Chapter [Sarga] 68  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 68


Hearing the news of Kumbhakarna having been killed by Rama, Ravana laments in various ways, thinking that he has virtually lost his right arm. Ravana initially faints on hearing the shocking news. On regaining consciousness, Ravana again wonders how the invincible Kumbhakarna was slain in battle. He feels sorry for not having listened to the sagacious advice of Vibhishana in the past.

kumbhakarNam hatam dR^iShTvaa raaghaveNa mahaatmanaa |
raakShasaa raakShasa indraaya raavaNaaya nyavedayan || 6-68-1
1. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; kumbhakarNam= that Kumbhakarna; hatam= was killed; mahaatmanaa raaghaveNa= by the great souled Rama; raakSasaaH= the demons; nyavedayan= reported (the matter); raakSasendraaya raavaNaaya= to Ravana, the king of demons.
Seeing that the great-souled Rama killed Kumbhakarna, the demons reported the matter to Ravana, the king of demons (as follows):
raajan sa kaalasaMkaashaH saMyuktaH kaalakarmaNaa |
vidraavya vaanariim senaam bhakSayitvaa cha vaanaraan || 6-68-2
2. raajan= O king!; saH= that Kumbhakarna; kaalasamkaashaH= looking like Yama the god of death; vidraavya= driving away; senaam= the army; vaanariim= of monkeys; bhakSayitvaa= and devouring; vaanaraan= (some) monkeys; samyuktaH= met with; kaalakarMaNaa= death, the time's act.
"O king! That Kumbhakarna, looking like Yama the god of death, driving away the army of monkeys and devouring some monkeys, met with death, the time's act."
pratipitvaa muhuurtaM tu prashaanto raamatejasaa |
kaayenaardhapraviSTena samudraM bhiimadarshanam || 6-68-3
nikR^ittanaasaakarNena vikSaradrudhireNa cha|
ruddhvaa dvaaraM shariireNa laN^kaayaaH parvatopamaH || 6-68-4
kumbhakarNastava bhraataa kaakutthsasharapiiDitaH |
lagaNDabhuuto vikR^ito daavadagdha iva drumaH || 6-68-5
3, 4, 5. pratapitvaa= showing his prowess; muhuurtam= for a moment; kumbhakarNah= Kumbhakarna; tava= your; bhraataa= brother; prashaantaH= was extinguished; raama tejasaa= by the fiery energy of Rama; kaakutthsashara piiDitaH= Injured by Rama's arrows; parvatopamaH= Kumbhakarna who was looking like a mountain; vikR^itaH lagaN^DabhuutaH= became an ugly mass; shariireNa= with his body; vikSaradrudhireNa cha= discharging blood; nikR^itta naasakarNena= as the nose and ears were cut off; drumaH iva= resembling a tree; daavadagdaH= scorched by a forest-fire; kaayena= with his trunk; ardha praviSTena= half-submerged; bhiimadarshanam samudram= in a terribly looking sea; ruddhvaa= obstructing; laNkaayaaH dvaaram= the main gate of Lanka.
"Showing his prowess for a moment, Kumbhakarna your brother, was extinguished by the fiery energy of Rama. Injured by Rama's arrows, Kumbhakarna who was looking like a mountain became an ugly mass, with his body discharging blood, as his nose and ears were cut off, resembling a tree scorched by a forest-fire, with his trunk half-submerged in a terribly looking sea and obstructing the main gate of Lanka."
shrutvaa vinihatam samkhye kumbha karNam mahaa balam |
raavaNaH shoka samtapto mumoha ca papaata ca || 6-68-6
6. shrutvaa= hearing; mahaabalam kumbhakarNam= (that) the mighty Kumbhakarna; vinihatam= was killed; samkhye= in battle; raavaNaH= Ravana; shoka samtaptaH= was tormented with grief; mumohacha= fainted; papaata cha= and fell too.
Hearing that the mighty Kumbhakarna was killed in battle, Ravana was tormented with grief and fell down, fainted.
pitR^ivyam nihatam shrutvaa deva antaka nara antakau |
trishiraasH ca atikaayasH ca ruruduH shoka piiDitaaH || 6-68-7
7. shrutvaa= hearing; pitR^ivyam= (that) his paternal uncle; nihatam= was killed; devaantakanaraantakau= Devantaka, Narantaka; trishiraaH= Trishira; atikaayashcha= and Atikaya; shokapiiDitaaH= were afflicted with sorrow; ruruduH= and wept.
Hearing that his paternal uncle was killed; Devantaka, Narantaka, Trishira and Atikaya were afflicted with sorrow and wept.
bhraataram nihatam shrutvaa raameNa akliShTa karmaNaa |
mahaa udara mahaa paarshvau shoka aakraantau babhuuvatuH || 6-68-8
8. shrutvaa= hearing; bhraataran= that their brother; nihatam= was killed; raameNa= by Rama; akliSTakarmaNaa= who was unwary in his actions; mahodara mahaapaarshvo= Mahodara and Mahaparshva (step-brothers of Kumbhakarna); babhuuvatuH= became; shokaakraantau= were overcome with grief.
Hearing that Kumbhakarna, their brother was killed by Rama, who was unwary in his actions, Mahodara and Mahaparshva (step-brothers of Kumbhakarna) were overcome with grief.
tataH kR^icchraat samaasaadya samj~naam raakShasa pumgavaH |
kumbha karNa vadhaad diino vilalaapa sa raavaNaH || 6-68-9
9. tataH= then; samaasaadya= recovering; samJNaam= his consciousness; kR^ichchhaat= with difficulty; diinaH= distressed; kumbhakarNa vadhaat= for the killing of Kumbhakarna; aakulendriyaH= and perplexed in mind; raakSasapuNgavaH= Ravana, the best of demons; vilalaapa= lamented.
Then, recovering his consciousness with difficulty, distressed as he was for the killing of Kumbhakarna and perplexed in mind, Ravana the foremost of demons, lamented (as follows):
haa viira ripu darpaghna kumbha karNa mahaa bala |
shatru sainyam prataapya ekaH kva maam samtyajya gacchasi || 6-68-10
10. haa= alas!; viira= O hero; ripudarpaghna= destroying the pride of enemies!; mahaabala kumbhakarNa= O mighty Kumbhakarna! maam vihaaya= leaving me behind; tvam= you; yattaH asi= have gone; daivaat= by divine will; yama saadanam= to the abode of Yama the lord of death.
"Alas! O hero, destroying the pride of enemies! O mighty Kumbhakarna! Leaving me behind, you have gone by divine will to the abode of Yama the lord of death."
mama shalyamanuddhR^itya baandhavaanaam mahaabala |
shatrusainyam prataapyaikaH kva maam samtyajya gachchhasi || 6-68-11
11. mahaabala= O mighty Kumbhakarna!; kva= where; gachchhasi= are you going; maam samtyajya= leaving me behind; prataapya= after having tormented; shatru sainyam= the army of adversaries; anuddhR^itya= and without taking away; baandhavaanaam shalyam= the thorn of grief of relatives; mama= and of mine.
"O mighty Kumbhakarna! Where are you going alone, leaving me behind, after having tormented the army of enemies and without taking away the thorn of grief from relatives and me."
idaaniim khalv aham na asmi yasya me patito bhujaH |
dakShiNo yam samaashritya na bibhemi sura asuraan || 6-68-12
12. medakSiNaH bhujaH= my right hand; yam= which; samaashritya= by taking refuge; yasyame= by me; na bibhemi= I am not in fear; suraasuraat= of celestials and ogres; patitaH= has fallen down; aham= I as such; idaaniim= now; naasmikhalu= am not indeed there (living).
"Indeed I shall no longer live now, that this right hand of mine, taking refuge on when I had no fear of celestials and ogres, has fallen down."
katham evam vidho viiro deva daanava darpahaa |
kaala agni pratimo hi adya raaghaveNa raNe hataH || 6-68-13
13. katham= how; evam vidhaH= such; viiraH= a hero; devadaanava darpahaa= who destroyed the pride of celestials and demons; kaalaagni pratimaH= as also who was an image of fire that was to destroy the world; hataH= was killed; raaghaveNa= by Rama; raNe= in battle; adya= today?
"How such a hero, who destroyed the pride of celestials and demons, as also who was an image of fire that was to destroy the world, was killed by Rama today in battle?"
yasya te vajra niShpeSho na kuryaad vyasanam sadaa |
sa katham raama baaNa aartaH prasupto asi mahii tale || 6-68-14
14. te= to you; yasya= to whom; vajraniSpeSaH= (even a) clash by a thunder-bolt; na kuryaat sadaa= could not ever cause; vyasanam= a fall; katham= how; saH= you as such; prasuptaH asi= could fall insensibly mahii tale= on the earth's surface; raama baaNaartaH= having been afflicted Rama's arrows?
"Having been afflicted by Rama's arrows, how are you, whom not even a clash of a thunder-bolt ever caused any fall, falling now insensibly on the earth’s surface?"
ete deva gaNaaH saardham R^iShibhir gagane sthitaaH |
nihatam tvaam raNe dR^iShTvaa ninadanti praharShitaaH || 6-68-15
15. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; tvaam= you; nihatam= killed; raNe= in battle; ete= these; devagaNaaH= troops of celestials; R^iSibhiH saardham= along with sages; sthitaaH= standing; gagane= in the sky; ninadanti= are shouting; praharSitaaH= rejoiced.
"Seeing you killed in battle, these troops of celestials and sages, standing in the sky, are shouting with rejoice."
dhruvam adya eva samhR^iShTaa labdha lakShyaaH plavam gamaaH |
aarokShyanti iha durgaaNi lankaa dvaaraaNi sarvashaH || 6-68-16
16. dhruvam= It is certain (that); plavangamaaH= the monkeys; labdha lakSyaaH= having achieved their purpose; samhR^iSTaaH= will be rejoiced; adyaiva= and now itself; aarokSyanti= will ascend; durgaaNi= the inaccessible; laN^kaadvaaraaNi= door-ways of Lanka; iha= here; sarvashaH= from all sides.
"It is doubly sure that the monkeys, having achieved their purpose, will be rejoiced and now itself will ascend the inaccessible door-ways of Lanka here from all sides."
raajyena na asti me kaaryam kim kariShyaami siitayaa |
kumbha karNa vihiinasya jiivite na asti me ratiH || 6-68-17
17. me= to me; naasti= there is nothing; kaaryam= to be done; raajyena= with a kingdom; kim kariSyaami= what shall I do; siitaayaa= with Seetha?; me= to me; kumbhakarNa hiinasya= bereft of Kumbhakarna; naasti= there is no; matiH= intention; jiivite= to live.
"I have nothing to do with a kingdom and what shall I do with Seetha? I have no intention to live, bereft of Kumbhakarna."
yadi aham bhraatR^i hantaaram na hanmi yudhi raaghavam |
nanu me maraNam shreyo na ca idam vyartha jiivitam || 6-68-18
18. aham= na hanmiyadi= If I cannot kill; raaghavam= Rama; bhraatR^ihantaaram= who killed my brother; yudhi= in battle; maraNam= death; shreyaH nanu= is indeed better; me= for me; idam= this; vyarthajiivitam= useless life; na= is not (preferable).
"If I cannot kill Rama, who killed my brother, in battle, I would indeed prefer death, but in no case this useless life which has no meaning."
adya eva tam gamiShyaami desham yatra anujo mama |
na hi bhraatR^iR^in samutsR^ijya kShaNam jiivitum utsahe || 6-68-19
19. adyaiva= now itself; gamiSyaami= I will go; tam desham= to that place; yatra= where; mama anujaH= my younger brother is there; na utsache= I do not wish; jiivitum= to live; kSaNam= even for a moment; samutsR^ijya= leaving off; bhraatR^iin= my brothers.
"Now itself, I will go to that place, where my younger brother is there. I do not wish to live even for a moment, after abandoning my brothers."
devaa hi maam hasiShyanti dR^iShTvaa puurva apakaariNam |
katham indram jayiShyaami kumbha karNa hate tvayi || 6-68-20
20. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; maam= me; puurvaapakaariNam= who did harm to them in the past; devaaH= the celestials; hasiSyanti hi= will indeed mock me; kumbhakarNa= O Kumbhakarna!; tvayi hate= now that you are ded; katham= how; jayiSyaami= can I conquer; indram= Indra the lord of celestials?
"Seeing me, who did harm to them in the past, the celestials will indeed mock me. O Kumbhakarna! Now that you are dead, how can I conquer Indra the lord of celestials?"
tad idam maam anupraaptam vibhiiShaNa vacaH shubham |
yad aj~naanaan mayaa tasya na gR^ihiitam mahaatmanaH || 6-68-21
21. yat= which words; tasya mahaatmanaH= of that great souled Vibhishana; na gR^ihiitam= were not accepted; mayaa= by me; aJNaanaat= due to ignorance; tat= such; idam= of these; shubham= auspicious; vibhiiSaNavachaH= words of vibhishana; anupraaptam= have come up to; maam= me.
"Those words of that great-souled Vibhishana, which I did not accept due to ignorance, have come true."
vibhiiShaNa vaco yaavat kumbha karNa prahastayoH |
vinaasho ayam samutpanno maam vriiDayati daaruNaH || 6-68-22
22. yaavat= ever since; ayam= this; daaruNaH= cruel; vinashaH= end; kumbhakarNaprahastayoH= of Kumbhakarna and Prahasta; samutpannaH= happened; (from that time); vriiDayati= it is creating a shame; maam= to me.
"Ever since this cruel end of Kumbhakarna and Prahasta has happened, I am feeling shameful."
tasya ayam karmaNaH praato vipaako mama shokadaH |
yan mayaa dhaarmikaH shriimaan sa nirasto vibhiiShaNaH || 6-68-23
23. yat= since; saH shriimaan vibhiiSaNaH= that venerable Vibhishana; dhaarmikaH= the pious brother; nirastaH= was banished; mayaa= by me; ayam vipaakaH= this bitter fruit; tasya shokadaH karmaNaH= of that painful deed (of mine); praaptaH= has come; mama= to me.
"Since that venerable Vibhishana, my pious brother was banished by me, this bitter fruit of that painful deed has come to me."
iti bahu vidham aakula antar aatmaa |
kR^ipaNam atiiva vilapya kumbha karNam |
nyapatad atha dasha aanano bhR^isha |
stamanujam indra ripum hatam viditvaa || 6-68-24
24. iti= Having htus; vilapya= lamented; atiiva kR^ipaNam= very much piteously; bahuvidham= in various ways; viditvaa= on coming to know; kumbhakarNam= (that) Kumbhakarna; tam anujam= that younger brother; indraripum= the enemy of Indra; hatam= having been killed; dashaananaH= Ravana, the ten-headed demon; aakulaantaraatmaa= whose inner feelings were agitated; nyapatat.api= even sank down; bhR^ishaartaH= extremely disturbed.
Having thus lamented very much piteously in various ways on coming to know that Kumbhakarna, his younger brother and the enemy of Indra having been killed, Ravana the ten-headed demon, whose inner feelings were agitated, even sank down, extremely disturbed.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe aSTaSaSTitamaH sargaH
Thus completes 68th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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