vaanaraan || 6-67-97
97. vadhyamaanaH= struck; nagendra agraiH= with mountain-peaks; mahaabalaH= the mighty Kumbhakarna; tadaa= then; samprasravan= gushing forth; medaH shoNite= flesh and blood; bhakSayaamaasa= devoured; vaanaraan= the monkeys.
Struck with mountain-peaks, by the monkeys, the mighty Kumbhakarna, then, gushing forth his flesh and blood, devoured the monkeys.
te bhakShyamaaNaa harayo raamam jagmustadaa gatim |
kumbhakarNo bhR^isham kruddhaH kapiin khaadan pradhaavati || 6-67-98
98. tadaa= then; te harayaH= those monkeys; bhakSyamaaNaaH= who were being devoured; jagmuH= sought; raamam= Rama; gatim= as their refuge; bhR^isham= the very much; kruddhaH= enraged; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; khaadan= eating; kapiin= the monkeys; pradhaavati= ran forward.
Thereupon, those monkeys, who were being devoured, sought Rama as their refuge. The very much enraged Kumbhakarna, while eating away the monkeys, marched forward.
shataani sapta chaaSTau cha vimshattrimshattathaiva cha |
sampariSvajya bahubhyaam khaadanviparidhaavati || 6-67-99
99. sampariSvajya= grasping; shataani= a hundred; sapta cha= a seven; aSTaucha= an eight; vimshat= a twenty; tathaiva cha= and; trimshat= a thirty; baahubhyaam= with his arms; khaadan= (he) was devouring (them); viparidhaavati= and running about (in the battle-field).
Grasping a hundred, a seven, an eight, a twenty and a thirty with his arms, Kumbhakarna was devouring the monkeys and running about in the battle-field.
medovasaashoNitadigdhagaatraH |
karNaavasaktagrathitaantramaalaH |
vavarSashuulaani sutiikSaNadaMSTraH |
kaalo yugaantastha iva pravR^iddhaH || 6-67-100
100. medovasaashoNitadigdha gaatraH= having his entire body besmeared with flesh, marrow and blood; karNaavasaktagrathitaantramaalaH= and wreaths of tangled viscera hung over his ears; sutiiSNadamSTraH= the demon with his very sharp teeth; vavarSa= rained; shuulaani= spikes (on the monkeys); kaalaH iva= like Yama the god of death; pravR^iddhaH= risen to power yugaantasthaH= at the end of the world cycle.
Having his entire body besmeared with flesh, marrow and blood together with wreaths of tangled viscera hung over his ears, the demon with his very sharp teeth, rained spikes on the monkeys, like Yama, the god of death, risen to power at the end of the world-cycle.
tasmin kaale sumitraayaaH putraH parabalaardanaH |
chakaara lakSmaNaH kruddho yuddham parapuramjayaH || 6-67-101
101. tasmin kaale= Immediately; lakSmaNaH= Lakshmana; sumitraayaaH putraH= the son of Sumitra; parabalaardanaH= the annihilator of the foe's army; para para puramjayaH= and the conqueror of the cities of adversaries; chakaarayuddham= commenced the battle; kruddhaH= with a rage.
Immediately, Lakshmana the son of Sumitra, the annihilator of the foe's army and conqueror of the cities of adversaries, commenced the battle with a rage.
sa kumbhakarNasya sharaa~nsharIre sapta vIryavaan |
nichakhaanaadade chaanyaanvisasarja cha lakShmaNaH || 6-67-102
102. viiryavaan= the valiant; lakSmaNaH= Lakshmana; nichakhaana= pierced; sapta= seven; sharaan= arrows; shariire= into the body; kumbhakarNasya= of Kumbhakarna; aadade= took; anyaani= some more arrows; visarjacha= and discharged them also.
The valiant Lakshmana pierced seven arrows into the body of Kumbhakarna. He took some more arrows and released them too.
piiDyamaanastadastram tu visheSam tatasa raakSasaH |
tatashchukopa balavaan sumitraanamdavardhanaH || 6-67-103
103. piiDyamaanaH= tormented; tat= by that; tadastram= Lakshmana's weapon; saH raakSasaH= that demon; nisheSam= destroyed it completely; tataH= thereupon; balavaan= the aggressive; sumitraananda vardhanaH= Lakshmana; chukopa= was enraged.
Tormented by that weapon of Lakshmana, that demon destroyed it completely. Thereupon, the aggressive Lakshmana was enraged.
athasya kavacham shubhram jaamubuunadamayam shubham |
prachchhaadayaamaasa sharaiH samdhyaabhramiva maarutaH || 6-67-104
104. atha= then; prachchhaadayaamaasa= (Lakshmana) covered; asya= his; shubram= shining; jaambuunadamayam= golden; shubham= and charming; kavacham= armour; sharaiH= with his arrows; maarutaH samdhyaabhramiva= like a wind making an evening-twilight cloud (completely disappear).
Then, Lakshmana covered the shining and charming golden armour of Kumbhakarna with his arrows, even as the wind would make an evening-twilight cloud completely disappear.
niilaaJNjanachayaprakhyaaH shairaiH kaaJNchanabhuuSaNaiH |
aapiiDyamaanaH shushubhe meghaiH suurya ivaamshumaan || 6-67-105
105. niilaaN^janachayaprakhyaH= Kumbhakarna, looking like a mound of black collyrium; aapiiDyamaanaH= tormented; sharaiH= by the arrows; kaan^chana bhuuSaNaiH= decked with gold; shushubhe= shone; amshumaan suuryaH iva= like the radiant sun; meghaiH= with (its rays covered by) clouds.
Kumbhakarna, looking like a mound of collyrium, tormented by the arrows, decked with gold, shone like the radiant sun with its rays screened by clouds.
tataH sa raakSaso bhiimaH sumitraanandavardhanam |
saavajJNmeva provaacha vaakyam meghaughaniHsvanaH || 6-67-106
106. tataH= then; saH bhiimaH raakSasaH= that terrific demon; meghonghaniHsvanaH= with a thunderous noise of multiple clouds; provaacha= spoke; vaakyam= (the following) words; saavaJNameva= disrespectfully; sumitraanandavardhanam= to Lakshmana.
Then, that terrific demon, with a thunderous noise of multiple clouds, spoke the following words disrespectfully to Lakshmana.
antakasyaapyakaSTena yudhi jetaaramaahave |
yudhyataa maamabhiitena khyaapitaa viirataa tvayaa || 6-67-107
107. viirataa= heroism; khyaapitaa= is declared; tvayaa= by you; aahave= in battle; abhiiteni= by fearlessly; yudhyataa= attacking; maam= me; jetaaram= who conquered; antakasyaapi= even Yama the lord of death; akaSTena= effortlessly; yudhi= in a combat.
"You declared your heroism fearlessly in battle, by attacking me, who has conquered even the lord of death effortlessly in a combat."
pragR^ihiitaayudhasyeha mR^ityoriva mahaamR^idhe |
tiSThannapragrataH puujyaH kimu yuddhapradaayakaH || 6-67-108
108. tiSThannapi= the one who even stands; agrataH= before me; mR^ityoriva= (as) the god of death; pragR^ihiitaayudhasya= holding forth a weapon; mahaamR^idhe= in a great battle; iha= here; puujyaH= is venerable; kimu= what to tell; yuddhapradaayakaH= of the one who bestows battle (on me).
"Anyone who even stands before me, the god of death, holding forth a weapon in a great battle here, is venerable. What to tell about a person who bestows battle on me?"
airaavatam samaaruuDo vR^itaH sarvaamaraih prabhuH |
naiva shakro.api samare sthita puurvaH kadaachana || 6-67-109
109. prabhuH shakro.api= even the powerful Indra the lord of celestials; samaaruuDhaH= who mounted; airaavatam= Airavata, the elephant; vR^itaH= endowed with; sarvaamaraiH= with all celestials; naiva kadaachana= did not ever; sthitapuurvaH= stand before (me); samare= in battle.
"Even the powerful Indra, the lord of celestials, who mounted Airavata the elephant and accompanied by all celestials, did not ever stand before me in battle."
adya tvayaaham saumitre balenaapi paraakramaiH |
toSito gantumichchhaami tyaamanujJNaapya raaghavam || 6-67-110
110. saumitre= O Lakshmana!; adya= today; aham= I; toSitaH= am gratified; tvayaa= by you; balena api= by way of your strength; paraakramaiH= and abilities; tvaam anuJNaapya= taking leave of you; ichchhami= I desire; gantum= to go; raaghavam= to Rama.
"O Lakshmana! Today, I am gratified by your strength and abilities. Taking leave of you, I desire to march forward towards Rama."
yattu viiryabalotsaahaistoSito.ahaM raNe tvayaa |
raamamevaikamichchhami hantum yasmin hate hatam || 6-67-111
111. yat= because; aham= I; toSitaH= have been gratified; tvayaa= by you; viiryabalotsaahaiH= by way of your ability, strength and firmness; raNe= in battle; ichchhaami= I for my part desire; hantum= to kill; ramam eva= Rama alone; yasmin= which Rama; hate= when killed; hatam= all the army will be killed.
"Because I have been gratified by you by way of your ability, strength and firmness in battle, I for my part desire to kill Rama alone, for when he is killed, all the army will be killed."
raame mayaatra nihate ye.anye sthaasyanti saMyuge |
taanahaM yodhayiSyaami svabalena pramaathinaa || 6-67-112
112. raame= (While) Rama; nihate= is killed; mayaa= by me; samyuge= in battle; atra= here; anye= with others; ye= who; sthaasyanti= remain; aham svabalena yodhayiSyaami= I will make my army to fight; pramaathinaa= and destroy; taan= them.
"When Rama is killed by me battle here, I will make my army to fight with others who remain on the battle filled and destroy them."
ityuktavaakyam tadrakSaH provaacha stutisaMhitam |
mR^idhe ghorataraM vaakyaM saumitriH prahasanniva || 6-67-113
113. tat rakSaH= to that demon; mR^iddhe= in battle; uktavaakyam= who has given his opinion; iti= thus; stutisamhitam= abounding in enology; saumitre= Lakshmana; prahasanniva= as though bursting into laughter; provaacha= spoke; ghorataram= (the following) extremely terrific; vaakam= words.
To that demon in battle, who has given his opinion thus, abounding in enology, Lakshmana as though bursting with laughter, spoke the following extremely terrific words:
yastvaM shakraadibhirviirairasahyaH praapya pauruSam |
tatsatyam naanyathaa viira dR^iSTaste.adya paraakramaH || 6-67-114
eSa daasharathii raamastiSThatyadririvaachalaH |
114. viira= O brave demon!; yaH tvam= whatever you (say); raapya= (that) obtaining; pauruSam= valour; shakraadibhiH viiraiH= the heroes like Indra and others; asahyaH= feel unbearable; sarvam= all; tat= that; na= is not; anyathaa= otherwise; satyam= (it is) true; te= your; paraakramaH= prowess; dR^iSTaH= has been seen; adya= now; eSaH raamaH= this Rama; daasharathiH= the son of Dasaratha; tiSThati= is standing; achalaH= immovable; adriH iva= like a mountain.
"O brave demon! You are telling that while you show your prowess, the heroes like Indra and others feel unbearable; it is true. Just now, I have seen your prowess. But, see Rama the son of Dasaratha, standing here unmoving like a mountain."
iti shrutvaa hyanaadR^itya lakSmaNam sa nishaacharaH || 6-67-115
atikramya cha saumitrim kumbhakarNo mahaabalaH |
raamamevaabhidudraava daarayanniva mediniim || 6-67-116
115, 116. shrutvaa= hearing; iti= in this manner; saH mahaabalaH kumbhakarNaH= that mighty Kumbhakarna; nishaacharaH= the demon; anaadR^itya= brushing aside; lakSmaNam= Lakshmana; atikramya= and crossing; saumitrim= Lakshmana; abhidudraava= ran; raamameva= towards Rama alone; medinim kampayanniva= as though he is causing an earth-quake.
Hearing in this manner, that mighty Kumbhakarna the demon, brushing aside Lakshmana and crossing him, ran, as though he is causing an earth-quake, towards Rama.
atha daasharathii raamo raudramastraM prayojayan |
kumbhakarNasya hR^idaye sasarja nishitaan sharaan || 6-67-117
117. atha= thereupon; raamaH= Rama; daasharathiH= the son of Dasaratha; prayojan= employing; astram= a spell (used to charm arrows); raudram= called Raudra; sasarja= discharged; nishitaan= sharp; sharaan= arrows; kumbhakarNasya hR^idaye= into Kumbhakarna's chest.
Thereupon, Rama, the son of Dasaratha, employing a spell (used to charm arrows) called Raudra, discharged sharp arrows into Kumbhakarna's chest.
tasya raameNa viddhasya sahasaabhipradhaavataH |
aN^gaaramishraaH kruddhasya mukhaannishcherurarchiShaH || 6-67-118
118. archiSaH= flames of fire; aN^gaara mishraaH= mixed with particles of charcoal; nishcheruH= came forth; mukhaat= from the face; kruddhasya tasya= of the enraged Kumbhakarna; viddhasya= who has struck; sahasaa abhipradhaavataH= and who was quickly running; raameNa= towards Rama.
Flames of fire mixed with particles of charcoal came forth from the face of Kumbhakarna, who was thus struck and who was running quickly towards Rama.
raamastraviddho ghoram vai nardan raakSasapuMganaH |
abhyadhaavata tam kruddho hariin vidraavayan raNe || 6-67-119
119. raakSasa puN^gavaH= that foremost of demons; raamaastra viddhaH= struck by Rama's arrow; nardan= roaring; ghoram= terribly; kruddhaH= with rage; vidraavayan hariin= making the monkeys to run away; raNe= in battle; abhyadhaavata= ran; tam= towards; tam= that Rama.
That foremost among demons, struck by Rama's arrow, roaring terribly with rage, making the monkeys to run away in battle, ran himself towards Rama.
tasyorasi nimagnaashcha sharaa barhiNavaasasaH |
hastaachchaasya paribhraShTaa gadaa chorvyaam papaata ha || 6-67-120
120. te sharaaH= those arrows; barhiNavaasasaH= adorned with peacock's plumes; nimagnaaH= penetrated into; tasya= his; urasi= chest; asya yadaa= his mace; paribhraSTaa= dropped off; asya hastaat= from his hand; papaata ha= and fell; urvyaam= on the ground.
Those arrows, adorned with peacock's plumes, penetrated into his chest. His mace dropped off from his hand and fell on the ground.
aayudhaani cha sarvaaNi samakiiryanta bhuutale |
sa niraayudhamaatmaanam yadaa mene mahaabalaH || 6-67-121
muSTibhyaam cha karaabhyaam cha chakaara kadanam mahat |
121. sarvaaNi= all; aayudhaani= his weapons; samakiiryanta= fell scattered; bhuutale= on the ground; mene= considering; aatmaam= himself; niraayudham= as weaponless; saH mahaabalaH= that mighty Kumbhakarna; chakaara mahat kadanam= (then) fought fiercely; muSTibhyaam= with his fists; karaabhyaamcha= arms.
All his weapons fell scattered on the ground. Considering himself as weaponless, that mighty Kumbhakarna then fought fiercely with his fists and arms.
sa baaNairatividdhaaN^gaH kSatajena samukSitaH || 6-67-122
rudhiram parisusraava giriH prasraavaNam yathaa |
122. saH= that Kumbhakarna; atividdhaaNgaaH= with his body struck fiercely; baaNaiH= by arrows; samukSitaH= and bathed; kSatajena= in blood; pari susraava= poured forth; rudhiram= blood; giriH yathaa= even as a mountain (would pour forth); prasravaNam= a cascade.
That Kumbhakarna, with his body struck fiercely by arrows and bathed in blood, poured forth blood, even as a mountain would pour forth a cascade.
sa tiivreNa cha kopena rudhireNa cha muurchhitaH |
vaanaraanraakShasaanR^ikShaan khaadan sa paridhaavati || 6-67-123
123. tiivreNa kopena= with a terrific anger; saH= he; murchchhitaH= felt insensible; rudhireNa= with blood; saH= he; paridhaavati= ran; khaadan= devouring; vaanaraan= monkeys; raakSasaan= demons; R^ikSaan= and bears.
With a terrific wrath, he felt insensible with blood. He roamed about, devouring the monkeys, demons and bears.
atha shR^iN^gam samaavidhya bhiimam bhiimaparaakramaH |
chikSepa raamamuddishya balavaanantakopamaH || 6-67-124
124. atha= then; antakopamaH= that kumbhakarna, comparable to Yama the god of death; bhiima paraakramaH= terrific prowess; balavaan= and strength; samaavidhya= holding firmly; bhiimam= a fearful; shR^iN^gam= mountain-peak; chikSepa= hurled it; raamam uddishya= towards Rama.
Then, that Kumbhakarna, comparable to Yama the god of death, of terrific prowess and strength, firmly holding a fearful mountain-peak, hurled it towards Rama.
apraaptamantaraa raamaH saptabhiistamajihmagaiH |
chichchheda girishR^iN^gam tam punaH samdhaaya kaarmukam || 6-67-125
125. tam girishR^iN^gam= (while) that mountain-peak; apraaptam= had not arrived; raamaH= Rama; punaH= again; sandhaaya= fixing together the arrow; kaarmukam= and the bow; chichchheda= and broke it; antaraa= in the middle; saptabhiH ajihmagaiH= with seven straight-going arrows.
Wile that mountain peak was still on its way and had not yet reached him Rama, fixing together his well-known bow and arrows, split the mountain in the middle, with seven straight-going arrows.
tatastu raamo dharmaatmaa tasya shR^iN^gam mahattadaa || 6-67-126
sharaiH kaaJNchanachitraaN^gai shchichchheda bharatagraja |
126. tataH= then; raamaH= Rama; dharmaatmaa= the virtuous man; bharataagrajaH= and the elder brother of Bharata; chichchheda= split; tasya mahat= his large; shR^iN^gam= mountain-peak; sharaiH= by arrows; tadaa= at that time; kaaN^chana chitraaN^gaiH= with variegated bodies of gold.
Then, Rama, the virtuous man and the elder brother of Bharata, split the large mountain-peak which was hurled by Kumbhakarna at that time, with his variegated arrows made of gold.
tanmerushikharaakaaram dyotamaanamiva shriyaa || 6-67-127
dve shate vaanaraaNaam cha patamaanamapaatayat |
127. tat= that mountain-peak; merushikharaakaaram= in the form of a peak of Mount Meru; dyotamaanam iva= as if shining; shriyaa= with splendour; patamaanam= while falling dveshate vaanaraaNaam apaatayat= caused two hundred monkeys to fall down.
That mountain-peak, in the form of a peak of Mount Meru, as if shining with splendour, while falling, caused two hundred monkeys to fall.
tasmin kaale sa dharmaatmaa lakShmaNo raamamabraviit || 6-67-128
kumbhakarNavadhe yukto yogaanparimR^ishanbahuun |
128. dharmaatmaa= the righteous; lakSmaNaH= Lakshmana; parimR^ishan= considering; bahuun= various; yogaan= strategies; yuktaH= appropriate; kumbhakarNavasddhe= for killing Kumbhakarna; tasmin kaale= at that time; abraviit= spoke; raamam= to Rama (as follows):
At that time, considering various strategies appropriate for killing Kumbhakarna, the righteous Lakshmana spoke to Rama as follows:
naivaayam vaanaraanraajanna vijaanaati raakShasaan || 6-67-129
mattaH shoNitagandhena svaan paraaMshchaiva khaadati |
129. raajan= O King!; ayam= he; naiva vijaanaati= is not recognizing; vaanaraan= the monkeys; na= nor; raakSasaan= the demons; mattaH shoNita gandhena= intoxicated with the smell of blood; khaadate= he is devouring; svaan= his own persons; paraamshchaiva= and others even.
"O king! He is not able to recognize who the monkeys are and who the demons are. Intoxicated with the smell of blood, he is devouring his own persons and also others."
saadhvenamadhirohantu sarvato vaanararShabhaaH || 6-67-130
yuuthapaashcha yathaamukhyaastiShThantvasya samantataH |
130. vaanararSabhaaH= (Let) the foremost of the monkeys; adhirohantu= ascend; enam= him; saadhu= well; sarvataH= from all sides; yuuthapaashcha= let the monkey-leaders too; yathaamukhyaaH= following the commanders of their troops; tiSThantu= stand; samantataH= on all sides; asya= of him.
"Let the foremost of monkeys ascend well upon his body from all sides. Following the commanders of their troops, let the monkey-leaders stand, surrounding him."
adyayaM durmatiH kaale gurubhaaraprapiiDitaH || 6-67-131
prapatanraakShaso bhuumau naanyaanhanyaatplavaN^gamaan |
131. adya kaale= at that time; gurubhaara piiDitaH= harassed by the huge weight; ayam durmatiH= that evil-minded; raakSasaH= demon; pracharan= coming forth; bhuumau= on the floor; na hanyaat= cannot kill; anyaan= the other; plavangamaan= monkeys.
"If we do in that way, that evil-minded demon would be harassed by the huge weight, making him to crawl on the floor and cannot kill the other monkeys."
tasya tadvachanam shrutvaa raajaputrasya dhiimataH || 6-67-132
te samaaruruhurhR^iShTaaH kumbhakarNaM plavamgamaaH |
132. shrutvaa= hearing; tat vachanam= those words; tasya dhiimataH raajaputrasya= of that intelligent Lakshmana; te plavangamaaH= those monkeys; hR^iSTaaH= were rejoiced; samaaruruhuH= and mounted on; kumbhakarNam= (the body) of Kumbhakarna.
Hearing those words of that intelligent Lakshmana, those monkeys were rejoiced and mounted on the body of Kumbhakarna.
kumbhakarNastu samkruddhaH samaaruuDhaH plavamgamaiH || 6-67-133
vyadhuunayattaanvegena duShTahastiiva hastipaan |
133. kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; samaaruuDhaH= when climbed upon; plavangamaiH= by the monkeys; samkruddhaH= was enraged; taan vyadhuunavat= and shook them off; vegena= with violence; duSTahastii iva= as a vicious elephant; (would shake off); hastipaan= its mahout.
Kumbhakarna, when climbed upon by the monkeys, was enraged and shook them off with violence, as a vicious elephant would shake off its mahout.
taandR^iShTvaa nirdhuutaanraamo ruShTo.ayamiti raakShasaH || 6-67-134
samutpapaata vegena dhanuruttamamaadade |
134. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; taan= those monkeys; nirdutaan= shaken down; raamaH= Rama; ruSTaH it= understanding that he was enraged; samutpapaata= jumped up; vegena= speedily; raakSasam= towards the demon; aadade= and took; uttamam= an excellent; dhanuH= bow.
Seeing the monkeys shaken down, Rama on his part understanding that he was enraged, jumped up speedily towards the demon and took an excellent bow.
krodharaktekSaNo viiro nirdahanniva chakSuSaa || 6-67-135
raaghavo raakSasam roSaadabhidudraava vegitaH |
yuuthapaan harSayan sarvaan kumbhakarNabhayaarditaan || 6-67-136
135, 136. viiraH= the heroic; raaghavaH= Rama; krodharaktekSaNaH= enraged with red-hot eyes; nirdahanniva= as though he was scorching; chakSuSaa= with his looks; roSaat= in anger; vegitaH= (walking) with speed; harSayan= and causing delight to; sarvaan yuuthapaan= all the leaders of the monkey-troops; kumbhakarNabhayaarditaan= leaders of the monkey-troops; kumbhakarNabhayaarditaan= who were tormented by the fear of Kumbhakarna; abhidudraava= quickly marched; raakSasam= towards the demon.
The heroic Rama, enraged with red-hot eyes, as though he was scorching the enemy with his looks, walked with speed, causing delight to all the leaders of the monkey-troops, who were tormented with the fear of Kumbhakarna and quickly marched towards the demon.
sa chaapamaadaaya bhujaN^gakalpaM |
dR^iDhajyamugram tapaniiyachitram |
hariinsamaashvaasya samutpapaata |
raamo nibaddhottamatuuNabaaNaH || 6-67-137
137. aadaaya= taking (in his land); ugram= a terrific; chaapam= bow; bhujaN^gakalpam= looking like a snake; dR^iDhajyam= and having a firmly fastened cord; tapaniiya chitram= and looking variegated with its crust of gold; nibaddhottama tuuNa baaNaH= with a quiver, full of excellent arrows fastened (on his back); hariin samaashvaasa= fully restoring the monkeys to confidence; raamaH= that Rama; samutpapaata= quickly marched forward.
Taking in his hand, a terrific bow with a firmly fastened cord looking like a snake and looking variegated with its crust of gold, with a quiver full of excellent arrows fastened on his back and fully restoring the monkeys to confidence, that Rama quickly marched forward.
sa vaanaragaNaistaistu vR^itaH paramadurjayaH |
lakShmaNaanucharo raamaH sampratasthe mahaabalaH || 6-67-138
138. saH mahaabalaH viiraH= that mighty and heroic Rama; parama durjayaH= who was highly unconquerable; lakSmaNaanucharaH= accompanied by Lakshmana; sampratasthe= duly marched forward; vR^itaH= surrounded; taiH vaanaragaNaiH= by those troops of monkeys.
That mighty and heroic Rama, who was highly unconquerable, accompanied by Lakshmana, duly marched forward, surrounded by those troops of monkeys.
sa dadarsha mahaatmaanam kiriiTinamarindamam |
shoNitaavR^itaraktaakSam kumbhakarNaM mahaabalam || 6-67-139
139. mahaabalaH= the mighty; saH= Rama; dadarsha= saw; mahaatmaanaH kumbhakarNam= the powerful Kumbhakarna; kiriiTiNam= wearing a crown; arimdamam= the annihilator of enemies; shoNitaavR^ita raktaakSam= having his eyes blood-red with anger.
The mighty Rama saw the powerful Kumbhakarna, the annihilator of enemies, wearing a crown and his eyes blood-red with anger.
sarvaan samabhidhaavantam yathaa ruShTam dishaagajam |
maargamaaNam hariin kruddhaM raakShasaiH parivaaritam || 6-67-140
140. (Rama saw Kumbhakarna); ruSTam= who was angry; samabhidhaavantam= chasing; sarvaan= all; dishaagajam yathaa= like the mythical elephant guarding one of the quarters; maargamaaNam= searching for; hariin= the monkeys; kruddham= enraged; parivaaritam= and surrounded; raakSasaiH= by the demons.
Rama saw the angry Kumbhakarna, chasing all, like the mythical elephant guarding one of the quarters, searching for the monkeys, enraged as he was and surrounded by the demons.
vindhyamandarasamkaasham kaaJNchanaaN^gadabhuuShaNam |
sravantam rudhiraM vaktraadvarShameghamivotthitam || 6-67-141
141. (Rama saw that Kumbhakarna); vindhyamandara samkaasham= looking like Vindhya and Mandara mountains; kaaN^chanaaN^gada bhuuSaNam= adorned with armlets of gold; sravantam= emitting; rudhiram= blood; vaktraat= from his mouth; utthitam varSaameghamiva= and appearing as a rising rainy cloud.
Rama saw that Kumbhakarna, looking like Vindhya and Mandara mountains, adorned with armlets of gold, emitting blood from his mouth and appearing as a rising rainy cloud.
jihvayaa parilihyantam sR^ikkiNii shoNitokShitam |
mR^idnantam vaanaraaniikam kaalaantakayamopamam || 6-67-142
142. (Rama saw that Kumbhakarna) parilihyantam= who was licking; sR^ikkiNii= the corners of his mouth; shoNitokSite= which were bathed with blood; mR^idnantam= trampling down; vaanaraaniikam= the army of monkeys; kaalaantaka yamopanaam= and resembling Yama in the form of all-destroying time.
Rama saw that Kumbhakarna, who was licking the corners of his mouth which were bathed in blood, all they way trampling the monkeys and resembling Yama in the form of all-destroying time.
tam dR^iShTvaa raakShasashreShThaM pradiiptaanalavarchasaM |
visphaarayaamaasa tadaa kaarmukaM puruSharShabhaH || 6-67-143
143. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; tam= that; raakSasashreSTham= foremost of demons; pradiiptaanalatejasam= having a splendour of blazing fire; puruSarSabhaH= Rama the excellent among men; tadaa= then; visphaarayaamaasa= stretched kaarmukam= his bow.
Seeing that Kumbhakarna, the foremost of demons, having a splendour of blazing fire, Rama, the excellent of men, then stretched his bow.
sa tasya chaapanirghoShaatkupito nairR^itarShabhaH |
amR^iShyamaaNastam ghoShamabhidudraava raaghavam || 6-67-144
144. kupitaH= enraged; chaapanirghoSaat= by the twang of the bow; tasya= of Rama; saH= that; raakSasarSabhaH= foremost of demons; amR^iSyamaaNadu= not tolerating; tam ghoSam= that sound; abhidudraava= ran; raaghavam= towards Rama.
Enraged by the twang of Rama's bow, Kumbhakarna, the foremost of demons, not tolerating that sound, ran towards Rama.
tatastu vaatoddhatameghakalpaM |
bhujamgaraajottamabhogabaahum |
tamaapatantam dharaNiidharaabham |
uvaacha raamo yudhi kumbhakarNam || 6-67-145
145. tataH= thereupon; raamaH= Rama; uvaacha= spoke; aapatantam kumbhakarNam= to the dashing Kumbhakarna; vaatoddhata megha kalpam= looking like a cloud driven by the wind; bhujanga raajottama bhoga baahum= whose arms looking like the coils of Vasuki (the king of serpents).
Thereupon, Rama spoke to the dashing Kumbhakarna looking like a cloud driven by the wind, whose arms were like the coils of Vasuki (the king of serpents) and appearing like a mountain in the battle-field (as follows):
aagachchha rakSho.adhipamaa viShaadam |
avasthito.ahaM pragR^ihiitachaapaH |
avehi maam raakSasavamshavaashanam |
ayaM muhuurtaadbhavitaa vichetaaH || 6-67-146
146. rakSodhipa= O leader of the demons; aagachchha= come on; maa= do not; viSaadam= regret; aham= I; avasthitaH= stand; pragR^ihiita chaapaH= wielding a bow; yaH tvamavehi= know me; raakSasavamshanaashanam= to be the annihilator of the demons' race; bhavitaa= you will be; vichetaaH= dead; muhuurtaat= within a moment.
"O leader of the demons! Come on. Do not regret. I sand, wielding a bow in my hand. Know me to be the annihilator of the race of demons. You will be dead within a moment."
raamo.ayamiti vijJNaaya jahaasa vikR^itasvanam |
abhyadhaavata samkruddho hariinvidraavayan raNe || 6-67-147
147. viJNaaya= coming to know; ayam= that he; raamaH iti= was Rama; jahaasa= Kubhakarna laughed; vikR^ita svanam= in a rebellious tone; kruddhaH= he was enraged; abhyadhaavata= and ran up towards; hariin= the monkeys; vidraavayan= driving them away; raNe= in the battle-field.
Coming to know that he was Rama, Kumbhakarna laughed in a rebellious tone and ran up enraged towards the monkeys, driving them away in the battle-field.
daarayanniva sarveSaaM hR^idayaani vanaukasaam |
prahasya vikR^itaM bhiimam sa meghasvanitopamam || 6-67-148
kumbhakarNo mahaatejaa raaghavaM vaakyamabraviit |
148. saH kumbhakarNaH= that Kumbhakarna; mahaatejaH= of great splendour; daarayanniva= as though breaking asunder; hR^idayaani= the hearts; sarveSaam= of all; vanaukasaam= the monkeys; prahasya= laughing; vikR^itam= unnaturally; bhiimam= and awfully; meghastanitopamam= like the thunder of a cloud; abraviit= spoke; vaakyam= (the following) words; raaghavam= to Rama.
That Kumbhakarna of great splendour, as though bursting the hearts of all the monkeys, laughed unnaturally as also awfully and spoke the following words to Rama:
naahamn viraadho vijJNeyo na kabandhaH kharo na cha |
na vaalii na cha maariichaH kumbhakarNo.ahamaagataH || 6-67-149
149. aham= I; na viJNeyaH= am not to be considered; viraadhaH= as Viradha; na= now as; kabandhaH= Kabandha; na cha= nor as; kharaH= Khara; na vaalii= nor as Vali; na cha maariichaH= nor as Maricha; Kumbhakarna= It is Kumbhakarna; samaagataH= who arrived here.
'I am neither to be considered as Viradha nor Kabandha nor Khara nor Vali nor Maricha. It is Kumbhakarna who arrived here."
pashya me mudgaram bhiimam sarvakaalaayasaM mahat |
anena nirjitaa devaa daanavaashcha mayaa puraa || 6-67-150
150. pashya= see; me mahat= my large; bhiimam= terrific; mudgaram= hammer; sarva kaalaayasam= completely made of iron; anena= by it; devaaH= celestials; daanavaashcha= and demons; nirjitaaH= were conquered; puraa= before.
"See my large terrific hammer, completely made of iron. By it, the celestials and the demons were conquered by me before."
vikarNanaasa iti maaM naavajJNaatum tvamarhasi |
svalpaapi hi na me piiDaa karNanaasaavinaashanaat || 6-67-151
151. tvam= you; na arhasi= ought not; maam avaJNaatum= treat me with contempt; vikarNa naasaH it= as I am deprived of my ear and nose; me= to me; na piiDaa hi= there is no agony indeed; svalpa.api= even a little; karNa naasaa vinaashanaat= for having lost the ear and the nose.
"You need not treat me with contempt, as I am deprived of my ear and nose. To me, there is no agony even indeed a little, for having lost the ear and the nose."
darshayekShvaakushaarduula viiryam gaatreShu me laghu |
tatastvaaM bhakShayiShyaami dR^iShTapauruShavikramam || 6-67-152
152. anagha= O faultless; ikSvaaku shaarduula= excellent man in Ikshvaku dynasty!; darshaya= show; viiryam= your prowess; me gaatreSu= on my limbs; dR^isTa pauruSa vikramam= after seeing your strength and prowess; bhakSayiSyaami= I will devour; tvaam= you.
"O faultless excellent Rama born in Ikshavaku dynasty! Show your prowess on my limbs. After seeing your strength and prowess, I will be devouring you."
sa kumbhakarNasya vacho nishamya |
raamaH supuN^khaanvisasarja baaNaan |
tairaahato vajrasamapravegair |
na chukShubhe na vyathate suraaiH || 6-67-153
153. nishamya= hearing; vachaH= the words; kumbhakarNasya= of Kumbhakarna; saH raamaH= that Rama; visasarja= released; baaNaan sapuN^khaan= plumed arrows; aahataH= (even after) struck; taiH= by them; vajra sama pravegaiH= whose speed was equal to a thunderbolt; suraariH= that demon; na chukSubhe= was neither shaken; na vyathate= nor afflicted.
Hearing the words of Kumbhakarna, that Rama released plumed arrows. Even after struck by them, whose speed was equal to a thunderbolt, that demon was neither shaken nor afflicted.
yaiH saayakaiH saalavaraa nikR^ittaa |
vaalii hato vaanarapu~Ngavash cha |
te kumbhakarNasya tadaa shariiraM |
vajropamaa na vyathayaaM prachakruH || 6-67-154
154. yaiH saayakaiH= by which arrows; saala varaaH= excellent Sala trees; nikR^ittaah= were chopped off; valii= and Vali; vaanara pungavaH= the foremost among monkeys; hataH= was killed; te= those arrows; tadaa= then; na vyathayaamprakruH= could not torment; kumbhakarNasya shariiram= Kumbhakarna's body; vajropamam= which can be compared to a thunderbolt.
Those arrows, which chopped off the Sala trees and killed Vali the foremost of monkeys, could not torment Kumbhakarna's body which was like a thunderbolt.
sa vaaridhaaraa iva saayakaa.nstaan |
piban shariireNa mahendrashatruH |
jaghaana raamasya sharapravegaM |
vyaavidhya taM mudgaramugravegam || 6-67-155
155. piban= sucking; taan saayakaan= those arrows; shariireNa= with his body; vaaridhaaraaH iva= (as mountains would) suck up torrents of water; saH mahendra shatruH= that Kumbhakarna; vyavidhya= flourishing; mudgaram= his hammer; ugravegam= with terrible speed; jaghaana= hindered; shara pravegam= the tremendous speed of arrows; raamasya= of Rama.
Sucking those arrows with his body, as mountains suck up torments of water, that Kumbhakarna, flourishing his hammer with terrible speed, hindered the tremendous speed of Rama's arrows.
tatastu rakShaH kShatajaanuliptaM |
vitraasana.n devamahaachamUnaam |
vyaavidhya taM mudgaramugravegaM |
vidraavayaamaasa chamU.n hariiNaam || 6-67-156
156. tataH= then; vyavidhya= flourishing; tam mudgaram= that hammer; kSatajaavaliptam= smeared with blood; ugravegam= in terrific speed; vitraasanam= which can frighten; devamahaa chamuunaam= the great army of celestials; rakSaH= that demon; vidraavayaamaasa= scared away; chamuun= the army; hariiNaam= of monkeys.
Then, flourishing that hammer which was smeared with blood and which can frighten the great army of celestials, in terrific speed, that demon scared away the army of monkeys.
vaayavyamaadaaya tato varaastraM |
raamaH prachikShepa nishaacharaaya |
samudgaram tena jahaara baahuM |
sa kR^ittabaahustumulaM nanaada || 6-67-157
157. tataH= thereupon; aadaaya= taking; mahaastram= a great weapon; vaayavyam= called Vayavya; raamaH= Rama; prachikSepa= hurled it; nishaacharaaya= on the demon; tena= by it; jahaara= he chopped off; baahum= Kumbhakarna's arm; samudgaram= along with the hammer; saH= he; kR^itta baahuH= with his arm chopped off; nanaada= roared; tumulam= tumultuously.
Thereupon, taking a great missile called Vayavya, Rama hurled it on the demon. By that weapon, he chopped off Kumbhakarna's arm along with the hammer. With his arm chopped off, Kumbhakarna roared tumultuously.
sa tasya baahurgirishR^iN^gakalpaH |
samudgaro raaghavabaaNakR^ittaH |
papaata tasmin hariraajasainye |
jaghaana taam vaanaravaahinii.n cha || 6-67-158
158. saH tasya baahuH= that arm of Kumbhakarna; girishR^iNgakalpaH= identical to a mountain-peak; raaghava baaNa kR^ittaH= chopped off by Rama's arrow; papaata= fell; samudgaraH= along with the hammer; tasmin hariraaja sainye= on that army of Sugreeva; jaghaana= and killed; taam= that; harivaahiniim cha= army of monkeys.
That Kumbhakarna's arm, identical to a mountain-peak, which was chopped off by Rama's arrow, fell along with the hammer on that army of Sugreeva and killed that regiment of monkeys.
te vaanaraa bhagnahataavasheShaaH |
paryantamaashritya tadaa viShaNNaaH |
prapiDitaaN^gaa dadR^ishuH sughoraM |
narendrarakSho.adhipasaMnipaatam || 6-67-159
159. te vaanaraaH= those monkeys; bhagnahataavasheSaaH= remaining after those left of the broken and the slain; tadaa= then; viSaNNaaH= were dejected; prapiiDitaaNgaaH= with their tormented limbs; aashritya= having recourse to; paryantam= sides; dadR^ishuH= and witnessed; sughoram= the highly terrific; narendra rakSodhipa samnipaatam= encounter between Rama and Kumbhakarna.
Those monkeys who had escaped being broken and slain by that arm, though dejected with their tormented limbs and taking recourse to the sides, witnessed a highly terrific encounter between Rama and Kumbhakarna.
sa kumbhakarNo.astranikR^ittabaahur |
rmahaasikR^ittaagra ivaachalendraH |
utpaaTayaamaasa kareNa vR^ikShaM |
tato.abhidudraava raNe narendram || 6-67-160
160. saH kumbhakarNaH= that Kumbhakarna; astranikR^ittabaahuH= having an arm chopped off by the arrow; achalendraH iva= like a mountain; kR^ittagraH= whose peak chopped off; mahaasinaaa= by a gigantic sword; vR^ikSam utpaaTayaamaasa= pulled up a tree by its roots; kareNa= with (his another remaining) arm; tataH= and then; abhidudraava= ran; narendram= towards Rama the lord of men; raNe= in (that) combat.
Having an arm chopped off by the arrow like a mountain-peak chopped off by a gigantic sword, that Kumbhakarna with his another arm, pulled up a tree by its roots and then ran towards Rama the lord of men in that battle-front.
sa tasya baahum saha saalavR^ikShaM |
samudyataM pannagabhogakalpam |
aindraastrayuktena jahaara raamo |
baaNena jaambuunadachitritena || 6-67-161
161. baaNena= by his arrow; jaambuunada chitritena= which was made variegated by gold; aindraastrayuktena= and furnished with a mystic spell of Indra used for charming it saH raamaH= that Rama; jaghaana= struck; baahum= his arm; pannagabhogakalpam= appearing like the coil of a serpent; samudyatam sataalavR^ikSam= along with his uprooted palm-tree.
By his arrow, which was made variegated by gold and furnished with a mystic spell of Indra used for charming it, Rama chopped off Kumbhakarna's remaining arm, appearing like the coil of a serpent along with his uprooted palm-tree.
sa kumbhakarNasya bhujo nikR^ittaH |
papaata bhuumau girisaMnikaashaH |
viveShTamaano nijaghaana vR^ikShaan |
shailaa~nshilaavaanararaakShasaaMsh cha || 6-67-162
162. saH bhujaH kumbhakarNasya= that Kumbhakarna's arm; girisamnikaashaH= which appeared like a hill; nikR^ittaaH= was chopped off; papaata= and fell down; bhuumau= on the ground; vicheSTamaanaaH= wallowing hither and thither; nijaghaana= it dashed with; vR^ikSaan= trees; shailaa= rocks; vaanararaakSasaamshcha= monkeys and demons.
That Kumbhakarna's arm, which appeared like a hill, was chopped off and fell down on the ground. Wallowing hither and thither, it dashed with trees, rocks, monkeys and demons.
tam chhinnabaahum samavekShya raamaH |
samaapatantam sahasaa nadantam |
dvaavardhachandrau nishitau pragR^ihya |
chichchheda paadau yudhi raakShasasya || 6-67-163
163. samavekSya= seeing; tam= him; chhinna baahum= whose arms were chopped off; sahasaa= abruptly; nadantam= with a roar; samaapatantam= coming upon him; pragR^ihya= and taking; dvau= two; nishitau= sharp; ardhachandrau= arrows with a shape of a half-moon each; raamaH= Rama; chichheda= chopped off; paadau= the feet; raakSasya= of the demon.
Seeing Kumbhakarna with his arms chopped off, abruptly with a roar, coming upon him and taking two sharp arrows with a shape of a half-moon each, Rama chopped off the feet of the demon in that battle.
tau tasya paadau pradisho dishashcha |
girerguhaashchaiva mahaarNavam cha |
laN^kaam cha senaam kapiraakSasaanaaM |
vinaadayantau vinipetatushcha || 6-67-164
164. vinaadayantau= creating a resound; pradishaH= everywhere; dishashcha= in all directions; guhaashchaiva= even in caves; gireH= of hills; mahaarNavam cha= in the great ocean; laNKaamcha= in Lanka; senaam= as also in the army; kapiraakSasaanaam= of monkeys and demons; tau paadau tasya= those feet of Kumbhakarna; vinipetatushcha= fell down.
Creating a resound everywhere in all directions, even in hill-caves, in the great ocean, in Lanka as also in the armies of monkeys and demons, Kumbhakarna's feet fell down.
nikR^ittabaahurvinikR^ittapaado |
vidaarya vaktra.n vaDavaamukhaabham |
dudraava raamam sahasaabhigarjan |
raahuryathaa chandramivaantarikShe || 6-67-165
165. vidaarya= widely opening; vaktram= his mouth; vaDavaamukhaabham= like the mouth of a submarine fire; abhigarjan= and roaring; nikR^ittabaahuH= Kumbhakarna, whose arms were chopped off; vinikR^itta paadaH= and whose feet were cut off; sahasaa= quickly; dudraava= ran; raamam= towards Rama; raahuryatha= like Rahu, the seizer-demon; chandramiva= going to seize the moon; antarikSe= in the sky.
Widely opening his mouth like the mouth of a submarine fire and roaring, Kumbhakarna whose arms and feet were cut off, ran (with thighs) quickly towards Rama, like Rahu the seizer-demon going to seize the moon in the sky.
apuurayattasya mukha.n shitaagrai |
raamaH sharairhemapinaddhapuN^khaiH |
sa puurNavaktro na shashaaka vaktuM |
chukuuja kR^ichchhreNa mumoha chaapi || 6-67-166
166. raamaH= Rama; apuurayat= filled up; tasya mukham= (Kumbhakarna's) mouth; shitaagraiH sharaiH= with sharp-pointed arrows; hema pinaddhapuNkhaiH= having shafts covered with gold; puurNa vaktraH= with his mouth full of arrows; na shashaaka= he was unable; vaktum= to speak; chukuuja= but moaned; kR^ichchheNa= with difficulty; mumuurchha chaapi= and even became unconscious.
Rama filled up Kumbhakarna's mouth with sharply pointed arrows, having shafts covered with gold. With his mouth full of arrows, Kumbhakarna was unable to speak. He moaned with difficulty and even became unconscious.
athaadade suuryamariichikalpaM |
sa brahmadaNDaantakakaalakalpam |
ariShTamaindraM nishitam supuN^khaM |
raamaH sharaM maarutatulyavegam || 6-67-167
167. atha= thereupon; saH raamaH= that Rama; aadade= got hold of; aindram sharam= an arrow spelled with a missile presided over by Indra the lord of celestials; suuryamariichikalpam= effulgent as sun's rays; brahmadaN^Daantakakaala kalpam= resembling the rod of Brahma the lord of creation and the destructive Kala, the Time-spirit; ariSTam= a sign of approaching death; nishitam= sharp; supuNkham= with a good shaft; maaruta tulya vegam= and having its speed equal to the wind.
Thereupon, that Rama got hold of an arrow spelled with a missile presided over by Indra the lord of celestials, effulgent as sun's rays, resembling the rod of Brahma the lord of creation as also the destructive Kala, the Time-Spirit, and having its speed equal to the wind.
tam vajrajaambuunadachaarupuN^khaM |
pradiiptasuuryajvalanaprakaasham |
mahendravajraashanitulyavegaM |
raamaH prachikShepa nishaacharaaya || 6-67-168
168. raamaH= Rama; prachikSepa= discharged; nishaacharaaya= against the demon; tam= that arrow; vajra jaambhuunadachaaru puN^kham= whose shaft was inlaid with diamonds and gold; pradiiptasuuryajvalana prakaasham= which was shining as the dazzling sun and fire set ablaze; mahendra vajraashanitulyavegam= and which vied with the speed of Indra's thunderbolt.
Rama discharged against the demon, that arrow, whose shaft was inlaid with diamonds and gold, which was shining as the dazzling sun and fire set ablaze, and which vied with the speed of Indra's thunderbolt.
sa saayako raaghavabaahuchodito |
dishaH svabhaasaa dasha samprakaashayan |
vidhuumavaishvaanaradiiptadarshano |
jagaama shakraashanitulyavikramaH || 6-67-169
169. saH saayakaH= that arrow; raaghava baahu choditaH= propelled by Rama's arm; vidhuuma vaishvaanara bhiimadashanaH= with a terrific aspect like the smokeless fire; shakraashanibhiima vikramaH= having a formidable energy Indra's thunderbolt; samprakaashayan= and illuminating dasha= the ten; dishaH= quarters; svabhaasaa= with its own splendour; jagaam= proceeded (forward).
That arrow, propelled by Rama's arm, with a terrific aspect like the smokeless fire, having a formidable energy of Indra's thunderbolt and illuminating the ten quarters with its own splendour, proceeded forward.
sa tanmahaaparvatakuuTasaMnibhaM |
suvR^ittadaMSTraM chalachaarukuNDalam |
chakarta rakSho.adhipateH shirastadaa |
yathaiva vR^itrasya puraa purandaraH || 6-67-170
170. saH= that Rama; chakarta= slashed; rakSodhipateH shiraH= Kumbhakarna's head; mahaaparvata kuuTa samnibham= which was looking like a huge mountain-peak; suvR^itta damSTram= having well-rounded tusks; chalachaarukuN^Dalam= and with charming and quivering ear-rings; yathaiva= as like; puramdaraH= Indra the destroyer of strong-holds; puraa= in the past (chopped off); vR^ittasya= the head of Vritra, the demon of darkness and drought.
That Rama slashed Kumbhakarna's head, which was looking like a huge mountain-peak, having well-rounded tusks and with charming and quivering ear-rings, as like Indra the destroyer of strong-holds, in the past, chopped off the head of Vritra, the demon of darkness and drought.
kumbhakarNashiro bhaati kuNDalaalamkR^itaM mahat |
aaditye.abhyudite raatrau madhyastha iva chandramaaH || 6-67-171
171. mahat kumbhakarNashiraH= the large Kumbhakarna's head; kuN^Dala kR^itam= adorned with ear-rings; bhaati= shone; chandramaaH iva= like the moon; madhyasthaH= being in the middle; aaditye= when the constellation Punarvasu (presided over by Aditi, the mother of gods and consisting of twin-starts); udite= has risen; raatrau= at the night.
The large Kumbhakarna's head, adorned with ear-rings, shone like the moon being in the middle, when the constellation, Punarvasu (presided over by Aditi the mother of gods and consisting of twin-stars) has risen at the night.
tadraamabaaNaabhihataM papaata |
rakShaHshiraH parvatasaMnikaasham |
babhaJNja charyaagR^ihagopuraaNi |
praakaaramuchcha.n tamapaatayachcha || 6-67-172
172. tat= that; rakSaH shiraH= demon's head; parvata samnikaasham= equal in size to a mountain; raamabaaNaabhihatam= struck by Rama's arrow; papaata= fell down; babhaN^ja= (It) broke; charyaagR^ihagopuraaNi= the buildings on the king's high-way and their gates; aapaatayashcha= and threw down; tam= that; uchcham= high; praakaaram= rampart.
That demon's head, equal in size to a mountain, struck by Rama's arrow, fell down. It broke the buildings on the king's high-way and their gates as also threw down that high rampart.
tachchaatikaaya.n himavatprakaashaM |
rakShastadaa toyanidhau papaata |
graahaan paraan miinachayaanbhujaMgamaan |
mamarda bhuumim cha tathaa vivesha || 6-67-173
173. tadaa= then; tat= that; atikaayam= colossal bodied; rakSaH= demon; mahatprakaasham= with a great splendour; papaata= fell; toya nidhau= into the sea; mamarda= (it) crushed; paraan= the principal; graahaan= alligators; miinavaraan= beautiful fishes; bhujangamaan= and snakes; tathaa= and; vivesha= entered; bhuumim= (the bowels) of the earth.
Then, that colossal demon of a great splendour fell into the sea. It crushed the principal alligators, beautiful fishes as also snakes and entered the bowels of the earth.
tasmirhate braahmaNadevashatrau |
mahaabale samyati kumbhakarNe |
chachaala bhuurbhuumidharaash cha sarve |
harShaachcha devaastumulaM praNeduH || 6-67-174
174. tasmin= (While) that; mahaabale= mighty; kumbhakarNe= Kumbhakarna; braahmaNa devashatrau= the enemy of brahmanas and celestials; hate= was killed; samyati= in battle; bhuuH= the earth; chchaala= shook; sarve= all; bhuumidharaashcha= the mountains too; (shook); devaaH cha= even the celestials; tumulam vineduH= raised tumultuous roar; harSaat= with joy.
While that mighty Kumbhakarna, the enemy of brahmanas and celestials was killed in battle, the earth and mountains shook. Even the celestials raised a tumultuous roar with joy.
tatastu devarShimaharShipannagaaH |
suraashcha bhuutaani suparNaguhyakaaH |
sayakShagandharvagaNaa nabhogataaH |
praharShitaa raama paraakrameNa || 6-67-175
175. tataH= then; devarSimaharSipannagaaH= saints of the celestials class great sages, serpents; suraashcha= gods; chuutaani= genii; suparNaguhyakaaH= Suparnas (a class of bird-like beings of a semi-divine character), Guhyakas (another class of demi-gods); sayakSagandharva gaNaaH= including troops of Yakshas and Gandharvas (celestial musicians); nabhogataaH= standing in the sky; samtoSitaa= were rejoiced; raamaparaakrameNa= at Rama's prowess.
Then, saints of the celestial class, great sages*, serpents, gods, genii, Suparnas (a class of bird-like beings of a semi-divine character), Guhyakas (another class of demi-gods), including troops of Yakshas and Gandharvas (celestial musicians) standing in the sky, were rejoiced at Rama's prowess.
* Ten Maharshis were created by Manu svayambhuva viz. Marichi, Atri, Angiras, Pracetas, Vasishta, Bhrign, Narada. Some add Daksha, Dharma, Gantama, Kanva, Valmiki, Vyasa, Manu, Vibhandaka.
tatastu te tasya vadhena bhuuriNaa |
manasvino nairR^itaraajabaandhavaaH |
vineduruchchhairvyathitaa raghuuttamam |
hariM samiikSyaiva yathaa mataN^gajaaH || 6-67-176
176. tataH= thereupon; samiikSyaiva= at the mere sight; raghuuttamam= of Rama; nairR^itaraaja baandhavaaH= Ravana's relatives; vyathitaaH= were perturbed; vadhena= by killing; tasya= of Ravana; bhuuriNaa manasvinaH= of great intelligence; vineduH= and roared; uchchaiH= loudly; mataN^gajaaH yathaa= as elephants (at the sight); harim= of a lion.
Thereupon, at the mere sight of Rama, Ravana's relatives were perturbed at the killing of Ravana of great intelligence and loudly roared, as elephants roar at the sight of a lion.
sa devalokasya tamo nihatya |
suuryo yathaa raahumukhaadvimuktaH |
tathaa vyabhaasiiddharisainyamadhye |
nihatya raamo yadhi kumbhakarNam || 6-67-177
177. nihatya= having destroyed; kumbhakarNa= Kumbhakarna; yudhi= in battle; sa raamaH= that Rama; vyabhasiit= shone; hari sainya madhye= in the midst of the army of monkeys; yathaa tathaa= in the same way as; suuryaH= the sun; devalokasya= (shines) in the midst of the celestial world; nihatya= having destroyed; tamaH= darkness; vimuktaH= after having delivered from; raahumukhaat= the mouth of Rahu.
Having destroyed Kumbhakarna in battle, that Rama shone in the midst of the army of monkeys, in the same way as the sun shines in the midst of the celestial world, having destroyed darkness, duly getting delivered from the mouth of Rahu.
praharShamiiyurbahavastu vaanaraaH |
prabuddhapadmapratimairivaananaiH |
apuujayan raaghavamiShTabhaaginaM |
hate ripau bhiimabale duraasade || 6-67-178
178. bahuvaH= several; vaanaraaH= monkeys; iiyuH= got; praharSam= an enhanced rejoice; aananaiH= with their faces; prabuddha padma pratimaiH iva= glowing like images of full-blown lotuses; apuujayan= (they) adored; raaghavam= Rama; duraasadam= who was dangerous to be attacked; iSTabhaaginam= a beloved young man; ripau= while an enemy; bhiimabale= possessing a terrible strength; hate= was killed.
Several monkeys were highly rejoiced, with their faces flowing like full-blown lotuses. They adored Rama, who was dangerous to be attacked and as a beloved young man, killed an enemy possessing a terrible strength.
sa kumbhakarNaM surasainyamardanaM |
mahatsu yuddheShvaparaajitashramam |
nananda hatvaa bharataagrajo raNe |
mahaasuraM vR^itramivaamaraadhipaH || 6-67-179
179. hatvaa= by killing; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; surasainyamardanaM= who tormented the army of celestials; ajitam= and who was not defeated; kadaachana= at any time; mahatsu yuddheSu= in great battles; bharataagrajaH= Rama; nananda= was rejoiced; amaraadhipaH iva= as Indra the lord of celestials; mahaasuram vR^itram= by killing Vritra, the great demon.
By killing Kumbhakarna, who tormented the army of celestials and who was not defeated at any time in great battles, Rama was rejoiced in the same way as Indra the lord of celestials was rejoiced in killing Vritra, the great demon.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe saptaSaSTitamaH sargaH
Thus completes 67th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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