Chapter [Sarga] 32  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 32


Seetha was shocked, fell unconscious at the sight of Rama’s head and bow. She regained consciousness and asked Ravana to kill her also, so that she would join her husband in heaven. Meanwhile, Ravana is abruptly called away by an emissary and after consultation with his ministers, prepares his army for action against the forces of Rama.

saa siitaa tacchiro dR^iSTvaa tac ca kaarmukam uttamam | |
sugriiva pratisamsargam aakhyaatam ca hanuumataa || 6-32-1
nayane mukha varNam ca bhartus tat sadR^isham mukham |
keshaan kesha anta desham ca tam ca cuuDaa maNim shubham || 6-32-2
etaih sarvair abhijnaanair abhijnaaya suduhkhitaa |
vijagarhe atha kaikeyiim kroshantii kurarii yathaa || 6-32-3
1, 2, 3. dR^ishhTva= seeing; tat= that; shiraH= head; tat= that; uttamam= excellent; kaarmukamcha= bow; sugriivapratisamsargam= (hearing about Rama’s) friendly union with Sugreeva; aakhyaatam= as appraised; hanuumataa= by Hanuman; nayane= the eyes; mukhavarNamcha= facial complexion; sadR^isham= resembling; bhartuH=(those of) her husband; tat= that; mukham= face; kesham= the hair; keshaanta deshamcha= the expanse of his fore-head; tam= that; shubham= beautiful; chuuDaa maNimcha= jewel worn on the top of his head; abhijN^aaya= and recognizing; sarvaiH= all; etaiH =these; abhijN^aanaiH= marks of proof; saa siitaa= that Sita; suduHkhitaa= was very much afflicted with sorrow ; kroshantii= crying; kurarii yathaa= like an osprey; vijagarhecha= and abused; kaikeyiim=Kaikeyi(as follows):
Seetha saw the illusory head and bow. She heard Ravana narrating about Rama’s friendly relationship with Sugreeva, as earlier apprised by Hanuman. Recognizing that head as that of Rama, with a proof resembling her husband’s eyes, facial complexion, hair, expanse of his forehead and the beautiful jewel worn on the top of his head, she was very much afflicted with sorrow, cried like an osprey and abused Kaikeyi who was the originator of the present calamity (as follows):
sakaamaa bhava kaikeyi hato ayam kula nandanaH |
kulam utsaaditam sarvam tvayaa kalaha shiilayaa || 6-32-4
4. kaikeyii = O,Kaikeyi ;bhava= = be; sakaamaa= an accomplisher of your desires; ayam=this Rama; kula nandanaH=causing joy to the family;hato= was killed; sarvam=the entire;kulam=race; utsaaditam=has been destroyed; tvayaa=by you; kalaha shiilayaa=of quarrelsome nature.
Kaikeyi! Be a fulfiller of your craving! This Rama, causing a joy to the family, has been slain. The entire race has been destroyed by a woman of squabbling nature.
aaryeNa kim nu kaikeyyaaH kR^itam raameNa vipriyam |
yanmayaa ciira vasanas tayaa prasthaapito vanam || 6-32-5
5. kim= what; vipriyam=harm; kR^itam nu=was done; kaikeyyaaH=to Kaikeyi; aaryeNa= by the venerable; raameNa= Rama?; yat= why; prasthaapito=was he sent on exile; vanam = to the forest; mayaa= along with me; dattvaa= by giving; ciira vasanam=clothes made of bark?
"You gave clothes made of bark to the venerable Rama and sent him on exile to the forest along with me. What harm has he done to you?"
evam uktvaa tu vaidehii vepamaanaa tapasvinii |
jagaama jagatiim baalaa chinnaa tu kadalii yathaa || 6-32-6
6. evam=thus; uktvaa=speaking; vaidehii=Seetha; tapasvini=the miserable; baalaa= girl; vepamaanaa = was trembling; jagaama= and fell; jagatiim=on the ground; kadalii yathaa=like a plantain tree; chhinnaa=which was cut-off.
Thus speaking, Seetha the miserable girl was trembling and fell on the ground like a plantain tree that was cut off. Thus speaking, Seetha the miserable girl was trembling and fell on the ground like a plantain tree that was cut off.
saa muhuurtaat samaashvasya pratilabhya ca cetanaam |
tat shirah samupaaghraaya vilalaapa aayata iikSaNaa || 6-32-7
7. saa= she; aayatekshhaNaa= having wide eyes; atha= thereafter; samaashvaasya= was consoled; muhuurtaat= in a moment; parilabhya= obtained; chetanaam= consciousness; samupaasthaaya= approached near; tat= that; shiraH= head; vilaapa= and lamented.
The wide eyed Seetha thereafter was consoled in a moment, regained consciousness, approached near that illusory head and lamented as follows:
haa hataa asmi mahaa baaho viira vratam anuvrataa |
imaam te pashcima avasthaam gataa asmi vidhavaa kR^itaa || 6-32-8
8. mahaabaaho= O, the long armed! Anuvrata= the follower; viira vratam=of a strong will; haa= alas! hataa asmi=I have been killed; gataa asmi=I have become a witness; te=to your; imaam= this; pashcima avasthaam=last fate; kR^itaa= I have been made; vidhavaa =a widow.
"O, the long armed Rama! The pursuer of a strong will! Alas, you have been killed! I have become a witness to your last fate. I have been made a widow.”
prathamam maraNam naaryaa bhartur vaiguNyam ucyate |
suvR^ittaH saadhu vR^ittaayaaH samvR^ittas tvam mama agrataH || 6-32-9
9. uchyate= it is said; prathamam= the early; maraNam= death; bhartuH= of a husband; vaiguN^yam= is a faultiness; naaryaah= of the woman; tvam= you; suvR^itah= having good conduct; samvR^ittaH= died; agrataH= earlier; mama= to me; saadhu vR^ittaayaaH= well surviving.
“It is said that the early death of a husband is the misfortune of a wife. You, having good conduct, have preceded me in death.”
duhkhaad duhkHam prapannaayaa magnaayaaH shoka saagare |
yo hi maam udyatas traatum so api tvam vinipaatitaH || 6-32-10
10. tvam= you; yaH= who; udyatah= tried; traatu= to protect; (me) magnaayaaH= who am immersed; shoka saagare= in an ocean of grief; prasannaayaaH= and obtained; mahat= a great; duHkham= affliction; so.api= such of you also; vinipaatitaH= have been killed.
“Even you who were actually intent on protecting me, fallen in great affliction and immersed in an ocean of grief, have been killed by the enemies”
saa shvashruur mama kausalyaa tvayaa putreNa raaghava |
vatsena iva yathaa dhenur vivatsaa vatsalaa kR^itaa || 6-32-11
11. raaghava= O, Rama! saa kausalya =that Kausalya; mama= my; shvashruuH= mother in law; vatsalaa= who cherished you tenderly; kR^itaa= has been left; vivatsaa= without a son; tvayaa= by you; putreNa= the son; vatseneva= as by a calf; dhenu yathaa= as to the cow
“O, Rama! My mother- in-law Kausalya who cherished you tenderly has been left without a son and resembles a cow that has lost its calf.”
udiSTam diirgham aayus te yair acintya paraakrama |
anR^itam vacanam teSaam alpa aayur asi raaghava || 6-32-12
12. raaghava= O, Rama! UddishhTam= It was mentioned; daivaj^Nairapi= even by astrologers; te= (that) your; aayuH= life span; diirgham= is lengthy; raaghava= O,Rama! teshhaam= their; vachanam= words; anR^itam= are wrong; asi= you are; alpaayuH= short lived.
“O, Rama! It was mentioned even by astrologers that your life span is lengthy. O, Rama! Their words are wrong. You are short lived.”
atha vaa nashyati prajnaa praajnasya api satas tava |
pacaty enam tathaa kaalo bhuutaanaam prabhavo hyayam || 6-32-13
13. athavaa= otherwise; tava= your; prajNaa= prudence; nashyati= is lost; praajN^asyaapi sataH= even though you were sagacious; yathaa= as to how; ayam= this; kaalaH= time; prabhavaH= which is a master; bhuutaanaam= for all beings; pachati= has satisfied; enam= this you.
“Otherwise, your prudence might have disappeared even though you were sagacious, for, Time the master of all beings has brought you to an end.”
adR^iSTam mR^ityum aapannaH kasmaat tvam naya shaastravit |
vyasanaanaam upaayajnaH kushalo hyasi varjane || 6-32-14
14. kasmaat= how is it possible that; tvam=you; nayashaastravit= who knew the doctrine of political ethics; aapannaH= obtained; adR^ishhTam= unforeseen; mR^ityum= death? UpaayajN^aH= you, who knew the expedients; asihi= were indeed; kushalaH= skilled; varjane= in warding off; vyasanaani=calamities.
“How is it possible that you, who knew the doctrine of political ethics obtained an unforeseen death? You, who knew the science of expediency, were indeed skilled in warding off calamities”
tathaa tvam sampariSvajya raudrayaa atinR^ishamsayaa |
kaala raatryaa mayaa aacchidya hR^itaH kamala locana || 6-32-15
15. kamala lochana= O,Rama, the lotus eyed! kaalaraatryaaH= by the night of all destroying time; ati nR^ishamsayaa= which was very much cruel; roudrayaa= and terrible; tathaa(you were)thus; samparishhvajya= encircled ; hR^itaH= embezzled; aachchhidya= and snatched away; mama= from me.
“O, Rama, the lotus eyed! The night of destroying time which was very much cruel and terrible thus has encircled you, embezzled you and snatched you away from me.”
upasheSe mahaa baaho maam vihaaya tapasviniim |
priyaam iva shubhaam naariim pR^ithiviim puruSa R^iSabha || 6-32-16
16. mahaabaaho= O, the mighty armed! Purushharshhabha= O, the best of men! Vihaaya= leaving; maam= me; tapasvinim= who am miserable; sheshhe= you lied down; iha= here; samaashlishhya= embracing; pR^ithiviim= the earth; priyaamiva= as your beloved.
“O, the mighty armed! O, the best of men! Leaving the miserable me, you lied down here, embracing the earth as your beloved”
arcitam satatam yatnaad gandha maalyair mayaa tava |
idam te mat priyam viira dhanuH kaancana bhuuSitam || 6-32-17
17. viira= O, the valiant Rama! Idam= this is; te= your; dhanuH= bow; kaaN^chana bhuushhitam= which was decorated with gold; matpriyam= dear to me; satatam= which was forever; architam= worshipped; tava= by you; yatnaat= with sandal paste and wreath of flowers.
“O, valiant Rama! Here is your bow which was decorated with gold, dear to me and worshipped diligently by you with sandal paste and wreath of flowers.”
pitraa dasharathena tvam shvashureNa mama anagha |
puurvaisH ca pitR^ibhiH saardham nuunam svarge samaagataH || 6-32-18
18. anagha= O, the faultless Rama!; evam= you; nuunam= surely; samaagataH= have met; svarge= in heaven; mama= my; shvashureNa= father in law; pitraa=and your father; dasharathena= Dasaratha; sarvaiH= and all; pitR^ibhiHsaartham= multitude of manes.
“O, the faultless Rama! Surely, you must have met in heaven your father and my father-in- law Dasaratha as well as all the multitude of manes.”
divi nakSatra bhuutas tvam mahat karma kR^itam priyam |
puNyam raaja R^iSi vamsham tvam aatmanaH samupekSase || 6-32-19
19. samupekshhase= you have abandoned; puN^yam= the pious; raajarshhi vamsham= lineage of royal sages; aatmanaH= of yourself; tvam= you; (by whom) ; mahat= a great; karma= act; kR^itam= has been done; tatha= and (which); nakshhatrabhuutam= was like a luminary; divi= in heaven.
“You have abandoned your own pious lineage of royal sages but whereas you performed a great act, which illuminated the heaven like a luminary.”
kim maan na prekSase raajan kim maam na pratibhaaSase |
baalaam baalena sampraaptaam bhaaryaam maam saha caariNiim || 6-32-20
20. raajan= O, prince!; kim= why; naprakshhyase= don’t you look ; maam= at me?; kim= why; na pratibhaashhase= don’t you reply; maam= me; bhaaryaam= a wife; sahachaariNiim= who lived with you together; sampraaptam= since the time of my obtaining; baalaam= as girl; baalena= by you as a boy.
“O, prince! Why don’t you look at me? Why don’t you reply me, a wife who lived with you together since the time of obtaining me as a girl by you as a boy.”
samshrutam gR^ihNataa paaNim cariSyaami iti yat tvayaa |
smara tan mama kaakutstha naya maam api duhkhitaam || 6-32-21
21. kaakutthsa= O, Rama! Smaranaama=remember; tat= that; yat= which; samshrutam= was promised; tvayaa= by you; paaNim gR^ihNataa= at the time of our marriage; charishhyaami iti= ‘I shall have righteousconduct with you; naya= take; maamapi= me also with you; duHkhitaam= wretched as I am.
“O, Rama! Remember your solemn promise at the time of our marriage, saying ‘I shall have righteous conduct with you’ Take me also with you, wretched as I Am.”
kasmaan maam apahaaya tvam gato gatimataam vara |
asmaal lokaad amum lokam tyaktvaa maam iha duhkhitaam || 6-32-22
22. vara= O, the best; gatimataam = among the beings; kasmaat= for what reason; tvam= you; gataH= have gone; apahaaya= quitting; maam= me? Tyaktvaa= leaving; maamapi= even me; duHkhitaam= the miserable woman;( why have you gone); amum= to that; lokam= world; asmaat= from this; lokaat= world?
“O, Rama the best of beings! Why have you gone away, quitting me like this? Leaving me, the miserable woman, why have you gone to the other world from this world?”
kalyaaNair ucitam yat tat pariSvaktam mayaa eva tu |
kravya adais tat shariiram te nuunam viparikR^iSyate || 6-32-23
23. kravyaadaiH= by wild beasts; tat=that; shariiram= body; nuunam= is now; viparikR^ishhyate= being dragged about; ruchiram= the beautiful; gaatram= body; parishhvaktam= was cuddled; mayaiva= by me; kalyaaNaiH= with divine essences.
“That beautiful body, which was cuddled by me with divine essences, is now being dragged about by wild beasts.”
agniStoma aadibhir yajnair iSTavaan aapta dakSiNaiH |
agni hotreNa samskaaram kena tvam tu na lapsyase || 6-32-24
24. kena= why are you; na tu lapsyase= not securing; samskaaram= the privilege of being cremated; agnihotreNa= with sacrificial fire; (even though); tvam= you; ishhTavaan= have worshipped the Lord; yajN^aiH= through sacrificial performances; agnishhTomaadibhiH= such as agnishtoma; aaptadakshhiNaiH= furnished with abundant gifts?
“Why are you not securing the privilege of being cremated with a sacrificial fire, even though you have worshipped the Lord through sacrificial performances such as Agnishtoma, duly furnished with abundant gifts?”.
pravrajyaam upapannaanaam trayaaNaam ekam aagatam |
pariprakSyati kausalyaa lakSmaNam shoka laalasaa || 6-32-25
25. kausalyaa= Kausalya; shokalaalasaa= absorbed in grief; pariprakshhyati= can see; lakshhmaNam=Laksmana;aagatam= returned; trayaaNaam= out of the three; upapannanaam= who attained; pravrajyaam= exile.
“Kausalya absorbed as she was with grief can only see Lakshmana alone returned out of the three who attained exile.”
sa tasyaaH paripR^icchantyaa vadham mitra balasya te |
tava ca aakhyaasyate nuunam nishaayaam raakSasair vadham || 6-32-26
26. saH= he; aakhyaasyate= will narrate; nuunam= surely; tasyaaH= to her; paripR^ichchhantyaaH= when enquired; tava= about your; vadhamcha= slaghter; vadham= as also the killing; raakshhasaiH= by the demons; te mitra balasya= of the army of your ally; nishaayaam= at night.
“He will narrate surely to her when enquired, about your slaughter as also the killing of the army of your alley, by demons at night.”
saa tvaam suptam hatam shrutvaa maam ca rakSo gR^iham gataam |
hR^idayena vidiirNena na bhaviSyati raaghava || 6-32-27
27. raaghava= O, Rama! Shrutvaa= hearing; tvaam= that you; hatam= having been killed; suptam= while sleeping; maam= and me; gataam= having obtained; rakshhogR^iham= the house of ogres; saa= she; na bhavishhyati= will be no more; hR^idayana= with her heart; avadiirNena= broken.
“O, Rama! Hearing that you were killed while sleeping and that I was kept in the house of ogres, she will be no more, as her heart will be broken.”
mama hetoranaaryaayaa avaghaH paarthivaatmajaH |
raamaH saagamuttiirya viiryavaan goSpade hataH || 6-32-28
28. raamaH= Rama; anaghaH= the faultless man; paarthivaatmajaH= the prince; viiryavaan= and the strong man; hataH= was killed; goshhpade; in a small puddle; uttiirya= after crossing; saagaram= the ocean; hetoH= for the cause; mama= of me; anaaryaayaaH= an unworthy woman.
"The strong and faultless prince Rama was killed in a small puddle, after crossing the ocean, for the cause of me, an unworthy woman.”
aham daasharathenoDhaa mohaatsvakupaamsanii |
aaryaputrasya raamasya bhaaryaa mR^ityurajaayata || 6-32-29
29. aham- I; svakulapaamsanii= the obloquy of my race; uuDhaa= was wedded; daasharathena= by Rama; mohaat= due to ignorance; bhaaryaa= a wife herself; ajaayata= proved to be; mR^ityuH= the death; raamasya= of Rama; aaryaputrasya= an honorable man.
“I, the obloquy of my race, was wedded by Rama due to ignorance. Thus, a wife herself has eventually proved to be the cause for death of Rama, an honorable man.”
maanamaavyaam mayaa jaatim vaaritam daanamuttamam |
yaahamadyeha shochaami bhaaryaa sarvaatitherapi || 6-32-30
30. bhaaryaapi= even though I was his wife; sarvaatitheH=of Rama, who showed hospitality to all the guests; aham= I; yaa= that very person who is weeping; iha= here; adya= and now; (as) nuunam= without doubt; anyaam= in a another (previous); jaatim= existence; uttamam= an excellent; daanam= gift; vaaritam= was refused; mayaa= by me.
“Even though I was a wife of Rama who showed hospitality to all the guests, it is I, that very person, who is weeping here and now, because without doubt, in a previous existence, an excellent gift was refused by me (to an eligible person).”
saadhu paataya maam kSipram raamasya upari raavaNaH |
samaanaya patim patnyaa kuru kalyaaNam uttamam || 6-32-31
31. raavaNa= O, Ravana! samaanaya= unite; patnaya= the wife; patim= with the husband; kshhipram= and without delay; ghaataya=arrange to kill; maam= me; saadhu= right; upari= at the head; raamasya= of Rama; kuru= perform; uttamam= an admirable; kalyaaNam= and auspicious act
"Unite the wife with the husband and without delay, arrange to kill me right at the head of Rama. Thus, you will perform an admirable and auspicious act."
shirasaa me shirasH ca asya kaayam kaayena yojaya |
raavaNa anugamiSyaami gatim bhartur mahaatmanaH || 6-32-32
32. raavaNa= O, Ravana! yojaya= join; me shirasaa= my head; asya= with this Rama’s; shiraH= head; kaayam= body; kaayena= with the body; anugamishhyaami=I shall go along ; gatim= the path; mahaatmanaH= of my high soled; bhartuH= Lord.
“O, Ravana! Join my head with his head and my body with his body. I shall go along the path of my magnanimous Lord.”
iti saa duhkha samtaptaa vilalaapa aayata iikSaNaa |
bhartuH shiro dhanus tatra samiikSya janaka aatmajaa || 6-32-33
33. aayatekshhaNaa= the wide eyed Sita; samiikshhya= seeing; tatra= there; bhartuH= her husband’s; shiraH= head; dhanushchaiva= and the bow; punaH punaH= again and again; duHkha santaptaa= was tormented with grief; vilalapa=and lamented; itiiva= in this way.
The wide-eyed Sita, seeing her husband’s head and bow there again and again, was tormented with grief and lamented as aforesaid.
evam laalapyamaanaayaam siitaayaam tatra raakSasaH |
abhicakraama bhartaaram aniikasthaH kRta anjaliH || 6-32-34
34. siitaayaam= while Seetha; evam= was thus; laalapyamanayaam= weeping; raakshhasaH= a demon; aniikasthaH= who was a royal guard; abhichakraama= approached; bhartaaram= his Lord; tatra= there; kR^ItaaN^jaliH= with his joined palms in salutation. (And cried as follows):
While Seetha was lamenting thus, a demon who was a royal guard approached his Lord there with his joined palms in salutation (and cried as follows):
vijayasva aarya putra iti so abhivaadya prasaadya ca |
nyavedayad anupraaptam prahastam vaahinii patim || 6-32-35
35. vijayasva= May you be victorious; aaryaputra= O, Noble Lord! saH= he; abhivaadya= respectfully announced; iti= thus; prasaadyacha= got propitiated; nyavedayat= and informed; prahastam= that Prahasta; vaahiniipatim= the army chief; anupraaptam= had come.
“May you be victorious, O noble Lord!” he respectfully announced thus, thereby winning his pleasure and informed that Prahasta the army chief had come.
amaatyaiH sa hitaH sarvaiH prahastastvaamupasthitaH |
tena darshanakaamena aham prasthaapitaH prabho || 6-32-36
36. prabho= O, Lord!; prahastaH= Prahasta; upasthitaH=has come; sahitaH= along with; sarvaH= all; amaatyaiH= ministers; darshana kaamena= eager as he is to see; tvaam= you; aham= I; prasthaapitaH= have been sent; tena= by him.
“O, Lord! Prahasta has come with all ministers. He has sent me, eager as he is, to see you.”
maanamasti mahaaraa ja raajabhaavaat kshamaanvita |
kimcid aatyayikam kaaryam teSaam tvam darshanam kuru || 6-32-37
37. mahaaraaja= O, king; kshhamaanvita= endowed with patience; asti= there is; kimchit= a little; aatyayikam= urgent; kaaryam= work; raaja bhaavaat= by way of king’s duty; tvam= you; kuru= accord; darshanam= audience; teshhaam= to them; nuunam= now.
“O, king, endowed with patience! There is a little urgent work by way of king’s duty. Please accord them your audience now.”
etat shrutvaa dashagriivo raakSasa prativeditam |
ashoka vanikaam tyaktvaa mantriNaam darshanam yayau || 6-32-38
38. shrutvaa= hearing; etat= the aforesaid; raakshhasa prativeditam= communication of the demon; dashagriivaH= Ravana; tyaktvaa= left; ashokavanikaam= the garden of Ashoka; yayou= and accorded; darshanam= his audience; mantriNaam= to the ministers.
Hearing the aforesaid communication of the demon, Ravana left the garden of Ashoka and bestowed audience to his ministers.
sa tu sarvam samarthya eva mantribhiH kRtyam aatmanaH |
sabhaam pravishya vidadhe viditvaa raama vikramam || 6-32-39
39. saH=he; samarthaiva= deliberated; aatmanaH= with his; mantribhiH= ministers; sarvam= about the entire things; kR^ityam= to be done; pravishya= entered; sabhaam= the council chamber; viditvaa= and understanding; raamavikramam= about the strength of the Rama; vidhadhe= arranged for what was to be done.
He deliberated with his ministers as to what action in its entirety to be pursued and entered the council-chamber and issued his commands in accordance with the knowledge he possessed of Rama’s forces.
antardhaanam tu tat shiirSam tac ca kaarmukam uttamam |
jagaama raavaNasya eva niryaaNa samanantaram || 6-32-40
40. niryaaNa samanantarameva= soon after the departure; raavaNasya= of Ravana; tat shiirshham= that head; tatuttamam= and that distinguished; kaarmukamcha= bow; jagaama= attained; antardhaanam= disappearance.
Soon after the departure of Ravana, the illusory head and bow had vanished.
raakSasa indras tu taiH saardham mantribhir bhiima vikramaiH |
samarthayaam aasa tadaa raama kaarya vinishcayam || 6-32-41
41. tadaa=then; raakshhasendrastu= Ravana, the king of demons; saartham bhiima vikramaiH= along with his highly powerful;mantribhiH= ministers; samartha yaamaasa= decided; raamakaaryavinishchayam= on the measures he would adopt against Rama.
Then, Ravana the king of demons in consultation with his highly powerful ministers, decided on the measures he would adopt against Rama.
aviduura sthitaan sarvaan bala adhyakSaan hita eSiNaH |
abraviit kaala sadRsho raavaNo raakSasa adhipaH || 6-32-42
42. raavaNaH= Ravana; raakshhasaadhipaH= the king of demons; kaalasadR^ishaH= resembling Yama, the god of death; abraviit= addressed; sarvaan= all; balaadhyakshhaan= the generals; hitaishhiNaH= devoted to his interests; aviduurasthitaan= standing nearby.
Ravana the king of demons, resembling Yama the god of death, addressed all the generals standing nearby, devoted to his interests as follows:
shiighram bherii ninaadena sphuTa koNa aahatena me |
samaanayadhvam sainyaani vaktavyam ca na kaaraNam || 6-32-43
43. bheriininaadena= by the sound of a drum; sphuTam= audibly; koNa hatena= beaten with a drumstick; shiighram= immediately; samaanayadhvam= summon; me=my; sainyaani= forces; nachavaktavyam= without expecting; kaaraNam= a reason.
“By a sound of a drum beaten audibly with a drum stick, immediately summon all my forces. Do not tell them the reason for which I am calling.”
tatas tathaa iti pratigR^ihya tad vaco |
stadaiva duutaaH sahasaa mahaadbalam |
samaanayamsH caiva samaagatam ca te |
nyavedayan bhartari yuddha kaankSiNi || 6-32-44
44. tataH= then; duutaaH= the messengers; pratigR^ihya= answered; tathaa iti= “So be it” ; tadvachaH= obedient to his words; sahasaa= instantly; samaanayana= gathered together; mahat= a huge; balam= army; tadaiva= then itself; nyavedayan= and informed; bharatari= their lord; yuddhakaaN^kchhiNi= longing for fight; samaagatam= that they had assembled.
Then, the messengers answered, “So be it” obedient as they were to his words and instantly gathered a huge army together and informed their lord longing for fight, that they had since assembled the army.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe dvtriMshaH sargaH
Thus completes 32nd Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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