Chapter [Sarga] 91  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 91


Lakshmana and Vibhishana approach Rama and inform him that Indrajit's head has been chopped off. Rama was delighted with the news and applauds Lakshmana, by embracing him. Rama gets Lakshmana and others treated by Sushena. After the medical treatment by Suhena, Lakshmana becomes sound, active and full of joy.

rudhiraklinnagaatrastu lakShmaNaH shubhalakShaNaH |
babhuuva hR^iShTastaM hatvaa shakrajetaaramaahave || 91-6-1
1. lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; shubhalakShaNaH= endowed with auspicious body marks; rudhiraklinnagaatraH= and with his limbs drenched in blood; hatvaa= having killed; tam= that; shakrajetaaram= Indrajit; aahave= in the combat; babhuuva= felt; hR^iShTaH= rejoiced.
Lakshmana, endowed with auspicious bodily marks, whose limbs were drenched in blood, felt rejoiced on having killed Indrajit in combat.
tataH sa jaambavantaM cha hanuumantaM cha viiryavaan |
saMnivartya mahaatejaastaaMshcha sarvaanvanaukasaH || 91-6-2
aajagaama tataH shiighraM yatra sugriivaraaghavau |
vibhiiShaNamavaShTabhya hanuumantaM cha lakShmaNaH || 91-6-3
2, 3. samnipatya= having offered his salutation; jaambavantam= to Jambavan; hanuumantashcha= Hanuma; sarvaan taan= and all those; vanaukasaH= monkeys; saH viiryavaan= that valiant; lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; mahaatejaaH= of great brilliance; tataH= from there; aajagaama= came; tataH= then; shiighram= quickly; yatra sugriiva raaghavau= to the place where Sugreeva and Rama were there; avaShTabhya= leaning himself upon; vibhiiShaNan hanuumantam cha= Vibhishana and Hanuma.
Having offered salutation to Jambavan, Hanuma and all those monkeys, that valiant Lakshmana of great brilliance then quickly came from there to the place where Sugreeva and Rama were there, by leaning himself upon vibhishana and Hanuma.
tato raamamabhikramya saumitrirabhivaadya cha |
tasthau bhraatR^isamiipasthaH shakrasyendraanujo yathaa || 91-6-4
4. abhivaadya cha= having offered his salutation; abhikramya= and approaching; raamam= Rama; tasthau= (he) stood; bhraatru samiipasthaH= in the vicinity of his brother; indra anujoyathaa= even as Lord Vamana (the younger brothre of Indra); shakrasya= (would stand beside) Indra.
Having offered his salutation and approached Rama, Lakshmana stood beside his brother, even as Lord Vamana (the younger brother of Indra) would stand beside Indra the lord of celestials.
niSThananniva chaagatya raaghavaaya mahaatmane |
aachachakShe tadaa viiro ghoramindrajito vadham || 91-6-5
5. tadaa= then; viiraH= the valiant Lakshmana; aagatya= arriving at; mahaatmane raaghavaaya= the great souled Rama; aachachakShe= told (him); niShTananniva= in a mumering tone; ghoram vadham= about the terrible destroyal; indrajitaH= of Indrajit.
Then, the valiant Lakshmana, arriving at the great-souled Rama, told him in a murmering tone (as he was feeling tiresome) about the terrific destroyal of Indrajit.
raavaNastu shirashchhinnaM lakShmaNena mahaatmanaa |
nyavedayata raamaaya tadaa hR^iShTo vibhiiShaNaH || 91-6-6
6. tadaa= then; hR^iShTaH = the rejoiced; vibhiiShaNaH= Vibhishana; nyavedayata= informed (in a clear tone); raamaaya= to Rama; raavaNeH shiraH= (that) Indrajit's head; chhinnam= had been chopped off; mahaatmanaa lakShmaNena= by the great-souled Lakshamna.
Then, the rejoiced Vibhishana informed (in a clear tone) to Rama that Indrajit's head had been chopped off by the great-souled Lakshaman.
shrutvaiva tu mahaaviiryo lakShmaNenendrajidvadham |
praharShamatulaM lebhe vaakyaM chedamuvaacha ha || 91-6-7
7. shrutvaiva tu= just on hearing; indrajidvadham= about the killing of Indrajit; lakSmaNena= by Lakshmana; mahaaviiryaH= Rama of great prowess; lebhe= obtained; atulam= immeasurable; praharSham= joy; uvaacha ha= and spoke; idam vaakyam cha= the follwing words:
Just on hearing the news about the killing of Indrajit by Lakshmana, Rama of great prowess obtained immesurable joy and spoke the following words
saadhu lakShmaNa tuShTo.asmi karma chaasukaraM kR^itam |
raavaNerhi vinaashena jitamityupadhaaraya || 91-6-8
8. lakShmaNa= O Lakshmana!; saadhu= well done!; tuShTaH asmi= I feel gratified; asukaram karma= an ardous act; kR^itam= has been done; upadhaaraya= consider it; jitam iti= as our victory; raavaNeH vinaashena= through the destroyal of Indrajit.
"O Lakshmana! Well done! I feel gratified. An ardous act has been done. Consider it as our victory, through the destroyal of Indrajit.
sa taM shirasyupaaghraaya lakShmaNaM kiirtivardhanam |
lajjamaanaM balaatsnehaadaN^kamaaropya viiryavaan || 91-6-9
upaveshya tamutsa~Nge pariShvajyaavapiiDitam |
bhraataraM lakShmaNaM snigdhaM punaH punarudaikShata || 91-6-10
9, 10. upaaghraaya= smelling; shirasi= the head; tam lakSmaNam= of that Lakshmana; kiirti vardhanam= who had augmented his fame; lajjamaanam= and yet who was feeling abashed (to hear himself being praised); balaat= forcibly; aaropya= drawing him; aN^kam= to his lap; upaveshya= and placing; tam bhraataram lakShmaNam= that Lakshmana his younger brother; utsaN^ge= in his lap; snehaat= with affection; avapiiDitam= wounded as he was; saH viiryavaan= that valiant Rama; pariShvajya= having embraced him; udaikShata= tenderly gazed upon him; snigdham= affectionately; punaH punaH= again and again.
Smelling the head of that Lakshmana, who had augmented his fame and yet who was feeling abashed (to hear himself being praised), forcibly drawing him to his lap and placing that Lakshmana his younger brother in his lap with affection, wounded as he was, that valiant Rama, having embraced him, tenderly gazed upon him affectionately again and again.
shalyasaMpiiDitaM shastaM niHshvasantaM tu lakShmaNam |
raamastu duHkhasaMtaptaM taM tu niHshvaasapiiDitam || 91-6-11
muurdhni chainamupaaghraaya bhuuyaH saMspR^ishya cha tvaran |
uvaacha lakShmaNaM vaakyamaashvaasya puruSharShabhaH || 91-6-12
11, 12. upaaghraaya= smelling; bhuuyaH= once more; muurdhni= the head of; tam= that; lakShmaNam= Lakshmana; shalya sampiiDitam= who was feeling tormented by the arrows that had penetrated into his body; shastam= who had been wounded; niH shvasantam= who was breathing hard; lakShmaNam= who was endowed with auspicious characterestics; duHkhasamtaptam= was afflicted with agony; niHshvaasa piiDitam= and was feeling pained at the time of respiration; tvaran= and hurriedly; samspR^ishya= stroking him; aashvaasya= and restoring im to confidence; raamaH= Rama; puruSharShabhaH= the foremost among men; uvaacha= spoke; vaakyam= (the following) words:
Smelling once more the head of that Lakshmana, who was feeling tormented by the arrows that had penetrted into his body, who had been wounded, who was breathing heard, who was endowed with auspicious characterestics, was afflicted with agony and was feeling paine dat the time of respiration, and hurriedly stroking him as well as restoring confidence in him, Rama the foremost among men spoke the following words:
kR^itaM paramakalyaaNaM karma duShkarakaariNaa |
adya manye hate putre raavaNam nihataM yudhi || 91-6-13
13. parama kaLyaaNam karma= an extremely noble act; kR^itam= was done; duShkarma karmaNaa= by you, a doer of difficult things; adya= now; putre= that his son; hate= having been killied; manye= I account; raavaNam= Ravana; nihatam= to have been killed; yudhi= in battle.
"An extremely noble act was performed by you, a doer of difficult things. Now, that his son having been killed, I account Ravana to have been killed in battle."
adyaahaM vijayaa shatrau hate tasmin duraatmani |
raavaNasya nR^ishaMsasya diShTyaa viira tvayaa raNe || 91-6-14
chinno hi dakShiNo baahuH sa hi tasya vyapaashrayaH |
vibhiiShaNahanuumadbhyaaM kR^itaM karma mahadraNe || 91-6-15
14, 15. tasmin= as that; duraatmani= evil-minded; shatrau= enemy; hate= has been killed; aham= I; vijayii= (become) victorious; viira= O valiant Lakshmana!; diShTyaa= fortunately; dakShiNaH= the right; baahuh= hand; nR^ishamsasya raavaNasya= of the cruel Ravana; chhinnohi= indeed has beenchopped off; tvayaa= by you; tasya= to that Ravana; saH= Indrajit; vyapaashrayaH hi= is indeed the support; mahat raNe= in that great battle; mahat karma= a great feat; kR^itam= was performed; vibhiiShaNa hanudbhyaam= by Vibhishana and Hanuma.
"As that evil-minded enenmy has been killed, I become victorious. O valiant Lakshmana! Fortunately, you indeed severed the right hand of the cruel Ravana. Indrajit is indeed the support for that Ravana. Vibhishana and Hanuma too performed a great feat in the great battle."
ahoraatraistribhirviiraH kathaMchidvinipaatitaH |
niramitraH kR^ito.asmyadya niryaasyati hi raavaNaH || 91-6-16
balavyuuhena mahataa shrutvaa putraM nipaatitam |
16. tribhiH ahoraatraiH= in the course of three days and nights; viiraH= the valiant Indrajit; vinipaatitaH= was felled down; katham chit= somehow; adya= now; kR^itaH asmi= I have been made; niramitraH= free from enemies; shrutvaa= hearing; puNam= his son; nipaatitam= having been felled down; niryaasyati hi= Ravana will indeed come forth; mahataa= with a great; balavyuuhena= and powerful battle-array.
"In the course of three days and nights, the valiant Indrajit was felled down somehow. Now, I have been made free of enemies. Hearing of his son having been struck down, Ravana will indeed come forth with a great and powerful battle-array."
taM putravadhasantaptaM niryaantaM raakShasaadhipam || 91-6-17
balenaavR^itya mahataa nihaniShyaami durjayam |
17. aavR^itya= by encircling; tam raakShasaadhipam= that Ravana; durjayam= who is difficult to be conquered; mahataa balena= with a great army; nihaniShyaami= I will kill him; niryaantam= who is coming forth; putravadha santaptam= feeling distressed of his son's killing.
"By encircling that Ravana, who is difficult to be conquered, with a great army, I will kill him, who is coming forth with a feeling of distress for the death of his son."
tvayaa lakShmaNa naathena siitaa cha pR^ithivii cha me || 91-6-18
na duShpraapaa hate tvadya shakrajetari chaahave |
18. lakShmaNa= O Lakshmana!; tasmin shakrajetari= as that Indrajit; hate= has been killed; aahave= in battle; tvayaa= by you; naathena= who are my protector; na siitaacha pR^ithiviicha= neither Seetha nor this earth; duShpraapaa= is hard to attain.
"O Lakshmana! As that Indrajit has been killed in battle by you, who are my protector, neither Seetha nor this entire earth is hard to attain."
sa taM bhraataramaashvaasya paariShvajya cha raaghavaH || 91-6-19
raamaH suSheNaM muditaH samaabhaaShyedamabraviit |
19. aarhvaasya= consoling; tam bhraataram= that younger brother; pariShvajya cha= and having embraced him; saH raamaH= that Rama; raaghavaH= who was born in Raghu dynasty; muditaH= was delighted; samaabhaaShya= and calling; suSheNam= Seshena; abraviit= spoke; idam= the following words:
Having thus consoled Lakshmana and having embraced him, that Rama who was born in Raghu-dynansty, was duly delighted and by calling Sushena, spoke to him the following words:
sashalyo.ayaM mahaapraaGYaH saumitrirmitravatsalaH || 91-6-20
yathaa bhavati susvasthastathaa tvaM samupaachara |
20. tvam= you; samupaachara= attend upon; mitravatsalaH= who is fond of friends; sashalyaH= and who is wounded; yathaa tathaa= so that; bhavati= he will become; susvasthaH= perfectly well; mahaapraajJNaH= O highly intelligent one!.
"O highly intelligent one! You attend upon this wounded Lakshmana, who is fond of frinds, so that he will become perfectly well in health."
vishalyaH kriyataaM kShipraM saumitriH savibhiiShaNaH || 91-6-21
kR^iSha vaanarasainyaanaaM shuuraaNaaM drumayodhinaam |
ye chaanye.atra cha yudhyantaH sashalyaa vraNinastathaa || 91-6-22
te.api sarve prayatnena kriyantaaM sukhinastvayaa |
21, 22. lakShmaNaH= (Let) Lakshmana; savibhiiShaNaH= along with Vibhishana; kShipram kriyataam= be qickly made; vishalyaH= free of pain caused by the arrows that have penetrated into their body; te anye sarve. api= let all other too; R^ikShavaanara sainyaanaam shuuraaNaam= among the gallant bear and monkey-warrior; drumayodhinaam= fighting with trees; yacha yudhyanti= who have gought on the battle-field; atra= here; sa shalyaaH tathaa vraNinaH= and stand pierced with arrows and wunded; sukhinaH kriyantaam= be healed; tathaa= in the same way; prayatnena= with great care.
Let Lakshmana along with Vibhishana be quickly made free from pain caused by the arrows that have penetrated into their body. Let all others too among the gallant bear and monkey-warriors fighting with trees who have fought on the battle-field here and stand pierced with arrows and owunded, be healed in the same way with great care."
evamuktaH sa raameNa mahaatmaa hariyuuthapaH || 91-6-23
lakShmaNaaya dadau nastaH suSheNaH paramauShadham |
23. evam uktaH= thus commanded; raameNa= by Rama; saH mahaatmaH= that great souled; suSheNaH= Sushena; hariyuuthapaH= the monkey-cheif; dadau= gave; paramauShadham= an excellent medicine; nastaH= through nose; lakShmaNaaya= to Lakshmana.
As commanded by Rama, the great-souled Sushena, the monkey-cheif gave an excellent medicine through nose to Lakshmana.
sa tasya gandhamaaghraaya vishalyaH samapadyata || 91-6-24
tadaa nirvedanashchaiva saMruuDhavraNa eva cha |
24. aaghraaya= inhaling; tasya gandham= the odour of that herb; saH= Lakshmana; samapadyata= became; vishalyaH= healed of the arrow-wounds; nirvedanashchaiva= free from pains; samruuDha vraNa eva cha= and his wounds got completely cured.
Inhaling the odour of that herb, Lakshmana became healed of the arrow-wounds, free from pains and his wounds got completely cured.
vibhiiShaNa mukhaanaaM cha suhR^idaaM raaghavaaGYayaa || 91-6-25
sarvavaanaramukhyaanaaM chikitsaaM sa tadaakarot |
25. raaghavaajJNayaa= as per Rama's orders; (Sushena); tadaa= then; chikitsaamaakarot= treated; suhR^idaam= his companions; vibhiiShaNa mukhaanaam= like Vibhishana and others; sarva vaanara mukhyaanaam= ncluding all the monkey-chiefs.
As per the order of Rama, Sushena then treated his companions like Vibhishana and others including all the monkey-chiefs.
tataH prakR^itimaapanno hR^itashalyo gatavyathaH || 91-6-26
saumitrirmuditastatra kShaNena vigatajvaraH |
26. tataH= then; hR^ita shalyaH= with his arrow-wounds healed; gataklamaH= his tiresomeness gone; vigatajvaraH= and his feverishness cured; kShaNena= within a moment; saumitriH= Lakshaman; aapannaH= having restored; prakR^itim= his original disposition; mumude= felt joyful; tatra= there.
Then, with his arrow-wounds healed, his fatigue gone and his feverishness cured within a moment, Lakshmana having restored his original disposition, felt joyful there.
tathaiva raamaH plavagaadhipastadaa |
vibhiiShaNashcharkShapatishcha jaambavaan |
avekShya saumitrimarogamutthitaM |
mudaa sasainyaH suchiraM jaharShire || 91-6-27
27. tadaiva= then; avekShya= seeing; saumitrim= Lakshmana; utthitam= standing up; arogam= healthy; raamaH= Rama; tathaa= and; plavangaadhipaH= Sugreeva; vibhiiShana; viiryaavaan= the valiant; R^ikShapatishcha= Jambavan; sa sainyaah= along with the army; jaharShire= were rejoiced; suchiram= for a long time.
Then, on seeing Lakshmana standing up with sound health, Rama, Sugreeva, Vibhishana and the valiant Jambavan along with the army were rejoiced for a long time.
apuujayatkarma sa lakShmaNasya |
suduShkaraM daasharathirmahaatmaa |
babhuuva hR^iShTaa yudhi vaanarendro |
nishamya taM shakrajitaM nipaatitam || 91-6-28
28. mahaatmaa= great-souled; saH daasharathiH= that Rama; apuujayat= praised; suduShkaram karma= the very ardous feat; lakShmaNasya= of Lakshmana; nishamya= hearing; tam shakrajitam= that Indrajit; nipaatitam= having been killed; yudhi= in battle; vaanarendraH= Sugreeva; babhuuva= became; hR^iShTaH= delighted.
That great-souled Rama apllauded the ardous feat of Lakshmana. Hearing of Indrajit having been kille din battle, Sugreeva became delighted.

ityaarShe shrrimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe ekanavatitamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 91st chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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