
Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War
Chapter [Sarga] 4
After hearing the report of Hanuma, Rama fixes an auspicious hour for the departure of his forces to Lanka and perceives good omens. The Army reaches the shores of the sea. |
shrutvaa hanuumato vaakyam yathaavad anupuurvashaH |
tato abraviin mahaatejaa raamaH satya paraakramaH || 6-4-1
tato abraviin mahaatejaa raamaH satya paraakramaH || 6-4-1
1. raamaH= Rama; mhaatejaaH= a very bright man; satyaparaakramaH= a true warrior; yathaavat= duly; shrutvaa= having heard; vaakyam= the words; hanumataH= of Hanuman; anupuurashaH= from the beginning; tataH= thereafter; abraviit= spoke (as follows).
Rama, a very bright man and a true warrior, having duly heard the words of Hanuman from the beginning, thereafter spoke as follows:
yaam nivedayase la.nkaam puriim bhiimasya rakSasaH |
kSipram enaam vadhiSyaami satyam etad braviimi te || 6-4-2
kSipram enaam vadhiSyaami satyam etad braviimi te || 6-4-2
2. mathisya= I shall destroy; kshhipram= quickly; puriim= the city; laN^kaam= of Lanka; bhiimasya= of the terrible; rakshasaH= ogre; yaam= of which; nivedayase= you inform; braviimi= I am telling; te= you; etat= this; satyam= really.
“I shall destroy quickly Lanka, the city of that terrible ogre (Ravana), of which you just informed I am really telling this.”
asmin muhuurte sugriiva prayaaNam abhirocaye |
yukto muhuurto vijayaH praapto madhyam divaa karaH || 6-4-3
yukto muhuurto vijayaH praapto madhyam divaa karaH || 6-4-3
3. Sugreeva= Oh, Sugreeva! Abhirochaya= be pleased; prayaaNam= for our march; asmin= at this; muhuurte= moment; yukto= a suitable; muhuurtaH= moment; vijayaH= for success; divaakaraH= the sun; praaptaH= reached; madhyam= the mid-day.
“Be pleased to approve our march at this moment, a suitable moment for success. The sun reached the mid-day.
siitaam gR^itvaa tu tadyaatu kvaasau yaasyati jiivitaH |
siitaa shrutvaabhiyaanam me aashaameshhyati jiivite || 6-4-4
jiivitaante.a mR^itam spR^ishhTvaa piitvaa vishhamivaaturaH |
siitaa shrutvaabhiyaanam me aashaameshhyati jiivite || 6-4-4
jiivitaante.a mR^itam spR^ishhTvaa piitvaa vishhamivaaturaH |
4. tat= let that ogre; yaatu= go (to his abode); hR^itam= after kidnapping; siitaam= Seetha; kva= where; asau yaasyati= will he go; jiivitaH= alive? shrutvaa= hearing; me= of my; abhiyaanam= march; siitaa= Seetha; yaasyati= will get back; aashaam= her hope; aashaam= her hope; jiivite= in life; spR^isTvaa iva= like touching; amR^itam= ambrosia; aaturaH= by a sick man; piitvaa= having drunk; vishham= poison; jiivitaante= at the end of his life.”
“Let that ogre go (to his abode) after kidnapping Seetha. Where will he go alive? Hearing of my march to Lanka, Seetha will get back her hope in life, like a sick man having drunk poison touches ambrosia at the end of his life.”
uttaraa phalgunii hi adya shvas tu hastena yokSyate || 6-4-5
abhiprayaama sugriiva sarva aniika samaavR^itaaH |
abhiprayaama sugriiva sarva aniika samaavR^itaaH |
5. adya= this; uttaraa phalguniihi= northern planet of Phalguni; yokshhyate= will be in conjunction; hastena= with the Hasta star; shvastu= tomorrow; abhiprayaama= let us depart; sarvaaniikasamaavR^itaH= with all the troops accompanying us; sugriiva= Oh, Sugreeva!
“This northern planet of Phalguni will be in conjunction with the Hasta star tomorrow. Hence, let us depart today itself with all the troops accompanying us, Oh, Sugreeva!”
nimittaani ca dhanyaani yaani praadur bhavanti me || 6-4-6
nihatya raavaNam siitaam aanayiSyaami jaanakiim |
nihatya raavaNam siitaam aanayiSyaami jaanakiim |
6. pashyaami= by seeing; nimittaani= the omens; yaani= which; praadurbhavanti= are becoming visible ; aanayishhyaami= I shall bring; siitaam= Seetha; jaanakiim= the daughter of Janaka; nihatya= by killing; raavaNam= Ravana.
“By seeing the omens which are becoming visible, I deduce that I shall bring back Seetha the daughter of Janaka, by killing Ravana.”
upariSTaadd hi nayanam sphuramaaNam idam mama || 6-4-7
vijayam samanupraaptam shamsati iva mano ratham |
vijayam samanupraaptam shamsati iva mano ratham |
7. idam= this; mama= my; nayanam= eye; sphuramaaNam= which is twitching; uparishhTaat= is proclaiming as it were; manoratham= my desire; vijayam= of victory; samanupraaptam= coming nearer.”
“My eye which is twitching on the upper lid, is proclaiming as it were, my desire of victory coming nearer.”
tato vaabararaaheba kajshmaNena supuujitaH || 6-4-8
uvaacha raamo dharmaatmaa punarapyarthakovidaH |
uvaacha raamo dharmaatmaa punarapyarthakovidaH |
8. tataH= Then; raamaH= Rama; dharmaatmaa= the virtuous man; arthakovidaH= versed in moral law; supuujitaaH= well adored; vaanararaajena= by Sugreeva the king of monkeys; lakshmaNena= and Lakshmana; punarapi= again; uvaacha= spoke (as follows).
Then Rama the virtuous man versed in moral law, who was well-adored by Sugreeva the king of monkeys and Lakshmana, again spoke as follows:-
agre yaatu balasya asya niilo maargam avekSitum || 6-4-9
vR^itaH shata sahasreNa vaanaraaNaam tarasvinaam |
vR^itaH shata sahasreNa vaanaraaNaam tarasvinaam |
9. niilaH= (let) Nila; vR^itaH= accompanied by; shatasahasreNa= a hundred thousand; tarasvinaam= strength; vaanaraaNaam= of monkeys; yaatu= go; agre= before; asya= this; balasya= army; avekshhitum= to explore; maargam= the way.
“Let general Nila accompanied by strength of hundred thousand warriors go before the army, to explore the way.”
phala muulavataa niila shiita kaanana vaariNaa |
pathaa madhumataa ca aashu senaam senaa pate naya || 6-4-10
pathaa madhumataa ca aashu senaam senaa pate naya || 6-4-10
10. niila= Oh, Nila; senaapate= the army-general! naya= steer; senaam= the army; aashu= speedily; pathaa= by the path; phalamuulavataa= abound with fruits and roots; shiitakaananavaariNaa= cool woods and fresh water; madhumataa= and honey.
“Oh Nila the chief of Army! Steer the army speedily by the path, abound with fruits and roots, cool woods and fresh water and honey.”
duuSayeyur duraatmaanaH pathi muula phala udakam || 6-4-11
raakSasaaH parirakSethaas tebhyas tvam nityam udyataH |
raakSasaaH parirakSethaas tebhyas tvam nityam udyataH |
11. raakshhaasaaH= the demons; duraatmanaH= who are evil minded; duushhayeyuH= will spoil; muulaphalodakam= the roots, fruits and water; pathi= in the path; tvam= you; nityam= always; udyataH= try; parirakshhedhaaH= to protect; tebhyaH= from them.
“The evil-minded demons may spoil the roots, fruits and water in the path-way. You always try to be on you guard.”
nimneSu vana durgeSu vaneSu ca vana okasaH || 6-4-12
abhiplutya abhipashyeyuH pareSaam nihatam balam |
abhiplutya abhipashyeyuH pareSaam nihatam balam |
12. vanaukasaH= (let) the monkeys; abhiplutya= jump; nimneshhu= into low grounds; vanadurgeshhu= into places made inaccessible by forest-grores; vaneshhu cha= and into thickets; abhipashyeyuH= and notice; balam= the army; pareshhaam= of the enemies; nihitam= stationed there.
“Let the monkeys jump into law grounds, into places made inaccessible by forest-grores and into thickets and notice whether any rival forces are stationed there.”
yattu phalgu balam kimchittadatraivopapadyataam || 6-4-13
etaddhi kR^ityam ghoram no vikrameNa prayujyataam |
etaddhi kR^ityam ghoram no vikrameNa prayujyataam |
13. yat kimchit= whatever little; phalgu= of feeble; balam= force; tat= let it; upapadyataat= be present; atraiva= here itself; etat= this; naH= our; kR^ityam= operation; ghoram hi= is indeed dreadful; prayujyataam= let is be discharged; vikrameNa= daringly.”
“Let whatever little of feeble forces stay back in Kishkindha, as our operation will indeed be dreadful. It has to be discharged daringly.”
saagara ogha nibham bhiimam agra aniikam mahaabalaaH || 6-4-14
kapi simhaa prakarSantu shatasho atha sahasrashaH |
kapi simhaa prakarSantu shatasho atha sahasrashaH |
14. kapisimhaaH= let the best of monkeys; mahaabalaaH= with great strength; shatashaH= in hundreds; atha= and; sahasrashaH= in thousands; prakarshhantu= lead; bhiimam= the formidable; agraaniikam= front of the army; saagaraughanibham= which is akin to an oceanic stream.”
“Let the best of monkeys with great strength in hundreds and thousands lead the formidable of the army, which is akin to an oceanic stream.”
gajaH ca giri samkaasho gavayaH ca mahaabalaH || 6-4-15
gava akSaH ca agrato yaantu gavaam dR^iptaa iva R^iSabhaaH |
gava akSaH ca agrato yaantu gavaam dR^iptaa iva R^iSabhaaH |
15. gajashcha= (Let) Gaja; girisamkaashaH= who is equal to a mountain; gavayashcha= Gavaya; mahaabalaH= a very strong man; gavaakshhashcha= and Gavaksha; yaatu= march; agrataH= in front; gavaam iva= as in front of cows; dR^ipataH= a majestic; R^ishhabhaH= full.
“Let Gaja, equal to a mountain, Gavaya a very strong warrior and Gavaksha march in front, as a majestic bull marches in front of a cow-herd.”
yaatu vaanara vaahinyaa vaanaraH plavataam patiH || 6-4-16
paalayan dakSiNam paarshvam R^iSabho vaanara R^iSabhaH |
paalayan dakSiNam paarshvam R^iSabho vaanara R^iSabhaH |
16. R^ishhabhaH vaanaraH= Let the monkey called Rishabha; plavataam patiH= lord of the simians; vaanararshhabhaH= and the best of the primates; yaatu= march forward; paalayan= guarding; dakshhinam= the right; paarshvam= side; vaanaravaahinyaaH= of the army of simians.
“Let the monkey called Rishabha, Lord of the simians and the best of the primates march forward, duly guarding the right side of the army of the simians.”
gandha hastii iva durdharSas tarasvii gandha maadanaH || 6-4-17
yaatu vaanara vaahinyaaH savyam paarshvam adhiSThitaH |
yaatu vaanara vaahinyaaH savyam paarshvam adhiSThitaH |
17. gandhamaadanaH= Let Gandhamaadna; tarasvii= with a strength; durdharshhaH= unconquerable; gandhahastiiva= like an elephant in rut; yaatu= proceed; adhishhThitaH= duly guarding; savyam= the left; paarshvam= side; vaanaravaahinyaaH= of the army of monkeys.
“Let Gandhamadana, with a strength unconquerable like an elephant in rut, proceed duly guarding the left side of the army of monkeys.”
yaasyaami bala madhye aham bala ogham abhiharSayan || 6-4-18
adhiruhya hanuumantam airaavatam iva iishvaraH |
adhiruhya hanuumantam airaavatam iva iishvaraH |
18. aham= I; adhiruhya= mounted; hanuumantam= on (the shoulders of) Hanuman; airaavatamiva= like on Airavata; iishvaraH= Indra; yaasyaami= will march; balamadhye= in the centre of my troops; abhiharshhayan= cheering balangham= the multitude of army.
“I myself, mounted on the shoulders of Hanuman, like Indra on Airavata, will march in the centre of my troops, duly cheering the multitude of army.”
angadena eSa samyaatu lakSmaNaH ca antaka upamaH || 6-4-19
saarvabhaumena bhuuta iisho draviNa adhipatis yathaa |
saarvabhaumena bhuuta iisho draviNa adhipatis yathaa |
19. eshhaH lakshhmaNashcha= Let this Lakshmana; antakopamaH= like of the lord of Death; samyaatu= march; aNgadena= on the shoulders of Angada; saarvabhaumena yathaa= like on an elephant called Sarvabhauma; draviNaadhipatiH= Kubera the lord of Riches; bhuteshaH= and the sovereign of beings.
“Let this Lakshmana, resembling the lord of Death, march on the shoulders of Angada like Kubera the lord of riches and the sovereign of beings marches on an elephant called Sarvabhauma.”
jaambavaamH ca suSeNaH ca vega darshii ca vaanaraH || 6-4-20
R^ikSa raajo mahaasattvaH kukSim rakSantu te trayaH |
R^ikSa raajo mahaasattvaH kukSim rakSantu te trayaH |
20. mahaasattvaH= let the highly strong; jaambavaanshcha= Jambavan; R^iksharaajaH= the lord of the bears; sushhenashcha= Sushena; vaanaraashcha= and the monkey; vegadarshhii= called Vegadarshi; te= those; trayaH= three; rakshhantu= guard; kukshim= the middle part.
Let the highly strong, Jambavan with Sushena and the monkey called Vegadarshi, all three, guard the middle part of the army.”
raaghavasya vacaH shrutvaa sugriivo vaahinii patiH || 6-4-21
vyaadidesha mahaaviiryaan vaanaraan vaanara RSabhaH |
vyaadidesha mahaaviiryaan vaanaraan vaanara RSabhaH |
21. shrutvaa= having heard; vachaH= the words; raaghavasya= of Rama; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; vaahiniipatiH= commander of the forces; vaanararshhabhaH= the lion among monkeys; mahaaviiryaH= with great valour; vyaadidesha= gave orders; vaanaraam= to the monkeys.
“Hearing the words of Rama, Sugreeva with great valour, the commander of forces and the lion among monkeys gave orders to the monkeys accordingly.”
te vaanara gaNaaH sarve samutpatya yuyutsavaH || 6-4-22
guhaabhyaH shikharebhyaH ca aashu pupluvire tadaa |
guhaabhyaH shikharebhyaH ca aashu pupluvire tadaa |
22. tadaa= then; sarve= all; te= those; vanaragaNaaH= troops of monkeys; mahaujanaaH= with great speed; samutpatya= together raised up; aashu= and quickly; pupluvire= bounced; guhaabhyaH= from caves; shikharebhyashcha= and peaks of mountains.
Then, all those troops of monkeys with great speed together raised up and quickly bounced from caves and mountain-tops.
tato vaanara raajena lakSmaNena ca puujitaH || 6-4-23
jagaama raamo dharma aatmaa sasainyo dakSiNaam disham |
jagaama raamo dharma aatmaa sasainyo dakSiNaam disham |
23. tataH= thereafter; raamaH= Rama; dharmaatmaa= the virtuous man; pujitaH= treated respectfully; vaanara raajena= by Sugreeva; lakshmaNena cha= and Lakshmana; jagaama= went; dakshhinam disham= towards southern direction; sa sainyaH= along with army.
Thereafter Rama the virtuous man, treated respectfully by Sugreeva and Lakshmana, moved towards southern direction, along with the army.
shataiH shata sahasraiH ca koTiibhir ayutair api || 6-4-24
vaaraNaabhiH ca haribhir yayau parivRtas tadaa |
vaaraNaabhiH ca haribhir yayau parivRtas tadaa |
24. tadaa= at that time; yayau= (Rama) went; parivR^itaH= surrounded; haribhiH= by monkeys; vaaraNaabhaiH= looking like elephants; shataiH= (numbering) the hundreds; shatasahasraiH= hundreds of thousands; kotibhishcha= and in crores.
At that time, Rama went surrounded by monkeys, looking like elephants, numbering in hundreds, hundreds of thousands and crores.
tam yaantam anuyaati sma mahatii hari vaahinii || 6-4-25
hR^iSTaaH pramuditaaH sarve sugriiveNa abhipaalitaaH |
hR^iSTaaH pramuditaaH sarve sugriiveNa abhipaalitaaH |
25. saa= that; mahatii= extensive; harivaahinii= army of monkeys; anuyaantii= followed; tam= Rama; yaantam= who was marching (along) sarve= all those (monkeys) paalitaaH= maintained; sugriiveNa= by Sugreeva; hR^ishhTaaH= were rejoicing; pramuditaaH= with delight
That extensive army of monkeys followed Rama who was marching in the lead. All those monkeys maintained by Sugreeva were rejoicing with delight.
aaplavantaH plavantaH ca garjantaH ca plavam gamaaH || 6-4-26
kSvelanto ninadantaH ca jagmur vai dakSiNaam disham |
kSvelanto ninadantaH ca jagmur vai dakSiNaam disham |
26. plavangamaaH= the monkeys; plavantaH= jumping; aaplavantaH= overwhelmingly; garjantashcha= with roaring sound; kshhveLantaH= jest fully; ninadantashcha= playing (musical instruments) jagmuH vai= marched; dakshhinamdisham= towards southern direction.
The monkeys, jumping overwhelmingly with roaring sound and jest fully playing musical instruments (like trumpets) marched towards southern direction.
bhakSayantaH sugandhiini madhuuni ca phalaani ca || 6-4-27
udvahanto mahaavR^ikSaan manjarii punja dhaariNaH |
udvahanto mahaavR^ikSaan manjarii punja dhaariNaH |
27. bhakshhayantaH= eating; sugandhiini= good-smelling; madhuuni= honeys; phalaanicha= and fruits; udvahantaH= carrying; mahaavR^ikshhaan= large branches; maJNjariipuJNjadhaariNaH= bearing clusters of blossoms in multitude.
They marched on, eating good-smelling honeys and fruits and carrying large branches bearing clusters of blossoms in multitude.
anyonyam sahasaa dR^iSTaa nirvahanti kSipanti ca || 6-4-28
patantaH ca utpatanti anye paatayanti apare paraan |
patantaH ca utpatanti anye paatayanti apare paraan |
28. dR^iptaaH= wild monkeys; nirvahanti= would lift up; kshhipanti= and throw; anyonyam= one another; sahasaa= all of a sudden; anye= some others; patntaH cha= were hanging down and utpatanti= flying upwards; apare= some others; paatayanti= were throwing down; paraan= others.
Wild monkeys would lift up and throw one another all of a sudden. Some others were hanging down and flying upwards. Some other monkeys were throwing down others.
raavaNo no nihantavyaH sarve ca rajanii caraaH || 6-4-29
iti garjanti harayo raaghavasya samiipataH |
iti garjanti harayo raaghavasya samiipataH |
29. harayaH= monkeys; samiipataH= nearer; raaghavasya= to Rama; iti garjanti= were roaring thus; naH= to us; raavanaH= Ravana; nihantavyaH= is worthy of killing; rajaniicharaashcha= and also demons; sarve= entirely.
Monkeys close to Rama were thus shouting, “To us, Ravana is worthy of killing and also the entire demons.”
purastaad R^iSabhho viiro niilaH kumuda eva ca || 6-4-30
pathaanam shodhayanti sma vaanarair bahubhiH saha |
pathaanam shodhayanti sma vaanarair bahubhiH saha |
30. R^ishhbhaH= Rishabaha; niilaH= Nila; kumuda eva cha= and also Kumuda; viiraH= the courageous; bahubhiH vaanaraiH= along with many monkeys; shodhayanti= were clearing up; paNthaanam= the path; purastaat= ahead.
Rishabha, Nila, and the courageous Kumuda along with many monkeys were clearing up the path ahead.
madhye tu raajaa sugriivo raamo lakSmaNa eva ca || 6-4-31
bahubhir balibhir bhiimair vRtaaH shatru nibarhaNaH |
bahubhir balibhir bhiimair vRtaaH shatru nibarhaNaH |
31. raajaa= the king; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; raamaH= Rama; lakshmaNa eva cha= and Lakshmana; shatrunibarhaNaaH= the destroyers of enemies; vR^itaH= were moving; madhye= in the centre; bahubhiH= along with many monkeys; balibhiH= which are robust; bhiimaaH= and terrible.
Sugreeva the king of monkeys, Rama and Lakshmana the destroyers of enemies were moving in the centre along with many robust and terrible monkeys.
hariH shata balir viiraH koTiibhir dashabhir vR^itaH || 6-4-32
sarvaam eko hi avaSTabhya rarakSa hari vaahiniim |
sarvaam eko hi avaSTabhya rarakSa hari vaahiniim |
32. viiraH= the heroic; shatabaliH= Satabali; hariH= the monkey; vR^itaH= who was accompanied by; dashabhiH= ten; kotibhiH= crores (of monkeys) avashhTabhya= standing firmly; ekaH= alone; abhirakshhati= guarded; harivaahiniim= the army of monkeys.
The heroic monkey satabali who was accompanied by ten crores of monkeys, standing alone firmly, guarded the whole army of monkeys.
koTii shata pariivaaraH kesarii panaso gajaH || 6-4-33
arkaH ca atibalaH paarshvam ekam tasya abhirakSati |
arkaH ca atibalaH paarshvam ekam tasya abhirakSati |
33. kesarii= Kesari; kotiishatapariivaaraH= with a retinue of a hundred crore; pansaH= Panasa; gajaH= Gaja; arkashcha= and Arka; bahubhiH= along with many monkeys; abhirakshhati= were protecting; ekam= one; paarshvam= flank (of that army).
Kesari with a retinue of a hundred crore, Panasa, Gaja and Arka along with many monkeys were protecting one flank of that army.
suSeNo jaambavaamH caiva R^ikSair bahubhir aavR^itaH || 6-4-34
sugriivam purataH kR^itvaa jaghanam samrarakSatuH |
sugriivam purataH kR^itvaa jaghanam samrarakSatuH |
34. sushheNaH= Sushena; jaambavashchaiva= and Jambavanta; aavR^itaH= surrounded; bahubhiH= by many; R^ikshhaiH= bears; kR^itvaa= keeping; sugriivam= Sugreeva; purataH= in front; samrarakshhatuH= protected; jaghanam= the hinder part of the army.
Keeping Sugreeva in front, Sushena and Jambavanta surrounded by many bears, protected the hinder part of that army.
teSaam senaa patir viiro niilo vaanara pumgavaH || 6-4-35
sampatan patataam shreSThas tad balam paryapaalayat |
sampatan patataam shreSThas tad balam paryapaalayat |
35. niilaH= Nila; teshhaam= their; senaapatiH= chief of the army; viiraH= the brave; vaanarapuN^gavaH= the best among monkeys; samyataH= the self-controlled; shreshhThah= the foremost; charataam= among movable beings; paryapaalayat= was protecting in every direction; tat= that; balam= army.
Nila their chief of the army, the brave and the best among monkeys, the self controlled and the foremost among movable beings, was protecting atha army in every direction.
valiimukhaH prajaN^ghashcha jambho.atha rabhasaH kapiH || 6-4-36
sarvataH ca yayur viiraas tvarayantaH plavam gamaan |
sarvataH ca yayur viiraas tvarayantaH plavam gamaan |
36. valiimuukhaH= Valimukha; prajaNghashcha= Prajangha; jambhaH= Jambha; atha= and; rabhasaH= Rabhasa; kapiH= the monkey; yayuH= were moving; sarvataH= on all sides; tvarayantaH= urging forward; plavaN^gamaan= the monkeys.
Valimukha, Prajangha, Jambha and Rabhasa the monkey were moving on all sides, urging the monkeys forward.
evam te hari shaarduulaa gacchanto bala darpitaaH || 6-4-37
apashyams te giri shreSTham sahyam druma lataa yutam |
saagara ogha nibham bhiimam tad vaanara balam mahat || 6-4-38
apashyams te giri shreSTham sahyam druma lataa yutam |
saagara ogha nibham bhiimam tad vaanara balam mahat || 6-4-38
37,38. te= those; harishaarduulaH= foremost among the monkeys; baladarpitaaH= proud of their strength; evam= thus; gachchhantaH= marching; apashyanta= saw; sahyam= the Sahya mountain; girishreshhTam= the best of mountains; girishataayutam= joined with many small mountains; saraamsi= lakes; suphullaani= fully abounding in flowers; varaaNi= eminent; taTaakaani cha= ponds.
Those foremost among the monkeys, proud of their strength, thus marching with the army, saw the Sahya mountain the best of mountains joined with many small mountains, lakes fully abounding in flowers and eminent ponds.
raamasya shaasanam jJNaatvaa bhiimakopasya bhiitavat |
varjayannagaraabhyaashaamstathaa janapadaanapi || 6-4-39
saagaraughanibham bhiimam tadvaanarabalam mahat |
nihsasarpa mahaaghoSam bhiima vega iva arNavaH || 6-4-40
varjayannagaraabhyaashaamstathaa janapadaanapi || 6-4-39
saagaraughanibham bhiimam tadvaanarabalam mahat |
nihsasarpa mahaaghoSam bhiima vega iva arNavaH || 6-4-40
39,40. tat= that; mahat= large; vaanarabalam= army of monkeys; bhiimam= terrific; saagaraughanibham= like an ocean-flood; jJNyaatvaa= cognizing; shaasanam= the command; raamasya= of Rama; bhiima kopasya= which is frightfully enraged; bhiitavat= having terror-stricken; varjayat= abandoning; nagaraabhyaashaan= the vicinity of towns; tathaa= and; janapadaanapi= and even villages; niHsasarpa= marched; aarNavam iva= like an ocean; mahaaghoram= highly terrific; mahaaghoshham= with great hoaring sound.
That large army of monkeys, terrific like an ocean-flood cognizing the command of Rama which is frightfully enraging, having terror-stricken, abandoning the vicinity of towns and even villages, marched like a highly dreadful ocean with a great hoaring sound.
tasya daasharatheH paarshve shuuraas te kapi kunjaraaH |
tuurNam aapupluvuH sarve sad ashvaa iva coditaaH || 6-4-41
tuurNam aapupluvuH sarve sad ashvaa iva coditaaH || 6-4-41
41. sarve= All; te= those; kapikuJNjaraaH= prominent monkeys; shuuraaH= which are valiant; aapupluvaH= were overwhelmingly jumping ahead; sadashvaaH iva= like fine horses; choditaaH= being whipped; paarshve= at the side; tasya daasharatheH= of that Rama.
All those prominent and valiant monkeys were overwhelmingly jumping ahead, like fine horses being whipped, at the side of that Rama.
kapibhyaam uhyamaanau tau shushubhate nara R^iSabhau |
mahadbhyaam iva samspR^iSTau graahaabhyaam candra bhaaskarau || 6-4-42
mahadbhyaam iva samspR^iSTau graahaabhyaam candra bhaaskarau || 6-4-42
42. tau= those; narashhabhau= best among men (Rama and Lakshmana); uhyamaanau= being carried (on their shoulders); kapibhyaam= by two monkeys (Hanuman and Angada); shushubhaate= were effulgent; Chandra bhaaskarau= like the moon and the sun; samspR^ishhTau= having coming together in contact; mahadbhyaam= with two large; grahabhyaam= planets (Jupiter and Venus).
Rama and Lakshmana the best among men being carried on shoulders by Hanuman and Angada the two monkeys, were effulgent like the moon and the sun having come together in contact with two large planets (Jupiter and Venus).
tato vaanararaajena lakshmaNena supuujitaH |
jagaama raamo dharmaatmaa sasainyo dakshiNaam disham || 6-4-43
tam angada gato raamam lakSmaNaH shubhayaa giraa |
uvaaca pratipuurNa arthaH smRtimaan pratibhaanavaan || 6-4-44
jagaama raamo dharmaatmaa sasainyo dakshiNaam disham || 6-4-43
tam angada gato raamam lakSmaNaH shubhayaa giraa |
uvaaca pratipuurNa arthaH smRtimaan pratibhaanavaan || 6-4-44
43. tataH= thereafter; raamaH= Rama; dharmaatmaa= the virtuous man; pujitaH= treat respectfully; vaanara raajena= by Sugreeva; lakshmaNena cha= and Lakshmana; jagaama= went; dakshhinam disham= towards southern direction; sa sainyaH= along with army; 44. lakshmaNaH= Lakshmana; puurNaarthapratibhaanavaan= with a fully meaningful presence of mind; aN^gadagataH= sitting on angada; uvaacha= spoke; shubhayaa= (the following) auspicious; giraa= words; paripuurNaartham= which were fully meaningful; am raamam= to that Rama.
Thereafter, Rama the virtuous man, treated respectfully by Sugreeva and Lakshmana, moved towards southern direction, along with the army. Lakshmana, with a fully meaningful presence of mind, sitting on Angada, spoke the following auspicious words which were fully meaningful, to Rama.
hR^itaam avaapya vaidehiim kSipram hatvaa ca raavaNam |
samR^iddha arthaH samR^iddha arthaam ayodhyaam pratiyaasyasi || 6-4-45
samR^iddha arthaH samR^iddha arthaam ayodhyaam pratiyaasyasi || 6-4-45
45. hatvaa= killing; raavanam= Ravana; kshhipram= fast; avaapya cha= and obtaining; vaidehiim= Seetha; hR^itaam= who was taken away; pratiyaasyasi= you will proceed; ayodhyaam= to Ayodhya; samR^iddhaartham= which is abundantly rich; samR^iddhaarthaH= having accomplished your purpose.
“Killing Ravana fast and obtaining Seetha who was taken away, you will proceed to Ayodhya which is abundant by rich, having accomplished your purpose.”
mahaanti ca nimittaani divi bhuumau ca raaghava |
shubhaanti tava pashyaami sarvaaNi eva artha siddhaye || 6-4-46
anu vaati shubho vaayuH senaam mR^idu hitaH sukhaH |
shubhaanti tava pashyaami sarvaaNi eva artha siddhaye || 6-4-46
anu vaati shubho vaayuH senaam mR^idu hitaH sukhaH |
46. pashyaami= I am seeing; sarvaaNi= all; mahaanti= grand; shubhaanyeva= good; nimittaani= omens; artha siddhaye= self-evident; tava= for you; divi= in the sky; bhuumaucha= and the earth; raaghava= Oh, Rama! vaayuH= the wind; shivaH= which is favorable beneficial, mR^iduhitaH= gentle; sukhaH= and comfortable; anuvaati= is blowing alongside.
“I am seeing all grand good omens in the sky and the earth self-evident of your fulfillment, Oh Rama! The wind which is favorable, gentle beneficial and comfortable to the army is blowing alongside.”
puurNa valgu svaraaH ca ime pravadanti mR^iga dvijaaH || 6-4-47
prasannaaH ca dishaH sarvaa vimalaH ca divaa karaH |
prasannaaH ca dishaH sarvaa vimalaH ca divaa karaH |
47. ete= these; mR^igadvijaaH= beasts and birds; pravadanti= are uttering; puurNavalgusvaraaH= sonorous and sweet sounds; sarvaaH= all; dishashcha= the quarters; prasannaaH= are bright; divaakarashcha= even the sun; vimalaH= is clear.
“These beasts and birds are uttering sonorous and sweet sounds. All the quarters are looking bright. Even the sun is clear.”
ushanaa ca prasanna arcir anu tvaam bhaargavo gataH || 6-4-48
brahma raashir vishuddhaH ca shuddhaaH ca parama R^iSayaH |
arciSmantaH prakaashante dhruvam sarve pradakSiNam || 6-4-49
brahma raashir vishuddhaH ca shuddhaaH ca parama R^iSayaH |
arciSmantaH prakaashante dhruvam sarve pradakSiNam || 6-4-49
48,49. ushanaacha= the planet of Venus; prasannaarchiH= with its bright light; bhaargavaH= born from the sage Bhrigu ( a mind-born son of Brahma the creator) anugataH= is hanging behind; tvaam= you; brahmaraashiH= Dhruva, the very bright pole-star (which is recognized by the contiguity of the stars presided over by the seven Brahman Rishis); vishuddhaH= is becoming clear; sarve= all; shuddhaaH= the pure; paramrshayaH= great sages; archishhmantaH= having bright light; prakaashante= are shining; pradashhiNam= going round from left to right; dhR^ivam= of Dhruva star.
“The planet of Venus with its bright light, born from the sage Bhrigu (a mind-born son of Brahma the creator) is hanging behind you. Dhruva, the very bright pole-star (which is recognized by the contiguity of the stars presided over by the seven Brahmana sages) is becoming clear. All the pure great sages having bright light are shining are shining around Dhruva star.
trishankur vimalo bhaati raaja R^iSiH sapurohitaH || 6-4-50
pitaamaha varo asmaakam iSkvaakuuNaam mahaatmanaam |
pitaamaha varo asmaakam iSkvaakuuNaam mahaatmanaam |
50. raajarshhiH= the royal sage; trishaN^kuH= Trishanku; asmaakam= our; pitaamahaH= paternal grand father; mahaatmanaam= the high-souled; ikshhvaakuuNaam= Ikshvakus; vimalaH- is purely; bhaati= shining; puraH= in front; sapurohitaH= along with his family- priest.
“The royal sage Trishanku, our paternal grand father, born in the high-souled Ikshvaku dynasty, is purely shining (as a star) in front, along with his family-priest.”
vimale ca prakaashete vishaakhe nirupadrave || 6-4-51
nakSatram param asmaakam ikSvaakuuNaam mahaatmanaam |
nakSatram param asmaakam ikSvaakuuNaam mahaatmanaam |
51. vishaakhe= Vishakha stars; prakaashete= are shining; vimale= clearly; nirupadrave= without any evil influence; param= (this) supreme; nakshhatram= constellation; asmaakam ikshhvaakuuNaam= is of our Ikshvakus; mahaatmanaam= the high-souled.
“Visakha stars are shining clearly without any evil influence. This supreme constellation is of our Ikshvakus, the high-souled.”
nairR^itam nairR^itaanaam ca nakSatram abhipiiDyate || 6-4-52
muulam muulavataa spRSTam dhuupyate dhuuma ketunaa |
muulam muulavataa spRSTam dhuupyate dhuuma ketunaa |
52. nairR^itam= the Mula constellation; nairR^itaanaam= of the titans; abhipiiDyate= is badly aspected; muulaH spR^ishhTaH= in that Mula is touched; dhuumaketunaa= by a comet risen; muulavataa= with a tail of light; dhuupyate= and tormented by it.
“The Mula constellation of the titans is badly aspected, in that it is touched by a comet risen with a tail of light and tormented by it.”
saram ca etad vinaashaaya raakSasaanaam upasthitam || 6-4-53
kaale kaala gR^ihiitaanaam nakatram graha piiDitam |
kaale kaala gR^ihiitaanaam nakatram graha piiDitam |
53. sarvam= all; etat= this; upasthitam= has appeared; vinaashaaya= for the destruction; raakshasaanaam= of titans; nakshhatram= the star; kaalagR^ihiitaanaam= seized by death; grahapiiDitam= is oppressed by a planet; kaale= in its last hour.
“All this has come for the destruction of the titans, for, the star seized by death is oppressed by a planet in its last hour.”
prasannaaH surasaaH ca aapo vanaani phalavanti ca |
pravaanti abhyadhikam gandhaa yathaa R^itu kusumaa drumaaH || 6-4-54
pravaanti abhyadhikam gandhaa yathaa R^itu kusumaa drumaaH || 6-4-54
54. aapaH= the waters; prasannaaH= are crystal-clear; surasaashcha= having good taste; vanaani= the woodlands; phalavanticha= are laden with fruit; gandhaaH= the fragrant air; na pravaanti= is not blowing; adhikaaH= much; drumaaH= trees; yathartukusumaaH= are bearing flowers according to the season.
“The waters are crystal-clear, with good taste. The woodlands are laden with fruit. The fragrant air is not blowing much. Trees are bearing seasonal flowers.”
vyuuDhaani kapi sainyaani prakaashante adhikam prabho |
devaanaam iva sainyaani samgraame taarakaamaye || 6-4-55
evam aarya samiikSya etaan priito bhavitum arhasi |
devaanaam iva sainyaani samgraame taarakaamaye || 6-4-55
evam aarya samiikSya etaan priito bhavitum arhasi |
55. kapisainyaani= the armies of monkeys; vyuuDhaani= formed into squadrons; adhikam= are highly; prakaashante= glittering; sainyaaniiva= like armies; devaanaam= of celestials; samgraame= in a battle; taarakaamaye= in which the demon Taraka was killed; aarya= Oh, venerable one! Arhasi= you are fit; bhavitum= to become; priitaH= delighted; samiikshya= on seeing; etat= this; evam= in such a manner.
“The armies of monkeys formed into different squadrons are looking highly splendid like the armies of celestials in the battle in which the demon Taraka was killed, Oh venerable one! Be pleased to see these good omens in this manner.”
iti bhraataram aashvaasya hR^iSTaH saumitrir abraviit || 6-4-56
atha aavRtya mahiim kR^itsnaam jagaama mahatii camuuH |
R^ikSa vaanara shaarduulair nakha damSTra aayudhair vR^itaa || 6-4-57
atha aavRtya mahiim kR^itsnaam jagaama mahatii camuuH |
R^ikSa vaanara shaarduulair nakha damSTra aayudhair vR^itaa || 6-4-57
56,57. hR^ishhTaH= the delighted; saumitriH= Lakshmana; abraviit= spoke; iti= thus; aashvaasya= cheering up; bhraataram= his brother; atha= then; harivaahinii= the army of monkeys; R^ikshhavaanara shaarduulaiH= consisting of excellent bears and monkeys; nakhadamshhTraayudhaiH api= having very nails and teeth as weapons; jagaama= marched; aavR^itya= covering; kR^itsnaam= the entire; mahiim= earth.
The delighted Lakshmana spoke thus, cheering up his brother. Then, the army of monkeys consisting of excellent bears and monkeys having their very nails and teeth as weapons, marched ahead, covering the entire earth.
kara agraiH caraNa agraiH ca vaanarair uddhatam rajaH |
bhiimam antar dadhe lokam nivaarya savituH prabhaam || 6-4-58
saa sma yaati divaa raatram mahatii hari vaahinii |
hR^iSTa pramuditaa senaa sugriiveNa abhirakSitaa || 6-4-59
bhiimam antar dadhe lokam nivaarya savituH prabhaam || 6-4-58
saa sma yaati divaa raatram mahatii hari vaahinii |
hR^iSTa pramuditaa senaa sugriiveNa abhirakSitaa || 6-4-59
58,59. bhiimam= the aweful; rajaH= dust; uddhatam= raised; karaagraiH= by nails; charaNaagraiH= and elaws; vaanariaH= of monkeys; nivaarya= obscured; prabhaam= the splendor; savituH= of the sun; antardadhe= covered; lokam= the earth; saparvatavanaakaasham= comprising of mountains, forests and the atmosphere; bhiimaa= the colossal; harivaahinii= monkey-army; yayau= advanced; chhadayantii= encompassing; dakshhinam= the southern region; dyaamiva= like the sky; ambudasamtatiH= a mass of cloud.
The aweful dust raised by nails and claws of monkeys obscured the splendor of the sun and also covered the earth comprising of mountains forests and the atmosphere. The colossal monkey-army advanced, encompassing the southern region like a mass of cloud enveloping the sky.
uttarantyaashcha senaayaaH satatam bahuyojanam |
nadiisrotaamsi sarvaaNi sasyandurvipariitavat || 6-4-60
nadiisrotaamsi sarvaaNi sasyandurvipariitavat || 6-4-60
60. senayaaH uttarantyaaH= while the army was crossing; sarvaaNi= the entire; nadiisrotaamsi= river-currents; satatam= uninterruptedly; sasyandaH= they flowed; vipariitavat= invertedly; bahuyojanam= for a distance of many yojanas.
While the army was crossing the entire river-currents uninterruptedly, the currents flowed invertedly for a distance of many yojanas.
saraamsi vimalaambhaamsi drumaakiirNaamshcha parvataan |
samaan bhuumipradeshaamshcha vanaani phalavanti ca || 6-4-61
madhyena ca samantaacca vanaani phalavanti ca |
samaan bhuumipradeshaamshcha vanaani phalavanti ca || 6-4-61
madhyena ca samantaacca vanaani phalavanti ca |
61. mahatii= the mighty; chamuuH= army; samaavishat= entered thoroughly; saraamsi= into lakes; vimalaambhaamsi= containing clear water; parvataamshcha= mountains; drumaakiirNaan= full of trees; samaan bhuumi pradeshaamshcha= the plain-landed territories; vanaanicha= and woodlands; phalavanti= laden with fruits; saa= that army (entered); madhyena= from the middle; samantaat= from the four sides; tiryak= from across; adhashcha= and from under.
The mighty army entered thoroughly into lakes containing clear water, mountains full of trees, plain-landed territories and forests laden with fruits from the middle, from the four sides, from across and from under.
samaavR^itya mahiim kR^itsnaam jagaama mahatii camuuH || 6-4-62
te hR^iSTavadanaah sarve jagmurmaarutaramhasaH |
te hR^iSTavadanaah sarve jagmurmaarutaramhasaH |
62. mahatii= the gigantic; chamuuH= army; jagaama= marched; sammavR^itya= thoroughly covering; mahiim= the earth; te sarve= all of them; maarutaramhasaH= with a wind-like speed; jagmuH= went on; hR^ishhTavadanaaH= manifesting a joy in their faces.
The gigantic army marched, thoroughly covering the land. All of them with a wind-like aped went on, manifesting a joy in their faces.
harayo raaghavasyaarthe samaaropitavikramaaH || 6-4-63
harSam viiryam balodrekaaddarshayantaH parasparam |
yauvanotsekajaaddarpaadvividhaamshchakruradhvani || 6-4-64
harSam viiryam balodrekaaddarshayantaH parasparam |
yauvanotsekajaaddarpaadvividhaamshchakruradhvani || 6-4-64
63,64. raaghavasyaarthe= for the sake of Rama; harayaH= the monkeys; samaaropita vikramaaH= with fully elevated pace; parasparam= mutually (vied with each other); darshayantaH= showed; balaodrekaat= high spirits; harshham= vigor; viiryam= and prowess; darpaat= out of pride; yauvanotsekajaat= born of prime youth; chakruH= (some made; vividhaan= various gestures; adhvani= on the way.
For the sake of Rama, the monkeys with fully elevated pace vied with each other in high spirits, vigor and prowess. Out of pride born of prime youth, some made various gestures on the way.
tatra keciddrutam jagmurutpetushcha tathaapare |
kecitkilakilaam cakrurvaanaraa vanagocaraaH || 6-4-65
kecitkilakilaam cakrurvaanaraa vanagocaraaH || 6-4-65
65. kechit= some; vangocharaaH= wild; vaanaaraH= monkeys; tatra= there; jagmuH= went; drutam= rapidly; tathaa= in that manner; apare= some others; utpetushcha= hovered high; kachit= some; chakruH= made; kilakilaam= noises, sounding “kila! Kila!”.
Some wild monkeys there walked very speedily. In that manner, some others hovered highly. Some made noises, sounding “kila! kila!”.
praasphoTayamshcha pucchhaani samnijaghnaH padaanyapi |
bhujaanvikshipya shailaamshcha drumaananye babhaJNjare || 6-4-66
bhujaanvikshipya shailaamshcha drumaananye babhaJNjare || 6-4-66
66. praasphotayan= (some) lashed; puchchhaani= tails; samnijaghnuH api= (some) even stamped; padaani= their feet; anye= some others; vikshhipya= stretching; bhujaan= their arms; babhaJNjire= broke off; shailaamshcha= rocks and; drumaan= trees.
Some monkeys lashed their tails. Some even stamped their feet. Some others, stretching their arms, broke off rocks and trees.
aarohantashcha shR^iN^gaaNi giriiNaam girigocaraaH |
mahaanaadaan pramuJNcanti kshveDaamanye prachakrite || 6-4-67
mahaanaadaan pramuJNcanti kshveDaamanye prachakrite || 6-4-67
67. girigocharaaH= (some) monkeys; aarohantashcha= ascended; shriN^gaaNi= the peaks; giriiNaam= of mountains; pramuJNchanti= and uttered; mahaanaadaan= huge noises; anye= some others; prachakrire= made; kshhveDaam= lion’s roars.
Some monkeys ascended mountain-peaks and uttered huge noises. Some others made lion’s roars.
uuruvegaishcha mamR^idurlataajaalaanyanekashaH |
jR^imbhamaaNaashcha vikraantaa vicikriiDuH shilaadrumaiH || 6-4-68
jR^imbhamaaNaashcha vikraantaa vicikriiDuH shilaadrumaiH || 6-4-68
68. mamR^iduH= (some) were crushing; anekashaH= many; lataajaalaani= webs of creepers; uuruvegaiH= by the jerks of their thighs; vikraantaaH= the valiant monkeys; vichikriiDuH= played; shilaadrumaiH= with rocks and trees; jR^imbhamaaNaaH= by stretching their limbs.
Some monkeys were crushing many webs of creepers by the jerks of their thighs. The valiant monkeys also played with rocks and trees, by stretching their limbs.
tataH shatasahasraishcha koTibhishcha sahasrashaH |
vaanaraaNaam sughoraaNaam shriimatparivR^itaa mahii || 6-4-69
vaanaraaNaam sughoraaNaam shriimatparivR^itaa mahii || 6-4-69
69. tataH= in that place; mahii= the land; parivR^itaa= was covered; shriimat= splendidly; shatasahasraishcha= by hundred of thousands; sahasrashaH= by thousands; kotibhiH= (and) crores; vaanaraaNaam= of monkeys; sughoraaNaam= who were very dreadful.
In that place, the land was covered splendidly by hundreds of thousands, by thousands and crores of monkeys, who were looking very dreadful.
saa sma yaati divaaraatram mahatii harivaahinii |
prahR^iSTamuditaaH sarve sugriiveNaabhipaalitaaH || 6-4-70
vanaraas tvaritam yaanti sarve yuddha abhinandanaH |
mumokSayiSavaH siitaam muhuurtam kva api na aasata || 6-4-71
prahR^iSTamuditaaH sarve sugriiveNaabhipaalitaaH || 6-4-70
vanaraas tvaritam yaanti sarve yuddha abhinandanaH |
mumokSayiSavaH siitaam muhuurtam kva api na aasata || 6-4-71
70,71. saa harivaahinii= that monkey-army; mahatii= which was extensive; yaatisma= was marching; divaaraatram= day and night; sarve= all; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; abhipaalitaaH= ruled; sugriiveNa= by Sugreeva; prahR^ishhTamuditaaH= were exceedingly pleased and cheerful; sarve= all; yaanti= were going; tvaritaaH= quickly; yuddhaabhinandinaH= rejoicing for war; siitaam pramokshhayishhavaH= those monkeys desirous of Seetha’s release; naavasan= did not halt; kvaapi= anywhere even muhuurtam= for a moment.
That extensive monkey-army was marching day and night. All the monkeys ruled by Sugreeva were exceedingly pleased and cheerful. All were marching quickly, rejoicing for war. Those monkeys desirous of Seetha’s release, did not halt even for a moment anywhere.
tataH paadapa sambaadham naanaa mR^iga samaakulam |
sahya parvatam aasedur malayam ca mahii dharam || 6-4-72
sahya parvatam aasedur malayam ca mahii dharam || 6-4-72
72. tataH= then; te vaanaraaH= those monkeys; aasaadya= reached; samaaruhan= and climbed up; sahyapaarvatam= mountain called sahya; paadapaasambaadham= with thick canopy of trees; naanaamR^igasamaayutam= and filled with many kinds of beasts.
Then, those monkeys reached and climbed up a mountain called sahya with a full canopy of trees and filled with many kinds of beasts.
kaananaani vicitraaNi nadii prasravaNaani ca |
pashyann api yayau raamaH sahyasya malayasya ca || 6-4-73
pashyann api yayau raamaH sahyasya malayasya ca || 6-4-73
73. raamaH api= Rama too; yayau= went; pashyan= seeing; vichitraaNi= the wonderful; kaanaraani= woods; nadiiprasravaNaani= streams and cascades; sahyasya= of Sahya; malayasya cha= and Malaya mountains.
Rama too went along, seeing the wonderful woods, streams and cascades of Sahya and Malaya mountains.
campakaams tilakaamH cuutaan ashokaan sindu vaarakaan |
tinishaan karaviiraamH ca timishaan bhanjanti sma plavam gamaaH || 6-4-74
tinishaan karaviiraamH ca timishaan bhanjanti sma plavam gamaaH || 6-4-74
74. plavangamaaH= the monkeys; bhajanti sma= enjoyed; champakaan= Champaka; tilakaan= Tilaka; chuutaan= mango; prasekaan= praseka; sinduvaarakaan= Sinduvaara; tinishaan= Tinisa; karaviiraamshcha= and Karavira trees.
The monkeys enjoyed the fruits of Champaka, Tilaka, mango, Praseka, Sindnvaara Timisa and Karaveera trees.
ashokaamshcha karaJNjaamshcha plakshanygrodhapaadapaan |
jambuukaamalakaannaagaan bhajanti sma plavaN^gamaaH || 6-4-75
jambuukaamalakaannaagaan bhajanti sma plavaN^gamaaH || 6-4-75
75. plavangamaaH= the monkeys; bhajanti sma= enjoyed; ashokaan= Ashoka; karJNjuumshcha= Karanja; plakshha= Plaksa; nyagrodha= Nyagrodha; paadapaan= trees; jambuka= Jambu; amalakaan= myrobalan; naagaan= and Naga trees.
The monkeys enjoyed Ashoka, Karanja, Plaksa, Nyagrodha, Jambu, myrobalan and Naga trees.
prastareshhu cha ramyeshhu vividhaaH kaananadrumaaH |
vaayuvegapracalitaaH pushhpairavakiranti taam || 6-4-76
vaayuvegapracalitaaH pushhpairavakiranti taam || 6-4-76
76. vividhaaH= different kinds; kaanana drumaaH= of forest trees; prastareshhu= standing on plateaus; ramyeshhu= which were lovely; vaayuvega prachalitaa= shaken by gust of winds; avakiranti= poured out; pushhpaiH= flowers; taan= on those monkeys.
Various kinds of forest-trees standing on enchanting plateaus, being shaken by gust of winds, poured out flowers on those monkeys.
maarutaH sukhasamsparshoo vaati candanashiitalaH |
SaTpadairanukuujadbhirvaneshhu madhugandhishhu || 6-4-77
SaTpadairanukuujadbhirvaneshhu madhugandhishhu || 6-4-77
77. sukhasamprashaH= a soft-touching; maarutaH= breeze; chandanashiitalaH= (while) the bees; anukuujadbhiH= hummed; madhugandhishhu= in the nectar-scented; vaneshhu= woods.
A soft-touching breeze, refreshing as a sandal, blew while the bees hummed in the nectar-scented woods.
adhikam shailaraajastu dhaatubhistu vibhuusitaH |
dhaatubhyaH prasR^ito reNurvaayuvegena ghuTTitaH || 6-4-78
sumahadvaanaraaniikam chaadayaamaasa sarvataH |
dhaatubhyaH prasR^ito reNurvaayuvegena ghuTTitaH || 6-4-78
sumahadvaanaraaniikam chaadayaamaasa sarvataH |
78. shailaraajastu= (that) royal mountain; adhikam= was highly; vibhuushhitaH= adorned; dhaatubhiH= with minerals of red colour; reNuH= the dust; ghattitaH= blown; dhaatubhyaH= from the minerals; vaayu vegena= by the velocity of wind; prasR^itaH= coming forth; sarvataH= from all sides; chhaadayaamaasa= obscured; sumahat= the huge; vaanaraaniikam= monkey-army.
That royal Sahya Mountain was highly adorned with red-coloured metal. The dust blown from that metal by the velocity of wind, coming forth from all sides, obscured the huge monkey-army.
giriprastheshhu ramyeshhu sarvataH samprapushhpitaaH || 6-4-79
ketakyaH sinduvaaraashcha vaasantyashcha manoramaaH |
maadhavyo gandhapuurNaashcha kundagulmaashcha puSpitaa || 6-4-80
cirabilvaa madhuukaashcha vaJNjulaa vakulaastathaa |
raJNjakaastilakaashchaiva naagavR^ikshashcha puSpitaa || 6-4-81
chuutaaH paaTalikaashchaiva kovidaaraashcha puSpitaaH |
muchulindaarjunaashcaiva shimshapaaH kuTajaastathaa || 6-4-82
hintaalaastinishaashchaiva chuurNakaa niipakaastathaa || 6-4-83
niilaashokaashcha saralaa aN^kolaaH padmakaastathaa |
priiyamaaNaiH plavamgaistu sarve paryaakuliikR^itaaH || 6-4-84
ketakyaH sinduvaaraashcha vaasantyashcha manoramaaH |
maadhavyo gandhapuurNaashcha kundagulmaashcha puSpitaa || 6-4-80
cirabilvaa madhuukaashcha vaJNjulaa vakulaastathaa |
raJNjakaastilakaashchaiva naagavR^ikshashcha puSpitaa || 6-4-81
chuutaaH paaTalikaashchaiva kovidaaraashcha puSpitaaH |
muchulindaarjunaashcaiva shimshapaaH kuTajaastathaa || 6-4-82
hintaalaastinishaashchaiva chuurNakaa niipakaastathaa || 6-4-83
niilaashokaashcha saralaa aN^kolaaH padmakaastathaa |
priiyamaaNaiH plavamgaistu sarve paryaakuliikR^itaaH || 6-4-84
79-84. ramyeshhu giriprastheshhu= on the lovely mountain-slopes; sarvataH= on all sides; samprapushhpitaaH= in blossom; sinduvaaraashcha= and sinduvara trees; manoramaaH= the charming; vaasantyaH= Vasanti; maadhavyaH= Madhavi creepers; pushhpitaaH= with flowers; gandha puurNaaH= full of scent; gulmaashcha= clumps; kunda= of jasmine; chiribilvaa= Chiribilva; madhukaashcha= Madhuka; vaNjula= Vanjula; tathaa= and; vakulaaH= Vakula; raNjakaaH= ranjaka; Tilakaashchaiva= and Tilaka; naagavR^ikshha= Nagavriksha; pushhpitaaH= in flower; chuutaaH= Mango; paatalikaashchaiva= patalika; kovidaaraashcha= Kovidara; pushhpitaaH= in flower; muchulinda= Muchulinda; arjunaashchaiva= Arjuna; shimshapaaH= Simsapa; tathaa= and; kuutajaaH= Kutaja; hintaalaaH= Hintala; tinishaashchaiva; and Tinisa; chuurNakaaH= Churna; tathaa= and; nipakaaH= Nipa; niilaashokaaH= blue Ashoka; saralaaH= Sarala; aN^kolaaH= Ankola; tathaa= and; padmakaaH= Padmaka; sarve= all those; paryaakuliikR^itaH= were crawled in excitement; plavaNgaiH= by the monkeys; priyamaNaiH= who were delighted.
On the lovely mountain slopes, in blossom on all sides, Ketaki and Sindhuvara trees, the charming Vasanti, Madhavi creepers with flowers full of scent, clumps of jasmine, Chiribila, Madhuka, Vanjula and Vakula, Ranjanka and Tilaka, Nyavriksha all in flower, Mango, Patalike, Kovidara in flower, Muchulinda, Arjuna, Simsapa and Kutaja, Hintala, Timisa, Chirna and Nipa, blue Ashoka, Sarala, Ankola and Padmaka all these trees were crawled in excitement by the monkeys who were delighted.
vyaastismin girau ramyaaH palvalaani tathaiva ca |
chakravaakaanucharitaaH kaaraNDavanishhevitaaH || 6-4-85
plavaiH krauJNche samkiirNaa varaahamR^igasevitaaH |
R^ikshaistarakshubhiH simhaiH shaarduulaishcha bhayaavahaiH || 6-4-86
vyaalaishcha bahubhirbhiimaiH sevyamaanaaH samantataH |
padmeH saugandhikaiH pullaiH sevyamaanaaH samantataH || 6-4-87
vaarijairvividhaiH puSpai ramyaastatra jalaashayaaH |
chakravaakaanucharitaaH kaaraNDavanishhevitaaH || 6-4-85
plavaiH krauJNche samkiirNaa varaahamR^igasevitaaH |
R^ikshaistarakshubhiH simhaiH shaarduulaishcha bhayaavahaiH || 6-4-86
vyaalaishcha bahubhirbhiimaiH sevyamaanaaH samantataH |
padmeH saugandhikaiH pullaiH sevyamaanaaH samantataH || 6-4-87
vaarijairvividhaiH puSpai ramyaastatra jalaashayaaH |
85-87. tatra= there (were); ramyaaH= delightful; vaapyaH= wells with stairs; tathaiva cha= and palvalaanicha= ponds; tasmin girau= in that mountain; chakravaakaanucharitaaH= sought after by chakravaka birds; kaaraNdavamishhevitaaH= visited by karandava birds; samikiirNaaH=crowded with; plavaiH= water-fowls; kraunchaishcha= and cranes; varaaha mR^igasevitaaH= frequented by boars and deer; sevyamaanaaH= visited; samantataH= on all sides; R^ikshhaiH= by bears; tarakshhubhiH= hyenas; simhaiH= lions; bahubhiH= by many; bhiimaaH= dreadful; shaarduulaishcha= tigers; ramyaaH= beautiful; jalaashayaaH= reservoirs of water; phullaiH= with blossoming; padmaiH= blue lotuses; saugandhikaiH= water lilies; tathaa= and; utpalaiH= black water lilies; vividhaiH= and various kinds; vaarijaiH= and various kinds; vaarijaiH= of aquatic; pushpaiH= flowers.
There were delightful wells with stairs and ponds in that mountain, sought after by chakravaka birds, frequented by karandava birds, crowded with water-fowls and cranes, visited by boars and deer, haunted on all sides by bears, hyenas, lions and many dreadful tigers. There were beautiful reservoirs of water with blossoming blue lotuses, water lilies, white water lilies, black water lilies and various other kinds of aquatic flowers.
tasya saanushhu kuujanti naanaadvijagaNaastathaa || 6-4-88
snaatvaa piitvodakaanyatra jale kriidanti vaanaraaH |
anyonyam plaavayanti sma shailamaaruhya vaanaraaH || 6-4-89
snaatvaa piitvodakaanyatra jale kriidanti vaanaraaH |
anyonyam plaavayanti sma shailamaaruhya vaanaraaH || 6-4-89
88-89. naanaadvijagaNaaH= various kinds of birds; kuujanti= sang; tasya saanushhu= in those mountain-peaks; vaanaraaH= monkeys; snaatvaa= bathed; jale= in water; piitvaa= drank; udakaani= water; kriidaani= (and) played; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; aaruhya= ascended; shiilam= the mountain; plaavayanti sma= and drenched with water; anyauyam= one over the other.
Various kinds of birds sang in those mountain-peaks. Monkeys bathed in water, drank those waters and played. They ascended the mountain and got drenched in water, by sprinkling water by one over the other among themselves.
phalaani amR^ita gandhiini muulaani kusumaani ca |
bubhujur vaanaraas tatra paadapaanaam bala utkaTaaH || 6-4-90
bubhujur vaanaraas tatra paadapaanaam bala utkaTaaH || 6-4-90
90. vaanaraaH= monkeys; madotkaTaaH= in mad rut; babhaJNguH= plucked; amR^itagandhiini= sweet-smelling; phalaani= fruits; muulaani= roots; kusumaani cha= and flowers; tatra= there.
Monkeys in mad rut plucked sweet-smelling fruits, roots and flowers there.
droNa maatra pramaaNaani lambamaanaani vaanaraaH |
yayuH pibanto hR^iSTaas te madhuuni madhu pingalaaH || 6-4-91
yayuH pibanto hR^iSTaas te madhuuni madhu pingalaaH || 6-4-91
91. te vaanaraaH= those monkeys; madhupiN^galaaH= in reddish-brown colour as honey; pibantaH= drinking; madhuuni= honey; lambamaanaani= from hanging honeycombs; droNamaatra pramaaNaani= weighing about a maund each; yayuH= went on; svasthaaH= cheerfully.
Those monkeys, in reddish brown colour like honey, drinking honey from honey-combs weighing about a maund each, went on cheerfully.
paadapaan avabhanjanto vikarSantas tathaa lataaH |
vidhamanto giri varaan prayayuH plavaga R^iSabhaaH || 6-4-92
vidhamanto giri varaan prayayuH plavaga R^iSabhaaH || 6-4-92
92. plavagarshhabhaaH= those foremost among the monkeys; prayayuH= marched; avabhaJNjantaH= breaking off; paadapaan= trees; tathaa= and vikarshhantaH= pulling along; lataaH= creepers; vidhamantaH= throwing away; girivaraan= excellent mountains.
Those foremost among the monkeys marched, breaking off trees, pulling along creepers and throwing away excellent mountains.
vR^ikSebhyo anye tu kapayo nardanto madhu darpitaaH |
anye vR^ikSaan prapadyante prapatanti api ca apare || 6-4-93
anye vR^ikSaan prapadyante prapatanti api ca apare || 6-4-93
93. anye= some other; kapayaH= monkeys; madhudarpitaaH= well-pleased with honey; vR^ikshhebhyaH= from trees; nadantaH= yelled loudly; anye= some others; prapadyante= reached; vR^ikshhaan= trees(to get honey); apare= some others; prapibanti= were drinking excessively.
Some other monkeys, well-pleased with honey got from trees, yelled loudly. Some others reached trees to get honey. Some others were drinking honey excessively.
babhuuva vasudhaa tais tu sampuurNaa hari pumgavaiH |
yathaa kamala kedaaraiH pakvair iva vasum dharaa || 6-4-94
yathaa kamala kedaaraiH pakvair iva vasum dharaa || 6-4-94
94. vasundharaa= the earth; sampuurNaa= filled; taiH haripuNgavaiH= with those excellent monkeys; babhuuva= was; vasundharaa yathaiva= like land; kalamakedaaraiH= (filled with) fields of paddy; pakvaiH= which were ripened.
The earth filled with those excellent monkeys, was like land filled with ripened fields of paddy.
mahaaindram atha sampraapya raamo raajiiva locanaH |
adhyaarohan mahaabaahuH shikharam druma bhuuSitam || 6-4-95
adhyaarohan mahaabaahuH shikharam druma bhuuSitam || 6-4-95
95. atha= then; raamaH= Rama; raajiivalochanaH= the lotus-eyed; mahaa baahuH= and the mighty armed; sampraapya= reached; mahendram= Mahendra mountain; aaruroha= ascended; shikharam= (its) top; druma bhuushhitaam= adorned with trees.
Then, the lotus-eyed and the mighty-armed Rama reached Mahendra mountain and ascended its top, adorned with trees.
tataH shikharam aaruhya raamo dasharatha aatmajaH |
kuurma miina samaakiirNam apashyat salila aashayam || 6-4-96
kuurma miina samaakiirNam apashyat salila aashayam || 6-4-96
96. tataH= Then; raamaH= Rama; dasharathaatmajaH= son of Dasaratha; aaruuhya= mounted; shikharam= the peak; apashyat= and saw; salilaakulam= an ocean ruffled with water; kuurma mina samaakiirNam= scattered well with turtles and fishes.
Then, Rama the son of Dasartha mounted the peak and saw an ocean ruffled with water and scattered well with turtles and fishes.
te sahyam samatikramya malayam ca mahaagirim |
aasedur aanupuurvyeNa samudram bhiima nihsvanam || 6-4-97
aasedur aanupuurvyeNa samudram bhiima nihsvanam || 6-4-97
97. te= they; samatikramya= crossed; sahyam= Sahya mountain; maalyam cha= and Malaya; mahaagirim= the large mountain; aanupuurvyeNa= (and) systematically; aaseduH= approached; samudram= the ocean; bhiimaniHsvanam= having terrific sound.
They crossed Sahya mountain and Malaya mountain and systematically approached the ocean having terrific sound.
avaruhya jagaama aashu velaa vanam anuttamam |
raamo ramayataam shreSThaH sasugriivaH salakSmaNaH || 6-4-98
raamo ramayataam shreSThaH sasugriivaH salakSmaNaH || 6-4-98
98. raamaH= Rama; shreshhTaH= the foremost; ramayataam= of those who entrance the mind; sasugriivaH= along with Sugreeva; sa lakshmaNaH= and Lakshmana; avaruhya= descended; aashu= quickly; jagaama= and went; anuttamam= to the excellent; velaavanam= woodland adjoining the sea.
Rama the foremost of those who entrance the mind, together with Sugreeva and Lakshmana quickly descended the mountain and went to the excellent woodland adjoining the sea.
atha dhauta upala talaam toya oghaiH sahasaa utthitaiH |
velaam aasaadya vipulaam raamo vacanam abraviit || 6-4-99
velaam aasaadya vipulaam raamo vacanam abraviit || 6-4-99
99. atha= then; raamaH= Rama; aasaadya= reached; vipulaam= the extensive; velaam= ocean; dhautopalatalaam= with rocks underneath washed by floods of water risen vehemently and spoke these words.
Then Rama reached the extensive ocean with rocks underneath washed by floods of water risen vehemently and spoke these words.
ete vayam anupraaptaaH sugriiva varuNa aalayam |
iha idaaniim vicintaa saa yaa na puurvam samutthitaa || 6-4-100
iha idaaniim vicintaa saa yaa na puurvam samutthitaa || 6-4-100
100. Sugreeva= “Oh, Sugreeva! ete vayam= (these) we; samanupraaptaa= reached; varuNaalayam= the sea; saa= that; vichintaa= anxious thinking; yaa= which; puurvam= (we had) earlier; upasthitaa= has come; idaaniim= now; naH= to us; iha= here.
“Oh, Sugreeva! We have reached the abode of Varuna. We should consider now the matter (of how to cross the ocean) with which we were formerly preoccupied.”
ataH param atiiro ayam saagaraH saritaam pati |
na ca ayam anupaayena shakyas taritum arNavaH || 6-4-101
na ca ayam anupaayena shakyas taritum arNavaH || 6-4-101
101. ayam saagaraH= this ocean; saritaam patiH= the lord of rivers; atiiraH= has no shore; ataHparam= beyond; ayam= this; aarNavaH= ocean; ashakyam= is impossible; taritum= to cross; anupaayena= without a strategy.
“This ocean, the lord of Rivers, is shore less beyond. This sea is impossible to be crossed without a proper strategy.”
tad iha eva nivesho astu mantraH prastuuyataam iha |
yathaa idam vaanara balam param paaram avaapnuyaat || 6-4-102
yathaa idam vaanara balam param paaram avaapnuyaat || 6-4-102
102. tat= for that reason; ihaiva= let here only; astu= be; niveshaH= the military assembly; prastuuyataam= let us discuss; iha= here; mantraH= the plan; yathaa= how; idam= this; vaanarabalam= monkey-army; avaapnuyaat= will reach; param paaram= the other shore.
“For this reason, let the military be assembled here only. Here, let us discuss the plan how this military of monkeys will reach the other shore.”
iti iva sa mahaabaahuH siitaa haraNa karshitaH |
raamaH saagaram aasaadya vaasam aaj~naapayat tadaa || 6-4-103
raamaH saagaram aasaadya vaasam aaj~naapayat tadaa || 6-4-103
103. saH raamaH= that Rama; mahaabaahuH= the mighty armed; siitaapaharaNakarshitaH= emaciated due to taking away of Seetha; tadaa= then; aasaadya= reached; saagaram= the sea; aaJNyaapayat= and orderd; iiva= thus vasam= for the halt (there).
Rama, the mighty armed, emaciated due to taking away of Seetha, then reached the sea and ordered thus for the halt of the army there.
sarvaaH senaa niveshyantaam velaayaam haripuN^gava |
sampraapto mantra kaalo naH saagarasya iha langhane || 6-4-104
sampraapto mantra kaalo naH saagarasya iha langhane || 6-4-104
104. haripuNgava= Sugreeva! sarvaaH= (let) all; senaaH= the army; niveshyantaam= be stationed; velaayaam= at the sea-shore; iha= here; naH= for us; mantrakaalaH= the time for thinking; sampraaptaH= has come; laN^ghane= (about) crossing; saagarasya= of the ocean.
“Let all the army be stationed at the sea-shore, Sugreeva! Here, the time has come for us to think about the subject of crossing the ocean.”
svaam svaam senaam samutsRjya maa ca kashcit kuto vrajet |
gacchantu vaanaraaH shuuraa j~neyam channam bhayam ca naH || 6-4-105
gacchantu vaanaraaH shuuraa j~neyam channam bhayam ca naH || 6-4-105
105. maa cha kashchit= let not anyone; vrajet= slip away; kutaH= in any direction; samutsR^ijya= leaving; svaam svaam= his own respective; senaam= army; JNeyamcha= It should be known; chhannam= (whether there is) hidden; bhayam= danger; naH= for us; shuuraaH= (let) valiant; vanaraaH= monkeys; gacchhantu= go.
“Let not anyone slip away in any direction, leaving his respective unit of army. Let valiant monkeys make a more and it should be known whether there is a hidden danger for us.”
raamasya vacanam shrutvaa sugriivaH saha lakSmaNaH |
senaam nyaveshayat tiire saagarasya druma aayute || 6-4-106
senaam nyaveshayat tiire saagarasya druma aayute || 6-4-106
106. shrutvaa= hearing; raamasya= Rama’s; vachanam= words; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; sahalakshhmaNaH= along with Lakshmana; niveshayat= halted; senaam= the army; saagarasya tire= at the sea-shore; drumaaynte= stretched with trees.
Hearing Rama’s words, Sugreeva along with Lakshmana made the army to halt at the sea-shore, stretched with trees.
viraraaja samiipastham saagarasya tu tad balam |
madhu paaNDu jalaH shriimaan dvitiiya iva saagaraH || 6-4-107
madhu paaNDu jalaH shriimaan dvitiiya iva saagaraH || 6-4-107
107. tat= that; balam= army; samiipastham= sationed at the vicinity; saagarasya= of the ocean; viraraaja= shined; dvitiiya saagaraH iva= like a second ocean; shriimaan= splendid; madhupaaNdujalaH= with yellowish white honey-coloured water.
That army, stationed at the vicinity of the ocean, shined like a second ocean splendid with yellowish white honey-coloured water.
velaa vanam upaagamya tatas te hari pumgavaaH |
viniviSTaaH param paaram kaankSamaaNaa mahaaudadheH || 6-4-108
viniviSTaaH param paaram kaankSamaaNaa mahaaudadheH || 6-4-108
108. tataH= there; te= those; haripuNgavaiH= foremost of monkeys; upaagamya= reached; velaavanam= the woodlands at shore; nivishhTaashcha= and settled down; kaankshhamaaNaaH= desiring; parampaaram= the other shore; mahodadhe= of the vast sea.
There, those foremost of monkeys reached the woodlands at the shore and settled down, desiring to reach the other shore of the vast sea.
teSaam nivishamaanaanaam sainyasamnaahaniHsvanaH |
antardhaaya mahaanaadamarNavasya prashushruve || 6-4-109
antardhaaya mahaanaadamarNavasya prashushruve || 6-4-109
109. teshhaam= (while) those monkeys; nivishamaanaanaam= were halting there; sainya samnaahaniHsvanaH= the sound created out of their movement; prashushruve= was well-heard; antardhaaya= concealing; mahaanaadam= the roar; aarNavasya= of the sea.
While all the monkeys were halting there, the noise created out of their movement was dominantly heard, concealing the roar of the sea.
saa mahaaarNavam aasaadya hRSTaa vaanara vaahinii |
tridhaa niviSTaa mahatii raamasyaarthaparaabhavat || 6-4-110
tridhaa niviSTaa mahatii raamasyaarthaparaabhavat || 6-4-110
110. saa= that; dhvajinii= army; vaanaraaNaam= of the monkeys; abhipaalitaaH= ruled; sugriiveNa= by Sugreeva; nivishhTaa= stationed; tridhaa= as three divisions; abhavat= were dedicated; arthaparaa= to the cause; raamasya= of Rama.
That army of the monkeys ruled by Sugreeva, stationed as three divisios (viz. 1. bears 2. long tailed monkes and 3. monkeys) looked fully dedicated to the cause of Rama.
saa mahaarNavamaasaadya hR^iSTaa vaanaravaahinii |
vaayu vega samaadhuutam pashyamaanaa mahaaarNavam || 6-4-111
vaayu vega samaadhuutam pashyamaanaa mahaaarNavam || 6-4-111
111. saa= that; harivaahinii= army of monkeys; aasaadya= reached; mahaarNavam= the mighty ocean; hR^ishhTaam= (and) was delighted; pashyamaanaa= to see; mahaarNavam= the mighty ocean; vaayuvega samaadhuutam= being diffused by the velocity of wind.
That army of monkeys reached the mighty ocean and was delighted to behold the mighty ocean being diffused by the velocity of wind.
duura paaram asambaadham rakSo gaNa niSevitam |
pashyanto varuNa aavaasam niSedur hari yuuthapaaH || 6-4-112
pashyanto varuNa aavaasam niSedur hari yuuthapaaH || 6-4-112
112. pashyantaH= seeing; varuNaavaasam= the abode of Varuna (sea); asambaadham= which was boundless; duurapaaram= and having the opposite shore far off; rakshhogaNanishhevitam= inhabited by a number of demons; hariyuuthapaaH= the monkey- troups; nishheduH= sat down (there).
Seeing the sea, the abode of Varuna, which was boundless and having the opposite shore far off, inhabitd by a number of demons, the monkey-troups sat down there.
caNDa nakra graham ghoram kSapaa aadau divasa kSaye |
hasantamiva phenaughairnR^ityantamiva cormibhiH || 6-4-113
hasantamiva phenaughairnR^ityantamiva cormibhiH || 6-4-113
113. divasakshhaye= at the end of the day; kshhapaadau= and at the beginning of the night; phenaaghaiH= with its foaming waves; hasanamiva= (that ocean) appeared to laugh; nR^ityantamiva= and dance; ghoram= with ferocity; chaN^danakragraham= of fierce alligators and crocodiles.
Rendered appalling by the ferocity of fierce alligators and crocodiles, that ocen with its foaming waves at the end of the day and at the beginning of the night, appeared to laugh and dance.
candra udaye samaadhuutam praticandra samaakulam |
caNDa anila mahaagraahaiH kiirNam timi timimgilaiH || 6-4-114
caNDa anila mahaagraahaiH kiirNam timi timimgilaiH || 6-4-114
114. samudbhuutam= (the ocean) surged; chandrodaye= when the moon rose; pratichandra samaakulam= the image of moon was reflected limitlessly in it; kiirNam= (It was) full of chaNDaanilamahaagraahaiH= huge alligators swift as fierce winds; timitimNgalaiH= whales and great fish.
The ocean surged, when the moon rose. The image of moon was reflected limitlessly in it. The sea was full of huge alligators swift as fierce winds along with whales and great fish.
diipta bhogair iva aakriirNam bhujamgair varuNa aalayam |
avagaaDham mahaasattair naanaa shaila samaakulam || 6-4-115
sudurgam drugam amaargam tam agaadham asura aalayam |
avagaaDham mahaasattair naanaa shaila samaakulam || 6-4-115
sudurgam drugam amaargam tam agaadham asura aalayam |
115. varuNaalayam= the sea, abode of Varuna; aakiirNam= was filled with bhujaNgaiH= serpants; diiptabhogairiva= bestowed with flaming hoods; avagaaDham= plunged; mahaasattvaiH= with mighty aquatic creatures; naanaashaila samaakulam= abounding; in various types of mountains; sudurgam= too difficult to cross; durgamaargam= with a path; tam agaadham= which is inaccessible suffocatingly fathomless; asuraalayam= and an abode of demons.
That sea, the abode of Varuna was filled with serpents bestowed with flaming hoods, plunged with mighty aquatic creatures, abounding in various types of mountains, too difficult to cross, with an inaccessible path, suffocationly fathomless and an abode of demons.
makarair naaga bhogaiH ca vigaaDhaa vaata lohitaaH || 6-4-116
utpetuH ca nipetuH ca pravR^iddhaa jala raashayaH |
utpetuH ca nipetuH ca pravR^iddhaa jala raashayaH |
116. pravR^iddhaa= increasing; jalaraashayaH= waves; makaraaH= (in which) sharks; naagabhogaishcha= and bodies of serpants; vigaaDhaaH= swarmed; utpetushcha= rose; nipetushcha= and fell; vaatalolitaaH= whipped into motion by the breeze.
Increasing waves of the sea in which sharks and bodies of serpents swarmed, rose and fell whipped into motion by the breeze.
agni cuurNam iva aaviddham bhaaskara ambu mano ragam || 6-4-117
sura ari viSayam ghoram paataala viSamam sadaa |
sura ari viSayam ghoram paataala viSamam sadaa |
117. aaviddha agnichuurNamiva= emitting (whirled) sparkles; bhaasvaraambumahoragam= shining with large water-snakes; sadaa= forever; suraarinilayam= abode of enemies of gods; paataalavishhamam= (the sea reaches upto) the uneven patala (subterranean region)
Emitting whirled sparkles, shining with large water-snakes, a fearful abode of enemies of gods forever, the sea reaches upto the uneven Patala (subterranean region).
saagaram ca ambara prakhyam ambaram saagara upamam |
saagaram ca ambaram ca iti nirvisheSam adR^ishyata || 6-4-118
saagaram ca ambaram ca iti nirvisheSam adR^ishyata || 6-4-118
118. saagaram= the ocean; ambaraprakhyam= looked like the sky; ambaram= the sky; saagaropamam= looked like the ocean; saagaram cha= the ocean; adR^ishyata= appeared; ambaramcheti= like the sky; nirvisheshham= without distinction.
The ocean looked like the sky. The sky looked like the ocean. The ocean and the sky looked alike without any distinction.
sampR^iktam nabhasaa hi ambhaH sampRktam ca nabho ambhasaa || 6-4-119
taadRg ruupe sma dRshyete taaraa ratna samaakule |
taadRg ruupe sma dRshyete taaraa ratna samaakule |
119. ambhaH= the water; sampR^iktam= blended; nabhasaa= with the sky; nabhaH= the sky; sampR^iktam= blended; ambhasaa= the water; taaraaratnasamaakule= filled with stars (abore) and the pearls (below) both the sky and the sea; dR^ishyate= looked; tadR^igruupe= with the same splendour.
The water blended with sky and the sky blended with water. Filled with stars above and the pearls below, both the sky and the sea looked with the same splendour.
samutpatita meghasya viicci maalaa aakulasya ca |
visheSo na dvayor aasiit saagarasya ambarasya ca || 6-4-120
visheSo na dvayor aasiit saagarasya ambarasya ca || 6-4-120
120. naasiit= there was no; visheshhaH= distinction; dvayoH= between the two; saagarasya= of the sea; viichimaalaakulasya= filled with a row of waves; ambarasyacha= and of the sky; samitpatitameghasya= with a row of falling clouds.
There was no distinction between the two, of the sea filled with a row of waves and of the sky with a row of falling clouds.
anyonyair aahataaH saktaaH sasvanur bhiima nihsvanaaH || 6-4-121
uurmayaH sindhu raajasya mahaabherya iva aahave |
uurmayaH sindhu raajasya mahaabherya iva aahave |
121. uurmayaH= the waves; sindhuraajasya= of the ocean; saktaaH= together; aahataaH= banging; anyonyaiH= one another; bhiimaniHsvanaaH= with a terrific resonce; sasvanuH= sounded; mahaabherya iva= like a kettle drum; ambare= in the sky.
The waves of the ocean together banging one another with a terrific resonance, sounded like a kettle-drum in the sky.
ratna ogha jala samnaadam viSaktam iva vaayunaa || 6-4-122
utpatantam iva kruddham yaado gaNa samaakulam |
dadR^ishus te mahaatmaano vaata aahata jala aashayam || 6-4-123
anila uddhuutam aakaashe pravalgatam iva uurmibhiH |
utpatantam iva kruddham yaado gaNa samaakulam |
dadR^ishus te mahaatmaano vaata aahata jala aashayam || 6-4-123
anila uddhuutam aakaashe pravalgatam iva uurmibhiH |
122,123. mahaatmanaH= the high-souled; te= those (monkeys) dadR^ishuH= saw; vaataahata jalaashayam= the sea lashed with winds; ratnaughajalasamnaadam= resonating with abundance of precious stones and water; vishhaktamiva= as in a grip; vaayunaa= of hurricane; utpatantam= rising high; kruddhamiva= as if enraged; yaadogaNasamaakulam= filled with a number of aquatic creatures; aniloddhuutam= tossed by them; aakaashe= in the air; pralapantam iva= by seemingly murmering; uurmibhiH= waves.
Those high-souled monkeys saw the sea lashed with winds, resonating with abundance of precious stones and water, rising high as if enraged in a grip of hurricane, filled with a number of aquatic creatures and tossed by them in the air by seemingly murmuring waves.
tato vismayaamaapannaa harayo dadR^ishuH sthitaaH || 6-4-124
braanta uurmi jala samnaadam pralolam iva saagaram |
braanta uurmi jala samnaadam pralolam iva saagaram |
124. tataH= then; sthitaaH= the standing; harayaH= monkeys; aapannaH= were struck; vismayam= with astonishment; dadR^ishuH= (and) saw; saagaram= the sea; pralolamiva= seemed moving; bhraantormijaalasamnaadam= full of resonance produced by a multitude of dashing waves rolling to and fro.
The standing monkeys were struck with amazement to see the ocean seemed moving, full of resonance produced by a multitude of dashing waves rolling to and fro.
ityaarshe shrrimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe chaturthaH sargaH
Thus completes 4th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.
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on Sunday, February 6, 2011
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Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War
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