Chapter [Sarga] 37  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 37


Rama, Sugreeva, Hanuman and others assemble to take counsel together, upon reaching the precinets of Lanks. While they were delibrating on the ways and means for the success of their mission, Vibhishana informs that he has sent his counsellors as spies to gather information about the enemy's plans and that they returned after gathering the required news about Ravana's arrangements at the four gates of theity. After hearing Vibhishana's information, Rama orders Nila, Angada Hanuman and others to storm the four gates and decides to stay on Suvela mountain with his army.

nara vaanara raajau tau sa ca vaayu sutaH kapiH |
jaambavaan R^ikSa raajasH ca raakSasasH ca vibhiiSaNaH || 6-37-1
angado vaali putrasH ca saumitriH sharabhaH kapiH |
suSeNaH saha daayaado maindo dvivida;eva ca || 6-37-2
gajo gava akSo kumudo nalo atha panasas tathaa |
amitra viSayam praaptaaH samavetaaH samarthayan || 6-37-3
1, 2, 3. (Meanwhile); naravaanara raajanau= Rama, the king of men and Sugreeva the sovereign of monkeys; saH kapiH= that Hanuman; vaayusutaH= the son of the wind; jaambavaan= Jambavan; R^ikSaraajaH= the king of the bears; vibhiiSaNaH= Vibhishana; raakSasaH= the demon; aN^gadaH= Angada; vaaliputraH= the son of Vali; saumitriH= lakshmana; sharabhaH kapiH= the Ape Sharabha; suSeNaH= Sushena; saha daayadaH= along with his kin's folk; maindaH= Mainda; dvivida evacha= Dvivida; gajaH= Gaja; atha= and; gavaakSaH= Gavaksha; kumudaH= Kumuda; tathaa= and; nalaH= Nala; atha= and; panasaH= Panasa; praaptaaH= (all) having reached; anitraviSayam= the enemy's territory; samavetaaH= assembled; samarthayan= for deliberation.
Meanwhile, Rama the king of men and Sugreeva the Sovereign of monkeys, Hanuman the son of the wind, Jambavan the king of the Bears, Vibhishana the demon, Angada the son of Vali, Lakshmana, Sushena along with his kinsfolk, Mainda, Dvivida, Gaja, Gavaksha, Kumuda, Nala and Panasa, all having reached the enemy's territory, assembled to take counsel together.
iyam saa lakSyate lankaa purii raavaNa paalitaa |
saasura uraga gandharvair amarair api durjayaa || 6-37-4
4. lakshhate= observe; iyam= this; saa= that very; laN^kaapurii= City of Lanka; raavaNapaalitaa= ruled by Ravana; durjayaa= impregnable; amarairapi= even to celestials; saasuraH= and the demons together; uraga gandharvaiH= or the uragas (the serpant-demons) and Gandharvas (Celestials musicians)
"Observe this city of Lanka, ruled by Ravana, impregnable both to celestials and the demons together, or the uragas (the serpent-demons) and Gandharvas (celestial musicians)."
kaarya siddhim puras kRtya mantrayadhvam vinirNaye |
nityam samnihito hy atra raavaNo raakSasa adhipaH || 6-37-5
5. raavaNaH= Ravana; raakSasaadhipaH= the Lord of Demons; nityam= always; samnihitaH hi= indeed stays; atra= there; mantrayadhvam= think; vinirNaye= of determining our duty; puraskR^itya= with regard to; kaarya siddhim= the success of our expedition.
"Ravana, the lord of demons always stays in the City. Think of the ways and means for the success of our expedition."
tathaa teSu bruvaaNeSu raavaNa avarajo abraviit |
vaakyam agraamya padavat puSkala artham vibhiiSaNaH || 6-37-6
6. atha= then; (while); teSu= they; bruvaaNeSu= were talking thus; vibhiiSaNaH= Vibhishana; raavaNaavarajaH= the younger brother of Ravana; abraviit= spoke; (the following); puSkalaartham= meaningful; agraamyapadavat= and polished; vaakyam= words.
While they were talking thus, Vibhishana the younger brother of Ravana spoke the following meaningful and polished words:
analaH sharabhasH caiva sampaatiH praghasas tathaa |
gatvaa lankaam mama amaatyaaH puriim punar iha aagataaH || 6-37-7
7. mama= My; amatyaaH= counsellors; (named) analaH= Anala; panasashchaiva= and Panasa; sampaatiH= Sampati; tathaa= and; pramatiH= Pramati; gataa= went; laN^kaampuriim= to the City of Lanka; punaH aagataaaH= and returned; iha= here.
"My counsellors named Anala, Panasa, Sampati and Pramati went to the City of Lanka and returned here."
bhuutvaa shakunayaH sarve praviSTaasH ca ripor balam |
vidhaanam vihitam yac ca tad dRSTvaa samupasthitaaH || 6-37-8
8. bhuutvaa= by transforming into; shakunayaH= birds; sarve= all of them; praviSTaaH= entered; rupoH= the enemy's balam= army; samupasthitaaH= (they) came; dR^iSTvaa= after observing; yat= which; tat= that; vidhaanam= arrangement; vihitam= was done.
"Assuming the form of birds, all the four entered that enemy's citadel and observed the measures taken by Ravana closely."
samvidhaanam yathaa aahus te raavaNasya duraatmanaH |
raama tad bruvataH sarvam yathaatathyena me shR^iNu || 6-37-9
9. raama= O, Rama! shruNu= hear; me= from me; bruvataH= telling; sarvam= all; yathaatathyena= the exact position; yathaa= as; te= they; aahuH= informed; samvidhaanam= about the arrangement; raavaNasya= of Ravana; duraatmanaH= the evil-minded.
"O, Rama! I give a detailed report as it was given to me of the defence-arrangements made by tha evil-minded Ravana, hear me."
puurvam prahastaH sabalo dvaaram aasaadya tiSThati |
dakSiNam ca mahaa viiryau mahaa paarshva mahaa udarau || 6-37-10
10. prahastaH= Prahasta; prabalaH= of great strenght; tiSThati= is standing; aasaadya= accussed; puurvam dvaaram= to the eastern gate; mahaa paarshva mahodarau= Mahaparshva and Mahodara; mahaaviiryau= of mighty prowess; ( are at); dakSiNamcha= the southern gate.
"The very strong Prashata is standing near the eastern gate. Mahaparshva and Mahodara of mighty prowess are at the southern gate."
indrajit pashcima dvaaram raakSasair bahubhir vR^itaH |
paTTasa asi dhanuSmadbhiH shuula mudgara paaNibhiH || 6-37-11
naanaa praharaNaiH shuurair aavR^ito raavaNa aatmajaH |
11. indrajit= Indrajit; raavaNaatmajaH= the son of Ravana; vR^itaH= along with; bahubhiH= many; raakSasaiH= demons; pattishaasidhanuSmadbhiH= harpoon, swords, bows; shuula mudgaraH= spears and hammers; aavR^itaH= and along with; bhuuraiH= warriors; naanaapraharaNaiH= furnished with weapons of many kinds; pashchimam dvaaram= is at the western gate.
"Indragit, the son of Ravana is at the western gate along with many demons armed with harpoons, swords, bows, spears and hammers together with warriors furnished with weapons of various kinds."
raakSasaanaam sahasrais tu bahubhiH shastra paaNibhiH || 6-37-12
yuktaH parama samvigno raakSasair bahubhir vRtaH |
uttaram nagara dvaaram raavaNaH svayam aasthitaH || 6-37-13
12, 13. paramasamvigraH= a prey to great anxiety; raavaNaH= Ravana; mantravit= knower of magical formulas; svayam= is himself; aasthitaH= stationed; uttaram nagaradvaaram= at the northern gate; yuktaH= along with; raakSasaiH= thousands; shatra paaNibhiH= holding lances in their hand.
"A prey to great anxiety, Ravana knower of magical formulas, is himself stationed at the northern gate, along with several thousands of demons holding lances in their hand."
viruupa akSas tu mahataa shuula khaDga dhanuSmataa |
balena raakSasaiH saardham madhyamam gulmam aasthitaH || 6-37-14
14. viruupakSastu= as for virupaksha; mahataa balena= with a nighty army; shuula khedga dhanuSmataa= armed with spears, clubs and bows; raakSasaiH saardham= along with demons; aashritaH= occupies; madhyamam gulamam= the center of the fort.
"As for Virupaksha he with mighty army carrying spears, clubs and bows along with other demons, occupies the center of the fort."
etaan evam vidhaan gulmaaml lankaayaam samudiikSya te |
maamakaaH sacivaaH sarve shiighram punar iha aagataaH || 6-37-15
15. sarve= all; te mantriNaH= those counsellors; maamakaraH= of mine; samudiikSya= observed; etaan= these; gulmaan= arranged in this manner; laN^kaayaam= in Lanka; punaH aagataaH= and returned; iha= here; shiighram= quickly.
"All these counsellors of mine watched those groups of troops arranged in Lanka in this manner and immediately returned here."
gajaanaam ca sahasram ca rathaanaam ayutam pure |
hayaanaam ayute dve ca saagra koTii ca rakSasaam || 6-37-16
vikraantaa balavantasH ca samyugeSv aatataayinaH |
iSTaa raakSasa raajasya nityam ete nishaa caraaH || 6-37-17
16, 17. dashasaahasaram= ten thousand; gajaanaam= elephants; tathaa= and; ayutam= ten thousand; ruthaanaam= chariots; dve ayutam= twenty thousand; hayaanaam= cavalry; saagraa= a little more than; koTishcha= crore; rakSasaam= foot soldiers; balavantashcha= who are strong; vikraantaaH= intrepid; aatataayinaH= in battle; nityam= have even been; raakSasa raajasya= of their sovereign's; iSTaaH= favourites.
"The elephants and chariots number some ten thousand each, the cavalry twenty thousand and there are more than a crore foot soldiers. These strong and intrepid demons endeavouring to kill someone in battle have ever been their sovereign's favourites."
eka ekasya atra yuddha arthe raakSasasya vishaam pate |
parivaaraH sahasraaNaam sahasram upatiSThate || 6-37-18
18. vishaampate= O, king! atra= in these demons; ekasya= for each; raakSasya= demon; parivaaraH= a retime; sahasraaNaam sahasram= of ten lacs; upatiSThate= is near at land.
"O, Rama! In these demons, a retinue of ten lacs each is near at hand for each demon."
etaam pravR^ittim lankaayaam mantri proktam vibhiiSaNaH |
raamam kamala patra akSam idam uttaram abraviit || 6-37-19
19. mahaabaahuH= the mighty-armed; vibhiiSaNaH= Vibhishana; aadarshayat= showed; taan= those; raakSasaan= demons (his counsellors); uktvaa= after speaking; itaam= this; pravR^ittim= news; laN^kaayaam= in Lanka; evam= thus; mantriproktaam= spoken by his counsellors.
The mighty armed Vibhishana showed those counsellors to Rama after reporting the aforesaid news pertaining to Lanka, thus informed by his counsellors.
laN^kaayaam sacivaiH raamaaya pratyavedayat |
raamaM kamalapatraakshamidamuttaramabraviit || 6-37-20
raavaNaavarajaH shriimaan raamapriyachikiirSayaa |
20. sachivaiH= the counsellors; pratyavedayat= confirmed; sarvam= all that was known; laN^kaayaam= regarding Lanks; (thereafter); shromaan= the illustrious; raavaNaavarajaH= Vibhishana raama priya chikiirSayaa= in his desire to please Rama; abraviit= addressed; kamalapatraakSam= that lotus-eyed; raamam= Rama; uttaram= further; idam= with these words.
The counsellors of Vibhishana themselves confirmed all that was known regarding Lanka. Thereafter, the illustrious Vibhishana, in his desire to please Rama, addressed that lotus-eyed one, further with the following words:
kuberam tu yadaa raama raavaNaH pratyayudhyata || 6-37-21
SaSTiH shata sahasraaNi tadaa niryaanti raakSasaaH |
paraakrameNa viiryeNa tejasaa sattva gauravaat || 6-37-22
sadR^ishaa yo atra darpeNa raavaNasya duraatmanaH |
21, 22. raama= O, Rama!; yadaa= when; raavaNaH= Ravana; kuberam pratyayudhyata= attacked Kubera in battle; SaSTiH= sixty shatasahasraaaNi= lacs of raakSasaam= demons; niryaanti= sallied forth; tadaa= then(with him); sadR^ishaa= (all of them) were similar; raavaNasya= to Ravana; duraatmanaH= the evil minded; paraakramaNa= in prowess; viiryeNa= in strength; tejasaa= in splendour; stattvagouravaat= because of angmented courage; darpNa= and a pride; atra= there.
"O, Rama! When Ravana attacked Kubera in battle, sixty lacs of demons sallied forth with him. All of them were akin to the evil-minded Ravana in prowess, in strength, in courage and in pride."
atra manyur na kartavyo roSaye tvaam na bhiiSaye || 6-37-23
samartho hy asi viiryeNa suraaNaam api nigrahe |
23. manyuH= Indignation; na kartavyaH= is not required; atra= in this matter; tvaam roSaye= I am making you irritated; na bhiiSaye= and not terrifying; asihi= you are indeed; samarthaH= capable; nigrahe.api= of even overpowering; suraaNaam= the celestials; viiryeNa= by your valour.
"Indignation need not be resorted to (by you) based on this report. I am not terrifying you, bt only arousing your wrath. You are indeed capable of overpowering even celestials by your valour."
tad bhavaamsH catur angeNa balena mahataa vR^itaH || 6-37-24
vyuuhya idam vaanara aniikam nirmathiSyasi raavaNam |
24. tat= for this reason; vyuuhya vaanaraaniikam= having set out these monkey forces in battle-array; bhavam= you; nirmathiSyati= shall destroy; raavaNam= Ravana; idam= (with) this; vaanaraaniikam= army of monkeys; charaNgeNa balena= composed of four division; vR^itam= which surround you.
"Having set out these monkey-forces in battle-array, you shall destryoy Ravana with this great army of monkeys, composed of four divisions, which surround you."
raavaNa avaraje vaakyam evam bruvati raaghavaH || 6-37-25
shatruuNaam pratighaata artham idam vacanam abraviit |
25. raavaNaavaraje= Vibhishana; bruvatisati= having spoken; vaakyam= words; evam= thus; raaghavaH= Rama; abraviit= gave; idam= the following; vachanam= orders; pratighaataartham= for the attack; shatruuNaam= of the adversaries.
Vibhishana having spoken thus Rama gave the following orders for the attack of the adversaries.
puurva dvaare tu lankaayaa niilo vaanara pumgavaH || 6-37-26
prahastam pratiyoddhaa syaad vaanarair bahubhir vR^itaH |
26. puurva dvaare= at the eastern gate; laN^kaayaaH= of Lanka; niilaH= Nila; vaanarapuNgavaH= that lion among monkeys; syaat= for his part; vR^itaH= surrounded; bahubhiH= by many; vaanaraiH= monkeys; prahasta pratiyoddhaa= should attack Prahasta.
"At the eastern gate of Lanka, Nila that lion among monkeys for his part, surrounded by many monkeys, should attack Prahasta."
angado vaali putras tu balena mahataa vR^itaH || 6-37-27
dakSiNe baadhataam dvaare mahaa paarshva mahaa udarau |
27. dakSiNa dvaare= At the southern gate; aNgadaH= Angada; vaaliputraH= the son of Vali, vR^itaH= surrounded; mahataa= by his mighty; balena= army; baadhataam= should oppose; mahaapaarshva mahodarau= Mahaparshva and Mahodara.
"At the southern gate, Angada the son of Vali, surrounded by his mighty army, should oppose Mahaparshva and Mahodara."
hanuumaan pashcima dvaaram nipiiDya pavana aatmajaH || 6-37-28
pravishatv aprameya aatmaa bahubhiH kapibhir vR^itaH |
28. (Let); hanumaan= Hanuman; pavanaatmajaH= the son of wind; aprameyaatmaa= (and) of inscrutable spirit; vR^itaH= surrounded; bahubhiH= by a multitude; kapibhiH= of monkeys; niSpiiDya= having crashed; pashchima dvaare= into the western gate; praveshitu= enter (the City)
"Let Hanuman that son of the Wind and of inscrutable spirit, surrounded by a multitude of monkeys, enter the City through the western gate."
daitya daanava samghaanaam R^iSiiNaam ca mahaatmanaam || 6-37-29
viprakaara priyaH kSudro vara daana bala anvitaH |
parikraamati yaH sarvaaml lokaan samtaapayan prajaaH || 6-37-30
tasya aham raakSasa indrasya svayam eva vadhe dhR^itaH |
uttaram nagara dvaaram aham saumitriNaa saha || 6-37-31
nipiiDya abhipravekSyaami sabalo yatra raavaNaH |
29, 30 , 31. aham= I; svayameva= am myself; dhR^itaH= determined; vadhe= to slay; tasya= that; kSudraH= mean fellow; raakSasendrasya= Ravana; yaH= who; varadaan abalaanivitaH= owing to the boon he has received; viprakaara priyaH= enjoys oppressing; daitya daanavasanghaanaam= multitudes of Daityas (giants) and daanavas (demons); mahaat manaam= as also the magnanimous; R^iSiiNaam cha= sages; parikraamati= and who ranges; lokaan= the worlds; samtaapayan= persecnting; sarvaan= all; prajaaH= being; saumitreNa saha= with the aid of Lakshaman; aham= I; nipiiDya= shall forcibly; abhipravekSyaami= enter; uttaram nagara dvaaram= the northern gate; yatra; raavaNaH= where Ravana is there; sabalaH= along with the army.
I am myself determined to slay that wicked who owing to the boon he has received, enjoys oppressing multitudes of Daityas (gaints) and Daanavas (demons), as also the magnanimous sages and who ranges the world, persenting all being. With the aid of Lakshmana, I shall forcibly enter the northern gate where Ravana is stationed along with his army."
vaanara indrasH ca balavaan R^ikSa raajasH ca jaambavaan || 6-37-32
raakSasa indra anujasH caiva gulme bhavatu madhyame |
32. balavaan= the mighty; vaanarendrashcha= Sugreeva the king of monkeys; viiryavaan= the valiant; R^ikSaraajashcha= jambavanshchaiva= and vibhishana, the younger brother of the Lord of demons; bhavatu= be; gulme= of the army.
"Let the mighty Sugreeva the king of monkeys, the valiant Jambavan the king of bears and Vibhishana, the younger brother of the Lord of demons occupy the central position of the army."
na ca eva maanuSam ruupam kaaryam haribhir aahave || 6-37-33
eSaa bhavatu naH samjnaa yuddhe asmin vaanare bale |
33. maanuSam= Human; ruupam= form; na chaiva kaaryam= should not be assumed; haribhiH= by the monkeys; aahave= in battle; bale= in the army; vaanare= of monkeys; eSaa= this monkey-shape; bhavatu= should be; samjJNaa= a sign of recognition; naH= among us; asmin= in this; yuddhe= battle.
"Monkeys should not assume human form in the battle, for, in the army of monkeys, this monkey-shape should serve as a sign of recognition among us."
vaanaraa;eva nishcihnam sva jane asmin bhaviSyati || 6-37-34
vayam tu maanuSeNa eva sapta yotsyaamahe paraan |
aham eva saha bhraatraa lakSmaNena mahaa ojasaa || 6-37-35
aatmanaa pancamasH ca ayam sakhaa mama vibhiiSaNaH |
34, 35. asmin svajane= in our own people among us; vaanaraaH eva= the form of monkeys itself; bhaviSyati= will become; chihnam= a sign of recognition; naH= for us; sapta= seven; vayam= fo us; yotsyaamahe= will attack; paraan= the foe; maanuSeNaiva= in human form, eSaH= this; aham= I; (along with); bhraatraa= my brother; lakSmaNena= Lakshmana; mohaujasaa= who is full of valour; mama sakhaa= my friend, ayam= this; vibhiiSaNaH= Vibhishana; paN^chamaH= the fifhth; aatmanaa= with him (along with his four companions).
"Among our own people also, the form of monkeys will become a sign of recognition for us. Seven of us will attack the foe in our human form, I, my brother Lakshmana, who is full of valour, my friend Vibhishana and his four companions."
sa raamaH kaarya siddhy artham evam uktvaa vibhiiSaNam || 6-37-36
suvela aarohaNe buddhim cakaara matimaan matim |
ramaNiiyataram dR^iSTvaa suvelasya girestaTm || 6-37-37
36, 37. uktvaa= having said; evam= thus; vibhiiSaNam= to Vibhishana; kR^itya siddhyartham= for the success of the enterprise; saH raamaH= that Rama; matimaan prabhuH= in the role of a wise leader; chakaara= made up; buddhim= his mind; suvelaarohaNe= to ascend Mount Suvela; ramaNiiyataram= the more charming; taTam= slope; suvelasya gireH= of the Mount Suvela; dR^iSTvaa= (he) had observed.
Having said thus to Vibhishana for the success of the enterprise, Rama in the role of a wise leader, decided to stay on Mount Suvela, after observing its charming slopes.
tatas tu raamo mahataa balena |
pracchaadya sarvaam pR^ithiviim mahaatmaa |
prahR^iSTa ruupo abhijagaama lankaam |
kR^itvaa matim so ari vadhe mahaatmaa || 6-37-38
38. tataH= Thereafter; prachchhaadi= having covered; sarvaam pR^ithiviim= the entire field; mahataa balena= with his great army; kR^itvaa= having made up; matim= his mind; arivadhe= to slain the enemies; mahaatmaa= that high-souled; raamaH= Rama; mahaatmaa= of great courage; abhijagaama= set out; laN^kaam= for Lanka; prahR^iSTa ruupaH= with a joyous and exultant air.
Thereafter, having covered the entire filed with his great army and having made up his mind to destroy the enemies, that high-souled Rama of great courage, set out for Lanka with a joyous and exultant air.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddha kaande saptatriMshaH sargaH
Thus completes 37th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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