Chapter [Sarga] 69  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 69


As Ravana is lamenting over the death of Kumbhakarna, Trishira (one of Ravana’s sons) consoles him and says that he will go to the battle-field and kill Rama. Hearing the words of Trishira, Ravana’s other sons (Devantaka, Narantaka and Atikaya) also come forward to join the fight. Then Ravana sends all them to the battle. He also sends Mahodara and Mahaparshva, his brothers to guard his sons. Mighty demons accompany them. The demons release arrows towards the monkeys, who see the demons coming in elephants, horses and chariots. The monkeys take huge rocks and trees to fight with the demons. Seeing several demons being killed in battle, Narantaka enters the field with his javelin and kills several monkeys. Meanwhile, those monkeys who were thrown down unconscious by Kumbhakarna earlier regain their consciousness and approach Sugreeva for help. Then, Sugreeva sends Angada for the fight. Narantaka hurls his javelin towards Angada’s chest, but the javelin breaks and falls down. Angada strikes Narantaka’s horse with his hand and the horse falls down dead. Then, Angada and Narantaka exchange the blows of their fists on each other in battle and finally, Narantaka dies.

evam vilapamaanasya raavaNasya duraatmanaH |
shrutvaa shoka abhitaptasya trishiraa vaakyam abraviit || 6-69-1
1.shrutvaa= hearing; vaakyam= the words; raavaNasya duraatmanaH= of the evil-minded Ravana; vilapamaanasya= who was lamenting; shoka abhibhuutasya= overcome as he was with grief; evam= in this way; trishiraaH= Trishira (one of his sons); abraviit= spoke; vaakyam= (the following) words.
Hearing the words of the evil-minded Ravana, who was thus lamenting, as he was overcome with grief, Trishira (one of his sons) spoke as follows:
evam eva mahaa viiryo hato nas taata madhyamaH |
na tu sat puruSaa raajan vilapanti yathaa bhavaan || 6-69-2
2. evam eva= truly in such a manner; mahaaviiryaH= the highly valiant Kumbhakarna; naH taatamadhyamaH= the middle of our father and uncles; hataH= has been killed; raajan= O king!; tu= But; satpuruSaaH= a good persons; bhavaan yathaa= like you; na vilapanti= do not lament.
“Truly in such a manner, the highly valiant Kumbhakarna, (the middle of our father and uncles) has been killed. But good persons like you do not lament as you are doing, O king!”
nuunam tribhuvanasya api paryaaptas tvam asi prabho|
sa kasmaat praakR^ita;iva shokasya aatmaanam iidR^isham || 6-69-3
3. prabho= O Lord!; tvam= you; paryaaptaH asi= are capable (of conquering); tribhuvanasya api= even the three words; kasmaat= why; iidR^isham saH= are you as such; shochasi= lamenting; aatmaanam= about yourself; praakR^itaH iva= as a common person?
“O Lord! You are capable of conquering even the three worlds. Why are you, as such, lamenting about yourself, as a common person?”
brahma dattaa asti te shaktiH kavacaH saayako dhanuH|
sahasra khara samyukto ratho megha sama svanaH || 6-69-4
4. te= to you; asti= is; shaktiH= javelin; brahmadatta= given by Brahma; kavacham= an armour; saayakaH= arrow; dhanuH= the bow; rathaH= a chariot; sahsra khara samyuktaH= yoked to a thousand donkeys; meghasamasvanaH= with a sound resembling the rumbling of a cloud.
“You do continue to have a javelin given by Brahma, an armour, a bow and an arrow together with a chariot yoked to a thousand donkeys, emitting a sound resembling the rumbling of a cloud.”
tvayaa asakR^id vishasteNa vishastaa deva daanavaaH|
sa sarva aayudha sampanno raaghavam shaastum arhasi || 6-69-5
5. asakR^it= several times; devadaanavaaH= the celestials and giants; vishastaaH hi= were indeed destroyed; tvayaa= by you; shastreNa= with your weapons; saH= you as such; sarvaayudha sampannaH= endowed with all weapons; arhasi= are worthy; shaastum= to kill; raaghavam= Rama.
“The celestials and giants were indeed destroyed several times by you with your various types of weapons. As such, you can punish Rama, when endowed with all weapons.”
kaamam tiSTha mahaa raaja nirgamiSyaami aham raNam|
uddhariSyaami te shatruun garuDaH pannagaan iha || 6-69-6
6. mahaaraaja= O monarch!; tiSTha kaamam= you stay on; aham= I; nirgamiSyaami= shall set out; uddhariSyaami= and eradicate; te shatruun= your enemies; raNe= in battle; garuDah iva= as Garuda the eagle; pannagaaniva= eradicates the serpents.
“You stay on, O monarch! I will set out and eradicate your enemies in battle, as Garuda the eagle eradicates the serpents.”
shambaro deva raajena narako viSNunaa yathaa|
tathaa adya shayitaa raamo mayaa yudhi nipaatitaH|
7. nipaatitaH= beaten down; mayaa= by me; yathaa tathaa= as; shambaraH= Shambara; devarajaajena= by Indra; narakaH= and as Naraka; viSNu naa= by Vishnu; yudhi; in battle; adya= today; raamaH= Rama; shayitaa= will be lain down; mayaa= by me.
“Beaten down by me, as Shambara by Indra and Naraka* by Vishnu, I will lay down Rama today in battle.”
* This Naraka was not naraka, the son of Mother Earth, who died at the hands of Lord Krishna. He was procreated through Simhika and Viprachitti. His six brothers were Vatapi, Namuchi, Ilwala, Shrimara, Andhaka and Kalanabha.
shrutvaa trishiraso vaakyam raavaNo raakSasa adhipaH|
punar jaatam iva aatmaanam manyate kaala coditaH || 6-69-8
8. shrutvaa= hearing; vaakyam= the words; trishirasaH= of Trishira; raavaNaH= Ravana; raakSasaadhipaH= the king of demons; manyate= considered; aatmaanam= himself; jaatam iva= as though born; punaH= anew; kaalachoditaH= as summoned by Death.
Hearing the words of Trishira, Ravana the king of demons considered himself as though born anew, after being summoned by Death.
shrutvaa trishiraso vaakyam deva antaka nara antakau|
atikaayasH ca tejasvii babhuuvur yuddha harSitaaH || 6-69-9
9. shrutvaa= heaving; naakyam= the words; trisharasaH= of Trisharas; devaantaka naraantakau= Devantaka and Narantaka; tejasvii atikaayashcha= and the energetic Atikaya; yuddhaharSitaaH= were rejoiced of war.
Hearing the words of Trishira, Devantaka, Narantaka and the energetic Atikaya were rejoiced of war.
tato aham aham iti evam garjanto nairR^ita R^iSabhaaH |
raavaNasya sutaa viiraaH shakra tulya paraakramaaH || 6-69-10
10. tataH= then; raavaNaaH sutaaH= Ravana’s sons; viiraaH= the brave ones; shakratulya paraakramaaH= whose prowess; was equal to Indra; nairR^iturSabhaaH= and the foremost of demons; garjantaH= roared; aham aham ityeva= asserting their superiority saying “I will lead, I will lead.”
Then, the brave Ravana’s sons, whose prowess was equal to Indra and the foremost of demons, roared asserting their superiority saying “I will lead, I will lead!”
antarikSa caraaH sarve sarve maayaa vishaaradaaH |1
sarve tridasha darpaghnaaH sarve ca raNa durmadaaH || 6-69-11
11. sarve= all; antarikSagataaH= were capable of passing through the sky; sarve= all; maayaa vishaaraaaaH= were skilled in magic; sarve= all; tridashadarpaghnaaH= had humbled the pride of gods; sarve= all; samaradurmadaaH= were fierce in battle.
All of them wee capable of passing through the sky. All were skilled in magic. All had humbled the pride of gods. All were fierce in battle.
sarve astra bala sampannaaH sarve vistiirNa kiirtayaH|
sarve samaram aasaadya na shruuyante sma nirjitaaH || 6-69-12
devairapi sagandharvaiH sakimnaramahoragaiH |
12. sarve= all; subala sampannaaH= were endowed with great strength; sarve= all; vistiirNa kiirtayaH= were widely renowned; sarve= all; na shrunyante sma= were such that they were never been heared of; nirjitaaH= having been conquered; daiverapi= by even celestials; sagandharvaiH= or by Gandharvas; sakimnara mahoragraiH= or by Kinnaras or large serpents; aasaadya samaram= while encountering a combat.
All were endowed with great strength. All were widely renowned. All were such as had never been heard of having been conquered by celestials or Gandharvas or Kinnaras or large serpents while encountering a battle.
sarve astra viduSo viiraaH sarve yuddha vishaaradaaH || 6-69-13
sarve pravara jijnaanaaH sarve labdha varaas tathaa |
13. sarve= all; viiraaH= were valiant ones; astraviduSaH= well-versed in weaponry; sarve= all; yuddhavishaaradaaH= were skilled in war-fare; sarve= all; pravaraviJNaanaaH= were greatly knowledgeable; tathaa= and; sarve= all; labdhavaraaH= had obtained boons.
All the demons were valiant ones, well-versed in weaponry. All were skilled in war-fare. All were greatly knowledgeable and all had obtained boons.
sa tais tathaa bhaaskara tulya varcasaiH
sutair vR^itaH shatru bala pramardanaiH |
raraaja raajaa maghavaan yathaa amarair |
vR^ito mahaa daanava darpa naashanaiH vR^ito || 6-69-14
14. raajaa= that Ravana the king; tathaavR^itaH taiH sutaiH= surrounded by his sons; bhaaskaratuladarshanaiH= who tormented the strength and fortune of the enemies; raraaja= shone; maghava yathaa= like Indra; vR^itaH= surrounded; amaraiH= by celestials; mahaadaanava darpanaashanaiH= who can destroy the pride of gigantic demons.
That Ravana the king, surrounded by his sons, who were radiant as the sun and who tormented the strength and fortune of the enemies, shone like Indra surrounded by celestials who can destroy the pride of gigantic demons.
sa putraan sampariSvajya bhuuSayitvaa ca bhuuSaNaiH |
aashiirbhisH ca prashastaabhiH preSayaam aasa samyuge || 6-69-15
15. sampariSvajya= embracing; putraan= his sons; bhuuSayitvaacha= embellishing them; bhuuSaNaiH= with ornaments; prashastaabhiH aashiirbhiH= and blessing them profusely; saH= Ravana; preSayaamaasa= sent them; raNe= to battle.
Embracing his sons, embellishing them with ornaments and blessing them profusely, Ravana sent them to battle.
yuddhonmattam cha mattaM cha bhraatarau ca api raavaNaH |
rakSaNa artham kumaaraaNaam preSayaam aasa samyuge || 6-69-16
16. rakSaNaartham= for the defence; kumaaraaNaam= of his sons; raavaNaH= Ravana; preSayaamaasa= sent; yuddhonmattama=YuddhonmattaH; mattam cha api= and even Matta; bhraatarau= his brothers; samyuge= to battle.
For the defense of his sons, Ravana sent Yuddhonmatta and Matta (better known as Mahodara and Mahaparshva), his brothers to the battle.
te abhivaadya mahaatmaanam raavaNam ripu raavaNam |
kR^itvaa pradakSiNam caiva mahaa kaayaaH pratasthire || 6-69-17
17. te mahaakaayaaH= those demons having colossal bodies; abhivaadya= paid obeisance; kR^itvaachaiva pradakSiNam= by circumambulating; raavaNam= Ravana; loka raavaNam= who caused the people to cry in terror; pratasthire= and departed.
Those demons with colossal bodies, paid obeisance (by circumambulating) to Ravana (who caused the people to cry in terror) and departed.
sarva oSadhiibhir gandhaisH ca samaalabhya mahaa balaaH |
nirjagmur nairR^ita shreSThaaH SaD ete yuddha kaankSiNaH || 6-69-18
18. samaalabhya= anointing their bodies; sarvauSadhiibhiH= with all types of herbs; gandhaiH cha= and perfumes; ete= these; SaT= six; mahaabalaaH= mighty; nairR^itashreSThaaH= and excellent demons; nirjagmuH= went away; yuddha kaanikSiNaH= eager to fight.
Anointing their bodies with all types of herbs and perfumes, those six mighty and excellent demons went away, eager to fight.
trishiraashcaatikaayashcha devaantakanaraantakau |
mahodaramahaapaarshvau nirjagmuH kaalachoditaaH || 6-69-19
19. trishiraashcha= Trishira; atikaayashcha= Atikaya; devaantaka naraantakau= Devantaka, Narantaka; Mahodara mahaapaarshvau= Mahodara and Mahaparshva; kaala choditaaH= under the clout of destiny; nirjagmuH= set out.
Trishira, Atikaya, Devantaka, Narantaka, Mahodara and Mahaparshva, under the clout of destiny; set out for the battle.
tataH sudarshanam naama niila jiimuuta samnibham |
airaavata kule jaatam aaruroha mahaa udaraH || 6-69-20
20. tataH= thereupon; mahodaraH= Mahodara; aaruroha= mounted; naagam= an elephant; sudarshanam= called Sudarshana; airaavatakule jaatam= born in Airavata-race; niila jiimuuta samnibham= like unto a dark cloud.
Thereupon, Mahodara mounted an elephant called Sudarshana, like unto a dark-cloud and born in Airavata-race.
sarva aayudha samaayuktam tuuNiibhisH ca svalamkR^itam |
raraaja gajam aasthaaya savitaa iva asta muurdhani || 6-69-21
21. alamkR^itaH= (That Mahodara) adorned; tuuniibhishchaapi= with quivers; sarvaayudha samaayuktaH= endowed with all types of armoury; aasthaaya= mounting; gajam= the elephants; raraaja= radiated; saviteva= like the sun; astamuurdhani= on the peak of Asthachala mountain.
That Mahodara, adorned with quivers, endowed with all types of armoury and mounting the elephant, shone like the sun on the peak of Ashtachala mountain.
haya uttama samaayuktam sarva aayudha samaakulam |
aaruroha ratha shreSTham trishiraa raavaNa aatmajaH|| 6-69-22
22. trishiraaH= Trishira; raavaNaatmajaH= the son of Ravana; aaruroha= ascended; rathashreSTham= an exquisite chariot; hayottama samaayuktam= yoked to excellent horses; sarvaayudha samaakulam= and filled with all types of armoury.
Trishira, the son of Ravana, ascended an exquisite chariot, yoked to excellent horses and filled with all types of armoury.
trishiraa ratham aasthaaya viraraaja dhanur dharaH |
savidyud ulkaH sajvaalaH sa indra caapiva ambudaH || 6-69-23
23. trishiraH= Trishira; dhanurdharaH= wielding a bow; aasthaaya= and mounting; ratham= the chariot; viraraaja= shone; ambudaH iva= like a cloud; savidyudulkaH= with glittering met ears; sajvaalaH= illuminations; sendra chaapaH= and a rain-bow.
Trishira, wielding a bow and mounting the chariot, shone like a cloud with glittering meteors, illuminations and a rain-bow.
tribhiH kiriiTais trishiraaH shushubhe sa ratha uttame |
himavaan iva shaila indras tribhiH kaancana parvataiH || 6-69-24
24. saH= that; trishiraaH= Trishira; tribhiH kiriiTaiH= with three diadems; rathottame= in that exquisite chariot; shushubhe= stood out; himavaaniva= like Mount Himavat; shailendraH= the king of mountains; tribhiH= with three; kaaN^chana parvataiH= golden hills.
That Trishira with three diadems in that exquisite chariot, stood out like Mount Himavat, the king of mountains with its three golden hills.
atikaayo api tejasvii raakSasa indra sutas tadaa |
aaruroha ratha shreSTham shreSThaH sarva dhanuSmataam || 6-69-25
25. tadaa= then; atikaayaH= Atikaya; atitejasvii= having very fiery energy; raakSasendra sutaH= the son of Ravana; shreSThaH= and the foremost; sarvadhanuSmataam= among the wielders of bow; aaruroha= mounted; ratha shreSTham= an excellent chariot.
Then, Atikaya, having very fiery energy, the son of Ravana and the foremost among the wielders of bow, mounted an excellent chariot.
sucakra akSam susamyuktam saanukarSam sakuubaram |
tuuNii baaNa aasanair diiptam praasa asi parigha aakulam || 6-69-26
26. (Atikaya mounted the chariot); suchakraakSam= having first-rate wheels and axles; susamyuktam= well-yoked; svanukarSam= with good carriage-bottom; sukuubaram= with good wooden pole; tuuNiibaaNaasanaih= with quivers and bows; diiptam= flashingly; praasaasiparighaakulam= full of missiles, swords and maces.
Atikaya mounted that chariot, having first-rate wheels and axles, well-yoked, having a good carriage and pole, filled with quivers and bows and flashingly full of missiles, swords and maces.
sa kaancana vicitreNa kiriiTena viraajataa |
bhuuSaNaisH ca babhau meruH prabhaabhir iva bhaasvaraH || 6-69-27
27. saH= he; babhau= was radiant; kirriTena= with his diadem; viraajataa= shining; kaaNchana vichitreNa= in brilliant gold; bhuuSaNaishcha= and with ornaments; meruH iva= like Mount Meru; bhaasayan= causing to shine; prabhaabhiH= with its splendours.
He was radiant with his diadem, shining in brilliant gold and other ornaments, like Mount Meru, causing to shine with its splendours (by the sun).
sa raraaja rathe tasmin raaja suunur mahaa balaH |
vR^ito nairR^ita shaarduulair vajra paaNir iva amaraiH || 6-69-28
28. tasmin rathe= in that chariot; saH mhaabalaH= that mighty; raajasunuH= prince; vR^itaH= surrounded; nairR^ita shaarduulaiH= by excellent of demons; raraaja= shone; vajrapaaNiH iva= like Indra; amaraiH= surrounded by celestials.
In that chariot, Atikaya that mighty prince, surrounded by the foremost of demons, shone like Indra surrounded by celestials.
hayam uccaiH shravaH prakhyam shvetam kanaka bhuuSaNam |
mano javam mahaa kaayam aaruroha nara antakaH || 6-69-29
29. naraantakaH= Narantaka; aaruroha= mounted; hayam= a horse; uchchaishravaH prakhyam= similar to Uchchairshrava; shvetam= white in colour; kanakabhuuSaNam= adorned with gold ornaments; manojavam= with swift as thought; mahaakaayam= and having a gigantic body.
Narantaka mounted a white gigantic horse, similar to Uchchaishrava (the mount of Indra), adorned with gold ornaments and as swift as thought.
gR^ihiitvaa praasam ukla aabham viraraaja nara antakaH |
shaktim aadaaya tejasvii guhaH shatruSv iva aahave || 6-69-30
30. naraantakaH= Narantaka; gR^ihitvaa= holding; praasam= a javelin; ulkaabham= resplendent like a meteor; viraraaja= appeared shining; guhaH yathaa= like Guha (the offspring of shiva); aadaaya= holding; shaktim= a spear; tejasvii shikhigataH= and riding a beautiful peacock.
Narantaka, holding a javelin, which was resplendent like a meteor, appeared shining, like Guha (the offspring of Shiva) holding a spear and riding a beautiful peacock.
deva antakaH samaadaaya parigham vajra bhuuSaNam |
parigR^ihya girim dorbhyaam vapur viSNor viDambayan || 6-69-31
31. devaantakaH= Devantaka; samaadaaya= holding; parigham hema bhuuShitam= a glided iron-bar; vDambayan= (marched) resembling; viSNoH vapuH= an incarnation of Vishnu; parigR^ihya= holding; girim= Mount Mandara; dorbhyaam= in his arms.
Devantaka, holding a glided iron-bar, marched ahead, resembling an incarnation of Vishnu holding Mandara-mountain in his arms.
mahaa paarshvo mahaa tejaa gadaam aadaaya viiryavaan |
viraraaja gadaa paaNiH kubera;iva samyuge || 6-69-32
32. mahaapaarshvaH= Mahaparshva; mahaatejaaH= with a great splendour; viiryavaan= possessing vigour; gadaapaaNiH= wielding a mace in his arm; samyuge= in battle; viraraaja= shone; kuberaH iva= like Kubera the lord of wealth.
Mahaparshva, possessing a great splendour and vigour and wielding a mace in his arm in battle, looked like Kubera the lord of wealth.
te pratasthur mahaatmaano balair apratimair vR^itaaH |
taan gajaisH ca turamgaisH ca rathaisH ca ambuda nisvanaiH || 6-69-33
anujagmur mahaatmaano raakSasaaH pravara aayudhaaH |
33. te mahaatmaanaH= those distinguished demons; pratasthuH= set out (from Lanka); suraaH iva= like the gods; amaraavatyaaH= leaving Amaravati; mahaatmaanaH= mighty; raakSasaaH= demons; pravaraayudhaH= holding excellent weaponry; anuutpetuH= accompanied; taan= them; gajaishcha= on elephants; turaNgaishcha= horses; rathaishcha= and chariots; ambudaniH svanaiH= making rumbling sounds of clouds.
Those distinguished demons set out from. Lanka, like the gods leaving Amaravati. Mighty demons, holding excellent weaponry, accompanied them, mounting on elephants, horses and chariots making sounds of rumbling clouds.
te virejur mahaatmaano kumaaraaH suurya varcasaH || 6-69-34
kiriiTinaH shriyaa juSTaa grahaa diiptaa;iva ambare |
34. te mahaatmaanaH kumaaraaH= those mighty princes; suurya varchasaH= with brilliance of the sun; kiriiTinaH= wearing diadems; juSTaaH= possessed of; shriyaa= prosperity; virejuH= shone; diiptaaH grahaaH iva= like glowing planets; ambare= in the sky.
Those mighty princes, having sun’s brilliance, wearing diadems and possessed of prosperity, shone like glowing planets in the sky.
pragR^ihiitaa babhau teSaam chatraaNaam aavaliH sitaa || 6-69-35
shaarada abhra pratiikaashaam hamsa aavalir iva ambare |
35. aavaliH= the row; teSaam shiraa vastraaNaam= of their auspicious attire; pragR^ihiitaa= worn; babhau= shone; sharadabhra pratiikaashaaH= like an autumn cloud; hamsaavaliH iva= or like a flock of cranes; ambare= in the sky.
The row of auspicious attire worn by them, shone like an autumnal cloud or like a flock of cranes in the sky.
maraNam vaa api nishcitya shatruuNaam vaa paraajayam || 6-69-36
iti kR^itvaa matim viiraa nirjagmuH samyuga arthinaH |
36. nishchitya= Determined; maraNamvaapi= either to die even; paraajayamvaapi= or to vanquish; shatruuNaam= their enemies; viiraaH= those valiant demons; nirjagmuH= went forward; iti= thus; matim kR^itvaa= making their courageous resolve; samyugaarthinaH= eager to fight.
Determined either to die or to vanquish their enemies, those valiant demons went forward, thus making their courageous resolve, eager to fight.
jagarjusH ca praNedusH ca cikSipusH ca api saayakaan || 6-69-37
jahR^iSusH ca mahaatmaano niryaanto yuddha durmadaaH |
37. mahaatmanaH= those mighty demons; niryaataaH= set out; yuddhadurmadaaH= with a mad conception of war; jagarjushcha= roared; praNedushcha= and made a reverberating sound; jagR^ihuH cha= took up; saayakaan= arrows; chikSipushcha= and dispatched them.
Those mighty demons set out with a mad conception of war, roared and made a reverberatory sound, took up arrows and dispatched them.
kSveDita aasphoTa ninadaiH samcacaala iva medinii || 6-69-38
rakSasaam simha naadaisH ca pusphoTa iva tadaa ambaram |
38. medinii= the earth; samchachaaleva= appeared trembled; kSveDitaasphoTitaanaam= by their battle-cries and clapping of arms; ambaram= the sky; samsphoTitam iva= appeared breached; simhanaadaiH= by the lion’s roars; rakSasaam= of the demons.
The earth trembled as it were, by their battle-cries and clapping of arms. The sky appeared breached, by the lion’s roars of the demons.
te abhiniSkramya muditaa raakSasa indraa mahaa balaaH || 6-69-39
dadR^ishur vaanara aniikam samudyata shilaa nagam |
39. te= those; mahaabalaaH= mighty; raakSasendraH= leaders of demons; abhiniSkramya= having set out; muditaa= were delighted and; dadR^ishuH= saw vaanaraaniikam= the army of monkeys; samudyata shilaayudham= having uplifted rocks as their weapons.
Those mighty leaders of demons, having set out, were delighted to see the army of monkeys having uplifted rocks as their weapons.
harayo api mahaatmaano dadR^ishur nairR^itam balam || 6-69-40
hasti ashva ratha sambaadham kinkiNii shata naaditam |
niila jiimuuta samkaasham samudyata mahaa aayudham || 6-69-41
diipta anala ravi prakhyair nairR^itaiH sarvato vR^itam |
40, 41. mahaatmaanaH= the mighty; haroyo.api= monkeys too; dadR^ishuH= saw; balam= the army; raakSasam= of demons; niilajiimuuta samkaasham= which appeared like a black cloud; sarvataH diiptaanala raviprakhyaiH= blazing like fire and the sun on all sides; hastyashvaratha sambaadham= abounding with elephants, horses and chariots; kiN^kiNiishata naaditam= made to resound with hundreds of small bells; samudyata mahaayudham= with well-raised great weapons.
The mighty monkeys too saw that army of demons, which appeared like a black cloud but blazing like fire and sun on all sides, abounding with elephants, horses and chariots, made to resound with hundreds of small bells and wielding well-raised great weaponry.
tad dR^iSTvaa balam aayaantam labdha lakSyaaH plavam gamaaH || 6-69-42
samudyata mahaa shailaaH sampraNedur muhur muhuH |
amR^iShyamaaNaa rakShaamsi pratinardanta vaanraaH || 6-69-43
42. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; tat= that; balam= army; aayaatam= which arrived; labdha lakSyaa= and as they got the target; plavaN^gamaaH= the mokeys; samudyatamahashai laaH= having the uplifted great mountains; sampraNeduH= roared; muhurmuhuH= again and again; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; amR^iShya maaNaaH= not tolerating; rakSaamsi= the demons; pratinardanta= shouted, standing opposite to them.
Seeing that army which arrived and as they got the target for their fight, the monkeys, having the great mountains uplifted, roared again and again. The monkeys, not tolerating the demons, thus shouted, standing opposite to them.
tataH samudghuSTa ravam nishamya |
rakSo gaNaa vaanara yuuthapaanaam |
amR^iSyamaaNaaH para harSam ugram |
mahaa balaa bhiimataram vineduH || 6-69-44
44. nishmya= hearing; samutkR^iShTaravam= the enhanced noise; vaanarayuuthapaanaam= of the leaders of the army of monkeys; rakSogaNaaH= the troops of demons; ugramahaabalaaH= terrible in might; tataH= then; amR^iSyamaaNaaH= not tolerating; paraharSam= the rejoice of the enemies; vineduH= made a noise; bhiimataram= more terribly.
Hearing the enhanced noise of the leaders of the army of monkeys, the troops of demons who were terrible in might, not tolerating the rejoice of the enemies, then made a noise more terribly.
te raakSasa balam ghoram pravishya hari yuuthapaaH |
vicerur udyataiH shailair nagaaH shikhariNo yathaa || 6-69-45
45. pravishya= entering; ghoram= the terrific; raakSasabalam= army of demons; te hariyuuthapaaH= those leaders of monkeys; udyataiH shailaiH= with the mountains raised; vicheruH= roamed about; nagah yathaa= like mountains; shikhariNaH= with their peaks.
Entering that terrific army of demons, those monkey-leaders, with their raised mountains, roamed about like mountains with their peaks.
kecid aakaasham aavishya kecid urvyaam plavam gamaaH |
rakSaH sainyeSu samkruddhaasH cerur druma shilaa aayudhaaH || 6-69-46
46. kechit= some; plavangamaaH= monkeys; aavishya= entering; aakaasham= sky; kechit samkR^iddhaaH= and some others enraged; urvyaam= staying on earth; druma shilaayudhaaH= and taking trees and rocks as their weapons; cheruH= wandered; rakSaH sainyeSu= among the army of demons.
Some monkeys entering the sky and some others enraged, staying on earth with trees and rocks as their weapons, wandered among the army of demons.
drumaamscha vipulaskandhaan gR^ihya vaanarapumgavaaH |
tadyuddhamabhavadghoraM rakShovaanarasamkulam || 6-69-47
47. vaanarapungavaaH= the foremost among the monkeys; gR^ihya= holding; drumaancha= trees; vipulaskandhaan= having extensive branches (roamed about the battle-field); tat= that; yuddham= battle; rakSovaanarasamkulam= filled with demons and monkeys; abhavat= was; ghoram= terrific.
The foremost among the monkeys, holding trees, having extensive branches, roamed about in the battle-field. That battle-front, filled with demons and monkeys, looked terrific.
te paadapa shilaa shailaisH cakrur vR^iSTim anuttamaam |
baaNa oghair vaaryamaaNaasH ca harayo bhiima vikramaaH || 6-69-48
48. te harayaH= those monkeys; bhiima vikramaaH= of terrific prowess; vaaryamaaNaaH= though impeded; baaNaughaiH= by a flood of arrows; chakruH= initiated; anuupamaam vR^iSTim= a matchless rain; paadapashilaashailaiH= of trees, rocks and mountains.
Those monkeys, of terrific prowess, though impeded by a flood of arrows, initiated a matchless rain of trees, rocks and mountains.
simha naadaan vinedusH ca raNe raakSasa vaanaraaH |
shilaabhisH cuurNayaam aasur yaatu dhaanaan plavam gamaaH || 6-69-49
49. raNe= in the battle; raakSasa vaanaraaH= the demons and the monkeys; vieduH= made a noise; simha naadaan= of lion’s roars; plavangamaaH= the monkeys; chuurNayaamaasuH= pounded; yaatudhaanaan= the demons; shilaabhiH= with rocks.
In the battle, the demons and the monkeys made a noise of lion’s roars. The monkeys pounded the demons with rocks.
nijaghnuH samyuge kruddhaaH kavaca aabharaNa aavR^itaan |
kecid ratha gataan viiraan gaja vaaji gataan api || 6-69-50
50. kruddhaaH= the enraged mokeys; nijaghnuH= killed; kavachaabharaNa vR^itaan= demons wearing armours and ornaments; kechit= some; (killed); viiraan rathagataan= valiant demons, sitting; or standing in chariots; (as also); gaja vaajigataanapi= and those mounted on elephants and horses.
The enraged monkeys killed demons wearing armours and ornaments. Some killed valiant demons, sitting or standing in chariots and also those demons mounted on elephants and horses.
nijaghnuH sahasaa aaplutya yaatu dhaanaan plavam gamaaH |
shaila shR^inga nipaataisH ca muSTibhir vaanta locanaaH || 6-69-51
celuH petusH ca nedusH ca tatra raakSasa pumgavaaH |
51. viiraan= Valiant; plavangamaaH= monkeys; nirjaghmuH= struck; yaatudhaanaan= demons; sahasaa= vehemently; te= those; raakSasapungavaaH= foremost of demons; tatra= there; cheluH= trembled; shaila shR^iNgaanvitaaNgaaH= as their bodies were attacked by mountain-peaks; muSTibhiH= and blows of fists; vaantalochanaaH= and having their eyes ejected out; petushcha= fell down; nedushcha= and rared.
Valiant monkeys struck the demons vehemently. Those foremost of demons trembled, as their bodies were attacked by mountain-peaks and blows of fists, down and roared.
raakShasaashcha sharaistiikShNairbabhiduH kapikuJNjaraan |
shuulaamudgarakhaDgaishcha jaghnuH praasaishcha shaktibhiH || 6-69-52
52. raakSasaashcha= those demons also; bibhiduH= pierced; kapikuN^jaraan= the foremost of monkeys; tiikSNaiH sharaiH= with sharp arrows; jaghnuH= they struck; shuula mudgarakhaDgaishcha= with spears; mallets, swords; shaktibhiH praasaishcha= javelins and lances.
Those demons also pierced the foremost of monkeys with sharp arrows, striking them with spears mallets, swords, javelins and lances.
anyonyam paatayaamaasuH parasparajayaiShiNa || 6-69-53
ripushoNitadigdhaaN^gaastra vaanararaakShasaaH |
53. vaanara raakSasaaH= the monkeys and demons; tatra= there; ripushoNita digdhaaNgaaH= having their limbs smeared with the blood of their foes; paatayaamasuH= mowed; anyonyam= each other; paraspara jayaiShiNaH= with a desire to conquer each other.
There, the monkeys and demons having their limbs smeared with the blood of their foes, mowed each other with a desire to conquer each other.
tataH shailaisH ca khaDgaisH ca visR^iSTair hari raakSasaiH || 6-69-54
muhuurtena aavR^itaa bhuumir abhavat shoNita aaplutaa |
54. tataH= thereupon; muhuurtena= within an instant; bhuumiH= the earth; abhavat= became; aavR^itaa= covered; shoNitokSitaa= and dampened with blood; visR^iSTaiH shailaishoba= by the mountains; khaDgaishcha= and swords; hariraakSasaiH= of monkeys and demons.
Thereupon, within an instant, the battle-field became dampened with blood and covered by the mountains and swords thrown by the monkeys and demons.
vikiirNa parvata aakaarai rakSobhir ari mardanaiH || 6-69-55
aasiidvasumatii puurNaa tadaa yuddhamadaanvitaiH |
55. tadaa= then; vasumatii= the earth; aasiit puurNaa= became filled; rakSobhiH= with (dead bodies) of demons; yuddha madaanvitaiH= who had an ardent passion for battle; parvataakaaraiH= having colossal forms; abhimarditaiH= devastated; vikiirNasH= and scattered.
Then the battle-field became filled with dead bodies of demons, who had an ardent passion for battle, having their colossal bodies devastated and scattered all over.
aakSiptaaH kSipyamaaNaasH ca bhagna shuulaasH ca vaanaraiH || 6-69-56
punaraN^gaistadaa chakruraasannaa yuddhamadbhutam |
56. aakSiptaaH= the demons already thrown down; kSipyamaaNaashcha= and still being thrown down; vaanaraiH= by the monkeys; tadaa= at that time; bhagnashuulaiH= with their spears broken; aasannaaH= wee approached; chakruH= carried out; adbhutam= a wonderful; yuddham= combat; aN^gaiH= with their limbs (like arms and legs).
The demons, already thrown down and still being thrown down, with their spears broken by the monkeys at that time, approached the monkeys and carried out a wonderful combat with their limbs, arms and legs.
vaanaraan vaanarair eva jagnus te rajanii caraaH || 6-69-57
raakSasaan raakSasair eva jaghnus te vaanaraa api |
57. te= those; nairR^itashreSTaaH= foremost demons; jaghnuH= struck; vaanaraan= monkeys; vaanaraireva= with the very monkeys; vaanaraaH api= Monkeys also; jaghmuH= struck; raakSasaan= the demons; raakSasaireva= with the very demons.
Those foremost of demons struck the monkeys with their own corpses and the monkeys also struck the titans with their own dead bodies.
aakSipya ca shilaas teSaam nijaghnuu raakSasaa hariin || 6-69-58
teSaam ca aacchidya shastraaNi jaghnuu rakSaamsi vaanaraaH |
58. tadaa= then; aakSipya= grabbing; shilaaH= the rocks; shailaan= and mountains; te raakSasaaH= those titans; jagmuH- struck; vaanaraaH cha= the apes too; aachchhidya= snatching away; teSaam shastraaNi= their weapons; jagnuH= struck; rakShaamsi= the titans.
Then, grabbing the rocks and mountains, those titans struck the monkeys with them. The apes too, snatching away their weapons, struck the titans.
nirjaghnuH shaila shuula astrair vibhidusH ca parasparam || 6-69-59
simha naadaan vinedusH ca raNe vaanara raakSasaaH |
59. vaanararaakSasaaH= the monkeys and demons; bibhiduH= fractured; parasparam= each other; shailashR^iN^gaiH= with crags; vinedushcha= and made a noise; simhanaadaiH= with lion’s roars.
The monkeys and demons fractured each other with crags and made a noise with lion’s roars.
chinna varma tanu traaNaa raakSasaa vaanarair hataaH || 6-69-60
rudhiram prasrutaas tatra rasa saaram iva drumaaH |
60. raakSasaaH= the titans; chhinnavarma tanutraaNaaH= with their armours broken; hataaH= as struck; vaanaraiH= by the apes; prasR^itaaH= emitted; rudhiram= blood; tatra= at that place; drumaaH iva= like trees (emitting); rasasaaram= their sap.
The titans, having their armours broken, as struck by the apes, emitted blood at that place, like trees oozing their sap.
rathena ca ratham ca api vaaraNena ca vaaraNam || 6-69-61
hayena ca hayam kecin nijaghnur vaanaraa raNe |
61. kechit= some; vaanaraaH= monkeys; raNe= in the battle-front; nirjaghuuH= destroyed; ratham= chariot; rathena= with chariots; vaaraNaam= elephant; vaaraNenaapi= with the very elephants; hayam= and horse; hayena= by the very horse.
Some monkeys in the battle-front destroyed chariot with chariots, elephants with the very elephants and horse by the very horses.
kSuraprair ardha candraisH ca bhallaisH ca nishitaiH sharaiH || 6-69-62
raakSasaa vaanara indraaNaam cicchiduH paadapaan shilaaH |
62. raakSasaaH= the tiatans; bibhiduH= broke; paadapaan= the trees; shilaaH= and rocks; vaanarendraaNaam= of monkeys-cheifs; nishitaiH= with their sharp; sharaiH= arrows; kSurapraiH= with hoe-shaped head; ardhachandraiH= those with cresecent-shaped head; bhallaishcha= and those with spear-like head.
The titans broke the trees and rocks of monkey-chiefs with their sharp arrows with their hoe-shaped head, those arrows with crescent-shaped head and those with spear-like head.
vikiirNaiH parvata agraisH ca drumaisH chinnaisH ca samyuge || 6-69-63
hataisH ca kapi rakSobhir durgamaa vasudhaa abhavat |
63. vasudhaa= the earth; abhavat= became; durgamaa= difficult to be traversed; vikiirNaa= as it was filled; taiH= with those; parvataiH= mountains; chinnaiH drumaiH= with broken trees; kapirakShobhiH cha= and with the apes and titans; hataiH= killed; samyuge= in battle.
The battle-field, filled with those mountains, broken trees and dead bodies of apes and titans, became difficult to be traversed.
te vaanaraa garvitahR^iShTacheShTaaH |
samgraamamaasaadya bhayaM vimuchya |
yuddham sma sarve saha raakShasai strai |
rnaanaayudhaishchakruradiinasattvaaH || 6-69-64
64. aasaadya= reaching; samgraamam= the battle-field; vimuchya= and abandoning; bhayam= their fear; te vaanaraaH= all those monkeys; garvita hR^iShTacheShTaaH= with their thrilled martial acts full of pride; naanaayudhaiH= who were having various weapons (like trees, rocks, teeth and nails); adiinasattvaaH= and undepressed in spirit; chakruH sma= carried out; yuddham= battle raakSasaiH saha= with the demons.
Reaching the battle-field and abandoning their fear, all those monkeys, with their thrilling martial arts full of pride, nay, who were having various weapons (like trees, rocks, teeth and nails) and unrepressed in spirit, carried out battle with the demons.
tasmin pravR^itte tumule vimarde |
prahR^iSyamaaNeSu valii mukheSu |
nipaatyamaaneSu ca raakSaseSu |
maharSayo deva gaNaasH ca neduH || 6-69-65
65. valiimukheShu= (while) monkeys; prahR^iShyamaaNeShu= were rejoicing; tasmin tumule vimarde= in that tumultuous battle; pravR^itte= which commenced; raakShaseShu= and the demons; nipaatyamaaneShu= falling down; maharShayaH= the great sages; devagaNaaH= and troops of celestials; vineduH= emitted shouts (of triumph).
Seeing the monkeys rejoicing in that tumultuous battle which commenced and the demons falling down, the great sages and troop of celestials emitted shouts of triumph.
tato hayam maaruta tulya vegam |
aruhya shaktim nishitaam pragR^ihya |
nara antako vaanara raaja sainyam |
mahaa arNavam miina;iva aavivesha || 6-69-66
66. tataH= then; aaruhya= mounting on; hayam= a horse; maarutatulyavegam= vying with the speed of the wind; pragR^ihya= and taking; naraantakaH= Narantaka; aavivesha= entered; ugram= the terrific; vaanarasainyam= army of monkeys; niinaH iva= as a fish; mahaarNavam= the ocean.
Meanwhile, mounting on a horse having speed equal to the wind, and taking a barbed javelin, Narantaka entered the terrific army of monkeys, as a fish entering the ocean.
sa vaanaraan sapta shataani viiraH |
praasena diiptena vinirbibheda |
ekaH kSaNena indra ripur mahaatmaa |
jaghaana sainyam hari pumgavaanaam || 6-69-67
67. saH= that; Narantaka; viiraH mahaatmanaH= the valiant and mighty demon; indraripuH= and the enemy of Indra; ekaH= alone; kShaNena= within an instant; nirbibheda= rent asunder; saptashataani= seven hundred; vaanaraan= mokeys; diiptena praasena= with that shining javelin; jaghaana= and killed; sainyam= the army; haripuNgavaanaam= of the foremost of monkeys.
That valiant and mighty Narantaka, the enemy of Indra, single-handedly within an instant, rent asunder seven hundred monkeys with that shining javelin and killed that army of the foremost of monkeys.
dadR^ishusH ca mahaatmaanam haya pR^iSThe pratiSThitam |
carantam hari sainyeSu vidyaa dhara maharSayaH || 6-69-68
68. vidyaadhara smaharshayaH= Vidhyadharas, the super natural beings and great sages; dadR^ishuH= saw; mahaatmaanam= the mighty Narantaka; haya pR^iSTa pratiShThitam= seated on the back of horse; charantam= and wandering; harisainyeShu= through the army of monkeys.
Vidyadharas, the super natural beings and great sages, saw the mighty Narantaka, seated on the back of a horse and hacking a path way for himself through the army of monkeys.
sa tasya dadR^ishe maargo maamsa shoNita kardamaH |
patitaiH parvata aakaarair vaanarair abhisamvR^itaH || 6-69-69
69. saH tasya maargaH= his path-way; abhisamvR^itaH= covered with; maamsashoNita kardamaH= a mire of flesh and blood; vaanaraiH= along with (heaps of dead bodies) of monkeys; patitaiH= fallen down; parvataakaaraiH= in the shape of hills; dadR^ishe= was seen.
His path-way was covered with a mire of flesh and blood, along with heaps of fallen-down dead-bodes of monkeys, looking like hills.
yaavad vikramitum buddhim cakruH plavaga pumgavaaH |
taavad etaan atikramya nirbibheda nara antakaH || 6-69-70
70. yaavat= whenever; plavagapuN^gavaaH= the foremost among the monkeys; buddhim chakruH= thought; vikramitum= of showing their valour; taavadeva= so often; naraantakaH= Narantaka; atikramya= overtook; nirbibheda= and cleaved; etaan= them.
Whenever the foremost of the monkeys thought of showing their valour, so often Narantaka overtook and cleaved them.
dadaaha hari sainyaani vanaani iva vibhaavasuH |
yaavad utpaaTayaam aasur vR^ikSaan shailaan vana okasaH || 6-69-71
taavat praasahataaH petur vajra kR^ittaa;iva acalaaH |
71. dadaaha= (He) burnt away; harisainyaani= the army of monkeys; vibhaavasuH= as the fire (burns away); vanaani= the forests; yaavat= even before; vanaukasaH= the monkeys; utpaaTayaamaasuH= uplift; vR^ikShaan= the trees; shailaan= and the mountains; praasahataah= they were struck by the javelin; petuH= and fell down; aachalaaH iva= like mountains; vajra kR^ittaaH= riven by lighting.
He burn away the army of monkeys, as the fire burns away the forests. Even before the monkeys get time to uplift the trees and mountains, the javelin struck them and they fell down, as mountains riven by lightning.
jvalantaM praasamudyamya saMgraamaante naraantakaH || 6-69-72
dikSu sarvaasu balavaan vicacaara nara antakaH |
pramR^idnan sarvato yuddhe praavR^iT kaale yathaa anilaH || 6-69-73
72, 73. balavaan naraantakaH= that mighty Narantaka; naraantakaH= the destroyer of men; vichachaara= roamed; sarvaasudikShu= in all directions; yuddhe= in the battle-field; udyamya= holding up; jvalantan praasam= his shining javelin; pramR^idnan= ravaging; sarvataH= on all sides; anilaH iva= like the wind; praavR^iTkaale= in a rainy season.
That mighty Narantaka, the destroyer of men, roamed in all directions in the battle-field, holding up his shiny javelin, ravaging in all directions like the wind ravaging the earth in a rainy season.
na shekur dhaavitum viiraa na sthaatum spanditum kutaH |
utpatantam sthitam yaantam sarvaan vivyaadha viiryavaan || 6-69-74
74. viiraaH= the valiant monkeys; na shekuH= were unable; bhaaShitum= to talk; na= nor; sthaatum= to stand; kutaH= in what manner; spanditum= to move?; viiryavaan= that strong Narantaka; vivyaadha= struck; sarvaan= all; utpatantam= who were jumping up; sthitam= who were standing; yaantam= and who were marching.
Narantaka, a single demon, equal to so many demons, struck the armies of mokeys with his javelin, having the sun’s splendour and they fell down on the earth.
ekena antaka kalpena praasena aaditya tejasaa |
bhinnaani hari sainyaani nipetur dharaNii tale || 6-69-75
75. anantakalpena= equal to so many demons; ekena= by Narantaka, a single demon; harisainyaani= the armies of mokeys; bhagnaani= having been struck; praasena= by his javelin; aadityatejasaa= having the sun’s splendour; (they) nipetuH= fell down; dharaNiitale= on the earth.
Narantaka, a single demon, equal to so many demons, struck the armies of mokeys with his javelin, having the sun’s splendour and they fell down on the earth.
vajra niSpeSa sadR^isham praasasya abhinipaatanam |
na shekur vaanaraaH soDhum te vinedur mahaa svanam || 6-69-76
76. te vaanaraaH= tose mokeys; na shekuH= wee unable; soDhum= to tolerate; abhinipaatanam= the down throw; praasasya= of the javelin; vajra niShpeSha sadR^isham= which was like the striking of a thunderbolt; vineduH= and shouted; mahaasvanam= with a great noise.
Those monkeys were unable to tolerate the down-onslaught of the javelin, which was similar to the striking of a thunderbolt and they shouted with a great uproar.
patataam hari viiraaNaam ruupaaNi pracakaashire |
vajra bhinna agra kuuTaanaam shailaanaam patataam iva || 6-69-77
77. ruupaaNi= the images; patataam hariviiraaNaam= of the falling monkeys; prachakaashire= were flashing; patataam shailaanaam iva= like the falling mountains; vajra bhinnagrakuuTaanaam= with their peaks shattered by a thunderbolt.
The images of the falling monkeys were flashing like those of falling mountains, with their peaks shattered by a thunderbolt.
ye tu puurvam mahaatmaanaH kumbha karNena paatitaaH |
te asvasthaa vaanara shreSThaaH sugriivam upatasthire || 6-69-78
78. ye= which; mahaatmanaH= great souled monkeys; paatitaH= were thrown down; puurvam= earlier; kumbhakarNena= by Kumbhakarna; te= those; vaanarashreShThaaH= foremost of monkeys; svasthaaH= regained their self; upatasthire= and approached; sugriivam= Sugreeva.
Those great-souled and the foremost of monkeys, who were earlier thrown down by Kumbhakarna, regained their self and approached Sugreeva.
prekSamaaNaH sugriivo dadarsha hari vaahiniim |
nara antaka bhaya trastaam vidravantiim itas tataH || 6-69-79
79. saH= that; sugriivo prekSamaaNaH= Sugreeva looking on; dadR^ishe= saw; harivaahiniim= the army of monkeys; vidravantiim= running away; itastataH= hither and thither; naraantaka bhayatrastaam= as they were tormented of the fear of Narantaka.
That Sugreeva, while looking on, saw the army of monkeys running away hither and thither, as they were tormented of the fear of Narantaka.
vidrutaam vaahiniim dR^iSTvaa sa dadarsha nara antakam |
gR^ihiita praasam aayaantam haya pR^iSThe pratiSThitam || 6-69-80
80. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; vaahiniim= his army; vidrutaam= running away; saH= Sugreeva; dadarsha= saw; naraantakam= Narantaka; aayaantam= coming; hayapR^iShTha pratiShThitam= seated on the back of a horse; gR^ihiita praasam= taking a javelin.
To that Sugreeva who was seeing his army running away, Narantaka appeared, coming seated on the back of a horse, holding a javelin in his hand.
dR^iShTvovaaca mahaa tejaaH sugriivo vaanara adhipaH |
kumaaram angadam viiram shakra tulya paraakramam || 6-69-81
81. dR^iShTvaa= after seeing (Narantaka); mahaatejaaH= the vastly splendoured; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; vaanaraadhipaH= the king of monkeys; uvaacha= spoke; viiram kumaaram= to the valiant prince; aN^gadam= Angada; shakratulya paraakramam= having a prowess equal to Indra.
After seeing Narantaka, the vastly splendoured Sugreeva, the king of monkeys spoke thus, to Angada, the valiant prince, having a prowess equal to Indra’s (as follows):
gaccha enam raakSasam viira yo asau turagam aasthitaH |
kSobhayantam hari balam kSipram praaNair viyojaya || 6-69-82
82. gachcha= go out; praaNaiH viyojaya= and detach the lives; kShipram= quickly; evam viiram raakShasam= of this valiant demon; bhakShayantam= who is consuming; parabalam= the army of his enemies; yaH isau= and who; aasthitaH= mounted; tuvagam= a horse.
“Go out and quickly detach the lives of this valiant demon, who is riding a horse and consuming the army of his enemies.”
sa bhartur vacanam shrutvaa niSpapaata angadas tadaa |
aniikaan megha samkaashaan megha aniikaad iva amshumaan || 6-69-83
83. shrutvaa= hearing; vachanam= the words; bhartuH= of Sugreeva, his sovereign; viiryavaan saH aN^gadaH= that valiant Angada; tadaa= then; niShpapaata= came bouncing; aniikaat= from his army; amshumaaniva= as the sun; meghasamkaashaat= looking like (coming out) of a cloud.
Hearing the words of Sugreeva his sovereign, that valiant Angada then came bouncing from his army, as the sun coming out of a cloud.
shaila samghata samkaasho hariiNaam uttamo angadaH |
raraaja angada samnaddhaH sadhaatur iva parvataH || 6-69-84
84. aN^gadaH= Angada; hariiNaamuttamaH= the excellent of monkeys; shailasamghaatasamkaashaH= resembling a rocky mass; aN^gadasamnaddhaH= wearing bracelets on his upper arms; raraaja= shone; parvataH iva= like a mountain; sadhaatuH= with its metallic streaks.
Angada the excellent of monkeys, resembling a rocky mass, wearing bracelets on his upper arms, looked brilliant like a mountain with its metallic streaks.
niraayudho mahaa tejaaH kevalam nakha damSTravaan |
nara antakam abhikramya vaali putro abraviid vacaH || 6-69-85
85. vaaliputraH= Angada the son of Vali; niraayudhataH= bereft of arms; mahaatejaaH= having a great splendour; nakhadamShTravaan kevalam= and having only nails and teeth; abhikramya= approaching; naraantakam= Narantaka; abraviit= spoke; vachaH= (the following) words:
Angada the son of Vali, bereft of arms but only nails and teeth besides having a great splendour, approached Narantaka and spoke the following words:
tiSTha kim praakR^itair ebhir haribhis tvam kariSyasi |
asmin vajra sama sparshe praasam kSipa mama urasi || 6-69-86
86. tiShTha= stop!; kim= what; tvam kariShyasi= can you do; ebhiH prakR^itaiH haribhiH= with these common monkeys?; kShipa= throw; praasam= the javelin; vajrasama sparsham= having the sensation equal to a thunderbolt; asmin mama urasi= towards this, my chest.
“Stop! What can you do with these common monkeys? Throw your javelin, having the sensation equal to a thunderbolt, towards my chest.”
angadasya vacaH shrutvaa pracukrodha nara antakaH |
samdashya dashanair oSTham nishvasya ca bhujamgavat || 6-69-87
abhigamyaaN^gadaM kruddho vaaliputram naraantakaH |
sa praasamaavidhya tadaaN^gadaaya |
sa praasam aavidhya tadaa angadaaya|
samujjvalantam sahasaa utsasarja |
sa vaali putror asi vajra kalpe |
babhuuva bhagno nyapatac ca || 6-69-88
87, 88. shrutvaa= hearing; vachaH= the words; aN^gadasya= of Angada; naraantakaH= Narantaka; prachukrodha= was very much enraged; saH naraantakaH= that Narantaka; kruddhaH= in anger; samdashya= tightly biting; oshTham= his lip; dashanaiH= with his teeth; niH shvasya cha= hissing; bhujaN^gavat= like a serpent; abhigamya= approaching; aN^gadam= Angada; samaavidhya= and firmly holding; samujjvalantam praasam= that highly radiant javelin; sahasaa= quickly; utsasarja= released; tadaa= then; aN^gadaaya= towards Angada; saH= that javelin; bhagnaH babhuuva= became broken into pieces; vaaliputrorasi= against Angada’s chest; vajrakalpe= which was as hard as a diamond; nyapatashcha= and fell; bhuumau= to the earth.
Hearing the words of Angada, Narantaka was very much enraged. The enraged Narantaka, tightly biting his lip with his teeth, hissing like a serpent, approaching Angada and firmly holding that highly radiant javelin, then quickly released it towards Angada. That javelin broke against Angada’s chest, that was as hard as a diamond and fell to the earth.
tam praasam aalokya tadaa vibhagnam |
suparNa kR^itta uraga bhoga kalpam |
talam samudyamya sa vaali putras |
sturamgamasya abhijaghaana muurdhni || 6-69-89
89. tadaa= then; aalokya= seeing; vibhagnam praasam= the broken javelin; suparNa kR^ittoraga viirya kalpam= having an ability equal to the ability of a serpent, which was cut off by Garuda the eagle; saH valliputraH= that Angada; udyamya= stretching out; talam= palm; abhijaghaana= struck; muurdhini= on the head; turangamasya= of the horse.
Then seeing his javelin shattered, like a serpent whose powerful coils were cut off by Garuda the eagle, Angada stretched out his palm and struck the head of the horse.
nibhagna paadaH sphuTita akSi taaro |
niSkraanta jihvo acala samnikaashaH |
sa tasya vaajii nipapaata bhuumau |
tala prahaareNa vikiirNa muurdhaa || 6-69-90
90. saH vaaji= that horse; tasya= of his; achalasamnikaashaH= whichw as mountain-like; talaprahaareNa= struck by a blow of the palm; vishiirNamuurdhaa= had its head shattered; vibhagna paadaH= feet broken; sphuTitaakShitaaraH= eyes and pupils put out; niShkraantajihvaH= and tongue come out; nipapaata= fell down; bhuumau= on the earth.
That mountain-like Narantaka’s horse, struck by a blow of the palm, had its head shattered, feet broken, eyes and pupils put out and tongue come out. It fell down on the earth.
nara antakaH krodha vasham jagaama |
hatam turagam patitam niriikSya |
sa muSTim udyamya mahaa prabhaavo |
jaghaana shiirSe yudhi vaali putram || 6-69-91
91. samiikShya= seeing; turagam= his horse; patitam= fallen down; hatam= killed; naraantakaH= Narantaka; jagaama= got; krodhavasham= submissive to the will of anger; udyamya= raising; muShTim= his fist; saH mahaaprabhavaH= the exceedingly powerful Narantaka; jaghaana= struck; vaaliputram= Angada; shiirShe= on his head; yudhi= in the battle.
Seeing his horse fallen down dead, Narantaka was enraged. Raising his fist, that exceedingly powerful Narantaka in battle struck Angada on his head.
atha angado muSTi vibhinna muurdhaa|
susraava tiivram rudhiram bhR^isha uSNam |
muhur vijajvaala mumoha ca api |
samjnaam samaasaadya visiSmiye ca || 6-69-92
92. atha= then; aN^gadaH= Angada; muSTivishiirNau muurdhaa= having his head shattered by the blow of the fist; tiivram susraava= heavily oozed out; bhR^ishoShNoam rudhiram= very hot blood; muhuH= repeatedly; vijajvaala= felt a burning sensation; mumoha chaapi= and swooned; samaasaadya= on regaining; samJNnaam= consciousness; visiShmiyecha= he was surprised.
Then, Angada having his head shattered by the blow of the fist, heavily oozed out very hot blood, repeatedly felt a burning sensation and swooned. On regaining consciousness, he was surprised.
atha angado vajra samaana vegam |
samvartya muSTim giri shR^inga kalpam |
nipaatayaam aasa tadaa mahaatmaa |
nara antakasya urasi vaali putraH || 6-69-93
93. atha= thereupon; mahaatmaa aN^gadaH= the great-souled Angada; vaaliputraH= the son of Vali; samvartya= clinching; muShTim= his fist; tadaa= and then; mR^ityusamaana vegam= with a force equal to death; nipaatayaamaasa= rushed it; upari= on the chest; naraantakasya= of Narantaka.
Thereupon, the great-souled Angada, the son of Vali, clinching his fist and then with a force equal to death, rushed it against the chest of Narantaka.
sa muSTi niSpiSTa vibhinna vakSaa |
jvaalaam vaman shoNita digdha gaatraH |
nara antako bhuumi tale papaata |
yathaa acalo vajra nipaata bhagnaH || 6-69-94
94. muShTi nirbhinna nimagna nakShaaH= with his chest-deeply sunk by the fist-blow; vaman= giving out; jvaalaaH= flames; shoNitadigdha gaatraaH= and with his limbs smeared by blood; saH naraantakaH= that Narantaka; papaata= fell down; achalaH yathaa= as a mountain; vajranipaatabhagnaH= broken up by the falling down of a thunderbolt.
Having his chest deeply sunk back by that fist-blow, giving out flames and with his limbs smeared by blood, that Narantaka fell down as a mountain is broken up by the fall of a thundr-bolt.
thadaantarikSe tridasha uttamaanaam |
vana okasaam caiva mahaa praNaadaH |
babhuuva tasmin nihate agrya viire |
nara antake vaali sutena samkhye || 6-69-95
95. tasmin= (When) that; naraantake= Narantaka; agraviirye= of great prowess; nihate= was killed; vaalisntena= by Angada; samkhye= in battle; tridashottamaanaam= the chiefs of celestials; vanaukasaam chaiva= and the monkeys too; tadaa= then; babhuuva= emitted; mahaan= a great; praNaadaH= sound; (of triumph); antarikSa= in the sky.
When that Narantaka of great prowess was killed by Angada in battle, the chiefs of celestials and the monkeys too then emitted a great roar of triumph in the sky.
atha angado raama manaH praharSaNam |
suduSkaram tam kR^itavaan hi vikramam |
visiSmiye so api ativiirya vikramaH |
punasH ca yuddhe sa babhuuva harSitaH || 6-69-96
96. atha= then; saH aN^gadaH= that Angada; kR^itavaan= who showed; tam vikramam= that forcible means; suduShkaram= which was very difficult to do; raamamanaH praharShaNam= and which rejoiced Rama’s intellect; visiShmaye= was surprised; atha= thereupon; saH api= Angada; bhiimakarmaa= who performed terrible acts punashcha= again; babhuuva= became; harShitaH= enthusiastic; yuddhe= in battle.
Then, that Angada, who showed that forcible means, which was very difficult to do, and which rejoiced Rama’s intellect. So much so, Angada too was surprised. Thereupon Angada, of terrible acts, was infused with vigour and again showed enthusiasm in battle.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaMDe ekonasaptatitamaH sargaH
Thus completes 69th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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