Chapter [Sarga] 1  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 1


Rama appreciates Hanuma and embraces him after hearing his report.Rama was gladdend that Hanuma did something worthy of a noble servent. Then, Rama reflected upon the problem of how to cross the ocean.

shrutvaa hanumato vaakyam yathaavadbhibhaashhitam |
raamaH priitisamaayukto vaakyamuttaramabraviit || 6-1-1
1. priitisamaayuktaH= touched with joy; shrutvaa= to hear; vaakyam= the words; yathaavat= rightly; humanumataH= Hanuman; raamaH= Rama; abraviit= spoke; vaakyam= (these) words; uttaram= in reply.
Touched with joy to hear the words rightly spoken by Hanuman, Rama replied as follows: -
kR^itam hanumataa kaaryam sumahadbhuvi durlabham |
manasaapi yadanyena na shakyam dharaNiitale || 6-1-2
2. sumahat= “a very outstanding; kaaryam= work; durlabham= the most arduous; bhuvi= in the world; kR^itam= has been done; hanumataa= by Hanuman; yat= which; na shakyam= could not be achieved; manasaapi= even in thought; anyena= by another; dharaNiitale= on the surface of this earth”
“A very outstanding work, the most arduous in the world has been done by Hanuman, which could not be carried out even in thought by any other on the surface of this earth.”
na hi tam paripashyaami yastareta mahodadhim |
anyatra guruDaadvaayoranyatra cha hanuumataH || 6-1-3
3. na paripashyaamihi= Indeed, I cannot perceive; tam= as such; anyatra= anyone other than garuDaat= Garuda (chief of the feathered race and vehicle of Lord Vishnu); vaayoH= wind-god; anyatracha= and anyone other than; hanuumataH= Hanuman; yaH= who; tareta= can cross; mahodadhim= the great sea.”
“Indeed, I cannot perceive as such anyone other than Garuda (chief of the feathered race and vehicle of Lord Vishnu), wind- god and Hanuman, who can cross the mighty ocean.”
devadaanavayakshaaNaam gandharvoragarakshasaam |
apradhR^ishhyaam puriim laN^kaam raavaNena surakshitaam || 6-1-4
pravishhTaH sattvamaashritya jiivanko naama nishhkramet |
4. konaama= “who; nishhkramet= can return; jiivan= alive; praviishhTaH= having entered (once); aashritya= taking refuge; sattvam= in self-command; laN^kaam puriim= the city of Lanka; apradhR^shhyaam= which is unconquerable; devadaanava yakshhaaNaam= by gods,demons, and yakshas,gandharvoraga rakshhasaam= and even by Gandharvas, Nagas and ogres; surakshhitaam= and well under the custody; raavaNena= of Ravana?”
“Who can return alive, having entered (once) taking refuge only in self- command, the city of Lanka, which is unconquerable by gods demons and Yakshas and even by Gandharvas, Nagas and ogres and well under the custody of Ravana?”
ko vishetsuduraadharshhaam raakshasaishcha surakshitaam || 6-1-5
yo viiryabalasampanno na samaH syaaddhanuumataH |
5. kaH= “who; vishat= can enter; (that citadel); suduuradharshhaam=which is exceedingly dangerous to be attacked; surakshhitaam= and which is strongly protected; raakshhasaH= by ogres; na syaat= unless; yaH= whoever (he); viirya bala sampannaH= is richly endowed with vigour and strength; samaH= like; hanuumataH= Hanuman?”
“Who is able to capture that citadel, by assault, that is exceedingly dangerous to be attacked and which is powerfully guarded by ogres, but one whose courage and valour are equal to Hanuman’s?”
bhR^ityakaaryam hanumataa sugriivasya kR^itam mahat || 6-1-6
evam vidhaaya svabalam sadR^isham vikramasya cha |
6. mahat= “a great; bR^itya kaaryam= act of service; kR^ityam= has been done; hanumataa= by Hanuman; sugriivasya= to Sugriva; evam= thus; vidhaaya= by exhibiting; svabalam= his strength; sadR^isham= worthy; vikramasya= of his pace.”
“A great act of service has been done by Hanuman to Sugriva thus by exhibiting his strength corresponding to his pace.”
yo hi bhR^ityo niyuktaH san bhartraa karmaNi dushhkare || 6-1-7
kuryaattadunuraageNa tamahuH purushhottamam |
7. aahuH= (they) speak; tam=of him; purushhottamam= as the best of servants; yaH=who; niyuktaH san= when entrusted; bhartraa= by his master; karmaNi= with a duty; dushhkare= difficult to perform; bhrutyaH= the servant; kuryaat= does; tat= it; anuraageNa= with a passion.”
“That servant to whom his master entrusts a difficult task and who performs it with zeal is said to be a superior person.”
yo niyuktaH param kaaryam na kuryaannaR^ipateH priyam || 6-1-8
bhR^ityo yuktaH samarthashcha tamaahurmadhyam naram |
8. aahuH= (they) speak; tam= of him; madhyamam naram= as a mediocre man; yaH= which; bhR^ityaH= though qualified; samarthaHcha= and capable; na kuryaat= does not perform; param= superior; kaaryam= work; priyam= liked; nR^ipate= by the king.”
“The one who is ready and capable but who yet does no more than his master extracts from him is called a mediocre person.”
niyukto nR^ipateH kaaryam na kuryaadyaH samaahitaH || 6-1-9
bhR^ityo yuktaH samarthashcha tamaahuH purushhdhamam |
9. aahuH= (they) speak; tam= of him; purushhaadhamam=as the lowest of men; yaH= which; bhR^ityuH= servant; niyuktaH= when entrusted; yuktaH= though qualified; samarthaHcha= and capable; na karyaat= does not accomplish; kaaryam= the work; nR^ipateH= of the king; samaahitaH= as directed.”
“The one who is well and able and yet does not carry out the instructions of his master as directed is said to be the least of men .”
tanniyoge niyuktena kR^itam hanuumataa || 6-1-10
na chaatmaa laghataam niitaH sugriivashchaapi toshhitaH |
10. tat= “for that reason; kR^ityam= the work; kR^itam= was done; hanuumataa= by Hanumanta; niyuktaam= when entrusted; niyoge= with duty (of search for Sita). Laghutaam= diminution; na niitaH= was not brought; aatmaa= to his own self; sugriivashchaapi= and Sugriva too; toshhitaH= was delighted.”
“Through the discovery of Sita’s retreat by this faithful messenger, Hanuman has fulfilled the task entrusted to him unfalteringly to the satisfaction of Sugriva and hence there was no diminution to his self.”
aham cha raghavamshashcha lakshmaNashcha mahaabalaH || 6-1-11
vaidehyaa darshanenaadya dharmataH parirakshitaaH |
11. darshanena= “by the finding; vaidehyaaH= of Sita; raghuvamshashcha=the Raghu dynasty; lakshmaNashcha= and Lakshmana; mahaabalaH= who is endowed with great strength, parirakshhitaaH= have been saved; adya= today; dharmataH= rightly.”
“By finding out Sita, the Raghu dynasty as well as myself and the valiant Lakshmana too, have been rightly saved today.”
idam tu mama diinasya mano bhuuyaH prakarshhati || 6-1-12
yadihaasya priyaakshyaaturna kurmi sadR^isham priyam |
12. tu= “but; prakarshhati= it squeezes; mama= my; manaH= conscience; bhuuyaH = further; diinasya= hopeless as I am; idam= (to think) that; yat na kurmi=I can not do; priyam= a pleasant act; sadR^isham= worthy; asyam= of Hanuman; priyaaakhyaatuH= who has informed me these good tidings.”
“But it squeezes my conscience further, hopeless as I am, to think that I am not able to do a pleasant act befittingly to the bearer of these good tidings.”
eshha sarvasvabhuutastu parishhvaN^go hanumataH || 6-1-13
mayaa kaalamimam praapya dattastasya mahaatmanaH |
13. eshhaH= aalingaH= “this embrace; sarvasya bhuutaH= which is all that I can call really my possession; praapya= obtained; imam kaalam= in these present circumstances; dattaH= is offered; mayaa= by me; tasya mahaatmanaH= to such high soled; hanuumataH= Hanuman.”
“Let me at least embrace this magnanimous Hanuman since in the present circumstances, this is all that is easily obtained from me.”
ityuktvaa priitihR^ishhTaaN^go raamastam parishhsvaje || 6-1-14
hanumantam kR^itaatmaanam kR6itavaakyamupaagatam |
14. uktvaa= uttering; iti= thus; raamaH= Rama; priiti hR^ishhTaangaH= whose limbs were thrilled with joy; parishhasvaje= embraced; tam hanuumantam= that Hanuman; kR^itaatmaanam= who had mastered his mind; upaagatam=(and) who had come; kR^ita vaakyam= having carried out his word.
Thus saying, Rama vibrating with joy, clasped Hanuman in his arms who, master of himself, his mission fulfilled, had returned.
dhyaatvaa punaruvaachedam vachanam raghusattamaH || 6-1-15
hariinaamiishvarasyaapi sugriivasyopashR^iNvataH |
15. dhyaatvaa= Reflecting (for a while); raghusattamaH= Rama (the great scion of Raghus); punaH=again; uvaacha= spoke; idam vachanam= these words; sugriivasya= Sugriva; iishvarasya= the ruler; hariiNaam= of monkeys; upashR^iNvataH= listening arttentively.
After reflecting a while, Rama the great scion of Raghus, again spoke as follows, Sugriva the ruler of monkeys too listening attentively.
sarvathaa sukR^itam taavatsiitaayaaH parimaargaNam || 6-1-16
saagaram tu samaasaadya punarnashhTam mano mama |
16. parimaargeNam= “the search; siitaayaaH= for Sita; taavat= is so much; sukR^itam= well done; sarvathaa= in all ways. tu= But; mama manaH= my mind; punaH= is once more; nashhTam= lost; samasaadya= on duly reaching; saagaram= the ocean.”
“The search for Sita has been performed so much well in all ways. But my mind gets dejected once more, when I behold this vast ocean.”
katham naama samudrasya dushhpaarasya mahaambhasaH || 6-1-17
harayo dakshiNam paaram gamishhyanti samaagataah |
17. katham=”how; harayaH= (these) monkeys; samaagataH=put together; gamishhyanti= can obtain; dakshhiNam= the southern; paaram= bank; samudrasya= of the ocean; dushhpaarasya= which is difficult to cross; mahaambhasaH=and which contains voluminous water?”
How can these monkeys put together will reach the southern bank of the ocean, which is so difficult to cross and which contains voluminous water?”
yadyapyeshha tu vR^ittaanto vaidehyaa gadito mama || 6-1-18
samudrapaaragamane hariiNaam kimihottaram |
18. gaditoyadyapi= “even though informed; mama= to me; eshhaH= this; vR^ittaantaH= result; vaidehyaaH=by Sita; kim= what is; uttaram= the answer; samudrapaaragamane= to the crossing of ocean; hariiNaam= by the monkeys?”
“Having received the tidings of Sita, what can now be done to take the monkeys to the farther side the sea?”
ityuktvaa shokasambhraanto raamah shatrunibarhaNaH || 6-1-19
hanuumantam mahaabaahustato dhyaanamupaagamat |
19. iti= thus; uktvaa= speaking; hanunmantam= to Hanumanta; raamaH= Rama; shatrunibarhaNaH= the destroyer of enemies; mahaabaahuH= and the mighty armed; shoka sambhraantaH= was perplexed with anguish; upaagamat= (then) became; dhyaanam= thoughtful.”
Thus speaking to Hanuman, Rama the destroyer of enemies and the mighty armed, was filled with apprehension and then became absorbed in thought.

iti vaalmiiki raamaayaNe aadi kaavye yuddha kaaNDe prathamaH sargaH
Thus completes 1st chapter in the YuddhaKanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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