
Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War
Chapter [Sarga] 12
Ravana instructs Prahasta, chief of his army to defend the city of Lanka carefully. Prahasta positioned the army for defense accordingly at suitable places both inside and outside the city. Ravana then narrates how he brought beautiful Seetha to Lanka from Dandaka forest, because of his growing infatuation for her. Ravana asks his companions and relatives gathered there, to suggest ways and means to kill Rama and Lakshmana. Then, Kumbhakarna, Ravana's brother first accuses Ravana of his unworthy act but assures him that he would neutralize that dishonour by killing the enemies. |
sa taam pariSadam kR^itsnaam samiikshya samitimjayaH |
prabodhayaamaasa tadaa prahastam vaahiniipatim || 6-12-1
prabodhayaamaasa tadaa prahastam vaahiniipatim || 6-12-1
1. tadaa= then; saH= that Ravana; samitimjayaH= eminent in an assembly; dR^iSTvaa= having seen; kR^itsnaam= all; taam pariSadam= that gathering; tadaa= at that time; prabodhayaamaasa= instructed; prahastam= Prahasta; vaahiniipatim= the commander of the army (as follows):
Then, Ravana an eminent person in the assembly, having seen all that gathering, instructed Prahasta the chief of his army (as follows):
senaapate yathaa te syuH kR^itavidyaashcaturvidhaaH |
yodhaa nagararakshaayaam tathaa vyaadeSTumarhasi || 6-12-2
yodhaa nagararakshaayaam tathaa vyaadeSTumarhasi || 6-12-2
2. senapate= "O, commander!; te= (Let) those; yodhaaH= warriors; kR^itavidyaaH= well-trained; chaturvidhaaH= in four ways; yathaa= how; syuH= (they) stand; nagararakSaayaam= in defence of the city; tathaa= in that way' arhasi= you are allowed; vyaadeSTum= to command.
"O, commander! You are allowed to issue an order to see that well-trained warriors belonging to the four divisions of the army (viz.cavalry, infantry, chariots and elephants) are entrusted with the defense of the city."
sa prahastaH pratiitaatmaa cikiirSan raajashaasanam |
vinikshipad balam sarvam bahirantashca mandire || 6-12-3
vinikshipad balam sarvam bahirantashca mandire || 6-12-3
3. saH= that; prahastaH= Prahasta; pratiitaatmaa= steadfast in his mind; chikiirSan= with a desire to follow; raajashaasanam= king's order; vinikSipat= stationed; sarvam= the whole; balam= army; bahiH= outside; antashca= and inside; mandire= the city.
Prahasta, resolute in his mind to follow the king's orders stationed the whole army both outside as well as inside the city.
tato vinikshipya balam sarvam nagaraguptaye |
prahastaH pramukhe raajJNo niSasaada jagaada ca || 6-12-4
prahastaH pramukhe raajJNo niSasaada jagaada ca || 6-12-4
4. tataH= thereafter, prahastaH= Prahasta; vinikSipya= keeping; sarvam= the whole; balam= army; nagaraguptaye= in defence of the city; niSasaada= sat; pramukhe= in front; raaN^aH= of the king; jagaada= and spoke (as follows).
Thereafter, Prahasta after keeping the whole army in defence of the city, sat in front of the king and spoke (as follows):
vihitam bahirantashca balam balavatastava |
kuruSvaavimanaaH kshipram yadabhipretamasti te || 6-12-5
kuruSvaavimanaaH kshipram yadabhipretamasti te || 6-12-5
5. tava= your; balam= army; balavataH= as strong (as you are); vihitam= has been stationed; bahiH= outside; antashca= and inside; kuruSva= do; kSipram= quickly; yat= what; asti= is; abhipretam= preference; te= to you; avimanaaH= with an undistracted mind."
Your army, as strong as you are, has been positioned both outside and inside the city. Pray do quickly, with an undistracted mind, whatever is preferable to you."
prahastasya vachaH shrutvaa raajaa raajyahitaiSiNaH |
sukhepsuH suhR^idaam madhye vyaajahaara sa raavaNaH || 6-6-12
sukhepsuH suhR^idaam madhye vyaajahaara sa raavaNaH || 6-6-12
6. saH= that; raavaNaH= Ravana; raajaa= the king; shrutvaa= hearing; vachaH= the words; prahastasya= of Prahasta; raajya hitaishhiNaH= who wished the welfare of the kingdom; sukhepsuH= being desirous of obtaining happiness; vyaajahara= spoke (as follows); madhye= in the middle; suhR^idaam= of his friends.
Hearing the words of Prahasta, who wished the welfare of the kingdom, king Ravana, with a desire to obtain happiness, spoke in the desire midst of his friends as follows:
priyaapriye sukha duHkham laabhaalaabhe sitaahite |
dharmakaamaarthakR^icchreSu yuuyamaarhatha veditum || 6-12-7
dharmakaamaarthakR^icchreSu yuuyamaarhatha veditum || 6-12-7
7. yuuyam= (when) you; dharma; kaamaarthkR^ichchhreshhe= are in difficult situations regarding virtue pleasure and wealth; arhatha= you are able; veditum= to have a correct notion; riyaapriye= of pleasant and unpleasant things; sukham duHkham= of happiness and sorrow; laabhaalaabhe= of gain and detriment; hitaahite= and of advantages and disadvantages of things.
When you are in difficult situations regarding virtue pleasure and wealth, you are able to have a correct notion of pleasant and unpleasant things, happiness and sorrow, gain and detriment as well as advantages and disadvantages."
sarvakR^ityaani yuSmaabhiH samaarabdhani sarvadaa |
mantrakarmaniyuktaani na jaatu viphalaani me || 6-12-8
mantrakarmaniyuktaani na jaatu viphalaani me || 6-12-8
8. me= My; sarvakR^ityaani= entire; tasks; sarvadaa= always; samarambhaani= undertaken; yuSmaabhiH= by you; mantrakarmaniyuktaani= with an act of attention; na jaatu= were never; viphalaani= in vain."
"All of my works undertaken by you with an act of attention, were never in vain."
sasomagrahanakshatrairmarudbhiriva vaasavaH |
bhavadbhirahamatyartham vR^itaH shriyamavaapnuyaam || 6-12-9
bhavadbhirahamatyartham vR^itaH shriyamavaapnuyaam || 6-12-9
9. aham= I; avapnuyaam= will obtain; atyartham= maximum; shriyam= prosperity; vR^itaH= while abiding; bhavadbhiH= with you; vaasavaH iva= as Inidra; (obtains prosperity); sa somagrahanakshhatraiH= while abdiding with moon, planets and stars; marudbhiH= as well as celestials."
"I will obtain maximum prosperity, while abiding with you, as Indra obtains properity while abiding with moon, planets, stars and celestials."
aham tu khalu sarvanvaH samarthayutumudyataH |
kumabhakarNasya tu svapnaannemamarthamacodayam || 6-12-10
kumabhakarNasya tu svapnaannemamarthamacodayam || 6-12-10
10. aham= I; udyataH= an intent on; samarthayitum= reminding; sarvaan= all; vaH= of you; kumbhakarNasya tu= but to Kumbhakarna; svapnaat= beacuse of his sleep; na achodayam= I could not inform; imam= this; artham= matter.
"I am intent on reminding all of you again. But I could not inform this matter earlier to Kumbhakarna because of his sleep."
ayam hi suptaH SNmaasaan kumbhakarNo mahaabalaH |
sarvashastrabhR^itam mukhyaH sa idaaniim samutthitaH || 6-12-11
sarvashastrabhR^itam mukhyaH sa idaaniim samutthitaH || 6-12-11
11. ayam= this; mahaabalaH= very strong kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; mukhyaH= the chief; sarvashastrabhR^itaam= among the entire wielders of weapons; suptaH hi= was indeed sleeping; shhaTmaasaaH= for the last six months; saH= He; samutthitaH= woke up; idaaniim= now.
"This most powerful Kumbhakarna, the chief among all the wielders of weapons, was indeed sleeping for the last six months and now, he woke up."
iyam ca daNDakaaraNYaadraamasya mahiSii priyaa |
rakshobhishcharitoddeshaadaaniitaa janakaatmajaa || 6-12-12
rakshobhishcharitoddeshaadaaniitaa janakaatmajaa || 6-12-12
12. iyam= this; janakaatmajaa= Seetha; priyaa= the beloved; mahiSii= wife; raamasya= of Rama; aaniitaa= was brought; daNDakaaraNyaat= from the forest of Dandaka; charitoddeshaat= the place randered; rakSobhiH= by demons."
"Seetha the beloved wife of Rama was brought from the forest of Dandaka, the place frequented by demons."
saa me na shayyaamaaroDhumicchatyalasagaaminii |
triSulokeShu caanyaa me na siitaasadR^ishii mataa || 6-12-13
triSulokeShu caanyaa me na siitaasadR^ishii mataa || 6-12-13
13. saa= She; alasaagaaminii= who walks slowly; na ichchhati= does not like; aaroDhum= to reach; me= my; shayyam= bed; namataa= It is not acceptable; me= to me; anyaa= any other woman; siitaa sadR^ishii= similar to Seetha; triSu= in the three; lokeSu= worlds.
Seetha of languid pace, does not like to reach my bed. I do not imagine any other woman similar to Seetha existing in the three worlds."
tanumadhyaa pR^ithushroNii sharadindunibhaananaa |
hemabimbanibhaa saumyaamaayeva mayanirmitaa || 6-12-14
hemabimbanibhaa saumyaamaayeva mayanirmitaa || 6-12-14
14. tanumadhyaa= (She has) a slim waist; pR^ithy shroNii= well-developed hips; sharadindunibhaananaa= her face similar to antumnal moon; hema bimbanibhaa= looking like an image of gold; saumyaa= placid; maayeva= like an illusory image; mayanirmitaa= made by Maya.
"She has a slim waist, well-developed hips, and a face similar to an autumnal moon. Looking like an idol of gold and being placid She appears like an illusory image created by Maya.
Maya: Architect of demons, also versed in magic, astronomy and military science.
sulohitatalau shlakkshaNau caraNau supratiSThatau |
dR^iSTvaa taamranakhau tasyaa diipyate me shariirajaH || 6-12-15
dR^iSTvaa taamranakhau tasyaa diipyate me shariirajaH || 6-12-15
15. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; tasyaaH= Her; charoNau= feet; sulohitatalau= with a little reddish soles; shlakSNau= smooth; supratiSThitau= evenly resting on the ground; taamranakhau= with lightly reddish nails; me= my; shariirajaH= lust; diipyate= is kindled.
"Seeing Her feet with rose-coloured soles, smooth and evenly resting on ground with the rosy soles, my lust is kindled."
hutaagnirarchiHsamkaashaamenaam sauriimiva prabhaam |
unnasam vimalam valgu vadanam caarulocanam || 6-12-16
pashyamstadavashastasyaaH kaamasya vashameyivaan |
unnasam vimalam valgu vadanam caarulocanam || 6-12-16
pashyamstadavashastasyaaH kaamasya vashameyivaan |
16. pashyan= seeing; tasyaaH= Her; tat= that; vadanam= countenance; hutaagnirarchiH sankaasham= similar to the flame of a sacrificial fire; prabhaamiva= (and) looking like radiance; sauriim= of the sun; enaam= with her; unnasam= prominent nose; chaarulochanam= her pretty eyes; vimalam= which are clear; valgu= and handsome; avasham= not being in my fire will; eyivaan= I obtained; vasham= the will; kaamesya= of passion."
"Seeing her countenance similar to the flame of a sacrificial fire and looking like the radiance of the sun, with her prominent nose and the pretty clear and handsome eyes, I became unrestrained, having submitted to the will of my passion."
krodhaharSasamaanena durvarNakaraNena ca || 6-12-17
shokasamtaapanityena kaamena kaluSiikR^itaH |
shokasamtaapanityena kaamena kaluSiikR^itaH |
17. kalushhiikR^itaH= I have been polluted; kaamena= by lust; krodha harshhasamaanena= equally in anger and pleasure; durvarNakaraNenacha= making me pale; shokasantaapanityena= and is ever present in grief and anguish."
"I have been polluted by lust and equally by anger and pleasure thus making me pale and I have been ever since in grief and anguish."
saa tu samvatsaram kaalam maamayaacata bhaaminii || 6-12-18
pratiikshamaaNaa bhartaaram raamamaayatalocanaa |
tanmayaa caarunetraayaaH pratijJNaatam vacaH shubham || 6-12-19
shraanto.aham satatam kaamaadyaato haya ivaadhvani |
pratiikshamaaNaa bhartaaram raamamaayatalocanaa |
tanmayaa caarunetraayaaH pratijJNaatam vacaH shubham || 6-12-19
shraanto.aham satatam kaamaadyaato haya ivaadhvani |
18,19. pratiikSamaaNaa= looking forward; raamam= for Rama; bhartaaram= her husband; saa= that; aayatalochanaa= large-eyed; bhaaminii= Seetha; ayaachata= requested; maam= me; samvatsaram kaalam= year's time; tat= those; shubham= auspicious; vachaH= words; chaaran netraayaaH= of the charmingly eyed Seetha; pratijJNaatam= were accepted; mayaa= by me; aham= I; shraantaH= am wearied; kaamaat= of lust; hayaH iva= like a horse yaataH= going; aadhvani= along the way; satatam= uninterruptedly.
"Looking forward Rama, her husband, that longish large eyed Seetha, requested me to give time for one year. I accepted the auspicious words of the charmingly eyed Seetha. I am wearied of this lust, like a horse galloping along a path continuously."
katham saagaramakshobhyam tariShyanti vanaukasaH || 6-12-20
bahusattvasamaakiirNam tau vaa dasharathaatmajau |
bahusattvasamaakiirNam tau vaa dasharathaatmajau |
20. katham= how; vanaukasaH= the monkeys or; tau= those; dasharaatmajau vaa= Rama and Lakshmana; tariSyanti= can cross; saagaram= the ocean; akSobhyam= the unassailable; bahusattvasamaakiirNam= completely crowded with sea-animals?
How the monkeys or even Rama and Lakshmana can cross the unassailable ocean, completely infested as it was with sea-animals?"
athavaa kapinaikena kR^itam naH kadanam mahat || 6-12-21
durjJNeyaaH kaaryagatayo bruuta yasya yathaamati |
durjJNeyaaH kaaryagatayo bruuta yasya yathaamati |
athvaa= Is it not so; ekena kapinaa= by one monkey, mahat= a huge; kadanam= destruction; kR^itam= was done; naH= to us; kaaryagatayaH= the consequences of their actions; durN^eyaaH= are not known; bruuta= tell (me); yathaamati= according to your own intellect; yasya= what is there (in your mind).
"on the other hand, a huge destruction was done to us, by a single monkey. The consequences of their acts are unpredictable. Tell me what is there in your mind, according to your own understanding."
maanuSaanno bhayam naasti tathaapi tu vimR^ishyataam || 6-12-22
tadaa devaasure yudde yuSmaabhiH sahito.ajayam |
te me bhavantashca tathaa sugriivapramukhaan hariin || 6-12-23
pare paare samudrasya puraskR^itya nR^ipaatmajau |
siitaayaaH padaviim praapya sampraaptau varuNaalayam || 6-12-24
tadaa devaasure yudde yuSmaabhiH sahito.ajayam |
te me bhavantashca tathaa sugriivapramukhaan hariin || 6-12-23
pare paare samudrasya puraskR^itya nR^ipaatmajau |
siitaayaaH padaviim praapya sampraaptau varuNaalayam || 6-12-24
22,23,24. naasti= no; bhayam= fear; naH= to us; maanuSaat= with human beings; tathaapi= even so; vimR^ishyataam= let it be deliberated; tadaa= at that time; sahitaH= together; yushhmaabhiH= with you; ajayam= I conquered; devaasurayuddhe= in the battle between celestials and demons; te= those; bhantashca= of you also; me= on my side; tathaa= (conquered) in the same manner; praapya= procuring; padaviim= access; siitaayaaH= of Seetha; nR^ipaatmajau= Rama and Lakshama, the princes; puraskR^itya= placing in front; vaanaraan= the monkeys; sugriiva pramukhaan= like Sugreeva and others; sampraaptau; well-reached; varuNaalayam= the ocean; parepaare= on the other bank; samudrasya= of the ocean.
"We have no fear with human beings. Even so, the matter can be discussed. Earlier, together with you, I conquered the celestials in a battle between the celestials and demons. You also conquered them. Knowing the whereabouts of Seetha, Rama and Lakshmana together with Sugreeva and other monkeys reached the other shore of the ocean."
adeyaa ca yathaa siitaa vadhyau dasharathaatmajau |
bhavadbhirmantyrataam mantraH suniitam caabhidhiiyataam || 6-12-25
bhavadbhirmantyrataam mantraH suniitam caabhidhiiyataam || 6-12-25
25. mantraH mantryataam= let a thought be deliberated; bharadbhiH= by you; yathaa= how; siitaa= Settha; adeyaa= may not be given; dasharathaatmajau= (and) how Rama and Lakshama; vadhyauca= may be killed; suniitam= A prudent advice; abhidhiiyatamca= be mentioned."
"Let a consultation be held by you and a judicious line of course suggested, so that Seetha may not have to be handed -over to them back and Rama and Lakshmana may be killed."
na hi shaktim prapashyaami jagatyanyasya kasyacit |
saagaram vaanaraistiirtvaa vishcayena jayo mama || 6-12-26
saagaram vaanaraistiirtvaa vishcayena jayo mama || 6-12-26
26. na prapashyaami= I do not see; kasyachit= any; anyasya= other; shaktim= capability; tiirtvaa= to cross; saagaram= the ocean; vaanaraiH= along with the monkeys; jayaH= Victory; nishchayena= is surely; mama= mine."
"I do not see any other's capability to cross the ocean even so with the monkeys. Victory is surely mine."
tasya kaamapariitasya nishamya paridevitam |
kumbhakarNaH prachukrodha vacanam chedamabraviit || 6-12-27
kumbhakarNaH prachukrodha vacanam chedamabraviit || 6-12-27
27. nishamya= hearing; paridevitam= the lamentation; tasya= of Ravana; kaamapariitasya= captivated by lust; kumbhakarNa= Kumabhakara; prachukrodha= was angry; abraviitcha= and spoke; idam= those; vachanam= words.
Hearing the lamentation of Ravana who was captivated by lust, Kumbhakarana became angry and spoke the following words:
yadaa tu raamasya salakshmaNasya |
prasahya siitaa khalu paa ihaa.ahR^itaa |
sakR^itsamiikshaiva sunishcitam tadaa |
bhajeta cittam yamuneva yaamunam || 6-12-28
prasahya siitaa khalu paa ihaa.ahR^itaa |
sakR^itsamiikshaiva sunishcitam tadaa |
bhajeta cittam yamuneva yaamunam || 6-12-28
28. yadaa= when; siitaa= Seetha; raamasya= of Rama; salakshhmaNasya= accompanied by Lakshmana; khalu= indeed; aahR^itaa= was brought; iha= here; prasahya= forcibly; tadaa; then itself; sakR^it= once; samiikshhyena= by contemplating thoroughly; chittam= your mind; bhajeta= should have driven into; sunishchitam= a good decision; yaamunaniva= like filling the depression at its source; yamunaa= by Yamuna River."
"You should have contemplated thoroughly that very moment when Seetha was brought here forcibly only after a single impulsive thought from the hermitage of Rama, who was accompanied by Lakshmana, even like the river Yamuna fills the depression at its source the moment it descends on earth."
sarvametanmahaaraaja kR^itamapratimam tava |
vidhiiyeta sahaasmaabhiraadaavevaasya karmaNaH || 6-12-29
vidhiiyeta sahaasmaabhiraadaavevaasya karmaNaH || 6-12-29
29. mahaaraaja= O, emperor!; aadaaneva= athe beginning itself; asya= of this; karmaNaH= action; apratimam= it would have been unequalled; tava= to you; yadi sarvam= (if)all etat= this; kR^itam= act of consultation asmaabhiH saha= with us; vidhiiyetayadi= was done.
"O, emperor! If all this act of consultation with us was done at the beginning of this action itself (of bringing Seetha here), it would have been worthy of you."
nyaayena raajakaaryaaNi yaH karoti dashaanana |
na sa samtapyate pashcaannishcataarthamatirnR^ipaH || 6-12-30
na sa samtapyate pashcaannishcataarthamatirnR^ipaH || 6-12-30
30. dashaanana = O, Ravana; yaH= which; nR^ipaH= king; karoti= does; raajakaaryaani= king's functions; nishchitaarthamatiH= with a mind; ascertained; nyaayenna= by justice; saH= he; nasantapyate= will not repent; pashchaat= thereafter."
"O, Ravana! A king who performs king's functions with a mind duly ascertained by justice, will not repent thereafter."
anupaayena karmaaNi vipariitaani yaani ca |
kriyamaaNaani duSyanti haviimSyaprayateSvina || 6-12-31
kriyamaaNaani duSyanti haviimSyaprayateSvina || 6-12-31
31. karmaaNi= actions; vuoaruutaabu= oervertedktl kriyamaaNaani= done; anupaayena= witout use of any strategem; duSyanti= get spoiled; haviinshhiiva= even as oblations; aprayate= not intent on devotion.
"Actions done pervertedly without use of any stratagem get spoiled, even as oblations not intent on devotion got spoiled.
yaH pashcaatpuurvakaaryaaNi karmaaNyabhicikiirSati |
puurvam caaparakaryaaNi na sa veda nayaanayau || 6-12-32
puurvam caaparakaryaaNi na sa veda nayaanayau || 6-12-32
32. yaH= He who; chikiirshhati= wants to do; karmaaNi= actions; puurvakaaryaani= which ought to be done before; pashchaat= later; aparakaryaaNi= and actions which ought to be done later; puurvamca=\ before; saH= he; na veda= is not aware; nayaanayau= of predence and imprudence.
"He who is not aware of prudence and imprudence, wants to do actions which are to be done before at a later stage and actions which are to be done later at a stage before."
capalasya tu kR^ityeSu prasamiiksyaadhikam balam |
chidramanye prapadyante krauJNcasya khamiva dvijaaH || 6-12-33
chidramanye prapadyante krauJNcasya khamiva dvijaaH || 6-12-33
33. prasamiikshhya= seeing; adhikam= superior; balam= strength; chapalasya= of a hasteful enemy (others); prapadyante= look for; chhidram= his weak point; dvijaaH iva= even as swans; kham= (seek) the cleavage; krauNchasya= in Kraucha mountain.
"Seeing superior strength in a hasteful enemy, some look for his weak point, even as swans seek the cleavage in the Kraunca mountain."
God Kartikeya (son of Lord Shiva) made a cleavage in Krauncha mountain with His javelin. (Mahabharata, Salya Parva 46-84).
tvayedam mahaadaarabham kaarya mapraticintitam |
diSTyaa tvaam naavadhiidraamo viSamishramivaamR^itam || 6-12-34
diSTyaa tvaam naavadhiidraamo viSamishramivaamR^itam || 6-12-34
34. idam= this; mahat= great; kaaryam= act; aarabdham= was undertaken; tvayaa= by you; apratichintitam= without proper thinking; diSTyaa= by good fortune; raamaH= Rama; naavadhiit= did not kill; tvaam= you; aamiSam iva= even as the meat; viSamishram= mixed with poison."
"This great act was undertaken by you without proper thinking. By good fortune, Rama did not kill you even as the meat mixed with poison would kill the consumer."
tasmaattvayaa samaarabdham karma hyapratimam paraiH |
aham samiikariSyaami hatvaa shatruum stanaanagha || 6-12-35
aham samiikariSyaami hatvaa shatruum stanaanagha || 6-12-35
35. anagha= O, irreproachable brother!; tasmaat= therefore; hatvaa= by killing; tava= your; shatruum= enemies; samiikarishhyaami= I shall neutralise; apratimam= the dishonourable; karma= act; samaarabdham= undertaken; tvayaa= by you; paraiH= in relation to your enemies."
"O, irreproachable brother! Therefore by killing your enemies, I shall neutralize the dishonourable act undertaken by you in relation to your enemies."
ahamutsaadayiSyaami shatruumstava nishaacara |
yadi shakravivasvantau yadi paavakamaarutau || 6-12-36
taavaham yodhayiSyaami kuberavaruNaavapi |
yadi shakravivasvantau yadi paavakamaarutau || 6-12-36
taavaham yodhayiSyaami kuberavaruNaavapi |
36. nishaachara= O, ranger of night!; aham= I; utsaadayishhyaami= shall destroy; tava= your; shatruun= enemies; aham= I; yodhayishhyaami= shall do battle with; tau= the two brother; yadi= even if (they are); shakravivasvautau= Indra and the sun-god; yadi paavakamaarutau= even if god of fire and the wind-god; kubera varuNaavapi= or Kubera (the god of riches) and Varuna (the god of water).
"O, ranger of night! I shall destroy your enemies. I shall do battle with the two brothers, even if they are Indra and the sun-god or the god of fire and the wind-god or Kubera (the god of riches) and Varuna (the god of water).
girimaatrashariirasya mahaaparighayodhinaH || 6-12-37
nardatastiikshNadamSTrasya bibhiiyaadvai purandaraH |
nardatastiikshNadamSTrasya bibhiiyaadvai purandaraH |
37. purandaraH= even Indra; bibhiiyat vai= indeed will be afraid of me; girimaatra shariirasya= with a mountain-sized body; tiikshhNadamsTrasya= fiery teeth; nardataH= making a roaring sound; mahaaparigha yodhinaH= attacking with an immense bludgeon."
"Entering the combat with a mountain-sized body and fiery teeth, roaring the while and attacking with an immense bludgeon, I shall strike terror in Indra himself!"
punarmaam sadvitiiyena shareNa nihaniSyati || 6-12-38
tato.aham tasya paasyaami rudhiram kaamamaashvasa |
tato.aham tasya paasyaami rudhiram kaamamaashvasa |
38. saH= (before) that Rama; nihanishhyati= strikes; maam= me; punaH= once more; dvitiiyena= with a second; shareNa= arrow; tataH= immediately; paasyaami= I shall drink; tasya= his; rudhiram= blood; aashvasa= cheer-up; kaamam= freely."
"Even before Rama strikes me once more with a second arrow, I shall drink his blood. Cheer up freely.
vadheva vai daasharatheh sukhaavaham |
jayam tavaahartumaham tayiSye |
hatvaa ca raamam saha lakshmaNena |
khaadaami sarvaan hariyuuthamukhyaan || 6-12-39
jayam tavaahartumaham tayiSye |
hatvaa ca raamam saha lakshmaNena |
khaadaami sarvaan hariyuuthamukhyaan || 6-12-39
39. aham= I; yatiSve= shall try; aahartum= to fetch; jayam= victory; sukhavaham= which brings pleasure; tava= to you; vadhena= by killing; daasharadhena= of Rama; hatvaa= by killing; raamam= Rama; lakshhmaNena iha= along with lakshmana; khaadaami= I shall eat awa; sarvaan= all hariyuuthamukhyaan= the leaders of monkey- troops."
"I shall try to fetch victory, which brings pleasure to you, by the killing of Rama. By exterminating Rama along with Lakshmana, I shall devour all the leaders of monkey-troops."
ramasva kaamam piba caagryavaaruNiim |
kuruSva kaarvaaNi hitaani vijvaraH |
mayaa tu raame gamite yamakshayam |
ciraaya siitaa vashagaa bhaviSyati || 6-12-40
kuruSva kaarvaaNi hitaani vijvaraH |
mayaa tu raame gamite yamakshayam |
ciraaya siitaa vashagaa bhaviSyati || 6-12-40
40. ramasva= enjoy yourself; kaamam= freely; piba= drink; agryavaaruNiim= excellent of your desire; vijvaraH= without anxiety; raame= Rama; gamite= having been despatched; yamakshhayam= to the abode of death; mayaa= by me; siita= Seetha; bhavishhyati= will be; vashaga= at your disposal; chiraaya= forever."
"Enjoy yourself freely. Drink excellent of wines to the extent of your desire without any anxiety. Rama, having been dispatched by me to the abode of death, Seetha will be at your disposal forever."
ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe dvaadashaH sargaH
Thus completes 12th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.
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on Sunday, February 6, 2011
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Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War
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