Chapter [Sarga] 70  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 70


Mahodara, Trishira and Devantaka start attacking Angada. When Angada attacks them with trees, they chop off the trees and break away the rocks hurled at them. With a blow of Angada’s palm, Devantakas’s elephant falls down dead. Seeing Angada being surrounded by three valiant demons, Hanuma and Neela arrive there. With a blow of Hanuma’s fist, Devantaka dies. Trishira and Mahodara attack Neela with their arrows. Mahodara dies in the hands of Neela. Meanwhile, Hanuma and Trisira fight at each other. Hanuma finally kills Trishira, by chopping off his three heads by Trishira’s sword itself. Then, Mahaparshva, the demon comes to the battle field and attacks Rishabha, the monkey-warrior. By banging Mahaparshva’s mace on Mahaparshva Rishabha kills him.

nara antakam hatam dR^i^iSTvaa cukrushur nairR^ita R^iSabhaaH|
deva antakas trimuurdhaa ca paulastyasHca mahaa udaraH || 6-70-01
1. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; naraantakam= Narantaka; hatam= dying; devaantakaH= Devantaka; trimuurdhaacha= Trishira; mahodaraah cha= and Mahodara; paulastyaH= the son of Pulastya; nairR^itarShabhaaH= the foremost of demons; chukrushuH= wept.
Seeing Narantaka dying, Devantaka, Trishira and Mahodara the son of Pulastya the foremost of demons, wept.
aaruuDho megha samkaasham vaaraNa indram mahaa udaraH |
vaali putram mahaa viiryam abhidudraava viiryavaan || 6-70-02
2. aaruuDha= mounting; vaaraNendram= and excellent elephant; meghasamkaasham= resembling a cloud; mahodaraH= Mahodara; vegavaan= having a abhidudraava= attacked; vaaliputram= Angada; mahaaviiryam= of great energy.
Mounting an excellent elephant, resembling a cloud, Mahodara hurrily attacked Angada of great energy.
bhraatR^i vyasana samtaptas tadaa deva antako balii |
aadaaya parigham diiptam angadam samabhidravat || 6-70-03
3. balii= the strong; devaantakaH= Devantaka; bhraatR^ivyansasantaptaH= tormented over his brother’s calamity; tadaa= then; samabhidravat= ran towards; aN^gadam= Angada; aadaaya= seizing; gharam parigham= a terrific iron rod.
The strong Devantaka, tormented at his brother’s calamity, then taking a terrific iron rod, ran towards Angada.
ratham aaditya samkaasham yuktam parama vaajibhiH |
aasthaaya trishiraa viiro vaali putram atha abhyayaat || 6-70-04
4. atha= thereupon; viiraH= the valiant trishiraaH= Trishira; aasthaaya= mounting; ratham= a chariot; aaditya samkaasham= resembling the sun; yuktam= and yoked; parama vaajibhiH= with excellent horses; abhyagaat= went towards; vaaliputram= Angada.
Thereupon, the valiant Trishira, mounting a chariot resembling the sun and yoked with excellent horses, marched towards Angada.
sa tribhir deva darpaghnair nairR^ita indrair abhidrutaH |
vR^ikSam utpaaTayaam aasa mahaa viTapam angadaH || 6-70-05
5. saH= that; aN^gadaH= Angada; abhidrutaH= being attacked; tribhiH raakShasendraiH= by the three chief demons; devaradarpaghnaiH= who smashed the pride of celestials; utpaaTayaamaasa= uplifted; vR^ikSham= a tree; mahaaviTapam= with large boughs.
That Angada, being attacked by the three chief demons, who were capable of smashing the pride of celestials, uplifted a tree with its large boughs.
deva antakaaya tam viirasHcikSepa sahasaa angadaH |
mahaa vR^ikSam mahaa shaakham shakro diiptam iva ashanim || 6-70-06
6. viiraH= the valiant, aN^gadaH= Angada; chikShepa= hurled; tam= that; mahaavR^ikSham= large tree; mahaashaakham= with big branches; sahasaa= quickly; devaantakaaya= on Devantaka; shakraH iva= as Indra the lord of celestials (hurls); diiptaam= a blazing; ashanim= thunderbolt.
The valiant Angada hurled that large tree with big branches quickly on Devantaka as Indra the lord of celestials would a blazing thunderbolt.
trishiraas tam praciccheda sharair aashii viSa upamaiH |
sa vR^ikSam kR^ittam aalokya;utpapaata tato angadaH || 6-70-07
7. trishiraaH= Trishira; prachichheda= chopped off; tam= that tree; sharaiH= with arrows; aashiiviShopamaiH= resembling serpents; aalokya= seeing; vR^ikSham= the tree; kR^ittam= chopped off; saH aN^gadaH= that Angada; tadaa= then; utpapaata= sprang up on.
Trishira chopped off that tree with arrows looking like serpents. Seeing the tree chopped off, that Angada then sprang up.
sa vavarSa tato vR^ikSaan shilaasHca kapi kunjaraH |
taan praciccheda samkruddhas trishiraa nishitaiHsharaiH || 6-70-08
8. tataH= thereupon; saH= that; kapikuN^jaraH= foremost of monkeys; vavarSha= streamed forth; vR^ikShaan= trees; shilaashcha= and rocks; samkruddhaH= the enraged; trishiraH= Trishira; taan prachichchheda= chopped them off; nishitaiH sharaiH= with sharp arrows.
Thereupon, that foremost of monkeys streamed forth trees and rocks. The enraged Trishara chopped them off with his sharp arrows.
parigha agreNa taan vR^ikSaan babhanja ca sura antakaH |
trishiraasHca angadam viiram abhidudraava saayakaiH || 6-70-09
9. saH mahodaraH= that Mahodara; babhaN^ja= broke; taan= those; vR^ikShaan= trees; parighaagreNa= with the tip of his club; trishiraaH cha= Trishira too; saayakaiH= with his arrows; abhidudraava= attacked; viiram= the valiant; aN^gadam= Angada.
That Mahodra broke those trees with the tip of his club. Trishira too with his arrows attacked the valiant Angada.
gajena samabhidrutya vaali putram mahaa udaraH |
jaghaana urasi samkruddhas tomarair vajra samnibhaiH || 6-70-10
10. gajena= with an elephant; samabhidrutya= marching ahead quickly; vaaliputram= towards Angada; mahodaraH= Mahodara; samkruddhaH= enraged; jaghaana= struck; urasi= on his chest; tomaraiH= with javelins; vajra samnibhaiH= looking like thunderbolts.
Marching ahead quickly towards Angada on an elephant, the enraged Mahodara struck on his chest with javelins looking like thunderbolts.
deva antakasHca samkruddhaHparigheNa tadaa angadam |
upagamya abhihatya aashu vyapacakraama vegavaan || 6-70-11
11. tadaa= then; samkruddhaH= the enraged; devaantakaH= Devantaka; vegavaan= having a swiftness; upagamya= approaching; aN^gadam= Angada; abhihatya= and striking; aashu= quickly; parigheNa= with a club; vyapachakraama= went off to a distance.
Then, the enraged Devantaka with a speed, approached Angada, struck him quickly with a club and went off to a distance.
sa tribhir nairR^ita shreSThair yugapat samabhidrutaH |
na vivyathe mahaa tejaa vaali putraHprataapavaan || 6-70-12
12. abhidrutaH= (Eventhough) attacked; yugapat= at the same time; tribhiH nairR^ita shreShThaiH= by the three foremost of demons; saH vaaliputraH= that Angada; mahaatejaaH= of great splendour; prataapavaan= having prowess; na vivyathe= was unalarmed.
Eventhough attacked at the same time by those three foremost of demons, that Angada of great prowess and splendour, did not get alarmed.
sa vegavaan mahaavegam kR^itvaa paramadurjayaH |
talena bhR^isham utpatya jaghaana asya mahaa gajam || 6-70-13
13. saH= Angada; vegavaan= with a speed; parama durjayaH= and very much unconquerable; mahaavegam= acting; with a great swiftness; samabhidrutya= attacking well; jaghaana= struck; asya mahaagajam= his large elephant; talena= with his palm.
The speedy and quite unconquerable Angada, acting with a great swiftness and attacking well, struck Devantaka’s elephant with his palm.
tasya tena prahaareNa naagaraajasya samyuge |
petatur locane tasya vinanaada sa vaaraNaH || 6-70-14
14. tena tasya prahaareNa= by that blow of Angada; samyuge= in battle; tasya naagaraajasya nayane= the eyes of that royal elephant; petatuH= fell down; saH= that; kuN^jaraH= elephant, vinanaasha= died.
By that blow of Angada in battle, the eyes of that royal elephant fell down and that elephant died.
viSaaNam ca asya niSkR^iSya vaali putro mahaa balaH |
deva antakam abhidrutya taaDayaam aasa samyuge || 6-70- 15
15. niShkR^iShya= pulling out; viShaaNam= a tusk; asya= of this elephant; samyuge= in battle; mahaabalaH= the mighty; vaaliputraH= Angada; abhidrutya= running quickly; devaantakam= towards Devantaka; taaDayaamaasa= struck him.
Pulling out a tusk of that elephant in battle, the mighty Angada ran towards Devantaka quickly and struck him.
sa vihvalita sarva ango vaata uddhata;iva drumaH |
laakSaa rasa savarNam ca susraava rudhiram mukhaat || 6-70-16
16. saH= that Devantaka; tejasvii= with vigour; vihvalaH= swayed to and fro; drumaH iva= like a tree; vaatoddhuutaH= tossed up by wind; susraava= and emitted; mahat= a lot; rudhiram= of blood; laakShaarasa savarNam= with the colour of a lacquer.
That energetic Devantaka swayed to and fro in disorder, like a tree being tossed up by the wind and emitted plenty of blood with the colour of a lacquer.
atha aashvaasya mahaa tejaaHkR^icchraad deva antako balii |
aavidhya parigham ghoram aajaghaana tadaa angadam || 6-70-17
17. atha= thereafter; balii= the strong; devaantakaH= Devantaka; mahaatejaaH= of great splendour; aashvasya= recovering his breath; kR^ichchhraat= with difficulty; tadaa= then; aajaghaana= struck; aN^gadam= Angada; vegaat= violently; aavidhya= by firmly holding; parigham= an iron rod.
Thereafter, the strong Devantaka of great splendour, recovering his breath with a great difficulty, then struck Angada violently, by firmly holding an iron rod.
parigha abhihatasHca api vaanara indra aatmajas tadaa |
jaanubhyaam patito bhuumau punar eva utpapaata ha || 6-70-18
18. tadaa= then; vaanarendraatmajaH= Angada the son of king Vali; parighaabhihataH= struck by the iron rod; patitaH= fell down; jaanubhyaam= on his knees; bhuumau= on the earth; punareva= but again; utpapaataha= jumped up.
Then, Angada the son of king Vali, struck by the iron rod, fell down on his knees on the earth, but again jumped up.
tamutpatantam trishiraas tribhir aashii viSa upamaiH |
ghorair hari pateHputram lalaaTe abhijaghaana ha || 6-70-19
19. trishiraaH= Trishira; abhijaghaanaha= struck; ghoraiH tribhiH baaNaiH= with his three terrific arrows; ajahmagaiH= which were straight-going; lalaaTe= on the forehead; tam utpatantam= of the rising Angada; haripateH putram= the son of Vali.
While Angada, the son of Vali was jumping up, Trishira struck him with three terrific and straight-going arrows on his forehead.
tato angadam parikSiptam tribhir nairR^ita pumgavaiH |
hanuumaan api vijnaaya niilasHca api pratasthatuH || 6-70-20
20. viJ^Naaya= Noticing; aN^gadam= Angada; parikShiptam= being surrounded; tribhiH nairR^itapuNgavaiH= by three demon warriors; hanuman= Hanuma; niilashchaapi= and Neela; tataH= then; atha= moreover; pratasthatuH= went on march.
Noticing Angada being surrounded by the three demon-warriors, Hanuma and Neela went there.
tatasHcikSepa shaila agram niilas trishirase tadaa |
tad raavaNa suto dhiimaan bibheda nishitaiHsharaiH || 6-70-21
21. tataH= thereupon; niilaH= Neela; tadaa= then; chikShepa= hurled; shailaagram= a mountain-peak; trishirase= on Trishira; dhiimaan= the intelligent; raavaNasutaH= Trishira the son of Ravana; bibheda= broke; tat= it; nishitaiH sharaiH= with his sharp arrows.
Thereupon, Neela then hurled a mountain-peak on Trishira. The intelligent Trishira the son of Ravana broke it by using his sharp arrows.
tad baaNa shata nirbhinnam vidaarita shilaa talam |
savisphulingam sajvaalam nipapaata gireHshiraH || 6-70-22
22. tat= that; gireH shiraH= mountain-peak; baaNa shatanirbhinnam= broken into pieces by a multitude of arrows; vidaarita shilaatalam= with its rocks split up; nipapaata= fell down; savishphuliN^gam= with sparks of fire; sajvaalam= and flames.
That mountain-peak, broken into pieces by a multitude of arrows, with its split up rocks, fell down with sparks of fire and flames.
sa vijR^imbhitam aalokya harSaad deva antakas tadaa |
parigheNa abhidudraava maaruta aatmajam aahave || 6-70-23
23. aalokya= seeing; maarutaatmajam= Hanuma; vijR^imbhitam= rushing; harShaat= with joy; aahave= in battle; saH balii= that strong; devaantakaH= Devantaka; abhidudraava= ran towards him; parigheNa= with his iron rod.
Seeing Hanuma rushing with enthusiasm in the battle-front, that strong Devantaka ran towards him with his iron rod.
tam aapatantam utpatya hanuumaan maaruta aatmajaH |
aajaghaana tadaa muurdhni vajra vegena muSTinaa || 6-70-24
24. tadaa= then; hanuman= Hanuma; kapikuN^jaraH= the foremost of monkeys; utpatya= jumping up; aajaghaana= struck; muurdhni= on the head; tam= of that Devantaka; aapatantam= rushing on hism; muShTina= with his fist; vajrakalpena= equal to a thunder-bolt.
Then, Hanuma the foremost of monkeys, while jumping up, struck on the head of Devantaka rushing upon him with his fist equal to a thunder-bolt.
shirasi praaharadviirastadaa vaayusuto balii |
naadenaakampayachchaiva raakShasaan sa mahaakai || 6-70-25
25. tadaa= then; viiraH= the valiant; balii= and strong; vaayusutaH= Hanuma; praaharat= struck (him); shirasi= on his head; saH= that; mahaakapiH= great ape; raakShasaan akampayachhaiva= made the demons shake; naadena= by the sound.
Then, the valiant and the strong Hanuma struck him on his head. That great ape made the demons shake with the sound.
sa muSTi niSpiSTa vikiirNa muurdhaa |
nirvaanta danta akSi vilambi jihvaH |
deva antako raakSasa raaja suunur |
gata asur urvyaam sahasaa papaata || 6-70-26
26. saH= that; devaantakaH= Devantaka; raakShasaraaja suunuH= the son of Ravana; muShTiniShpiShTa vibhinnamuurdhaa= with his head crushed and broken by the blow of the fist; niryaanta dantaakShivilambijihvaH= with his teeth and eyes coming out and with his tonguew hanging down; sahasaa= swiftly; papaata= fell down; gataasuH= dead; urvyaam= on the earth.
That Devantaka, the son of Ravana, with his head crushed and broken by the blow of the fist, with his teeth and eyes coming out and with his tongue hanging down, swiftly fell down dead on the earth.
tasmin hate raakSasa yodha mukhye |
mahaa bale samyati deva shatrau |
kruddhas trimuurdhaa nishita agram ugram |
vavarSa niila urasi baaNa varSam || 6-70-27
27. tasmin= he; mahaablae raakShasayuudhamukhye= the mighty chief of demon-warriors; devashatrau= and the enemy of celestials; hate= being killed; samyati= in battle; kruddhaH= the enraged; trimuurdhaa= Trishira; vavarSha= showered; ugram= a terrible; nishitaagram baaNa varSham= rain of sharp-pointed arrows; niilorasi= on Neela’s chest.
When that Devantaka the mighty chief of demon-warriors and the enemy of celestials was killed in battle, the enraged Trishira showered a terrible rain of sharp-pointed arrows on Neela’s chest.
mahodarastu samkruddhaH kuJNjaraM parvatopamam |
bhuuyaH samadhiruhyashu mandaraM rashmimaaniva || 6-70-28
tato baaNamayaM varShaM niilasyoparyapaatayat |
girau varShaM taDichchakram sa garjanniva toyadaH || 6-70-29
28, 29. samadhiruhya= mounting; bhuuyaH= again; kuN^jaram= an elephant; parvatopamam= resembling a mountain; rashmimaan iva= like the sun; mandaram= ascending Mount Mandara; saH samkruddhaH mahodarastu= that enraged Mahodara on his part; a paatayat= arrows to fall; aashu= quickly; niilasya upari= on Neela; garjan toyadaH iva= like a rubling cloud; varSham= (showers) rain; taDichchakram= with circle of lightning; girau= on a mountain.
Again mounting an elephant resembling a mountain, as the sun mounting Mandara Mountain, that enraged Mahodara on his part, caused rain of arrows to fall quickly on Neela, like rumbling cloud with a circle of lightning, showers rain on a mountain.
tataH sharaughairabhivarSyamaaNo |
vibhinna gaatraHkapi sainya paalaH |
niilo babhuuva atha visR^iSTa gaatro |
viSTambhitas tena mahaa balena || 6-70-30
30. tataH= thereupon; abhivR^iShyamaaNaH sharaughaiH= by the rain of a multitude of arrows; gaatraH= the body; niilaH= of Neela; kapisainya paalaH= the commander of the army of monkeys; babhuuva vibhinna= became blown up; atha= and then; visR^iShTagaatraH= with his loosened limbs; viShTambhitaH= paralyzed; mahaabalena tena= by the mighty Mahodara.
Thereupon, by the rain of a multitude of arrows, the body of Neela the commander of the army of monkeys became blown up. Thus the mighty Mahodara then made his loosened limbs paralyzed.
tatas tu niilaHpratilabhya samjnaam |
shailam samutpaaTya savR^ikSa SaNDam |
tataHsamutpatya bhR^isha ugra vego |
mahaa udaram tena jaghaana muurdhni || 6-70-31
31. tataH= thereupon; pratilabdhasamJNaH= after obtaining consciousness; niilaH tu= Neela; samutpaaTya= uplifting; shailam= a mountain; savR^ikShakhaN^Dam= consisting of a number of trees; tataH= then; samutpatya= jumping up mahogravegaH= with a great speed; jaghaana= struck; tena= with it; muurdhni= on the head; mahodaram= of Mahodara.
After regaining consciousness, Neela uplifted a mountain consisting of a number of trees and then jumping up with a great speed, struck with it on the head of Mahodara.
tataH sa shaila abhinipaata bhagno |
mahaa udaras tena saha dvipena |
vipothito bhuumi tale gata asuH |
papaata varja abhihato yathaa adriH || 6-70-32
32. saH mahodaraH= that Mahodara; tataH= then; shaila nipaata bhagnaH= shattered by the fall of the mountain; vipothitaH= and crushed; tena mahaadvipena= by that large elephant too; gataasuH= lost his life; papaata= and fell down; bhuumitale= on the earth’s surface; adriH yathaa= like a mountain; vajraabhihataH= struck by a thunderbolt.
That Mahodara, then shattered by the fall of that mountain and crushed by that large elephant too, lost his life and fell down on the earth like a mountain struck by a thunderbolt.
pitR^ivyam nihatam dR^iSTvaa trishiraasHcaapam aadade |
hanuumantam ca samkruddho vivyaadha nishitaiHsharaiH || 6-70-33
33. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; pitR^ivyam= Mahodara, his young paternal uncle; nihatam= killed; trishiraaH= Trishira; samkruddhaH= was enraged aadade= seized hold of; chaapam= his bow; vivyaadha= and struck; hanuumantam= Hanuma; nishitaiH= with sharp; sharaiH= arrows.
Seeing Mahodara his young paternal uncle killed. Trishira was enraged seized hold of his bow and struck Hanuma with sharp arrows.
sa vaayusuunuH kupitashchikShepa shikharaM gireH |
trishiraastacchharaistiikShNairbibheda bahudhaa balii || 6-70-34
34. saH kupitaH vaayu suunuH= (while) that enraged Hanuma; chikShepa= hurled; gireH shikharam= a mountain peak; balii= the strong; trishiraaH= Trishira; bibheda= broke (it); bahudhaa= into many pieces; tiikShNaiH sharaiH= with his sharp arrows.
While that enraged Hanuma hurled a mountain-peak, the strong Trishira broke it into several pieces with his sharp arrows.
tadvyartham shikharaM dR^iSTvaa drumavarShaM tadaa kapiH |
visasarja raNe tasmin raavaNasya sutaM prati || 6-70-35
35. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tat= that; shikharam= mountain-peak; vyartham= becoming useless; kapiH= Hanuma; tadaa= then; visasajja= released; druma varSham= a shower of trees; raavanasya sutam prati= towards Trishira; tasmin raNe= in that battle.
Seeing that mountain-peak becoming useless, Hanuma then hurled a volley of trees towards Trishira in that battle-field.
tamaapatantamaakaashe drumavarShaM prataapavaan |
trishiraa nishitairbaaNaishchichchheda cha nanaada cha || 6-70-36
36. prataapavaan= the valiant; trishiraaH= Trishira; chichheda= chopped off; tam= that; druma varSham= volley of trees; patantam= descending on him; nishitaiH baaNaiH= with sharp arrows; aakaashe= in the sky (itself); nanaada cha= and roared aloud.
The valiant Trishira chopped off that volley of trees descending on him, with his sharp arrows in the sky itself and roared aloud.
hanuumaams tu samutpatya hayaams trishirasas tadaa |
vidadaara nakhaiHkruddho gaja indram mR^iga raaD iva || 6-70-37
37. tadaa= then; kruddhaH= the enraged; hanuman tu= Hanuma on his part; samutpatya= bouncing up; vidadaara= tore asunder; trishirasah= Trishira’s; hayam= horse; mR^igaraaT iva= as a lion (tears asunder); naagendram iva= a large elephant; nakhaiH= with nails.
Then, the enraged Hanuma on his part, bouncing up, tore asunder with his nails, Trishira’s horse, as a lion tears asunder a large elephant.
atha shaktim samaadaaya kaala raatrim iva antakaH |
cikSepa anila putraaya trishiraa raavaNa aatmajaH || 6-70-38
38. atha= thereupon; trishiraaH= Trishira; raavaNaatmajaH= the son of Ravana; samaasaadya= seizing hold of; shaktim= a spear; antakaH iva= as Yama the lord of death; kaala raatrim= gets hold of a night of all-destroying time; chikShepa= and hurled it; anilaputraaya= on Hanuma.
Thereupon, Trishira the son of Ravana seizing hold of a spear, as Yama the lord of death takes in his service Kalaratri, a night of all-destroying time, hurled it on Hanuma.
divi kSiptaam iva ulkaam taam shaktim kSiptaam asamgataam |
gR^ihiitvaa hari shaarduulo babhanja ca nanaada ca || 6-70-39
39. gR^ihiitvaa= seizing hold; taamshaktim= of that spear; ulkaalaniiva= like a meteor; kShiptaam= moving speedily; divaH= in the sky; asamgataam= even without descending on him; harishreshThaH= Hanuma the foremost of monkeys; babhaN^ja cha= broke it; nanaada cha= and roared too.
Capturing that spear coming like a meteor in the sky, Hanuma the foremost of monkeys broke it, even without its descending on him and roared too.
taam dR^iSTvaa ghora samkaashaam shaktim bhagnaam hanuumataa |
prahR^iSTaa vaanara gaNaa vinedur jaladaa;iva || 6-70-40
40. dR^iShTva= seeing; taam shaktim= that spear; ghora samkaasham= with a terrific form; bhagnaam= broken up; hanuumataaH= by Hanuma; vaanaragaNaaH= the monkey-troops; prahR^iShTaaH= were very much delighted; vineduH= and roared aloud; jaladaaH yathaa= like rumbling clouds.
Seeing that spear of a terrific form broken up by Hanuma, the monkey-troops were very much delighted and roared aloud like rumbling clouds.
tataHkhaDgam samudyamya trishiraa raakSasa uttamaH |
nicakhaana tadaa roSaad vaanara indrasya vakSasi || 6-70-41
41. tataH= thereupon; samudyamya= lifting up; khaDgam= a sword; trishiraaH= Trishira; raakShasottamaiH= the foremost of demons; tadaa= then; nichakhaana= dug; khaDgam= the sword; vakShaasi= into the breast; vaanarendrasya= of Hanuma.
Thereupon, lifting up a sword, Trishira the foremost of demons them dug it into Hanuma’s breast.
khaDga prahaara abhihato hanuumaan maaruta aatmajaH |
aajaghaana trimuurdhaanam talena urasi viiryavaan || 6-70-42
42. khaDga prahaaraabhihataH= hurt by the thrust of the sword; viiryavaan= the valiant; hanuman= Hanuma; maarutaatmajah= the son of wind-god; aajaghaana= struck; trimuurdhaanam= Trishira; urasi= on his breat; talena= with his palm.
Hurt by the thrust of the sword, the valiant Hanuma the son of wind-god, struck Trishira on his breast, with his palm.
sa tala bhihatas tena srasta hasta ambaro bhuvi |
nipapaata mahaa tejaas trishiraas tyakta cetanaH || 6-70-43
43. talaabhihataH= struck by Hanuma’s palm; saH trishiraaH= that Trishira; mahaatejaaH= of great splendour; nipapaata= fell down; bhuvi= on the earth; tyakta chetanaH= unconscious; srasta hastaayudhaH= with the weapons slipping from his hand.
Struck by Hanuma’s palm, that Trishira of great splendour fell down unconscious on the earth with the weapons slipping from his hand.
sa tasya patataHkhaDgam samaacchidya mahaa kapiH |
nanaada giri samkaashas traasayan sarva nairR^itaan || 6-70-44
44. saH mahaakapiH= that large ape; girisamkaashaH= equal to a mountain in size; aachchhidya= snatching away; tasya= his; tam patataH= that falling khaDgam= sword; nanaada= roared loudly; traasayan= frightening; sarvaraakShasaan= all the demons.
Hanuma, that large ape, equal to a mountain in size, snatching away that falling sword of Trishira, roared loudly frightening all the demons there.
amR^iSyamaaNas tam ghoSam utpapaata nishaa caraH|
utpatya ca hanuumantam taaDayaam aasa muSTinaa || 6-70-45
45. amR^iShyamaaNaH= unable to bear; tam ghoSham= that roar; nishaacharaH= that demon; utpapaata= jumped up; utpatya= after jumping up; (he) taaDayaamaasa= struck; hanuumantam= Hanuma; muShTinaa= with his fist.
Unable to bear that roar, the demon jumped up and struck Hanuma with his fist.
tena muSTi prahaareNa samcukopa mahaa kapiH |
kupitasHca nijagraaha kiriiTe raakSasa R^iSabham || 6-70-46
46. mahaakapiH= Hanuma the great ape; samchukopa= was enraged; muShTi prahaareNa= by the blow of his fist; kupitaH cha= enraged as he was; nijagraaha= he seized hold of; raakShasarShabham= that foremost of demons; kiriiTe= by his head covered with diadem.
Enraged as he was by the blow of Trishiras’s fist, Hanuma seized hold of Trishira the foremost of demons by his head covered by his diadem.
sa tasya shiirSaaNy asinaa shitena |
kiriiTa juSTaani sakuNDalaani |
kruddhaHpraciccheda suto anilasya |
tvaSTuHsutasya iva shiraamsi shakraH || 6-70-47
47. saH= that; kruddhaH= enraged; anilasya sutaH= Hanuma the son of wind-god; prachichchheda= chopped off; shitena asinaa= with the sharp sword; tasya shiirShaaNi= his (three) heads; kiriiTa juShTaani= furnished with diadems; sakuN^Dalaani= and ear-rings; shakraH iva= like Indra the lord of celestials (chopped off); shiraamsi= the heads; tvaShTuH sutasya= of Vishvarupa the son of Tvashta.
That enraged Hanuma the son of wind-god chopped off with that sharp sword, his three heads furnished with diadems and ear-rings, like Indra the lord of celestials chopped off the heads of Vishvarupa the son of Tvashta.
taanyaayata akSaaNy aga samnibhaani |
pradiipta vaishvaanara locanaani |
petuHshiraamsi indra ripor dharaNyaam |
jyotiimSi muktaani yathaa arka maargaat || 6-70-48
48. taani shiraamsi= those heads; indraripoH= of Trishira the enemy of Indra; aayataakShaaNi= having longish organs of senses; aga samnibhaani= which were mountain-like; pradiipta vaishvaanara lochanaani= and having fire-like blazing eyes; petuH= fell; pR^ithivyaam= on earth; jyotiimShi yathaa= like planets and stars; muktaani= drop; arkamaargaat= from the track of the sun.
Those mountain-like heads of Trishira the enemy of Indra, having longish organs of senses and having fire-like blazing eyes, fell down on earth, as planets and stars drop from the track of the sun.
tasmin hate deva ripau trishiirSe |
hanuumata shakra paraakrameNa |
neduHplavamgaaHpracacaala bhuumii |
rakSaamsy atho dudruvire samantaat || 6-70-49
hatam trishirasam dR^iSTvaa tathaiva ca mahaa udaram |
hatau prekSya duraadharSau deva antaka nara antakau || 6-70-50
cukopa parama amarSii mahaa paarshvo mahaa balaH |
49, 50. dR^iSTva= seeing; Trishira= Trishira; hatam= killed; athaapi= and even; Mahodara (killed); prekShya devaantaka naraantakau= as also seeing Devantaka and Narantaka; duraadharShau= the invincible ones; hatau= killed; mattaH= Matta; raakShasa puN^gavaH= the foremost of demons; chukopa= was enraged; paramaamarShii= with indignation.
When that Trishira, the enemy of celestials, having a prowess equal to that of Indra was killed, the monkeys made a loud noise. The earth trembled. Then, the demons ran away everywhere. Seeing Trishira, Mahodara and the invincible Devantaka killed, Matta (Mahaparshva) was enraged with indignation.
jagraaha arciSmatiim ca api gadaam sarva aayasiim shubhaam || 6-70-51
hema paTTa parikSiptaam maamsa shoNita lepanaam |
viraajamaanaam vapuSaa shatru shoNita ranjitaam || 6-70-52
tejasaa sampradiipta agraam rakta maalya vibhuuSitaam |
airaavata mahaa padma saarvabhauma bhaya aavahaam || 6-70-53
51. 52. 53. tadaa= then; jagraaha= (he) was holding; gadaam= a mace; archiShmatiim= which was resplendent; sarvaayasiim= completely made of iron; hema parikShiptaam= wound round with golden wires; maamsashoNita phenilaam= filled with a forth of flesh and blood; viraajamaanam= shining; vipulaam= large; shatrushoNita tarpitaam= satiated with the blood of advesaries; sampradiiptaagraam= the upper most part of it blazing; tejasaa= with splendour; raktamaalyavibhuuShitaam= decked with garlands of ed flowers; airaavata mahaapadma saarvabhauma bhayaavahaam= and which frightened the elephants supporting different quarters like Airavata, Mahapadma and Sarvabhauma.
Then, Mahaparshva was holding a large mace, which was resplendent, completely made of iron, wound round with golden wires, filled with a froth of flesh and blood, satiated with the blood enemies, the upper most part of which was blazing with splendour, decked with red coloured garlands and which frightened the elephants supporting the quarters like Airavata, Mahapadma and Sarvabhauma.
gadaam aadaaya samkruddho mahaa paarshvo mahaa balaH |
hariin samabhidudraava yuga anta agnir iva jvalan || 6-70-54
54. aadaaya= taking; godaam= the mace; samkruddhaH= the enraged; mattaH= Matta; raakShasapuN^gavaH= the foremost of demons; samabhidudraava= went quickly; harrin= to the monkeys; jvalan yugaantaagniriva= like the blazing five at the end of the world.
Taking that mace, the enraged Matta, the foremost of demons, went quickly to the monkeys like the blazing fire at the end of the world.
atha R^iSayaHsamutpatya vaanaro ravaNa anujam |
mahaa paarshvam upaagamya tasthau tasya agrato balii || 6-70-55
55. atha= then; balii= the strong; R^iShabhaH= Rishabha; vaanaraH= a monkey; utpatya= jumping up; tasthau= stood; agrataH= in front; tasya= of him; upaagamya= having approached; mattaaniikam= Mattanika; raavaNaanujam= the younger brother of Ravana.
Then, a strong monkey called Rishabha came jumping and stood in front of that Mattanika (Mahaparshva), the younger brother of Ravana.
tam purastaat sthitam dR^iSTvaa vaanaram parvata upamam |
aajaghaana urasi kruddho gadayaa vajra kalpayaa || 6-70-56
56. kruddhaH= enraged; dR^ishTvaa= in seeing; vaanaram= that R^ishabha; parvatopamam= looking like a mountain; sthtam= standing; purastaat= before him; ajaghaana= (Mahaparshva) struck; urasi= in his breast; gadayaa= with a mace; vajrakalpayaa= equaling a thunderbolt.
Enraged in seeing that Rishabha, looking like a mountain, standing before him, Mahaparshva struck him upon his breast with a mace equaling a thunderbolt.
sa tayaa abhihatas tena gadayaa vaanara R^iSabhaH |
bhinna vakSaaHsamaadhuutaHsusraava rudhiram bahu || 6-70-57
57. abhihataH= struck; tayaa gadayaa= by that mace; tena= by him; saH= that; vaanararShabhaH= Rishabha, the foremost of monkeys; bhinnavakShaaH= had his breast broken; samaadhuutaH= was trembled; susraava= and exuded; rudhiram= blood; bahu= profusely.
When he struck with his mace, the breast of that Rishabha the foremost of demons was broken. He then trembled and exuded blood profusely.
sa sampraapya ciraat samjnaam R^iSabho vaanara R^iSabhaH |
kruddho visphuramaaNa oSTho mahaa paarshvam udaikSata || 6-70-58
58. saH R^iShabhaH= that Rishabha; vaanareshvaraH= the supreme monkey; praapya= regained; samjJNaam= his consciousness; chiraat= after a long while; kruddhaH= and enraged as he was; visphura maaNauShThaH= with his lips quivering; udaikShata= looked towards; mahaapaarshvam= Mahaparshva.
That Rishabha, the supreme monkey regained his consciousness after a long while and enraged as he was with his lips quivering, looked towards Mahaparshva.
sa vegavaan vegavadabhyupetya |
taM raakShasam vaanaraviiramukhya |
saMvartya muShTim sahasaa jaghaan |
baahvatare shailanikaasharuupaH || 6-70-59
59. vegavaan= that swift; vaanaraviira mukhyaH= Rishabha, the chief of monkey-warriors; shailanikaasharuupaH= with a mountain-like form; vegavat= speedily; abhyupetya= approaching; samvartya= and tightening; muShTim= his fist; jaghaana= struck; sahasaa= quickly; baahvantare= on the chest; tam raakShasam= of that demon.
That Rishabha, the supreme monkey regained his consciousness after a long while and enraged as he was with his lips quivering, looked towards Mahaparshva.
sa kR^ittamuulaH sahaseva vR^iShaH |
kShitau papaata kShatajokShitaaN^gah |
taam chaasya ghoraam yamadaNDakalpaam |
gadaaM pragR^ihyaashu tadaa nanaada || 6-70-60
60. kShatajokShitaaNgaH= with his body drenched in blood; saH= that Mahaparshva; papaata= fell; sahasaa= suddenly; kShitau= on the ground; vR^ikShaH iva= like a tree; kR^ittamuulaH= with its root cut off; tadaa= then; pragR^ihya= taking; aashu= quickly; asya taam gadaam= his mace; ghoraam yamadaN^Da kalpaan= which was looking like a terrific Yama’s rod; nanaada= he roared loudly.
With his body drenched in blood, that Mahaparshva suddenly fell unconscious on the ground, like a tree with its root cut off. Then, taking quickly Mahaparshva’s mace, which was looking like Yama’s rod, he roared loudly.
muhuurtamaasiitsa gataasukalpaH |
pratyaagaaatmaa sahasaa suraariH |
utpatya samdhyaabhrasamaanavarNa |
staM vaariraajaatmajamaajaghaana || 6-70-61
61. saH= that Mahaparshva; aasiit= remained; gataasukalpaH= as though he was dead; muhuurtaH= for a while; utpatya= springing; sahasaa= suddenly; suraariH= that demon; samdhyaabhrasamaana varNaH= whose colour resembled an evening cloud; pratyaagataatmaa= after regaining his consciousness; aajaghaana= struck; tam= that; vaariraajaatmajam= Rishabha, the son of Varuna the lord of waters.
Mahaparshva remained as though he was dead for a while. Springing suddenly after regaining his consciousness, that demon, whose colour resembled his consciousness, that demon, whose colour resembled an evening cloud, struck that Rishabha, the son of Varuna the lord of waters.
sa muurchito bhuumitale papaata |
muhuurtamutpatya punaH sasamjJNaH |
taameva tasyaadrivaraadrikalpaam |
gadaam samaavidhya jaghaana samkhye || 6-70-62
62. saH= that Rishabha; papaata= fell; murchhitaH= unconscious; muhuurtam= for a while; bhuumitale= on the ground; utpatya= rising; sasamJNaH= after regaining consciouness; samaavidhya= and tightly holding; taam gadaameva= just that mace; tasya= of his; adrivaraadrikalpam= which was looking like a large mountain-peak; jaghaana= he banged (Mahaparshva); samkhye= in the battle.
That Rishabha fell unconscious for a while on the ground. Rising after regaining consciousness and tightly holding just the same mace, which was looking like a large mountain-peak, banged it on Mahapatra in the battle-field.
saa tasya raudraa samupetya deham |
raudrasya devaadhvaraviprashatroH |
bibheda vakShaH kShatajam cha bhuuri |
susraava dhaatvambha ivaadriraajaH || 6-70-63
63. sau raudraa= that terrific mace; samupetya= reaching; deham= the body; tasya= of that Mahaparshva= roudrasya= the fierce demon; devaadhvaraviprashatro= the enemy of celestials, sacrifices and Brahmanas; bibheda= broke; vakShaH= his chest; susraava= (He) exuded; bhuuri kShatajam= copious blood; adriraajaH iva= like a supreme mountain; dhaatvambhaH= exuding; water full of minerals.
That terrific mace, reaching the body of Mahaparshva, the fierce demon, the enemy of celestials, sacrificial rites and Brahmanas, broke his chest. Mahaparshva started exuding copious blood, as a supreme mountain exudes water full of minerals.
abhidudraava vegena gadaaM tasya mahaatmanaH |
taam gR^ihiitvaa gadaam bhiimaam aavidhya ca punaHpunaH || 6-70-64
matta aniikam mahaa paarshvam jaghaana raNa muurdhani |
64. mahaatmaa= the great-souled; saH= Rishabha; abhidudraava= quickly ran towards; gadaam= the mace; tasya mahaatmanaH= of that mighty Mahaparshva; gR^ihiivaa= seizing; taam bhiimaam gadaam= that dreadful mace; aavidhya= and striking on the floor; punaH punaH= againg and again; jaghaana= he struck; mattaniikam= Mattanika (Mahaparshva); raNamuurdhani= in the battle-front.
The great souled Rishabha quickly ran towards the mace of that mighty Mahaparshva. Seizing that dreadful mace and striking it repeatedly on the floor, he struck it on Mahaparshva in the battle-front.
sa svayaa gadayaa bhinno vikiirNa dashana iikSaNaH |
nipapaata mahaa paarshvo vajra aahata;iva acalaH || 6-70-65
65. bhagnaH= struck; svayaa gadayaa= by his own mace; saH mattaH= that Mahaparshva; vishiirNa dashanekShaNaH= with his teeth and eyes fallen out; nipapaata= fell down; achalaH iva= like a mountain; vajraahataH= struck by a thunderbolt.
Struck by his own mace, that Mahaparshva with his teeth and eyes fallen out, fell down like a mountain struck by a thunderbolt.
vidiirNanayane bhuumau gatasttve gataayuShi |
patite raakShase tasmin vidrutaM raakShasam balam || 6-70-66
66. tasmin raakShase= (When) that demon; gata sattve= depleted his strength; vidiirNanayane= with his eyes burst open; gataayuShi= his long life gone away; patite= and fallen; bhuumau= on the ground; raakShasam balam= the demoniac army; vidrudatam= ran away.
When that demon depleted his strength, burst open his eyes, with his long life gone away and fallen down on the ground, the army of demons ran away.
tasmin hate bhraatari raavaNasya |
tan nairR^itaanaam balam arNava aabham |
tyakta aayudham kevala jiivita artham |
dudraava bhinna arNava samnikaasham || 6-70-67
67. tasmin= (When) that Mahaparshva; ravaNasya bhaatari= the brother of Ravana; hate= was killed; tat balam= that army; nairR^itaanaam= of demons; arNavaabham= which was as extensive as an ocean; tyaktaayudham= abandoning their weapons; dudraava= ran away; kevala jiivitaartham= just considered with their lives; bhinnaarNavasamnikaasham= like a sea which has burst its shores.
When that Mahaparshva was killed, that army of demons, which was as extensive as an ocean, abandoning their weapons in the battle-field, fled for mere lives, like a sea which has burst its shores.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe saptatitamaH sargaH
Thus completes 70th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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