Chapter [Sarga] 65  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 65


Kumbhakarna rebukes Mahodara for rendering a wrong advice to Ravana. He asserts Ravana, saying that he will annihilate Rama in battle. Ravana gets pleased and orders Kumbhakarna to wipe off the monkeys together with Rama and Lakshmana in battle. Then, Ravana arranged for ornamentation of the various limbs of Kumbhakarna with various types of jewellery, before sending him to the battle. As Kumbhakarna sallies forth to the battle, several bad omens appear on all sides. Kumbhakarna disregards these portents and marches ahead for the battle. Seeing the colossal form of Kumbhakarna, all the monkeys get frightened and take to their heels.

sa tathoktastu nirbhartsya kumbhakarNo mahodaram |
abraviidraakShasashreShThaM bhraataram raavaNa.n tataH || 6-65-1
1. kumbhakarna= Kumbhakarna; tathaa= thus; uktaH= spoken; nirbhartasya= rebuked; mahodaram= Mahodara; tataH= and then; abraviit= spoke; bhraataram= to his brother; raavanam= Ravana; raakSasashreTham= the chief of demons.
Hearing the words of Mahodara, Kumbhakarna rebuked him and then spoke to his brother, Ravana, the chief of demons (as follows):
so.aham tava bhayaM ghoram vadhaattasya duraatmanaH |
raamasyaadya pramaarjaami nirvairastvam sukhiibhava || 6-65-2
2. vadhaat= by annihilation; tasya= of that; duraatmanaH= evil-minded; raamasya= Rama; saH aham= I as such; pramarjaami= wipe off; tava= your; ghoram= terrific; bhayam= fear; adya= today; bhava= be; sukhii= happy; nirvairaH hi= indeed free enmity.
"By annihilation of that evil-minded Rama, I will wipe-off your terrifc fear today. Be happy, indeed without any enmity."
garjanti na vR^ithaa shuura nirjalaa iva toyadaaH |
pashya sampaadyamaanam tu garjitam yudhi karmaNaa || 6-65-3
3. shuuraaH= warriors; nagarjanti= do not roar; vR^ittaa= in vain; nirjalaaH toyadaaH iva= like water-less clouds; pashyas= see; garjitum= the roar; sampadyamaanam= on completion; karmaNaa= of work; yudhi= in battle.
"Warriors do not roar in vain as waterless clouds. Hear my roar, only on completion of my said task in battle."
na marShayati chaatmaanam sambhaavayati naatmanaa |
adarshayitvaa shuuraastu karma kurvanti duShkaram || 6-65-4
4. shuuraaH= warriors; na marSayanti= do not indulge; sambhaavayitum= in thinking highly; aatmaanam aatmanaa= of themselves by themselves; adarshayitvaa= without showing; kurvanti= they do; duSkaram karma= difficult act.
"Warriors do not indulge in eulogizing themselves. They do difficult acts, without a show."
viklavaanaamabuddhiinaam raaJNaaM paNDitamaaninaam |
shR^iNvataamaadita idam tvadvidhaanaaM mahodara || 6-65-5
5. mahodara= O, Mahodara!; kathyamaanam tvadvachaH= your narrated words; nityam rochate= are always agreeable; raaJNaam= to kings; viklabaanaam= who are confused; paN^Dita maaninaan= who fancy themselves as the learned; abuddhiinaam= and who are stupid.
"O Mahodara! Your words may be agreeable to those kings who are confused, who fancy themselves as the learned, and who themselves are stupid."
yuddhe kaapuruShairnityaM bhavadbhiH priyavaadibhiH |
raajaanamanugachchhadbhiH kR^ityametadvinaashitam || 6-65-6
6. bhavadbhiH= by you; kaapuruSaiH= whoa re cowards; yuddhe= in battle; nityam priyavaadibhiH= always speaking pleasantly; anugachchhadbhiH= and go according to the wishes of; raajaanam= the king; sarvam= the entire; kR^ityam= undertaking; vinaashitam= has been spoiled.
"You are all cowards in battle. You always speak pleasantly and go according to the wishes of the king. You, as such, have spoiled all the undertakings."
raajasheShaa kR^itaa laN^kaa kShiiNaH kosho balam hatam |
raajaanamimamaasaadya suhR^ichchihnamamitrakam || 6-65-7
7. aasaadya= getting possession of; imam= of this; raajaanam= king; suhR^ichchihnam= who has friends merely for a name-sake; amitrakam= and behaving unfiendly; dhanaagaaram= the treasury; kSiNam= has weakened; balam= the army; hatam= has been killed; laN^kaa= Lanka; kR^itaa= has been made; raajaseSaa= with the king alone left.
"Having access to this king, who has friends merely for a name-sake as also behaving unfriendly, the treasury got depleted, the army destroyed and king alone is left the Lanka."
eSha niryaamyaham yuddhamudyataH shatrunirjaye |
durnayaM bhavataamadya samiikartuM mahaahave || 6-65-8
8. udyataH= intent on; shatrunirjaye= conquering the enemies; eSaH aham= I; niryaami= sally forth; adya= today; yuddham= for the battle; samiikartum= to set right; bhavatiim= your; durnayam= imprudent policy.
"Intent on conquering the enemy, I sally for the battle today to set right your imprudent policy."
evamuktavato vaakyam kumbhakarNasya dhiimataH |
pratyuvaacha tato vaakyaM prahasanraakShasaadhipaH || 6-65-9
9. evam= thus; uktavataH= spoken; dhiimataH kumbhakarNasya vaakyam= the words of the intellectual Kumbhakarna; raakSasaadhipaH= the king of demons; tataH= then; prahasan= bursting into laughter; pratyuvaacha= replied; vaakyam= in (follwoing) words:
Hearing the words of the intellectual Kumbhakarna, Ravana the king of demons, bursting into laughter, replied as follows:
mahodaro.ayam raamaattu paritrasto na saMshayaH |
na hi rochayate taata yuddham yuddhavishaarada || 6-65-10
10. taata= O dear brother; yuddhavishaarada= well-versed in the art of warfare!; ayam= this; mahodaraH= Mahodara; paritrastaH= is frightened; raamaat= of Rama; na samshayaH= there is no doubt; na rochayate hi= indeed; he is not inclined; yuddham= of war.
"O dear brother, well-versed in the art of war-fare! This Mahodara is frightened of Rama. There is no doubt. He is not indeed inclined of a war."
kashchinme tvatsamo naasti sauhR^idena balena cha |
gachchha shatruvadhaaya tvam kumbhakarNajayaaya cha || 6-65-11
11. kumbhakarNa= O Kumbhakarna!; kashchit naasti= none; tvatsamaH= is equal to you; me= for me; sauhR^idena= in friendship; balenacha= and strength; tvam= you; gachchha= proceed; shatruvadhaaya= for destroying the enemies; jayaaya= and for achieving victory.
"O Kumbhakarna! None is equal to you in friendship and strength, in my eyes. You march to the battlefield for destroying the enemies and for achieving victory."
shayaanaH shatrunaashaartham bhavaan sambodhito mayaa |
aayam hi kaalaH sumahaan raakSaanaamarimdama || 6-65-12
12. arindama= O destroyer of enemies!; bhavaan= you; shayaanaH= who were sleeping; sambodhitaH= were awaken; mayaa= by me; shatrunashaartham= for the purpose of destroying the enemies; ayam= this; sumahaan kaalaH hi= is indeed a grand time; raakSasaanaam= for demons.
"O destroyer of enemies! You, who were sleeping, were awakened by me, for the purpose of destroying the enemies. This is indeed a grand time for our demons."
tadgachchha shuulamaadaaya paashahasta ivaantakaH |
vaanaraan raajaputrau cha bhakSayaadityatejasau || 6-65-13
13. tat= therefore; gachchha= go; antakaH iva= like Yama the god of death; aadaaya= by taking; shuulam= a dart; paasha hastaH= and a noose in hand; bhakSaya= devour; vaanaraan= the monkeys; raajaputrau= and the princes; aaditya tejasau= whose splendour is like that of the sun.
"Therefore, go like Yama the god of death, by taking a dart and a noose in your hand. Devour the monkeys and the princes whose splendour is like that of the sun."
samaalokya tu te ruupam vidraviSyanti vaanaraaH |
raamalakSmaNayoshchaapi hR^idaye prasphuTiSyataH || 6-65-14
14. samaalokya= by seeing; te= your; ruupam= very form; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; vidraviSyanti= will run away; hR^idayechaapi= the hearts; raama lakSmaNayoH= of Rama and Lakshmana; prasphuTiSyataH= will get broken asunder.
"By seeing your very form, the monkeys will run away. The hearts of Rama and Lakshmana will get broken asunder."
evamuktvaa mahaatejaaH kumbhakarNam mahaablam |
punarjaatamivaatmaanam mene raakSasapumgavaH || 6-65-15
15. raakSasapuN^gavaH= the king of demons; mahaatejaaH= with great energy; evam= thus; uktvaa= speaking; mahaabalam kumbhakarNam= to the mighty Kumbhakarna; mene= thought; aatmaanam= himself; jaatam iva= as though he was born; punaH= again.
Ravana, the king of demons, having a great energy, thus speaking to the mighty Kumbhakarna, thought himself as though he was born again.
kumbhakarNabalaabhijJNo jaanamstasya paraakramam |
babhuuva mudito raajaa shashaaN^ka iva nirmalaH || 6-65-16
16. raajaa= the king; kumbhakarNa balaabhiJNaH= knowing the strength of Kumbhakarna; jaanan= and recognising; tasya= his; paraakramam= prowess; muditaH= was delighted; babhuuva= and became; nirmalaH= bright; shashaaNkaH iva= as the moon.
The king, knowing the strength and prowess of Kumbhakarna, was delighted and became as bright as the moon.
ityevamuktaH samhR^iSTo nirjagaama mahaabalaH |
raajJNstu vachanam shrutvaa yoddhumudyuktavaamstadaa || 6-65-17
17. ityevam= thus; uktaH= spoken to; (by Ravana); mahaabalaH= the mighty Kumbhakarna; samhR^iSTaH= highly delighted; nirjagaama= sallied forth; shrutvaa= hearing; raaJNaH= the king's; vachanam= speech; tadaa= at that time; udyuktvaan= (he) was ready; yoddhum= to fight.
Some were drowned in the ocean. Some had recourse into the caves. Some others escaped. Some could not even stand stable on the ground. Some fell down. Some lied down, as though they were dead.
aadade nishitam shuulaM vegaachchhatrunibarhaNaH |
sarvakaalaayasam diiptaM taptakaaJNchanabhuuShaNam || 6-65-18
18. shatrunibarhaNaH= Kumbhakarna, the annihilator of enemies; vegaat= speedily; aadade= took up; nishitam= a sharp; shuulam= spike; sarvakaalaayasam= made completely with iron; diiptam= splendidly shining; taptakaaN^chana bhuuSaNam= and adorned with pure gold.
Kumbhakarna, the annihilator of enemies, speedily took up a sharp spike fully made of iron, adorned with pure gold and splendidly shining.
indraashanisamaM bhiimam vajrapratimagauravam |
devadaanavagandharvayakShakiMnarasuudanam || 6-65-19
raktamaalya mahaadaama svatashchodgatapaavakam |
aadaaya nishitam shuulaM shatrushoNitaraJNjitam || 6-65-20
kumbhakarNo mahaatejaa raavaNam vaakyamabraviit |
19, 20. aadaaya= taking hold of; vipulam= that large; shuulam= spike; shatrushoNita raN^jitam= tinted with the blood of enemies; indraashanisamprakhyam= shining like Indra's thunderbolt; vajrapratima gauravam= and equally heavy as a thunderbolt; devadaanava gandharva yakSapannagasundanam= capable of tormenting celestials, demons, Gandharvas the celestial musicians, Yakshas, a class of demi gods, and Nagas teh celectials serpents; raktamaalya mahaadhaama= wreathed in garlands of crimson flowers with excessive splendour; udgatapaavakam= and emitted flames; svataH= by itself naturally; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; mahaatejaH= of great brilliance; abraviit= spoke; raavaNam= to Ravana; vaakyam= the following words:
Taking hold of that large spike tinted with the blood of enemies, shining like Indra's thunderbolt and equally heavy, capable of tormenting celestials, demons, Gandharvas, the celestial musicians, Yakshas a class of demi-gods and Nagas the celestial serpents, wreathed in garlands of crimson flowers with excessive splendour and emitting flames by itself naturally, Kumbhakarna of great brilliance spoke to Ravana the following words:
gamiShyaamyahamekaakii tiShThatviha balaM mahat || 6-65-21
adya taankShudhitaH kruddho bhakShayiShyaami vaanaraan |
21. mahat balam= let this large army; tiSThatu= stay; iha= here; aham= I; gamiSyaami= shall go; ekaakii= alone; kshudhitaH kruddhaH= I, angry with hunger; bhakSayiSyaami= shall devour; taan= those; vaanaraan= monkeys; adya= now.
"Let this large army stay back here. I shall go all alone. Being angry with hunger, I shall devour those monkeys now."
kumbhakarNavachaH shrutvaa raavaNo vaakyamabraviit || 6-65-22
sainyaiH parivR^ito gachchha shuulamudgalapaaNibhiH |
22. shrutvaa= hearing; kumbhakarNa vachaH= the words of Kumbhakarna; raavaNaH= Ravana; abraviit= spoke; vaakyam= these words; parivR^itaH= endowed; sainyaiH= with army; shuula mudgara paaNibhiH= with spikes and hammers in hand; gachchha= go (to the battle-field).
Hearing the words of Kumbhakarna, Ravana said, "Go along with army, with their spikes and hammers in hand."
vaanaraa hi mahaatmaanaH shiighraashcha vyavasaayinaH || 6-65-23
ekaakinaM pramattam vaa nayeyurdashanaiH kShayam |
23.vaanaraaH= the monkeys; mahaatmaanaH= with their huge bodes; shuuraaH= the warriors; suryavasaayinaH= having a much determination; dashanaiH= with their teeth; nayanti kSayam= will arrange for destruction; (of those); ekaakinam= who are either alone; pramattamvaa= or off one's guard.
"The monkeys, with their huge bodies, valiant, with a much determination and with their teeth, will destroy anyone who is either alone or off one's guard."
tasmaatparamadurdharShaiH sainyaiH parivR^ito vraja || 6-65-24
rakShasaamahitam sarvaM shatrupakShaM nisuudaya |
24. tasmaat= therefore; parivR^itaH= enveloped; sainyaiH= with your army; vraja= go; parama durdharSaH= as a person very difficult to be assaulted; niSuudaya= destroy; sarvam= the entire; shatrupakSam= enemy-side; ahitam= which is inimical; rakSasaam= to the demons.
"Therefore, go along with your troops as a person who is very difficult to be assaulted. Destroy the entire enemy-side, which in inimical to our demons."
athaasanaatsamutpatya srajaM maNikR^itaantaraam || 6-65-25
aababandha mahaatejaaH kumbhakarNasya raavaNaH |
25. samutpatya= rising up swiftly; aasanaat= from his throne; raavaNaH= Ravana; mahaatejaaH= endowed with a great energy; atha= then; aababandha= tied on; kumbhakarNasya= to Kumbhakarna; srajam= a necklace; maNikR^itaantaraam= studded with a course of jewels.
Rising up swiftly from his throne, Ravana endowed with a great energy, then placed around the neck of Kumbhakarna, a necklace studded with a course of jewels.
aJNgadaanaN^guliiveShTaanvaraaNyaabharaNaani cha || 6-65-26
haaram cha shashisamNkaashamaababandha mahaatmanaH |
26. (Ravana) aababandha= bonded; aN^gadaani= Armlets; aN^guliiveSTaan= rings; varaaNiaabharaaNicha= excellent ornaments; haaramcha= and a chain; shashisamkaasham= which was handsome; mahaatmanaH= to the great souled Kumbhakarna.
Ravana placed on the person of Kumbhakarna, armlets, rings, excellent jewellery and a handsome chain.
divyaani cha sugandhiini maalyadaamaani raavaNaH || 6-65-27
gaatreSu sajjayaamaasa shriimatii chaasya kuNDale |
27. raavaNaH= Ravana; sajjayaamaasa= arranged for ornamentation; asya= of his; gaatreSu= limbs; divyaani sugandhiini maalyadaani= with beautiful and sweet smelling garlands; kuN^Dalecha= and ear-rings; shrotrayoH= to his ears.
Ravana arranged for ornamentation of his limbs with beautiful and sweet-smelling garlands as well as ear-rings to his ears.
kaaJNchanaaN^gadakeyuuro niShkaabharaNabhuuShitaH || 6-65-28
kumbhakarNo bR^ihatkarNaH suhuto.agnirivaababhau |
28. KumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; bR^ihatkarNaH= with large ears; kaaNchana aN^gada keyuura niSkaabharaNa bhuuSitaH= adorned with golden armlets and bracelets worn on his upper arms along with ornament for his breast; aababhau= shone; agniriva= like fire; suhutaH= well=fed with oblations.
Kumbhakarna with large ears, adorned with golden armlets and bracelets worn on his upper arms along with ornament for his breast, shone like fire, well-fed with oblations.
shroNiisuutreNa mahataa mechakena viraajitaH || 6-65-29
amR^itotpaadane naddho bhujaN^geneva mandaraH |
29. mahataa= with a large; mechakena= black; viraajitaa= and shining; shroNiisuutreNa= string worn round his loins; mandoraH iva= he was looking like Mount Mandara; naddhaH= encircled; bhujangena= at the time of churning the ambrosia.
With a large, black and shining string worn round his loins, he was looking like Mount Mandara encircled by a serpent at the time of churning the ambrosia.
sa kaaJNchanaM bhaarasahaM nivaataM |
vidyutprabham diiptamivaatmabhaasaa |
aabadhyamaanaH kavacham raraaja |
sandhyaabhrasamviita ivaadriraajaH || 6-65-30
30. aabadhyamaanaaH= secured; kaaN^chana kavacham= with a golden armour; bhaarasaham= carrying a great load; nivaatam= impentrable by weapons; diiptamiva= as if blazing; aatmatejasaa= with its own splendour; vidyut prabham= with flashing like lightning; saH= Kumbhakarna; raraaja= shone; adriraajaH iva= like a king of mountains; sandhyaabhrasamviitaH= joined with clouds at sunset.
Secured with a golden armour, carrying a great load, impenetrable by weapons and as if blazing with its own splendour with flashing like lightning, Kumbhakarna shone as a king of Mountains, enveloped by clouds at sunset.
sarvaabharaNanaddhaaN^gaH shuulapaaNiH sa raakShasaH |
trivikramakR^itotsaaho naaraayaNa ivaababhau || 6-65-31
31. sarvaabharaNa sarvaaN^gaH= adorned with all ornaments to all his limbs; shuulapaaNiH= with a spike in his hand; saH= that; raakSasaH= demons; aababhau= shone; naaraayanaH iva= like Narayana, the all-embracing Lord; trivikrama kR^itotsaahaH= enthusiastic to take the three long strides (which were meant to cover the entire universe).
Adorned with all ornaments to all his limbs and with a spike in his hand, that demon shone like Narayana, the all-embracing Lord, enthusiastic to take the three long strides (which were meant to cover the entire universe).
bhraataram sampariShvajya kR^itvaa chaapi pradakShiNam |
praNamya shirasaa tasmai sampratasthe mahaabaliH || 6-65-32
32. sampariSyajya= embracing; bhraataram= his brother; pradakSinam kR^itvaa cha api= and even circumambulating him; mahaabalaH= the mighty; saH= Kumbhakarna; pratasthe= sallied forth; praNamya= after offering salutation; tasmai= to him; shirasaa= by bowing down with his head respectfully.
Embracing his brother and even circumambulating him, the mighty Kumbhakarna sallied forth, after offering salutation to him by bowing down to him respectfully.
niSpatantaM mahaakaayaM mahaanaadaM mahaabalam |
tamaashiirbhiH prashastaabhiH preSayaamaasa raavaNaH || 6-65-33
33. preSayaamaasa = (Ravana) sent off; mahaabalam= the mighty; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; mahaakaayam= having a colossal body; niSpatantam= who was sallying forth; mahaanaadam= with a great sound; prashastaabhiH= and with laudable; aashiirbhiH= benedictions.
Ravana sent off the mighty Kumbhakarna, having a colossal body, who was then sallying forth, with a great sound (of drums and musical instruments) and with laudable benedictions.
tam gajaishcha turamgaishcha syandanaishchaambudasvanaiH |
anujagmurmahaatmaanam rathino rathinaaM varam || 6-65-34
34. shaNkhadundubhinirghoSaiH= with loud sounds of couches and kettle-drums; sainyaiH cha= with an army; varaayudhaiH= wielding excellent weapons; gajaishcha= with elephants; turaNgaishcha= with horses; syandanaishcha= and with chariots; ambudasvanaiH= having sounds of clouds; mahaatmaanaH= mighty; rathinaH= charioteers; anujagmuH= accompanied; tam= him; varam= who was the foremost; rathinaam= among the charioteers.
With loud sounds of counches and kettle-drums, with an army wielding excellent weapons, with elephants, with horses and with chariots making sounds of clouds, mighty charioteers accompanied him who was the foremost among the charioteers.
sarpairuShTraiH kharairashvaiH simhadvipamR^igadvijaiH |
anujagmushcha tam ghoraM kumbhakarNaM mahaabalam || 6-65-35
35. anujagmuH= (those demons) followed; tam= that; ghoram= terrific; mahaabalam= and mighty; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; sarpaiH= on serpents; uSTraiH= camels; kharaischhaiva= donkeys; simhadvipa mR^igadvijaiH= lions; elephants, wild beasts and birds.
Those demons followed that terrific and mighty Kumbhakarna, mounting on serpents, camels donkeys, lions, elephants, wild beasts and birds.
sa puShpavarNairavakiiryamaaNo |
dhR^itaatapatraH shitashuulapaaNiH |
madotkaTaH shoNitagandhamatto |
viniryayau daanavadevashatruH || 6-65-36
36. saH= that Kumbhakarna; daanavadeva shatruH= the enemy of ogres and celestials; shita shuula paaNiH= wielding a sharp spike in his hand; viniryayau= while sallying forth; dhrutaatapatraH= over whose head a parasol was held; avakiiryamaaNaH puSpavarSaiH= covered with showers of blossoms; madotkaTaH= was excited with drink; shoNitagandha mattah= and intoxicated by the smell of blood.
That Kumbhakarna, the enemy of ogres and celestials, wielding a sharp spike in his hand, while sallying forth, over whose head a parasol was held and drink and intoxicated by the smell of blood.
padaatayasha bahavo mahaanaadaa mahaabalaaH |
anvayuu raakShasaa bhImaa bhiimaakShaaH shastrapaaNayaH || 6-65-37
37. bahavaH= many; raakSasaaH= demons; mahaasaaraaH= with great energy; mahaabalaaH= with great strength; bhiimaaH= with terrific form; bhiimaakSaaH= with fearful eyes; shastrapaaNayaH= and wielding weapons in their hands; anvayuH= accompanied; padaatayaH= as foot-soldiers.
Many demons, possessing a great energy and great strength, with terrific forms and fearful eyes, as also wielding weapons in their hands, accompanied him as foot-soldiers.
raktaakShaaH sumahaakaayaa niilaaJNjanachayopamaaH |
shuuraanudyamya khaDgaaMshcha nishitaaMshcha parashvadhaan || 6-65-38
bahuvyaamaaMshcha parighaan gadaashcha musalaani cha |
taalaskandhaaMshcha vipulaankShepaNiiyaanduraasadaan || 6-65-39
38, 39.raktaakSaaH= (they followed) with their red hot eyes; sumahaakaayaaH= with large colossal bodies; niilaaN^jana chayopamaaH= resembling a mass of collyrium in hue; udyamya= and lifting up; shuulaan= spikes; khaDgaamshcha= swords; nishitaan= sharp; parashvadhaan= axes; bhindipaalaamshcha= javelins; parighaan= iron rods; gadaashcha= maces; musalaanicha= mallets; vipulaan taalaskandhaamshcha= enormous trunks of palmyrah trees; kSepaNiiyaan= to be hurled at; duraasadaan= and difficult to be met.
The demons followed, with their red hot eyes, large colossal bodies resembling a mass of collyrium in hue, lifting up spikes, swords, sharp axes, javelins, iron rods, maces, mallets, enormous trunks of palmyrah trees to be hurled at and difficult to be met.
athaanyadvapuraadaaya daaruNam lomaharShaNam |
niShpapaata mahaatejaaH kumbhakarNo mahaabalaH || 6-65-40
dhanuHshatapariiNaahaH sa ShaTshatasamuchchhitaH |
raudraH shakaTachakraakSho mahaaparvatasaMnibhaH || 6-65-41
40, 41. atha= then; saH kumbhakarNaH= that Kumbhakarna; mahaatejaaH= of a great splendour; mahaabalaH= and a great strength; aadaaya= assuming; anyat vapuH= another body; daaruNam= of a formidable; ghoradarshanam= and terrific form; dhanuH shatapariiNaahaH= with a breadth of a hundred bows; SaTshatasamuchchhritaH= and six hundred bows in height; shakaTachakraakSaH= with eyes resembling the wheels of a cart; mahaaparvata samnibhaH= looking like a huge mountain; roudnraH= and terrible to look at niSpapaata= sallied forth.
Then, that Kumbhakarna, of a great splendour and a great strength, assuming another body of a formidable and terrific form, with a breadth of a hundred bows and six hundred bows in height, with his eyes resembling the wheels of a cart, looking like a huge mountain and terrible to look at, sallied forth.
saMnipatya cha rakShaamsi dagdhashailopamo mahaan |
kumbhakarNo mahaavaktraH prahasannidamabraviit || 6-65-42
42. kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; mahaan= having a colossal body; mahaavaktraH= and a large mouth; dagdhashailopamaH= looking like a scorched hill; samnipatya= approaching; rakSaamsi= the demons; abraviit= spoke; prahasan= laughing loudly (the following words).
Kumbhakarna with his colossal body and a huge mouth, looking like a scorched hill, approaching the demons and laughing loudly, spoke as follows:
adya vaanaramukhyaanaam taani yuuthaani bhaagashaH |
nirdahiShyaami saMkruddhaH shalabhaaniva paavakaH || 6-65-43
43. samkruddhaH= charged with anger; nirdahiSyaami= I shall burn up; taani= those; yuuthaani= troops; vaanaramukhyaan= of the foremost of monkeys; bhaagashchaH= in lots; adya= today; paavakaH iva= as a flash of ifre; (would burn up); pataN^gaaniva= the moths.
"Charged with anger, I shall burn up those troops of the foremost of monkeys, in lots today, as a flash of fire would burn up the moths."
naaparaadhyanti me kaamam vaanaraa vanachaariNaH |
jaatirasmadvidhaanaam saa purodyaanavibhuuShaNam || 6-65-44
44. vaanaraaH= the monkeys; vanachaariNaH= roaming about in a forest; naaparaadhyanti kaamam= on their own accord, have not offended; me= me; saa jaatiH= that race of monkeys; purodyaanavibhuuSaNam= is an embellishment for gardens in city; asmadvidhaanam= like ours.
"The monkeys who are in the habit of roaming about in the woods, have not offended me of their own accord. That race of monkeys serves as an embellishment for the urban gardens in a city like ours."
purarodhasya muulam tu raaghavaH sahalakShmaNaH |
hate tasminhatam sarvam taM vadhiShyaami samyuge || 6-65-45
45. raaghavaH= Rama; saha lakSmaNaH= together with Lakshmana; muulam= is the root-cause; purarodhasya= for attacking our city; tasmin hate= If he is killed; sarvam= all; hatam= is killed; vadhiSyaami= I shall kill; tam= that Rama; samyuge= in battle.
"Rama, together with Lakshmana, is the root-cause for the attack on our city. If he is killed, all will be destroyed. Therefore, I shall kill that Rama in battle."
evam tasya bruvaaNasya kumbhakarNasya raakShasaaH |
naadam chakrurmahaaghoraM kampayanta ivaarNavam || 6-65-46
46. tasya kumbhakarNasya= that Kumbhakarna; evam= thus; bruvaaNasya= speaking; raakSasaaH= the demons; chakruH= made; mahaa ghoram= a very terrific; naadam= noise; aarNavam kampayantaH iva= as though making the ocean of tremble.
While Kumbhakarna was speaking in that way, the demons made a very terrific noise, as though they were agitating the ocean.
tasya niShpatatastuurNam kumbhakarNasya dhiimataH |
babhuuvurghoraruupaaNi nimittaani samantataH || 6-65-47
47. tasya dhiimataH kumbhakarNasya= as that intelligent Kumbhakarna; niSpatataH= was sallying forth; tuurNam= quickly; nimittaani= omens; ghora ruupaaNi= of terrific patterns; babhuuvaH= appeared; samantataH= on all sides.
As that intelligent Kumbhakarna was sallying forth quickly for the battle, omens of terrific patterns appeared on all sides.
ulkaashaniyutaa meghaa vinedushcha sudaaruNaaH |
sasaagaravanaa chaiva vasudhaa samakampata || 6-65-48
48. megharaH= clouds; gardabhaaruNaaH= ashy in colour like asses; ulkaashaniyutaaH= combined with meterors and strokes of lightning babhuuvuH= were formed; vasudhaacha= even the earth; samakamR^ita= trembled; sa saagara vanaa= together with its oceans and forests.
Clouds, ashy in colour like asses, combined with meteors and strokes of lightning appeared. Even the earth trembled, together with its oceans and forests.
ghoraruupaaH shivaa neduH sajvaalakavalairmukhaiH |
maNDalaanyapasavyaani babandhushcha vihaMgamaaH || 6-65-49
49. shivaaH= Jackals; ghoruupaaH= of terrific form; neduH= howled; sajvaalakabalaih= with flaming morsels; mukhaiH= in their mouths; vihamgamaaH= and birds; babandhuH= twirled; apasavyaani mandalaani= in circles from right to left.
Jackals of terrific form howled with flaming morsels in their mouths and birds twirled in circles from right to left.
niShpapaata cha gR^idhre.asya shuule vai pathi gachchhataH |
praasphurannayanam chaasya savyo baahurakampata || 6-65-50
50. shuule= on the spike; asya= of Kumbhakarna; gachchhataH= sallying forth; pathi= along the road; gR^iddhraH= a vulture; niSpapaata= descended; asya= his; nayanam= (left) eye; praasphurat= twitched; savyaH= his left; baahuH= arm; akampata= throbbed.
A vulture descended on the spike of Kumbhakarna, as he was sallying forth along the road. His left eye twitched and his left arm throbbed.
niShpapaata tadaa choklaa jvalantii bhiimanisvanaa |
aadityo niShprabhashchaasiinna pravaati sukho.anilaH || 6-65-51
51. tadaa= then; jvalantii= a blazing; ulkaa= meteor; niSpapaata= fell; bhiimaniH svanaa= with a dreadful noise; aadityaH cha= even the sun; aasiit= became; niSprabhaH= lusterless; anilaH= and the wind; na vaati cha= was not blowing; sukhaH= comfortably.
Then, a blazing meteor fell down with a dreadful noise. Even the sun became lusterless and the wind was not blowing comfortably.
achintayanmahotpaataanutthitaamllomaharShaNaan |
niryayau kumbhakarNastu kR^itaantabalachoditaH || 6-65-52
52. achintayan= disregarding; mahotpaataan= those great portents; uditaan= indicated; roma harSaNaan= causing the hair to stand erect; kumbhakarNaHtu= Kumbhakarna on his part; niryayau= marched on; kR^itaanta balachoditaH= driven by the power of fate.
Disregarding those great portents indicated, causing the hair to stand erect, Kumbhakarna on his part marched on, driven by the power of fate.
sa laN^ghayitvaa praakaaraM padbhyaaM parvatasaMnibhaH |
dadarshaabhraghanaprakhyam vaanaraaniikamadbhutam || 6-65-53
53. sah= Kumbhakarna; parvatasamnibhaH= looking like a mountain; laN^ghayitvaa= traversing; praakaaram= the rampart; padbhyaam= with his feet; dadarsha= saw; adbhutam= a wonderful; vaanaraaniikam= army of monkeys; abhraghanaprakhyam= similar to a thick coverage of clouds.
Kumbhakarna, looking like a mountain, traversing the rampart with his feet alone, saw a wonderful army of monkeys, looking similar to a thick coverage of clouds.
te dR^iShTvaa raakShasashreShTham vaanaraaH parvatopamam |
vaayununnaa iva ghanaa yayuH sarvaa dishastadaa || 6-65-54
54. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; raakSasashreSTham= that Kumbhakarna the excellent among demons; parvatopamam= looking equal to a mountain; te vaanaraaaH= those monkeys; tadaa= then; yayuh= ran away; sarvaaH dishaH= to all directions; ghanaaH iva= as clouds; vaayununnaaH= driven away by the wind.
Seeing that Kumbhakarna, the excellent among demons, looking equal to a mountain, the monkeys then ran away to all directions, as clouds are driven away by the wind.
tadvaanaraaniikamatiprachaNDaM |
disho dravadbhinnamivaabhrajaalam |
sa kumbhakarNaH samavekShya harShaan |
nanaada bhuuyo ghanavadghanaabhaH || 6-65-55
55. samavekSya= looking towards; tat vaanaraamiikam= that army of monkeys; atiprachaNDam= which were highly fierce; dravat= and running away; dishaH= to different quarters; bhinnam abhrajaalam iva= like a net-work of broken clouds; saH kumbhakarNaH= that Kumbhakarna; ghanaabhaH= with a hue of black cloud; harSaat= from a rejoice; bhuuyaH= repeatedly; nanaada= roared; ghanavat= like a cloud (thunder).
Looking towards that highly fierce army of monkeys, running away to different quarters, as a net-work of broken clouds, that Kumbhakarna with the hue of a black cloud, highly rejoiced, repeatedly emitted a roar-like thunder.
te tasya ghoraM ninadaM nishamya |
yathaa ninaadam divi vaaridasya |
peturdharaNyaaM bahavaH plavamgaa |
nikR^ittamuulaa iva saalavR^ikShaaH || 6-65-56
56. nishamy= hearing; tasya ghoram= his terrific; ninadam= roar; vaaridasya ninaadam yathaa= similar to the rumbling of a cloud; divi= in the sky; te bahavaH plavaN^gaaH= many of those monkeys; petuH= fell down; dharaNyaam= on the floor; shaala vR^ikSaaH iva= like sal trees; nikR^itta muulaaH= cut-up by the roots.
Hearing his terrific roar, similar to the rumbling of a cloud in the sky, many of those monkeys fell down on the ground, like Sal trees cut-up by the roots.
vipulaparighavaansa kumbhakarNo |
ripunidhanaaya viniHsR^ito mahaatmaa |
kapi gaNabhayamaadadatsubhiimaM |
prabhuriva kimNkaradaNDavaanyugaante || 6-65-57
57. saH mahaatmaa kumbhakarNaH= that gigantic Kumbhakarna; vipulaparighaan= wielding a large iron-rod viniH sR^itaH= setting off; ripuniidhanaaya= for the destruction of the enemies; prabhuriva= like Yama the lord of death; kimkaradaN^Davaan= armed with a rod of punishment, waiting upon him like an attendant; yugaante= at the time of the dissolution of the world; aadadat= caused; subhiimam= a great terrific; kapigaNabhayam= fear to the troops of monkeys.
Wielding a large iron rod for the destroyable of the enemies, that gigantic Kumbhakarna looked like Yama the lord of death armed with a rod of punishment, waiting upon him as his attendant at the time of dissolution of the world and caused a great terrific fear to the troops of monkeys.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe paJNchaSaSTitamaH sargaH
Thus completes 65th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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