
Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War
Chapter [Sarga] 93
As per Ravana's command, his army marches forward to the battle-field, so as to fight fiercely with Rama and his army with their weapon. When the demons attack the monkeys with their various weapons fiercely, they seek refuge in Rama. Rama destroys the troops of demons in the battle-field swiftly. |
sa pravishya sabhaan raajaa dInaH paramaduHkhitaH |
niShasaadaasane mukhye sinhaH kruddha iva shvasan || 93-6-1
niShasaadaasane mukhye sinhaH kruddha iva shvasan || 93-6-1
1. saH raajaa= that king; diinaH= who was dejected; parama duHkhitaH= and very much distressed; sabhaam pravishya= having entered the assembly-hall; niShasaada= sat; mukhya aasane= on his pre-eminent seat; shvasan= snorting; simhaH iva= like a lion.
That king, who was dejected and very much distressed, having entered the ssembly-hall, sat on his pre-eminent seat, snorting like a lion.
abravIchcha tadaa sarvaanbalamukhyaanmahaabalaH |
raavaNaH praaMjalInvaakyaM putravyasanakarshitaH || 93-6-2
raavaNaH praaMjalInvaakyaM putravyasanakarshitaH || 93-6-2
2. saH mahaabalaH raavaNaH= that mighty Ravana; putra vyasana karshitaH= who was emaciated with is son's death; praajJNaliH= having joined both his palms in salutation; abraviichcha= spoke; vaakyam= the following words; taan sarvaan= to all those; balamukhyaan= chiefs of his army.
That mighty Ravana, who was emaciated for his son's death, having joined both his palms in salutation, spoke the following words all those chiefs of army:
sarve bhavantaH sarveNa hastyashvena samaavR^itaaH |
niryaantu rathasaMghaishcha paadaataishchopashobhitaaH || 93-6-3
niryaantu rathasaMghaishcha paadaataishchopashobhitaaH || 93-6-3
3. samaavR^itaaH= surrounded by; sarvaNa= all; hastyashvena= the elephants and horses; upashobhitaaH= as also graced with; ratha samghaishcha= columns of chariots; paadataishcha= and foot-soldiers; sarve bhavantaH= all of you; niryaantu= march forward.
"Surrounded by the entire elephants and horses, as also graced with columns of chariots and foot-soldiers, all of you march forward."
ekan raamaM parikShipya samare hantumarhatha |
prahR^iShTaa sharavarSheNa praavR^iTkaala ivaambudaaH || 93-6-4
prahR^iShTaa sharavarSheNa praavR^iTkaala ivaambudaaH || 93-6-4
4. pariShipya= encircling; raamam= Rama; ekam= alone; arhatha= you ought; hantum= to kill (him); varShantaH= by showering; shara varShaaNi= streams of arrows; ambudaaH iva= even as clouds; (pour showers) praavR^iTkaale= during the rainy season.
"Encircling Rama alone, you have to kill him, by showering streams of arrows upon him, even as clouds pour showers during the rainy season."
atha vaahan sharairtIShkNairbhinnagaatraM mahaaraNe |
bhavadbhiH shvo nihantaasmi raaman lokasya pashyataH || 93-6-5
bhavadbhiH shvo nihantaasmi raaman lokasya pashyataH || 93-6-5
5. bhinna gaatram= once his limbs are torn; bharadbhiH= by you; tiiikShNaiH sharaiH= with your sharp arrows; mahaahave= in the great battle; aham= I; nihantaasmi= shall kill; raamam= Rama; lokasya= while the world; pashyaataH= is witnessing it; shvaH= tomorrow.
"Or I shall kill Rama, while the world is witnessing it tomorrow, once his limbs are torn by you with your sharp arrows in the great battle."
ityevan raakShasendrasya vaakyamaadaaya raakShasaaH |
niryayuste rathaiH shIghraM naagaanIkaishcha sanvR^itaaH || 93-6-6
niryayuste rathaiH shIghraM naagaanIkaishcha sanvR^itaaH || 93-6-6
6. aadaaya= having grasped; etat= these; vaakyam= words; raakShasendrasya= of Ravana; te raakShasaaH= those demons; niryayuH= sallied forth; samyutaaH= along with; naanaaniikaishcha= the various kinds of armies; shiighraiH rathaiH= and speedy chariots.
Having heard those words of Ravana, those demons sallied forth for the battle, along with various kinds of armies and speedy chariots.
parighaan paTTishaaMshchaiva sharakhaDgaparashvadhaan |
shariiraantakaraan sarve chikShipurvaanaraan prati || 93-6-7
vaanaraashcha drumaan shailaan raakShasaan prati chikShipuH |
shariiraantakaraan sarve chikShipurvaanaraan prati || 93-6-7
vaanaraashcha drumaan shailaan raakShasaan prati chikShipuH |
7. sarve= all those demons; chikShipuH= hurled; parighaan= iron clubs; paTTishaamshchaiva= sharp-edged pikes; sharakhaDga parashvadhaan= arrows, swords and axes; shariiraantakaan= capable of destroying the life; vaanaraashcha= the monkeys too; chikShipaH= hurled; drumaan= trees; shailaan= and mountains; raakShasaan prati= towards the demons.
All those demons hurled iron clubs, sharp-edged spikes, arrows, swords and axes capable of destroying the life. The monkeys too hurled trees and mountains towards the demons.
sa saMgraamo mahaabhImaH sUryasyodayanaM prati || 93-6-8
rakShasaan vaanaraaNaan cha tumulaH samapadyata |
rakShasaan vaanaraaNaan cha tumulaH samapadyata |
8. suuryasya udayanam prati= towards sun-rise; saH mahaabhiimaH= that very terrific; samgraamaH= battle; samapadyata= became; tumulaH= tumultuous; rakShasaam vaanaraaNaam cha= between demons and monkeys.
Towards sun-rise, that very terrific battle became tumultuous between demons and monkeys.
te gadaabhirvichitraabhiH praasaiH khaDgaiH parashvadhaiH || 93-6-9
anyonyan samare jaghnustadaa vaanararaakShasaaH |
anyonyan samare jaghnustadaa vaanararaakShasaaH |
9. te= those; vaanara raakShasaaH= monkeys and demons; tadaa= then; jaghnuH= struck; anyonyam= each other; chitraabhiH= with multi-coloured; gadaabhiH= maces; praasaiH= darts; khaDgaiH= swords; parashvadhaiH= and axes; samare= in the battle.
Those monkeys and demons then began to strike each other with multi-coloured maces, darts, swords and axes in the battle.
evaM pravR^ite saMgraame hyadubhutaM sumahadrajaH || 93-6-10
rakShasaaM vaanaraaNaaM cha shaantaM shoNitavisravaiH |
rakShasaaM vaanaraaNaaM cha shaantaM shoNitavisravaiH |
10. samgraame evam pravR^itte= while the battle was thus in progress; adbhutam= surprisingly; sumahat= enormous; rajaH= dust; shaantam= was actually settled down; shoNita visravaiH= by the streams of blood; rakShasaam vaanaraamcha= proceeding from the demons and monkeys.
While the battle was thus in progress, the surprisingly enormous dust was actually settled down by the streams of blood, proceeding from the demons and mokeys.
maataMgarathakUlasya vaajimatsyaa dhvajadrumaaH || 93-6-11
sharIrasaMghaaTavahaaH prasasruH shoNitaapagaaH |
sharIrasaMghaaTavahaaH prasasruH shoNitaapagaaH |
11. shoNitaapagaaH= rivers of blood; maataN^garatha kuulaaH= with elephants and chariots as their river-banks; vaajimatsyaaH= with horses as their fish; dhvajadrumaaH= with flag-staffs as trees; prasasruH= gushed forth; shariira samghaaTavahaaH= carrying dead bodies as logs of wood.
With elephants and chariots as their river-banks, with horses as their fish and with flag-staffs as trees, rivers of blood gushed forth, carrying dead
tataste vaanaraaH sarve shoNitaughapariplutaaH || 93-6-12
dhvajavarmarathaanashvaannaanaapraharaNaani cha |
aaplutyaaplutya samare vaanarendraa babhaMjire || 93-6-13
dhvajavarmarathaanashvaannaanaapraharaNaani cha |
aaplutyaaplutya samare vaanarendraa babhaMjire || 93-6-13
12, 13. tataH= then; sarve= all; te= those; vaanaraaH= monkeys; shoNitangha pariplutaaH= were drenched with streams of blood; aaplutya aaplutya= leaping and bouncing; samare= on the battle-field; vaanarendraaH= the monkey-chiefs; babhaN^jare= broke off; dhvaja varma rathaan= flag=staff, srmours, chariots; ashvaan= horses; naanaapraharaaNicha= and various kinds of weapons.
Then, all those monkeys were drenched in streams of blood. Leaping and bouncing on the battle-field, the monkey-chiefs broke off flag-staffs, armours, chariots, horses and various kinds of weapons.
keshaankarNalalaaTaaMshcha naasikaashcha plavaMgamaaH |
rakShasaan dashanaistIkShNairnakhaishchaapi vyakartayan || 93-6-14
rakShasaan dashanaistIkShNairnakhaishchaapi vyakartayan || 93-6-14
14. plavangamaaH= the monkeys; tiikShaNaiH dashanaiH= with their sharp teeth; nakhaishchaapi= and even nails; vyakartayan= tore off; keshaan= the hair; karNa lalaaTaamshcha= ears eye-brows; naasikaashchaapi= and noses; rakShasaan= of demons.
With their sharp teeth and nails, the monkeys tore off the hair, ears, eye-brows and noses of the demons.
ekaikan raakShasaM saMkhye shataM vaanarapuMgavaaH |
abhyadhaavanta phalinan vR^ikShaM shakunayo yathaa || 93-6-15
abhyadhaavanta phalinan vR^ikShaM shakunayo yathaa || 93-6-15
15. shatam= A hundred; vaanara pungavaaH= monkey-chiefs; abhyadhaavanta= rushed towards; ekaikam= each single; raakShasam= demon; samkhye= in battle; shakunayo yathaa= even as birds; (would rush towards); vR^ikSham= a tree; phalinam= laden with fruits.
A hundred monkey-chiefs rushed towards each single demon in the battle, even as birds would rush towards a tree laden with fruits.
tathaa gadaabhirgurvIbhiH praasaiH khaDgaiH parashvadhaiH |
nirjaghnurvaanaraanghoraanraakShasaaH parvatopamaaH || 93-6-16
nirjaghnurvaanaraanghoraanraakShasaaH parvatopamaaH || 93-6-16
16. tadaa= then; raakShasaaH= the demons; parvatopamaaH= resembling mountains in size; nirjaghnuH= struck down; ghoraan= the terrific; vaanaraan= monkeys; gurviibhiH gadaabhiH= with large maces; praasaiH= darts; khaDgaiH= swords; parashvadhaiH= and axes.
Then, the demons resembling mountain in size, struck down the terrific monkeys with large maces, darts, swords and axes.
raakShasairvadhyamaanaanaan vaanaraaNaaM mahaachamUH |
sharaNyan sharaNaM yaataa raaman dasharathaatmajam || 93-6-17
sharaNyan sharaNaM yaataa raaman dasharathaatmajam || 93-6-17
17. mahaachamuuH= the huge army of monkeys; vadhyamaanaanaam= being struck down; raakShasaiH= by the demons; yaataa= sought; sharaNam= refuge; raamam= in Rama; dasharathaatmajam= the son of Dasaratha; sharaNyam= who affords protection.
The huge army of monkeys, being struck down by the demons, sought refuge in Rama, the son of Dasaratha, who affords protection.
tato raamo mahaatejaa dhanuraadaaya vIryavaan |
pravishya raakShasan sainyaM sharavarShaM vavarSha ha || 93-6-18
pravishya raakShasan sainyaM sharavarShaM vavarSha ha || 93-6-18
18. tataH= thereupon; raamaH= Rama; mahaatejaaH= of great splendour; viiryavaan= and prowess; aadaaya= taking up; dhanuH= his bow; pravishya= and entering; sainyam= the army; raakShasam= of demons; vavarShaha= streamed forth; shara varSham= showers of arrows.
Thereupon, Rama of great splendour and prowess, taking up his bow and entering the army of demons, streamed forth showers of arrows.
praviShTan tu tadaa raamaM meghaaH sUryamivaambare |
naabhijagmurmahaaghoraM nirdahantan sharaagninaa || 93-6-19
naabhijagmurmahaaghoraM nirdahantan sharaagninaa || 93-6-19
19. mahaaghoraaH= the highly terrific demons; naadhijagmuH= dared not approach; raamam= Rama; praviShTam tu= having entered their ranks; nirdahantam= was scarching them; sharaagninaa= with the flame of his arrows; meghaaH iva= even as clouds; suuryam= (would not approach) the sun; ambare= in the sky.
Those highly terrific demons dared not approach Rama, having entered their ranks, was scorching them with the flame of his arrows, even as clouds would not approach the scorching sun in the sky.
kR^itaanyeva sughoraaNi raameNa rajanIcharaaH |
raNe raamasya dadR^ishuH karmaaNyasukaraaNi cha || 93-6-20
raNe raamasya dadR^ishuH karmaaNyasukaraaNi cha || 93-6-20
20. te= those; rajaniicharaaH= demons; dadR^ishuH= saw; raamasya= Rama's karmaNyeva= deeds only; sughoraaNi= which were the most terrible; kR^itaani= destruction; raameNa= by Rama; raNe= in the battle field; asukaraaNi kR^itaani= which were difficult to perform for others.
Those demons saw the most terrible deeds only of Rama, when they were actually performed by him in the battle-field, which were difficult to perform for others.
chaalayantaM mahaanIkan vidhamantaM mahaarathaan |
dadR^ishuste na vai raaman vaataM vanagataM yathaa || 93-6-21
dadR^ishuste na vai raaman vaataM vanagataM yathaa || 93-6-21
21. te= those demons; na dadR^ishaH= could not actually see; raamam= Rama; chaalayantam= while he was shaking; mahaa sainyam= their huge army; vidhamantam= and blowing away; mahaarathaan= great chariots; vaatam yathaa= any more than a gale of wind; vanagatam= in a forest.
Those demons could not actually see Rama, whle he was shaking their huge army and blowing away their great chariots, any more than one could see a gale of wind in a forest.
chhinnaM bhinnan sharairdagdhaM prabhagnaM shastrapIDitam |
balan raameNa dadR^ishurna ramaM shIghrakaariNam || 93-6-22
balan raameNa dadR^ishurna ramaM shIghrakaariNam || 93-6-22
22. dadR^ishaH= (They) saw; balam= the army; chhinnam= torn; bhinnam= and pierced; sharaiH= with arrows; dagdham= scorched; prabhinnam= broken down; shastra piiDitam= and tormented with missiles; (They) na= could not (see); raamam= Rama; shiighra kaariNam= who was doing hs martial operations swiftly.
They saw the army torn and pierced with arrows, as also scorched, broken down and tormented with missiles. They could not see Rama, who was so swift in his martial art.
praharantan sharIreShu na te pashyanti raabhavam |
indriyaartheShu tiShThantaM bhUtaatmaanamiva prajaaH || 93-6-23
indriyaartheShu tiShThantaM bhUtaatmaanamiva prajaaH || 93-6-23
23. te= they; na pashyanti= could not behold; raaghavam= Rama; praharantam= hitting; shariireShu= their bodies; prajaaH iva= even as created being, (are not able to see); bhuutaatmaanam= their individual souls; tiShThantam= residing; indriyaartheShu= in the objects of their senses.
The demons could not behold Rama hitting their bodies, even as created beings are not able to see their individual souls resting in their sense-objects.
eSha hanti gajaanIkameSha hanti mahaarathaan |
eSha hanti sharaistIkShNaiH padaatInvaajibhiH saha || 93-6-24
iti te raakShasaaH sarve raamasya sadR^ishaanraNe |
anyonyakupitaa jaghnuH saadR^ishyaadraaghavasya tu || 93-6-25
eSha hanti sharaistIkShNaiH padaatInvaajibhiH saha || 93-6-24
iti te raakShasaaH sarve raamasya sadR^ishaanraNe |
anyonyakupitaa jaghnuH saadR^ishyaadraaghavasya tu || 93-6-25
24, 25. eShaH= "Here is; (Rama; hanti= killing; gajaaniikam= the army of elephants; eShaH= here is Rama; hanti= destroying; mahaarathaan= great chariot-warriors; eShaH= here is Rama, hanti= killing; padaatiin= foot-soldiers; vaajibhiH saha= along with horses; tiikShNaiH sharaiH= with sharp arrows:" iti= saying so; sare te raakShasaaH= all those demons; jaghnuH= struck; anyonyam= one another; kupitaaH= with anger; raNe= in the batlle-field; sadR^ishaan= who were in similarity; raamasya= of Rama; saadR^ishyaat= because of their resemblance with Rama.
"Here is Rama, killing the army of elephants. Here is Rama, destroying great chariot-warriors. Here is Rama, killing foot-soldiers along with horses with his sharp arrows". Saying so, all those demons struck one another with rage in the battle-field those who were in similarity of appearance to Rama.
sa te dadR^ishire raaman dahantamarivaahinIm |
mohitaaH paramaastreNa gaandharveNa mahaatmanaa || 93-6-26
mohitaaH paramaastreNa gaandharveNa mahaatmanaa || 93-6-26
26. mohitaaH= having been thrown into confusion; gandharveNa paramastreNa= by the great Gandharva missile; mahaatmanaa= employed by the great souled Rama; te= those demons; na dadR^ishire= were not able to see; raama= Rama; dhantamapi= even when he was scorching; vaahiniim= their army.
Having been thrown into confusion by the great mystic missile presided over by the Gandharvas, the celestial musicians; presided over by the Gandharvas, the celestial musicians; those demons were unable to see Rama, even when he was scorching away their army.
te tu raama sahasraaNi raNe pashyanti raakShasaaH |
punaH pashyanti kaakutsthamekameva mahaatmanaa || 93-6-27
punaH pashyanti kaakutsthamekameva mahaatmanaa || 93-6-27
27. raNe= In the battle; te raakShasaaH tu= those demons for their part; pashyanti= saw; raamasahasraaNi= thousands of Ramas; mahaavahe= in the great battle; pashchanti (they) saw; punaH= again; ekam eva= only one; kaakutstham= Rama.
Those demons for their part saw thousands of Rama's in the battle-field, while at other times, they saw only one Rama in that great battle.
bhramantIn kaaMchanIM koTiM kaarmukasya mahaatmanaH |
alaatachakrapratimaan dadR^ishuste na raaghavam || 93-6-28
alaatachakrapratimaan dadR^ishuste na raaghavam || 93-6-28
28. te= those demons; dadR^ishuH= saw; raama sahasraaNi= thousands of Ramas; mahaavahe= in the great battle; pashchanti= (they) saw; punaH= again; ekam eva= only one; kaakutstham= Rama.
Those demons for their part saw thousands of Ramas in the battle-field; while at other times, they saw only one Rama in that great battle.
sharIranaabhisattvaarchiH sharaaraM nemikaarmukam |
jyaaghoShatalanirghoShan tejobuddhiguNaprabham || 93-6-29
divyaastraguNaparyantaM nighnantan yudhi raakShasaan |
dadR^ishU raamachakran tatkaalachakramiva prajaaH || 93-6-30
jyaaghoShatalanirghoShan tejobuddhiguNaprabham || 93-6-29
divyaastraguNaparyantaM nighnantan yudhi raakShasaan |
dadR^ishU raamachakran tatkaalachakramiva prajaaH || 93-6-30
29, 30. prajaaH= the created beings; dadR^ishuH= saw; raama chakram= that Rama in the form of a discus; nighnantam= which was killing; raakShasaan= the demons; yuddhi= on the battle-field; kaalachakram iva= like the "Wheel of Time"; shariira naabhi= which had the body for its navel; sattvaarchiH= his strength for its flame; sharaaram= the arrows for its spokes; nenikaarmukam= his bow for the felly of the wheel; jyaaghoShatalanirghoSham= the twanging of the bow-string and the clanging of the gauntlet for the sound produced by its revolution; tejobuddhiguNa prabham= his energy, intelligence and other virtues for its radiance; divyaastraguNa paryantam= and the power of his mystic missiles for its edge.
The created beings saw that Rama in the form of a discus, which was killing the demons on the battle-field, like the "Wheel of Time", for its flame, the arrows for its spokes, his bow for the felly of the wheel, the twanging of the bow-string and the clanging of the gauntlet for the sound produced for its revolution, his energy and the virtues for its radiance and the power of his mystic missiles for its edge.
anIkan dashasaahasran rathaanaaM vaataranhasaam |
aShTaadashasahasraaNi kuMjaraaNaan tarasvinaam || 93-6-31
chaturdashasahasraaNi saarohaaNaan cha vaajinaam |
pUrNe shatasahasre dve raakShasaanaaM padaatinaam || 93-6-32
divasasyaaShTame bhaage sharairagnishikhopamaiH |
hataanyekena raameNa rakShasaan kaamarUpiNaam || 93-6-33
aShTaadashasahasraaNi kuMjaraaNaan tarasvinaam || 93-6-31
chaturdashasahasraaNi saarohaaNaan cha vaajinaam |
pUrNe shatasahasre dve raakShasaanaaM padaatinaam || 93-6-32
divasasyaaShTame bhaage sharairagnishikhopamaiH |
hataanyekena raameNa rakShasaan kaamarUpiNaam || 93-6-33
30, 31, 32. enema raameNa= by Rama single-handed; divasasya aShTa bhaagena= within a matter of three hours (one eighth of a day); tiikShNaiH sharaiH= with his arrows; agnishikhopamaiH= looking like flames; hataani= were killed; raakShasaam aniikam= an army of demns; kaama ruupiNaam= capable of changing their form at will; dashasahasraaM rathaanaaM= including ten thousand chariots; vaataramhasaam= possessing the swiftness of the wind; aShTaadasha tarasvinaam kuN^jaraaNaam eighteen thousand strong elephants; chaturdasha sahasraaNi= fourteen thousand; vaajinaam= horses; saarohaaNaam= with their rides; puurNe dve shata sahasre= a full two laces; demons fighting on foot.
Within a matter of three hours, with his arrows looking like tongues of flames, Rama killed an army of demons, capable of changing their form at will, including ten thousands chariots possessing the swiftness of the wind, eighteen thousand strong elephants, fourteen thousand horses with their riders and a full two lacs of demons fighting on foot.
te hataashvaa hatarathaaH shraantaa vimathitadhvajaaH |
abhipetuH purIn laMkaaM hatasheShaa nishaacharaaH || 93-6-34
abhipetuH purIn laMkaaM hatasheShaa nishaacharaaH || 93-6-34
34. te hataseShaaH nishaacharaaH= those surviving demons; hataashvaaH= with their horses killed; hata rathaaH= with chariots destroyed; shaantaaH= with slackness in spirit; vimathitadhvajaaH= with their flag-staffs broken; abhipetuh= rushed back towards; laN^kaam puriim= the city of Lanka.
Those surviving demons, with their horses killed, with their chariots destroyed, with thier flag-staffs broken and with broken spirits, rushed back towards the City of Lanka.
hatairgajapadaatyashvaistadbabhUva raNaajiram |
aakrIDabhUmI krudrasya rudrasyeva mahaatmanaH || 93-6-35
aakrIDabhUmI krudrasya rudrasyeva mahaatmanaH || 93-6-35
35. tat= that; raNaajiram= battle-field; gaja padaatyashvaiH= with elephants, foot-soldiers and horses; hataiH= killed; babhuuva= became; aakriiDabhuumiH iva= like a pleasure-grave; mahaatmanaH kruddhasya rudrasya= of the powerful and the enraged Rudra the lord of destruction.
That battle-field, with elephants, foot-soldiers and horses killed, looked like a pleasure-grave of the powerful and the enraged the lord of destruction.
tato devaaH sagandharvaaH siddhaashcha paramarShayaH |
saadhu saadhviti raamasya tatkarma samapUjayan || 93-6-36
saadhu saadhviti raamasya tatkarma samapUjayan || 93-6-36
36. tataH= then; devaaH= the celestials; sagandharvaaH= along with Gandharvas the celestial musicians; siddhaashcha= holy saints; paramarShayaH= and great sages; samapuujayan= acclaimend; tat karma= that feat; raamasya= of Rama= saadhu saadhu iti= saying, "well done, well done!"
Then, the celestials along with Gandharvas the celestial musicians, holy saints and great sages acclaimed that feat of Rama, saying "well done, well done!".
abravIchcha tadaa raamaH sugrIvaM pratyanantaram |
vibhIShaNaM cha dharmaatmaa hanuumantaM cha vaanaram || 93-6-37
jaambavantaM harishreShThaM maindaM dvividameva cha |
etadastrabalan divyaM mama vaa tryambakasya vaa || 93-6-38
vibhIShaNaM cha dharmaatmaa hanuumantaM cha vaanaram || 93-6-37
jaambavantaM harishreShThaM maindaM dvividameva cha |
etadastrabalan divyaM mama vaa tryambakasya vaa || 93-6-38
37, 38. tadaa= then; dharmaatmaa raamaH= the virtuous Rama; abraviit cha= spoke also; sugriivam= to Sugreeva; vibhiiShaNam cha= Vibhishana; hanuumantam cha= Hanuma; vaanaram= the monkey; jaambavantam= Jambavan; maindam= Mainda; harishreShTham= the foremost of monkeys; dvividameva cha= and even Dvivida; pratyanantaram= who were in close presence to him; (as follows); etat= this; divyam= wonderful; astrabalam= power of the missile; tryambakaasya= is with either the three-eyed Rudra the lord of destruction; mama vaa= or with me only.
Then, the virtuous Rama spoke also to Sugreeva, Vibhishana, Hanuma the monkey, Jambavan, Mainda the foremost of monkeys and even Dvivida, who were in close proximity to him as follows "Such wonderful power of this missile exists either with me or with the three-eyed Rudra the lord of destruction."
nihatya taan raakShasavaahinIn tu |
raamastadaa shakrasamo mahaatmaa |
astreShu shastreShu jitaklamash cha |
sanstUyate devagaNaiH prahR^iShTaiH || 93-6-39
raamastadaa shakrasamo mahaatmaa |
astreShu shastreShu jitaklamash cha |
sanstUyate devagaNaiH prahR^iShTaiH || 93-6-39
39. tadaa= then; raamaH= Rama; shakra samaH= equal to Indra the lord of celestials; mahaat maa= the great souled; jitaklamaH cha= unwearied in the use; astreShu= of weapons; shastreShu= and missiles; nihatya= having destroyed; taam= that; raakShasa vaaliniim= army of demons; samstuuyate= was applauded; prahR^iShTaiH devagaNaiH= by the rejoiced troops of celestials.
Rama, a compeer of Indra the lord of celestials, the great souled, unwearied in the use of weapons and missiles, having destroyed that army of demons, was applauded by the rejoiced troops of celestials.
ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe trinavatitamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 93rd chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.
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on Saturday, February 5, 2011
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Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War
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