Chapter [Sarga] 31  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in
Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 31


Agitated to learn that Rama had arrived to Lanka and is stationed at Suvela mountain along with his army, Ravana confers with his ministers and after dismissing them, approaches Seetha with Vidyujjuha, knower of conjuring tricks. Informing Seetha that her husband along with his army had been killed in battle, he produces before her an illusive Rama's head along with bow and arrows created with Vidyujjuha's conjuring trick. Thus, Ravana deceives Seetha about the death of Rama.

tatastamakshobhyabalam laN^kaayaaM nR^ipateshcaraaH |
suvele raaghavaM shaile niviSTaM pratyavedayan || 6-31-1
1. tataH= then; nR^ipateH= the king's; charaaH= spies; pratyavedan= informed (Ravana); tam raaghavam= that Rama; akSobhya balam= with his imperturbable army; niviSTam= was stationed; suvele shaile= at Mount Suvela; laN^kaayaam= in Lanka.
The spies of king Ravana informed him that Rama with his imperturbable army was encamped at Mount Suvela in Lanka.
chaaraaNaam raavaNaH shrutvaa praaptam raamam mahaabalam |
jaatodvego.abhavatkiMchitsachivaanidamabraviit || 6-31-2
2. shrutvaa= Hearing; chaaraaNaam= throught; spies; raamam= that Rama; mahaabalam= with his mighty army; praaptam= had arrived; raavaNaH= Ravana; jaatodvegaH= was agitated; kimchit= a little; abraviit= and spoke; idam= thse words; sachivaan= to his counsellors (as follows):
Hearing through his spies that Rama with his mighty army had arrived to Lanka, Ravana was a little agitated and spoke to his counsellors as follows:
mantriNaH shiighramaayaantu sarve vai su samaahitaaH |
ayam no mantrakaalo hi sampraasta iti raakshasaaH || 6-31-3
3. ayam= this; mantrakaalaH= time for delibration; sampraaptaH iti= has come; naH= to us; (Let); sarve= all; mantriNaH= the ministerial; raakshhasaaH= demons; shiighram= quickly; aagaantu= come; susamaahitaaH= with keenly attentive minds.
"The time for deliberation has come to us. Let our ministerial colleagues come quickly with their keenly attentive minds."
tasya tacchaasanam shrutvaa mantriNo.abhyaagaman drutam |
tataH sa mantrayaamaasa raakshasaiH sachivaiH saha || 6-31-4
4. shrutvaa= hearing; tat= that; shaasanam= command; tasya= of his; mantriNaH= the ministers; abhyaagamam= came; drutam= soon; tataH= thereafter; saH= he; mantrayaamaasa= deliberated; sachivaiH saha= with his ministers; raakshhasaiH= the ogres.
As per his command, the ministers came instantly. Ravana conferred with the ogres, his ministers.
mantrayitvaa tu durdharSaH kshamaM yattadanntaram |
visarjayitvaa sachivaan pravivesha svamaalayam || 6-31-5
5. durdharshhaH= Ravana, the dreadful one; mantrayitvaa= deliberated; tat= that; yat= which; kshhamam= was befitting to be done; anantaram= immediately after; visarjayitvaa= sent away sachivaan= the ministers; pravivesha= and entered; svam his; aalayam= palace.
The dreadful Ravana discussed about the ensuing things to be done immediately. He sent away the ministers and entered his palace.
tato raakshasamaadaaya vidyujjihvam mahaabalam |
maayaavidam mahaamaayaH pravishadyatra maithilii || 6-31-6
6. tataH= thereafter; mahaamayaH= Ravana; practising conjuring tricks; aadaaya= took; vidyujjihvam= Vidyujjihva; mahaabalam= exceedingly strong; maayaavidam= who knew magic spells (along with him); praavishat= entered; yatra= the place where; maithilii= Seetha ( was there).
Thereafter, Ravana the practiser of conjuring tricks, took the exceedingly strong Vidyujjihva who was a great sourcerer along with him and went to Seetha's place.
vidyujjihvam cha maayaajJNmabraviidraakshasaadhipaH |
mohayiSyaavahe siitaam maayayaa janakaatmajaam || 6-31-7
7. raakshaasaadhipaH= Ravana the lord of demons; abraviit cha= spoke; vidyujjihvam= to Vidyujjihva; maagaajN^gam= who knew deceptions (as follows): mohayishhvaavahe maayayaa= we shall create an illusion to deceive; siitaam= Seetha; janakaatmajaam= the daughter of Janaka.
Ravana the lord of demons spoke to Vidyujjihva, who was a knower of conjuring tricks as follows: "With your spells, create an illusion in order to deceive Seetha, daughter of Janaka."
shiro maayaamayam gR^ihya raaghavasya vishaachara |
maaM tvaM samupatiSThasva mahachcha sasharam dhanuH || 6-31-8
8. nishaachara= O, demon!; tvam= you; samupatisthasva= approached; maam= me; gR^ihya= holding; mayaamayam= a deceptive; raaghavasya= Rama's; shiraa= head sa sharam= along with his arrows; mahat= and the big; dhanuH cha= bow.
"O, demon! Produce a head resembling Rama's along with a great bow and arrows created deceptively and present yourself before me."
evamukta stathetyaaha vidyujjihvo nishaachataH |
darshayaamaasa taam maayaam suprayuktaam sa raavaNe || 6-31-9
tasya tuSTo.abhavadraajaa pradadau cha vibhuuSaNam |
9. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; nishaacharaH= the demon; vidyujjihvaH= Vidyujjihva; aaha= said; tatheti= "be itso"; saH= he; darshayaamaasa= showed; raavaNe= to Ravana; taam maayaam= that conjuring trick; suprayuktaam= well-performed; raajaa= the king; abravat= became well-performed; raajaa= the king; abhaat= became; tushhTaH= satisfied; tasya= of him; pradadecha= and gave too; vibhuushhaNam= an ornament.
Hearing Ravana's words, the demon Vidyujjihva said, "Be it so". He showed to Ravana those things of his conjuring trick, well-performed. The king became satisfied of his work and gave him an ornament (as a gift).
ashokavanikaayaam cha siitaadarshanalaalasaH || 6-31-10
nairR^itaanaamadhipatiH samvivesha mahaabalaH |
10. mahaabalaH= the exceedingly strong; nairR^itaanaam adhipatiH= Ravana the suzerain lord of demons; samvivesha= duly entered; ashoka vanikaayaam= the Ashoka grove; siitaadarshana laalasaH= eagerly longng for the sight of Seetha.
The exceedingly strong Ravana the suzerain lord of demons, duly entered the Ashoka grove, eagerly longing for the sight of Seetha.
tato diinaamadainyaarhaam dadarsha dhanadaamajaH || 6-31-11
adhomukhiiM shokaparaamupaviSTaam mahiitale |
bhartaarameva dhyaayantiimashokavanikaam gataam || 6-31-12
11, 12. tataH= then; dhanadaanujaH= Ravana, the younger brother of Kubera ( the god of riches); dadarsha= saw (Seetha); diinaam= the unfortunate one; adainyaarham= who did not desrve that fate; adhomukhiim= her head bowed; shokaparaam= plunged in grief upaviSTaam= seated; mahiitale= on the ground; gataam= abtained; ashoka vanikaam= in the Ashoka grove; dhyaantiim= absorbed in the thought; bhartaarameva= of her husband.
Then, Ravana the younger brother of Kubera ( the god of riches) saw Seetha the unfortunate one, who did not deserve that fate, seated on the ground with her head bent down in the Ashoka grove plunged in grief as she was and absorbed in the thought of her husband.
upaasyamaanaam ghoraabhii raakshasiibhiraduurataH |
upasR^itya tataH siitaam praharSaM naama kiirtayan || 6-31-13
idam cha vachanam dhR^iSTamuvaacha janakaatmajaam |
13. tataH= then; upasR^itya= approaching; siitaam= Seetha; upaasyamaanaam= who was attended upon; ghoraabhiH raakshhasiibhiH= by ghastly ogresses; aduurataH= not for distant from her; kiirtayan praharshham naama= and mentioning his own name with great delight; uvaacha= spoke; idam vachanam= these words; dhR^ishhTam= whih were audacious; janakaatmajam= to Seetha.
Then, approaching Seetha who was attended upon by ghastly ogresses seated not far distance from her and mentioning his own name with great delight, Ravana spoke the following audacious words to Seetha.
saantvyamaanaa mayaa bhadre yamaashritya vimanyase || 6-31-14
kharahantaa sa te bhartaa raaghavaH samare hataH |
14. bhadre= O, Beautiful one!; saH= He; yam= in whom; aashritya= you took shelter; vimanasyase= and repelled me, ssantvaanaa= when you were consoled; mayaa= by me; kharahantaa= that murderer of Khara; te bhartaa= your husband; raaghavaH= Rama; hataH= has been killed; samara= in battle.
"O, Beautiful one! He in whom you trusted and repelled me when I sought to console you - that murderer of Khara, your husband Rama has been killed in battle."
chinnam te sarvathaa muulam darpashcha vihato mayaa || 6-31-15
vyasanenaatmanaH siite mama bhaaryaa bhaviSyasi |
15. siite= O Seetha!; te muulam= your root; chhinnam= has been cut off; sarvathaa= in all ways; mayaa= be me; darpashha= bhavishhyasi= you will become; mama= my; bhaaryaa= wife; aatmaanaH= by your; vyasanana= evil predicament.
"O, Seetha! Your root has been cut off in all ways by me and your pride has been slain. By your present evil predicament, you will become my wife."
visR^ijaitaaM matiM muuDhe kiM mR^itena kariSyasi || 6-31-16
bhavasva bhadre bhaaryaaNaaM sarvaasaamiishvarii mama |
16. muuDhe= O, Foolish one!; visR^ija= give up etaam= this; matim= resolution; kim kariSyasi= what will you do; mR^itena= with one dead?; bhadre= O, beautiful one!; Bhave= become; iishvarii= the Chief Queen; sarvaasaam= over all; mama= my; bharyaaNaam= consorts.
"O, Foolish one! Give up this resolution. What will you do with one dead. O, beautiful one! Become the Chief Queen over all my consorts."
alpapuNye nivR^ittaarthe muuDhe paNDitamaanini || 6-31-17
sR^iNu bhartR^inadham siite ghoraM vR^itravadhaM yathaa |
17. munDhe= O, foolish one; alpapuNye= with scant virtue; nivR^ittaarthe= and lost purpose!; panN^Dita maanini= you think yourself as wise! Siite= O, Seetha!; shR^iNu= hear; ghoram bhartR^ivadham= about the dreadful killing of your husband; vR^itra vadham yathaa= as the killing of the demon vR^itra(at the hands of Indra).
"O, Foolish one, with scant virtue and failed purpose! You think yourself as wise! O, Seetha! Hear about the dreadful killing of your husband in battle, as the killing of the demon Vritra (at the hands of Indra)"
samaayaataH samudraantaM hantuM maaM kila raaghavaH || 6-31-18
vaanarendrapraNiitena baleva mahataa vR^itaH |
18. raaghavaH= Rama; vR^itaH= encircled; mahataa balena= by an extensive army; vaanarendra praNiitena= led forwards by sugreeva; samaayaataH kila= at the sea- shore; hantum= to kill; maam= me.
"Rama, encircled by an extensive army led forward by Sugreeva, is said to have arrived at the sea-shore, to kill me."
samniviSTaH samudrasya piiDya tiiramathottaram || 6-31-19
balena mahataa raamo vrajatyastam divaakare |
19. atha= thereafter; (while); divaakare= the sun; vrajati= was going; astam= to set; raamaH= Rama; savishhTaH= encamped; piiDya= encroaching upon; uttaram= the northern; tiiram= shore; samudrasya= of sea; mahataa balena= with his mighty army.
"While sun was going to set, Rama with his mighty army was encamped there, encroaching upon the northern shore of the sea."
athaadhvani parishraantamardharaatre sthitam balam || 6-31-20
sukhasuptaM samaasaadya charitam prathamaM charaiH |
20. atha= then; balam= their army; sthitam= stationed there; sukhasuptam= omfortably asleep; ardharaatre= at the middle of the night; parishraantam= and completely fatigued; adhvani= in the course of the journey; samaasaadya= was approached; prathamam= first; charitam= and spied; charaiH= by our spies.
"Their army stationed there, comfortably asleep at the middle of the night and completely fatigued in the course of the journey, was approached first and espied by our spies."
tatprahastapraNiitena balena mahataa mama || 6-31-21
balamasya hatam raatrau yatra raamaH salakshmaNaH |
21. mama balena= by my army; mahataa= which is great; prahasta praNiitena= which was led by Prahasta; asya= Rama's; balam= army; hatam= was killed; raatrau= in the night; yatra= at the place where; raamaH= Rama; salakshhmaNaH= along with Lakshmana (were there).
"By my great army, which was led by Prahasta, Rama's army was killed in the night at the place where Rama and Lakshmana were there."
paTTishaan parighaaMshchakraanR^iSTiirdaNDaanmahaayudhaan || 6-31-22
baaNajaalaani shuulaani bhaasvaraan kuuTamudgaraan |
yaSTiishcha tomaraan praasaamshchakraaNi musalaani cha || 6-31-23
udyamyodyamya rakshobhirvaanareSu nipaatitaaH |
22, 23. paTTishaan= harpoons; parighaan= maes; chakraan= disus; R^iSTiiH= daggers; daN^Daan= sticks; mahaayudhaan= massed weapons; baaNajaalaani= multitude of arrows; shuulaani= spears bhaasvaraan= shining; kuuTamudgaraan= spiked maces; yashhTiishha= picks; tomaraan= lanes; praasaan= darts; chakraaNi= made iruular missiles; musalaani cha= lubs; udyamya udyamya= were made use of again and again; rakSobhiH= by the demons; nipaatitaaH= and struk down; vaanareSu= on the monkeys.
The demons wielding harpoons, maces, discus, daggers, sticks, great arrows spears, shining maces with spikes, picks lances, darts, massed weapons, clubs and circular missiles, made use of them again and again in order to strike down the monkeys."
atha suptasya raamasya prahastena pramaathinaa || 6-31-24
asaktam kR^itahastena shirashchhinnaM mahaasinaa |
24. atha= thereafter; prahastena= by Prahasta; pramaadhinaa= the impetuous; kR^itahastena= and the steady-handed demon; suptasya= the sleeping; raamasya= Rama's; shiraH= head; hhinnam= was severed; mahaasinaa= by his mighty sword; asaktam= without any resistance.
"The impetuous Prahasta, with his steady hand, severed the head of Rama sleeping there, with his mighty sword without a resistance from any one."
vibhiiSaNaH samutpatya nigR^ihiito yadR^ichchhayaa || 6-31-25
disham pravraajitaH sainyairlakshmaNaH plavagaiH saha |
25. yard^ichchhayaa= fortunately; vibhiiSaNaH= Vibhishana; samut[atua= was overleaped; nigR^ihiitaH= and hel aptive; lakshhmaNaH= Lakshmana; plavangaiH saha= along with monkeys; pravraajitaH= were made to run away; disham= in all diretions.
"Fortunately, Vibhishana was over leaped and held captive. Lakshmana along with the monkeys were made to run away in all directions."
sugriivo griivayaa siite bhagnayaa plavagaadhipaH || 6-31-26
nirastahanukaH shrete hanumaan raakshasaiHrhataH |
26. siite= O, Seetha!; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; plavagaadhipaH= the king of monkeys; bhagnayaa= with the broken; griivayaa= neck; hanuman= and Hanuman; nirastahanukaH= with his jaw removed; shete= were laid down; hataH= and killed; raakSasaiH= by the demons.
"O, Seetha! Sugreeva the king of monkeys with his neck broken and Hanuman with his jaw removed were laid down and killed by the demons."
jaambavaanatha jaanubhyaamutpatannihato yudhi || 6-31-27
paTTishairbahubhishchhanno vikR^ittaH saadapo yathaa |
27. atha= thereafter; jaambavaan= Jambavan; utpatan= who was rising up; jaanubhyaam= on his knees; nihataH= was killed; yudhi= in the combat; chhinnaH= (He was) cut off; bahubhiH with many; paTTishaiH= sharp-edged spears; paadapoyatha= like a tree.
"Thereafter Jambavan who was rising up on his knees was killed in the battle. His body was cut off with many sharp-edged spears, like a tree is cut off."
maindashcha dvividashchobhau tau vaanaravararSabhau || 6-31-28
niHshvasantau rudantau cha rudhireNa pariivR^itau |
asinaa vyaayatau chinnau madhye hyariniSuudanau || 6-31-29
28, 29. maindashcha= Mainda; dvividashcha= and Dvivida; ubhau= ariniSuudanau= those two great scourgers of their foes; vyaayatau= the long bodied; vaanararshhabhau= and the foremost of monkeys; rudantau= groaning; niHshvasantau= and breathless; pariivR^itau= their limbs bathed; rudhireNa= in blood; chhinrau= wee cut to pieces; madhye= at the waist-level; asinaa= by a sword.
"Mainda and Dvivida - those two great scourgers of their foes, the long bodied and the foremost of the monkeys, groaning and breathless, their limbs bathed in blood-were cut to pieces at the waist-level, by a sword."
anuSvanati medinyaam panasaH yathaa || 6-31-30
vaaraachairbahubhishchhannaH shrete daryaam dariimukhaH |
kumudastu mahaatejaa niSkuujan saayakairhataH || 6-31-31
30,31. panasaH= Panasa; anuSvanati= crying for help (was stretched); medinyaam= on the earth; panasoyathaa= under a tree by the same name; chhinnaH= Piered; bahubhiH= by a number of naraachaiH= steel arrows; dariimukhaH= Darimukha; shete= is lying; daryaami= in a pit; mahaa tejaaH= the exceedingly valiant; kumudastu= Kumuda on his part; nishhkuujan= shrieking; hataH= was killed; saayakaiH= by missiles.
"Panasa, crying for help was stretched on the earth under a tree of the same name. Pierced by lying in a pit. The exceedingly valiant kumuda on his part, shrieking, was killed by a hail of missiles."
aN^gado bahubhishchhnnaH sharairaasaadya raakshasaiH |
parito rudhirodgaarii kshitau nipatitaaN^gadaH || 6-31-32
32. aN^gada= Angada; nipataaN^gadaH= who was adorned with bracelets, lies fallen down; kshhitau= on the ground; rudhirodgaarii= emitting blood; saritaH= on all sides; chhinnaH= (as he was) pierced; raakshhasaiH= by the demons bahubhiH= with many; sharaiH= arrows; aasaadya= after approaching him.
"Angada, who was adorned with bracelets lies fallen down, emitting blood on all sides, as he was pierced by the demons with many arrows, after approaching him."
harayo mathitaa vaagairatha jaalaistathaapare |
shayaanaa mR^iditaastatra vaayuvegairivaambudaaH || 6-31-33
33. apare= other; harayaH= monkeys; shayanaaH= sleeping; tatra= there; mathitaa= were crushed; naagai= by elephants; tathaa= and; rathajaalaiH= multitude of chariots; ambudaaH iva= like clouds; m^iditaa= are crushed; vaayuvegaiH= by the velocity of wind.
"The monkeys sleeping there were crushed by elephants and multitude of chariots, like clouds are crushed to pieces by the velocity of wind."
prasR^itaashca pare trastaaH hanyamaanaa jaghanyataH |
anudrutaastu rakshoBhiH simhairiva mahaadvipaaH || 6-31-34
34. pare= the enemy; prasR^itaaH= fled; trastaaH= in terror; anudrutaaH; pursued; rakshhobhiH= by demons; hanyamaanaaH= while being struck; jaghanyataH= on the back; simhaiH iva= like lions; mahaadvipaaH= pursuing great elephants.
"The enemy fled in terror, pursued by demons, while being struck on the bak, like lions pursuing great elephants."
saagare patitaaH kechitkechidgaganamaashritaaH |
R^ikshaa vR^ikshaamapaaruuDhaa vaanarairvyatimishritaaH || 6-31-35
35. kechit= some; patitaaH= fell; saagare= in the ocean; kechit= some; aashritaaH= sought shelter; gaganam= in the sky; R^ikshhaaH= the bears; vyatinishritaaH= combined; vaanaraiH= with monkeys; upaaruuDhaaH= climbed; viR^ikshhaan= the trees.
"Some monkeys fell in the sea and some sought shelter in the sky. The bears with the monkeys climbed the trees."
saagarasya cha tiireSu shaileSu cha vaneSu cha |
piN^galaaste viruupaakshe raakshasairbahavo hataaH || 6-31-36
36. raakshhasaiH= by the demons; viruupaakshhaiH= with monstrous eyes; hataaH= were killed; te= those; bahavaH= multitude; piN^galaaH= of monkeys; tiireshhu= at the shores; saagarasya= of the sea; shaileshhuha= in the mountains vaneshhuha= and in the woods.
"By the demons with monstrous eyes, were killed a multitude of monkeys, at the shores of the sea, in the mountains an in the woods."
evam tava hato bhartaa sasainyo mama sevayaa |
kshatajaardraM rajodhvastamidaM chaapyaahR^itam shiraH || 6-31-37
37. evam= thus; tava= your; bharataa= husband; sa sainyaH= together with his army; hataH= was killed; mama senagaaH= by my army; idam= this; shiraH= head; asya kshhata jaardram= dvenced in his blood; rajodhvastam= and covered with dust; aahR^itam= is procured.
"Thus, your husband together with his army was killed by my troops. This head, drenched in his blood and besmeared with dust has been gathered up."
tataH paramadurdharSo raavaNo raakshaseshvaraH |
siitaayaamupashR^iNvatyaaM raakshasiimida mabraviit || 6-31-38
38. tataH= thereafter; raavaNaH= Ravana; paramadurdharshhaH= very much difficult to be attacked; raakshhashvaraH= and the lord of demns; siitaayaam upashR^iNya= while Seetha was overhearing; abraviit= spoke; idam= these words; raakshhasiim= to an ogress.
Thereafter, Ravana the Lord of demons who was very much difficult to be attacked, spoke the following words to an ogress, while Seetha was overhearing them.
raakshasam kruurakarmaaNam vidyujjihvam samaanaya |
yena tadraghanashiraH saN^gramaatsvayamaahR^itam || 6-31-39
39. samaanaya= bring; vidyujjihvam= Vidyujjihva; raakshhasam= the demons; kruurakarmaaNam= of the cruel deed; yena= by whom; tat= that; raaghava shiraH= Raghava's head; aahR^itam= was brought; svayam= by himself; saN^graamaat= from the battle-field.
"Bring Vidyujjihva, the demon of the cruel deed, by whom himself Raghava's head was brought back from the battle-field."
vidyujjihva stadaa gR^ihya shirastatsasharaasanam |
praNaamam shirasaa kR^itvaa raavaNasyaagrataH sthitaH || 6-31-40
40. tadaa= then; gR^iya; holding; tat shiraH= that head; sa sharaasanam= along with a bow; vidyujjihvaH= Vidyujjihva; kR^itva= making a respectful salute; shirasaa= with his head bent low; sthitaH= stood; agrataH= in front; raavaNasya= of Ravana.
Holding that head along with a bow, Vidyujjihva making a respectful salute with his head bent low, stood in front of Ravana.
tamabraviittato raajaa raavaNo raakshasam sthitam |
vidyujjihvam mahaajihvam samiipaparivartinam || 6-31-41
41. tataH= thereafter; raajaa= the king; raavaNaH= Ravana; abraviit= spoke; tam vidyujjihvam= to that Vidyujjihva; raakshhasam= the demon; mahaajihvam= who had a huge tongue; sthitam= and who was standing; samiipa parivartinam= and moving closely.
Thereafter, the king Ravana spoke the following words to Vidyujjihva, the demon who had a large tongue and who was standing and moving closely.
agrataH kuru siitaayaaH shriighraM daasharatheH shiraH |
avasthaaM pashichamaaM bhartuH kR^ipaNaa saadhu pashyatu || 6-31-42
42. kuru= keep; daasharatheH= Rama's; shiraH= head; shiighram= immediately; agrataH= in front; siitaayaaH= of Seetha; kR^ipaNaa= (let) the miserable Seetha; pashyatu= see; saadhu= well; pashchimaam= the find; avasthaam= condition; bhartaH= of her husband.
"Keep Rama's head immediately in front of Seetha. Let the miserable Seetha see well the final condition of her husband.
evamuktaM tu tadrakshaH shirastatpriyadarshanam |
upanikshipya siitaayaaH kshipramantaradhiiyata || 6-31-43
43. tat rakshhaH= that demon; evam= thus; uktam= spoken; upamikshhipya= desposited in the vicinity; siitaayaaH= of Seetha; tat= that; shiraH= head; priyadarshanam= whih was pleasant to look at; kshhipram= and soon; antaradhiiyata= disappeared from the site.
Hearing Ravana's words, that demon deposited the cherished head in the vicinity of Seetha and soon disappeared from the site.
raavaNashcaapi chikshepa bhaasvaram kaarmukam mahat |
triSu lokeSu vikhyaatam raamasyaitaditi bruvan || 6-31-44
44. etat= this is; raamasya= Rama's; vikhyaatam= (bow) famous; tishhu lokeshhu= in the three worlds; raavaNashhaai= Ravana; bruvan= speaking; iti= thus; hikshhepa= threw ( in front of Seetha); bhaasvaram= the shining; mahat= great; kaarmukam= bow.
"Here is Rama's bow famous in the three worlds!" - saying thus, Ravana threw a great shining bow in front of Seetha.
idam tattava raamasya kaarmukaM jyaasamaavR6itam |
iha prahastevaaniitam tam hatvaa nishi maanuSam || 6-31-45
45. idam= this is; tat= that; kaarmukam= bow; jyaa samaavR^itam= with its cord stretched; tava raamasya= belonging to Rama; aaniitam= that was brought back; prahastena= by Prahasta; iha= here; hatvaa= after killing; tam= that; maanushham= man; nishi= in the night.
"This is the bow with its cord stretched, belonging to Rama, that was brought back by Prahasta here, after killing that hero in the night."
sa vidyujihvena sahaiva tachchhiro |
dhamashcha bhuumau vinikiirya raavaNaH |
videharaajasya sutaam yashasviniiM |
tato.abraviittaam bhava me vashaamugaa || 6-31-46
46. saH aavaNaH= that Ravana; vidyujihvena sahaiva= along with Vidyujjihva; vinikiirya= threw; tat= that; shiraH= head; dhanushha= and the bow; bhuumau= on the ground; taam= towards Seetha; yashasviniim= the illustrious; sutaam= daughter; videharaajasya= of Janaka; abraviit= and said; bhava= you become; rashaamgaa= but missive; me= to me.
That Rama's head and bow on the ground in front of Seetha the illustrious daughter of Janaka, saying: "You now become submissive to my desire."

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe ekatriMshaH sargaH
Thus completes 31st Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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