Chapter [Sarga] 61  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 61


Rama sees Kumbhakarna with a colossal body and enquires Vibhishana about a report of him. Then Vibhishana apprises Rama about Kumbhakarna and narrates his story of his getting curse from Brahma, imprecating him to sleep apparently Vibhishana adds that on an appeal from Ravana Brahma relaxed the curse saying that Kumbhakarna would keep sleeping for every six months and then waking up for a day in a year Vibhishana informs Rama that Ravana got Kumbhakarna awakened and is sending now to the battle. Rama then orders Neela the commander-in-cheif to marshal his entire army of monkeys in their appropriate positions in Lanka. On hearing Rama's orders the army of monkeys start their fighting operation.

tato raamo mahaatejaa dhanuraadaaya viiryavaan |
kiriiTinam mahaakaayam kumbhakarNam dadarsha ha || 6-61-1
1. aadaaya= having taken; dhanuH= his bow; raamaH= Rama; mahaatejaaH= of great brilliance; viiryavaan= and prowess; tataH= then; dadarsha= saw; mahaakaayam= the bulky; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; kirriTinam= decorated with a diadem.
Having taken his bow, Rama of great brilliance and prowess, then beheld the bulky Kumbhakarna, adorned with a diadem.
tam dR^iSTvaa raakSasashreSTham parvataakaaradarshanam |
kramamaaNamivaakaasham puraa naaraayaNam prabhum || 6-61-2
2. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; tam raakSasashreSTham= that paramount demon; parvataakaara darshanam= whose appearance was in the form of a mountain; prabhum naaraayaNam yathaa= looking like Lord Narayana (the son of the original Man); kramamaaNam= taking strides across; aakaasham= space; puraa= long ago (manifested in the form of Trivikrama, who measured the whole universe in a couple of strides) Rama became vigilant).
Seeing that paramount demon, whose appearance was in the form of a mountain and looking like Lord Narayana (the son of the original Man); taking strides across space, (manifested in the form of Trivikrama, who measured the whole universe in a couple of strides) Rama became vigilant.
satoyaambudasamkaasham kaaJNchanaaN^gadabhuuSaNam |
dR^iSTvaa punaH pradudraava vaanaraaNaam mahaacamuuH || 6-61-3
3. dR^iSTvaa= beolding; (him); punaH= again; satoyaambuda samkaasham= who was appearing like a rainy black cloud; kaaNchanaaN^gada bhuuSaNam= wearing a golden bracelet as an ornament on his upper arm; mahaa chamuuH= that large army; vaanaraaNaam= of monkeys; pradudraava= took to their heels speadily.
Beholding him again, who was appear like a rainy black cloud and wearing a golden bracelet as an ornament on his upper arm, that huge army of monkeys took to their heels in full speed.
vidrutaam vaahiniim dR^iSTvaa vardhamaanam cha raakSasam |
savismitamidam raamo vibhiiSaNamuvaacha ha || 6-61-4
4. dR^iSTvaa= seeing; vaahiniim= the army; vidrutaam= who ran away; raakSasamcha= and the demon; vardhamaanam= who was increasing his body; raamaH= Rama; savismitam= with a surprise; uvaacha ha= spoke; vibhiiSaNam= to Vibhishana; idam= these words.
Seeing the army running away and the demon increasing his body, Rama with a surprise, spoke to vibhishana as follows:
ko.asu parvatasamkaashaH kiriiTii harilochanaH |
laN^kaayaam dR^ishyete viiraH savidyudiva toyadaH || 6-61-5
5. viiraH= this eminent demon; parvata samkaashaH= who appears like a mountian; kiriiTii iva= with a diadem; harilochanaH= and tawny eyes; toyadaH iva= looking like a cloud; savidyut= is seen; laN^kaayaam= in Lanka; kaH= who; asau= is he?
"This eminent demon, appearing as a mountain, with a diadem and tawmy eyes and looking like a cloud with a flash of lightning, is seen in Lanka. Who is he?"
pR^ithivyaam ketubhuuto.asau mahaaneko.atra dR^ishyate |
yam dR^iSTvaa vaanaraaH sarve vidravanti yatastataH || 6-61-6
6. asau= he; ekaH= alone; mahaan= with a huge body; atra= here; pR^ithivaam= on earth; dR^ishyate= is appearing; ketu bhuutaH= like a meteror; dR^iSTvaa= seeing; yam= whom; sarve= all; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; vidravanti= are running away; yatastataH= here and there.
"He alone with a huge body here on this earth, is appearing like a solitary meteror, by seeing whom all the monkeys are running away hither and thither."
aachakSva sumahaan ko.asau rakSo vaa yadi vaasuraH |
na mayaivamvidham bhuutam dR^iSTapuurvam kadaachana || 6-61-7
7. kaH= who; asau= is he; sumahaan= with a very large body?; aachakSva= tell; rakSaH vaa= whether he is a demon; yadivaa= or; asuraH= an evil spirit; evam vidham= such; bhuutam= a being; na dR^iSTvaa puurvan= has never been seen earlier; mayaa= by me; kadaachana= at any time.
"Who is he with such a colossal body? Tell me whether he is a demon or an evil spirit. I have not seen such a creature earlier at any time."
sampR^iSTo raajaputreNa raameNaakliSTakarmaNaa |
vibhiiSaNo mahaapraajJNaH kaakutthsamidamabraviit || 6-61-8
8. sampR^STaH= asked (thus); raameNa= by Rama; raajaputreNa= the prince; akliSTakarmaNaa= who was unweary in action; mahaapraaJNaH= the highly intelligent; vibhiiSaNaH= Vibhishana; abraviit= spoke; idam= these words; kaakutthsam= to Rama.
Thus asked by Rama the prince, who was unweary in action, the highly intelligent Vibhishana replied to Rama as follows:
yena vaivasvato yuddhe vaasavashcha paraajitaH |
saiSa vishravasaH putraH kumbhakarNaH prataapavaan || 6-61-9
asya pramaaNasadR^isho raakSaso.anyo na vidyate |
9. yena= by whm; yuddhe= in the battle; vaivasvataH= Yama; vaasavascha= and indra; paraajitaH= were defeated; saH eSaH= that very person; prataapavaan kumbhakarNah= is the powerful kumbhakara; putraH= the son; vishravasaH= of Visravasa; na vidyate= there is no; anyaH raakSasaH= other demon; asya pramaaNa sadR^ishaH= corresponding to his size.
"He is the powerful Kumbhakarna, the son of Visravasa. He conquered Yama and Indra in battle. Tehre is no other demon, corresponding to the size of his body."
etena devaa yudhi daanavaashcha |
yakSaabhujamgaaH pishitaashanaashcha |
gamdharvavidyaadharapannagaashcha |
sahasrasho raaghava samprabhagnaaH || 6-61-10
10. raaghava= O, Rama!; etena= by him; sahasrashaH= thousands of; devaah= celestials; daanavaashcha= demons; yakSaaH= a class of demi-gods; bhujangaaH= serpent-demons; pishitaashanaashcha= ogres; gandharva vidyaadhara pannagaashcha= celestial musicians; celestial artistes and kinnaras (semi divine beings with the human form and with the head of a horse); yudhi= in battle.
"O Rama! He conquered thousands of celestials, demons, a class of demi-gods, serpent demons, ogres, Gandharvas teh celestial musicians, Vidyadharas the celestials artistes and Kinnaras (the semi-divine beings with the human form and the head of a horse) in battle."
shuulapaaNiM viruupaakSam kumbhakarNam mahaabalam |
hantum na shekustrimdashaaH kaalo.ayamiti mohitaaH || 6-61-11
11. kumbhakarNam mahaabalam= (Seeing) the mighty Kumbhakarna; viruupakSam= having ghastly eyes; shuulapaaNim= with a spear in hand; tridashaaH= the celestials; na shekuH= were not able; hantum= to kill (him); mohitaaH= confused to think ayam kaalaH iti= that he was Yama the god of Death.
"Seeing the mighty Kumbharana with ghastly eyes and a spear in hand, the celestials were not able to kill him, having confused to think that he was yama the god of Death."
prakR^ityaa hyeSa tejasvii kumbhakarNo mahaabalaH |
anyeSaam raakSasemdraaNaam varadaanakR^itam balam || 6-61-12
12. eSaH= this; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbharna; prakR^itaa= by his very nature; tejasvii= is energetic; mahaabalaH= and mighty; balam= the strength; anyeSaam raakSasendraaNaam= of the other demons-chiefs; varadaanakR^itam= is attributable to boons; (granted on request by gods).
"This Kumbhakarna, by his very nature, is energetic and mighty. The strength of the other demon-chiefs is attributable to boons (granted on request by gods)."
etena jaatamaatreNa kSudhaartena mahaatmanaa |
bhakSitaani sahasraaNi sattvaanaam subahuunyapi || 6-61-13
13. jaatamaatreNa= soon after his birth; sabahuuni api= several; sahasraaNi= thousands; sattvaanaam= were eaten; etena mahaatmanaa= by this great souled demon; kSudhaartena= afflicted as he was by hunger.
"Soon after his birth, this great-souled demon, afflicted as he was by hunger, ate thousands of living creatures."
teSu sambhakSyamaaNeSu prajaa bhayani piiDitaaH |
yaanti sma sharaNam shakram tamapyartham nyavedayan || 6-61-14
14. teSu sambhakSyamaaNeSu= while they were being eaten; prajaaH= the people; bhayanipiiDitaaH= tormented by fear; sharaNam yaanti sma= sought refuge with; shakram= Indra; nyavedayan= and reported; artham api= the matter also; tam= about him.
"While the living being were being eaten, the frightened people sought refuge with Indra and even reported the matter about him."
sa kumbhakarNam kupito mahendro
jaghaana vajreNa shitena vajrii |
sa shakravajrabhihato mahaatmaa |
chachaala kopaachcha bhR^isham nanaada || 6-61-15
15. saH= that; mahendraH= Mahendra; vajrii= having a thunderbolt; kupitaH= was enraged; jaghaana= and struck; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; shitena vajreNa= with the white thunder-bolt; mahaatmaa= the great souled; saH= Kumbhakarna; shakravajraabhihataH= struck by Indra's thunderbolt; chachaala= was quite agitated; bhR^isham nanaada cha= and roared loudly; kopaat= with anger.
That Mahendra wielding a thunder-bolt was enraged and struck Kumbhakarna with his weapon of the white thunderbolt. The great souled Kumbhakarna struck by Indra's thunderbolt was quite agitatated at it and roared loudly with anger."
tasya naanadyamaanasya kumbhakarNasya rakSasaH |
shrutvaa ninaadam vitrastaaH prajaa bhuuyo vitatrasuH || 6-61-16
16. shrutvaa= hearing; ninaadam= the roar; tasya kumbhakarNasya= of that Kumbhakarna; rakSasaH= the demon; naanadyamaanasya= who was howling loudly; vitrastaaH= the frightened; prajaaH= people; bhuuyaH viratrasuH= were further frightened.
"Hearing the roar of that Kumbakarna, the demon, wh was howling loudly, the grigthened people were further frightened."
tataH kruddho mahendrasya kumbhakarNo mahaabalaH |
niSkR^iSyairaavataaddantam jaghaanorasi vaasavam || 6-61-17
17. kruddhaH= enraged; mahendrasya= on Mahendra; mahaabalaH= the mighty; kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; tataH= then; niSkR^iSya= pulled out; danam= a tusk; airaavataat= of Airavata, Indra's elephant; jaghaama= and struck it; urasi= into the chest; vaasavam= of Indra.
"Enraged as he was on Mahendra, the mighty Kumbhakarna then pulled out a tusk of Airavata, Indra's elephant and struck it into Indra's chest."
kumbhakarNaprahaaraarto vijajvaala sa vaasavaH |
tato viSeduH sahasaa devaa brahmarSidaanavaaH || 6-61-18
prajaabhiH saha shakrashcha yayau sthaanam svayambhuuvaH |
18. saH vaasavaH= that Devendra; kumbhakarna prahaartaartaH= tormented by the hit of Kumbhakarna; vijajvaala= was burning with rage; tataH= then; devaaH= the celestials; brahmarSi daanavaaH= Brahmanical sages and demons; sahasaa= were suddenly; viSeduH= aggrieved; shakrashcha= even Indra; prajaabhiH saha= with his people; yayau= went; sthaanam= to the abode; svayambhuvaH= of Brahma the Lord of creation.
"That Devendra, tormented by the hit of Kumbhakarna, was burning with rage. The celestials, Brahmanical sages and demons were suddenly aggrieved. Even Indra with his people went to the abode of Brahma the Lord of creation."
kumbhakarNasya dauraatmyam shashamsuste prajaapateH || 6-61-19
prajaanaam bhakSaNam chaapi dharSaNam cha divaukasaam |
aashramadhvamsanam chaapi parastriiharaNam tathaa || 6-61-20
19, 20. te= they; shashamsuH= informed; dauraatmyam= about the evil-mindedness; kumbhakarNasya= of Kumbhakarna; prajaapateH= to brahama; (saying about); bhakSaNamchaapi= the eating away; prajaanaam= of the living creatures; dharSaNam cha= the assault; divaukasaam= on celestials; aashrama dhvamsanamcha api= the destroyal of hermitages; tathaa= and; parastriiharaNam= the taking away of others' wives.
"They informed about the evil-mind of Kumbhakarna to Brahma, how he devoured the living creatures, his assault on celestials, the destroyal of hermitages and his taking away of others' wives."
evam prajaa yadi tveSa bhakSayiSyati nityashaH |
achireNaiva kaalena shuunyo loko bhaviSyati || 6-61-21
21. eSaH yadi= if he; bhakSayiSyati= eats away, prajaaH= the created beings; nityashaH= continuously; evam= like this; lokaH= the world; bhaviSyati= will become; shuumyaH= desolate; achireNa kaalenaiva= just soon after some time.
"If he eats away the created beings continuously like this, the world will become desolate just soon after some time."
vaasavasya vachaH shrutvaa sarvalokapitaamahaH |
rakSaamsyaavaahayaamaasa kumbhakarNam dadarsha ha || 6-61-22
22. shrutvaa= on hearing; vachaH= the words; vaasavasya= of Indra; sarva lokapitaamahaH= Brahma, the great grandfather of the entire world; rakSaamsi aavaahayaamaasa= called for the demons; dadarsha ha= and saw; kumbhakarNam= Kumbakarna.
"On hearing the words of Indra, Brahama, the great grandfather of the entire world, called for the demons and saw Kumbhakarna too along with them."
kumbhakarNam samiikSyaiva vitatraasa prajaapatiH |
kumbhakarNamathaashvastaH svayambhuuridamabraviit || 6-61-23
23. samiikSyaiva= just on seeing; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; prajaapatiH= Brahma; vitatraasa= was frightened; atha= thereafter; aashvastaH= on restoring confidence; svayambhuuH= Brahma; abraviit= spoke; idam= these words; kumbharNam= to Kumbhakarna.
"Just on seeing Kumbhakarna even Brahma was frightened. Thereafter on restoring his confidence, Brahma cursed Kumbhakarna as follows:
dhruvam lokavinaashaaya paulastyenaasi nirmitaH |
tasmaattvamadyaprabhR^iti mR^itakalpaH shayiSyase || 6-61-24
24. nirmitaH asi= you were created; paulastyena= by Visravasa; loka vinaashaaya= for destroyal of the people; dhruvam= It is sure; tasmaat= therefore; tvam= you; shayiSyase= will be sleeping; adya prabhR^iti= from now onwards; mR^ita kalpaH= apparently dead.
"It is sure that you were created by visravasa for the destroyal of people. On that account, you will be sleeping apparently dead from now onwards."
brahmashaapaabhibhuuto.atha nipapaataagrataH prabhoH |
tataH paramasambhraanto raavaNo vaakyamabraviit || 6-61-25
25. atha= then; brahmashaapaabhibhuutaH= humbled by Brahma's curse; (Kumbhakarna) nipapaata= fell; agrataH= in front; prabhoH= of Ravana; tataH= thereupon; paramasambhraantaH= the highly perplexed; raavaNaH= Ravana; abraviit= spoke; vaakyam= (the following) words:
"Humbled by Brahma's curse, Kumbhakarna then fell down in front of Ravana. Thereupon, the highly perplexed Ravana spoke the following words:"
pravR^iddhaH kaaJNchano vR^ikSaH phalakaale nikR^intyate |
na naptaaram svakam nyaayyam shaptumevam prajaapate || 6-61-26
26. prajaapate= O Brahma!; phalakaale- at the time of yielding its fruits; pravR^iddhaH= a well-grown; kaaN^chanaH vR^ikSaH= golden tree; nikR^intyate= is being cut off; na nyaayam= It is not fair (on your part); shaptum= to curse; evam= like this; svakam= your own; naptaaram= great grandson.
"'O Brahma! You are cutting off a well-grown golden tree, just at the time of yielding its fruit. It is not fair on your part to curse your own great grandson like this."
na mithyaavachanashcha tvam svapsyatyeva na samshayaH |
kaalastu kriyataamasya shayane jaagare tathaa || 6-61-27
27. tvam= you; na cha= are not; mithyaavachanaH= the one, telling; untruth; samshayaH na= there is no doubt; svapsyatyeva= he will certainly sleep; kaalaH kriyataam= let a space of time be created; asya shayane= between his sleeping; tathaa= and; jaagare= waking-up.
"Your words can never prove to be in vain. There is no doubt about it. He will have to sleep certainly. Let some space of time be fixed for his sleeping and waking."
raavasya vachaH shrutvaa svayambhuuridamabraviit |
shayitaa hyeSa SaNmaasaanekaaham jaagariSyati || 6-61-28
28. shrutvaa= hearing; vachaH= the words; raavaNasya= of Ravana; svayambhuuH= Brahma; abraviit= spoke; idam= these words; eSaH= He; shayitaahi= will indeed sleep; shat maasaan= for six months; jaagariSyati= and wake-up; ekaaham= for a day.
"Hearing the words of Ravana, Brahma spoke as follows: He will indeed sleep for six months and wake-up for a day."
ekenaahnaa tvasau viirashcha ran bhuumim bubhukSitaH |
vyaattaasyo bhakSayellokaan samvR^iddha iva paavakaH || 6-61-29
29. ekena aahnaa= on that single day; asau viiraH= this male-demon; bubhukSitaH= having starved; charan= while wandering; bhuumim= over the earth; bhakSayet= will eat; lokaan= the world of human beings; vyaatyaasyaH= with his month wide open; savR^iddhah paavakaH iva= as an augmented fire.
"On that single day, this male demon, having starved for six months, will wander over the earth and eat the human race with his month wide open, like an augmented fire."
so.asau vyasanamaapannaH kumbhakarNamabodhayat |
tvatparaakramabhiitashcha raajaa samprati raavaNaH || 6-61-30
30. asau= this; raavaNaH= Ravana; saH= that very person; raajaa= the king (of demons); aapannaH= who got into; vyasanam= an evil plight; tvat paraakramabhiitaH= and frightened as he was in your prowess; samprati= now; abodhayat= got awakened; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna.
"Ravana, the king of demons, who got into an evil plight and frightened as he was in seeing your prowess, now got Kumbhakarna awakened."
sa eSa nirgato viiraH shibiraadbhiimavikramaH |
vaanaraan bhR^ishasamkruddho bhakSayan paridhaavati || 6-61-31
31. eSaH= this; saH viiraH= Kumbhakarna that very person, the male-demon; bhiima vikramaH= with a terrific prowess; nirgataH= started; shibiraat= from his tent; bhR^ishasamkruddhaH= the highly enraged Kumbharana; bhakSayan= eating; vaanaraan= the monkeys (on the way); paridhaavati= is running (towards us).
"This Kumbhakarna the male-demon with a terrific prowess started his tent. The highly enraged Kumbhakara devourincg the monkeys on is way, is running towards us."
kumbhakarNam pratiikSyaiva harayo.adya pradudruvuH |
kathamenam raNe kruddham vaarayiSyanti vaanaraaH || 6-61-32
32. pratiikSyaiva= even on merely seeing; kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; harayaH= the monkeys; adya= now; pradudruvuH= have fled away; katham= how; vaanaraaH= can the monkeys; vaarayiSyanti= check; enam= him; kruddham= who is enraged; raNe= in battle?
"Even on merely seeing Kumbhakarna, the monkeys have now fled away. How can the monkeys check him, who is thus enraged in battle?"
ucyantaam vaanaraaH sarve yantrametatsamuchchhritam |
iti vijJNaaya harayo bhaviSyantiiha nirbhayaaH || 6-61-33
33. sarve= vaanaraaH= let all the monkeys; uchyantaam= be told; etat= that it is; samuchchhritam yantram= a kind of machine, advancing forward; vijNaaya= by knowing; iti= this; bhaviSyanti= they can become; nirbhayaaH= fearless; iha= by now.
"Let all the monkeys be told that it is a kind of machine, advancing forward. By knowing this, they can become fearless by now."
vibhiiSaNavachaH shrutvaa hetumatsumukhodgatam |
uvaacha raaghavo vaakyam niilam senaapatim tadaa || 6-61-34
34. shrutvaa= On hearing; vibhiiSaNavachaH= Vibhishana's words; hetumat= which were well-founded; sumukhodgatam= to make the monkeys inclined (to fight the battle); raamaH= Rama; tadaa= then; uvaacha= spoke; vaakyam= the following words; niilam= to Neela; senaapatim= the chief of army.
On hearing Vibhishana's words, which were well-founded to make the monkeys well-inclined to fight the battle, Rama then spoke the follwoing words to neela, the chief of army:
gachchha sainyaani sarvaaNi vyuuhya tiSTasya paavake |
dvaaraaNyaadaaya laN^kaayaashcharyaashchaapyatha samkramaan || 6-61-35
35. paavake= O Neela the son of fire-god!; gachchha= go; vyuuhya= marshalling; sarvaaNi sainyaani= the entire army; aadaaya= occupying; dvaaraaNi= the door-ways; charyaashchaapi= highways; atha= and; samkramaan= bridges; laN^kaayaaH= of Lanka; tiSTha= stand ready for operation.
"O Neela the son of fire-god. Go, marshalling the entire army. Occupying the door-ways, high-ways and bridges of Lanka, stand ready for operation."
shailashR^iN^gaaNi vR^ikSaamshcha shilaashchaapyupasamhara |
tiSThantu saayudhaaH sarve vaanaraaH shailapaaNayaH || 6-61-36
36. upasamhara= draw together; shaila shR^iN^gaaNi= the mountain-tops; vR^ikSaamshcha= trees; shilaashchaapi= and even the rocks; sarve vaanaraaH= (Let) all the monkeys; saayudhaaH= with their weapons; shaila paaNayaH= and rocks in hand; tiSThantu= stand ready.
"Draw together the mountain-tops, trees and even the rocks. Let all the monkeys with their weapons and rocks in hand, stand ready."
raaghaveNa samaadiSTo niilo harichamuupatiH |
shashaasa vaanaraaniikam yathaavatkapikuJNjaraH || 6-61-37
37. samaadiSTah= as directed; raaghaveNa= by Rama; niilaH= Neela; harichamuupatiH= the commander-in-cheif; kapikuN^jaraH= and the foremost among the monkeys; shashaasa= ordered; vaanaraaniikam= the monkey-troops; yathaavat= suitably.
As directed by Raghavana, Neela the commander-in-chief and the foremost of the monkeys, ordered the monkey-troops suitably.
tatto gavaakSaH sharabho hanuumaanaN^gadastathaa |
shailashR^iN^gaaNi shailaabhaa gR^ihiitvaa dvaaramabhyayuH || 6-61-38
38. tataH= then; gavaakSaH= Gavaksha; sharabhaH= Sharabha; hanuumaan= Hanuma; tathaa= and; aN^gadaH= Angada; shailaabhaaH= looking like mountains; abhyayuH= reached; dvaaram= the gate; gR^ihiitvaa= taking; shailashR^iNgaaNi= the mountain-tops.
Then, Gavaksha, Sharabha, Hanuma and Angada looking like mountains, reached the gate, taking the mountian-tops.
raamavaakyamupashrutya harayo jiitakaashinaH |
paadapairardayanviiraa vaanaraaH paravaahiniim || 6-61-39
39. upashrutya= on hearing; raamavaakyam= Rama's words; jitaashinnaH= the fearless; harayaH= monkeys; (started their operation); viiraaH= the heroic; vaanaraaH= monkeys; ardayan= tormented; paravaahiniim= the enemy-troops; paadapaiH= with trees.
On hearing Rama's words, the fearless monkeys started their operation. The heroic monkeys began to torment the enemy-troops with uplifted trees.
tato hariiNaam tadaniikamugram |
raraaja shailodyatavR^ikSahastam |
gireH samiipaanugatam yathaiva |
mahanmahaambhodharajaalamugram || 6-61-40
40. tataH= then; tat= that; ugram= terrrific; hariiNaam= (army) of monkeys; shailodayata vR^ikSahastam= with uplifted rocks and trees in their hands; raraaja= shne; mahat mahaambhodharajaalamyathaiva= like a big collection of giagantic clouds; samiipaanugate= hanging close; gireH= to a mountain.
That terrific army of monkeys, with uplifted rocks and tress in their hands, shone like a big collection of gigantic clouds, hanging close to a mountain.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe ekaSaSTitamaH sargaH
Thus completes 61st Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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